Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1899, 2 000 1.pdf

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' ""WW' ' V - •%•*•** y-" i * >% f*r • r :'ir.>. Wfr T>7 ?J ^ v'-v--*r:v a. . . IX *a V: * - »; ' ' i> -"' \--"* v_V" *i 5$r v .n. - . ̂ V J*-'"',,, :5 ;«'fs fv* ^f.f I'- ." i* *A wm _" 1 11 1 »' mcnuii ^ rjmi ' .• "" 1 " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Lawi No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." --ii .4 . • 1 - • »-- \i.----- Jl iv-r" VOL. 24. M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1899. NO. 28. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY >'.f:+M. . V AN SLY K E,- I EDITOR AND PROPBIETOB. OFFICC lit THE NICHOLS SLOCK t*ili» Doors North Owen & Ohapell'e Store, '. !;j. TERMS OF SUBSCBI PTION : One year (in advance) If Ho» Paid within Three Month*,....... 2 oo Subscriptions received for three or six months in the same proportion. bir. RATES OF ADVERTISING! We announce literal ratee for advertising In the PLAU.DKALKK, and endeavor to state them so plainly mat they will be readily un- derstjou. Xtiey are as follows: I Inca one year... ».. 5®® 8 Inches one yaar. 8 Inches one year K Column one year Jt Column one year 1 Columii one year . ... 10 00 15 00 30 00 ...... woo ..... ... ..4. lw 00 One inch means the" meifenremetit of one Inch down tlie column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege </f changing as often as they ohooae, without extra charge. v Hegular advertisers (meaning those having • ' standing cards) will Unentitled to insertion oi local notices at the rut© of 5 coot# eaen week. All others vill be charged 10 cents per line the first week, and 6 cents pec line tor eaoli bubseuu'nk weeX. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rave of 10 cents per line, (nonpareil (y pe, same as this is set in) i he llrst issue, mid 6 cents per line totsubaeiiuent issues. Inns, - an incn advertisement w*1.0u f°r one ; V week, I1.6U for two weeks, #$.<*» for three weeks, and so oa. FT The PLAINDBALM will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it <"• will require a suitable fee trom everybody seeking the aseot Us columns lor peouniary gain. " 49* AH Foreign Advertising payable quar- SS terly, in aayanoe, ©• These terms will be strictly adhered to. BUSINESS CJAIiDS. W. C. ANNERS. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. WEST MCHENRY. ILL., • •SLIT'S ORU® STOnB. O. U.rGlLLMOBK, ATTORNEY Probate work a specialty. Office w Kendall Block. took 111. J. f. CABBY, ATTORNEY and Oouiueloi at Law. Office in Joslyn's Block, Woodstock, 111. Spec-Ul attention given to trial oases. KNIGHT Jr, | Hi1TOBNEY AT 14S» A. street, Oaicago, in, [llOWN. k, K0 Washington FRANK L..8 EPA BO. /"COUNSELLOR AT LAW, salts 80-lSS ^ Clark Street, Ohioago.llL O. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Solicit »r, and Counselor Ooiie v uous a specialty. Woodstock, 111, FRANK R. JAOKMAN, tNEY an i Counselor Law. AIJl'O M, -frompt and oarcful avtection to all mat ters ieit in my hands. Money to loan. Office in Hoy block, Woodstoek, 111. .telephone-- office, 55, residence, 69. ' S DAVID G. WELLS. M D. Office PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Nichols Block, over i*iam«ealer office. McHenry. Telephone No. 2 O. H. FEGER^, M. D. iHYRICI VN AND SURGEON, 111. office at Residence. McHenry, I'R. A. E. AURINGEK, PHY8ICIAN ANDSUBGEOiX. Office In the Stroner building, one door west o* A. P Baer's store. West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne. All professional calls promptly attended to, W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Jbueal Estate and Insurance, KUNDA,tll< JOHN P. SMITH, WatohmaUer Ac Jeweler McHENRYi ILLINOIS. A FINK sioek of Clocks, Watches and Jaw elry always on hand. Special attention |T*B to repairing fins watehea. Give ms eaU. JOHN P- SMITH. W. A. CRISTY, Jvurtiee of tli© Peace. WEST UcHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections. Will be in my Office over Evsnson's Store,, •very Saturday and Monday, until further •ones. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent. Jnoluding Accident and Life Insurance. WKST MCHENRY. III. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker a.xul Jeweler No. 12ft State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches ani Chronometers. ear A Fill Assortment of Goods in bis line. non Waving hait several ye*rs sx-oerlen^e *ell lag farm and other sales. I now call attention to the fact th tt 1 feel >'ke getting a 12 RE AT "HUMP" Oli BiTBeif a I'd cell yrur farm iisles M«Henry as well as Lake Co with a threat DETERMINATION Necessary toobti'n «roo1 results those clo*e tinea, 1 am sat)sfled that it requires the same VIGOR AND PUSH To sell farm Ha'es and be Bucestui a dees to ctiop wood or sell you a farm In Ar kansae. either of winch I am willing to do •Wh^n c%ll«d. of vou will know that I bavn hsd snd still hove m -ch experience •e-linK just such gr.-ods and sio^k a-, you will r-ffsr at public auct on this spring. There f>re I shoal 1 ^now their value and h"w to Set at seliinpt the same tor tbe most mor.ey, rapping the article with tbe or.e that some, t'mes piys his note, I am qulfe a c-ood hid derti't omalwart looking for bargai a. ] be'ieve I csn do more for yon thaa can the Others for the *au.e or less cost. If I did n"t fee) siire of the above and was no; in dead e* nest and willing to try, o>- •hort notice, I would not bsso well equipped alarm turned in by postal may reveal unexpected results. fty Us a Couple of Times l'our obedient and unsystematic friend i T. V. SLOCUM, :v- ' |Vsuo«nd«i in WEST McHENRY, ILL. NEW GERMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND PARSONAGE -DEALER IK- DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, TOILET ARTICLES. :r* Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Pur­ poses, also Bottled Ate and Porter. The best hrands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescipticns Carefully Compounded. G. W. BESLEY. "West McHenry, Jan. 6, 1899. A Complete Stock; We have within the past thirty days invested large sums in the improvement of our stock with the desire of making it one of the cleanest, up-to-date Jewelry, Silver and Piatedware stock to be found anywhere. It is our desire to lead in prompt service and correct goods at the lowest possible prices. n DIAMONDS and all kinds of Precious Stones we lead. You will do well to look us over before making your selection, as our stock now is complete. All the latest patterns in Sash Buck* s. Pins, Bracelets, Chains. Buttons. Rings, Ladles Hair Ornaments* Watches and Clock** ILLINOIS ;AW, Lt/uw 'k "••In fell To be found anywhere. Don't fail to see our Silver Novelties Picture Frames, Calendars, Match Safes. Ink Stands, Childs Sets, Pin Trays, Looking Glasses and Pomades. In Fancy Glassware W© Can't be Beat. EEAMAN & SCHNEIDER. in Furniture and Undertaking We present herewith a picture oMhe new German Church, which has been erected in this village the past season, and it is expected will be tully completed and ready for occupancy early in the month of February. As will be seen it is a very hand* some structure and when completed will be an honor both to its constructors and the town. Its architecture is of 8 clean, pot hie style. Tbe building is 105x50. The foundation is of Joliet stone, surmounted by very handsome white brick, from Racine, Wis. It will be heated by steam and have a seating capacity oi 550 persons. In the interior there are three aisles. The height of the ceiling, which is arched, ranges from 28 to 36 feet. The interior will be frescoed and finished in a style second to no church in the state. The contractor, Henry Tappendorf, of Rock Island, took the contract for f15,000, but when complete and ready for occupancy it will cost the society about |20,000. Julius Stroehle, who had charge of the mason work, has cause to feci proud of this job, as we tbink it is one ol the hand­ somest and most workmanlike jobs we have seen for many a day. Fred Jochens, the boss carpenter, is also a workman who understands his business from A to Z, as everything about this building that has come under his eye is perfect in every particular. , . Tbe above is hut an imperfect description of this handsome edifice, and when fully completed we shall give it^a more particular notice. Suffice to say now it will be an honor to the Pastor, Rev. Father Kirsch, under whose supervision the work was laid out and so successfully carried forward, to the congregation oi St. Mary's Church, and to the town in which !t ,e>Thej wiil open a Fair in this Church on the afternoon of February 5th, which will mn one week, closing February 13th, which we predict will be liberally patronieed, as it should be. Paid bounty orders 1933 «. Paid institute fnnd ...'. •75 8? Paid circuit court jurors 9S774® Paid county court jurors... "9?JJ Paid insane jnrors .«»........ 168 rfj Paid reporters 2B00" Paid unknown heirs Jpl 0jj Paid association fund #0 0® Paio printing delinqnent tftXM....... 64 0® Paid refund tax " 9 tfi Paid surrey tax 14 7# Paid treasurer's salary ............. .. 1000 00 Paid clerk saury 3D0 00 Paid expense .... SSI SO Paid witnesses §260 Paid coroner .. Jv.. B70 7B •mount on band to talsnee .... .... 8BS4 74 Total .... ... .... .... ....fBlMA09 SUMMARY OF FUICDS. General Fund.... ...............f268027 Unknown heir fund 604 41 Institute fund 241 52 Duplicate tax fund 98 54 Total ,|3624 74 AS of which is respectfully submitted. HENBY KEYES, CO. Tresis. All of r-hich is respectfully submitted. . H. F. JONES, Thm. J. H. GRACY, JOHN WELTZIEN, 8AM'L CLARK. W. D. CORNUE, The committee on finance made lbs following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on finance, to whom was referred the bonds of the county clerk, county super­ intendent of schools and bounty treas­ urer, would beg leave to submit the fol­ lowing report on the matters before them. We have examined the bonds of the several officers and find them all in proper form and signed by the following named citizens, residents of McHenry county: County clerk's bond in tbe sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000), signed by G. F. Rushton, Asad Udell, Milo Munger and E. S. Smith. * County superintendent of schools' bond in thp sum of twelve thousands dollars ($12,000), signed by W. E. Wire, M. W. Merry and H. M. Prouty. County treasurer's bond in the snm of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000), signed by Frank Axtell, Siarnsa Duke Hoy, Geo, H. Hoy, E. E. Richards, Emilua C. Jew- ett, Geo. K. Bunker, W m. Stewart, M. L. Joslyn and Amos K. Bunker. County collector's bond in the snm of sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars ($(>7,800), signed by Frank F. Axtell, Marma Duke Hoy, Geo. H. Hoy, E. E. Richards, Emilus C. Jewett, Geo. K. Bunker, Wm. H. Stewart, M. L. Joslyn and Amos K. Bunker. We would respectfully recommend the approval of the same,*. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. E. STENENS, Chm, JOSEPHS. MILLB, L. T. HOY, JAMBS LAKX. JOHN WELTZIEN, TYX (Concluded Next Week.) ' THE West Side Furniture and Undertaking Store is the place to buy, as they hive the largest and most complete stock in the county. They have the largest assortment in Carpets, Chamber Suits and Extension Tables Of all kinds and at all prices. A complete stock of all ooods as is usually kept m a furniture store. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. (Continued trout last week.) The committee on education made the fallowing report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred ttie quarterly report of W. E. Wire, county superintendent of schools, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before ,them. We have examined said report and vouchers attached thereto, find the same correct, and recommend its accept­ ance and that three hundred fifty-flve dollars ($355), the amount due the superintendent, be allowed. All of which is respectfully submitted W. D. COBNUE, Chm, F. W. HATCH, H. F. JONES, JAMES LAKE, E. D. SHURTLEF. The committee on elections made tbe following report, which wab adopted to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred elections would beg leave to submit the following report on tbe matters before them: Having ex­ amined the election expense of the elec­ tion of Nov. 8, would recommend the payment of the following amounts as set opposite each precinct: Marpnpo, 1st dls.l fi0'2'> Undertaking a Specialty. As we hnve Caskets and Shrouds, trom the chpaoeft to tbe very be*t, in stock at all times to select from. Yt u can see what you get. N. J. JUSTEN. XD^XrJ"5T EXCURSIONS Through first class and Tourist Sleeping Cars to points in California snd Oregon every day in the year via the Chicago, Union Pacific and Norlh-wastern Line Personally Conducted Excursions Every Thursday. LOWEST RATES SHORTEST TIME ON THE ROAD IK FINEST SCENERY. Only Tont* by which you can leave home any day in the wee* and tr>*el in tonrisr cars on fastest trains all the way. For pamphlets and information inquire of nearest agent. Rile*? • «0 7o MarfnftO, 8<t Dist 5220 (Ohenmng, 1st ' (>0 20 Alfleti 6"2' Seneca . ......... 597" Grat on 60 20 Dorr, 'ddist 54'0 Hebron 60 80 Burton SI W M Henrv 4d <H»t 60 2<' Ntuvia 3-ldtst... 68 30 Algonquin,2<1 d8 BS0" Alg>iq"ln, 3d da 56 30 I)U' ham Ohem nft, 2d dlB Hartland .... Torai ... Dorr, 1st (lift ... <;reenwood .. .. Ki<v raond McHenry, letdis Xunda. 1st Ui«... Algonquin I t d8 5s -20 60 20 59 70 60 20 St 00 59 7d 60 fiO 6l> iO 61 7 > 69 10 Total #1420 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES LAKB, Chm. F. E. STEVENS, 8. E. CLARK, F. W. HATCH. The committee on fees and salaries made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on fees and salaries would beg leave to submit the following report on the mat­ ters before them: Your committee would recommend that the clerk be authorized to draw an order on the treasurer for tbe amount due sheriff, also that the circuit clerk be instructed to turn over the balance due county to the county treasurer; also that the county clerk be instructed to turn over balance due connty to the county treasurer. All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. DESMOND, Chm, JOHN H. GRACY, R. J. BECK, 8. E. CL.ABK. JOHN WELTZIBK, The committee on claims made the fol­ lowing report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following and that the clerk be di­ rected to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the sever­ al amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: BILLS FAID. Wm Scharnow, 53 gala oil t 5 83 Walch A Whittleton pt* hlanka, clerks. 9 75 H M Vaughn, work for sheriff A D Osborn, supplies furnished sheriff.. n Murphv, lOjtf cordi wood C & X W It K, fre'ght H M Vaughn, repair of rourt hours, City of Woodstock, el*ct»ic light P F Pettiborc A Oo. stationery -- Wm Scnarnow, 51 gala oil .... A T Ol^on, meale for jur) City of Woodstock, eler,trie light J A Kennedy, ass st'g destroy ballots... O Ai+toue, same * DCliiMn, stationery forco judge rthern Insane Ho«pit*l, eare insane.. 3 10 89 57 47 25 73 2 60 5 58 84 57 6 38 3 25 12 8<> 3 0 80' 18 00 45 29 JO no . 2 5" .. 15 00 .. 8000 .. 12 50 .. mo .. 16 00 .. 250 .. 16 00 .. 12 50 .. 12 50 ^ ft 50 .. 650 .«377 70 OOUHTY CLCHK. Earned, For probate fees and Clerk's fees in suits in court County services Miscellaneous eervicea. Previous earnings. ... T-tals... Expenditure: Clerk hire Office expense*, stamps, etc Clerk's salary half year ..... • 1*U 45 2085 0" 120 25 Bec'd. |7fo lyo 25 S57 05 .$3419 70 *1588 29 7(000 81 17 750 00 Total Balance due county SHBRirr. Earned, Sheriff's fe*s In suits in co*t..t38* t5 On executions Miscellaneous Fees earned previously rep'd 3102 51100 .11531 17 7 12 Bec'd I178 8S 8( Of 187 86 T-tals. Expenditures; Sheriff's ral r ba't year . Balanceduesher IT i» C1BCOIT CLERK Earned, Ba1 due roti nty from Jane rep v For recording.... *77130 Clerk's fees, suits in court .. 88i»0 Courtcoot* pievionslyearned . . -• old sher ff's fees 9959 17 §8S0 72 60° 00 . 249 28 Bec'd *2"9 9' 772 30 322 fS 2S8 60 7 10 Vi •" -- 'i-'i j'- Totals .. ....... Expenditures; Clerk hire . .... ......... Miscellaneous, tuupe, ete .. Clerk's sala^-v, half year SOdtys' set vice in court at K flS&lO *1630 46 Total.. Bslsass due OOBDty $1438 87 . 1»J» N N S rtotb. bailiff oo court same Same, same J i t. ibbivrd, stm«-- M W Lake, bailiff Sspt term cir court N R R b b , s a m e . . H D Holme", same J 1/ Hibbard, same L Be' thu3«n, isame" J L Hibbard. same .... M Church, sa nt -H- Set ert, aawlng^X eofda wood,..^. D F MiCauley, meals for jury iota'. BILLS WOT' FAID, V 3 Lumley, llverv and expenses * 6 50 G'O Kckert, tialllffapprovert by co judge 97 60 A 9 Wri»ht, medic ne furn'd sheriff 980 Geo Kckert, b'd'gprls June 1 to Dec 6 558 50 Same, taking insane to Elgin 98 50 name, beddi g for jail 85(0 Same, repairs for radiators 6 00 Sam'e. j ilor and j' nitor 6 mo to Dec 5... 21 • 00 W E Wire, ofli<-.e exo-nse* 13 35 gcofleld & Joslyn, ptg and pub wo baits 28 00 Bunker Bros, supplies forjiil 13 30 Walsh Whlttl'lon pub \>ro brd of sup Huntzirser Bros, meals for jurors, oo ct John A l>utleld, pub official ballot .. .. game, pub pro board of supervisors... . Same, sub Democrat poor farm J 1 Keyce, attfndiag county elerk.. G F Bush'nn, delivering ballot* E V Anderson, medical services at jail.. Lincoln Asslum, insane ... Callahan & Co , law books ... ... Same, same ... Geo K Kushton, 35 days work road plats John Weltzien liuria of ol soldier.... F G Arnold, wit fees Peo vsMagnusen.. Same, tame vsGarv, etc E B Loiee snne vs M^gnnsen John Fitzpatrick. tan enH Otto....... Will McDonald, same JasO'B ien, same John Brown, tame Mannie Oito, »ame Peo «s Al Terk Peter Ergten, wit fees Peo vs J Heimer John J Buch s me Frank Barbian. same John 3wa<lish, same J J Miller, s me «... O bamph»re, same ......7 .. .r;. .. .... KreilK mholz, sniie Ben l.aurer, s*me. M'E Barb au, same Peter B V. ct/sr, same P K Itotbermel, same Andrew Miller, ssme ... Matt I) Weber, same Alex Bfck, |wit fees Peo va Fred and Franc Cross Same, same Feter M-rks, s' mo Jim Burke, same. 25<MI 9 75 25 00 25 00 3 W 10 01 45 00 2(0 9 81 2 75 3 50 70 00 36 00 2 10 1 1»> 1 10 9-20 2 40 1 80 2 40 3 40 220 8 20 2 20 220 2 20 a 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 8 820 220 220 J W Plerson. same 110 Mrc Carlson, same Peo vs Smith et al... 190 Fred Goil, same 1 90 John Carlson, same 190 L Benthusen, same Peovs W Smith etal 190 A Henderfon, same 190 J V Beatiy, same 190 Joe Comas, same 110 i, Benthusen same Peo vs Mnlski et al 190 J»rry Quinlan, same Peo vs Shea ban.... 170 Wm Sullivan, same. 190 L Benthusen, same 190 AJMcM llan, same 110 Lizzie J Furnoy, same 140 D Anringer, same Peo vs Solllvanet al 2 40 Fred Bohl, same. 2 40 T Hamer, tame Peo vs Pick. 1 10 L Benthusen, same «... 1 90 O Snyder, eanie Peo vs Peter Rose 110 J Allen, Fame 110 Chas Bachman, s me 1 in Geo Bach man, same 110 OJon»s,same 110 W Drake, same • 110 F S ocuir, same peovsOostigM & Gary 110 Geo Vogle stme. 3 <>0 Frank Terwilliger, same 160 A L Bogart, same 110 P F Pettibona & Oo-^tatlon'y for clerks 488 38 L H Jones, jus fees Wm Munshaw 8 35 Same, Alonzo B< nnett 1350 Same. Frank Pick 8 00 *ame, George Spencer 4 80 Same, James Sheabaa. 4 75 Same, J Smith 560 Same, Sheahan .. 475 Same, Spencer 4 70 aame, A Yerke 134" Same, Smith 6 25 L O Diggins, same Fred Cross 6 70 Same, Fra' k Cross 6 70 M al Gardner, s t me Frank Gary. 6 95 Same, McKtniie 8 45 Same, Frank Witt 696 Same, Martin Smith 6 95 W H L«ymar», same Grate Bros 17 80 ('allender & Jones, canv elec returns... 6 00 Walsh WKittleton, 18,000 official bal... 126 <0 Same, 200 specimen ̂ ballots 1 50 Same, publishing batiot 25 00 W A Crlsty, jus fees peo vs J Oomlaky.. 9 00 Same, peo vs Uarl Buchauer 8 70 Jobs Jenea, seme Peo v» Loa Bennett.. 220 3 20 240 820 110 Total *2130 89 All of which is respectfally submitted K. J. BECK, Chm, E. D. HHUBTLEFF, F. E. 8TEVEN8, W. D. COBNUE. N. BBOTZMAN, The committee to settle with the trea­ surer made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: ' Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to settle with the treasurer would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Total receipts from all sources, $91,564.09; total dis­ bursements, $87,939 35; balance on hand, Nov. 30, lt-98, $3,624.74. We al­ so submit the treasurer's semi-annual re- , port, showing official fees received and disbursements rtade daring last half- year. We also submit treasurer's an­ nual statement itemized: To the Honorable Board of Supervis­ ors of McHenry County, Illinois--Gentle­ men; I herewith submit to your honor­ able body, for consideration and appro­ val, my nnnual report of my doings in tbe premises as county treasurer of said county for the year ending Nov. 30, A. D. 1898, showing the amount < n hand Dec. 1,1897, with the amounts received and from what source received, also the amounts paid out and for what purpose, together with the amount on hand and the amount due the various funds, i-o-wit: DIBITS, Balance on hand De*. 1, 1897 t 5^0 M Amt received for taxes 82141 59 Amt received for poor bi Is 3<W8 18 Amt received for Institute fund 231 00 Amt received from county clerk fees.. 1 6 30 Amt received from count'v cl'k, lasane 23381 Amt received from poor farm 17000 Amt received for unknown heirs 69 18 Amt received H'V iu% uuu«i «•.. « 77 Amt received for oosis on del taxes.... 144 23 Amt reeelved from W C Elchalberger.. 110 Total v... CKKDlTfk Paid township officers...... Paid st»te treasurer... FiM oeunty ordeia 1V' . to***-* i • THE jPENNY MAGAZINE, New Yotk, which is the lowest priced magazine In America (20 cents a year), and which ifl owned by Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, the eminent American orator, wants a rep­ resentative in this vicinity. It is a good opportunity for one of our amWtiofia young men or young women. Applica­ tions should be addressed to the SUB­ SCRIPTION DEPARTMENT, THE PENNY MAGAZINE, Temple Court, New York City. ' ACTIVE SOLICITORS ̂ W ANTED everywhere for "The Story of the Philippines" by Murat Halstead, com­ missioned by the Government as Official Historian to the War Department. The book was written in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in,the American treaches at Manila, in the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olimpia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken by government photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war bookB. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, Sec'y. Star Insur­ ance Bldg, Chicago. 17-4m W - j THE BEST FARM ANQ LIVE STOCK JOURNAL PUBLISHED IN ILLINOIS* For Only 50 Cents a Ysar. ..#£>1664 00 .*38481 05 . ..... * 38164 81 That great farm and Hre ifof* The Prairie Farmer, published for over fifty years in Illinois, is now organizing Prairie Banner clubs, and is making a special price to club members in this county. There is a club being formed in almost every township iu the county; but for the benefit of neighborhoods where no one is getting up a club, we are authorized to state that any one of our readers can get up a club; and where five or more neighbors join together and send in their subscriptions at the same time, each of Jhi.m can secure The Prairie Farmer a'full year for 50 cents. This is only one-half the regular price of the paper, but it is the intention of the pnb- lishers of this great paper to place it in the hands of every good farmer and stock raiser in this county. It is not necessary to write to the publishers for further par­ ticulars, all that you have to do js to see your neighbors and ask them to join you in forming a Prairie Farmer club at once. Tell them the price is only 50 cents each where five or more unite in a club. This special price is made only for a short time, you understand, and is made for the sole purpose of inducing every gotwl farmer and stock raiser who reads this to try the paper for a full year. Just think of it! A big weekly paper for fifty- two solid weeks for 50 cents. Every one of our readers should subscribe at once; and if there is not' some one already forming a club in your neighborhood, get one up yourself, secure the necessary five members and remit to The Prairie farmer Publishing Co., Chicago, before the offer is withdrawn. We will also be glad to have our readers mention that this special notice appeared ia «• papar. " • ' •' *• ! 41 WANTED--SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY persons in tbis state to maasga ou bnsiness in their own and nearby couatle®. It is mainly office work conducted at hem*. Salary straight #900 a year and exp«use»-- definite, bonariue, BO mors, uo ibo® Monthly, #75. Keferences. Encto** ••»*- ddressed stamped envelop*, Hertort ess, Fiest, Dept., M, Cbl«**o. liHUa A few more bushels of those fine Onion# at 45c a bushel at J. J. Miller's Wert SMUT/ \ - <' / 4* ski tm ' iMM

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