Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1899, p. 7

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iffi If it was only health, we might let it diitf. But it Is K cough. One coM sooner passes off before another comes. But it's die same old cough all the time. And it's the same; old story, too. There is first the cold, then the cough, then pneu­ monia or consumption with the long sickness, and life tremb­ ling in the balance. _ ,.v loosens the grasp of your cough. Hie congestion of the throat and lungs is removed; nil in­ flammation is subdued; the parts are put perfectly at rest and the cough drops away. 'It lias no diseased tissues «# 'Which to hang. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster draws out inflammation of the fangs. } Xtfrfoa fna> jKemembar we hiTt a M«dl<"aU9ep»rt- 'Went. If TOO have *NY mifenhnnt wlitt- •Ter and aestre the beet mtdic&l atlvle* Sou can possibly obtain! write' th« octor freely. Yon wlf. receive * inorapt reply. without coit. ™ Address, DR. jjc. ATER. Lowell, Mass. Proving Alibi. j'ltoa't know ttmmto ptead, don't you?" scowled the judge. ' Did you or did you not steal these chickens, as -charged?" "No, sah, an *1 kin proobit, sah." "That's your privilege." "Yes, sah, an' I kin brtAg fo'ty ob de best geui'inen in my nefglibo'hood to sw'ar to my cha'acta', sah. Don't dat papali done say dey was. ^ dozen thick­ ens an 'eight wa' stofelp ^ I- :r S You are right." Yas, sah, I is fight. s,'Atfr"«wi"jl,;taie ob dein gem'men will sw'ar on dey sol­ emn oaf dat I neber raided no hen roos' yet when I didn't lif every pullet on de pe'eh. Dat's no job of mine."--Detroit Fpe Press. Aaed Woman K'dca a Bicycle, fbt oldest bicyclist is a woman aged 93, who is an adept rider. Most people could enjoy health until old age if they took precautions to prevent diseases of the digestive organs by taking an occa­ sional dose of Hostetter's Stomach Bit­ ters. Even after dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation have secured a foothold the Bitters will afford relief. A Delusion that Was Dan serous. Professor Hugh Scott says that Pro­ fessor Henry Drummoud, when a boy, discovered that he could hypnotize peo pie. At a birthday party a little girl declined to* plav trtie^nano. Drummond happened to catch her eye. and said "Play," To his surprise she rose at once, went to the piano, and played At another time he hypnotized a boy, and gave Him a poker for a gun. Now," satd Drummond, "I'm a pheas­ ant; shoot me." The boy did so, and Druuimoml fell to keep up the illusion, whereupon the boy, seeing the "bird" move, was about to hit it over the' head with the poker. The hypnotizer had just time tostop the magnetised sports­ man. >•-. •1 p-a-/ m EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP 9F FWS la due not only to the originality and ^Simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it ia manufactured by scientific processes khown to the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthlesa imitations manufactured by other par­ ties. The high standing of the CALI­ FORNIA Fie SYKUP CO. with the medi­ cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs haa • given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all otL'jr laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken­ ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company -- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP 00. '• ^ ' 9AM FRANCISCO, Oat. 1 MTOTILI.K. Kr- NEW TORS, If. Y. Sent Free to All. The John M. Smyth Company, 150 to 16G West "Madison street, Chicago, is the largest household furnishing establish­ ment in the world. Their immense and beautifully illustrated catalogue, showing •style and quality of all kinds of furniture, carpets, bicycles, sewing machines, china, lace curtains, office and church furniture, is sent free on application. This great catalogue not only illustrates the styles and quality, but gives prices for all arti­ cles as well. It should be in every family. Halted. "Stop, or I'll shoot!" called out the .policeman. - ' "Ha, ha!" ̂ laughed the malefactor, nor paused in his flight. "Stop," the policeman now shouted, "c? I'll shoot, at random!" Here the malefactor halted at once; 'for even to such as he life is sweet.-- Detroit Journal. YOU i II Cures Colds. Coughs. Sore Throat. Croup. In- •uGiua.WhoopingCough.Bronchttisand Asthma. Jt certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at once. You wilt see the excellent effect after liking the first dose Sold by dealers everji- ahere. Large bstiles 25 cents and 50 cents. We wish to pain tlii* year 200,000 new "u- fr-mera, and henoe offer 1 1'kg. 13 l>ay Radioh KJo 1 Pks. Early Ripe Cabbage lOo 1 E&rliefct Ked Beet.... 10c 1 " Long l ightn'r Cucumber.. 10c BaJzer's Best Lettuce l&c Cfciifornin Fig Tomato 20o Early Dinner Onion 10c Brilliant Flower Seeds 15c $U» Worth $1.00, for 14 Cts Abc^e 10 pkgs., worth $1.00, we will mall you free, together with our great ^ Plant and Seed i atalogne, upon re- ; ceipt of tliis notle .' and 14e jxmtnffe We invite your trade and know when you once try Seize?'© s*eed® you will n*r*r«et along without them. On­ ion See4 68c and up a lb. Pot*- tee* at $1.S20 a bbl. Catalogue aione 6 cents. No. C. N. \ 40HN A. SALE ICR SEED CO., La Crowe.Wli. On ton Seed 68c and Up a lib. 'Catalogue tells how to grow 1,213 bus. •per acre as easily as 100 bushels. Largest f rowers of Earliest Vegetables and Farm eeds. Earliest vegetables always pay. Salzer's Seeds produce them weeks ahead • of others. Coffee Berry 15c. per lb. Pota­ toes $1.20 a Bbl. Cuttl;;sout and send with 14c. for great Catalogue and 10 packages of vegetable and flower seed novelties to JOHN A. SALZEIt SEED COMPANY. LA CROSSE, WIS. (c. <n.> A» ' he KxpreweH It. "Yes," said the lady from Boston, speaking of her favorite letcurer, "he Is one whom the lady would designate as a biscuit John." "Beg pardon?" said the member of the laity. "Oh, to be explicit, a crackerjack."-- Indlanpolis Journal. FINDERS KEEP; LOSERS WEEP. What Would Ton Do If Ion Found a Hum of KoneiT "Talking of finding things," said the Shopper who was lunching "With a friend, "did you ever think what you would do if you found a roll of money?" Mercy, no," said the friend, looking up from her chocolate In a startled way. "I suppose I should at once look for the owner," Don't be too sure of that," said the first matron. "I thought the same thing until I had the experience. I believe we all have a dishonest streak in us somewhere, and it is such a temptation --you can't know anything about it un­ til you are tried." But you don't mean to say you found some money and never tried to find an owner?" "It looked that way at the time. I was shopping in one of our big depart­ ment stores, and while I waited for my goods I took a seat at an opposite coun­ ter, and looking acrops t saw a roll of bills lying on the tioof jftet as some one had dropped them. Now, what ought I to have done?" "Picked them up and given them to the floorwalker," said the other wom­ an, emphatically; "that is what I would have done." ' ' "Maybe you would aiad maybe you would not," retorted her friend. "I just stooped and picked up that money, and sat and wondered how much it was, and what I could buy with it, and I kept it in my hand until I got home, and then I never said a word to Harry or anybody else. \t was the first mon­ ey I had ever found in my life and I felt too rich for anything." • "But, my dear, your conscience, did it not trouble you?" "Not a bit, at least not then, but the next morning when 1 awoke I felt as If I had committed some dreadful crime. And I made a clean breast of it to Harry!" "And he advertised for the owiler of the money?" "He didn't, for I was the real owner myself. I had been stealing my own money. When I opened my pocket book and looked in the compartment where 1 kept my shopping money it was empty, and Harry reckoned up what I had spent, and what I should have had, and that was the amount. When I opened my pocketbook to give even Change for my purchase at that counter I dropped the money, but in my greed at finding it never suspected that. It was really and lawfully my own. But, oh, my dear, never say what you would do or wouldn't do under certain circum­ stances until you have been tried. I never dreamed I would hold myself up."--Chicago Times-Herald. A CONGRESSMAN Cured of Catarrh of Long: Standing. THE MAN or FALLEN FORTUNES. I •lOO Reward, SIOO. The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. catarrh iK-inpr a constitutional dis­ ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the ills ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing lb work. The proprietors have so much faitli in its curative powers that they offer One HuuUred Dollar> for any case that it falls to cure. Send tor list of testimonials. Address, F. .1. CHFNEY &CO-, Toledo, O. iW-Hoi<i by Druggists, Behind Hie Back. "Jonglers is always worrying for fear somebody will undermine his reputa­ tion." "He's foolish, r Nobody whose word is worth considering will ever get down that far." In Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. During winter your feet feel uncomfort­ able. nervous, and often cold and damp. If you have perspiring, smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It warms and rests the feet and makes wa Iking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a certain cure for chilblains and' frost bites. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package mailed FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. A Toon for the Liipins Girl. !'What a boon to the lisping girl are the Spanish names." "Why?" "Think how easy it is for her to say 'Thervera,' •Vithcaya,' 'Cadith' and 'Pontha.'"-- 'Kansas City Star. What Do the Children Drink? PAR 14 CENTS Si Don't gire them tea or coffee. Have • you tried the new food drink called [ tlltAlN-O? It is delicious and nourish- j ing, and takes the place of coffee. The < more Grain-O you give the children the • more health you distribute through their ' systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, [ and when properly prepared tastes like i the choice grades of coffee, but costs about V4 as much. All grocers sell it- 15c. and 25c. The population of the earth at the time of Emperor Augustus Is estimated at 54,000.000. It Is now estimated to be about 1,580.000,000. DUE GOOD DEALER WANTED In fym- town where not represented NOXALb PURE HIXED PAINTS Finest an* most diirsMe. Colors always Uniterm and guaranteed. ENTERPRISE PAINT MFG. CO., Makers, ChicafA. ENSIGNS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. JOHN W. MORRIS. WASHINGTON.D.A Uto Principal Eualut C. 8. FenHai Biriw S rn. ia iMt war. 15 aajud ic&tia* elaimi. atty No N. U VPE f Go to Work. Go t« work on lumbago as if y«a In­ tended to cut-e It, and with the use of St. Jacobs Oil It can be cured very promptly and surely. Rub hard for pen­ etration. The Prince of Wales WOR $185,000 on the English turf two years ago. Last year his winnings dropped to $30,000. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go st once; delays are dan­ gerous. It is of no use running; to set out betimes is the main point.--Fontaine. ^ROTSmhtr Ml*. *2 par acre Malhalt, gff et£in?V cottena the Mrs. WiasloWs SOOTWIWO HTBTTJ. FOR Chlldraa (detain*: aottena the jrt allaya pain, cutac wind colic. tuns, rea nee* Inflammation, canta a bottle. WANTED.--Case ot bad health that HIP-AN-8 will KbHMflt. Bead S cents to Itlpana Cbeaeiesl OSW r Yscftrfer L^WIESTTAWRIW MX Wrecker*. "Caesar's Creek," on the Florida coast, was named after a famous old pirate, called Black Caesar, whose pro­ fession added to the risks of marine in­ surance. After the pirates the "Flor­ ida wreckers" came, of whom H. A. Willoughby, in his "Across the Ever­ glades," tells this story: A large steamer Was stranded on the reef not far from Cape Florida; no sooner had she struck than the news spread rapidly along the shore. The people for twenty miles around gather­ ed on the beach opposite the stranded steamer. Among them were a num­ ber of Indians from the Everglades, who. chance^ to be down there, and knew what a "wreck" meant to the wreckers. The steamer, loaded with an assorted cargo, began to break up, and barrels, cases and boxes drifted gradually ashore. There were casks of wine, boxes of soap, cases of bottles of wine and iron, and a hundred other articles. The Indians seized upon the wine, and soon were in a condition that allowed the white men to secure the more val­ uable prizes. The squaws struck a bonanza in a case of vaseline. They thought It a new variety of the white man's frying fat, and starting a fire fritkl pancakes in it. What a dish--pancakes a_la Sem­ inole! Mixed Them Up. It Is such an unusual thing for one wife to flow into another so smoothly as not to ruffle the placid flow of the general stream, that the experience of a delightful old elder in the church seems worthy to be recorded. Says the New York Times: The elder, who was married early In life and is now living with his third wife, was talking recently of the Civil War. "It was so dirty In Washington after the war," he was saying to the assem­ bled company. "The streets were dirty, and even the inside of the buildings. Why, we were stopping at one of the best hotels in the city, and It was aston­ ishing, th§ condition of that" place. Don't you ijemember, my dear," he said, turning to his wife for corroboration, "how dirty the rooms we occupied were?" "No," answered Mrs. Elder, with a little laugh, shaking her head; "you forget I wasn't your dear then." fjord Rostbery's Tact. ^Rosefoery is said to he a delightful host, and has a knack of putting people at their ease with a tact that is as keen as it is natural. The Scots pictorial says that upon one occasion Lord Rose- bery was entertaining a large party and had, among other rural guests, a farmer who had tasted ice cream for the first time." Thinking something had gone wrong in the kitchen, and desiring to save his fellow guests the pain of his own experience, he whispered to his host that the pudding bad by some mis­ chance got frozen. His lordship listen­ ed gravely, without moving a muscle of his face, tasted the pudding, and thanked the farmer, and then called a servant. After some little conversation he turned to the farmer with a relieved expression affd said: "It's all right, Mr. ; they, tell me it is a new kind of pudding and is frozen on purpose." Thereafter the farmer partook of hie portion with evident relish. The Age of Niagara. A geologist of some note has been studying the wear and tear of Niagara, and lias made calculations therefrom in order to And out the age of the fa­ mous falls. He has come to the conclu­ sion that they have just completed their ten-thousandth birthday, and are as vigorous now as ever they were. A spinster says the opportunity J* more often a failure than marriage. Ex-Congressman A. T. Goodwyn. Ex-Congressman A. T. Qoodwyn, from Alabama, writes the following letter: The Pe ru-na Drug Manufacturing 'Coal' pany, Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen--I have now used two bottles of Pe ru-na, and am a well uian to-day. 1 could feel the good effeets of your medicine before I had used It a week, after suffering with catarrh for over a year. Respectfully, AT. GOODWYN. Catarrh la Its various forms Is rapidly be­ coming a national curse. An undoubted remedy has been discovered by Dr. Hart- man. This remedy has been thoroughly test­ ed during the iwst forty years. Prominent men have come to know of Its virtues and are making pabllc utterances on the subject. To save the country we must save the peo­ ple. To save the people we must protect them from disease. The disease that Is at once the most prevalent and stubborn of cure is catarrh. Public men of all parties recognize in Pe-ru-na a national catarrh remedy of unequaled merit. Send to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio,.for a free book on catarrh. Biliousness Ht* Changed Estate BMBckt Hsawte Hint by an Act of Omission. c *$. have been Interested," said a man Of fallen fortunes, "in noting the effect of myself, under my changed condi­ tions, upon other people, and It has been especially gratifying to me to ob- serve that, so far as ordinary Indica­ tions go, I am still counted as of my old standing in life. In other words, apparently, F'do not reflect my changed ' conditions in my bearing or manner, but I am still accepted at the old valu­ ation, at least by the stranger. '•Thus as I walk along the street I am as often as ever saluted with: " 'Cab, sir?' . I '••I am bound to say, though, 4n the interests of exact tfuth, that I hear this , now more often by nj&ht than I do by day, when my garments, which are be­ ginning to show the signs of wear, are more plainly Visible. But 1 am as often as ever approached by beggars,, and in all m^ vattous walks I find no lack of courtesy. There is one point at which my fallen fortunes are realized, and that is at my tailor's, though even this is made known to me in a purely ticga- tive manner by the simple omission to send me the semi-annual announcement of new goods which the establishment sends oirt. In the old day^, when my account was certain to be paid, and With reasonable promptness after the presentation of the bill, I was invited to take any length of time that I de- sited in which to pay, if time were any object to me. Now I am simply not invited to buy at all. I am no longer a man of resources, and my custom is no longer desirable. "I don't know of any more business­ like or polite way in which this intima­ tion could have been conveyed, and I regard it as fully justified, even though It does inevitably convey with it. how- • ever delicately, a judgment that I am out of it; and, so far as that is con­ cerned, it is undeniable that the mathe­ matical chances are that I am. But I j kind o' wish they'd kept on sending me ! the circular. I wouldu' have sought to ! buy anything, and the circular would have given me pleasure. Its absence is the only formal recognition of my fallen fortunes."--Chicago Inter Ocean.! ^'Ir- COMFORTING WORDS TO WOMEN. . '• -a: * OUfttr and its Tortures May b« Avoided tajr Wotsn1 . Heed Mrs. Pinkham's Advica. „ ; • » . v Woman's modesty is natural; it is charming. t- '"r. To many women a full statement of their troubles to a male physician is most impossible. The whole truth may be told to Mi*. ' r is a woman, and her advice is freely offered to all women sufferers. Mrs. O. E. LADD, of 19th aqd H Sts., Galveston, Texas, whose letter is printed below, waa completely discouraged when she first wrote to Mrs. Pink- ham. Here is what she says: L " DEAR Mas. PINKHAM:--I /j; wrote to you some time ago, j tellihg you of my ills, but now I write to thank you for the good your remedies have done me. I have used two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ pound, three packages of Sanative Wash, and one box of Liver Pills, and to-day I call myself a well woman. I suffered with backache, con­ stant headache, whites, sick stomach, no appetite, could not sleep, and was very nervous. At time of menstruation was in ter- ? rible pain. Your medicine is worth its weight in gold. I never / Hi can say enough in praise of it. I have fj recommended it to many friends. If only , all suffering women would try it, there would be more happy homes and healthy women. I thank you for the change your me<ficine has made in me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkham's tdfiM, liW| ' saved thousands of women from hospital operations. • i » The lives of women are hard; whether at home with a ceaseless round of inestic duties or working at some regular employment, their daily tasks maka 7 constant war on health. If all women understood themselves fully and knew how exactly and soothingly Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound acta on the female organs, there would be less suffering. t Lydia G. Rlnktiam's Vegetable Compound; a Woman's Remedy for Womaa'sinf * FREE "I have used yonr valuable CASCA- RBTS and find them pcvfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time for Indigestion and biliousness and am now com- Bletely cured. Recommend them, to every one. ince tried, you will never be without them ia the family." EDW. A. MARX, Albany. N. Y. km „ CANDY ¥ A M CATHARTIC TKADC MARK Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. 00 Good. Never SSctwn. Weaken, or Gripe, 10e.Xc.E0e. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... (nMr Cnqmr, Cklrnto. IwlmJ. S« Ywrfc. M MTA Din Sold and guaranteed bf alt drug* • I U'BMW gists to CIIIIE Tobaooo Habit. LARGEST IN THE WORLD. Chicago Furniture House Haa For* niched Nearly a Million Home*. To be the largest furniture house in the world is a distinction which the John M. Smyth Company. 150 to IG6 West Madi- soii street, Chicago, enjoys. An idea of the magnitude of the establishment may be gained from the fact that the building contains seven and one-half acres of Hoor space and that during its third of a cen­ tury of business it has furnished nearly three-quarters of a million homes, or more than the entire populatioa of some States. One of the business principles of the firm is if goods are not as represented they may be returned and the mosey wilt be refunded. The firm issues a large, beau­ tifully illustrated catalogue of household goods which are retailed «t wholesale prices. It will be eent fxwe «n apiplicatioa. The Boy Spoile ' the l)lnn< r. There was company for dinner, and the platter in front of tlie host contain­ ed a fine roast of beef. He drew the sharp carving knife across the ringing steel for a few times, just because that a way carvers have, drove the fork deep into the steaming beef, described a scalping-knife flourish in the air and gracefully began operations. Two nice marblehced slices clear across the roast had resulted, and he was turning off the third when the blade struck a skewer, made a sliding upward motion and came out at the top with a result that the proposed slice looked like a frost-bitten leaf curled by the sun. The man could not say iutenae things in the presence of his guests, bttt he froze his wife with A look, made a Don't Have to Walt. We don't have to wait for cold, sore­ ness and stiffness will come on from excessive exercise, but it will go Im­ mediately after using St. Jacobs Oil to soften and strengthen the strained muscles. illustrated Catalogue of HOUSE­ HOLD COODS. CARPETS, BICYCLES, SEW- %• INC MACHINES, OFFICE and CHURCH FU»- % N ITU RE, GROCERIES, DRY COODSt HARD­ WARE, SADDLES, also SPORTING GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, CLOTHING, FURNISH­ ING COODS, Etc., sent FREE oi&ppllcattoflu . ' mmmmmmammmBBmmmmmmmmmm ft contains thousands Of articles which Wi Retail at Wholesale Prices. CARPETS. DRAPERIES, LAMPS, DINNER SETS, etc., shown In colors. People all over the world buy from It. Wh|T Because it brings to them EICHT FLOORS < EACH 205 BY ISO FEET> «f goods In compact form-600 pagea-to select from. 1 JOHN M. SMYTH CO^! - ! MS, ISO. 152, 154, 150, 158, 160, 102, 164. 166 West Madison St., CHICAGO* Somebody asked President McKlnley the other day why he always wore a black tie. He Is said to have replied: "I don't know. I suppose because I Uke. it, for I have worn nothing but dark ones for the last twenty years." Try Oraln-O! Try ttrain-O! Ask your <>rocer to-day to show you a package of GKAIN-O. the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The chil­ dren may drink it without injury a« well ae the adult. All who try it. like it. UltAIN-O haa that rich seal browu of Moi-ha or Java, but it ia made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach re­ ceives it without distress. % the price of coffee, loc. and '25 cts. per package. Sold by all grocera. Pretiy Slow. "So you are of the opinion that Gen. Briekerton can't be much of a warrior? Why?" "Well, he Isn't quarreling with any of the other generals." Hvery One Known. Why trifle with a sprain when every one knows that St. Jacobs Oil used in the worst case will so strengthen the in­ jured muscle as to make it the best rem- edy for this dreaded pain. A PI/ everybody you know to nu IV save their tin fags for you The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, '* J. T./* Cross Bow, Good Luck--and Drummond Natural Leaf--will,pay for any one or ail of this list of desirable and useful things--and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man, woman and child in America can find something on this list that they would like to have and can. have--F REE I Write your name and address plainly and send every tag yon can get to. us--mentioning the number of the present you want. Any assortmeht of the different kinds of tags mentioned above II will be accepted as follows: TAGS 1 Match Box, quaint design, im­ ported from Japan.... 30 5 Knife, one' blade, good iteel 96 a Scissors, 4^-inch, good steel .... 38 4 Child's Set, Knife, Pork and Spoon 39 6 Salt and Pepper, one each, quad­ ruple piate on white metal.... 60 6 Razor, hollow ground, fine English ateel 7 Butler Knife, triple plate, best quaL ~ pie plat In a portion of Hanover, Germany, a local decree mpfeires each farmer to deliver to the authorities twelve spar­ rows or sparrow-heads between Oct. 1 and Dec. 1. or pay a due of ft marks. T« Car* a Oald (a One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AD drugtrists relund the money if it fails to cure. 26c. The genuine has L. ti. Q. on each tablet. Philadelphia is the leading uianufac- turing city in the United States and the world. LaM'f Family M«IMae Moves the bowel* each day. Ia order to be healthy this* is necessary. Acts *ently on Ihe liver and kidneys. Cares sick headache. Price 25 and SOc. Beware, so long a£"you live, of judg­ ing men by their outward appearance. --La Fontaine. S Sugar Shell, triple plate, bcstquality 9 Stamp Box, sterling silver 70 10 Knife, "Keen Kutter," two blades 70 11 Butcher Knife, "Keen Kutter," 8-inch blade 78 IS Shears, " Keen Ktitter," 8-inch, nickel 76 H Nut Set, Cracker and 6 Picks, silver 80 14 Nail Kile, sterling silver, amethyst set, 6-inch 100 15 Tooth Brush, sterling silver, ame­ thyst set, 6-inch 100 16 Paper Cutter, sterling silver, ame­ thyst set, 7-inch 100 17 Base Ball. "Association," best quaL 100 U Watch, stem wind and set, guaran­ teed good time keeper 300 TAGS 19 Alarm Clock, nickel, warranted .. 300 30 Carvers, buckhorn handle, good steel 300 21 Six Rogers' Teaspoons, best qual 32S '22 Knives and Forks, six each, buck- horn handles 3S0 23 Clock, 8-day, Calendar, Thermom­ eter, Barometer 100 Si Stove, Wilson Heater, sire No. 90 or No. 40 SOD 35 Tool Set, not playthings, but real ' tools W0 36 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain, very handsome 800 37 Watch, solid silver, full jeweled . .1000 98 Sewing Machine, first class, wth all attachments 1500 29 Revolver, Colt's, best quality 1800 S0,Riflc. Winchester. lG-shot, 31 Shot Gun, double barrel, hammer- less, stub twist 9000 33 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in­ laid with mother-of-pearl MOO 33 Bicycle, standard make, ladies' or ^^pents" 3600 BOOKS--30 choice selections--same as last year's list. 40 tags eack. w This offer expires November 30,1399. Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them DRUMMOUD BRANCH, St. Louis, Mo. :1 Cleanliness Is Nae Pride, Dirt's Nae Honesty." Common Sense Die- tates the Use of ; * I know that my fife wa* saved by Piao'a , ,, , , Cure for Consumption.--John A. Miller, grim joke about the ladigestibiiity of j Av Sabie, Mieh.„ AjwiJ 21, ISQ&. 'roasted hardwood, Inquired whether) , the butcher also rau a woodyard. dug the skewer out viciously and ordered little Willie, who had made several at­ tempts to tell something, to keep still or leave the table. His evident temper led to an embarrassing alienee, and lit­ tle Willie saw an .opening I hat he •eouid not resist. "Cook has burnt her note orful," he announced. "Too bad," said the father, whose good humor was coming back. "How did she do it?" "Tryin' ter pull them skewers out with herJLeetli."--Detroit ree Press. Bromns Inermis GritM f It's the greatest grass on earth--Sahter says so. This grass yields 4 to 7 tons better hay than timothy in dry, rainless countries; yields even more than that ia Ohio, Ind.. Mich., Wis., Iowa. III., Mo.. Kans., Nebr.. Mont., yes in every State of the Union! Salzer warrants this! Pota­ toes $1.20 a Bbl. Send this notice to JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO.. LA CROSSE. WIS., and 10 cents postage and receive their great SeeJ Catalogue and sample of this grass seed and nine other farm seed Rareties free. (c. n.) Christmas Dinner at the North Pole. Life in Ube frozen north is not so for­ bidding or bereft of comfort, if we may believe what Ueut. Peary tells us. This famous American explorer says that his Christmas menu while north of the Arctic circle generally consisted of broiled salmon trout with tomato sauce, potato patties, olives, roast sad­ dle of reindeer, cheese, sweets, nuts, raisins, champagne, cigarettes and cof­ fee. Chicago Great Western Increase. The earnings of Chicago Great Western Railway ("Maple Leaf Route*') for the month of January, 1899, show an increase of $70,617.84. Total increase since be­ ginning of fiscal year (July 1) to date, S257.085.49. A good intention clothes itself , with power.--Bnfierson. Change of occupation is the best restorative to zeal in one's main work. " Better Be Wise Than Rich." Wise people are also rich *u)hen they know a perfect remedy for all annoying dis­ eases of the blood, kidneys, truer and bowels, --It is Hood's Sarsaparilla* which is perfect in its action• It so regulates the entire sys­ tem as to bring vigorous health. It never disappoints* j Goitre- " For 42 years I Sad goitre, or 1 swellings on my neck, which was dis- I couraging.jfind troublesome. Rheumatism ! also annoyed me. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me completely and the swelling has entirely disapi>eard. A lady in Michigan saw my previous testimonial and used Hood's and was entirely cured of the same trouble. She thanked me for recommend­ ing it." MRS. ANNA SUTHERLAND, 406 Lovel Street, Kalamazoo, Mich. i Poor Health - " Had poor health for j year s , p a i n s i n s h o u l d e r s , b a c k a n d h i p s , I with constant headache, nervousness and no appetite. Used Hood's Sarsaparilla, gained strength and can work hard all day; eat heartily and sleep well. I took it be­ cause it helped my husband." MRS. F ELIZABETH J. (JIIKFELP, Moose Lake, Minn. Makes Weak Strong-"i would give $5 a bottle for Hood's sarsaparilla if I could not get it for less. It is the best spring medicine. It makes the weak strong.' ALBERT A. JAGNOW, Douglastown, N. Y. SAPOLIO WESTERN FARMS. A beautifully illustrated paper called "The Corn Belt" is published every month and contains a quantity of inter* esting information about the farm la ads west of the Mississippi River. Picturaa of all sorts of farm scenes in Iowa, Mis­ souri and Nebraska. Personal exper­ iences of farmers who went to those states from the East years ago. The handsoumk. farm paper published. Send 25 cents for a year's subscription to THE CORN BELT* 209 Adams St., Chicago. Think of ths Future. Don't Rent. Establish A Home of Your 4wat Hood'. P1IU c«r« lirer HI.; pon-irrluUng and yE* only cathartic to t»k« with hood'. Bar--piurllto. .sot Mis Fanlt. . "I don't: know," said the doctor who j was examining the applicant for in­ surance. "I'm afraid there may be trouble over your expansion. It isn't so rreat as it ought to be." "Oh," replied the man; "if that's all. we can soon remedy it. I'll tnove out of mj* flat into a house where I may practice for a \veek.Por two and get back into my old form, if you say so." Homeseekers' Excursions. On the first and third Tuesdays in Feb­ ruary and March, 1891), the Chicago, Mil­ waukee and St. Paul Railway will sell round-trip excursion tickets (good 21 days) from Chicago, Milwaukee and oth­ er points on its line, to a great ninny points in South and North Dakota. Min-' nesotn. Iowa. Wisconsin and other West­ ern and Southwestern States, at greatly reduced rates. Take a trip West and see tbe wonderful crop results of last year and what an amount of good land can be purchased for a little money. * Further in­ formation as to rates, routes^ prices of farm lands, etc., may be obtained on ap­ plication to any coupon ticket agent or by addressing George H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Old Colony Building. Chicago, 111. It is said that the amended penr code for Japan does not contain an reference to the death penalty, whic: means that capital punishment Is to b. abolished at the same time as ex-terr: toriality. fISH BRM^ SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. D >~ t be foVeJ with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If > oil vu^tacoat that will keep you dry in tin? hard­ est st irm buy ths Fish Brand S'icker. If net for saie in your town, write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. ASTHMA POPHAITS ASTHMA SPtCWC Hives rolirt in FITS minuta*. N. U. fiforarKEKtrlal pacfeaen. Soidbvl I'ruirpists. One Gux sent {watpaMtl on receipt of Ms lnnH.ll Addreiu Twoa. ronua, rau*., rt No 7-W IN wrtttar to AdttrtlatM, fkaw 4» Mt M t» Mfc 1 ti*a jwu saw tk« yUrtrtiscmat la tWi pap». i ^ P I S O ' S C U R E F la time. Sold b

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