ke •* Xaterest «•/ AM **TM an article aoaosra' tag ~ " ~ tt| • - • • » , a . * ^ of tbe beet: » " **«<V fw«t .̂fcraMfer ths :w»ĵ xw land. Nuw l|*ho it urer prodwssifciUc* t-jnnsgr--it sbonid be ftt tf|i|t'two jrMn under eoltirotion. lor the pre- •io«*er«jp ##lhp preferable. Under no nre be apptysd to the beet groand b tbe eprtng. • •OT)iW*b»g.. Immediately niter taking off the grate. pJow«b*llow ( 2 or 8 inches) in order to prevent tbe weeds (ram going to apod. When this is done spread your field with manare'Jtad in the Ml plow deep (10 tolifoches). This is very Important, becansetbebeH is thereby enabled to penetrate into the subsoil without macfc obstraetion, thus preventing It from growing oat of tbe ground nnd allowing . ft to extract eouoidsnable imoilohiiHiiil fwiln. tfck 11*1 'm m » --" • »>««.- •••vij• ---•a ̂,: j.oe asep '̂pni w1 ug will also giv* yon deaa grpaadnndwill IDQlJIiPf wp WW* win . Preparation ofSeed Bed. - tud that ban been fail-plowed moot 1m lMUrfOwed as aooB as tbe frost is out ol tlw grimfid and. tbe a«|( Io dry enoogb to prevent sticking. Tbie work #111 WTtl w pOQIn|i UMWy MNtBf tbe moisture ia ths soil and increase tlw germination of the weeds, etc. To seen re a gondm>p, it is absolutely necessary tok&oll tto wsedsia the groand before seeding. Hepe Is where most failures ocror,nndirw«edooraaito4redto get a •tart tbe cultivsttapof the crop will in volve much aoemotenry and expensive hand-work. Tbersfore, to prepare a goodeeed>bed, we advise working tbe soiifoarto Are inches deep with a pulveriser, or better yet with a cultivator, once lengthwise and oan*i; ig sure not to mlae any > it is neeewary to. spot J* tbe andl r After tbfs pack tbe tef>^GM^9 to 3 inches ) well, with a 'HHl*plank float,' as well packed and >«|ft wA. ' '8M4Id«I " , To secure a foil yield it is absolutely necessary to have a good stand. The tlmeof planting depend* largely apon tbe ssasoBB, it bsing generally from about April 95th to May 25th, or about thoosnnoo of oorn planting. Not Ism thaa 90 pouuds of seed per acre sbooid be need to secure a good stand wider ail conditions, because, should the weather be dry tbe beet seed will come op first and thaw will be enough for a good Otaod; on tbe other band should ft crust bo formed on the field after a heavy rain one plant will belp the other to* break through tbe ground. Thersfore sow at least 20 poonds to tbe acre. Uecdsrsmade especially tor tbis pur pose, sssdiqg four rows at a time aad droppMNt #i seed continuoosly in rows (14 to 18 IwHw apart, aesordiog to the isKitiiy o( tt»^6ii) wfil plmt 10 to 12 aeri||^r4#v over tbree- foartbs of aa inc^ deep, bat see' that tbe earth is weHp«cked ara«>Hi the seed bj wheels, attached to the back Jl, because by pressing tbe sur hMMarimaiatttfe far nraiaat' »o«toltbsdsepereoH.tb ̂ i sou and tbe ear'ier t6e plant jift'igHP*"11 "nr n>U9ti th®"OWII,K 5b ; ordsrttMw«<«t tbe se^from retthigte tbe Tba Heeptf m;$m* planIvS; eepedaHy ia beavy soH, tte will be if tbejr np && flUHefore avoid deep WtiTstfiNr. ©at. w four leaTnn ,mu| M| ML " wtll eatJHtee U left longer, uad detrimental to tbe plaa t̂furtftiMfc. Topwtorm tWewrt, vator) «Hl ai>rd!- . , °f beetepttfttd lsaviaga two-iMbbnnch cont̂ lhigfrom tlaree to ehc feet. After the |set» are baaebed the bealtbieet te sstsQ^ed b ;̂ tbe Maweedsfear tiir- Thi* operation will leaf* oae plant ev«ry nine or t« inches and ̂ groaadfllKwWbepaebed«g»«Mll around «aeb<bet aotpacked). WUMtmM- The first bmtog, wjbleh is rwy import- art for tbe gffe vtfe of tbe small plants, most be given with an ordinal? 11 inch boe between the rows of (me and a balf to two inebes deip aad as soon as tbe beets brask tbro^ ĵb tbe groand,(ff tf crost is formed, aeeoon as thin ooftors, following tbe prsse-wbeSl marka. By the first of October tbe beets are ready to harvest; the first planting gsnerally a i««w weeks earlier. Ae .the ia tonnage mostly in of October the harvsstingsfnth fall faros should not be started before th* middle of October Tbebarvsetlng is dew with a two^ores poller «rideb looeene tbe beets bat leaves tbem in tfmgrooad. Jkfter tbls ̂ s beets hav t̂o be paliMl by band and topped «h»s,#eSliE at tke base of tbe tbsn bs Shipped to Mfo- the field And %be best 'tfromfit fam wort. . Aft GROWING. Timely Article on flw Indaitry la 1U« • . "*• 5 * 1 •£i \,. j {* / * ^ l̂ ereappeare t̂t .extended artl(4s on beet eagar growing In thie fauna erf Tnn PLAifnmA Ag*, mh\tki will be ot intersst to many of Oar readers. This Is famish ed by Prof, llolden, of tbe Uaivsrsity of Illinois. t In connection with Thb Pt,4iMonAi«B deeireft to state that ft bns s qnanti- tjf ©f beet ssed and they will be ghrsn oat free of dutrge to any who may saat tbem. Besides tbis more extended in structions will be furnished if mi nested. Call at this office and get sampl e . . Knatrnetlona to Board* of He*ltl». It issald that a move is on foot for a coarse ofinstraetion to be given to tbe local hsalth boards. TMe is to be saiiildon aader tbe instruction ot th4 state board of health. As in Illinois, so many health officials are laymen, who naturally are deficient is sanitary and hygienic attainssente, the board considered that a eootee at one of the uaivsrsities of the statj rela tive to the diepoeal (4 sewage, also a better knowledge Of water eupplies, milk *nd meed; iaspsetion, diseaiectants and dislniectinir, bfcienH, and sanitation in general, especially for loeal health offic- •tre, wonld be of incalculable benefit, more eepeeiaily if mnnicipaMtiss would appoint none bnt men who presented oartUtoetas of qialifioation. Tbe board, ?ssala^c= besstily sp- frrotsd of lha Wsa aad recommended. its mf9: Fiosnce-J.J. Miller,J. H. J-lWd. %trss«i and Hbji Wn. Sobretesr. »dewalk»-P.J. Frenud, C. iirka and Apparatac-- Mttni fm. Wm MeeeUanoons--0. T. Eldredge. 8ehr»faer,.rohn Bsim«r. #a ̂ H. Miller, P. J. Prennd, John J. Millsr. President Rothermel made the tnllow- lag appoiatmsaw, wb cb were approved: Hat Nissan, ViSla«t Tapper aaidflapsr- intendaat of Water Woiin. ... John Walsh, Assistant. « -. Mat Nslssn,East Sids MmntoaAS , John WaWi, West Side llanhd, H. C. Msmd, Tillage Attorney. L. H. 0#sn, Village Trsasnter. Dr. 4. B. Aaringer, Ohairm ̂ a, Dr. V *n« tbe nnpirvinif lor khii distrSefe is . Wells, tyny WsbMr, Hsaltb Board. Isolated, and tbifc bHng tbs SmCmms Mat Naisaa, Tillage Conetable. Tbe marshals will ba^ ̂tte work of Boaii for natoon licenses frotethefolt lowing gentlemen were rsosivad and proved: Mo Heioer, Peter B. SMtd, Tony fingain, i. J. Batik, Bd. Long, Barry Boewortb, H. C. tknitli and Bobt Sebeiesle. ||raI8EO for HIS WOfillt Donnelly Wins (ke the Boone Co cutty Bar. -Harvmd Herald. Appramd *f /S f . "PeaMtsif Itofcert KaMta. /dho», at Aastla, Tmom» Wedasnday of Jodgs DonnsUy*a h<Hdtegeonrt ia tbe Boone eoanty eiroait nonrt last of theeeotd tioeve every lawyer in town vtHbeartitfaMH*. He eonvened conrt early each day and held it late. In fast one evening altar flix o'clock after » hard day's wo*i> aii'lawjar aearly fainted wbentbeaoartaekedhimifhe wished to cross exaarfae before eoart adjoarasd. bat been JMing court attday to maketbe weekagood one. ' **tldefi» Ja%e Ponaeily's first work In the Bocus nofiim î nmt ponrt and be iMMfiiide ft fmpr^sM'on asjndge, Hie treatment of tbe members of tbs bar laoonrtsiwa ̂hflt dsoisinus tear and im partial. Tbslawysrnars highly pleased with Jadge Donnsity's oondact of mess on trial and find it a plsasnre to try Ksasss betors Mm." in tbs to carry I, i»'t alrald ookthe tew to the lettar. Igped la hie (ild Job. Tbs WtUiss" win kaow this to it they vnatnve two of the Lawrenoe bridge. rtU>ManMuUoaWrtwr4k.4<MM .***.**"!***y "Bo""- k "•» <* Hw %knWnntl.lUMt.. Born aad nJni to n££hood' ia Bin Hsniy, tbs . nnmbsa of Ids of : "&t* by haod enltivators. B, f, alieavy rain sbooid cause on the field, the light in 'case tbe eeed W iiot gwinlssted, "as otbandsa it woold be better to ran the cultivator over the field, following the ' rown, wM nan be don* ea l̂y before tbe •sed ieap an the marke of the press- wbsllfdia be plainly- disrtngnished '•IftilMk, however, can be bettsr done by band hoes (11 inches wide-HMe bo ̂ log) As eooo as tbe hssiabraak throngi' the groand and tbe rowe eaa be followed, theealtivation must begin,tbe earlier the better, not osiy to des^oy the weeft> bn t̂olooesn tbe soil, Which permits tbe air to penetrate, thus forcing the growth ot the beet and improving ite qaalHgp It is very important to kill the wesds be fore tbejr get above the ground, or at ieaM bators they besoms well-rooted Thiiia* be easily accomplished by cuiti- Ta l̂hg the field with tbs fiat shovslsvs > Beniamin' Qilbart baa parehased tbe vsxy bnlldteg. which was need by B Freondlorasalooa. Mr. Freaad movedton tsmpornry beltdiOK he -has bad erected aear ths WMmuf jour- aal ottc# which bs wiff nis for a ealoon ontS bft̂ « bis nee baftling ereeted. GilbsrtBro%. now oosafr Hits bailing with tbs one next t̂ » it, which they !«*«. bad hsrrtofore, for a grocery stom. Tbis gives tbem ample room and tbny no# have at neat aî d completi a grocery as can b) found ia any small >8{S« U«w AclrcaltarnL Collage. The erection of the $150,000 agrical- at Urbaaa will be started at The intention no »is to have it in !at;on for the fall term in 1900. H students who are 14 years of age ud have eompleted the work of an ap proved grammar school will bs per mitted to eater the department for the ttady of elsasentary agriculture and al- ysdsabjecte. Tbe wtHk te a large mea- surs will be elective, though a high etaadteg will be required b^ore a dipfo- ma will be granted. Tbe diploma of tbe lower school will admit to tbe collage of agrkraitan, 'which will continue, nith ealarged faeOitis ̂ ln the. manner in ^ ^ <y§ % A Oeed Program. WesEvelyn 8toddard and pttpffis, as sisted by Mkfs NsUis BkinksU, tbs sk»» cntfoblst, oi fUehmesd, will givs a re cital at tbs parlors of Mr. aad Mrs. F. K. Qranger, on Friday evening,'May 19, ait which the following program wfil be raadsred: Admission, 10 oentn. 1 "Here we g»".« Vannah Mabel Oramgar, Nettie Scbeisele. 3 "Psactfal Dreams" Msrs Lucy Suttoo. 8 "Spanish Dance," op 6 Eake... Evelyn Stoddard. [Qoodmnn 4 **floldieni* March" ~Biifc! Ilorsnoe Orangsr. M "A itmppy Day'\...~.....M#««H»MQoita* f Etta Knight. ' 6 * In tbs Forsst" Goarnar Archie Anfin^ar. 7 'Vales Mignonns" Streabbog . Mamie Granger, Irsoe McOmbar. 8 "Schusiao" Belle Qallahar. 9"Bocenes," op 77 .,...M„,Hsrmann ', Mian MellisBkiaken. 10"Betnrn oftbe Hsroee".. Kittie Ward, Irving Roll. iMTMtMiaaiOM.-- llMParade Review"....--..̂ Esgelmaan Kittie Ward, 12 "lSbn8kater".~.«.,....̂ .,... JSitterbart Belle and Zoo Qallaher, 18*'A Dream" .Bartlett Mrs. Wm. Gallaher. 14 "Peaella Walts" ...Mattei Mabel Granger. Elfi»Stai«s Tsnseo Faseteatton" ....C. Weber firth alaalit 16 "hiiver Spring" .̂W. Mason Evelyn Stoddard. 17 "Old Folks at Hoanab" afar and varia tions..... Mm..................J3tobbe MissSkinkeU. lft̂ &rry Night".. Mabel Granger, Nrttie 8chsiselS. Bcmklnt Arrive From Porto Rteo. remains of Edward A. Woodard Woodstock Saturday evening Porto Rico and were interred io akiipd cemetery. The deceased was a pbsrofCo. G. nad died an ths regi iiaitisa-tlttaiMboat •• * ** .-1'-* • ^^0' btess * ssadn'. tes Tbs tioK .t . -jM begin ' J b t e ^ k a a a a s J I ^ M n m a a l a ^ t e J I l a a dm. Ilcxt - BMMifatr 800 mkmn l| appointed throegboat the United 3*te>. fttaled into dteteicte the enwe jm eongrsssfoaal dletricts, only naA g& jî 3wA' Jll ki.ia • tbs iTiFWifc t̂Kiiii t> hh --mse for sMhtowMhlp, prsslnntnr,, wart,: oaHil ltee aad density o» In thickly bs wQi bs paM , bg sapervieore will time next i it to a toky to eeenre af appdfehtaMat, nnd oily mum tte cagnpi vtj tronhlsAf'Mtlaini. Itwonldbe the part of wiedom tar tbone wh*> dasfan to tint tldf "noaatrf al their frieode to bear npoa that worthy. Any l>tim» now writtea lor tbe inaw dapaitewUXIi berehmdw Mw> tfhpsrrteacn oi' Mte ro^^sstive districte, to be gateed baste of t̂ je ca^fcntleij stfKs^ l̂a^sry ,̂ Ddalli, Dnpage ̂ IteUk aad *^4 tbeeapsrriecgnfor tirie Maddea, aged ateat U kttko^ ,̂«ot guKgpeotedf yetubeatlte' ! nig dim .orwi iaMtvei AMI IMMlMiMI flwhtete mi ft b 'Ckttk tiM fol* aî it. ifOwitiftOTvr pi||h Monday Seaeisi haaa»dte hla ifet Mate s®d tfce conasil ̂ np- tbam with the emspttea of one And ttet washiswAaetion of J.' C. as mm* - • oommteriensr. Mr. ai' oae tfane cnpscliteadsBt Harvard aad also tbs lt«t snparlateadsal of the cooaty • poor item. Tbs sn^or next namsd John Carroll, arssiitetofHnrfard for ssvwal ysars, bnttbseonocasaid My.̂ He amrt ptf. bameofWm. F.Hill, who wae City marshal, bat be dida't '•O.K. The test prsssutsd' by the m emtMtid meaa the flrat. an ite 'rsnted. Tbe conncil wanted IWtek V ̂ftogna, bat the mnror dida't aatd no iter a time tt wnoldhatetobe dngr evening, when tbag hope to agne on enate man to look after tbe atrsaia and te ttn alscteie rpa ̂ city. f|tenk #, Hofti bat beta a plsm. He in basked by Allartea* Rohan, wbo bat beta managing city pol ities te Harvard for several years, lbs tbs beshsnt aad tet, bat be didn't 1 thlsysarr '̂ s wns nhde 4hair» maa oftheeommitteeoaetbe soath aid* parit and also chairman of the conuait- tss on riven and waterwaye, which will When Head Consul W. A. Hflothcott calls the bted camp, Modern Woodmen of Asttffcn, t*\p4« m Tfftrlif City, TassdernH>rnifg, Junee,tb«n wifl be conraMNl a , wmsiis ̂ np» isintteg it :jpsate«| fratsrial bsasieb»7 ftMlMr I* tbe world, the 'Madera #oqdmaa ttis inoath passing ibe A. O.U.W. TbehaB te which tbe meetlsg will be held ie tbe laigeai audltortem in wbicb any frater^ •Wl wm&Nnf iW» lP^Wh. Aside from tbs slsction of officers who for the next two years will gaide the hSnirs of tbe aociety, the delegates will qnsrtioiis to consider, mentioned wm bs the of . . orn- la:Utab, aad Oklahoma on tbe west, nnd Naa T«k, New Haatpehire, Termont, Mates aad other desirabls statee te tbe -A * MAN DIES AT MARENGO IN A 8U«- - ̂ -• , PICUOU8 MANNER. . : f * ̂ CifeMitMcci Points Toward Joe. Artjjki at WHom Home the. Xn IMed Btowineli Tnken to Chlengo. Marengo to all tornnp over tbe < tinder eatpicaous circumstances Of Fraate Huasnlii, who die* last Sunday TO give the local campe tbe right to PV aasmbats from their general funds for procuring new members. To adopt a standard emblem for the society. To consider tbe petition to admit Chicago to tbe juriedictioa. Todiscoesthe qneetioa of admitting women to membewhip. To aoMind the laws relating to eoldisrs daring a tims of war. Tbnaalaida qasetion. Ths liqaor dsaisr qnsstion. ITie completion of tbe hsad ottos bailding. And many otihsr saHsdb wbidi iriwafs ̂ ators a bsad oamp.--Belvidcre BspaMtma. NEW LAUNDRY OPEN8. on. tb. m»| ooca pants of tbeRnA nssk. B« wî ap"»tair rooms. So they were oom- eeek other qoartere andT are m vm para aao raae mm enw HW ready tor basiness in the • to aoqalre knowledge la botaav daring tbs oooilif tralyoa^ffbat be dosa a%litpMy'>iid arsaimismyta oar suteisiî 'ipî - estaadaprî tisallbtedlMpî it'ltf- wmyW i |Ww®pMM| tlfti and manly eouree aad pmsflaid tb maxim 'do onto others as aro l̂dtbnt others eboald do aato yon" He atwaya madj his boom ia Me Bury antil n few years ago, whsa be is moved with His father to Gray'* Lake, in Lake county, where be sstabttsbsd him- sslf in busiasss, bsteg t» baiaswuialMt by trade, and where badoaea lssst aad lucrative bwstesss. Bnt graAM ĵr U* health tailed him, aad at the tisae of bb father's death, a bnr monthe ago, bft friends basnqw alarmed aad prevailed upon him to go south, hoping that e change of dhnate might bs bat that dim disfii, toojlrm a bold npoa hlsi, ail ilsajite'liio bsntsssdiaal skill aad thebiadsst care, Uwo daaghtera to mourn bis loss, Mrs 1.̂ JMU m* aKftiwiytf Hie l» M --fm -- JkZ I 1 *fl ClAA flti hsrnpMly paw woree and Hi is above stated. Wbsn it became evldsat tbst tbe change of climate tniiM not aae* him, hie two sisters, Miosis Charlotte and Mary, wsat at ones to his bedside, and remalaed witb him to the bnt, ad mteisteriag to his every want as only mm lovteg bands ran' fio. /ThSNOinteswmwbrongbtto MoBoaiy M8atarday foflao<Mi. aad tbs foasral WtRttO. D. Howe dhd atb4 Woodstock last week Thnredny He whs tbe father o! IS, W, «t'; fl-9 ftmersl res »inga Rev. 8. V. Hay E. W. Howe, wif i and fami- TH'̂ Ua place, left Saturday morning to fttteid it. Warm D. Howe 'wae ('aledoate eoanty, Tar- 9,1896, whsrs be spsnt the early fmrtof kit life. He was married 15, IW7, to Aanandn' fiatabroob%>'"Of• Daavtte. Mr. Ho«m aqpsat ssvsral yte of his B|| in California among the Wtess, nftsrward rstorniog to TerasOa ,̂ Hs eaas to MoHsnry nonnty with his 1868, wbsre he bite since re- Mr. Howe Isavea six soas and t b s ' M M M f j Straab, offlotetfag, nnd ths remain/ Wat rest in Woodland esmetsry, ba| slde thoee of Ms fatbsr. He wns barried with Masonic rite, ander the d^ectlo? of Gray's Lake Lo&g$, of whhfc be wan tel. honored pIBce of V^r. Tbe fiorai oSari|#R mmi appreetitionte vkich be,wn«iMld by th Howe having died ia 1898. The chll drte are, Elmore W. of rcHenry, Orrie H.aad Eugeae W. of Renville, Minn. Herbert i.vt FootvUle, Wis., Eliatbetb, Cteribel atid Lssils B. of Greenwood nnd Gilbsrt E. Of this city. f Ereeta m Mmmmcnt, I J, & Millsr, the McHenry m moment Healer, baa erected a large Termont onrnnit# OS fefcgfj IVW C* timothy Bacon at Volo last wesk. Hs ilso has tbe contract for thssrsstfon of ilaifpsooe for Jfoba Meysrs, of Fremont Orator. B-side this hs has tbr contrpete to fOrnish four monoteaate for tbe Klain- msmbsr. havisK held the Mtote at Lo° ̂ Mr. Worshlpfni Maoter the pate *° iBdu4trio°* **A painstaking and girss tke v<vy bsst of in his work. Wite î gUMM k|g| mothsr, t«n sisters and thrss brotbere, who have the eympatby <rf this sntiro commnnity in their boar of owftv. COM, | Job jvsat weski ImSuc at OMmmwpmA. ' not. Homer F. Aspinwall, late <fept United States transport Ma t̂oba. and senator from twelfth dirtriet» IUiaoia, will de'irer a leuiniw is the M. E ckudi at Grssnwood, Friday erwilag, Mny 12 at eight o'cl «k. 8at̂ ect: "Tnpnsporta- M-wfW t̂h" trmv Dnrteg tbe Wite With Spain." Uapt. Aepiu *all eerved in Ipba anu Porto Rico and will undoubtedly have many interesting thtegsta tell of lilt mjsntipiitli; a very spsakar aad wiut a sabjwt so pofwlnr adth thoss tetesosted ia oar soldisr boyoln this aad tbe surrounding coateMPtttte, we be^enk for tbem a very plsasnat aad profitabie evening'e eatortalamoat. ijsriaiioB, S6 cents; fete . , . rhiUr Hoffman Sick. Pb8Hp f|»Sman, au ol.l resident al iprteg Grove, is daugeroasly eick at bis borne *nd his recovery is in grave doubt. Ufoadiv evening a coneultntlon was hold between tbe attending phrsksian, Dr. David G. Welle, aid Dr C. H Feg- ere, of tbie fiteee, and Dr. Armstrong, oi Rirhmond. Mr. Huffman is an eeteemed dtismof Sprteg Grave and hhi osrioas ffln-- has coat a gioOm over tbe com munity. ,•• /. / Moving to tke B«r John M. Smythe's farnitwn wngon t throsgb here the ear(y part of tike k oa an oysrtead trip from Chicago bo Pkatakse Bay. Tbe fatnitare wno far HteoanMnsr rssidsncsof Hon. Wm. Lori- % ; -- Hte* am* 'mmst; ^•'X-m •» t t >* t%^S] «%- vJr,- ̂ ' "V % fnC f'.AO •'V*'r>v . . . . • , We nrs aow mndiy to contract a ited anmbsr of boras for opgrt aslaotysar. (Jontrncte can be mads at A. 8. Wright's dnwetMe <* at B. |̂ Anstia'e grooary stors, Wood* , 5 | X - ; ft Kimball, ths lauad- rymsa, am located in the Mrs. Margaret Knox bailding, near tbe park. They wore obbgsd to vacate the Parks battd* teg on aoeonnt of the Knox On acooont of thh change they were notadblt lo be^n operation as they < pected Monday morning, bat titer will are OMUfcfcigaste IWMteAiMdJMi A.. • wvrag Vv iffBrngb gMk good nocaa bs psrforaMd by Innadrr* BMa anyWhsrs. TMr wiRoollsotap the weskmnd dsttw it. Oimnd Jurors Drawn. The following named gentleoMa have beea drawn to eerveae grand jarore at the May term of the ciroalt ooart to be Wo°dst jc| Ob Mby 22, DsYamoad l. C. DuflWoody....„........_........Mareogo, P. F. Boyls. eaeeaaeaMltinBBiJPO ! John CwraB Chemung A.» L. muuit Wftltwr Aldon IP* ®WWttl*e»»ee »*MlM|̂ l««M^e*MW* HtftlUd 8$fMMtiSlftna*«ee*eee*e*#e«e«*e*M*«e**t»l!!$Qllf|MMIk Joka BflMitagr-- <^OkO MeeeeDOlT Wm* Dttrhor. • ••#**see*«*tss •«••»*•••• Greenwood M. W. Mttier. Geo. McConnsll. Jns. Neish Je W. Gristf lftofltDr; Nando fote Johnston - a»sn***oe#***e*«*«*eM Algonquin fansot Miller. .....Algonqgln ,--*~MIm Bertha Mlekela Married. (Ttes PLAmAcaLu in ite toot issoe omitted to mention tbs marriage of Miso Bertha Nkleb, of thio place, who wae joined in wedlock Inot week at Wilmot, Wte., Wsjsmof, to Frou Smaiieidt, of purer Lbkn, The bride fe the daughter hHtafc IVed Nfcksls aad bis been a resi- (MTor McHenigr all Of her life. Tbe tmm io oan^ed at 8Uver Lake be ie loreaoaa in the ice boose. Ther will mnke their Aoom at SOvsr itehk'" • •seseeeaeseeeeeaseeali «wwiw*en«»tMi>>»ittt>Hil)row >»wee*eeeeeMHte*Me«|Rfdkl&OQd l%o Ikovip before h% passed awngr AttoTu ĵr fftiirtleff was sent for to dm# tbe man'o wilL The fact that the wffi conveyed aR hie pomeenoso to Joeeph He'd, at whose home be had lived about three months, gave color to the belief that the man may have died from ptiiMte. Suspicion became 00 otroag tb|if people talked abontit anii ing of the board of eu( "« #V vr^:-3 ,1 ...4 .J •SSiSiSil • • ' • tbe board to appropriate HOI have an analysis of w stomach made by 0Mtei|o f1 •4-1 Dr. S. CI Wernham, conoty impaneled a jurv at Marea|(o Monday to inquire into tbe cguse of death. All qf Monday and Tuesday were teonsatMi in taking evidence. The body of man wae opeaed, the otomaHdi nnd on Wedaeodagf Dri;Ww#|IN| it to the Chicago Medteni OoDsgbl alyri*. Tbe expert he brought the stomach as only $40 had been the board of supervisors, without an analysis Communicated with Lumley, who was at after tbe state's interest and now awaiting what action teg the money will be made. One of the strange thing* case is that a Chicago doctor, tof J Held has seraiingly been em| celling faedicicee aad in sending to Chicago, was a witness to man's wffi. It issald in fact tatsd it. Both he aad the dead man were fallow couataymsn, ̂ oomteg to America from Switsertaalt-;* ̂ ';'; 'v-t: . The ease looks pi for Held, who is about was married many y< divorced from his wife. tateed Attorney J. F. Caosy yer. The property tbe dead in hie will to Held, to wtu most a stranger until a consisted of ft residettt lof^j tear or five fwiden* lots io & •?*! j- WILL. ti8?lr THE To Work: After waiting two weeks for lie form er employee, who qait work on April 19, tbe lUinoielron and Bolt Co. of Car- paaterarills, IIL, hao decided to adver- tloefor newmen to take the places of tbooo who left. Aboat thirty new wy iowe already been employed, aad fnrtlMsr WPUoMbno are being received daily. Tbmm ars 140 mra now at work in tbs company's shope in Carpenterevtflo. Snecessful Danee. The Lady Fori eitara'May party was a bamming saccees and all those who atteadsd bad tbe pleasure of attending a nftw dancteg party Reed'o Qrehoelia teralsbed the music aad It gaye nnlvar- sal oattetection. Tbone who away: J. W. MaDra, Misses Bertha Baldwin, Alice Mattory and Pearl Jacobo, Nuada, and Wm. Barke, Riehaoad. *>h- - Peter B» Freund has moved bis saloon l|to a temporary building he bnn bad erected for this pur- He Will nop this mm bio new . k*"'>'!"S^ 4*«- ^ * . Ntvltvow Uw to be lnterfireteg Mw Sapreme Court. - ThseewiUbe a test case from Chicago in a few days to tho supreme court to determine thp of tbe new revenae law of 18MI, saprsoM eoart decides the law ffingalCit will be a panic to the aasesson Ibrongh- out the state and will compel tbo boK sessors to perform their work over oadsr the old law. The plaintiff's attorneys refuse to #«#!• nay oi the point# upon which they pro*, pooobo attack the law othtirtba* Mtet they hold the law is not therefore illegal under the statutoty4Mro> vision against amendatory Tbecaee will be oae oi tip greatest port to the taxpnpero of .the' fowntar. Shonld the te* be naconteitntioMl tt* situation will bs vitally changed. fl 1! 1 I "Al" and "JeflT" Haakips. In a write-up in Sunday's Inter Oosab of seven men iamoas in Gstrfield raae track history, appear ^e pictures of= "Al" and "Jeff" Hank ins, who were b| vearogone by residsats n( where they were born. In with the picturee wore in np of each, which of coorae to thorc of The PrJ*nt|»n*f.nn's who knew theHaakine brotb«ro. t: - i Pramlfua il|t Oat. The premium list for the forty-mxtik annual eoanty fair to be held at Wood» stock, Aag. 39,30, SI and Sept. 1, hal tmnisoaed ud 8esretaiy Wright is mail ing tfcsm oat. The printing was done bf theWoodstook Sentinel. It is a nsoA pampbletaBda piece of wo thatSdiUH- Lemmere may fed proad glek in Cb)c«g<% tiv Frances Osborne, one of tha ; teatdbers in the publk; schools here, it * , sick at her home in uhicago, enffering from an abscoa ̂iu the head. Her place tetheechool wm filled Monday by I^enora Stevens and has beea Sited since . | by Mrs. F. S. Angevine. ^ * 4 ^ 'S ; Pi' 'A > J Kd ward £. at Sickwwd. Gbao. T. Eidredge has taken B. to Richmond and put himiatbel of hie brother, Geo. W. EldrodtoK llV # bt; trained for the ssaooa. SdaaviKt a mark of 1 m . . A 1 ' - J?y v *4<S» ^-i 5<iS. ii... - •M