Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1899, p. 8

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'X»>: . - •: -r • ,» *t,, - * - x. * *• - • • ,v f DANGERS OF THE GRIP. tts fNktHt danger from LaGrlpp* 'to III tHWilHlnir In pneumonia. If renaon- t&fc)can ii nnd, however, and Chamber- Isis'a Ooogh Remedy taken, all danger vQI %» avoided. Among the tens of 'thOQMMids who have used this remedy forlagrippe we have yet to learn of a attgiseaM bavin? resulted in pneumonia wSeh shows conclusively thet this rem- ad|r is a certain preven: ive of that dan- mra'uz SSiwase. It will core !«• grippe in Msg thuo than any other remedy. It i« pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Jt A. Story. That prreat farm and live stock paper, the Prairie Farmer, published for oyer fltty years in Illinois, is now organizing Prairie farmer clubs, and is making a Bf>ecial price to club members in this ODunty. There is a club being formed in Almost every township in the conntv: bnt for the benefit of neighborhoods tlie sole purpose of inducing evtry good ' farmer and stock raiser who reads this to t»-y the paper for a full year. Just think of it! A big weekly paper for fifty-, two solid weeks for 50 cents. Every one Of our readers should subscribe at once; •nd if there is not eome one already forming a club in your neighborhood, Cet one up yourself, secure the necessary Hve members and remit to The Prairie -farmer Publishing Co., Chicago, before the offer is withdrawn. We will also be 8lad to have our readers men Hon that lis special notice appeared in, this jtapsr. • -;j. An Hoasat Kedieine for La Grippe. :**i Geo. W. Waitt, of South Gardiner, Me., riyw: "I have had the worst cough, cold jhille and grip and have taken lots of trash of no account but profit to tht "tendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 'is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one 50- «ent bottle and the chills, cold and grip itave all left me. I congratulate the ?*iauufacturers of au honest medicine." For sale by J. A. Story. Men's Duck Coats, all sizes and grades, t M J. W alsh's. Are You<as Easily Tired? juat remember that all your strength must come from your food, Did you ever tWnk of thatP , ' . Perhaps your muscles neea more strength, or your nerves; or perhaps your stomach is weak and cannot digest what you eat. . ... If you need more strength then take scorrs EMULSION Of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites. 'i'he oil is me most easily changed of all foods into strength j and the hypophos- phites are the best tonics for the nerves. SCOTT'S EMUL­ SION is the easiest and quickest cure for weak, throats, for coughs of every kind, and for all cases of de­ bility, weak nerves, and loss of flesh. 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ; Spa LUNG Trouble liang troubles, such as pleurisy or acute inflammation of the lungs, should be carefully treated to avoid serious consequences. These ailments are quickly overcome by the prompt use of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, a won­ derful remedy, which always gives relief at once, eases coughing, allays all inflammation, and by its healing influence soon effects a thorough cure. DrBnll's Cough Syrup Cures all Lung and Throat Trouble. Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price as cents. At all druggists. TALK IS I*'* CHEAP A Talking Machine, a 8inging Machin and a Musical Instrument, Colombia Grapljapljoije for $10 X. This is the most perfect Talking Machine ii r OH the market. Gome and ass for f *'* yourself at MILO HOWE'S, 'West McHenry - Illinois DEALER IN The artistic standard, the favorite **Lndwig" Magnificent Piato at a rea sonable price. The world renown "Lyon "i & Mealy" Parlor and Church Organ v The cremona tone "Washburn" Mando lin, Guitar and Zither, tbe standard of the world. The world-wide famed "Do­ mestic" Sewing Machine without equal for simplicity, durability, light running and cheapness. I UNIVERSAL PROVIDER, ORIGINATOR OF LOWEST PRICES THE MILL: END SALE To be held in our store fo<i one entire week commencing Monday, Feb. 13, will be A Customer of Mine using a PEWINSuLAK HEATING • . J. D. LODTZ, McHENRY, ILL. A itistic Tailor. It is the original Mill l5od S le designed and executed by Mr. G, A. Loefcbftrt, tbe spent of numerous large eastern mills. Mr Lock hurt wil» conduct the sale i<r person, and publicly explain on tbe floors ot ouv store why the»e l*rge uiill contractors take this method of disposing ot their enornious accumulation Thousands a d thousands ot yaids of Prints, Perciles, Sheetings,' Ging­ ham* Ores. Go* d*, Silk*, Linens and * ther yard gooda, broken dizes, em til lot* and accumulations of all goods that a mmafacturer is w.lliriar to sell at a price, lie he maker of Shoes, Hosiery, Under­ wear, Glove?, Cloaks, Tinware or anj thiDg whatsoever. ALL TO BE SOLD AT ACTUAL MILL END COST. You will never know what Mill End Cost means until you come to tbis sale, for this advertise­ ment gives only an inkling, the half can not be told. To accommodate oar patrons our store will be jpen every evening during shis mone«rs ving week. The following are a few of the many extra ordinary values that await you: New - Spring - Sample UUST RECEIVED.: 1 have just received^the fi est line of New Spring Sample* « vo brought to tbis town, and invite the public to call and look them over. Foil Suits or Sinile Garments Made to order on thort notice *nJ at bottonj prices. A FIT GUARANTEED. Call and see me. I am sure can phase you in quality ol goods and price. J. D. LODTZ. McHenry, Nov. 22,1898. NEW HOTEL -AND- Boarding House Water Street. McHenry, ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor completed my new am now prepared to Having building I take Boarders by the Day or Week Give them the best accommo dations, and at REASONABLE RATES. My Rooms are all newly fur nished, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire Proof No pains will be spared to please all who may favor me with their patronage. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111.* 1897. HEAB THE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY, ILL Seeps open for I be accommodation of th Public a FirBt-Olas# P Saloon and Restaurant Wb*re he will at all times keep the bes brands of Wines. Liquors and Cigars to be found in tbe market PABST'8 ms Itef WlwukM Ltgir Bin At Wholesai and Retail. Beer In large or small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper tb&n any otber. quality considered. Ordei* by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOB HOBSEn 9 Odl and see us. Robt. Schiessie. West McHenry, May 2,1898, ^ ^ p 'Jit*' t 4^ J. M. BQNSLETT, ^PtumlDing 0. Contractor. IS IMs of Sanitary PIUBMIII PEOMPTLY ATTENDED TO Has just received a very com­ plete stock of Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs, CloietSi Lavatories and Fixtures. Stssm anil lot Water Heating. Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized and Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- •tett'0 Agricultural Implement Building, McHKNRY, ILL. WHAT TO READ. Some Prominent Chioagoans Express Opinions. In these enlightened times every person who pretends to keep in touch with the progress of the world must ' read a first-class daily metropolitan newspaper. They whoi would select the best should be guided by the opin ions of prominent newspaper-men who know. Read the following: " There is no question as to the position occupied by The Chicago Tribune. Its en­ terprise has been too often demonstrated, As a local and American news-gathering in­ stitution it has no superior and few equals. In the matter of foreign cables, no other paper west of New York can be compared to it. These are the things, of course, that go to make a complete and great news­ paper. CARTER H. HARRISON." Now Mayor of Chicago, formerly publisher Chicago Times. " The Chicago Tribune Is the best news­ paper in the world. I consider its make up and facilities for gathering news unequaled, although I do not agree with it politically. " WASHINGTON HESING." The lute Postmaster. Chicago, and pub­ lisher Staats Zeitung. " The Cliicnr: , Tr" ur • is beyond question thi ffveteet ii*. .vBpjpir In the West, if not in the cou:,:r", " M/.HTTN J.-RUSSELL." H.Ut?r-ln-Cl:icf Chicago Chronicle. Your Postmaster or newsdealer will take your ?ubecriptlon for a trW period. For which he paid me 130. remarked to his neighbor that he would not sell it f >r $ 00 if be could not pet another like it. This is pleading to lis, atvi d^ubtlees is to the nvmv owners ol Stoves in this and other vicinities, Now I am handling the Peninsular Stoves, Ranges Hill End Linir gs. Thirty-six inch Percalines, drab, slate, brown and black, we will cat you any length, a usual 15c grade mill end price, yd *c. Double fold heavy twill Silesia, all colors, 1 to 5 yds lengths, cannot be matched at I2$c from the piece, mill etid price per yd, 4£c. Lining Cambrics one of the best makes, 1 to 5 yd pieces, in all colors and black, usual piece price 5c yd, mill end price yd lc Thirty-six inch black Taffetas, usual price 15c, mi'l end price 7c. Mill End Prints and Percales. Light colored sheeting Prints, black, blue, pink and brown figures, always 5c yd from the piece, mill end pipce, 3c. Dress Prints, reds, cardinals and pinks, good lengths, staple goods at 5c yd, mill end price per } d, 3£c. Dress Prints, pretty colors, latest, newest dress skirts, 2 to 10 yd lengths, mill end piice per yd, 4c. Thirty-six inch Percales, med­ ium and dark shades, stripes, checks, plaids and figures, retail price every whore 12£c, mill end price yd, 7£c. Mill End Hosiery and Underwear. Ladies fast black stainless dye Hose, full fashioned, perfect shape, a good 15c value at any other time, our mill end price 7c. Ladies gray mixed ribbed cot­ ton Vests, heavy fleece-lined, less than manufacturers cost, in our mill end sa'e price 19c. Mill End Outing Flannels. Very choice designs in dainty shades of blue, yellow and pink Outing Flannels, extra fleece and fast colors, sold at 8c everywhere, mill end price, 4£c. Extra fine Outing Flannels, heavy fleeced, newest and pret­ tiest designs and colors, mill end price 6c. Mill End Domestics. Lonsdale Cambrics in lengths 1 to 10 yds, some stores sell it off the piece at 12$c, and it is aever sold less than 10c, mill end price 9£c. Bleached Muslin, 36-in soft finished goods, worth from 6c to 8c yd from the piece, in skirt lengths, yd 4£c. Unbleached Cotton, 36-in, fine even thread, try to match it at 5c, mill end price 3£c. Valentines. We have always been head­ quarters for Valentines, this year our stock is larger, our variety greater and our prices lower than ever before. Beautiful lace val­ entines that usually sell at 24, 68 and 10c, our prices are 12, 34 and 5c. Kegular art novelties at 5c. Hill M Giulianis. Apron Ginghams in different size checks, the real good quality, in blues, browns and fancies, the mi l end price per yd, 3Xc. Three thousand yds soft mo dess finished Ginghams, in dre»s styles, a grace that is always 12X from the piece, hundreds o* styles to pick from, 1 to 10 yc lengths, mill end price yd 7c. Ladies Handwear in Vill fnds. Twenty doz Ladies Kid Gloves in tans, browns, slates, blues, grayes, reds and blacks, mended gloves, with slight imperfections, none are perfect, if they were you would pay $1.00 per pair, but because of these slight imper­ fections the manufacturers closed the lot out to us and the mill end sale saves you 41c per pair, for we sell at 59c. Ladies Silk Mittens, a manu­ facturer s sample line, single, double and wool-lined, choice per pair, 49c. Dress Goods, Mill Ends. One thousand yds brocade two- toned, wool novelty suitings, plaids, serges, cashmeres and flannels, you can find any length you want in this lot, the regular price value would jbe 29c to 39c, mill end price 21c. Choice blue new spring novelty Dress Goods, bought at mill end prices though they aie full pieces, such goods you never before see marked less than pricc yd 25c. 40c_mill end Mustin Urderpearin ill Ends. Ladies Corset Covers, of good muslin, perfect fitting, made pon honor, in the mill end sale each, 12c. Ladies Drawers, of good mus­ lin, trimmed with cluster of tucks well made, mill end price, 16c. UNITED STATES War Claim Agency -OF- W. Hi COWLIN, WOODSTOCK, - ILLINOIS. Prosecution of all kindB and clansrH of Claims Against tbe United States for ex-S.ildierg, their Widowe, Dependent Relatives or heirs. A specialty, the prosecution of old a claims; also in all claims of the Late War with Spain. A1 cations promptly answered stamps are enclosed for reply Win. H. Cowl!**, Office at residence, Madison Bt^Wood* Stock, IU. Miscellaneous Mill Ends Felt Window Shades, complete 9c. Table Oil Cloth, best grades, 11c. Six-foot Horse Whip, 7c. Dexter Riveting machine; 39c. Good Buggy Harness, $4.98. Groceries in JMill End Sale. Soda Crackers per lb, 7c. No. 3 Crown Raisins, 8c. Eight bars Lenox Soap, 25c. One qt sweet Pickels, 15c. Ten lbs Oat Meal for 25c. One lb crushed Java, 18c. One pkg Matches 9c. One Lottie Maple Syrup, 2E5c. Men'sFurnishings From an overstocked maker of Men's Overalls we secured a lot that are the identical that cloth­ ing stores ask 50c for, in the mill end sale, 33c. Hardware in Mill End Sale. Four-tine long handle manure fork, 33c. Steel ax with "handle, all sizes, 65c. Fourteen qt heavy iron clod milk pail, 29c. No 8 tin wash boiler, copper bottom, 55c, Fourteen qt heavy tin dish pan, 13c. No. 8 granite tea kettle, 50c. Mill End Linens. Five hundred yds Table Dam ask, bleached and half-bteached 2 to 4 yd len jths, the sarae poods from the piece would cost 40 to 50c yd, mill end price, 24c. Crash Towling in all linen, heavy cotton and union goods, 1 to 8 yds lengths, per yd mill end price, 4c. and Furnaces •; '11 And the foregoinsr is onV to show true Satisfaction^ this line of 8tcvea are giving. I have 45 of thesa stoves tarnplfd on my floor and invite inspection <rom all. It will be worth your time to call nnd see them. F. L. McOMBER. West S'de jjardware Store The McHenry Marble and Granite Works. All Kinds of CEMETERY WORK It Low Prices. Full4.1ft* of FINISHED WORK Always on Hand. Mill End Silks. Plain, colored and fancy plaid and stripe silk, mill ends 1 to 5 yd lengths, but we will cut you any length you want, values up tofl.OCaiid $1.25 in lot, mill end price all go at 59c. Colored sateens for trimmings and fancy work, all bright, new shades, will cut any length you want, mill end price 43c. * Mill Enil Ladies Wrappers, Skirts. Ladies Wrappers, stylishly made 6> prints and percdep, good width skirt, well made, mill end price, 49c. Ladies skirt of black brocade corded material, bound with cor­ duroy. lined with taffeta, latest style, cut, you cannot match ft dt $2 00 elsewhere, for the mill end sale we have only 100, they go at $1 49. Shoes in Hill Ends Sale- Ladies leather top, leather foxed, leather hole, lace and but­ ton shoes, a $1 25 value for 79c. A II 50 value for 98e. Ladies Dongola Kid, and Im­ perial calf , lace and button shoes, all bizes. regular value $1 50, choice $1 09. Men's Satin, Calf, Coin, Globe and London toe. lace and con­ gress, double soles, regular value $1 75 to $2 00, for $1 39 Mill End Drugs. One hundred and fifty, 2-grain quinine pills. 19c. Five lb pkg sulphur, 2lc. Hood's Sarsaparilla. 69c. WilliamsPink Pill*, 37c. Foreign and American Granite a. Specialty. McHcnry, 1". J. H. MILLER. We Are Headquarters for FARM MACHINERY Of all Kinds. BUGGIESI BUGGIES! Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier And the Columbia, A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. U hj' take chances on inferior work when about the same m.mey will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable and stylish. There are none better. WAGONS AND TRUCKS, Always on hand and prices always right. And don't forge that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters- when in McHenry, and we are dnly too glad to show our stock whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. Very Truly Yours, MoIIenry, July 27, 1898. T. J. WALSH. You know there is much more painting done now-a-days than of old, but did you know there is a far better way to do it? Paint­ ing is no exception to other things. The art has not stood still. You can still buy some white lead (are you a judge of it?) and some oil (are you Q- judge of that?) and find a neighborly painter and have some paint made; but as sure as you aft I alive there is a bet­ ter way. Are you awake to tbe fact that you can get a paint that is made for the particular work you want done, of the best materials combined in tile best proportions, mixed in the best way; and that will do more than any other paint will do? If this is not true, then The Sherwin-Williams Paint factory with its tons of daily output and its thirty years of wonderful growth, is a pure miracle. "Paint Points'* will help you paint right, it s free. TH* QHKKWtN-WH.UAM3 OOm PAINT AMO Coto* MAttmM, «1-- lUw Iw* Ml BiitoH EL B. PERKINS, McHENBY, ILLINOIS. Paint and Wall Paper House JL 46 We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and sec our Wall Paper Patterns, represesting the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. * Room Mouldings to Match all Wafl Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties an<| first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to gft estimates on work. E. B. PE&K1HS, ;s> * 4 "*~14 »&> • Jt£i LtiM&

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