Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1899, p. 8

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RtNGWOOD. la home lotJhe preeent. Millinery at Mm. O. N. Rteh'e. |ir. RkA spent Soeday with his family 1wr». Mrs. John Carey waaat - • " • - * SPRING GROVE llf«. John Lane is poor agetift. Vi m. Watts, thouuh very weak, ia on 8PRINariCI.O i N Richmond U<mto*. " ^ Mr. Btw aad Win Coatee were at El­ gin Friday. Mrs. Cole, «i Richmond, is vfaltiDff trirode here. Beymoar Whi«ton viBited with Brown Sunday. * • Mr. and Mrs. S. W, Smith rejoice over the arrival of a eon. jLmoB Smith ia busy tmloading lumbar for hia new building. ' . * Miaa Freddie Ladtf ia vieitiog Wiacon- tin relatives at present. Mrs. W. E.iSmith spent a day with re lativea at W illiam Bay. j J. W. Carr and family, of. Spring Grove, spent Sunday here. Richard Lawson was toofcfafr after matters on the farm last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carr, of Green wood, called on friends Monday. Mra. G. A. Stevena and children spent Saturday with McHenry relatives. Mra. William Coafes ia quite sick suf­ fering from attack of the rheumatism* MJeaGiady Lumley, of Elgin, spent several days laat week with friends here Prayer meeting this Wednesday even log at the home of Mra. L. A. Waterman Mrs. H. M. Jensen and Miss Alice Frie by, ot McHenry, were calling on friend? Thursday. James Green drove to Wauconda Tuesday evening with Mr? and Mrs L&ndeveer. Miss Dora Coatee and Mies Hilda Kemerling spent Saturday with Mrs. W. E. FOS8 at Richmond. H. W. Allen's team took a lively spin •round town last week and a sorry look- ins wagon aad hay rack were in at the iah. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Grimoldby werr called to Wauconda Tuesday on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Grimoldby V mother. Mr. Goodhand has moved back to Solon Mills, haying rented his place to James Conway. Mr. Conway will work for G. H. Spalding. Mra. F. A. Ingalla baa rented her place to Mr. Drake and will move to Elgin. Mr. Drake will move in as soon aa the houae ia vacated. A ten cent aocial will be given at the home of Mra. A. L. Francisco Friday evening of this week. A cordial invita­ tion is extended to all. The proceed? will be us«>d for a#good cauue. Refresh­ ments will be served. The following pro gram will be gives. Song Choir Prayer. Recitation... Melissa Bbc^h Recitation..........--........ Harry Pristv Honjr v Quartette Tableau The Evening Praypr Hon?, "Where are you troincr mv pretty T'air Mnid Harold Fay and ? Zillah Stevens. Beciration .Myrtle Sfcevenp Tableau Rock of Agon Series of Charades...... Song ..........Quartette Geographical Conunrtrrms A literary hieroglyphic contest will be given which all will have the privilege of entering and contesting for a prize Song. Choir • vU. RIDGEFIELD. •' t . '• \ James Westerman waa in Chicago on ^feiday. r fouia Gibson was in Chicago one day week. C. M. Keeler was in. Nnnda one day last week. Mrs. J. G. Hartman was aNunda call Friday. Mr. H. Hanson baa gone to Chicago 6n bnaineae. F. W. Hartman waa in Nunda on Saturday. Mabel Skinner was in Nunda on - Thursday. i / Ed. Annera was in Nnnda on bnsi I Sees Saturday. -/ Mra. F. W. Hartman was in Wood / Stock Saturday. < * * ' Mra. Dufield waa in Nunda the latter ; piwt of the week. lira. F R. Jackman visited at Father Monroe's Sunday. Earl Jones, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents here. the gain. • r . Chas. Rudolph was** a caller hers on Sunday. »' • ' Amil Freaad was 4 Wilmofc visitor Sunday. . , A." 'V •'i*v , ^ • i . Mra. Relle Coleman viaited with her sister recently; > • Cole Brothera report their pitted po­ tatoes sale.. t John Kimball is aaaialing Mr. I1 en Williams at present. Fred Hatch is attending to business at Sp= iogfiit-ld this week. A iss MeDingal was a visitor at /amea Westlake's Saturday. Mrs James Neish visited her parents at Gonoa Junction last week. 1 11 J£:in Lichty and family have moved ia tht rooms over Eib's store.' Selin Pierce and* little son will make their home with Chas Mmd at present. James \fadden and family will occupy the tenant house on Andrew Stevens farm. Walter and Fred Weltts have return­ ed to England ofi account of the lat- ters health. • Alice Shotltff entertained a party of ber little friends Monday in honor of ber tenth birthday. Mark and Philip Hoffman are spend­ ing a few days here attending to busi­ ness connected with their farms. Warren C. Moss has received bis com­ mission as assistant deputy head con­ sul in this junction of the M. W. A. So many rumors have obtained cre­ dence in regard to the concert of March let, that we give the correct version, agreed to give my services in drilling the singers, also the entire proceeds of the entertainment, provided the district would purchase the Franklin library of roe at a cost cf $35 and provided the school would pay the expenses of the concert. If the gross receipts did not reach $35, the school was to give one- half and defray incidental expenses, ex cepting those of mjt wife and myself. The gross receipts were $45 and settling the pchool preferred to take one-half as they claimed \taat some of the booka in my library they already had. R. D. r?OOTT, Thft fa a alack Week in legislation atid indeed it was expected aa city con­ ventions for mayoral and alder manic honors were held this week. The mem­ bers from the large citiea were compelled bo return horns to look after the political fences. The Rogers college trust bill and the Harrison-Harper bill received its just desests from the education committee laat week. They were reported with a recom­ mendation that they do not paea, and the committee prerogative waa never more jastly exercised. The pretty school ma'am will, no doubt, Hobsonizs the Springfield law makers for killing the Harrison-Harper school bill, and a few McHenry County bachelors may regret that they are net in the legislature. Senator Granger was Chairman of the special committee that viaited the Ill­ inois State Univeraity at Champaign, last Thursday. University of Illinois is seeking a large appropiation this year. aDd esprcialiy are they interested in the $150,000 agricultural building. Senator Granger has alse introduced a bill dur­ ing the past week which amends the in- eeritanco law eo aa to make it operative on all bequeathe of over $10,000. The minimum limit ia now fixed at $20,000. ~mx An Horest Medi'ine for L« Grippe. GPO. W. Waitt, of South Gardiner, Me. sayp: ' I hnvehad the worstcoupb, cold chills and grip and have taken lots of traph of no account but profit to the vpndnr. rtiantberlain's Congh R»me'dy the only th ng thnt «*» done anv good whatever. I have i. ««: one 50 rent bottle and thr> chills, cv.Id id grip hav« till left me. I congratulate the manufacturers of a'i honest medicine. For sale by J. A. Story. Egyptian Moralities. Here are some extracts from the ad vice that tVni, an Egyptian scribe, gave his son in the thirteenth century be fore Christ: 'If a man cometh to thee for coun sel> let this drive thefe to books for in formation." 'Consider what hath been: set be­ fore thee a correct rule of life as an example to follow. The messenger of death will come to thee as to all oth ers to carry thee away; yea, he stand eth ready." "Take heed with all diligence that thou woundest no man with thy words." * "The man who, having received much, givetlf little, is as one who com mittcth an injury." "Whosoever speaketh evil receiveth no good." "When thou hast arrived at years 6f maturity and art married and hast house, forget never the pains which thou hast cost thy mother nor the care which she has bestowed upon thee, lest she lift up her hands to God In heayen, and He listen to her com­ plaint." "Be watchful to keep alienee."-- Westminster Review. BANOEROUS SEA ANIMALS. rhs Wavtilaa, While Beautiful, Should B* Carefully Avoided. , If the bill, which waa favorably re­ ported laat Thursday by the committet on electiona. becomea a law it will be a blow to a great many politiciona. It provides that all candidates for offic* must file with the county clerk an item- ia >d account of their campaign expense* No doubt if thia bill becomea a law Bome of the candidates for office will make a report, something like the follow­ ing, which waa made by a Wisconsin politician, aa taken from a Wisconsin paper: "Lost 4 months and 23 daya. Lost 345 hours9 sleep thinking about the election; 23 acres corn; 4 sheep: 5 hogs; 2 front teeth and some hair. Gave awa> 96 plugs of tobacco, 33,948. drinks of whiskey, 2,884 glaaaee'of beer, 7 Sundaj School booka, 2 pair of auapendera, 8 calico daesaea, 8 dolls, and 22 babj rattles. Told 2,889 lies; shook hands 88,477 times; talked enough to have make in print 1,600 volumes the size ot a patent office report, kissed 126 babies, cut 3 cords of wood; was bitten 3 finer by dogs and a baby broke my watel which cost me $3 00 to have mended Loaned out 3 barrels of flour, 20 bushe's corn meal, 150 pouuds of pork, 27 lbe of butter, 13 do2 in egga, 130 lead pencils, 10 bibles, 2 hoea and 7 boxes paper collars. Called my opponent a liar, fot which I paid a $10 00 doctor bill, had an alfeument with my wife, the result o) which 1 broke one vase, ruined 1 shirt bosom, 2 handfulls of hair pulled out, and bought 10 centa worth of court plaster, besides spending $36*.00 in bard cash. C. F. Holder gives an interesting ac­ count of his experience with the pny- salia, the nautilus-like denizen of southern waters, which float# on the surface with its trailing fishing-lines extending far below. The balloon, or float, is from two to five or six inches in length; a delicate sack filled with air, and tinted with many beautitul hues, among which purple, pearl and pink predominate. One end is elongated like a finger, and along the dorsal sur­ face extends a ruffle, which can be raised at will, and becomes a perfect sail, rich tinted in red, yellow, pink and silver. When the animal is at rest the membrane is furled; at other times it is raised two or three inches, and, catching the wind, drags the ten­ tacles at an angle of 40 degrees to the surface of the water. There are pur­ ple, hair-like objects, which look very beautiful, as crinkled and curly, they drift through the water. But woe to the unfortunate fish which, attracted., by their bright appearance, touches them. He Is instanitly inclosed by tne tentacles and stung to death with a thousand darts. The tentacles arc covered with minute bombs, resemb­ ling an elongated capsule, in the in­ terior of which is the dart, a thread with branching points on either side, says the Boston Transcript. But this is not the entire armament of the physalia. The cOiled dart or lasso floats in a liquid poison of great power, of the effect of which Mr. Hol­ der speaks from personal experience. He was swimming in five feet of wa­ ter, when he passed over the tentacles of a large physalia. The sensation as the purple threads wound round the abdomen and thigh was of molten met­ al being thrown upon the flesh, and the shock was so great that he had to be assisted from the water. They tried vainly to rub off the blue mass with cloths, and then with knives, and Anally a razor was used. The flesh waa raised as in a burn, the mass of darts apparently eating into the flesh. The case became alarming, trad a fa­ tal termination might have resulted had not aid been at hand. One singular symptom of the shock was an obsti­ nate asthmaitic condition, which made breathing almost Impossible. It was several weeks before the wounds yere completely healed, and even twelve months after the flesh had the appear­ ance of being tattoed in fanciful de­ signs of blue India Ink. Of all the so-called "stinging animals" found in the sea, the beautiful physalia Is prob­ ably the most dangerous. BUSHTBSS OAJBDS. O. tLiaiLLMORB. ATT >B*KY Prttbitt w*rk a Office to Kendall Bioefc.ltood look 111. J. r. OAABf, ATTOBNGY and O"un*«lot at Law. OMrt in Joityn'a Block, foodiiotl, III? »p*e-tal attention given to trial ea«e«. KNIQlftT A BUOWlf. A TTOBNEY AT LAW, 110 WatklBftO* A street, Onioago, lit. Fit AN K i,. S <BfAft0. COUTOBLLOB AT L11T, Salts ciaifc I rem, ui>iengo. 111. a»-itt O. P. BABNEV ITORNEY, Solicit >r, and AIV I Oti#1 none t iperulif. Wood#took, 111, Oount elor DAVID G. W--3, M. D. PBYS10IAN AMU flUBGEOff, Offl e and , re*i euce in Mchota Block, over tbe Plainoealer oiBoo. Mottenry. P»o a T«e:>rton* o. h. rrGBBi, «. D. OHYSIOltW AMD 8 ORG BON, I ill. utnee at tteaiUence. MoHaary, Rep. Regan, tbe Prohibition member from Rockford, and the only one in the general aaaembly, baa remained verj quiet until tbe last, when he came to take hia party stand against King Alcohol. Wednesday and Thursday he introduced four bills. The first provided ior a high license on intoxicating liquore. The others provide that in amaU citiea and villagea that tbe question of licens ing dram shops be submitted every two years to the voters of the county. He has intioduced another bill which pro videa • ior the inspection of tenament houses. He got hia bills in on the eleventh hour, aa the time for individual introduction of bills expired Friday. HOW ARE YOUR KEYS? Condition of Them Teat ot Temperament. \ Mies Grace Hunt, of Elgio, viaited at ft- L. Dufleld'e Sunday. V • , A. Westerman, of Greenwood, was a Q) Bidgefield caller Thursday. 4 J. P. Parks and N. J. Garrison were in i ; Ifunda Thursday on business. Mr?.I. Jayne, of Algonquin, is visiting the home of ber parents Mr. and Mrs. ' ' jWf. H. Mnnroe, % lira. Dr. Morae, who has been visiting ftlativea in Michigan the past two ' <-' lbaontbs, returned home Saturday, . '* Township school treasurers say that •during the wast ;ear they have iound it Vttry difficult task to loan school money / mad do it according tr the rate estab- V Hshed by law.--7 per cent. A bili is now $ pending in the legislature which allows school money to be loaned at not less . • >'*• than 5 per cent. Money loaners have y found during the past year that there ' jras an abundance of money in the v market and of aourse governed tbem- *T; Selves accordingly, but the holders of ^;,->Hcbool money were handicapped. , ACARD. W*, the undersigned, to hereby agree >•„/ ' to refund the money on a 50-cent bottle 4of Qreene's Warranted rup of Tar it it ipr * cure your cough or cold. We " * »teb guarantee a 25 ceut bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. ikA'S JUUA A. bTOBY, - _ <• L JJ-fi -V Fight With Crows. George T. Bordeaux of Falling Springs. Mo<, had a fight with crows the other day; as a result his face is a mass of wounds, and the sight of one eye is destroyed. Bordeaux fired at the birds to frighten them, but they swooped down on hi in. A concerted at­ tack followed. Bordeaux, meanwhile, was not idle, iind he swung his gun right and left. The ground near him was strewn with the bodies of the dead and injured crows, but still the attack was continued. Tfiofdeaux was getting Weak. The crows had pecked his head. Ilis ears were t<frn, his eyes injured and his face and arms Were covered with blood. He was stagger­ ing from the effects of the attack of the birds and had almost fallen to the ground, when two hunters arrived on the scene. They took in the situation at a glance and began a bombardment of the birds. This was unlooked for on the part of the crows, and a moment later they deserted their victim and flew away. • >R. A. B. AUB1NUBB, PHYSICIAN AND4UBGBOJN. OflBce In V 9 Strmer imiliiiou, one dooc west o* A. F. daer'a s or». Wis McHenry, ill. ttealdenoe, loose * rm«rly occu led by Dr. Oaboine. til pro*.»» onal ealia promptly attended toa W. A. CRI8TY, Tngtice of the Peace. WEST MoHENBY, ILL. , I Speela! Attention paid to Golleotioaut. Will 6ein my Offoe over Jtvinaon'a Store* every Sa' urdar and Monday, until further w. C. M£AOk *u»Hee of the 2'eace and General In Wranee Agent. Inohtding Aceidmtf and 1Mb Insurance. Wasff MOHBWKT, luu time of War Prepare for Peace. time of Peace Prepare for Wat. i ̂ a poor rule that won't work both wstys. ^ , If your domestic affairs are In a peaceful state, well • and good. But before war is declared in your family aver the poor results of a half day'a baking, in your *$d cook stove, call on me, I am in a position to offer . you the proper remedy and very reasonable. If you are at war over that old worn and burnt outRange, it at once by purchasing one of tie kind that brings peace contipued happiness. I am proud of (ho line of Cook Stoves and Range! on my floor, and will be pleased to have evety contemplative purchaser in this part of the state call 3ec.4hffla, ,.* -A-- • ^ . . . V • - ^ I . i i; k It's the "Peninsular" Line. And embraces Cast Stoves and Kanges, Steel Ranges and Cast -- with Steel Ovens in a Variety of styles. •• :> ^ . • is 21-0m Saved His Gazelle. There are various ways of showing heroism, anil the deed may be none the less heroic because the object is not of the human sj>ee;es. For instance, there is pretty seutinient about the recent action of Commander Lewis Blackburn of the cruiser Blenheim in saving the life of his pet gazelle. As the comman­ der was leaving the British warship, Hoyal Adelaide, a gazelle, whk-h lie had recently brought home from abroad, ran to meet him, and in affec­ tionately cvrljbiug against him, fell overboanl The gallant officer, who was in full uniform, promptly plunged into the basin, although the risk was gi at, tbe niglit being intensely dark, and there being chaihs between the Adelaide -and other ships. Shouting for lights to be brought, he kept him­ self and the animal afloat until both were assisted to dry land. News comes from ^aubegan that a son and daughter of Bernard Dove died on Saturday last of diphtheria. "It's all a matter of temperamem, said the good-natured man. "It if Just as easy to avoid trouble with men as to get into it--if you know how. Some men are well balanced nervously and that's why they're easy to get along with. You sometimes think it's you that does it, but it isn't. It takes two persons to quarrel. All you've got to do if you're a philosopher In search of peace, is to find out the tempera ment of your man and act according iy. "Yes, bless you, there are a hundred ways of telling a man's temperament, but the physiological signs are not al ways exact. Men of strong natures disguise their true characteristics of tener than you think, and you are like ly to be fooled. "I have a simple method of learn ing the temperament of my man that I have found to be very accurate, When I see a bunch of keys I know him. Your nervous man of much en ergy and hasty action in thought, speech and movement, carries a bunch of rusty keys. Why? Because his na­ ture is intense. He does everything at high tension. This is an admirable attribute, and often productive of great good, but that man is likely to be hasty and if you do not know him you are into an altercation in spite of yourself. "Why are his keys rusty? I'll tell you. Such a man perspires constantly. I don't mean that he perspires percep­ tibly, but that his skin is always warm and moist; this moisture perme­ ates his clothing and affects the keys in his pocket, which soon become rusty. It Is as unfailing a sign of a man's temperament as his. face is of­ ten a complete mask. "Now for the man with the shining keys on which there is not a speck of rust. He is deliberate, slow of thought and speech. You cannot quarrel with him because he must think it over, and meantime you have had time to think it over and so you part friends. Ills skin is cool and dry always." With tyiat the good-natured man ex­ hibited his keys; they were as bright as when first made. The other man took out his keys; not one that was not rusted. In this instance, at least, the sign had come true, for the man of the rusty keys was exactly in tempera- meat as the t)tlier had said be should be.--Kansas City Star. Iceland's Development. In the far north, in high latitudes, where the long winter means not only severe cold, but also a "winter night" of long duration, the prime conditions of human life are more than anywhere else "warmth and light." They are the basis of exisitence for the inhabi­ tants of those regions, and upon them depends the development of the coun­ try. From the partial lack of these fundamental necessities Iceland, which Is settled by about 76,000 people, has already suffered, and a country rich in many respects remains unimproved. But, besides an untold wealth of min­ erals, Iceland possesses another treas­ ure which still remains unemployed. There are three gigantic waterfalls, the Sullfors, the Gudafors and the Al- larfors. The power of any of these three falls is, according to recent cal­ culations, superior to any waterfall in Europe, and can be compared only to Niagara. Since the enormous power has been ascertained a gigantic project has been proposed to the authorities, providing for the employment of the enormous water power for the light­ ing by electricity of the entire island, and for the lighting and heating of all the dwellings in the inhabited districts. Far the commercal development of Iceland, particularly for the explora­ tion of the enormous ore deposits, the use of electrical power would also be of the utmost Importance, since it could be furnished at a very small cost by the rational Use of the three gigantic falls. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker nd Jeweler V o 1 S t a t e S t r e e t , C h i c a g o . Special attention given to repairing Fins Vatches ani Chronometer*. A Fill iiiortmnt of Goods In hi* lln*. C.F. BOLEY, ProDrieter if McHenry Briery, McHENBr, ILL. Alvoatft on Hand with th* Beat Beer Dr. Walter t Besley, DENTIST -- WEST MeHEWRV, 'MBce over Henley's I Woodstock Office Drug Store, | Kendall Dental Parlor*, will bi at McHenry office Mondays and Tuesdays At Woodstock office Wednesdays, Thnrfe •ays, Friday* and Saturdays. KXAMINATIOXS FBEK. | Faving had several y#»n *x«erien«e Mil Ing farm and other aaiee. I now call attention to the fact that 1 led like getting a GREAT "HUMP" "« mvMlf ard sell yur form sales In tteHenry as well as Lake Oo with a great DETERMINATION Necessary toobta'n cool results theee olo*e ttmea, i am sa«*alled that It reqoJMS the VIGOR AND PUSH «*o set' Farm Sales and be sunceavfnl aa It ders to cnop wood or sell you & farm In Ar kar«at. either of which lam willing to do wh- n c*ll»d. M" >U of vou will know that have had «nd «till hav* m-ch experience «• l'np juat such g"o la and aio*k aa you will IT't t putjSiG nui h Gu »ill> . I > r t 1 shoal i < now their vslue and h -w to cet at selling the «*"»« for tne most mon«v4 tripping the art'cl' with the »ne 4hat some. t'ra»a pvjrn his note, t am qul'e a cood hid ler %n<i Riwava looking for bargat m. 1 believe 1 can do more for you thau eaa the -thers for the facte or less roat. If I did nnt feel sure of the above aad waa to" in -lead earnest and willing to try. O' *bort notice, I would not be so well equipped vn alarm turned ia by postal may reveal inexpected reaulta. Try Us a Couple of Timet Your obedient and unsystematic friend - T- V- »LOCUM, Wtuoonda, HI Pilgrims Who Jump. Among the many peculiar religious observances of the day none is more remarkable or striking than the jump- ing or dancing procession of Echter- nach, a small town in the Duchy of Luxemburg. On each Whit-Tuesday the peasants observe this strange cere­ mony, and there are some old people in the town who have joined the danc­ ing procession every year since they were babies. The town was in ancient times very important and was for ten centuries the seat of a magnificent ab­ bey, which was the fount of religion, art and science for leagues around. It was founded by St. Willibrord, an Anglo-Saxon missionary monk, who died in 739. Soon after a strange dis­ ease broke out among the cattle which were seized with a convulsive trem­ bling resembling St. Vitus' dance. Tha people in despair turned to their patron saint. Willibrord, and that their cat­ tle might be cured they themselves Jumped and danced in the way the an­ imals did. Tijeir prayers were an­ swered, atad as each year the jumping privilege was neglected the disease broke out it is rellglou .y observed each season For eleven centuries the custom has been kept up Fifteen to twenty thousand people anhually take part in this fascinating ceremony, which is believed to jiid those praying for recovery from 8<t. Vitus' danci>.,The dancing steps consist of three Jumpi -g steps forward and two buck ward. Three-quarters of a mile is ti a versed. Help... Nature Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi­ cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly. COD LIVER OIL MHtrrPOPHOSPHITES erlW£*SOM Queen Victoria'* Gifts. Queen Victoria has sent some valu­ able and interesting gifts t9 the Bat- tenberg Memorial museum at Carls* brooke castle, including a number of Stuart relics which have been kept for many years at Windsor Castle. There, are a silver snuffin-box, presented by Charles II. to one of his father's adher­ ents; a crystal locket, with pearl pen­ dants, which contains a lock of the hair of Charles I., which tfas cut ofT after his execution, and a gold signet riug, containing a piece of the dress of Princess Elizabeth. The snuff-box bears a medallion portrait, in relief, of en» wub oa tte will generally correct this difficulty. If you win put from one- fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby's bottle three or four a »si limes a oay you win soon sec a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according tp age, dissolved in their milk» if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish­ ing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul­ sion, It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. • joe. andft.oo, all druggists,. ' SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New Yodu There is no. better Stove manufactured. ^ None giving such universal satisfaction. I None as pleasing to the eye and agreeable to the jx>cket book. ^ I am also engaged in selling General Hardware, Tinware, Cut- lery, Sporting Goods, Bicycles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., ready and willing to sell you what you need in these lines. i P. L. McOMBEBV Side Hardware Store "• The McHenry Marble and Granite Works. All Kinds of CEMETERY WORK At Lew Prieea Forelg ii and McHenry, 111. Full Lin* el FINISHED WORK Always on He nd. i mericaa Granite a tpeelalty. ' J. H. MILLER. o Mustery The Sherwin-Williams Paints ere not patent pelnta. nor chemical paints, but pore white lead end *ino •nd oil and drier and color end nothing else. These make honest paints that cow moat end best, and wear longest. There is a reason why these are tbe best patatfc This reason Is not a secret nor a mystery It is be­ cause by hard study, hard work and patient, improve­ ment for thirty rears we here made the best jutlnte that can bemeli ' ' f THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS FAINTS The prejudice which many sensible people hare ifflfflS ready-mired paints is due to the number of inferior mix­ tures sold in cans. No one doubts to-day that paint can be made with the latest scientific appliances better than eaa be mixed from the raw materials by hand-work and guess* work. The moral Is plain. Buy readjr-mixed_ paints^lft Lie paints with the The Sherwin-W lillams Faints. Send Iff which you have absolute confidence, bast reputation ' "" ipui booklet "Paint Folate." Free. TNTS"M|W«WFUM«IEOA> PAIHT 6 OOLOH MAKB*9» a8agStewart jfte., Chicago; also Cleveland, NewYerk * Montrssl E L B . P E R K I N S , JfcIIENRY, ILLINOIS. Paint and Wall Paper House " e sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, All specialties and a inteed. (Jail and see me. estimates on work. ^ B. B. PERKIHS. Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to give J. D. LODTZ, McHENRY. ILL. Artistic Tailor. New - Spring - £ampl<s JUST RECEIVED. » 1 have just received the fiifbt line ot New Spring Sampta* f ver brought to thia town , and i nv i t e the public to call and look them over. < _______ Fill Cults or Siiile Sarmsats Made to oroer on > hort notice and at bottom p- ice*. A FIT GUARANTEED. Call biid see me. I nm sure I cau pi ase you iu quality of good* and price J. D. LOB7Z. MeHeory, Nov. 22,1898. Chioago't Leading Newspaper is tfta Chicago Journal. ; You Should Head It BECAUSE---n IT HAS THE SERVICE. BEST NEWS IT HAS THE BEST MARKET PAGE. IT HAS THE BEST SPORT­ ING NEWS- NT. NO IT 18 IND P ND P A I aa. IT IS NT P I8IN € NO T H B i f AL L AQUND N W S P A P P J M 8 H D M Aiwa a on the rfuht iMt nt Mi* ireij qw nitons of lbe '1 •>y Print* jui>' wh*i in«an < in an independent. *t<a ghiforwar t -" •; manner Our »iai ii to m ke • |i»p»r for peopl- juat aa we rind them - KWit, buova t and full f hag an interest * n r »ai« ev«r7*li«'«. Oue c*nt e eopjr. By .ail IS pert eer. send tor simple nrp . OXICASO MVKVAI. Wanted-An Idea Who ettit think' of some almple ttking to pitentr WMltk. AMor~ 'Ami. & M.&bxM¥ 4"".:

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