Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1899, 8 000 4.pdf

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]|̂ eirj pkinkdt WEDNESDAY, JAN. U. 1899. ~ J, VAN 8LYKE, Kdltor. -- (HTP otter on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday wae steady; offerings, 151 tubs; Mies, 51 tube at 20c. Botter last weejfc, one year ago, 20c. v iV'jQdge C. E. Fuller hae jostreturned Iron) Washington, D. C., where he went to look after his appointment as succes­ sor to Judge Grosscup on the federal bench. Mr. Fuller s&ys he is not pre­ pared to eay what the outcome will be but hie friends are hoping that his ap- pointment is an assured thing. IV The same Georgia which so loudly lattd« President McKinley now will not give him one electoral vote should be be renominated. It cannot, therefore, be rationally {held that he sought to do other than heal old wounds and solidify the sections by his visit and sympathetic sentiment* so eloquently phrased. IWNeither President McKinley nor any member of the cabinet is at all alarmed over the situation in the Philip­ pines, sensational publications to the contrary notwithstanding. Everything received from Gen. Otis indicates that he has the situation well in hand. The source of what trouble there is in the Philippines is bad advice given the in­ surgents by outsiders who are interest* d in making the Filipinos suspicious of our intentions towards them. It is the policy of the administration to deal kindly and leniently with Aguinaldo and his deluded followers, unless they make a resort to harsher measures necessary. Our object is to give the islands good government, peace^and prosperity. A very different policy will be followed towards the med­ dlers, if the responsibility tor the med* dling can be officially placed. WrDr. F. S. Whitman, of Belvidere, has received the appointment of superin­ tendent of th& Northern Illinois Hospital for the Insane, at Elgin, to succeed the late Colonel -Hamilton. The appoint­ ment came from Governor Tanmr and was a surprise to the doctor's most inti­ mate friends. In fact it was something of a surprise to him also, as the appoint­ ment was unsought. MTGov. Pingree declaims that poor men, not rich ones, should go to the United State senate. There should be no eligibility based upon wealth or the absence of it. Men who can and will do best service should be choson. These can live six months upon $5,000 if need be; or, like our foreign ambassadors,'use up f75,000 a year, should their inclination and means warrant. , •WGov. Roeevelt has been given the /bievet rank of Brigadier General for gal­ lant and meritorious service at the bat­ tle of San Juan, upon the recommenda­ tion of a board of officers, Gens. Swan and Boynton and Col. Carter, which has been charged with the duty of making an examination for the purpose of ascer­ taining and reporting to President Mc­ Kinley the names of officers who deserve bnvet rank for heroism. 'M, ; I^Uaving nothing else to growl •bout, the opponents of the administra­ tion are criticising President McKinley because he sent the treaty of peace to the Senate with only a short message ol transmittal. He did so purposely, be- cause the treaty speaks for itself and he prefers that it be ratified on its merits. The committee on Foreign Relations took up the treaty at its meeting, and it Is expected that it will be favorably re­ ported next week. Its ratification is re- jjkrfed as assured • 1® That much married Utah congress­ man, Mr. Roberts, is likely to meet an Ob pleasant reception when his creden­ tials are presented. American wives and - Mothers, outside of Utah, take unkindly to the proposition oi harem-proprietors, be they as wise as Solomon in statecraft, loosing as members of our national gov­ ernment. Women well realize that some­ thing is due their dignity and status in in this country, and a congressman with ** galixy of wives will not do. List of Patents.' Granted to Illinois Inventors thic week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Attorneys Washington, D. V. C. ABrell, Alton, cameleon top; J. R Car­ penter, Little York, wheelbarrow; C. W. Hemm, Kendall, wagon, J. H. Hoover, Argenta, animal traj1; A. E.Lycan, Paris harness, terret; E. Marcille, Decatur, chuck; A. Martin, Rock ford, filter for conductor-pipes; N. McLeod, Mattoon, valve; J. F. Nelson, Rockford, knitting machine; A. Ohnemus, Q lincy, stove damper; J. H. Pattee, Monmouth, culti vator; C. O. Roskoten, Peoria, bottle stopper; J. A. Swanson; Orion, hay ted­ der; F, Tiemann, Basco, revolving har­ row. For copy of any of the above patents send 10 cents in p< stage stamps with date of this paper to C. A. Snow & Co . Washington, D. C. WANTED--SEVKRAL TRUST WORTH* persona la tbis state lo manage oar business In their own aril nearby counties. It it: mainly oflioe work ccniucted at borne Salary straignt 1900 a year and expenees- tlelimte, bonaiid*. no more, no lens salary. Montlilv, #75. Reference?, Enclose self- addressed stamped envei pe, Htrbert E, Hess, Prest., Dept. M, Chicago. 10 4m PEUBY & OWEN, Bankers, McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted toonrcare in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our cus­ tomers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate and other first class security. Special attention given,, to collections. INSURANCES In First Class Companies at the Lowest Rates. Yours Respectfully, ' PERKY & OWEN. Notary Public. SMOKERS! Vhei is Want of a Good Cigar! CALL ATJ IGP*The London Times, in expressing satisfaction at the signing of the peace treaty says:" Spain has lost her colonies because her colonial system was founded •pon spoliation and tryanny. The United States have not treated her any Bore harshly than Germany treated France in 1871 or Russia treated Turkey in 1878. Therefore, the Spanish mem­ orandum of protest is unreasonable and Unjustified." The article then refers to tlhe difficulties facing the United States •ud expresses confidence that the "healthy vigor and practical capacity of the Anglo-Saxon," will be fully compe­ tent to deal with them. BARBIAN BROS, Cigar and THE OLD RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers. A Fleshy Consumptive Did you ever see one ? Did you ever hear of one ? Most certainly not. Con­ sumption is a disease that invariably causes loss of flesh. If you are light in weight, even if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly take Scott's Emuslion of cod liver oil with hypo- phosphites. No remedy is such a perfect prevent­ ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you find you are losing flesh, you should begin to take it. And no other remedy has cured so many cases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with this disease, Scott's Emul­ sion will hold every in­ ducement to you tor a perfect cure. All Druggists, soc. and $i. SCOTT A HOWNE, Chemists. N. Y. i hfwwWwwwwwwwwwwy k A. P. BAER, Prop* KcHenry, From Chic igo T ribune. 4* you Commence the New Year You are undoubtedly looking around to see where you can get the best. Is No Longer a Question 0r Calculating as to the probable return of good times, - it is a question of where you can get the best DRY GOODS; GROCERIES, ETC., For the Least Money. The Most Clubs! The Best Tree! When we were boys we could always tel' which were the beet tree» by the number o» clubs under them. The boys soou find out where the beet fruit hangs--below that tree see the cluster of clubs. The club* thrown at the Crown piano show its value--.ts worth. It's the best. When the ••sinffle-t«n«" piano menjtel! yon that the "many-tone" Crown piano will not wear, don't you believe it, tor H outwears them all, and is warranted for ten yearc, when theirs are only warranted for fiv® years. The devices, covered by 11 original and ex­ clusive patents, by which the Crown piano can imitate, 60 perfectly, the tones ot some twenty or more different instruments, more thin doub'e the life of the Crown piano a> a piano, hence it is warranted tvrioe aa long as the "sins:5e tone" piaros are. The warrant of the Crown piano Is "burnt in tl-e bacK" of each piano, and its maker is right here with you, and has ueen for thirty years, to make that warrant good. No other maker has dared to put hit warrant in Such a shape as this, so that he cannot escape If he wanted to. No wonder that the makers and sellers of two hundred kinds of "single tone" pianos try, by throwing clubs and * mud" at the Crown piano, the only one of "many tones " try to keep you from seeing, hearing an«i buying it. It's a case of '-sour grapes"-- hav ing p anos of but "one tone" to offer you they try to "belittle" the only piano of "many tones," the Crown. The Crown >8 the singing and selling exponent of the greatest improvements made to the piano during the last titty years, "Keep'up to d>ite." See it, for seeing is believing, $200 up for old OIKS; S300 up for new ones. O. W. OWEN. Agent for McHenry County. OUB SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The beet cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. Cl ; " ° - ant appears from a statement in the Railroad Gazette that mileage of railroad construction (jftiring the year 1898 has been larger tlian daring any other year since 1892. The new con- ttruction has been chiefly in the region west of the Alleghanies. Minnesota leads, with 253 miles, followed by TexiH; with 188 miles; Louisiana, 171; Alabama, • ,wv < 161; Oklahoma, 157; Arkansas, 140; 'V^;-Vllainev 123; California, 115; Missouri, J ill; Michigan and Georgia, each 104; y JD&nada built 448 miles, 262 miles being by the Canadian Pacific;. It is re- |ji' • parked that diminished earnings and - Vanishing profits dictate nowadays a de- .fV]" gree of conservatism unknown to inves- ^ * tors in railroads ten years ago. Rail- i* y roads are now built in the United States ^ only where they seem to be clearly des- H^;fo*ined to pay, or to help existing lines to • - ' j>ay better than they do. J. D. LODTZ, McHENRY, ILL. Artistic Tailor. ^THE WANTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. The following appears in Governor Tanner's message to the legislature: "The University is the crown of our educational system. Its continued growth in influence and efficacy is a pro­ per subject of pride and congratulation. Ife The college of science and of the liberal arts are rapidly attaining the highest re- ' potation. Its college of engineering is almost without a rival. The University of Illinois may aud should be made the greatest educational institution in this or any other country. To the end, I re­ commend a continuance of the same li­ beral treatment it has received at the band* of the laat two general assemblies. I desire to direct your especial attention t0 the imperative needs of the college of t . agriculture, the growth of which does jji. IW r not seem to be commensurate with that •*k of other departments. An independent * bnilding, asped&My adapted to the needs j/C,',. of thatcollege, as well as a building pro fcj&V Tiding needed accommodations for the -syoong women in attendance, is among tttw --' " *" ' * " apparent and Immediate needs of the f PAY IP YOU'RE PLEASED 30 DAYS k K AFTER SHIPMENT; IF NOT, RETURN. NO MONEY WANTED IN ADVANCE. Witti evf ryQuaker Kitchen Cabl net we Ben<l, free, a copy of "The Ev­ ery - Day Cook Book." containing 315 pages of the most practical re clpes ever com­ piled, substantially bound In cloth. The top of cabinet to 27 inches by 42 Inches-, lirljdit, 30 Inches; has two metal-bottom bins, one holding 30 lbs.: the other partitioned for corn-meal, graham. Biijfar, etc.; one large drawer; one bread board, which slides Into frame. Price, complete, only >5. on board cars I11 Oil cajro, with the cook book free. Pay tn SO days If you find the Cabinet the most useful, labor-saving piece of kitchen furniture you ever saw -, if not entirely pleased, return at our expense. No deposit, no guaranty re­ quired from any reliable person. In ordering be Bure to way vou're a reader of tills paper--this Is very Import' ant--aiul that you accept our Kitchen Cabinet Offer No. 8. Order to-dav; or. send for Illustrated circular No. a QUAKER VALLEY MFG. CO., 355 W. Harrison 8t, Chicago. p. s.--Genuine Quaker Valley furniture Is never sold through retailers--always frotn factory to fireside at wholesale prices. Don't accept a worthless imitation. nakes Kitchen Work Easy Seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices. CALL, LOOK AT SAMPLES, LEAVE YOOR MEASURE, GIT A SUIT AMI GO Af AY HAPPY. Did you ever know a man to refuse an opportunity to get rich? The beet chance to save money, which is the secret of wealth, is to Call at Our Store and Learn Prices Before You Buy. Our Goods are New and Clean and will bear the 1 closest inspection, while Prices will Astonish Tou they are so Low, Having Touched Rock Bottom. JwSIMON NTOFFEL WEST MoHENRT, ti I* With a larger *tock of Goods in all Departments before, which he will sMl at prices to suit the times. At 20 per Cent Discount far Cask. Wi % i m Bed Blankets from 42c to §4 pet Underweat, Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Caps, Ovcrcoats, Rubbers, Etc*,v e h a v e i n s t o c k t h e c e l e b r a t e d v ' . 4 Mishawaka Felt or Knit Boots In endless variety, which has no equal. Call and look them ovir. We can't fail to please you in almost any line. We have Fan# Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Neckties, and in short Fancy Goods of all kinds. Styles the Latest. FI IE SHOES. Flour ^LD SLEEPY EYE FLOUR is still the loading * brand. We do not have to change brands two or three times a year liB6 some merchants do, trying to get a flour that will suit the trade. Sleepy Eye Flour gives satisfaction to every one that uses it. W e have a lot on hand made from old wheat. Goods delivered to any part of McHenry. Yours for trade, West McHenry.|Illinois, REMNANT SELLING AT "pVANSON'S Short lengths in nearly all kinds of merchandise, odds and ends of SHOES, UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS, SHAWLS, BOYS' OVERCOATS, ETC. Are being closed out at gieat bargains, also quite a good line of J. D. LODTZ. McHenry, NOT. 22,1898. DR. BAECHLER DENTIST Constant C o u g h i n g Constant coughing is not only very annoying, but the continuous hacking and irritation will soon attack and in­ jure the delicate lining of the throat and air passages. A simple cough is bad enough ; but a chronic cough Is really dangerous. Take advice and use the celebrated Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at once and be cured. Dr.Bull's Cough Syrup Cures a Cough or Cold af once. Doees are small and pleasant to take. Doctor* recommend it. Price 25 eta. At all druggist*. The Grocery Department is very Complete all at Cash Prices. JOHN EVANSON & CO. "Weat McHenry. Illinois. Dr. Walter C. Besley, DENTIST WEST MoHKWRT. Offlc« over Be»ley'® I Woodstock Office Drng Store, | Kendall Dental Parlors. Will be at McHenry office Mondays and Tuesdays. At Woodstock office Wednesdays, Thurs­ days, Fiidays and Saturdays. EXAMINATIONS FREE. MILO J. L. HOWUJ, PIANO &lORGAN ) M ' _ „ _ > McHenry. Tuner & Repairer. J -- All Orders Promptly Attended to, Plate Work and ev«rything per­ taining toDent/stry. Parties from a distance should drop a eMd a day or two betore coming. Oftice. McHenry. ' V.M. U UVE lXJS ' f| Wanted An Idea Who can thi«»v of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas; thor may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEKUURN & CO.. Patent Attar* Washing tou, 1> C., for their $1,800 A Money Saver I FOR YOU. CU8 CARLSON, \t his Harness Shop, near the R«d Bridge, has now in utock the finest as­ sortment 0! ftobas. Blankets anil Whips To be found in McHenryOonnty, I have something new in the Robe line that was never before offered in McHenry County. C&li and Bee them. It is something Neat, Durable and Cheap If yon want to save money call aud see me. Also on hand a fine stock of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere tui«i war­ ranted as represented. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to I*> not fail to call at once and get the benefit of oar bargains. M w CUS C4RL*ON McHenry, 111., Oct. 10. 1898 C. F. BOLEY, Projrielor of McHenry Biwerj, McHENRY, ILL. Always on Band with lie B«$t Beer NEW HOTEL -AND- Boarding House Water Street. MoMenry, ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor. Having building I take completed my new am now prepared to Boaidars by the Day or Week, Give them the best accommo­ dation 8, and at HGA80NABLE RATES. My Rooms are all newly fur­ nished, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire Proof. No pains will be spared to please all who may favor me with their patronage. ANTOKY BNQBLK. IfcRenry, 111., 1007* For Ladies and Gents, found ia this section. The largest and best assortment to be Another Car of Pillsburv's Best this Week. SXMOH West McHenry IU. Dec 7, 1898. \7 ?|"CWOOD. II.*- Just what You Want. Fur Goats, Jackets and Gapes, Felt Boots and Lined Shoes. PRICES THE LOWEST QUALITY THE BEST. BOUGHT TO SELL T H I S W I N T E R . JS5' ' ~ ^ Prices "Will Talk for Themselves* COME AND SEE THE 60QDS. J.E. CRISTY rr .v&:' tern? 7*7 ..." A< rl .. S»«. f w#. .

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