Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1899, 16 000 8.pdf

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w. e. t. u. department. Arttele* and Notices under the above head Ave fatnished dv the t.adie* of tbe W o. T. V. and til* editor claims DO part or credit tor the mum. I/' fv k IP fe>- h"-:. . k lft*" I Generals Shatter and Miles have issued orders that saloons in towns and cities occupied by our victorious armies shall fee dosed, TEe order has been obeyed, the saloons hare been closed, and the li­ quor spilled in the streets. It is to be regretted that the crreat Commander in fchief of our Armies and Navy, cannot ace his way clear to extend this prohibition, mo that neither on land nor on sea, in the camp, (garrison or field should the government engage in the business of debauching its soldiers euid sailors. THB LIQUOR TRABS. s '*>. xll creates no wealth, it earns nothing, Hves upon the earnings of other trader; It adds nothing whatever to the wealth of tbe state, nor to the property or comfort of the people, 'lhe trade is wasteful like war; it destroys more of the wages of the people and the results or useful industries, than "war, pesti­ lence and famine combined;" it creates more than three-fourths of the poverty, pauperism, and crime of the country, and more than one-half of the insanity; It icfliete a premature and shameful death upon more than sixty thousand persons annually; it transforms hun­ dreds of good, industrious citizens into drunkards, vagabonds and tramps, it •ends an infinite misery into hundreds of . thousands of homes; it puts the people down, its effect is to make the people ig­ norant, coarse, vulgar, brutal, enemies of law, order and good government. Such are part of the certain effects of this trade. There is not now and never has been in this country a locality where the policy of the license has diminished tbe li­ quor traffic or the evils coming from it. No one has ever suggested that under license the demand for liquor would not be fully met and freely supplied. The friends of temperance in Maine will never consent to establish by law and give 'e- gal protection to a trade which inflicts far more evil upon the community than comes from all other causes of evil combined. 1899| ears i' * " r,vi We will begin the Now Year well in Heavy W inter Goods. , giving our customers Duck Coats, worth $1. If " " " $1.05, now $1.35. , " " " $&25, now $1.85. >: Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Flan­ nels, etc., at reduced prices. Ladies' Wrappers from 60c to $1.25. A'l kinds of Warm Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes and Felt Boots at bottom prices. A large stock of Men's and Boy's Sweaters, Caps, Gloves and Mittens/Overalls, Pants, Shirts, etc. Our Grocery Stock Is always complete with new, fresh goods, and priccs always the lowest. Good Raisins 5c per lb.; better grade 8c, 9c, 10c and* 13c California prunes 5c, 9c and 10c per lb. Japan Tea 25c, 35c and 50c. Coffee 9c, 15e, 20c, 25c and 30c, Flour, Graham, Buck­ wheat and Corn Meal at lowest prices. A barrel of Ginger Snaps for 25c. Fresh Crackers and Cookies. Five bars of Gdod Laundry Soap for 10c. All Goods Delivered Promptly. Agent for Continental Fire Insurance Co. Yours Truly, M. J. WALSH, - West McHenry. ".yjp ^ ^ken the Days Begin to tengtheS Cold begins to Strengthen a: P':f> ky'r.&: it il You Need More Warm Goods. 5 M--- We have tried to keep you poited on this Clothing business. Nearly three months more of winter. If you should need anything In an v;' " •..v'V? Between now and April 1st, We will make you June prices." ;Tho reason you should look here for your Clothing is, that yoil ' can suit yourself best, because the assortment is the largest. Our line of FOOTWEAR Is complete in Leather, Rubber and Felts,. Get oar prices Bring along your hands to be fitted but of our stock ot Gloves and Mittens. 0 ; ; " • l&r which he fatid m* $30, remarked to bfs tttf^hbor itml * would not sell it f >r $ 00 if he could not get another like it. Thi is pleading to us, and d( uhtlws is to tbe minv owners of sue stoves in this and other vicinities, How I am bundling tto | " JE •' * , • •• " > ' ' ' ' u Peninsular Stoves, Ranges Onions per bushel 45c. 28 pounds Prunes $1.00. Potatoes per bushel 45c. • V 12 Oranges for 30c. Flour, Buckwheat, Graham and Corn, Meal. THE WAR IS OVER --BUT-- IS r CHEAP. A Talking Machine, a Singing Machin and a Musical Instrument, SolaiQbia Grapttapbooe for $10 the most perfect Talking Machine | on the market. Come and see for yourself at MILO HOWE'S, JACOB JUSTEN, The Reliable Furniture Dealer Can still be found at his old stand, four doors north of the Bank of McHenry, with a full stock of furniture of all kinds, to which he invites the attention of the buying public. P a r l o r a n d B e d R o o m S e t s Lower than the same goods can be bought anywhere in the county. In short," I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD on any class of Furniture, quality of goods considered. Call and see me when in want of anything in my line. I have on hand a new stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry to which I wish to cal| the attention of the buyin* public, confident that in quality of goods and price I can please any who may see fit to give me a call. 1 have ju&t received a fine line ot SOID GOLD BIRTHDAY RINGS. The very neatest thing in that line ever brought to this town, t may not be known to everyone that there are settings that rep resent every month in the year, but such is the fact, and for the jenefit of those who do not know we will name them here: January. Real Garnet; Febuary, Amethyst Doubletj March, ileal Bloodstone; April, Rose Diamond; May, Emerald Doublet; June , Rea l Aga te ; Ju ly . Ruby Double t ; Augus t , Sard ( n y x ; September, Sapphire Doublet; October, Real Opal; November, Topaz Doublet; December. Imitation Torquoi»e. These rings are ot the very finest quality and are warrantee as .epresented. Call and see them. Thankful to our friend.* for favore in the past we hope to mer- rit and receive the same in the future. est McHenry Illinois WE CABBY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. We guarantee first class work in every respect. DEALER IN The artistic standard, the favorite I "Ludwig" Magnificent PiaLo at a rea- aonable price. The world renown "Lyon & Healy" Parlor and Church Organ. The cremona tone "Washburn" Mando­ lin, Guitar and Zither, tbe standard of the world. The world-wide lamed "Do­ mestic" Sewing Machine without an equal for simplicity, durability, light Waning and cheapness. Call and see me before purchasing. JACOB JUSTEN. McHenry, 111., Sept. 7, 1898. B. VEAB THE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY, ILL] _ Keeps tipen for I he accommodation of th Public a First-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep the bes I brands of Wines. Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market Honest. Fair Dealing Wins Hundreds of people will tell how iv >y«?i .•km j • : & , fa- PABST'S XUvinku Lagtr Beer| At Wholesai and Retail. Beer in large or small Iiegg or Bottles al- hand, cheaper than any other, quality mnsidereU. Ordeia by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES \ S^Oall and see u>. Robt. Schiessie. I: We»t McHenry, May 2, 1898, i|. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Contractor. All linis of Sanitary Pintail FBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO r Has just received a very com-1 plete stock of Will get you the Best Suit of Clothes for the Least Money. Work­ men say the same. Thejbest Shoes for the least money. The t»mall boy says they are the best and the cheapest. Men's Heavy Shirts and Drawers, 45c, Over Shirts, heavy ladies cloth, 50c. Men's heavy Wool Socks, 25c Ladies Wool Ribbed Stockings, 20 *. Boys Leather Mitts, lined. 23c. Boys Jean Pants, lin«d, 80c Boys all wool, 4 lb pants, $2. 'iJK ig0 • fjfe Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs*! $ Closets, Lavatories and Fixtures. k? Stem and 1st Water leatiogJ Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized ( ' Black Pipe and Fittings on hand, i: Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- alett'e Agricultural Implement Building^} McHENRY. ILL. S OW. CALDWELL'S YRUP 'CURES CONSTIPATION WELL'S I! PEPSIN »TI RATION. II In short my entire stock of Ready Made Clothing Fifty per Gent Lower Than any other store in McHenry County. If you are looking for bargains now is your time to secure them. If you will call on us we will prove to you that we mean just what we say. We have tbe goods that you want and can ?ave you money. Canned Goods Fresh Every two weeks A New Stock ot Groceries at Very Lowest Prices. E. LAWLUS. West McHcnry, 111 Yours for Trade in 1899, JOHN J. MILLER. JOHN P. SMITH, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler McHEiNRY, ILL. , McHenry. Nov. 30, 1898. J NN P. SMITH. • it sitifafr • DBALSB nr DRUGS and MEDICINES A FULL LINTS OF • CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, P Paints, Oils and Colors (OKIIiRTU OK HA WD. ~ Full liw b or FATHIT MEDICINES, TOILCT ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. • Physicians' Prescriptions J Your Patronage Is respectfully wlielted. -- 1 JULIA As O ntDoor W etiof JT»i «r tUU Bouu, McHenry,IU. OarefMlly compounded br» Beglilered PbainuieUt, 3VT a joliWEEKLY INTER OcEHNiSII LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST Always American -Always Republican : : THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE Every Column is Bright, Clean and Packed with News The Literature of its columns is equal to that ot the best maga* zines. It is interesting to the children as well as the parents. * • - e. : t : #- 0««eeeee4t • -• THE DAILY AND SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN f _ 1 1 fH M l ARE THE BEST EVER SEEN IN THE WEST. • J | S JTHE INTER OCEAN'S NEW8 IS EXCLUSIVE. • I f 2 MD I • Price of Dally by mall S4.00 per ywr • BQ I • • Price of Sunday by mall f2 00 per y«ar '• H * J J Dally and Sunday by mall *6.00 par ymt • • •••*•••••••••••««••••••••••••••••••••#••••••••%•••••••* *j8« 2 f PENINSULAR HEATING STOVE. THE INTER OCEAN b a WESTERN NEWSPAPER# and while It brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and giv<* its readers the best and ablest discussions of rJl questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and 1i--tiwrs literature and politics from the Western standpoint. $1.00--PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR--$1.00- ^ 1 •' • -1 and Furnaces And the foregoing is only to sbow the true satisfaction this line of bt< ves are giviDjsr. I have 45 of these stoves fampled on nay floor aud invite inspection •roni all. It r: be worth y our time to call «nd see them. F. L. McOMBEB. ^Test Side jjardware Store NOW 18 THE TIME to buy a SEWING MACHINE New Machines from $15 to $60. Second Hand Machines from $5 to $10. Every Marhln* warranted to give satin- f&ctloa or money refnu fld. Machines iold od monthly time payments it desired by purchaser. Cleaning and Repairing at Reasonable Charges. N. A. HE AIM AN, McHenry. STORY & CLAFK ORGANS. The pressure was never stronger than, tod y. Dealers rod retail buyers,- not re&llzlnr their own lrteTSte, f la in or lor and (1rm%a< figures HI which honest hig clas» insirnmente canr.ot be proHuc»d. B" t our organs wer- never better thnn now No better ones were ever n.ade, or can lie made. They vepreoeni thu intelligent and con scie- tioua application of lhe gr at. est of kill, inventive ii gai uitv. experierce »mi th» highe t grade, of wooi,metal fubric. At the came t ime wuh the improvam 'n ts ron. Htantiy being made in methods of Dronucing we are able to give greater value for anv giv n amount if money than eve before A I organs sold on monthly pay­ ments, pnymenta to suit buyers Organa rented by he month- prices reasonable. Organs put out on trial free ot charge. 4 We Are Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY Of all Kinds. B U G G I E S I B U G G I E S ! Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier And the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. V* hy take chances on inferior work when about the same m >ney will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable and stylish. There are nono better. WAGONS AND TRUCKS. Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forget that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHcnry, and we are only too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for atl Machinery promptly attended to. Very Truly Yours, MoHonry, July 27, 1898. T. J. WALSH. Ordinary paint will not do to paint floors. It will neither look well nor wear well. A special paint la needed. It mudt be ready-mixed, ready for use. It must flow easily, have a bright, glossy finish, dry quickly and must not blister, crack, peel or rub off. It must have a hard surface combined with unusual elasticity, to stand being walked on--the tardeet Jttod of wear. Just such a paint Is The SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SPECIAL FLOOR PAINT Made to paint floor* with--nothing else. The guarantee of the company Is back of every can sold. Helpful suggestions for economical painting inside L and outside the house In our booklet, "Paint Points." Sent free. T H B S H K i m i N - W I L U A M S C O . , r A I H T A M D COLO* MWUC, 2029 Stewart Avenue, Chicago; also Cleveland, New York and Montreal. B . P E R K I N McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Paint and Wall Paper House e sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint, better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories that are beyond competition.. There is none representing th* at price! 3 % Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing, first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. estimates on work; All specialties and % No trouble to. giv| «• B. k' Sfto

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