Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1899, p. 4

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' ** v * .#*' v#- * ' ?V ' ' '** " WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, h>,^. ^ ;;y^;vyrt| ' -?• V . , - (0TOD the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday, ia the butter markets official qnotatioua were steady at 21c. The offerings were 179 tube; 100 tabs sold at 90c, fend 79 tabs at 21c. Butter last weefc 21c, and one year ago 20c. tfT The United Senate, late on Toes- day, confirmed the nomination of C. C Kohlsaat to be United States District Judge, to succeed Judg^ Peter S, Gross cap, Senator Mapon having witlidMiwji kis objection. i'r &<* • (•TThfl great unsolved pfot>leTti in Arterican atatep man ship is the restora­ tion of American ships to the foreign cariying trade. An attempt to solve it ,is to be made daring the present session of congress, through a bill introduced in the senate by Senator Hanna, and in the honse by Representative Payne, which proposes that the United States govern­ ment shall pay to American ships in the foreign trade an annual sum but little more than half that paid by France to her shippisg in the foreign trade. MP*At Manila last Sunday 700 naked Ygorotes with only bows and arrowp and superb courage faced and fought until mowed down in death, the Utah artillery and Sixth artillery belching veritable tornados of deadly missiles from their machine gnns To barbarian* there most be a mystery about these death vomiting machines more dreadful than the unceasing stream of bullet* they emit. Tamed, the descendants of this tribe will certainly make courageous soldiers. MCKINLEY SFBAKS OUT. President McK?.nley has spoken on the Philippine question, and does not mince his words. In his address at Boston he said: "Th§ Philippines, like t?nba and Porto Rico, were intrusted to our hands by the war, and to that great trust, under the providence of God and in the name of human progress and civilization, we are committed. It is a trust from which we will not flinch, "There is universal agreement that the Philippines shall not be turned back to 3pain. No true American would consent to that. "The suggestions that t(<ey should be bossed into the arena for the strife of na­ tions or be left to the anarchy or chaos of no protectorate at all are too shame­ ful to be considered. The treaty gave them to the Uuited States. Could we I'ave required lees and done our dutj? "Our concern is not for territory, nor trade, nor empire, but for the people *hose interests and destiny were put into our hands. "It is not a good time for the liberator to submit important questions to the liberated while they are engaged in shooting down their rescuers. The future of the Philippine Islands is aow in the hands of the American people. "I know of no better or safer human tribunal than the pec pie. "Until congress shall direct otherwise it will be the duty of the Executive to pos­ sess and hold the Philippines. "That the inhabitants of the Philip­ pine^ will be benefitted is my unshaken belief. ' No imperial designs lurk in the Amer­ ican mind. They are alien to American sentiment. . MTCoionel Amos Charles Babcock, at one time a friend and adviser of Abraham Lincoln, died at the l'altner Honse at 7:40 o'clock 8aturday night. 'With him at the last moment were hie sons, Charles D., Sheldon E , and Pitt K. Babcock, his wife, and the physician, Dr. Frank G. Mason. Telegrams were im­ mediately sent summoning the two sisters of Colonel Babcock from Wash­ ington, Mrs. Abner Taylor and Miss Margaret A. Babcock. The funeral will take place in Canton, 111., the former home of Colonel Babcock, to-day, Wed­ nesday. NT An old clock three teet in height was recently given to a Warren, III., academy for the use of the class in physics in demonstrating the laws of the pendulum. When set in the laboratory the clock refused to keep time. Miss " Mary Gloss, an instructor, investigated the cause and iound a roll of bank notes, aggregating f242, tucked away in the dock's works. The outer bill had been rusted through, and was of the issue oi 1882. It has been sent to Washington and redeemed. The clock had been for a long time stowed away as a useless piece of furniture. WFOf course when final adjustment " comes Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philip- •(rf pines are each to issue bonds to this country, secured by their customs, in K' I : sums equal to the respective advances of k V 1 *\this country for their ushering into inde- ' 4 pendent existence. Uncle Sam will9 add g;, OJ no excessive charges for his advances, I bat he will certainly expect repayment of l:;r ,• the principal advanced in truly neigh- borly fashion. Even as our general gov- eminent is now arranging to repay the states for their advances to troops so- ij/v/ will the islands be required to reimburse f-•' > oar general treasury. 'fi iTA Washington dispatch, under date of Feb. 28, says: "The wildest and most sensational reports circulated in Washington since the destruction of the Maine, a year ago, were all over town to­ day. The first was that the American troops had evacuated Iloilo, which bad been immediately occupied by Germane Right on top oi that came a rumor that one of Dewey's ships had bgen sunk at Manila. Then the rumors came fast and thick. Dewey had fired on a German war vessel, a German war vessel had fired „ on Dewey, and Manila bay was full of wrecks before the reports ceased. Offi­ cials said that not a word to confirm •ny of these stories had come from Dewey, Otis, or anybody else. They wane set down asstock-jobbinRcanards." In fact it has since been proven that it was a canard by the new that all the tftfrman warships in Manilla bay have been ordered to other ports. HOPKINS FOB SPEAKER. The Inter Ocean of a recent date con­ tains a strong editorial under the cap­ tion MA Western Man for Speaker." The Iuter Ocean states that with the excep­ tion of Ohio and Indiana none of the northwestern or far western states have ever been represented in the Speakership of the National House of Representatives Ohio had the Speakership tor one session and Indiana for three sessions. Other­ wise the Speakership has gone to the far eastern and southern states. The Inter Ocean argues that the pres­ ent speaker ie not in sympathy with the administration and that in consequence a change is not only desirable but necessary. Wits quote in full the last two para­ graphs of the article: "If the Fiftv-Sixtb Congress is to do business in a manner satisfactory to the people and the Republican party whether in extra session or not it is im­ perative that there be a change in the Speakership. The western Republicans are in accord with the present policies of the government. They wish the Nicara pua canal. They call for a larger regular army. They appreciate the advantages of a Pacific cable. They are friendly to the administration, and in sympathy with the aspirations of the American people. They have sent to Congress many men who are truly representative of them and their sentiments. They have in the House oBe particular man conspic­ uously qualified by training, temperment and experience to be all that Speaker R^d ie not. He is Albert J. Hopkins of the Eighth Illinois District. Mr. Hopkins has convictions asstrong as those of Mr. Reed, but he does not subordinate his convictions to his prfju- dices, personal or political. He has studied all the problems now confronting th( Nation, and has an intelligent grasp of the situation. Better than all else, be H in sympathy with the government and the masses of the people, and does not regard^oppoeitioneto the wishes of the Nation as a special qualification for high office." It Waa a Benefit. According to farmers who are posted ^in their work the recent cold has done wonders and the crops will show the beneficial effects. Frost is one of the greatest factors in preparing ground for crops, bi-cause it teuds to hold the moist­ ure unttl the seeds get a fine start, and the contraction and subsequent expan­ sion break up the earth better than a plow can. The frost line now is down about five feet on an average and every blade of grass and spear of vegetation of other kinds will fairly shoot into the air « hen the time comes.--Ex. fw. A- "'3 London is reported to be sending large quantities of railroad stocks to New lork. This is subject for con- gration. The best American railway shaies and bonds are the very best in all the world. To keep in this country the interest and dividends earned bv three securities will be a grand, good thing London has the strange habit of sending onr securities back here for sale when they are cheap, and buying them back When they are dear. When no one ap parently wants them London will have none of them. When every one is clam Oting feverishly for them dear old Lon dkm cannot exist without them. Alter­ nately London ranks this country raw barbaric, undeveloped; or well eetab. lished, firmly resourceful, progressing in prosperity. Before and after a roast J beef dinner presents mighty variations of judgment in a Britisher. It, Didn't Want BLuoh g, At a recent convention of women dubs the following resolution was offer- ; ed but defeated, probably by those who , bad a private income: ^ ^ Resolved, That Gov.Tanner besought fen the name of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs to call a [special Weston , of the Legislature to consider a bill pro ' Tiding th it every man in Illinois be com " jKilled to give his wife a dollar at the end i Of each week. „ • --j Bring in your hand?, oftr stock >ves and Mittens fits them all. J. More Questions Amwtrtd. Why are the modern musical composi­ tions inferior as a class to the produc tions of yore? Taking it for granted that this is true, which no thoughtful observant critit doubts, a potent reason can be given without reflection upon modern authors' by comparing their efforts with those of more ancient years Of the many old pieces we fee and hear only the choicest while all new music is still on probation, the majority of which will be discarded from future practice, only the very best being treasured. Of course there are ten times as many writers of music as well as literature than there were fifty years ago, conse­ quently more tr«sh is being published, as well as perhaps more gems. Har­ mony, melody and the general principles of musical composition we think are not so well explained by the teacher nor so thoroughly studied by the pupil as in former days. Vocal, aerial, zig zag solo, ground and lefty trills and daring triple and quadruple somersaults eeein to be in demand by the average concert goer, more than the soulful, heart-reaching harmony and tuneful melodies that tbrill and entrance to the very finger tips the auditor who has music in his soul. This may be more the fanltof the concert manager and the paid reporter than any other influence or cause, bnt whatever the influence or cause this state of things exists and is on the increase and threatens to annihilate the true great blessing and real object cf music. Who then can say in the future, as in the past, give me the making of a nation's song and 1 care not who makes her laws B. D. SCJTT. T; - s »'!" / w A .... ,. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, Idst of Patents. Granted to Illinois Inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Attorneys Washington, D. C. K. A. Coon, Hutsonville, wirefetretcher; •I. C. Dietrich, La Grange, bat conform- ator; M. W. Goodrich, Harvey, windmill; J. A. Hunter, Peoria, mouse trap; J. W. Jenkins, Danville, multiplying camera; J. H. McElroy, Rossville, typewriting machine; I. W. Niles, Odell, fly brush; F. W. Winner, Carmi, stove attachment. For copy of any of the above patents send 10 cents in postage stamps with date of this paper to C. A. Snow A Co., Washington, D. C. Jf -- yThe sensational testimony that the yellow journals have been promising has not been produced before the military court of inquiry, now holding daily ses­ sions in Washington. The testimony of Gen. Miles was very mild, indeed, when compared with alleged interviews with him, most of which he repudiated under oath. . In fact, from a legal point of view his evidence has no status whatever, as he stated at the beginning that be had no personal knowledge that refrigerated beef issued to the soldiers was "em­ balmed," or that the canned btef was unfit for use. His allegations were based solely upon letters written him, in which the opiuion that the beef was embalmed, etc., was expressed by army officers Tho piece Of betf that was analyzed by Dr. Daly, who made the first claim that the beef was embalmed, was cut from a .quarter of beef that had been chemically treated, but was never issued to the troops, but was hung up on a transport bound for Cuba, as an experiment to test the claim made by the men who furnished it and who wished to sell his process to the government. Dr. Daly says he thought the piece of beef was a part of the regular supply on the trans­ port. A nuntber of officers have testified that the canned roast beef issued in Cuba and Porto Rico was so unpalatable that they could not eat it, and that much of it was thrown away by the men. of The Fire Bubdaed. In speaking of the fire in the coal bin, at the Asylum, which we noticed two weeks ago, the Elgin Courier says. "Fire started in the coal bins and the authori­ ties were unable until Thursday to ex­ tinguish the flames by flooding the bins because the water would put out the fires beneath the furnace boilers. This danger, however, was at last avoided by the con­ struction of a temporary dam separa­ ting the bins from the boiler rooms. The binfe were then flooded and the fire ex­ tinguished. Not to exceed forty tons of coal were destroyed." Excursion Tickets to Mid-Winter Fair Janesvllle. Via the Northwestern Line, will be sold at reduced rates February 28 to March 3 limited to March 4, inclusive. Apply to Chicago and Northwestern B'y. W A Washington correspondent says: •' W ill there be an extra session oi Con­ gress? J cist now that question is hoard on every side. The answer is in the hands of the Democratic combine in the Senate which is opposing the Hull army bill. President McKinley's ultimatum-- a satisfactory army bill or an extra session--was given more than ten days ago, and the necessity for satisfactory army'legislation has grown more press ing, instead of diminishing, since then. It is at this time in the power of Demo­ cratic Senators to avoid an extra session but if they continue to obstruct other legislation by opposing a vote on the Hull army bill much longer, the failure of some of the regular appropriation bills will make an extra session inevita­ ble, regardless of army legislation. Hemlniaeence of Grant. "The first time I ever saw Gen. Grant, said the Colonel, "he was under fire This was some weeks after be came to the Army of the Potomac. When he and his staff rode up to where onr regiment was posted we all thought ltawlins was Grant, and the officers all saluted and showed Rawlins a great deal ot atteo tion. In the meantime Grant himself, in a simple service uniform, with no shoulder straps, had seated himself on stump just in the rear of onr regiment and was writing an order. We never suspected that the unobtrusive officer on the stump was Grant until Gen. Hancock rode' np for consultation. His salute and his greeting lifted us right out of our boots, and then we all could see as plain as day that there were three little stars on the General's shoulders. "We all turned then to look at the man who commanded all the armies of the Union, and as we looked a cannon shot whizz'd over us and struck within a foot of the stump on which Grant was sitting He paid no more attention than if the cannon ball had been a mosquito, but Gen. Hancock said at once, 'General yon are in range, hadn't you better mov* ? To which Grant replied quickly, 'Oh no two shots rarely strike in the same place,1 and he sat still. A few minutes later he left the stump and walked with Hancock to where Rawlins was standing to give some new order. Scarcely had he left the stump when a cannon ball struck it just where Grant had been sit­ ting. He looked up at Hancock and said without the least excitement: 'There's another old saying--a miss is as good a« a mile.' We liked Grant from that minute, and we did lfot care whether he was a showy mac or not." THEOrSWAN a ' J 'vAs-k'v;,! k' PRO ORIGINATOR MM OF L0WB6T PRICES * W> •" Our entire new line of Spring Shoes are here. ^jTe are showing the 1 'newest and neatest thing out in Ladies Suoes made, black ^ or tan. It will pay you to take a look at these. " 4 " y , ., - ^ ^or hired men and farmer^ wear we have just put in a complete line of Spring Stuff of tbe best wearing and best itting kind in Overalls, Shirts and Jackets. Smoked Halibut, all kinds of Salt Fish and Herring for l^enten * Season, y ^ a *• ^ ^ ^ ^ ~r " The best Flour, Choice Groceries--30 lbs Prunes $1,00. In a few days we will have in our New Line of * i • ' i. 5 * <2 . ... •£> .. BARGAINS In Every Department, THIS WEEK TIIEO. F. SWAN, I ' GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, sloin, xr.1^. ASM YOUR DOCTOR! Ask your physician this ques­ tion, "Wnat is the one great remedy for consumption?" i will answer, 14 Cod-liver lptioi He will answer, €<Cod-l oil." Nine out of ten will answer the same way. Yet when persons have consumption they loathe all fatty foods, yet fat is neces­ sary for their recovery and they cannot take plain cod- liver oil. The plain oil dis­ turbs the stomach and takes : away the appetite. The dis­ agreeable fishy odor and taste make it almost unen­ durable. What is to be done? This question was ans­ wered when wc first made SCOTT'S i One extreme nsually follows another From the extreme cold weather we bad warm spring weather and mud. It was almost impossible to get anywhere. When will people be interested in good roads sufficiently to get the roads graveled. Wanted-Hn Idea Who can think of some simple tiling to patent? Protect your Ideas; thw may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEODEKBURN & CO . Patent Altor ney*. Washington, D C .for their $1,800 price offot •nd list or two huudrad luTantlona wanted. S OH. CAtD VELL'S YRUiP OURS* («ll>tMSTI9N WELL'S •• PEPSIN OKSTI0N. II of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites. Although that : was nearly twenty-five years ago, yet it stands alone to­ day the one great remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs. The bad taste and odor have been taken away, the oii itself has been partly digestea, ami the most sen* sitive stomach objects to It rarely. Not one in ten can take and digest the plain oil. Nine out of ten can take SCOTTS EMULSION and di* gest it That's why it cures so casas of early cerssaniptiOR. Even in advanced cases it brin. comfort and greatly prolongs 50c. and fi.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNfc, Chemist*, New York. Dreadful CROUP Mothers, when your children are at­ tacked by the dreadftil croup, yon need not despair; Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrup will relieve and cure (his disease at once. You can always depend on this marvelous remedy; it never fails to cure. For whooping- cough and measle-cough it is the best remedy in. the land. Children like it. Dr.Bulls Cough Syrup Will cure Croup without fail. Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctotl recommend it. Price 25 cents. At all druggist* TALE IS CHEAP. k Talking Machine, a 8inging JfacMn and a Musical Instrument, Columbia (Srapljapboije for $10 This is the most perfect Talking Machins on the market. Come and see lor yonrsel! at MILO West MoHenry Illinois DEALER IN favorite at a rea- The artistic standard, 1 "Lndwig" Magnificent Pla son able price. The world renown "Lyoa Jt Healy" Parlor and rhureh Organ. The cremona tone "Washburn" Mando­ lin, Guitar and Zither, the standard of the wnrid. The world-wide famed "Do­ mestic" Sewing Machine without equal for simplicity, durability, light running and Cheapness. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED everywhere for "The Story qtf the Phi ippines" by Mnrat Halstead, com­ missioned t>y the Government as Official Historian to the War department. The boo^ was written in army camps at Han Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, io Honir Kong, in the American treachra at Manila, in the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olimpia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the fa'l of Manila. Bonanza for ag«nts. Brimful of original pictures taken by plover lment photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drnp all tiashy unofficial war books. Outfit Ir e. Address, F. T. Barber, &ar Insur­ ance Bldg, Chicago. -V, %7-4m HARD WOOD TIMBER LAND FOR SALE OwOneltlf Wilton Acras of splendid bard wood timber land In Northern Wisconsin end MtoMgan for sal* by tbe Chkagol Northwestern Railway. Tb* test land proposi­ tion ever made to set- tlers. Tbe timber more than pays tor tbe land. For prices, terms, and aU details, write or apply to J. F. CLEVELAND, lial Conor. C. & N. w„ By., Chicago, Special low prices oa week at M. J. Walsh'* UaderMM- yob will b© the bttfjt selected, up-to-date and largest stock ever ^ shown here. - Yours loir Trade, 1 H* ^eit McHcnry, 111. JOHN J. KILLER. OUR GREAT LEVER IS OUR.PRICE. | Of coarse we hold it su>j ct to quality. You sorely want the beat always. At our right figures the best is the cheapest in the end. Here is proof enough; - - . V . .• Men's extra heavy Underwear, 45. Men's rxtia heavy all wool UndctVear, 85. Ladies' heavy fl-^ccd Undervceor, 20 Ladies extra heavy fleeced Underwear, 30. L dies extra heavy wool fleeced Underwear, 45. * Men's heavy duck coats 90. Heavy Blue Prints per yd 5. -- Heavy Shaker Flannel, 5. _ Good Tennis Flannel, 6. Good Sheeting, 5. Good Toweling, 5. Extra heavy Toweling, 7. Baby shoes worth 50c only 36» < Baby shoes worth 65c only 46. Ladies' shoes worth $1 50 only $1.25. Better grade 91 50 to $3 50 -- Men's, Boy's and Youth's Shoes in all grades end stale?. Fairbanks' Gold Dust 20c Good Pure Baking Powder 10c Three cans Peas for 203 Good Corn only 8c Three lb can Pumpkin 10c Three lb can Tomatoes 10c Three lb can Peaches 10c Good Sardines i a Oil 5c ' . ~ • Agent for Continental Fire Insurance Co. Yaurs Truly. M. J. WALSH, - West McHenry. E^ANSON'S T T T C T C U n i T C C o r r e c t S t y l e , J LJO 1 OnUtO, Correct Price# Dependable in Everyway, THAT'S ALL. All our ambition and energy shall be concentrated on this one object, the selling of absolute satisfactory footwear. Special cut prioea this and next week. e have exceptionally good things in Linen and Cotton Crashes, Bed Spreads. Lace Curtains and many other things, but it would be better to look us over perhaps. A car Best on Record Flour just in. Grocery stock very com" plete. Of course you know we sell for Cash 10 yds best Flanneletd or house dresses at 85c to clean up quick. JOHN EVANSON & CO. West McHenry. Illitiois. know there is much more painting done now-a-days than of old, but did you know there is a far better way to do it? Paint­ ing ia no exception to other things. The art not stood still. Yott can still buy some white lead (are yon a judge of it?) and some oil (are you a judge of that?) and find a neighborly painter and have some paint made; but as sure as you are alive there is a bet­ ter way. Are yon awake to the fact that you emu get a paint that la made for the particular work you want done, of the ( best materials combined in the best proportions, mixed in the best way; and that will do more than any other paint will do? If this is not true, then The Sherwin - Williams Paint factory with its tons of daily output and its thirty years of wonderful growth is a pure miracle. "Paint Points" will help you paint right. It's free. THB SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. Pamt AMO COCOA MXKIM, -- lull In , II I ii| i sbeCitniaa^S.wfM* «b4I PAINT i •\ j "-v. > E. B. PERKINS, Agent, McHenry, 31" sfc-r-;w"»

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