fhlMw. WKIINE8DAT, JAN. 4, 1899. $> VAN 8LYKE, Editor. -- •"Butter oa the Elgin Board of Trade on Saturday was steady at 20K«; 498 tubs offered only 35 were sold Several lots were offered at 20c, but with BO takers. Batter last week 20c; c year ago, 21c. (•TContractora in search of "plume" in Cuba and Porto Rico do 'not find the United States government such an easy mark as the anti-expansionists have bean with (treat glee predicting. The in •traction of the cabinet to our military governors to prevent the granting of concessions below their Value will be a bitter disappointment to our prophet? of evil. WTrauee is a republic, but ito govern* ment positively refuses to let the Drey- fas case be tried publicly, on the around .that such a course would be prejudical to the pahlic interests, of which i*. claims the right to be the sole judge. Such a plea would justify the worst of star chamber proceedings. It makes the government virtually an autocracy and shows that the republic is a republic only inname. Oot All He Could Out of It Col. William Jennings Bryan did not leave very pleasant recollections with tin Third Nebraska, the regiment he com manded. It is composed of a tine set of men, and they haAe the prettiest camp n the south, which has been decorated autl embellished with artistic skill, under the direction of Lieut.-Col. Vifqnain, who hi a been promoted to Bryan's place. The men speak freely and not very respect fully about their former colonel. Last Sunday morning as I stepped out on the porch of the DeSo'ta hotel; at Savannah, I found a corporal's guard from the Third Nebraska on provoat duty. In answer to my inquiries they said thev came from Lincoln, and when I asked why Col. Bryan resigned his command one of them replied: "He got all there was in it fop him Mid quit." } How is that?" I inqtiired. When Bryan went into the army he was only placing politics. He came down here to pose, and when he found that nobody was looking at him he was disappointed. He wasn't any b ggtr than anybody else in the camp. He was only one o! twenty colonels, and nobody pays any attention to th<<m. He saw there wasn't anything in it'for him poiil- cally and so he resigned. He promised to see that we were mustered out as.soon as he got to Washington, but it looks a« if be forgot it, and at the next election the boys will forget him."--Curtis in Record,, Tested and Tried For 25 Years ihsiMON Stoffel i - .it ...,-y."TTT; :i" J . 1 1 • " H ft#* 1 ' WEST MoHENRY. Ii I*. I^TTreeident McKinley's instruction tb Admiral Dewey and Gen. Otis say in substance: Hoist Old Olory in every ssaport of the Philippines, peaceably, if ] you can, forcibly if you must; and let it be distinctly understood by the insurg ents that the authority of the United States will be maintained at all hazards. Bis instructions to all of our officers in Cuba are equally explicit, concerning the transfer of authority from the Spanish to our troope--allow no unjust treat-] ment of either Spaniards or Cubans by each other, and so far us may be possible prevent either doing anything calculated , humiliate the other. THE BEST FARM AND LIVE STOCK I0URNAL PUBLISHED IN ILLINOIS. Only 50 Cents a Year. For Would you fool perfectly eafe to pi* all your money in a new bank ? Ono you have just heard of? But how about an old bank? One that has done business for over a quarter of a century? One that has always kept its promises? Ono that never failed ; never misled you in any way ? You could trust such a hank, couldn't you? SCOTT'S EMULSION of COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITE^ is just i£ like such a bank. It aas never £ disappointed you, never will. It has never deceived you, ft never will. 5 Look out that someone a? does not try to make you *£ invest your health in a new tonic, some new medicine V you know nothing of. 5 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. 5 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, NeW Yoite. From Tribune. >, * V4nr What todo with the Cuban soldiers is a problem that is receiving much at l/.r tention from our officials. The men are ' entirely without clothing or money, and Ijv the so-called Caban government has no p • •" money to pay them, although it gets pv."_' eaough from somewhere to maintain a number of ornamental, rather than use ful, agents, in Washington, New York and eleewhare. Some of these soldiers have been in the field ever since the rebel- Ikra started and never received a cent It would be unjust, as well as dangerous, to dismiss them ragged and penniless, it has been suggested that this govern ment advance a sufficient sum to pay them all something like f 100 each, and repay itself from the Cuban revenues that wiH be co llected by us while the Wand remains under military control, Md the suggestion has been favorably reoeived, and may be carried out. There ia an item of $3,000,000 for emergencies, ia^the special deficiency appropriation made by Congress, that could be used lor this purpose, if the Preeident ordered it done, bat this he has not yet decided That great farm and live stock paper, Tbe Prairie Farmer, published for over fifty years in Illinois, is now organizing Prairie farmer clubs, and is ranking a special price to club members in this county. There is a club being formed in almost every township in the counly; but for the benefit of neighborhoods where no one is getting up a club, we a<e authorized to state that any one of our readers can net up a club; ahd where five or more neighbors, join together and send in their subscriptions at the same time, each of th"m can secure 7he Prairie Farmer & fall year for 50 cents. This it- only one-half the regular price of the paper, but it is the intention of the pub lishers of this great pai er to place it in the bands of every good farmer and stock raiser in this county. It is not necessarj to write to the publishers for further par ticular?, all that you have to do is to see your neighbors and ask them to join you in forming a Prairie f armerclub at once. Tell them the price is only 50 cents eacli where five or more unite in a club. This special price is made only for a short time, you understand, and is made for the sole purpose of inducing evtry good farmer and stock raiser who reads thif to try the paper for a full year, .lust think of it! A big weekly paper for fifty- two solid weeks for 50 cents. Every one of our readers should subscribe at oncK and if there is not some one already forming a club in your neighborhood, tret one up yourself, secure the necessarj five members and remit to The Prairie Farmer Publishing Co., Chicajro, before the offer is withdrawn. We will also be glad to have our readers mention that this special notice appeared in thip paper. . Ktu>ters o At tbe Third. Capt. Robert P. Wainwright has com pleted arrangements for mustering out the Third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Col. Fred Beunett's regiment. The men flBturned from Porto Rico two months •go, and have been on furlough ever ^iiioe, waiting to be icustered out of the -il^rViCo. Each company will be mustered out •eparately, Capt. Wain wright having de cided to visit each town in whicb the WHAT SHALL W*TDO^ A serious and dangerous disease pre vails in this country, dangerous because so deceptive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that it is often firmly seated before we are n ware of it. The name of this disease which may be divided into three distinct stages is, First, Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the back, rheumatism, lurnghago, fre quent desire to urinate, often with e burning sensation, the How of urine bein^ copious or scant with strong odor. If allow*] to advance, this reacbee the Second stage, or Bladder trouble, with heavy pain in the abdomen low down between the navel and the water passage, Chicago ' Wc have within the past thirty days invested largo sums id the improvement of our stock with the desire of making it one of the cleanest, up-to-date Jewelry, Silver and Platedware stock to be found 8nywhere. It is our desire to le^ ii), _ ^ correct goois at the lowest possible priced " iC.^.V 1 ; < In DIAMONDS and all kinds ' Stones we lead. of Precious ltn a larger ptock of Ooods in aH before, whieh he will sell at prices to suit the times. You will do well to look us over before making your as our stock now is complete. All the latest pal terns in Sftih Yiiis; *%ains, Hiir Ornaments, Watches and Clock-» v-"\ 4*' ' selection, Lrfiet To be found anywhere. Don't fail to see our Silver Novelties Picture Frames, Calendars, Match Safe?. Ink Stands, Childs Sets, Pin Trays, Looking Glasses and Pomades. ;'v In Fancy <i!ae8war« W© Can't > Eeat. in r m HFAMAN & SCHflElDiF. At 20 per Cent Discount far Cash. ETed Blankets from 42cto f# ^ '* :• • ^ Underweai, Gloves, Mittens, Hat%Cap^il£fflcpat8fBtobber»,^ We have in stock the celebrated - • "owt Demand's "Gap Sheaf" § Bran i S0da.l1 The Most Clubs! The Best Tree! When we were boys we coaM always teU which were the best tree» by the nnraber ot clubs nnrler them. The boya Siioii flml out where the best fruit hangs--below that tree ae® the cluster of clubs. The club4 throw* 11 at the Crown piano show its value---ts worth, It's the best. When the "BinKle-toM," i>fano incnijtell yon that the "many tone" Crown piano willflot wear, don't you believe it, tor it outwears them all, and is warranted for ten years, when theirs are oniy warranted for flye years, die devices, cvereil by 14 original and ex- •-lusive patent?, by which the Crown p'ano I'm imitate. so perfectly, the tones ot eom^ twenty or nio-e different instruments, more than doub'e the life of the Crown piano as 1 piano, hence it is warranted twiee as long is the "sinele tone" piano* are. The warrant of the Crown p'ano Is "burnt in tbe oaca" of each |)iano, and its maker if ight here with you, and has ueen for thirty years, to make thai warrant good. No othei naker ha« dared to i>ut hi< warrant in such n ^hape as this, so that he cannot escape If he wanted to. No wonder that the makers and sellers ot two hundred ktnda of "single tone" pianos t'T, by throwing clubs and 'mud" at th* Crown piano, the only one of "many tones " try to keep you from seeing, hearing an^ iiiylne- it. It's a esse of '-sour grapes"-- hav mg p aims of but "one tone" to offer you they try to •'belittle" the only piano of "many tones," tbe Crown* The Crown is the ringing and selling exponent of toe greate»t :mprov*nients made to the piano durinjr th* ast lit ty years, "Keep up to date" See it, f>rce"ingr is believing, $200 up for old ones; S300 up for new ones. O. W. OWEN. Agent for McHenry County. ft WflRLD. >2 TJA'flONAI> KLvJVGS. Set of uMl'tvcar< 1 s sf ovi»the nation oyl >^alfia ;s of tbo principal nations of the€>^ ^ world. One 01' these cards is packed ln^ ^each large package ot cap sheaf soda.<$>n ^If a ccmplcto 33t is desired, we will mail <*> ^anie on receipt of five one pound Cap % toSfcaf wrappers. Give yonr name andl> TPOFt office t)lainly written. y % DelAlIl) & CO., Fall-port, H. 7. % lieadqnarters are located to perform tbe increasirnr desire to urinate, .with scald ceremony. 5 ' ' " Tbe companies will be mastered out on the foliowiog dates: Company and Town Date & Elgin.. Jan. 13 Q, Woodstock jan> 14 H and K( Rockford.... ............Jan. 16 M, Eocbelle .....Jan. 17 v and I, Aurora.. Jan. 18 C, Ottawa jan. 19 A, Streator jan, 20 F, Pon»iac jan< 21 L, Kankakee....... jan. 23 B, Joliet jan. 24 ft? ̂ I^Pew public men have died in Waah- V , log ton whose lose was more sincerely re- 0,. fretted tban i^enator Morrill, of Ver- f - inont, who died last week, of pneumonia, after an illness of lees than one week. 4 ^ Senator Morrill bad been in Congress for j. _ the last forty-four years, and has , identified with much useful legislation. ing sensation in passing, small quanti ties being passed with difficulty, some times necessary to draw it with instru ments. If uric acid or gravel has formed, it will prove dangerous if neglected. The Third stage is Bright's Disease. There is comfort in knowing that Di. Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder specialist, has discovered a remedy ftr m ous for its marvelous cures of the most distressing cases and known as Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Itoot. It is sold by all druggists. As a prool of the wonderful virtues of this great discovery, Swamp-Root, a sample bottle and book of valuable in formation will be sent absolutely free by mail on application to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. X. When writinic kindly mention that you read this liberal offer in the Pi jAin* dealer. How to Prevent Paenmonla You are perhaps aware that pneumonia always results from a cold or from an at tack of la grippe. During the epidemic Hs was instrumental in putting through Iof ,a *?riPPe « fo<* y*ars ago w hen qo the house, when he was a member of that' many caflBS resn,ted in Pneumonia, it was If Jwdy, the *vy polygamy; first bill against Morman he introduced and carried through both branches of Congress the first bill granting public lands for the if- *u. , wpport ot agricultural, scientific and in- % V dustrial colieges, under which act there % i ^ ̂ are now 47 colleges, with 500 professors ,,and more than 5,000 students; the war tariff bill, known as the "Morrill tariff" I# ~ waa la«*ely his personal work-in fact, there has been no tariff or financial bill ? J' "J, put through Congress during the last \ • forty years that he did not have a hand ^shaping. The Congressional Library building, the finest of its kind in the »©rid, is a monument to bis tireless in- idwrtfj and perseverance, and almost his Islst work was to have the Senate pass, third time, - his bill to purchase square of ground opposite the Li- ^pmrj building as a site for a Supreme building. Senator Proctor, his fe bogoogue, told Senator Morrill's char- Ws? meter, in a sentence, when he said of hfm: observed that the attack whs nevfr fol lowed bv that disease when' hamberlrtins Cough Remedy was u«ed It countpracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to re suit in that danprerous disease It is th» best remedy in the world for bad cold- or la grippe. Every bottle warranted For sale by .T. A. Story. PAY IP YOU'RE PLEASED 30 DAYS AFTER SHIPMENT; IF NOT, RETURN. NO MONEY WANTED IN ADVANCE. With everyQuater Kitchen C a n 1 iu> t we send, free, a copy of "The Ev ery* Day Cook Book," containing 315 pages of ttie most practical re ts I pes ever com piled, KiibBtantlally liound In cloth. The top of cabinet to 27 Inches by 42 Inches: helRht. 30 Inches: has two metal-bottom bins, one holding 50 lbs. the other partitioned for corn-meal, graham, su«!ir, etc one large drawer; one bread board, which slides Into frame, l'rlce, complete, only >5, on board cars In Chi cago, with the cook book free. Pay In 30 days if you Una the Cabinet the- most useful, labor-saving piece of kitchen furiiiture you ever saw; if not entirely pleased, return at our expense. No deposit, no guaranty re quired from any reliable person. In ordering be sure to say you're a reader of this paper--this is very Import ant--and that you accept our Kitchen Cabinet Offer Xo. 8. Order to-dav; or, send for Illustrated circular No. 8. Q.UAKEB VALLEY' MFG. CO., 355 ft'. Harriwa St., Chicago. P. 8.--Genuine Quaker Valley furniture Is never sold through retailer*-- always from factory to fireside at wholesale prices. Don't accept a worthies* Imitation. Hakes Kitchen Work Easy MiMS'HKEYS' <y. o. o. .a o Co. in -iO. Vo. 1 t'Jures Fsvci?. Si (i vv or ms. 8 iijfauts' Diseases. 4 "£ iliarrhea. 7 *' Couyhs. 8 Cvs-es Net. valgia. 9 " Headache, f O TJ-ysciepsia. i 1 " .'Oe U yed Periods. 12 I ,eu -horrea. J 3 Cures Crovp. 14 '4 okii» Diseases. J5 ' Kht imatism. 10 4* Materia. ,9 Catarrh. .Sfo, aO Cures v/h oping Cough 4o. VI '• . /. st/> ma. <®o. ' Oert-tral Debility, '.vo, Ss6 " hs:. Sickness. •S'.y •' Kic aey Diseases. «ij. Iler /ous Debility. 5SO 4 -.fr lary Diseases »MO. " Vlc^rt Disease. Mo. S4 Throat, ^o. 77 " Col \s and Grip. Db. Homeopathic Manttai. it Disease^ MAU.1£D ]< B<£E. 3ma.l loU>.-5 o* _-loi»sani: pellets, lit the vest •ctke.1.. S-lc by dvufigists, or sent prepaid upon ice'pt of siri e, nerits, except TSos. 28. ana 88 \> maie sfi. W tr.fcj only, lluniphreys* Medi- ; C.impoii;-, '1' William St., New York. J. D. LODTZ, McHKNRY, ILL. Artistic Tailor, Mishawaka Felt or Knit Boots 111 en lless variety, whicb has no equal. Call and look them oircr We can't fail to please you in almost any line. Wfe have Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Neckties, and in short Fancy • Goods of ail kinds. Styles the Latest. Seasonable Goods «t Reasonable Prices. CALL, LOOK AT SAMPLES, LEAVE YOUR MEASURE, GIT A SUIT AM) GO AWAY IAPPY. J. D. LODTZ. McHenry/Nov. 22,1898. The* McHenry Marble and Granite Works rarrns for Sale; end other "All during bis political liie he has been iMtlWOken in hie expreeeions oi opinion, ;:«IkAIb the many years that 1 have known llnf JufeV* never heard an unkind word " " oi Mas," BEVKBAL TBUaT WORTH T In this 8t&t6 to iQADage our their own acd nearby counties. Office work conducted at home! " W * y«*r and expenses-- « more, no lee* salary ivenoes. Enclose ielf' Cli ico Africa lartl Lends in WitcoBSin Minnesota Dakota CLARK. WOOI> Counties lu LYON, YKfiLOW IHKDiriXE - and other Counties in BROOKINGS, CODINGTON aud other Coulilies la Improved Farms, $15 to $25 per acre Unimproved Land, &IO per acre. VCDMQ fmprnvcil Farmn. /, to <lown. IDRIUO L iilinproved Lund, oue fifth down. Here is an npportunitv lo obtain a fsirm in the healthiest tion of tho U. S. at a verv low l*nce ind which is sure trt soon increase in value. These Lands are Desirable, CO The Termn ar»» Kasy. 00 The So'l ix Rii'h and Fprtllf. p| of Cupid Iiktcii fin Viilnf 53 Of Kxcellciit Market Facilities. U Of Pure H'Ktcr i>nd n«> I>r«»n1lm. (U of Good l.'oado, >« ii»>ol» and CharchM. fiQ In the vlcUJty of nrigbliorn und friendt You ean soon own a farm, raise as good crops, and get as good prices ;is in SouthernWisconsin or Northern Illinois. Wo know you-will be pleased if you will investigate. Address, C.S. GRAVES, Janfiiville, Wis. • GOOD UVV AOIHXS WANU$ ' Hoarseness Sore Throat Hoarseness, sore throat and constant coughing: indicate tliat tbe bronchial tubes are suffering from a bad cold, which may develop into pleurisy or inflammation of the lungs. Do not waste health and strength by wait ing, but use Dr. JohnW. Bull's Cough Syrup at once. This wonderful rem edy cures all throat and lung affec tions in an astonishingly short time. Dr.Bull's Cough Syrup Cures Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Ifttses are small an<l pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price 25 cents. At all druggists. H U M P H R E Y S ' WI'ICH HAZEL OIL "the pile Ointment." WvPUes- -External or internal. Blind or Bleedtagt Fistula Id Vno; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. Tb frellet <a Immediate--tb-, euro certain. t'KIOE, 60 OTS TKIAL SIZE. 25 OTS. told by Drungt it», or aeot poeL-|>Md on receipt ol prUnB^ ^•rjuuwaicifcieb.mftiuswiukua&tMUw kobs Frazer Axle Grease mmm All Kiadfl of Cemetery Work at Low Priced. V F"ull Line oi Finished Work constantly on hand. Foreign and American Granite a Speciality. J. H. MILLER. McHenry. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker and Jeweler* McHEWBY, ILL. BavlDg opened a shop In Algonquin for the Bepalringof Wntehee, C'ocks and Jewelry, I slmll spend the first three diysof each wfek in that village, out durinv my absence my store In McHenry 'vill be open for btieinere, and all repairing left there will receive prompt attention on my return. The last three days of the week I can '»« fo'>nd at iny store her*, and will sell you any thing in my Use at bed-Kock Prices. Any good8 not in stock will be ordered and de livered with tbe least possible delay. REPAIRING OK PINE WATUHE8 A SPECIALTY. Prom a long experience in the business I am conllaent I c«n please y<,u In every par ticular. Call and see ine. JOBS P. SMITH. McHenry. Oct. 18,1883. Wanted An Idea Protect your ideas Write JOHN WKDI Imts. WMtdneton, © o tot thsir $1,800 prkm ot two bundmd Inventions *mmm. •Who elfi'tbtni: of some simple thing to patent? , t iicy may bring you wealth. WKDDKKBUEN & CO.. Patent Attor- O.. for their $1,800 ' ~ IS is JUS u &XLf- CREA f-pAZrH • • ' WHAT I SHALL Mb AFTER THI EVERVWM^oH0 TWl?TEHAA tWmMMMMMM TYL15H, RELIABLE ARTISTIC-^ Recommended by Leading Dressmakers. £ g They Always Please. MS CALL A BAZARi k Patterns '•-'V , ,'f^H, • ^ iV *s & - V? " • ^"-b J'" *i V : . ' 1 jS ... •« .A For Ladies and Gents. foand ia this section. FI^E SHOES. The largest and best assortment to iu>,v "if-•OB •,!$$$• Another Car of Piilsburv's Best this Week. SZMOXT West McHenry. IH. Doc 7, 1898. v ^'NCWOOD, Just what You Want. m Fur Coats, Jackets and Gapes, r Felt Boots and Lined Shoesb ^ PRICES THE LOWEST Net affected by Hest er Cold. Highest Awards at Centennial, Paris and World's Fair. """Sr™'1 FRAZER LUBRICATOR CO., Factories: Chciago, Si Louis> New York. Overf KaK WOOD TIMBER LAND FOR SALE Of 8p)^n<!M Jmwl wood tini!" r land In Northern Wiscordn snd Michigan for Sii!e by the Chicago ^Northwestern Railway. The l iest IuimI propor tion ever inm.le to >-»*'- tiers. Tlit' tinilx'r more ttian pavH for the land. For prUfN, terms, and all detallx. write or apply to J. F. t'LFA'ELAND, Land Corar, C. <fe N. W. Rv., ("liicnico. s 3R. CALDWELL'S tk§ YRUP PEPSSN OURCS CONSTIPATION. 1 » NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE nrThcsc Dat te rn t a re so ld in near ly every c i ty and town in the Vr . j t«d S :a tes I f your dea ler doen not keep ihenn s t»nd d i rec t to u* One ccnt 5 tarap» rece ived Address your neares t po in t THE McCALL COMPANY, 138 to 146 W 14tt> Street. New York BIIANCB OFFICES : 189 Fifth Ave., Chicago, and 1051 Market St., San Francisco MS CALLS MAGAZINE Brightest Magazine Published; Conta ins Beaut i fu l Colored PUtes. Illustrates Latest Patterns, Fash ions, Fancy Work. Agents wanted for this magazine In every I | locali ty. Beautiful premiums for a l i t t le ; work. Write for terms and other panic- . iilars. Subscription only 50C* p«r yea' i ' including a FREE Pattefa. Addreat THE McCALL CO., £ 138 to 146 W. 14th St., New York mkwwmtwwfwmmmwm Wanted--An Idea Protect your Ideas: they may bring you wealth WrltH JOHN WK/>DEBBURN ft CO , Went Altor- ueyti, Washington, D C , for tbair $1,800 prtae offe* •na list of two hundrad inreiuioiia wanted. SDK. C,KtU VELL'8 Ml yRUP PEPSIN OV)RI» t»D*WtTIQN. II BOUCHT TO SELL THIS WINTER. Prices Will Talk for Themselves. COMM AND SEE THE 800D8. J. E. CRISTT. / ' ..;i "*>A ,.i 7 'I, .1 z M* •*-.«.>i--*r. i '... ki.. i i !r .<- A . *>-. i.J