Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1899, p. 3

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, ' . K ' h: / • k «• ipf'P'pRP'wiiP wwwwm HON. JOSIAH B. ALUML Of the Supreme Court «f H«l U Grippe Pe-rtr-na. . '**,f 4"$ SI ' •'j# J .\v^ What does it do?' It causes the oil glands in the skin to become more active, making the hair soft and glossy, precisely as nature intended. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of the great causes'of baldness. It makes a better circu­ lation in the scalp and stops the hair from coming out. it Prevents im it cares saMness Ayer's Hair Vigor will surety make hair grow on balcl heads, provided only there is any life remain­ ing in the hair bulbs. It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this in a moment, as will a hair dye; biut In a short time the gray color of age gradually disap­ pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy of our book on the Hair and Scalp? It is free. lot obtain •lifb« t*n*ata from til* ui of the vlfti A Svddea Tarn. ; By a sadden tarn we may glre a twtaK and brinf on lumbago. By a prompt use of St Jacobs Oil tbe twist lets go and tbeattiscle becomes straight and strong. A San Francisco character Is Capt. Goddard E. D. Diamond, wlio claims to be 102 years old and gets bis living as a book agent He bad passed the century line-when he gave up his posi­ tion as an engineer in the big Baldwin hotel in that city. What Do tbe Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new food drink called GKAIN-OV It is delicious ami nourish­ ing, and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-O you give the children die more health yow distribute througb their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee, but costs about% as much. All grocers sell it lie. and 25c. There is no greater punishment than that of being abandoned to one's self.-- Que&nel. . 1 i I t ' ' / Gate*' Mexico Tours. '?•" " First tour leaves Chicago .Tan. 17; sec­ ond tour leaves Chicago Feb, 11, 1&)9. Price of ticket includes all traveling ex­ penses for thirty days. These tours arc made by special trains of palace cars, in­ cluding dining cars. For descriptive books ahd rates write to Chas. H. Gates, Toledo, Ohio. ---- ? Don't think that an apology always "wipes out the offense. • r B*f»ens« or IJTVTOjf tit S f ~ pan. "• ' A writer In the Literary Digest says that In Japan a merchant, manufac­ turer or gentleman farmer of the first class spends ou An average $40 a year; of the second class. $25; of the third class, fl6. A first class wedding costs $120 and a first class fnneral $80. f hall Porto Rico Ee a f tate? Our public men are trying to decftle trfoat action should be taken regarding the status of Porto Uieo. We have never be­ fore hail to deal with a similar condition. Neither have we ever had such a reliable medicine for dyspepsia, indigestion and nervousness as HosfotterV Stomach Bit­ ters. It makes strength to resist future attayks. * -J' rs-#r ' J k k - " ' The eyes of bees are made to see great distances. When absent from their bive tbey go up In the air till fbey see their home, and then fljr toward it in a straight line and with great speed. The shortest line between two places is sometimes called a "bee-line." I Lane's Family Medicine Moves the boweU each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 60c. Queen and Cresceat Route and Southern Railway. 109 miles shortest line to Florida and the W«t la­ dies. H yon do net obtain all the you eii>«ct*d from tb« tut write til* Doctor a boot it. A4dreaa, DB. J. C. AVER. Lowell, Man. Don't expose your ignorance by talk­ ing about things you don't understand. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. In Africa wives are sometimes sold for two packets of hairpins. Mrs. Wlnsiow'B SOOTHING STBOF tor Children toothingeottew* the gums, reaucea Inflammation, allay pain, cure* wind colic. % cents a bottle. WANTED.--Caae of bad health that R'l'P'A-N-SwtU at benefit. Send 5 cents to Rlpans Chemical l«w York, for 10 sample* and 1,000 testimonials. Heroes of the War with Spain thous&na* of them 5 4te buf­ fering from lingering eases induced by life in poisonous southern <c&mp», the result of ch&nges of climate, or of imperfect nutrition caused. t»y im­ proper &nd b&dly cooked food. Sleeping on the ground h*s doubtless developed rheumatism in hundreds who weTe pTedisposed to the disease. In ^uch CASCS % the Boys of *98 t&kc 4 lesson (torn the expert* ence of the - Heroes of the Civil Wanr» Hundreds of the Boys of *63 h&ve testified to the effic&cy of Or. Willt&mV Pink K»iis for P&le People in driving out m&l&rt&., Theum&tism &nd other disease* contracted during t'he.r <Uys of h^rdsh.p $n& privation in the A-rmy. These pills are the best In Winter Cse Allen's Foot-Gua A powder to be shaken into the shoes. During winter your feet feel uncomfort­ able. nervous, and often cold and damp. If you have perspiring, smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It warms and rests the feet and makes "walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters aod callous spots. Relieves corus and bunions of all pain and Is a certain cure for chilblains and frost b!t&s. Try It to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c.r Trial package mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. 1 Her Afcfe. • "How- well Mrs. Plollet holds , her age!" "Yes; she doesn't look a day older than she hays she is."--Indianapolis Journal. 1 Bow's This: We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. trr ..* • J- & CO.. Props.. Toledo, O. we the underslgnwi have known F. J. Cheney for the last ir> vears, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and finan­ cially able to carry out anv obligation made bv their firm. WEST &TEUAX, Wholesale Druggists,Toledo.<*. VVAUHXU, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Haft's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. i*>r bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. ' A scientist estimates the time since the earth became sufficiently cooled to become the abode of plants and ani­ mals to'be alwut 120,000.0>l0 years, with­ in limits of error ranging between 15,- 000,000 and 30,000.000 vears. ana priv&tion tonic in the world. Asa Robinson, of Mt. Stirling, 111., is a veteran of the Civil war, having served in the 83rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. He went to the war a vigor­ ous farmer's boy and came back broken in health, a victim of sciatic rheu­ matism. Most of the time he was unfitted for manual labor of any kind, and his sufferings were nt all times intense. He says : "Nothing seemed to give me permanent relief until three years ago, when my attention wa*., called to some of the wonderful cures effected by Dr. "Williams' Pink PUIS- for Pale People. I had wot taken more than half a box when I noticed ' improvement in my condition, and I keep On improving steadily. To them I owe my restoration to health. They are a grand remedy."--Mt. Stirling Dtmocrat-Mestagt. Ob, That Deticioas CotfM! - tk Costs but lc. per lb. to grow. Salter has the seed. German Coffee Berry, pkg. 15c.; Java Coffee pkg. 15c. Salter's New American Chicory 15c. Cut this out and send 15c. for any of above packages or send 30c. and get all 8 pkgs. and great Catalogue free to JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO., La Crosse. Wis. (c. a.) It is computed that nt tbe present time the diamonds bought for Ameri­ can beauties living in the United States are worth no less than $5,006,- 000. Strike* la. The chill of frost strikes in and car­ ries with it aches and pains. St. Jacobs Oil will follow close behind and drive them out of the system, it will search and cure. The Volga well merits being ranked among the great rivers of the world It is navigable for over 2,000 miles, and to within a few hundred miles ©f St. Petersburg. Cafe aad OlMervatloa ears. Excellent servioe on superb tbrough trains. Queen aod Crcsoeut Beute from Cincinnati sooth. We inherit nothing truly,.but what our actions make us worthy of.--Chap­ man. At all or sem.^ostpMd,on receipt of price ,50 ctv par box, by the D». Medicine Co., Bo* V, Asheville. Only Through Car Line is via Queen and Crescent Route aad Southern Railway from Cincinnati. Don't forget that the darkest hour is only sixty minutes. Flint a Cold, Than Bronchitis. Check tha Ant witli Kale's Honey of Horahound and Tar. Of I)ruggi*t* Pike'a Toothacna Drops Cure in ona Minute. About the easiest thing in tbe world Is not to become a millionaire. FOR 30 OAY8 YOU CAM TRY IT FOR 39 CENT8. FARM SEEDS Ralnr,a SMdi an WarraaUd to Prodaee. JMthlon Luthtr. East Troy, Pa., astonished the worldN f bv growing B50 bucket* Blg Four €)*U; J. Brofder l Kmktcfltt, Wli., 173 busheli Bariey ' " " ' Red WUijf Minn., by growing 3-'0 £• I per icrc. If yon doubt writ« them. We wi»h to g*ln I I $J0,000 new caatomcn, btnee will s«od on trial I IO DOLLARS WORTH FOR IQOJ 110 pkfft. of rare farm «eedi, Salt Bush, Rape for Sheen J Iib« $1,000 Cora, "Big Four Oata/' Beardies* Bariev' r LBromoa InermU--yfcldiu# 1 tons hay per acre ©o \itf aoilt, etc.,-- M40c. 'Wheat," liciudliig our Lmammoth Se»4 Caulogue, tWiing ail about oor / ^Farte Seeds, etc.. all mailed you upon rereir,ti Lof but 10c. pnttage, positively worth il(>, t© ~ et a start. l(K),OO0 bbis. Need I'( titofi at $1 SO and up a bbl. 35 1^ Pkg»- wllaat Vt-geubU Sid this catalpc » alone, to. "• Moa«' •• 1^ No. C.N. ONE GOOD DEALER WAfVTEB In every town where not represented. INOXAL.L, durable ForLaGrippe Use"5 Drops. Cored Nervons Prastratira, Rheumatism, Catarrh and Stomach Trouble. BOTHER MO 3 BAl'fiHTKES ClltED BY "S BBOPS." tTRAOE MARK.1 „ SWAKSON RUEITMATIC CCBK CO., CHICAGO, JULV 2ft, '98. . I think "5 DROPS " 1* tbe beat meditine in th<! world; it tuts done me so much Kood. Hefdw ' aalng 44 B DROPS" 1 could hardly lie in bed Ions: enou<;li to go to sleep. 1 would have to (jet up SDd walk around, or sit up in bed. I don't know what was the matter with n»e, but 1 wag suffering all through me, and my body was so tender thut part, of the time 1 could harillv lie on the softest beo. As it has benefited me so much I have recommended it to mv neij;hl>orB. Three of mv daughter* have sent to you for •' 5 DHOFS |" also two of my ladv friends. <>ue of my daughters was suffering terribly with her stomach, and was all blo>ted up until she weighed 174 pounds, bat after she took '• 5 DNrtpS " her weight came down to 146 pounds--her normal weight--aad she is all right again. 8he thinks there never was such medicine. 1 myself think it is splendid. MBS. M. A. MATTIKQLT, CoUbraa, Col. Mr. Ira Sargent, uunbar niao writes under July 25. is of Bbeu> Blliti<m, (Stomach Trouble and Catarrh. " 1 want »o write you in regard to my case of STOMACH TROUBLE and KHKL'MATISM. 1 commenced one year aio to take * 5 DHOI'P,' and I cae tell you to-dav that though I am 75 YKARS OLD and past. I feel like a new person. I don't want to be Without • ?» DROl'c'.' 4 5 DROPS' has the praise of being tlje best medicine on the market. It has cured a bad case of CATARRH here, and has another almost cured. I'lease accept my thank* for tne favors 1 have received, at your hands. IRA SAKHEVT."' If you have not sufficient confidence, after reading these letters, to send for three large bottles for •SJiO, which will surely cure you. then send for a VI.OO bottle, which contains enough medicine io mora fe fi £" fa 9 § Uian satisfy you of its wouuerful curatlrs properties. Prepaid l>, mall 1 M PK m, M W* <r express. '1 his wonderiul curative gives aimii-t instant lellef. - nil " " ,m.^ • w liermaneiit curt* for Khcuinatism. Sciatica. Nearalsis. Dyspepsia. Backache, Asthma. Hay I'ever, Cntttrrh, SlreplenKiiexK, Nervous and Neiir»F»rie Headache*. Heart Weakness. Toothache, l arache, ( roup, l.a, Urippe. .Mularta, Creeping Numbness, llronehitis. and kindred diseases. MIS l-k D DQ" Is the name and l.»rgp bottle (300 do«ea) Sl.OO. prepaid by nail or w mm •% * O express; three bottles, S2.AO. frokl ou); iiy ui and our agents. AliEKTS APPOINTED IN NKW TKRKITOKV. WBITK TO-DAV. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 167 Dearborn Street, Chicago, III. LEGAL EXAMINATION. How 0«a Lawyer Was Admitted to tb« Bar. "Ckransellor E^ill Brlen tells the fol­ lowing story of how he passed his ex­ amination as counselor ft law and ob­ tained his license: "I had my papers filled but and wait­ ed over to Judge Joe C. Gill to pass my examination and have my papers sign­ ed. It was in the afternoon, and Judge Gill, as everybody who knew was aware, was nn ardent and successful turfman. At that time he had Orphan Girl in training for the Maxwell Hotel Stakes, to be run at Nashville, and Brakeman, who was thought to have a pretty good chance of winning the Mer­ chants* Stakes at St. Louis, both races being set down for the same day. "I walked into his office with my papers in my hand, and lboking up pleasantly the Judge greeted me Sia fol­ lows: " 'Good-morning, William. I under­ stand you want to pass your examina­ tion and be a lawyer?' " 'Yes, sir; that's what I'm here for this morning.' , " 'Were you out on the track this morning to see the horses' work?" " 'Yes, sir.' " 'Did you see that Kentucky crack, Lelos, and my. mare, Orphan Girl, work?' " 'Yes, sir, they both went a mile, and you know this track was a bit slow. Orphan Girl finished up strong and swinging all through the last furlong in 0:47, and Lelox was all out, and had the boy kicking him in 0:47^.' " 'I reckon my mare has a pretty good chance for the Maxwell. " 'It looks like a certainty. Lelox la all she has to beat, and he's as good as done already.' " 'What kind of a plan would it be to Bend Alcock to St. Louis with Brake- man for the Merchants' Stakes?' " 'The horse is good now, and he has nothing to beat over there. Land him in St. Louis all right, and it's as good as a walkover.' " 'I think I'll send him. Let me see-- ah! I thought I was forgetting some­ thing; we forgot all about the examina­ tion; hand me your papers, Williain, and see me sign them.' " "Counselor Bill" walked out with his duly attested license, and a short time later Judge Gill won the Maxwell House Stakes and the Merchants' Stakes with Orphan Girl and Brake- man.--New Orleans Times-Democrat. The Gtans of the future. We have become familiar with smokeless gunpowder, in idea at least, and we are aware that it makes not nearly so much noise as the old- fash­ ioned sort. But silent cannon, which emit scarcely a flash, are still a novelty --not a welcome one either to soldiers. Colonel Humbert of the French army has invented this boon and patented it. The experiments carried out by the Hotchkiss company are s4M to be most promising. In some wonderful man­ ner he contrives that the mouth of the gun shall shut automatically the in­ stant its missile has emerged. Thus the flame and the report are bottled up. The announcement may probably be true--one does not venture to doubt any marvel of the ingenuity alleged now­ adays. This also would make Tor the extinction of war. It is remarkable that the latest Improvements tend, upon the whole, to assist a defending force, rather than the assailants. Re­ peating rifles and smokeless powder, machine guns and balloons, all strengthen the bands of these who have to repel an attack, themselves more or lees under cover. But If the art of war, In its highest flights, he intuitive, what very exceptional men the great generals of the future must be! With­ out smoke or flash, or even sound to in­ dicate the position of a battery which decimates his troops at a distance to be reckoned in miles, an ordinary mortal would be distracted. Doubtless, if this Invention prove to answer. It will be applied to small arms also. The French are agitating now for the abolition of universal compulsory service, upon the ground that Germany will never attack them. In a few y«*ars, apparently, no nation will dare to invade another.-- London Standard. CURE YOURSELF! •v • »!£ non»toral \J irritation*' or ulceration* OwmlMl _ i to «tri*tmn. af mu coul mem!>r»u«a. trmau atnwfino. Painless, and not utria- HTHEtMMChEMMMlGo. K^nt or poUonoue. Sold by Dragrgfate, or tent In plain wrapper, by eiprm, prepaid, for $1 m. or 3 l.ottter (2.76. urciltr Mat « n«i PENSIONS Writ# CAFT. OTABMLL. Peaiios Acnt.WEIHICSTOA, S.& 0A TCNTsecured or Ba*r mwwl. Search trod ruiEnir- -- Git Yoar Pension DOUBLE QUICK 1 8. N. U. Colitmi A Co. s F St. Waj&ingtonJXC. No 4-99 IN wrltlaf I* JMwtteers, pteaa* 4» mot fall t» i • 0m yom HI tfca A4rertixc*eat la this ptyar. time. ll.~* lS>V v-aSTfx Sleepy Hollow Chair, $5^ For perfect Comfort, Durability and Attract­ iveness the SLEEPY HOLLOW CHAIR has no equal. The back is extra high and wide; the xit is hollow shape, fitting perfectly to the human body. There are no springs, but the arms, seat and back are heavily stuffed and upholstered in figured tapestry, bis­ cuit tufted and buttoned, witn deep fringe and tassels around the bottom. We warrant the chair to give satis­ faction, and it is worth $ IO. FREE Handsomely Illustrated Cata­logue of Household Goods, Carpets, Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Of­ fice and Church Furniture, etc., sent free on application, it contains thousands of arti­ cles which we retail at wholesale prieeE. Car­ pets, Draperies, Lamps, Dinner Seti, etc., shown in colors. People all over the world buy from it. WHY? Because it brings to them EIGHT FLOORS (EACH 208 X ISO FEED of goods In compact form to select from. JOHN M. SMYTH CO., LARGEST Ft! ft if ITU RE HOUSE »W THE WORLD. IM 1H, 1ft4, »(, »«, ICO, 162, 164, 1«« West Madison Street CHICACO. On His Native Nerve. "That was a strange experience," au- mitted the traveling man when some one had recalled the incident to him "I'll tell you on the level that ft coil' verted me to the theory that there is & destiny that shapes our end and that the fellow who is willing to drift ts not such a chump after all. "As the boys say, I was on my up­ pers. No one questioned my ability on the road. I could sell goods to men w^ho had no real use for them, and you'll admit that to be the supreme test of a drummer. If I had one forte above another, It was that of selling stoves. I could get rid of a hard-coal burner in a soft-coal district, and I could place a consignment of wood stoves in^tlie middle of a prairie dis­ trict. ^ "One morning I waked up in tbe mod­ ern Troy of New York, without a cent and without a job. To most mien the situation would have been as cold ais a polar expedition, but, as intimated, I'm a fatalist After jollying the bartender for a patriotic eocktall and the barber for a shave, I went to the nearest stove factory. The clock struck 12 Just as I entered the place. Before the band- some young man at the desk could say a word I had told liim that I was on time. I think the remark was the In­ spiration of axi'extremity. •' 'We'll not stop to discuss terms at this time,' he said. 'You have an hour in which to catch a train. Here's your expense money. It is a new route, but it will serve to try you out.' I was knocked daffy, but I took the money, caught the train, and sold stoves right and left. In a week I had a letter from tbe house asking who in the world I was and where I came from. The oth­ er fellow, for whom I was mistaken, had shown up and Claimed the Job. But they told me to fire away, and they raised my salary. I'm with 'em yet."-- Detroit Free Press. Hard LUCJE Story from Kansas. When the Ivirby bank failed in Abi­ lene a Santa Fe conductor had in it $2,000, which represented the savings of many years. In the course of^tlme he received $1,000 in dividends from1 the bank receiver, and this sum he de­ posited in the Cross bank at Emporia, which in turn failed. That Pimple On Your Face Is There to Warn Yeu of Impure Blood. Painful consequences may follow a neg­ lect of this warniug. Take Hood's Sarsa- paritla and it will purify your blood, care •11 humors and eruptions, and make you feel better in every way. It will warm, nourish, strengthen atid invigorate your whole body and prevent serious illness. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price fl. Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. S6oents. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW FOR 14 CENTS W* wish to gain this j+mr 300,000 nw» etwtomaia, and hum omr !** It " Long Lishtn'g Cocu*b«r I 1 8al««r'»pwrtl^ttue# 15c ; 1 CftUionU Pis TooMto.. „ „ 20c 1 " |ul; Dlnnar Oaton 10c I 8 " Brilllaat Flowar Seeds.... ,15c i Worth $1.00, forHCt* *1.001 Abora M pkg*-, worth tl.08, will1 mail yon fre«, toaathar withosrgraat Plant and Seaa Catalocua, upon re­ ceipt. of this aetlce and 14e postage i We invite your trade and know when i you once try Salaerti Seeds yon will never get along without thesn- 4Ni- lea Seed 68c and up a 5k. Pota­ to** at SI 80 a bbJ. Catalogue "" O.N. I •• tV I*. MNMNNMNNNN A Natural Black is Produced by Buckingham's Dye v£:r, S0«U. of druggi«t»ot R.P.Halllt Co.,NMhin.N.H. Co;lfish in th£ Penobscot. Codfishes weighing twenty-six pounds have been caught lately in the Penob­ scot River, whence their species disap­ peared fifty years ago. driven away by sawdust from the lumber mills. Sleepy Hollow Chair. The magnificently upholstered chair dis­ played in our advertising columns by the John M. Smyth Company, 150 to 106 West Madison street, Chicago, and offer­ ed for $5.25, shows what spiendid values this great furnishing house offers to the public. This is but one of the hundreds of household articles shown in their mam­ moth and handsomely illustrated cata-' logue sent free on application. The Joho M. Smyth Co. ship goods to families ia nearly every State in the Union. An Unfortunate Cujry, "1 always like to write with a soft lead pencil," remarked the young man. "Have you ever givou any study," in­ quired the cruelly thoughtless girl, "to the manner in which a person's charac­ ter will manifest itself In his handwrit­ ing!"--Washington Star. A Remedy for the Grippe. A remedy recommended for patients af­ filiated with the grippe is Kemp's Balsam, which is especially adapted to diseases of the throat and lungs. Do not wait for the first symptoms of the diseaae, but get » hot tie to-dns" and keep it on hand for use the moment it is needed. If negiected the grippe has a tendency to bring on pneumonia. The Balsam prevents this by keeping the cough loose. All druggists •ell the Balsam. utinina Youth. Auntie--A penny for your thoughts. Little nephew--I was thinking that If I kept quiet and pretended to be think­ ing you'd wonder what I was thinking about, and say just what you did. Gimme the penny! Trilling that Ooets. There Is a way of trifling that costs a heap of money. Neglect rheumatism and it may put one an crutches, with loss of time and money. St Jacobs Oil will cure it surely, right away. Longfello^ wrote "Hiawatha?* tt 48 and Oliver Wendell Holmes gave "Songs in Manj Keys" when be had passed his 55th birthday. Henry A. Salter, manager of the Ma A. Salaer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis^ sent his alma mater, the Charles City, Iowa, College, a New Year's gift «f Awe thou­ sand dollars. Human nature is so constituted that all see and judge better in the affairs of other men thaa in their Terence. 94 Boon To New Orleans or to Jacksonville via the Queen and Crescent Limited trains from Cincinnati, 54 tours through te Havana. When a man has no design but to speak plain truth he may say a great deal in a very narrow compass.--Sat­ urday Evening Post. To Florida. Queen and Crescent Two Fast Vestltraled trains daily Cincinnati te Jacksonville. Look on slanderers as direct enemies to civil society; aa persons without hon­ or. honesty or humanity. PERIODS OF PAIN. The woman who always' •mile is faultlessly dressed. wean a Menstruation, the balance wheel of woman's life, is also the bane of exist­ ence to many because it means a time of great s'lflfprinflr. While no woman is entirety ircr trans. periodical pain, it does not seem to have been na­ ture's plan that women otherwise healthy should suffer so severely. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vege­ table Com­ pound is the most thorough fe male regula­ tor known to medical sci­ ence. It relieves the condition that pro­ duces so much discomfort and robs men­ struation of its terrors. Here is proof: DEAR MRS. PIN'KIIAM:--How can 1 thank you enough for what you have done for me ? When I wrote to you I was suffering untold pain at time of menstruation; was nervous, had head­ ache. all the time, no appetite, that tired feeling, and did not care for anything. I have taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, one of Blood Purifier, two boxes of Liver Pills, and to-day I am a well person. I would like to have those who suffer know that I am one of the many who have been cured of female complaints by your wonderful medicine and advice. --Miss JENNIE E. MILES. Leon, Wis If you are suffering in this way, write as Miss Miles did to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., for the advice which shs oScik free of charge*© all women. J LARGEST IM THE WQRklX Cki«BO Furniture Hoaae Ha* niahed Nearly a Million IIonm. To be the largest furniture hoase in the war Id is a distinction which the gohn M. Smyth Company, 15P .to 1GG We$t kadi- son street, Chicago; enjoys. An idea of the magnitude of the establishment may be gained from the fact that Jhe building contains seven and one-half acres of floor apace and that during its thjfd of a cen­ tury of business it has furnished nearly three-quarters of a million homes, or more than the entire population of Some States. One of the business principles of the firm is if goods are not as represented they may be returned and the money will be refunded. The firm issues a large, beau­ tifully illustrated catalogue of household goods which are retailed at wholesale prices. It will be gent free on ^pplicatioa. I erainlne Siaterliaewv "What made you lose your place In the line?" ? • "Because I waint going to be kissed by the lieutenant right ofte* he smack- e<l that odious, peppermint chewing Bagley giri:"~-Clev,elaijd Plain Dealer, Try Grain-O! Tpj Qralo-O! . Ask your Grocer to-day to show yt>« a packageof GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The chil­ dren may drink it without injury as well as the adult. AU who Lry > it. like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but It is made from pur* grains, and the most delicate stomach re­ ceives it withont distress. 44 the price of coffee. 15c. and 25 cts. per package. Sold by all grocers. -- "' •< . v. a. It Is estimated that the whole coal supply of our planet would barely suf­ fice to produce hpat,- equal to that which the sun dissipates in one-teuth of a second. • • ' Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan­ gerous. Don't think because a man is a mil­ lionaire that be suffers less 'with the toothache than a poor man. . Piso'a Cure for Consumption has saved me large doctor bills.--C. L. Baker, 4228 llegent Sq., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, '95. Dr. Hartman is receiviag ha letters every day about his edy for la grippe. Ordinary seem of no use. Pe-ru-na is the < edy that entirely eradicates born disease from the system. son for this is that €Vni^na Is a aAat- tific catarrh remedy; it cares ctfaafcfe all stages and phases. La grigye demic catarrh; Hon. Josiah B. Allen, Clerk «C tfceflfc- preine Court of Ohio, writes Or. Haft- man on the subject of la grippe as fldk lows: •. COLUMBUS, O.. April U*. The Pe-ru-na Drug M'f'g Co.: Gentlemen--I have been uffiktei a disease, commonly known as is every winter since that disease covered. I have tried many without success. This spring I va duced to try a bottle of Pe-ra-ea. V i now taken two bottles and have much benefit therefrom, la symptoms of the disease seeSa ta me. Therefore I cheerfully the virtues of Pe-ru-na. Yours truly, • Jesiah B. Address The Pe-ru-na ©rug tnring Company, Columbus, free book on catarrh, written Ig fl Hartman, entitled "Winter CatanftL** V'v JtVfefletaWePrcpatatkmfor As­ similating tfaelood aodRegula- ting the Stomachs andBowels of 1 M V M S ( m i D i u \ CUSTOM For Infants and ChiMwifc ' The Kind You Havi Always Bought Promotes THgcstton.Cheerful- ness andftest.Cotitains neither Oraun.Morptiine nor Mineral. NOT NABC OTIC. SmJ~ Mrltntm * ' . AdMbJaflfr- ABOfcct'SeKscdy fter Csftstisfi- tion, Sour Stomach,Diafrtoea, Worms,Convulsions,Feverish oess and LOSS OF SlEJER FAcSioik Signature af NEW "YOHK,'! .. noHi RV39B 81! Bears EXACT CdPT or WftAPPEB. CASTORH THT CENTAUR COMPANY. NCW VIM «|KI ASK % you know to save their tin tags for you The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, "J. T." Cross Bow, Good Luck--and Drumxiiond Natural Leaf!--will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things--and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man, woman and child in America can find something on this list that they would like to have and can have--FREE] Write your name and address plainly and send every tag yoa can get to us--mentioning the number of the present you want. Any assortment of the different kinds of taes mentioned above will be accepted as follows: 1 Match Box, quaint design, im­ ported from Japan 2 Knife, one blade, good steel 8 Scissors, 4^-inch, good steel .... 4 Chili's Set, Knife, Fork and Spoon 5 Salt and Pepper, one each, quad­ ruple plate on white metal 6 Razor, hollow ground, fine English steel 7 Butter Knife, triple plate, best qua). 8 Sugar Shell, triple plate, best quality iple pi plepla 9 Stamp Box, sterling silver 10 Knife, "Keen Kutter," two blades 70 11 Butcher Knife, " Keen Kutter," 8-inch blade 76 12 Shean, " Keen Kutter," 8-inch, nickel 75 13 Nut Set, Crjeker and 6 Picks, silver 80 14 Nail Kile, sterling silver, amethyst set, 6-inch 100 15 Tooth Brush, sterling silver, ame­ thyst set, 6-inch ........ 100 16 Paper Cutter, sterling silver, ame­ thyst set, 7-inch 100 17 Base BalL "Association/* bestqua). 100 18 Watch, stem wind and set, guaran­ teed good time keeper 200 v This offer «xpir«8 iovtmbtr 30,1899. Addrtss all your Tags and the correspondence about then to DRUMMOND BRANCH, St. Louis, Nto. 19 Alarm Clock, nitkd, warranted .. M 30 Carver*, buck horn handle, gaod steel aoa 21 Six_ Rogers' Teaspoons, best qua]. 7M 22 Knives and Forks, six each, btjek- horn handles 330 29 Clod, 8-day, Calendar, Thermoxa- eter, Barometer Mi 24 Stove, Wilson Heater, ate No. 90 or No. 40 m 88 Tool Set, not playthings, but raid 98 Toilet Set, decorated porcehn, very handsome 8W 27 Watch, solid silver, full jeweled . 1409 38 Sewing Machine, first class, with all attachments ISO# 29 Revolver, Colt's, best quality .... .1500 80 Rifle, Winchester. 16-shot, 22-cal.l 31 Shot Gun, double barrel, hammer- less, stub twist .3000 82 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood,«•? bid with ir other-of- pearl 9000 93 Bicycle, siaiKkrd make, ladies* or cents' BOOKS--30 choice selections as last year's list, 40 tag* "Use the Means and Heaven Will Give You the Blessing." Never Neglect u A Useful Article Like •, .... _3»£. •. . & .

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