Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1899, 10 000 5.pdf

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'•$f «F. WEDNE^/AY. .UN. II, 1899 Railway Time Table. S' , Viklgt cffart *ui'UT, Oct, 30, |#R, it # T A. trains will pssa McHenry AS fe-;/ •'• AliOfi; ^ . ooixo WO*TII. *li (passenger.. A. M, IMK-% .. •/i, frsttrti t-siw. •"WfJ 4 * CFTMTFINR, ....... * S 5 P. SI |j|A * Paaarnger xx^:... ....... 9:51 p. x ¥; * x„ ftjiaoyiooTa, f wh< -the * P-ia»ensC*r I passenger * p.*-s*n<er. * Freight.... P~£ , " ?:S2 A,* 8:25 A, M. *uor. M 1:25 R. M. BXPLAIM4TTOIR.I •-- iL to Uly ex«ept Sunday. B, RUM.i vgent. / * * ' k Til.. M. W. A.. Regular Meetings evry second »n«t Fourth W tdn-sdav evanlair* «f each in-inth, at their 8*11, over ,E van«oi> & CO.'e store. R'.BT, B. tfoWAllD, Consul. J. RIMBALU Oierfc. /" rt,he *-> . W. C. O. f. St. Patricia Co.trt, Vo. 187, C O. P. mee the First Saturday aud Third Wednesday evenings of ea«b niontti, st ',or»«t Hall. <URK. MART COBB, CHIEF Kanzer. : OHAKLOTTB MADD«.< secretary. MA°o\'in. M - and HowwjrwT IJOBO*. NO. IW, *. a»«l ft ffMnltr OommtioicAfion* the second fbartti Mondays in.each month. W. A. CRISTY, W. Iff. Methodist Episcopal Church. iMfr. W. L. Whipple Pastor l^rAanbinff Sunday, 10:30 A. if. Sunday School, 12 M. Or. A, E. Anringer, Superintendent ^Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:80 p. M. lAdi"** Aid «o«iety each alternate week Win. Dr. Anrinse", Presides', Miss Oora •Wilson, »•"y. . • *#"4 Cardial Invitation is extended to all the family of ber eon, in the north part of this village, died on Monday morning. Her funeral was held this Wednesdry morning and her remains laid at rest in the McHenry Cemetery. She wan quite an old lady and had been in poor health for some time. THR race for the fast mail from Chicago to Omaha is the most remarkable record ever made on a western road. Both the Burlington and Northwestern beat their schedule. The Burlington left Chicago six minutes ahead of time and arrived at Omaha seven minutes ahead of pcbedule The Northwestern started on schedule and arrived in Omaha seventeen minutes ahead of time. Universalis! Church Directory. T J. Walsh, R.O Mead James R, Perry Eev. J. Stratih, D. TO... President oierl> Treasurer Pastor the Willing cation.) Mra. Jaa. Tl Perry ...... Wrs.^ J Van SMYKS... .... Mrs W A OHety %npt, of Sunday School,. Assistant,. Workers (the ladies organ- President Secretary . ..Treasnrer A E Buerhler W. A. Cristy •f The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address • Grand Grossing, Preaching nervices at 10:30 A. *• and at 7 JO A cordial invitation to all. New Advertisements This Week. John Evanson & Co., West McHenry. A. P. Baer, " " MONEY TO LOAN.--Inquire of. H. C. ifsad, West McHenry, 111. AUCTION SALE, on the farm of R. H 8herburne, on W.-doesdsy ?>f next week. £tee notice in another column. / THB January Terra of the Circuit Court fi* in session at% Woodstock t!-is week, \Judge Garver, of Rock ford, presiding. BEAR in mind the Party, by the Jovial Social Club, at Stoffel's Hall, on Friday evening of this week. January 13th. . FLORENCE HOWE will lead the Y. /•t-r p, fj. U. Devotional Meeting at the Uni- versalist Church, on Sunday evening next. Subject, "God 0;ir Father." 1 THB members of ^Compaiy Q. Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, who reside in this village and vicinity, will go to Woodstock to-morrow, Thurs­ day, their lurlough having expired, where they expect t#*be mustored out of service on Saturday. THK followiog deputies have been ap­ pointed by Sheriff Henry Keyes, in ad­ dition to SI. W. Lake of Harvard: ,S. B. Oakley, Marengo; Louie Vogel, Hebron; Cbas. Wand rack, Algonquin. He has also retained the services of ex-Sheriff iBckert. The Willing Workers Society connected with the Universalist Church will meet with Mrs. J B. Perry, Thursday after­ noon, Jan. 12, at 2 o'clock. Every mem­ ber is earnestly requested to be present. MRS. J. fi. PERRY. President. MRS. J. VAN SLYKE, Secretary. RS. CHARLKS KAR1(S, who lived with or / ub-l for THE Chicago Telephone Company have / a large force of men here now, putting in / new phones and extending their line to V different parts of the county. A Mount Morris teacher aske j his class to write an esssy on "The Results of laziness," and a bright youth handed in as hiscomposition a blank sheet ot paper. ALL persons who have left Watches wifch W. C. Anners, the West Side Jewel­ er, for repairs, are requested to call and get them at once, as some of them have vbeen ready for delivery for a long time, / LAST year there was granted over •1(5,000 divorces in Illinois. To the women were granted four-fifths of these* misfits. The record shows that one marriage out Vof every eight are failures. THB Ladie« Aid Society of the M. E, , Church will meet with Mrs. A. E. Aurin- K«r on Friday afternoon of this week at ' the usual hour. All are invited. SEC W E understand the McHenry Fire De­ partment are talking of giving a Mas­ querade Ball, on or abont the 27t.h inst. If it materalizw the best of music will be * furnished and a pleasant and enjoyable time may be looked for. THERE will be a ten cent social at the home of W. F. Gallaher on Friday even­ ing of this week. Refreshments and amusements will be furnished. All Rre cordially invited to be present and enjoy a social evening. • The ladies of St. Patrick's congrega- are preparing to give a Grand Ball, a* StofM's Hall, on Monday evening, Feb-13.1899. Proceeds to be used for the purpose of paying for their new or­ gan. More particulars hereafter. OLD Folk Singers please remember onr „ next rehearsal will he in Prof. Angevine's foom, in the school building, on Thnrs- ;'-<fcay evening, Jan. 12th at 7:30 p. M. firecial songs and special business call lor a good attendance. I BY ORDER CONTINENTAL COMMITTEE. '1-Ewis F. MASON, SOU of Senator Ma. r#on, has, through h:s father's influence, succeeded in abundantly stocking the lakes in the western part of Like county with flab. Black bass by the thousands are being put in all the western lakes, and from this ptock they should swarm #ifi fish iu a few seasons. JAY C. PRICE, son of Lou Price, of auconda, who enlisted with a Minne- ota regiment and was sent to-Manilla, nd was reported dead, has been heard rom. In a letter written by him to his arents from a hospital he says that he aud another attempted to arreBt a guer­ illa, and 1n the mix-up both were^hurt, (but that he is better, and expects to be pn duty in a week or two. ® " "• fl"FTER January 1 the stamped en­ velopes issued by the postofflce depart ment will be a red stamp of exactly the same shape as the carmine two center. This is in accordance with an article in the international postal agreement which requires all issues of the same denomina­ tion af a stamp to be uniform in color Phe department will this year begin sub ntituting the red stamp oh envelopes the gr en. LA GRIPPE is the new tangled name for the old fashioned ailment known to our forefathers as influenza. W hen christen­ ed by its new Gallic title its origin is at­ tributed to a derangement of the spinal chord. When plain "pinkeye" or "epi­ zootic" its cause is found in a plebian cold. By whatever title called it is a diet- agreeable attachment, which it is well to treat with care, and epcape from without over-much haste in the parting. THE following from an exchange is grspel truth. "The prosperity of a town is not guided by the wealth of its inhab­ itants, but by the uniformity with which they pull together when any important duty is to be accomplished. A man with a thousand dollars at his command and an interest in the welfare of the town at heart, can do more for the building and improving of it ifchan a millionaire who locks up his capital and snaps his finger at home progress." /THE family of John Adams, who re- resides just west of the railroad, on the Woodstock road, are undergoing a se­ vere trial these days. A young son, aged about fiva years, is very low with lunjr fe^er, while the mother and other children are sick with the prevail­ ing epidemic. They are certainly entit­ led to the Sympathy of all. Mr. Adams is a hard working man, but with a large family and the added misfortune of sick­ ness, makes his lot indeed a hard one. CITIZENS TELEPHONE COMPANY. What has besn heretofore known aether County Telephone Company, owned and managed by Joslyn & Wager, of Wood­ stock, was incorporated January 4th, with a capital stock of $20,000, uqder the name of the Citizens Telephone Company with headquarters at Wood­ stock, and elected the follow og officers: I'resideut and Manager-- MarceHns L. Joslyn. Secretary-- Vllen B. Wager. Directors-- Stephen R. Johnson, Allen B. Wag. r, W. A. Cristy. The members of the company as far as we have heard them are as follows: Marcel us L. Joslyn, Stephen R. Johnson, and Allen B. Wager, Woodstock; James B. Perry, W. A. Cristy and F. K. Granger West McHenry. The new company pro­ pose to improve, their lines throughout the county, running them to every t oint where the general public can be benefitted thereby. They will also extend to ad? joining counties as fast as practicable. The old firm of Joslyn ft Wager had been dissolved by mutual consent. AH (xchaoge says that a traveling man lately wandered into a remote hotel that doesn't keep a dictionary, and on • C >ming down In the morning was asked toy the landlord how be rested. "Oh," implied the gentleman, "I suffered nearly ;at night with insomnia." The landlord ; tras mad tn a miuute and roared. "I'll , t>et you f 2 there ain't one in my hooee." rL"„ r • :/-'- Dr. Bui 's Cough Syrup cures /inre throat. D >n't delay when you are ' £ bothered with sore throat. It may lead •o bronchitis This remedy Is safe to . <6&re. Price 25 cts. AN effort will be made by the sports­ men of Illinois to have the next general assembly amend the game laws so as to better protect the game that is left and to enact a law providing for the estab lishment, of a state game farm for the rearing and free distribution of game birds. Tlie Chicago Gun Club seems to be 'A the head of the movement and are sending out circulars to the county clerks fill over the state for the purpose of gett'ng signers. AT the Farmers' Institute to be held in Harvard, Jan. 19 and 20, Connty_ Superintendent Wire will talk on "Edu­ cating the Boy for the Farm," H. F. Thompson, of Huntley,' will discn«s "Raising Fruit on the Farm," Dr. J. H. Crawford, of Harvard, will rsad apaper on "Cause and Prevention of Milk Fever, ' and H. C. Mead, of McHenry, will talk on "Potato Raising." There will also be a number cf prominent farm men from abroad who will speak. THE Grand Jury, in session at Wood­ stock this week, returned the following indictments on Tuesday : The people vs John Keller. Robbery. The people vs Wm. Judge, John Judge and John Dyer. Burglary. The people vs F. E*rl Fay and Lillian Beebe. Living in open state of adultery. The people vs Geo. Walters. Larceny as bailee. The people vs Wm. Judge, John Judge and John Dyer. Larceny. The people vs John K illar. An assault with intent to inflict bodily injury. I THOS. BUHKE has leaped his meat •narket on River Street for three years to lErickson Bros., of Chicago, who will (take possession of the same on Monday W-xt. These gentlemen have ruu a Market jn Chicago for the past twenty- three years, and are therefore practical men in the business. They propose to remodel the markut throughout, make it up to date in every particular, and wil keep at all times the choicest meats of all kinds. Mr. Burke has not decided as yet, what he will do, but after a short rest will probably commence buying stock, produce, etc. The Jovial Social Cl<jt> will give th • next Party at Stoffel's Hall, West McHenry, on Friday evening of next week, Jan. 13fh. Good music will be in attendance and the usual enjoyable time may be expected. Tickets, 50 ceuts. All are cordially invited. The parties under the auspiccs of this club are being anxiously looked forward to by the dancing public, and the announcement of the date is sutH ;ient to insure a good at­ tendance. Bear this date in mind, Fri­ day evening, January 13tb. Orand Masquerade Bail. A Grand Masquerade Ball will be held1 at Columbia Hall,Algotiquin,onThureday evening, January 26, 1899, Music by Miller's orches­ tra of Elgin. Four fine prizes will be given to the two ladies and two gentlemen wearing the best costume. .^... All are invited, r** --w* Tickets, including supper, $1 75. T. KABON, 4 Proprietor. / MRS. ESTKLLE CRAWFORD BAKER, who jls traveling under the auspices of the Viavi Company of Chicago, who lectured to the ladies at the Cky Hall for two evenings last week, is being very highly spoken of by those who heard her. On account of the severe weather her lec­ tures were not as well attended as they "trtliprwise would have been, but those who did attend were highly interested in her work, and hope she may be prevailed upon to spend another week here. She is certainly the woman's friend, an ac­ complished lady and one who is doing a noble work throughout the land. It is hoped she may be prevailed upon to spend another week here.p Principal's Association. f he next meeting of the McHenry County Principal's Association will oc­ cur at Woodstock, Saturday, Jan. 14th, 1899. Following is the programme: 1 What shall we teach to advanced classes in Grammar J.M. Edsall 2 The uature of Tests W.C. Smith,C, Manley.F E.Angevine 3 What is a fad in the public school R. O. Moon 4 What has the 19th century done for Education.........Charles Shaffer 5 Read "Adams" to page 81 F. E. ANGEVINE, 8ec'y. Grand Masquerade Ball. Given by Prof. A. Bryhn's Daneing School, at Stofful's Hall, West McHenry, III., Friday evening, January 20, 1899. Grand Cake Walk at 10:30. Two Prizos will be given for the best cake walkers All those who take part in the cake walk> must be masked. Good music will bc\ furnished and a good time guaranteed for everybody. Tickets, 35 cents a per­ son. Those holding season tickets for Dancing School, 25 cents a person. Supper extra. Spectators, 10 cents. I will spare no pains to make this one of the most enj >yable parties of the season It will not be necessary for those who de­ sire supper to go outside, as Mr. Stoffel has kindly given permission to paw through the store. PROF. A. BKYHN. ; PXKSOKA.I* J. & FRRASIMMONS, of Chicago, was on our streets on Tuesday. PETER B. FREUND and Mike Thelen were Chicago visitors on Sunday last. MRS. C. H. FEGERS was a Chicago visit­ or on Saturday last. MRS. C. B. MUHIMIY spent Sunday with friends at Woodstock. BEN BUSS, JR. has been on the siek list the past week. A. J. RAYMOND, of Volo, *aaa Chicago visitor on Monday. DR. C. H. FEOERS was attending to business in Chicago on Monday last. JAMBS MCGBE spent Snnday with friends in Chicago. . ; SIMON STOFFEL was attending to busi­ ness at Spring <>rove on Tuesday. MRS. /OHN I. STORY was a Chicago vis­ itor one day the latter part of last week. W. A. CRISTY was attending to business at Woodstock on Tuesday. JOHN I. STORY is attending to "business iri Chicago to-day, Wednesday. MRS. H. E. WIGHTMAN has bsest quite sick the past few days. W M. SMITH is spending this week with friends in Chicago. W. A. CRISTY is attendtaf to bueint~as in Ma engo this week. R FEGERS, of Keokuk, la., is the guest of bis brother Dr. C. H. Fegers, in this village this week. MRS. FRED SHERBURNE has moved to Nunda where she will make her home, with her parents. H. E. WIGHTMAN was reported quite sick the first of the week, but is now better. ROBT. R.° HOWARD, E. M. Howe and John White were attending court at Woodstock the first of the week. WILLARD COLBY, of Burton, was at­ tending to business in this village on Saturday last. MRS. G. W. BESLEY is reported quite sick this weak. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. DICK WALSH has been quite siok the past week but is now able to be out again. REV. FATHER O'NEILL was attending to business in the big city by the lake on Monday. J. D. SMITH, of Smith's Corners, was attending to business in Chicago the first of the week. 2 DR. J. L. ABT, formerly of this village, now of Chicago, was calling on friends here on Monday evening. GOTLEIB BOLEY, JR. spent Sunday with friends in Chicago, returning on Monday evening. MRS. HENRY MENTZER, ot Greenwood, was calling on friends here on? day last week. MRS. A. P. BABR starts I on Monday morning for a week's visit with friends in Chicago and Joliet. ' DR. D. G. WELLS vag c^ed to Chicago this Wednesday morning, Mrs. Wells being much worse. MRS. E. H. WALKER and Mrs. W. A* Cristy spent Monday and Tuesday with friends in Chicago. HON. F. K. GRANOER was attending to business in Chicago on Monday. * He re­ turned to his duties at Springfield on Tuesday. MARTIN PALMUS and Miss Sarah Shields, of Marengo, were the guests of John Neisen and wile in this village on Sunday last. / GEO. S. < URTIS commenced cutting ice /at Lilly Lake to-day. He will fill the ice house of A. J. Raymond, of the Volo Creamery, and others who wish. «, . CRISTY, Geo. H, Hanly, 15. W. owe, S. S. Chapel!, John Evanson and . E. Baechler attended Masonic Lodge, ,t Woodstock, on Wednesday evening ast. •XJSCUTIVE C GMMITT.UK. AN exchange sums up life as follows Man's life is full of crosses and tempta­ tions. He came into the world without hN consent, goes out agafnst his willand his trip between the two eternities is very rocky" The rule of contraries is one of the important features of the trip. When he is little the big girls kiss him, wben he is big the little girls kiss him. If be raise a large family he is a chump, but if he raises a small check he is a thief and fraud and is shunned like a Christian with the seven-year-itch. If he's poor, he is a poor manager; if he is ricb, he's dishonest; if he's in politics you can't tell where to place him and he is no good for his country, if he does an act of char­ ity it's for policy; ir he wont give for charity he is stingy and lives only for himself; if he died young there WHS great future before him; if he lives to old age he has missed bis calling. He is intro­ duced to this world by a doctor and to the next by the same process. He enters the world half dead and never gets out alive. Q leer old world. A Salt in Chicago. Lawyer J. F.Casey recently instituted suit in the superior court of Chicago for f5,000 against the Barnard Seed Com pany and in favor of Zmk Bros. This makes five important cases Mr. Casey has in the superior court of Cook county, which goes to show that his ability as a fine lawyer is known much outside of his own county. He is an able trial lawyer and never was known to go back on a clieit .--Sentinel. 28 pounds of choice' Milter's West Side. Prunes for tl at The People Demand It. That is the low priced land where they cm make money. To those who are seeking a hom* or profitable investment there is a chance offered in this paper. A man with limited means can not afford tn buv high-priced lan.1, b>it they can afford to buy land at $ 10 per acre and the easy terms of C. S. Graves, Janes- ville, Wis. See advertisement in this paper. It will pay jou to write to bitn. FARMER'S INSTITU tE. The annual meeting of the McHenry County Farmer's Institute will be held in the Pythian Opera House, Harvard, on Thursday and Friday, January 19th and 20th, 1899, and promises to be the largest and most important gathering of farmers ever held in the County. The citizens of Harvard have completed ar­ rangements made for the entertainment of their guests and a varied and interest­ ing program has been prepared for the instruction and entertainment of those who attend. Every farmer should attend all or part of the sessiong of this institute. All are cordially invited, no admission fee charged or collection taken. Many not­ ed men in their particular callings have places on the program, men who have been successful and thoroughly under­ stand the subjects they will handle and with the discussions that will follow the different topics, this institute cannot but be of vital importance and instruction to farmers and others who attend. Adver­ tising programs are being issued and will be distributed as thoroughly as possible. Going into the han is of the class of people that receive them, the advei tis- ers on this program are aeBured of re­ turns The President appreciates the patronage of the enterprising business men who are represented in the adver- tisments and conscientiously recommend them to all who pereue the pages of the program. The officers of th<j institute wish to thank the press of the County for the in­ terest it has taken in the work and for the advertising it has given them. GEORGE A. HCNT, President. GBORQE L. MURPHY, Secretary. Of The Agricultural Society Meet at Secretary's Cfltoe. The members of the executive commit­ tee of the McHenry Couutv Fair Associ­ ation met at the secretary's office by call of tBe president, Friday, Dec. 30. 1898, President Zimplemann in the chair. The president stated tbe reason of call­ ing the committee together at this time was owing to his being called West and would not be here until late in the springy Members present -- Vice President Harrison. Members of the Com­ mittee, William Baylor, James Lawson, C. Thompson David Mills, D. Coventry. Thomas Ocock, L. D. Lowell Supt. Dike reported bj letter that he was eick. On motion made and carried the fol­ lowing were elected superintendents of, departments: Speed--C.rW. Hill. Cattle--W. J. McDowell. Horses--Charles Rowley. Sheep--S. E. Clark. Swine--George Hunt. Poultrj--Fred Ackley. Garden Products--H. T. Thompson. Culinary--Mrs. JameiB Bayrd. ; Preserves--Mrs. Geo. B. Richafdfe Art--Mrs. Jerry Richards, Textile Fabrics--Mrs. Wm. Say lor. Ornamental Work--Mrs. Frank Barnes. Greenhouse--Mrs. Frank Hanly. Youth's Department--Mrs. J.D. Hakes. Old Ladies Department--Mrs. C. W. Webber. „ Agricultural Implements -- Frank Barnes. Class N 0 and P-- II. C. Mead. Superintendent of Hall--H. C. Mead. Grand Stand--James Bayrd. Elucational Department--W: E. Wire. Superintendent Ladies' Department Floral Hall--Mrs. 0. H. Gillmore. The president selected the following committees, which were approved. Finance--Fred Hatch, David Mills, Wm. Saylor, Warren Smith and C. W. Hill. Speed--C. W. Hill, General Superinten­ dent and Secretary. Revision of Cattle Department--Fred Hatch, C. W. Harrison and Clifford3' Thompson. Horse (Class A)--Wm. Saylor, J as. Lawson and R. W. Overton. Swine--George Hunt, W. B. Metcalf and F. C. Welle. Garden Products--On motion, carried, the superintendent of that department was instructed to revise the list and re­ port same to the secretory. ' On motion ui^do and carried the speed committee was voted an appropriation of $1,500. Communication sent by Committee­ man Metcalf read and laid over until nex t meeting. It was moved o-nd carried that all classes conducted by lady superinten­ dents should be revised by them, assisted by the lady general superintendent of the hall, said revision not to be enlarged, if possible curtailed; on completion of their report, the same to be presented to the secretary and laid before the executive committee at its next meeting. Motion made and carried that a com­ mittee of three be appointed by the chair to look over the grounds and report on .building cow barn and box stalls. President appointed 3upei inteudent i)ike, Clifford, Thompson and Wm. Bay­ lor the committee to report at the next meeting. Similiar motion made and carried that a committee be appointed on grand stand and report at the next meeting Supt. Dike, the secretary and C. W. Hill selected. There being no further business, meet­ ing adjourned to the call of the secretary, the president to be absent. A. S. w RIGHT, Secretary. RINGWOOO. , Choice Millinery at Mrs. O. N. Skill's. J. E. Cristy has been on the sick llftt. &Mr<t. Kemerling spent Friday in Elgin. Miss Olive Stevens returned to Chicago last week. Wm. Coatee is at Woodstock doing jury duty this week. Mrs. Maggie Curley, of Carroll, Iowa, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with friends here. / Mr. Small fell on the ice Saturday morning. No bones were broken but he •^epeived a severe shaking up. Miss Baldwin was unable to take charge of her school Monday morning. Her sister is in her place this week. J. E Cristy went as Camp Delegate to to the County Convention of Woodmen, held at Woodstock Tuesday, Jan. 10. M. A. Buckland, of Wankegan, spent several days last week with his mother and brother. Among the sick and aiPng at present are Mrs. Grimoldby, Mrs. E. Ingalls and daughter, Miss Katie Frisby and Mr. Waterman. On account of sickness the meeting of the Cemetery Aid Society, which was to have been held on Thursday evening, Jan. 12, at the home uf H. W. Allen, has been indefinitely postposed. Camp 597, M. W. A., will hold an open meeting on Wednesday evening, Jan. 18, for the purpose of installing the officers for the following year. Greenwood camp will have charge of the installation. A short, program will be given and after the cermony supper will be served. The annual installation and banquet of the M. W. A. will occur on Wednesday evening, Jan. 18, at Woodman Hall, PROGRAMME. 8ong „....Camp Recitation Maude Hail Song Quartette Recitation Elmer Francisco Song Quartette Recitation Georgia Hotchkiss Song .....Quartette Recitation Mabel Stevens Song Quartette Recitation ....Scott Harrison Song Quartette Or. Bull's Cougrt Syrup cures whooping-cough and ̂ "measles cough. This wonderful remedy will save the children from many a distressing cough­ ing spell and soon effect a cure. TO THE PUBLIC. We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of'Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and if not satisfactory to refund the money to the purchaser. There is no better medicine ^ade for la grippe, colds and whooping cough. Price 25 and 50c per bottle. Try it. J. A. STOBY. AUCTION SALE. I will sell at public auction, on the farm of R. H. Sherburne, on the Green­ wood road, 2% miles southwest of Ring- wood aud 2% utiles east of Greenwood, on Wednesday, Jan. 18. 1899, commenc­ ing at 1 o'clock P. M., the following property: 13 head heifers, 1 registered Holstein bull 2 years old, 1 gelding 12 years old, 1 mare 11 years old, 1 mare 8 years old, 1 road mare and saddler 7 years old, 1 eight months old colt, 1 Poland china boar, 22 fat pigs, 13 shoats, 4 brood sows, 1 tread power with ieed cutter, 1 corn planter and check rowei, 1 truck wagon, 1 pair bob sleighs, hog racks, harness and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS --All pums of $ 10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 6 per cent in­ terest. Two per cent off for cash. MRS. FRED SHERBURNE. H. B. THROOP, Auctioneer. BERT COLBY, Clerk. THE KIDNEY COMPLEXION. The pale, sallow, sunken-cheeked, dis- tressed-looking people you so often meet are aflicted with "Kidney Complexion." Their kidneys are turning to a parsnip color. So is their complexion. They may also have indigestion, or suffer from sleeplessness, rheumatism, neuralgia, brain trouble, nervous ex­ haustion and sometimes the heart acts badly. The cause is weak, unhealthy kidneys. Usually the sufferer from kidney dis­ ease does not find out what tde trouble Is until it is almost too late, because the first symptoms are so like mild sickness that they do not think they need a medi­ cine or a doctor until they find them­ selves eick in bed. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root will build up and strengthen their weak and dis­ eased kidneys, purify ther diseased, kid­ ney-poisoned blood, clear their complex­ ion and soon they enjoy better health. Yoc can get the regular sizes at the drug store, at fifty cents and one dollar, or you may first prove for yourself the wonderful virtues of this great discovery, Swamp-Root, by sending youraddressto Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghampton, N. Y, for a sample bottle and a book that telle all about it, both sent to you absolutely free by mail. When writing kindly men­ tion that you read this liberal offer is the THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALEB. RIDGEFIELD. , Will Ivobinsoii, and little son, of Nua- da, visited at Jim Robinson's Sunday. Guy Martin and sisters visited at Mc­ Henry Sunday. Geo Woods was in Woodstock the lat­ er part of the week. Dr. C. Watson was in town to-day call­ ing on his patients. Mr. Garrison, of Greenwood, called on his son, N. Garrison' one day last week. Mrs. Button, of Terra Cotta, visited her grandma, Mrs. Norman Jacobs, the first of the week. Messrs Wheeler, Baker also James Westerman and Miss Mabel Reed, are on the sick list. Clark Jacobs, of Crystal Lake, was the guest of his mother, Mrs. N. Jacobs, on Sunday. Hugh Parks who has been on the list with the sick is now able to be out among his little playmates again. Doc Dufleld and family are now en joy­ ing the warmth of a hard coal heater; which is more enjoyable than a chunk stove. Mr. Westerman and wife,' of Green­ wood, was the guest of N„ Garrison and wife also their son James the first ot the week. /3 . Madelene Lynch wao has been quite ill with LaGrippe is much better at present. A great many people are suffering with LaGrippe. Miss Edith Kale who is attending school at Crystal Lale was ths guest of her parents here over Saturday and Sunday. Miss Anna Morse who is teaching school at Oak Park, was the guest of her mother and brother the latter part of the week. Rev. J. A. Wood pastor of the Ridge field Presbyterian church, exchanged pul pits with the Presbyterian pastor of Crystal Lake, Sunday. BnaloeM Lowlf, Cotton Bats, the best At Simon Stoffel's. ? intOWB Flannel Shirts and Sweaters almost aft your o«rn price at Simon Stoffel's, Call and see our large stock of Glass, ware and Fancy China A. P. BACK. Have you seen the new line of Necktlefl All the latest styles just received at M. J. Walsh's. New Prints just received, L Patents, and at prices lower tliaa before. Simon Stoffel. Our line of Shoes are like the American navy, "Can't be Beat." M. J. WALSH. A large stock of New Winter Disss Goods to select from at M. J. Walsh's. The celebrated Douglas Shoe, without question the most stylish and best wear ing shoe on the market,be fonn4 Simon Stoffel's. Cloaks and Overcoats at 20 per cent discount for cash. SIMON STOFFEL. Ba sure td^leave yonr orders for Pills- - bury'sor Washburn's best at Stoffel's Delivered promptly to any part of town. : A large line of samples to select a Suit or Overcoat from, and only a small profit charged at M. J. Walsh's. Bed Blankets from 42 cents to $4- :p|g pair at Simon Stoffel's. r ^ fable Rugs, Fancy Table Coven, ' Table Linen, Napkins, etc., in great va­ riety and a,t the lowest prices, at Stoffel's. 'J If you want to see the finest stock of Lamps to be found in McHenry county call at the Farmers Store West McHenry. A. P. BABR. Chamberlain's uoiic, unolera and Diar- rohea Remedy can always be depended upon and ifa pleasant and safs to take. Sold by J/A. Story. All goods fresh ana new and Prices the Lowest, at the Farmer's Store. Call in and learn our prices. No trouble to show Goods. " • _ A* P. BAH, House to ftsnt. A good house to rent on the West Side. Good barn, well, cistern and all modern conveniences. Inquire of SIMON STOFFBU SPEND your winter in Florida. Best of Hunting, Fishing and Boating on the famous Indian River. Get over youe catarrh and rheumatism. I have spent 7 winters at Melburne. Write me for pamphlet and cost. J. F. Po Waukegan, 1 WELL, min^B. FLANNEL WAISTS. f*T ANTED--SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY TV persons in this state to manage our mittlnes* In the r o*n and nearby counties It is mainly office work con lueteil at home •ialary str ight #000 a year and exneneee-- I oil n i to. bonaflde. no moi<\ no less" talary. MonUbly, |75 References Enclose se'f- vMre&sed PtRinped envelope, Herbert E. Hess. Pres., Dept. M, Chicago. 10-4m A CARD. We, the undersigned, to hereby agree to refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of Grepne's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25-ceat bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. JULIA A. STORY. 21-6M Bring in your hands, our stock Gloves and Mittens fits them all. J Miller. RELIABLE SALESMAN WANTED. We do not promise great riches, but can make it an object to the right man to sell our Lubricating Oils and Greases. Address at once. The Euclid Oil Com­ pany, Cleveland, Ohio. Grippe Successfully Treated "I hav* just recovered from the second attack of la grippe this year," says Jas. A. Jonee; publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter case I used Cham­ berlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days against ten days for the former attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been rqually as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy as I bad to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting down." For sale by J. A. Story. Bow to Prevest Pneumonia- You are perhaps aware that pneumonia always results from a cold or from an at­ tack of la grippe. During the epidemic of la grippe a few years ago when so many cases resulted was observed jLhat the attack was never fol­ lowed by that disease when Chamberlains Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to re­ sult in that dangerous disease. It is the best remedy in the world for bad colds or la grippe. Every bottle warranted. For sale by J. A. Story. WANTED! Reliable man wanted in this vicinity to open small office and handle my goods. Position permanent and good pay. if your record is O.K. and you want steady employment, here Is an opening for you. Kindly mention this paper when writing. 17-12w A. T. MORRIS, Cincinnati, O. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Pair, DR w * CREAM BAKING POTCDER MOST PERFECT MADE i of LA pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder.- Free . J. prom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. ' 40 YEARS THB STANDARD* If you want something warm, neat and stylish in this line, call at Simon Stoffel's. ' TYTANTED-PBVKBAL TRUSTWORTHY TV persons In this state to manage our 'ju&loes" in their own and nearby counties. It is mainly office wo t conducts ! at home. Salary straight f900 a year and expenses-- definite, binaiide, no more, no ^ess salary. Monthly, f75. References Enclose self, addressed stamped envelope, Herbert S Hess, Preat,, Dept. M, Chicago. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. In Patterns and by the Yard, at Simoa Stoffel's. If you are looking for bargains do not fail to call at the Farmer's Store befors you buy. We know we can surely says you money. iLP.BABB, V • Poland China Boars fin Bala. 4.1 The undersigned has a few fine Poland China Boars for sale. Spring Grove, III. B. A. Steven^ ./ 3NB " A CTIYE SOLICITOUS WANTED ^ everywhere for "The Story of the Philipp'nes" by Murat Halstead, com­ missioned by the Government as official Historian to the War Department. The book was written in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manila, in the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the fail of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken by government photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big Brofite. Freight paid. Credit given, •rop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, Sec'y, Star Insurance Bldg., " " ~ * ~'V-j lii I have made a specialty ot the of all kinds of damage'cases prose­ cution against RAILROADS, /J other Corporations, and Estates, "toi fifteen years and make no charge "»>«-- : uccessful. Call or write me. U. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Woodstock ID. ' ' > WE WANT AT ONCtt - Several reliable salesmen to sell our ^ complete line of Mill, Engine and Treeh- er Supplies. Steady employment all year ^ round. The Crown Supply Company* • Cleveland, Ohio. - - CRANBERRIES, the very finest to bt found anywhere, at Simon StoffeTs.' HOME SEEKERS' CHEAP EXCUB- SIONS. On October 18, November 1, 15, Be- 4 cember 6 to 20, the Northwestern Line will sell home seekers' excursion tickets, ; with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the west and South at excep- j tionally low ratee. For tickets and infor- | mation apply to agents Chicago & Forthweetern R'y. 15-eow-6w * Bed and Horse Blankets, the finest has , to be found in the County, at Stoffel's. * FLASHLIGHT PICTURES- L. E. Bennett has demonstrated, (tar­ ing the past seventeen months, that arti­ ficial light is equal to daylight in making pictures. The atmospherical effects are superb and cannot be surpassed by the best daylight work. When expression is taken into account the flash is much superior for the reason the exact look can be gotten, providing, of course, if the subject has it. With all these ad­ vantages it will be seen that L. E. Ben­ nett is the man to make the pictures of the babies, fathe* s, mothers, and all ths rest oi the family. Call at TRIMI For Sala. Feed warehouse and Coal nted at West McHenry, lit, with a well established Feed trade. For further particulars apply al once to W. A. Cristy, West McHenry, ft J. E. Cristy, Ringwood. HL 3#tl Men's Duck Coats, all dmi Md gradML M. J. Wabh'sT^ .. 'V? , ..Tih rt&k 'WAky. J 4

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