FRIDAY, MAT 5, 1899, irp "*#• ? PeftKMUB EVBBV FKIDAT »T GRANGER - • ?ric* IN tMK niCHOUk IIA6R /? tf*DMltR«rttO«w * Olispsll's Steve, TKMMS OF SUB8CRIPTIOIIt VMM). SIJ# | reeefrsd imt three m st* fa tfesaasM proportloa. . • ;•• &BWSTS »A¥. Last Monday «u Dswey's day Mtd It fair to be a historical one. It was a - afo Monday that fesfttsat admir al broke tor all time Spanish nils in ths Iliilipp^Bes, aad at the sains time one o? tiie fittest naval victories la the hi»- tewy 4t tin world was won. lite name of Admiral Dewsy will live in history's pugi. He to Ameri ca's great admiral. He not only dis played extraordinary ability in this ca pacity but he baa shown himself to be a knee statesman. In all of the affairs of ftna official'capacity he did the right thing at the right time. I)eway's fame Will grow brighter with each recurring nnuivsfsary oI his famous victory, for as the years paw the significance of that' momementone achioremkit will be mora and more folly perceived and ap$n»- oiated. K'+- is . 1 ' I?/-*" : ASSISTING THE FBESIDENT. , • : ;:The Central Music hall maw iffas a great success. It socceeded in demonstrating tliat a Bttle band of Maiaycutthroata, who at tacked oar soldiers in the night, without provocation, while this conntry was still at war with Spain, and the Philip pine islands were Spanish territory, and Who, if they had possessed the means •ad inteligeoce, would hare blown ap an American battleship or two while the •aUora slept, as the Spaniards did ths Maine--it sucQesded in demonstrating that the members of thai precious crew J <Bre animated by the "'spirit of '76," the Una sentiment that stirred in the breasts of John Hancock, Samuel Adams, and Patrick Henry, Mid it im that the twice-bought traitor who been leading their retreat with a bollock train loaded with Mexican dol- plundered from the inhabitants of , had his example and prototype ita the person of George Washington. It is the spirit of '76 that oar govern ment to striving to extinguish in those •IWaads.--Music Hall resolutions. If that is tree, the spirit of '76 'is in ladoompany. v: The Music hall enthusiasts prove too Attach. When they talk about the spirit #1 '76 in such connection they reduce their whole case to an absurdity. They betray themselves. They exhibit the to sweep Away a condition of a chip-trap theory. They «aB treachery, rapine, murder, and pU- the "spirit of '76," and demand F<*j that the people of this conntry honor it * as sock. And they hoot and jew the prsshSeut for doing his duty. That - vakss a highly sncceslul meeting--for % *he side of ths qasstioa on which they V,** are not. " No man can reasonbly object to the f-'~ f Jbseexpression of honest opinion by the r gentleman who met at Central Jlnsle JJfe. bafl yesterday. That is their doty. But shonld remember that the prssi -..wont of the United States has some jg?' ^ rights as a citizen. and some claims to ^ ^ v the eonsidcratitn dr,» his position. To gfe , Sccoss him of insincerity and to question |4 **,( honesty in this matter is going too wr. It repels iair-miiided persons and helps the administration's cause.---Chi cago Journal. ir .• ^ \ THERE have been thirty-two Speakers t -®' the National House of Bepresenta ; - f " H S t r e s s a n d o n l y n i n e s i n c e t h e b e g i n n i n g " |, of the Lincoln adminatration. Of these fiv® have been Republicans and ^ -/ Jfour Democrats. Mr. Grow, who is now , I, * Member of the House, elected from |_ \X 5 Psnnyslvania at large, was Speaker in R !. "th® Thirty-Seventh Congress, 1861 to ^^4'Slfi^1963, No 8P«aier who held office be- & / f lore this time is still living, and Mr. »c Grow is 76 years old. He was followed k- by SchnyierColfaxof Indiana, who was %<V f K*, Ior Congresses, the Thirty- ^ Eighth, the Thirty-Ninth, and the <£'• "if Foortieth. He was'elected Vice Prasi- | " ; -dent with Grant in 1868, and so Mr. 'C l Blaine was chosen to take his place as 4 f 1 ^Pea^*r the House. This position gP-Ci jpub bMiNk* jBsdglrWf, one tms. N«w England has bad, he- ddiVSw-law, three other Spsaksw, Blato# asd Beed of Maine and Trumboll <jl€ow*ctlcut. Psnnaylvttaia has hat thrsiiapsakers, Muhlenbtug, Grow, and Ranball. New Jersey has had Dayton Of the thirty-two 8peakers, fifteen have noma from ecatss south of Mason and Dixon's line. This includes, besides Kentucky and Virginia, two each from Ten uses*, South Carolina, and Georgia iaA oni from North Carolina. TheWsst hsilhad but fonr Speacem, one frtMn Ohio, Keifer, and threa from Indiana, IJavis, Colfax, and Kerr. James K Polk is the only Speaker of the House who ever became President of the Uaited States. In the next (tepublican House caucus which will elect the Speaker the states west of Ohio have just one-half the mem bership, Mid this without counting anv Southern Republican from states such as Kentucky, Tennesse and Texas who would be more interested in having a Speaker from the West than oae from New York.--Inter Ocean. Half Bates «e Milwaukee. Via the Northwestern Hne. E*«hl^wl %*•. < fr J O*0bBMf. Safe ^§«jg tickets Will be sold at one fare for the round trip from erations in Wisconsin. May 15 and 16, limited to include May 19, account of G. A. R. encampment. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern ---------- 2-w Half Eats* to 9. A. B. Aukmaadt D«nTllle. Via the Northwestern line. Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare for ronnd trip from stations in Illinois. Mar 10 16, and 17, limited to inclnde May 30. Apply to agents Chicago & North-wes tern E'y^ t Sr. Ball** Oouffh Bynp is a Tery ef ficient remedy, Tor coughs and cofds it has no equal. It is good for adults and children. For croup and whooping coogh it is invaluable. v. ip Half R&taa te Saa Yraneteo. " j. Via the Northwestern lihe. Qaickest time, grandest scenery, raritable routas, perfect service. Excursion tickets will be sold at one first-class fare for round trip. May 14-17, limited to return until July 15,1899, inclusive, account of Na tional Baptist AnniversHfiss. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y.2-w Estates* lor probate Estate of sale of real Estate oMfiniiii L»vsy. Final report, BitatooltiTi ttairdli Final report Estate of Elmatinda Norton. Prabate of wil<. Estate of Akxander lrwia. Applkfe- tioh to reinstate administrator. Estate of Itobert Walch. Final report Claim day was had in tbe loUowtax es> tatee: Alfred Donham, Ah«td Gross man. fn Moaher,HsarV Sinnet^Abra- UARHI1GS LSCBNMES. J6l0pl) A. U. Anna Nick«* William J« D^Sfl8Ueee*ere»eee*»**ee. |̂eee»«e*»*'ii08fciy Cary He> bert S. Thompson..^,....,^..Harmony Connie Si no peon.. Bel viders Henry F. Mack^en Hnntley Minnie Lambracht Hannony SKAL B8VATS TBANSFBtS. ; * ' For week endlnr K»y 1,1W, Thfttna* Glennon & wf tt Rsnedlsc ^ Htuoicl, pilot388 earn pl»t Ms 5. Dorr |«e0» Julia A De ten «t si (o Qm MeOoaael land in «ec 17, Bie)Maeait '.... 900 (8 W nslow J D »wn« A Wf to Jobs Q Vs. Olel and * wf, 88 aetes ia seeftt, mang *... -i tlOOOQ Joseph Millsr to Obarlts HiflMS, lead _ in sec 17, Ohomang DOOM Abj^h O Abtmtt ofK Abbott, lead ta _ seclS, Algonquin ... MOSS John W Grimotdby ee si to Jobs W'.l lot 6, KlD|wood IMS99 Ellon O'Brien to Hs^garst Psh'ow, land in aoe SI, Dorr 100 Sxeepttenally 3Low Bates to Boaaeke. Y» Via the Northwestern line. Excnreion tickets will be spld at greatly reduced rates, from all stations, May 18 andl9. limited to include June 23 account of meeting German Baptists. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. , ' a 3--W ' - 8s«WiHeMl«y law hates te Jwrsr.'; Via the Northwestern line. Excursion tickets will be sold at greatly reduced rates from all stations, May 15 and 16, Hmitei to June 15, account of Annual Meeting, Cumberland Presbyterian church. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. :--#£# - What Shall We Bit A serious and dangerous disease pre vails in thiscountry, dangerous because so deceptive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that it is often firmly seated before weareawarsof it. The name of this disease waich may be divided into three distinct stagss is, First, Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in tbe back, rhenmat sm, lumbago fre quent desire to urinate, often, with a burning sensation, the flow of Urine be ing copious or scant with Strang odor. If allowsd to advance, this reaches the Seoond stage, or Bladder trouble, with heavy paia in the abdomsn low down be- t wien the navei and the water passage, increasing desire to urinate, with scald- iWKM.tlon being passed with difficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it with instruments. B uric acid or gravel has formed, it will prove dangerous if neglected. The Third stage is Bright's Disease. Thai* (s comfort in knowing that Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder specialist, has discovered a Remedy fam ous for its marvelouaicures of the most distressing casss and known af Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Rfcot. It is sold by all druggists. As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this great dlcovery, Swamp-Root, a sample bottle and book of vaiuabieibfor- mation will be tent absolutely free by mail on application to Dr Kilmer & Co., Bringhamton, N. Y. When writing kindly mention that yon read this liber al offer in The Puhdialu. W fix* fjlr. mm t $*":• ~ ' - » • w u v i u o r u i B I B B S C * «" 4} sesrion, from ths opening of the Grant /• administration to the loss of the Eouss 150 the Democrat« in 1874. Mr. Kerr, of fTr <- ^n '̂ana' became Speaker, but did not live out a first term. Samuel J. f: Randal|. ol Pennsylvania, was elected to I, ' M ontthere8t of the term, and for fr" • • the two succeeding Congresses. These fe' j ?„ r̂ee Democratic Congresses covered the Ya; ,, m *- last two year® of the Grant admiaistra- mtlon and all of the Hayes administra- ® m&u. tion. • ^ . f, A Republican Bouse was elected in fj 1880 with Garfield, and John Warren Kei,er' o{ 0hio» was made its speaker. " ^ Kflpublicaw lost the three succeed- »ing Congresses, in the Arthur and first Qeveland administrations, and for thess fel, " thres terms John G. Carlisle wasspesker. ^ With the incoming of the Harrison ad • Thomas B. Reed was made Speaker. Mr. Crisp, of Georgia, was Speaktr of the Democratic Fifty-Second Fifty-Third Congresses, and Mr. Heed again became Speaker without a contest in the two Republican Congresses ,V "t & ' "JL . . followed. The geographical distribution of the Speakership is somewhat significant. Bnt fourteen states have been thus , honored. Kentucky. Virginia and Mass- "M. *" - achusetts have each had four Speakers. or twelve of tike thirty-two. New York ^shad but one, John Taylor, who nerved two terms, the latter ending in Virginia's four Speakers, Bar- I to Beajtitoa I, VoHeary, w Mary 0 Pel GUbert - aide Fox gWHrnp.. MKB D»vslaon wf t« TSroi Sh«a»r, It 5, a 10ft eff It 4, MS J, part of vkoaUKt street, Haattsr .. .. MO# JoKa Ann S Roberta *e MAry M CHrrt son, land In aee H.JGtteeawood ....... 90)00 Columbia Orrapl^apttoQe for $10 ttf&t. . 5-1*1 i'i- , i- & * buvera m This h ths on the ni • i M". ' A , A'"* > Aowxir, the artis "Ludwig ansiabli pdosi M dard, the favo cent Piauo iat a world and Ok 'Washba This Bank receivss deposits, boys and * >*1, ' •JtX a, , .• .r ^ *rw 'WmmKWVvJv v\ *®r- OS9 99 terms enti^ satisfattoty to o«r tOttWV patronage. On Real Estate SATISR^CTION 1 PfiRBY &OWEN. "I'k •mm: *• sell atteatlea H D Ornmb et »I to Lnnwl^ Lot>eo>, it I, block 5f,Harvard .. M000 Frank H Smttb A wf to Marc.ellss t. J< slya, 114, Joaly n> a |d Woodslook 1 SO Hsrroan J Wind I A Wf to same, lot IS, Joslynsaud to WoiMatOOk IK Marcellaa L Joslyn h Frank H Smith HIS.Joftlynsadd, Woodstock 10000 Mareelhia L Joslynto Bsrmsn Fiadt iot!2, Joeljaeadd, Woodstock ... ... M L Joalvj ft vt tn F W Street*, pis its 271, 272, asars plat, seaS Derr ..... M000 issso Lemonrt el al to "harlee Its 6,7,8, s», Whitm&rab estate, see 81 Dunham p. wir sari Schmidt A wf to Oardoa Bertram isnitinseeS, Alconqain . 170)10 Bmnt M Brsinard st si to to Kortoa D Brown, lot 8, bik I. Braiatrd's aid Harvard. ... ttOOO Alice Bratnareetal per Giate sssie. MUDS... 00 Wm J Austin at alto xlward Claaey, land in sec 80, Hebron 17600 Mary L Allen A has to Worton ijpAllea s«si, land in see M, Obsaaung. tOOOCS XTse Br. Bull's Ooogh Byrap tor yoar cough or cold oa chest or lungs. It Is truly a wonderful medicine. No othelr remedy has made so many remarkable cures. Price 35c. XJcesptioasUr knr .BstM to XUans- s nolis Yin the Northwestern Hne. Excursion tickets will be sold at greatly rates, from all stations, May 10,17, 18, limited t.r include June 8.' wsoont of meeting Presbyterian General Assembly. Apply to agents Chicago A Northwsstern 2-» Many old soldiers now of ths hard swvisb th the war. Mr. Geo. S. AndsrsiMi, Of vilie, Yor* county, Penn., who aaw the hardest kind of asrvia* at ths front, Is now frequently troubled with rhswta- tism. ul had a severe attack lately," he says, "and procarsd a bottls of i hambsrlain's Pain Balm. It did so much good that 1 would like to know what yon would charge me for one dcz» en bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted it bothfor hisoim«M»andtosnpplyit to his Maods and Brighton, assvsnr fami ly should have a bottls of It te theii home, not only for rheumatism, but lams back, sprains, swslllngs, cuts, bruises and burns, for which it is an equated. For sals by J. A. Story, SUafad and Bwptbmi •--No. 33895.' DESCRIPTIONBay bona, atitr, small its, ricbt biart ankls white, ,,f4>s«eb Aprtl "WSo^Sifcs7*ha,d* HeisbinM la direct lias from li)Hnbletoaie» 10 on bete sfreaad dki lM#, maktns htm oss of tks teat tfi(t stsilloasaa the Mst. Psrtiea desMag te breed for nadstors sad. jpeasrnit pis^eee horsesw 11 t lad It to tbelr latest te«M^ sn# iavestlsste heibye ytiemi K:-4i000to lasare ttve soil; I* oeiar the seasea. Moaay to be paid it iiii of miflji. BklfAVOB HOFKIN8 win be at Haalsy BsssVstatles, M mile sooth of the Metteasy brisk ml)la, ths eomlag season of U00. X sop pes and aseMeats at owaer'srlaa. MIAHUIIUI 11V1UHI Bag later od fn htderoo Stud Book of America as No. 20043. OWNHD BV Tto MeHonzj Pockra Am Gs. W«t McEamy, E W A. F. BAER. ^ V- • ^ * y.i*'1 We «nj iyed m vei?y satisfcotory Clothittf Tr«^ bofore Easter, but no doubt owing to the oontla# cold weather and latenera of spriDft, e ft' buying their suits until alter E«a$er.~ these we will say tbat our Hues are stilt unbrokeft: tho least mone> in the clothing line. GREAT Keeeeswy to ttaMMlto l am mossy, "F v, * i IT WILL DO YOU GOOD 1o see our Spring line of Ladies' and Genta' Shoei X K? |ph. ' Kl" * A ; 'V*" 1 * V*. r r'v?v -v The styles are up to date, and the prices are way 4 j|\W||, ft, , i , Jf* I- - * .-(f A *• liUifsi ^ ^ ^ ^ f A 7nok at our Hne of Hats is sufficient. We will risk the Style?, QtfaHty and Prloe to do thi i rest. 4 * ~ i , j > - i A * <lK'r • qai^ea seed hid j for bsrtslne. I yoa thaa ean tho . .> «ost, of tbe ahevs sad wss r sill sarieet jiad '̂ vthtni to try. o» aotlee, I would not he so well sq nipped Aa ahursk taraed ia by postal way reveal aaexfrseted leaalts. s Caupia sf TiaiM. oar obedisat and aasysteawtto firtsad „ ' T. V. SUMIIM, Wnueonda. ill • >t * AH kinds of Garden and Field Seeds, Cholc* Groceries^ . flour Graham and CJorn Meal. \ '•i: £ ; , <*4 .Tours lor trade, J. W. BONSLETT, :% -• PjtOCti BBS ;--f oaled Mareh ed March Ml Ute; teed f Basirtok, finals Oat , he by BriUlaatirilllML amasimoLS ^ by Brllllsat 1Y71. 706, hs M, bs by Ooeo 11,714, he by ^s by Mlg. Blolss ISM, M*7, by VldoSq 408, t i r -- - y V l ' - * b t e s i f a 7 i a . b e &*»**> II, 714. hs by Vlsux 7is. he by Migaon 714, hi by Jsaa le. PJMXO* KOIB will asake thesea*aaefllte IS We«t MeHeary aad Lstibborlng towas. r**M»ror oae servtrsrSio easb, nsyaWe f !>.**• time afssrvisej for the sea«oa, fiXaAy. sb:s osor bsfors July l; to lasare ware to I %,il sUM<> op aad sack, US. Duo 213 »yi be tesaa to prevent sesMeats. bat will aet be respeaatbfs sbonM aajr eeear> KcHeirj ftrta Hira Gi. HMKHY WIGHTMAK, MUin*fler» Thi Niehols-SliMard Nothing that helps to make a perfect road and thresher < > ' left o»t or slighted iu the construction of ths Nirhnh fltniissl , Traction Engine. Everything has been done that ^yiy [ exP«rience could suggest to add to ita effectiveness, power, disability • and safety from explosion and fire. The boiler is of the very best J, Ste !•' thorou8hly well made and provided with every approved safety < > ^PP"ance. The fire-box is surrounded by water--top, bottom and sides. I! A. draft"<̂ amPer i® so made that sparks and ashes can't drop out, and the smoke-stack is fitted with patent bonnet and spark-arrester. Every, part is strong, durable and is thoroughly tested. " ' I Detailed descriptions and many illustrations of the < ! (» Traction Engine and of the Nichbls-Shepard Separator and «Hh+r * * J | threshing machinery are contained ia large catalog--free. ' iXAB TH* DIVOT, WK«T M oBBNET, ILL ' hs aaewiDBiouaiwa of in Saloon aad Sntaorant Wbars bo will st si) tlmss kssp the bes Maads of Wines. Liquors and Olaars .. tptwtoundln the msrkc^ .. ^ f ' ; ' p a b w ? ® * 4 . UlwMkM Lsgn Bm At Wholesai and R#taH. in large or smaii Keg* «r Settles al. r«<? ei>MPer tban any olhM, qaatlty Ordsis by nail promptly atteaded t«w QOOD STABLING FOB MOBSB^ Oall aad see as. f Robt Schlessio. Wee* MeEteaty, May % UN. Beer in la aayson sonaids: rum mmr or rnmrn 4*W nummT AVW9SD TO Has just r«ceiT^ a very com plete stock o| mumi Stau and lot Vater lestisg. stock of all sises Qalvanissd Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office nod show Room in Jacob Bon-: slstt's Agrionltnral Implement BnUdiag, MoHKNRY. ILL- UNITSD STATES War Claim Agency -OF-- w.ftco «run, % * WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. Proseeutjon of all kinds and classes of Claims Against tMt'nited States for ex-S.tldiers, their Wiiowi, Dependent Rslal^vM or heirs. A specialty made in ths pronecntion of old iad rrjsoted dadtes; «£oln all etnims of soldiers in ths Lnts War with Spain. All eommnni- entions promptly answered if postage stamps are somonod for reply. Wm. H. Cowlln. ; Office at rosidencer Madison St., Wood* look. III. >, 4 ' Like all other goods must be frc:h, and if you desire fresh - ;rT goods in this line call on y 4ISSIA A. stsnî * MoHBNRY. ILLINOIS. Now is the time of year that * •" PAINTS, OILS COLORS f ^ are in demand. Remember we »' *"* * carry a brand of ready-inixeo * paints that is equal to any and '*'*•* better than many so-called "best" brands . a cOMPLnrn uni op • P|tte^t Medicines, Dy# Stuff*, Stationary Toilet artiolo^ and Notions. t ' pfiaaoiti pTiotta oAmii>uiiLV oompounobo to' r - •*, t A: , ' utl v • t v Z hi Wfi.......... .-v: V: 1<k '« NICHOLS & SHEPARD CO., Battle Cfeefc, Miafe Braaoh Houae at BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS. with full stock of madiines and extras. INC lUUt fWIUIIfcrwia. KATIOM ! >2. Bet of tblrtycards N tboprtadpal astkms of thejt [world. One of these cards Is paoksd tn^. >saoh large package or axr ^npJdr soML' 1 ^lfaooMptets»sSlBde8lred,WWgIn»>a: £ Js»aie.;OB" rssalps vf ftw «mK \ f «/ wrapptf*. Otve your name snd^ *. * SPECIAL SUItS For husbands, fathers, sons an brothers. You cannot fail to 4j! J best 1CCHK h' • v ? « • • • Bring your feet in, bo matter what the sise op shape, ^ and fit thpni with the latest styles and color. We "11 have no job lots or back numbers, but all new f|k4.. I!# to date. Our prices are gaaraateed the lowe^. ^ f * \ 'H Also a Complete stools; of Dry Goods, hats, caps, flirts, dyerall*r wrappers, Shirt waists, Groceries, Etc. ^a QOOOa /i^LIVBRKO AQBNT QONTINKNTAL FIRE INSURANOB OO. , Tours Truly,