c,. >. ti r *&) will the' of tie United 8thfa». lab||f.*tj <* .".. _ es will wrt i oat <rf wfil^i rtH- ployes jin* W<UM«| <Cll Fortfc^ IS CANTON C»A$>E. ,$j; At fTsnfi|n. Ofcii, Mrs, ®sswpe, Ma* BdtM D*> ClK«r Brnka ?'fc Announced-- with Jatem. In tbe caaeof Mr*. George's life bad been on* of rtcU^ tude.' v Saxton was one of the wealthiest men in Canton. It was not long;, befiaft tin persistent attentions to Mrs. Oeofgepub- voked scandal. , Sample C. Georgelett his wife, took his children her, and sued Saxton for, alienating h^^iKections. Mrs. George wont to South JMkota and obtained a. divorce. Saxton, slSSanys, had premised to marry her. On hi* return to GaStMi quarrel followed <iua$reU until at Of Mrs. was road tir A the murderdrflaat&uto* fcnd tjie woman ejected from lwiS***rtn»**t6 in a building owned by oiwir of court was also obtained her from visitinfc Sajrtofc or J_t ^ I^Ba ° ,*t»RW«Ek ia • «Wr-to/ d&lrafcraloaie <10? experience. )£€.] Lddness Dr. - wef I*#* the fei»tl!ires-t>f i of SC^AWfflcsn ^fftbowjrs lu t4i|| «QiP^nt demonstration it is not needed. |tftte*pwtiatiliylng , il \p comparison with the <s>at ta llre United 8t^t«, bat even if one should save one's -entlye income It would scarcely amount ijo tv compet ence. it is a mistake to indulge the opposition that the iFillpiaos are un* isatli «»vsges, Incapwble^f perfonn- tagwklUed tailor thaewauirestbe exer- <«f judgment -1&e population iiv- ,1ngalqng<fag coast aadln tfeeeittys has attained unsurprising degree of civil!za- ±Jon' and-the Workmen of - this class an infinite varlety-ofartlcies ' "$f their own manufacture that would %e <credlt)£ble to a imore enlightened waantcy. They are, la my judgment, 'to the same classes in Cuba, Stitocxattd Hawaii, arid possess In & .great measure the cleverness at imi tation of • the Japanese, whom they re semble Inpbysioal appearance and in the-similarity of many customs.--Re* wUew <of Reviews; mart cauti MMtt be no order there w«^f! read the verdict of Women her exten George wo took -each j I|T i(it*MSg the Saxton bH*k. *"l$asUy Sak- tlMT ton refused torrarry the v«Btt and sbe H» wateaed' to kill him., -. T** day* later tae$H to the e ban |ke Was shot. suppffl** of Its ' Jfceocy tbetrtrty •Ohlttt aieeplgiuit-- ftrfn roam, so# as I a blessing k to «• !»• J* -na. A friend ia aeed M a •- friend indeed, and every bottle «f Pr-ra-u 'Jtever bought proved a good (rit«4 W aae." ^^B^%yii»ar. ' .Daubaa, 1214Kerth'•' I aqtgaedahd fciw -- w . >at fnc*BBrt<fescribeit.."! is «l;<;rything to ase. 1 feel.JjSifthraad Well, but if I should be SK*"| wiil *»»w - ^rhat to take. 1 hare. takea Bt»wil wt- iuei of Pe-ra-ca tor Utmmim «omp!aiBt. 1 «n in change of life aad itltoes me good." , Send for a fuse book written fey fie. Hnrtman, «atitle4 "Healtli *ad word and <a 'nod of thanks, the coim she^was. discharged leaafld. tjfeje Jury. For tto years no murder trial fti' cited such intense interest throi country as that of Mrs. Gfeorge. -ftanding of the family to aered man belonged, his tttation in tl^ dotnwjunity the loyalty with *whieh Ws weak were shielded by bis ^eigfebors, and* tpl visitation upon him ofjt punishment w4*w® many of his clc«o frt^lds believed to W Just sutteed to -ffive the trial a melodra: matie Crowds were drawn to the court room of daily draws to the modest conrt room of the tittle Ohio city :tyr three weeks, and the circ^Mt^nces centered the attention of all^ reading Amerit|HtS npon the woman there battling ft»r,1n!^ri1ife. , Mrs. George passed* through the hardest ordeal of the trial dnring the gumming up afff htr testimony was vigor which «wito*ly<nMr. iHnotforwt* ane:laBt mi^lSt Anetioa Sale of Jewels. She gitttcctng adornments >6f one of "#(^endld paupers" were dis- nted theother day at a sale by aue- n. ^Phe owner of the eighty-three l^btoC ,^eot»rt.. Jtewcis of unusual splen-, 4aP' was- merely described as a "lady of .tltle.n.There were rings and brooches itt&d earttogs and bracelets galore, the feojytoBtlPO selling for a trifle under $80,- WO. Tbe^gem of the sale was a cluster necklace of sapphires and brilliants, Which realised $7,190, while the other more costly articles Included a corsage iftecoration of diamonds and pearls ($4,-' 090). a brilliant and pearl collar ($4,025), another brilliant collar ($2,125), a neck lace of brilliants, cabocbon, emeralds and ruhies, sapphires, and pearls, and \yet another of-pearls and brilliants, which sold for $1,775 each, and a fourth Similar :gew-gaw, which went for |25 .and ^She, ammber of jjri.vilege of ipriaea." i^lOMlBS 'isKi after *he 9utd decided fhe] •orrygfce dida't pickooit >eae.-dT gliwd :TeesAwm-Om • tkpt a ;feel i!' Did yo(i |katf>4|i in ^ High no ir dat have de nerve: tb shove amf-nit ft mi tt feller. , Hungry Hamilton--sr«s, but nmrt -Of tt? Water's gflU £i«e all a3>otmd ua. • kern?'* Balaam w^l «Mp llie oauglT"Kt M**. <SotoTow^«giit#MwMd«et « ample kaltle trae. 8aM im %& «ad M wntbottl^k <mot: delays aat -daa- .g^erouffc' •' [ ' ' y - f. I In a J*paae*e Theater/ . A i^ebtator In k Japaaieae tiieatoe, «n ^J|aynlent of a smiUl fitm' feci, la pemut- *ed to stand' dip;>and the jtezutan behind him lat- ter's view of ae performance ia ! Iptruc^ed. "••• * s -f 1 'L 1 : Not HlgUy Cttl tared. :t'"|Sj»y do icfeed'up b^^nn^fetf 4ia6iflofi her- "When she sings I can ^^r^^ery w^rd ^e^aajv: >VhatiDo the Children DrtakT •Don't .give them tea or coffee. Hava .yon tried the new food driak ealled GItAlX-1)? It ia delicioaa and nooriah- ing. and takes tbe plac« of coffee. The mot* Graia-O yon give the efaildmi the more health yeu diitribau throagh ayatems. Grain-O ia mikde ef par* gralna, and when properly prepared taates like the choice grades of coffee, hat coats abont̂ 4 aa much. All grocers sell it. ISCL A PreUtM Solved. "I've just found out why. so many ipeqple air their family troubles In the courts nowadajil.** • ":\f ; "Why ia It?" ' ... ; , *3in& flats have cdme'hi^ fashlbn rthere Is no room in the closets fof the Skeletons." Shake Into Soar Show Allen's Foot-Base, a powder for the feet, litcures paintul, sw^tenv«martinK, nervous fectsndfn « the3t!nsout&!cottu .and bunions. It's the greatest oomfort dis-' aovery of the age. Allen's Fuot-Eaae makes tight-litting or new sboes leel easy. It is a <aertain cure for sweating, callous and hot,; tired, aching feet Try it to-do*. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25o, instamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Attend Olmsted, Le M»y. N- Y. A. Frequent Occnrreiice. Xiady-HiWere you ever brought to tvrark for a living? f¥ Beggar--Qh,; yes. JDe last time I was ^brought npw I worked ten days.-- Jfoidge. . Next In Order.* ; MMkw .Mary, are you -sorry that yonr, aSAter Evelyn la married?" ! -"JSo; ft advances me<Qne,.nv^l|CC'/>^-* CMeago llecord. [t . ' E . . . *-&.y'rO ; i - r j- >; *, ' ' -,K V R* CHARMING grandmother! What n pleaaant influence is the hot»e!« adfleligh^ a fnl old ladyin good healdil , ' Hits. MOLLIS BAftm, St James, MCL, writes: "tt took/ ^Lydia B; Pinkham's Vegetable Compound during change of ||life, and have passed through thai * critical period safely. $I suffered for i years with falling of the womb and \ female weakness. At titoes eottld . .hardly stand <m mjr feet, also had K ^leucorrhoea.' I tried several good £ doctors, but instead of getting better^ grew worse 01 ilie f *'time. A frfend advised me to try Mrs. {Hnkham'a Compound. I did so and aftir taking si* bottles, was caned of'bods *W it'" " ' . . i%j-' f: •3 ^ „ ^ - " 2' \ jlsftcorrhoea sad lalling of womb, lam now enjoying good health and feel rexy gtatehfi for recoomcad Mss. N. E., LACBT, 'YF? Pearl,: I«a.# Wfites: C, ~ "IhavehadlettcorrhoBa ^ t ifor about twenty years, |y;f falling of womb toy spells %0 | for ten years, and my j§" : bladder was affeeted, had L i backache a great deal. I tried a -number of doctors. They would n-'&f lieve me for;'a little L.while, then I would be '•$< rorse than ever. I then thought I would [try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Eleven bottles of Com- : ^ottnd and one box of %"• Liver Pills cured mi ^ and I am now sound <• %t helped tne threngh tlM ehange of life period. I itm 0fty^^y€s•«ileM.,, S,V The women of advanced years who eye healthy and happy ^ are inipf^hiy fthos» who have known how to *spnre hel» ; When fhey sesfltid H. • Ifas. Pinkhjlm willadl sifstxm •eogniilsli lired them. the crime, ',*pn«ly attackefl "by the defease, Showed that fhe woman hod beea for years a confirmed morphine eater, and therefore was not a capable or reliable witness. It was further shown by thede- 4se that at of the jis too daifk to wtinguish even at short ^RfUnXF the featpm: of a person, and that e neighbors who hurried to the scene ef 'the tragedy could net idei murdered man until they and .held it to his face. It had rained on the day and the woman, seen wal SaxUtnis ihaatiag 0 roada. wtt«p arreateo at 7:.10 o'clo^ praa^hat werevni»0iled, her clothing was frcH^rom md^and close examination of her 'Spparel ia^Chouse failed to reveal oand-atained ar^clfs. When taken to the poliet statloa^MPefarbun 4ere found on HER.DTWS,A|T|||IB ;̂BTATF:̂ «*E the e m t® tra bad on < • •%'df ,* I i u •; -/3J \\i • % 1 jFi- ] •~'h J ' >* ̂ vt u . r - r f P ^ ' T . ' f / ' \ l t ' ' • • " V s O / / / • '• / f r-HE GERUJNE- /c n u r kC'UI-iViL^e . Hi' N E . W Y H R K N Y U S A •'"A':<.'<• r %'r*t 7ft 11 1T,HB pleasaait method and beneficial eflfects of the well-known remedy, SYRUP OP FIGS, t •* Hhe California Fig Syrup Company, illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxative •of plants knows t® be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form ino&t reflrefifaiag *' •snd-scen ing \ acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengrtiening laxative, ' '1 CLEANSING THE SYSTEM EmGCTUALLY. DISPELLING, 4Li COLDS AND HEADACHES, PREVENTING FEVERS, * ̂ ̂; £ OVERCOMING HABITUAL CONSTIPATION PERMANENTLY, v . ^ K J , U" ' Sr. W'% Us perfect ftom every objectionable quality mid substance, and its acting on the sJulffiir. 'Uper and bowels, *e«tiy yet promptly, wiftwut Weakening or irritating thra, make it the ideal 1^^:: In theprooess of aaa IKE MEBICINAL QUALITIES are used, as'=tlie# ii«|̂ fas«nt to the taste, but MRS. ANNA S. GEORGE. GKOKOB D. SAXTON. by James J. Grarit, assistant prosecutor. Mr. Grant was Saston's lifelong friend. He went into tUe case because he deemed it his duty. He has known Mrs. George for years and she dreaded him. For five hours he leaned against th<> table, beside which she sat, and put all the bitterness of his soul into his*eloquent and stinging plea. He is of massive frame and has a ponderous voice and it is no wonder that Mrs. George trembled as he spoke over ber bowed head. Once he shook ia her face the revolver with which she was said to have shot Saxton and dangled the bloody coat of the dead man in the other. She sat unmoved and showed no emotion, even when he turned to her, his face ablaze with wrath, and called her a mur deress. But at night, when she reached her cell, she broke down and had to have medical aid. Prosecutor Pomerene closed his argument in the case shortly before noon Thursday. It was one of the ora torical and logical efforts of the trial. He Claimed that the defendant was simply a designing woman, w.ho had played for high ||ft9. OKOROC m CO stakes and lost and who killed the object she ascd to gratify her ambition. Defense Cleverly Conducted. ; Mrs. • George's counsel had early forced the .-State to exhaust all but one of its challenges. She had twelve remaining at that time. A little later the State ex hausted its last challenge. She stilf had eleven. The,power was in her hands to pick almost a new jury. Then she grew mote careful .yet. Juror H. A. Smith once lost a brother, tits .neighbor killed him With.a neck-yoke. .His .-slayer was acquit ted. That was ijust .after the civil, war, but the defendant thought he iftight .yet retain a notion that .acquittal in a «ase of homicide was not proper. lUtiMHShout the teial MM. George Wpt an aid AOd support to iher counsel. £jpe wlgMki •questions oil cr«Mss-examinali«vl and decided what deft®ee should be at tempted in her case, fibe was a helpful (Aleut IMfte hands of shrewd attorneys. It was expected that tbe Relationship of &axtaa and Preridasi MeKinley might figure is the trial aa against the accused. The political preference was taken, into «aatidet*&(*Q. Juror William Blank was Removed frpoa the Canal Fulton pogtoffice before his time expired. He was accept ed. Juror Sibiia of Maseilloa is an uncle of Sam Mett. a boy who was hanged in the '80s and would naturally be opposed to capital punishment except under direct proof. He was accepted. And so it went. It la said that anonymous letters were received by both the State's attorney and his assistant, in the course of tlie trial, ia which threats of bodily harm were made. History of the Case. George D. Saxton was shot and killed shortly after G o'clock on the evening of Oct. 7, 1898,' in Canton. At 7:30 o'clock the same night Mrs. George was arrested at her home, charged with the murder. A woman, cloaked and veiled, had been seen walking from the scene of the tragedy, but no one had followed or sought to de tain her, nor had her face beep seen. The arrest of Mrs. George by the Canton au thorities was due to the fact that'ahe bad made threats against Saxton. Mrs. George ha dbeen a resident of Can ton several years. Her husband, Sample C. George, was a carpenter, and she was a country bred girl. She had married jMtni sad *** swtfear of m» boys evidence, as the ground around the scene of the murder was thick with the plants bearing them. The defense demolished this evidence by showing that the route over which Mrs, George walked to the po lice station was in one place thick with the same piaata. . A revolver also figured in the case. lt was f$pnd concealed some distance from the scetie of the shooting, with three dis charged cartridges in it. The prosecu tion offered it in evidence as tfye weapon' used by Mrs. George, but had no evidence to show that she ever owned ir Or that it' had been in her possession. Mrs. George when arrested was calm and seKHp&sessed. She maintained the same beating during ber trial. When ar rested the fingers and nails of one hand had dark stains on them. These, the pros ecution claimed, were powder stains, and it had her nails scraped and the^senpings submitted to analysis. Wh#n ^ehlniilcal expert appeared during the"trlta|to tettify as to the result of this analysis the de fense objected to the introduction of his testimony, and the conrt sustained the ob jection. The prosecution added little Information on the most vital point, the marder itself, to tbnt pivnrj tho nf»«» »Ka lot the crime. The prosecution was con ducted on the theory of motive and inten- tiou--the jealous'fury of a woman rained and cast aside, While another. occupied her place. * MANY NEGROES IN HIDING* White Wen of Geortrla Purchase Pit- tot* for Their Wives. The race situation about Palmetto, Ga., the scene of the Jynchings Sunday and Sunday night, has quieted down consid erably, though many negroes are still in hiding, fearing the wrath of their white neighbors. No attempt has been made to bring the lynchers before the bar of jus tice, and none Will be, the local officers taking their cue from Gov. Candler, who says the punishment of Sam Hose fits the crime which the mdb avenged. The ques tion of arming every white woman in the: South has been revived by the crime of Hose, and already many men have pur chased pistols for their wives and daugh ters and are teaching them their use. by a matirod known *0 tfee California Fig Syru; 'toavoid imitations, please remember the full Consumers of the choicest jttoducts of -pey :{ar<cheap end <wrethk»s imitations. To co: the best of its class, m Article must be capftb: purchasers. The California Fi& Syrup Company Slid sale<of its excellent liquid laxative remedy, knovAedge of the Company and its product. The fifteen years ago, for the special purpose of man more .plsaaant to (the lute and more beneficts* ̂ ny only. In ofrder target Its beneficial effects, an#" ,ny printed on the front of every p*<" :hase at about the same price that < demand and to be e> the wants snd tastes of the best 11 1 the highest success in the mam it has become important to si! to feave s } Syrttp Company was organized mofs tfcaa selling a laxative remedy tfrhich wou&t be 3$ any other known. The great value mi*" «--£,«»•« wMkM Hitlrf the VmlfKWfMm**the pinto*-«f; anno4Uy, and by the high approval of most eminent physicians. As the true and gqpmne remedy ̂ 9YWJP OP FIGS is •manufactured by tbe California Fig Syrup Co«ip»»iy «uMy, iue ̂ .SIUWICUJJC V» BMist ill avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other^^psftjest ibb̂ fbr^ate by AH Druggishs GATHER IN CIGARS. Bmans Collect*r« find More GoeOa with Bosna '(tamps. The revenue collectors continue rto «atb- ftrin ingftiM fpnm ^Annurltranta with the bogus stamps. Reports from All through tbe business sections show thai thousands have been found. At Parlsers- hni», W. Va„ were taken; Wheel ing, jE»*KX>; Oharteston, W. V<a., 13.00S; fiouisrille, K^r., St,000; 'VJneenaws, IsdC a,600; Rirtiwil, fnd. Wjm- Y+xmg+ town, Ohia, T«de£Q, 20,^^ Ltx- kagt»*n, gy- , Told m Few lwoea> flpfalnrr Beed t* aa esfert ehatfag-disii eo»k. ' The aaasber of battles fought daring the civil war was 3,121 The figures axe tak en from official records. ̂ Our postage stamps will be need ia the Philippines, with the word "Philippine*"' printed across their face. It is estimated that 103,00^000 acres of land throughout the world are devoted to the cultivation of wheat. Tbe Ohio Republican State Central Committee has tixed iliHe 1 is the date and Columbus as the* place far the Re publican State convention. The Agricultural Department*# year book, which now takes the place of the aunual report, Will soon be ready for dis-: tribution by Congressmen. f The cost of maintaining convicts at tjbe Michigan penitentiary is 38% cents each a day, and the daily earnings of the pris oners average 35^ cents each per day. "Father Giinn" of Dickinson County is 1 lettered to be the oldest person in Kan sas. He has passed his 114th birthday, and is still able to walk two miles to the polls to vote. Rear Admiral Schley, who baa been on waiting orders since relieved of the com mand of the flying squadron, has been as signed to duty as a member of tbe naval r*SBUbia« tx^tt ta^ Wasbtogtos.- ̂ ̂^ ^ f - Agnlnaldo tbe Man. In his features, face and skull Aguin- &ldo looks more like a European than a Malay. Thus says Review of lie- views. He Is what would be called a handsome man, and might be compar ed with many young men in the pr-ov- r_C3 w Aii^iiluola, St-aiu. If tlia^' be truth in .phrenology !he is a man above the common. The aone of the skull, which indicates mentality, is well de veloped for a European--abnormally large for a Malay. Tbe moral zone is jof medium development, and the ani mal or cerebellar zone is comparatively amall, wkb the exception -of tbe reactf over the ears, indicating destraetlve- «ess and cruelty. The phrenologist would be borne out by the consensus of those who know |hlm. Friends and enemies agree that ^ie is intelligent, ambitious, far-sighted, |brave, self-controlled, honest, moral, •vindictive, .and :at times cruel. He pos sesses tbe quality which friends call wisdom and enemies call craft. Ae- «ording to >tbose who like him he hi courteous, polished, thoughtful, and! dignified; according to those who dis like him he is Insincere, pretentious, vain and arrogant. Both admit him t* %e genial, generous, self-sacrificing; popular, and capable to tbe administra tion -of affairs. If the opinion of his foes be accepted be is one of the great est Malays on the page of history. If xiie upiuiuu vi tin u-iuowt be laairfi BB the criterion he is one of the great men of history tapeespeetive of race. s> --.7,^ 504 Per Bottle Hundreds of thousands of fanners--United States farmers, European farmer*, Sootki fanners, Australian farmer*--men who farm for profit--representing the intelligeaoeoi t cultural industry, are walking advertisements for Deeri Deeriac nutcmnea an prm nrpduoer*. The harvest ^oftdHions aK^ph't^it unlessa c^Cjpcan be saved just "in the nick of time" a goodly pcrccMtana °fn i* J '̂LSRE^HAFSWIL^MACHINES GO in and win the day. Imminent disaUCT is , !re.th«t beerins machines go in and win the day. ningleM to aauat profit. aohmetare Hie djpt*dabU kind. They stand the :M, buy ; test of dire emergency. raise tnem. victory--acemi: Deering maff __ That's why th*; farr*er*f)f the worid like them, buy them, use them, praise , 4 v' peering Mia! Binders, Reapers, Mowers, Corn Blndets, ( Hay Rakes and Binder Twine are winners for *99. ... ? . nEERINC HARVESTER COMPANY, ChlcagOb '•< *%: Before the Day of There is more catarrh .ia this wcttsasf ttw country than all other diseases pot together, aid until tlie iast few years was supposed •arable. Per a great many years soufioed ft a iocal dtsaaae. and amnt--sa wet remedies, andfcy wmstaatly iattfagte «HMIHSI Ise* teastmat. pwasoaqed a toocraMe. 8ejee*i has mMwa catarrh to be a constitutiooal dls- ««-, aad tharefose requires ooostltun«ail - stltuttsaal euro «i the market. Itistskeale- ternafly ia awes from 10 dMas to a leaspoooftiL IT acts directly EU the Um and naacous SON faces ef the system. They offer one huadiad dollars for any case it fans to cure. Seodnr dlcalars aad testimonials. Address. . F. J. CHENEY S CO., T«Ma, O. by Pnieglsts. zee. Cbbaeae Point of Etiqnettfi. A polite ̂ Chinaman considers it s breach of etiquette to wear speetseiM In company. • To Onre a Cold ia One Sty Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25e. ThegenuinebasL.B.Q. on each tablet' If oiir neighbors would do things as we think they should it would be much easier to love them. I shall recommend Piso's Cure for Con sumption far and wide.--Mrs. Mulligan, Plumstead, Kent, England, Nov. 8, 1895. The very finest brand of Havana cigar letches $1,500 a thousand in Paris. ' ' Drop* Cora ia sea Mlaota. Nothing is so infectious as example. VTUFIIttiy Thfy" Us^d to Say Is-Never Done. (i He Supports the "Proposition. Mrs. BUckeSs--The president of our club Is going fo lecture nest Tuesday on '<3onwaatk>n a Lost Art." Mr, Biiekens (yawning)--That so? Mrs. BBckens--Well, why don't you go on and make some sarcastic coxtf- ment about the impossibility of conver sation being h lost art while women remain on earth? Of course that is w h a t y o u t h i n k . ' • » " • * : ' ; i Mr. Bllckena--Noj I*ag*ee wffll your president. Coev^Tsation is a lost art. When only one side can be heard It is merely talk. - '/•' ' ; SJamiljr KSAioUe Moves the bowel* each fap. Ip ordar to be healthy tbi* ia neceaaary. Acts gratiy on the liver a^aidneya. Cuts sick headache. Price 28 and 80c. _ Ariother JPMBcultyv > •. "I'm sorry for our president," said the French official.. "He hae: an ordeal before him in which he will not get half tbe sympathy he deserves. He owes it to the public, to; |uw? some. jtfetures taken." . , ' "That is simple enough," .; "It seems so. But think, of a man in bis position being told to look pleas ant."--Washington Star. A Skin of D-oJuifW .1 • Joy ,-.<0& lwwwa«>'85: ss^M^S all P« " * Mtcy-Oeede Dealers la the X3.8L. Ctos**."* rmix T.HOPKna. Prc»>r.87 Great Junes SC. ».X, WHISKERS DYED AA taf all draggiatsoe a.r.BkHSO%i WttshnClTa. ^ . -v-t-.-*- : COLO WATCH FREEI, bs (Im> woaderfal cadl^sg clmjo (fstcoa dress oa wilt brtn« lull T. K. Uanrlf.v Mfg. tlk. 5T i'« N. U. " -a1 •. t; • 'j, t x* - •*.***". V..> j, P&-#: W/;.: * V ' ^ ; * :,r, 'j4 IV I .V' LV'". • 5 " Iff >. "J.,.'J iilM® -Pass nfbM hsattattat R4«iAirs wfll Sad Seaats ta WMM aim)** SSb MALE or FEMALE A6ENTS WA«t£| gs" tew sa Sa<l 3c tt-p for dr. tocaa*. OsSiMrae>>iwiir Om.WKt LADIES ' ) ThsPsrMicail l er fads; writ* Is# I IVWBOBU. OOk. Bi ts-es IN vfMsg ts HiMlhsia JlMSS ^Hil XMM MNt tfeM to m MI »as»