Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1899, p. 5

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wwrr^m^f fKlSl r-:f j DIRECTORY. ...,». BUSINESS CARDS. ...yc: , • ^ O. H G1L.LMOBB, AOTOB^ET Pot»te wo. it * »p«®l»l*y-0«w« m Kendall B ock. VI owl'look ill. J. r. 0A9B1, ATTORNEY and Ooun.elot at Law. O*oe in Jodiyn'a Block, Woodstock, lii Bpee- Ui ktteut.on given to trial case*. W?s§Z KNIGHT * BROWN. Al TORN EX a t LAW, HO Wakh'.Bg.oa oucct, Uuiogo. Iti. j_ FRANK !• . 8HKPARD /•^tOUNSH-l^R AT Law, suite 80--1W V Oiaik a ixtoi, tu-iongo, liL /.. 0. P. BABNK3, * ATTOBNBT, SolKiicr, and On elor. Ooi.oj vioi. • a tc>aliy. Woodstock, lit. • DAVID G. WELLS. M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and re si euce in ficlioia llioct, over ibe Plalnuealer office. Mcuonrj. T eieohone MO- a O. M. ffGBB), M. D. kHTSIOI iN <AND bUUGEON. MeHenrj, in. odlee at KcBiueni>®. ,,R. A. E. AUB1NURB, PHYSICIAN AKD sUBGKUA. Office in.tbe Sttoncr baiMiue, one door wtniof A. P. j>aer'8 store. Wcsi McHeniy. ill. Keuidenoe, huaae foi'.utrly uccu led by Dx. Oauotne, All prolceaum*! c&Ua prciuptly attcnaeU to. A. C 3PURLING, M. O. V. VBTBIIINARY 8URGBON.; Special attention given to Dentistry. Call promptly attended. OfBce at Residence west of Park Hotel. H'est McHenry, Illinois. W. A.CRISTY, Juetioe ot the Peace. WEST SioHKNKf, ILL. Bpeoial Attention paid to Collections. Will be In niy.Offce over Evan son'* Store, every to urday and Monday, until further notice. H. C. MEAD. Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent. Including Accident and Jbife Insurance. WHT MOHBNBY, lu. A. H. WATERMAN, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery Real Estate, • Loans - and - Collections Office over Bealey'a drug Store, W**i McHenry, • • Illinois A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler No 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watohes an i Chronometer*. 4V a Full Assortment ol Goods in bis line. C. F. BOLEY, Proiielor of MeHenrj Briery, McHENBY, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer Or. Walter C. Besley, DENTIST WEST,"McHENRY, Office over BeMey's I Woodat >ck Office Drag Store, | Kendall Dental Parlors. Will b« at McHenry office Mondays and Tuesdays At Woodstock office Wednesdays, Thurs dayB, Fridayn and Saturdays, EXAMINATIONS FREE. SOCIETIES. MAS0910. MoHkhut Lodow, No. 158, A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Cou.munic&tloutt the second and fourth Mondays in each month. GEO. H HANLY, W. M. W. O. O. F. St Patricia Court, No. 187, W* O. O. F. meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of eanti month, at forest Hall. Mr" , v aky Cobb, Chief Ranger. Ohablot tb Madden Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fonrtb Wednesday eventngs of each month, at their Hail, In atoffel's Block. O, O. Colby, Consul. H. C. Mead, Clerk. CHURCHES. UNIVENSALI3T. *. J. Walsh, Preslden t H.O Mead... Olerk James B. Perry Treasurer Rev. J. Straub, D. D Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladles organ- sation.) Mrs. L. H. Owen President Mrs. John I. Story Viee President Mrs, J. VanSlyke... Secretary Mrs. W. A. Oristy Treasurer Supt, of Sunday SchotA.,... . A. E. Baeohler Assistant, W. A. Oristy MTThe Pastor's Ohioago Telegraph Address a Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:80 A. M. and at 7#0 f, h, A cordial invitation to all. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Bet W L Whipple. Pastor Preach'ng Sunday, 10:80 a. M. • Sundav School, 12 M. Dr. A, E. Aaringer, Superintehdent Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:80 p. m. Ladies' Aid °oci«ty each alternate week Mr*. Dr. Aurlnger, President, Miss Cora Wilson, nec'y. mr& Oordial Invitation is extended to all ST. MAStY'3 CATHOLIC (GERMAN) Services will be held on Sundays as fallows: Hlah Mass *t W o'clock a m.; Vesper* st 3 o'eloek p. m. Rev. Fa-tuck Kibsch, Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC •Regular Sunday services at 9:80 o'elook a. m. ana 12 o'clock evn"v ihir Sunday RfcV. FATHBB O'NBIL, Pastor.. ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN) St. Jnaeph's Cattolio Church, Jobnsburar. have services on Sunday as f llown: High Mass at 10 , o'clock a, m snd Vespers at ii o'clock p m. Hbv Father nbh&inw, Pastor TO THE LADIES: The Plaiadealer Co. wishes to announce to the ladies of Mc­ Henry and vicinity that they have nil the facilities for turn­ ing out up-to-dute calling cards We use nothing but the best of material and guarantee that our work will give entfre satis­ faction. Call and inspect our stock and get prices FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS spkixtq obovb. BaOroad talk is the popular theme at present. Mrs, Vm. Shotliff was on the aide list last week. Henry Jackson was a Richmond visit­ or on Monday. Andrew Neish baa purchased * fine black horse of Fred Harm. EdnaCarr is home after several weeks' visit with relative** in Iowa. Fruit trees here are budded full, giving promise of an abundant harvest. The dance announced for last Thurs­ day evening was indefinitely postponed. Guy Watarmin has purchased an en­ tire new outfit, including buggy, harness and horse. Philip and Mark Hoffman were here last weok, assisting in the care erf their uncle, Philip Hoffman. Herbert Peacock will carry the mail from Richmond to English Prairie, via. Solon and Spring Grove, afor July 1. ' Surveyors were in the vicinity of Nip- persink Point, on Wm. Watts' farm, last week, in the interest of the new rail­ road. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Pierce are at St. Paul this week attending the Supreme Camp of R. N. of A. Mrs. Pierce was sent as a delegate from Nippersink Camp. Mrs Will Smart is sent from Antioch Camp and Mrs. Marrietta Gibbs from Ruttic Camp, Richmond. The death of Philip Hoffman occured Saturday morning, May 6, at six o'clock, after an illness of but four days, Mr. Hoffman has always lived here, it being his birth place, and was widely known as a kind, generous, just man and neighbor. The neighbors feel his loss keenly, and greatly sympathize with his bereaved family. His wife, a daughter, Mrs Court Hastings, and a son, Albert, one sister, Mrs. Dennis Haldeman, and two broth era, Mark and John, beside a host of other relatives are left to mourn his death, The funeral was held at the house Sunday afternoon. OJKBBNWOOD. Miss Mary Thompson is entertaining a niece from Chicago. Quite a number of our people are suf­ fering with severe colds. ' F. J. Garrison and wife, of Ridgefield, were calling in oar village last week Fri­ day. E. W. Hobhins has a gent's second hand bicycle in good repair for sale, cheap. Messrs Robins and Weetsrman wheeled over to Franklinville last Saturday afternoon. This is the banner year for bicycles in our village, more wheels being sold than ever before. Will Cruikshank and wife were visiting at Racine, Wis., the past week, Saturday and Sunday, Messrs. Chas. Thompson and John Dassow were visitors at McHenry last week Friday. Mrs. A. B. Peatt was called to Chicago last Friday morning bjr the serious in- jury of a nephew. Miss Sadie Garrison went to Chicago last Monday morning to assist friends in selecting a piano. Joe Garrison, of Lake Geneva, Wis. took dinner with his parents in this vil­ lage Sunday evening. Geo. Spalding, the hustling pump man and implement dealer, was calling in our village last Saturday. Don't forget the lecture by the Hon. Homtr Aspinwall this week Friday night at the M. E. Church. W.Goddard, B. B. Marble and Mr. Keyes were fishing at Nippersink Point * couple of days the past week. Martin Newman lost a log chain soms- where between L. F. Howard's and (j. debater's. The finder will confer a great favor by leaving the same at Mr. Newman's or the Greenwood butter factory. •OLO. James Halpin is back to work for C. Dillon. Alice Ford was a Volo caller Monday evening. Jehiel Compton was calling on friends here this week, J. Carney visited at E. Whoeler's near McHeqry, Sunday. Miss Lena Brown will work in Mc­ Henry this summer. Richard Townsend, of Grant, was on our streets Saturday. L>9vi Wait, of Waukegan, was calling on friends here Friday. - Two new wires have been pu&on the telephone line through here. W. Lamphere and Chas Garland, of Wauconda, were id Vol < Monday. Monroe Cook and wife, of Waucanda, were in Volo Wednesday afcernoon. Miss tidith Turnbull, of Wauconda, viaited at C. Dillon's Saturday and Sun­ day. Richard Compton is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Ben Cossman, neur Lake Villi. Miss Lanra Granger, of Chicago, is vis iting her grandmother, Mrs. Uill, at Fish Lake. O Hook and wife, of Ro'lins, visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Jane Converse, Friday. Will Dillon rode out from the city on bis wheel Saturday and visited his par­ ents over Sunday. Ed. Frost rode his wheel oat from the city Saturday afternoon and visited his parents over Sunday. Mrs. Sabel and Mrs. Fred Dunnill vis­ ited the former's daughter, Mrs. Wagner, at Fpsemont, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wicks, of Gray's Lake, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vogt, Sunday afternoon. Aaguat R ud wick and daughter, Clara, and John Beunting, of Chicago, visited at A. J. Raymond's over Sunday. • There will be an ioe cream social at the residence of 0. Howard in Grant town- •hip, Friday evening. May 19. The pro­ ceeds are to be usad to repair the church. Some of the ladies of the Busy Bee So­ ciety attended the meeting of the Grant Cemetery Society at Mrs. Geo. White's on Friday afternoon. AU report * very pleasant time. The jolly Rebel Club met with Mabel and Alice Ford at C. Dillon's on Satur­ day afternoon. They decided to give an ice cream social for the benefit of the church June 2. PBA.IRIB OBOVB. Wm. Radke was a passenger to Chi­ cago Saturday. John Wagner called on Ttorr* tjotta friends on Sunday, Edward McGue is a proud possessor of a new road wagon. _ . n Several of our Woodman went to El­ gin Tuesday night. Miss Jennie Babcock spent Saturday in the town of Nunda. Miles Grosvenor returned to his home in Indiana Sunday night. Fred Palmer, of Nunda, was at Brier Crest last week Wednesday. Mrs. John Johstone spent Saturday at the Silver Lake summer resort. R. Steele was calling on Cary friends on Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Clara Babcock and mother spent Friday with Mrs. C. P. Huffman. Herman Melahn, wife and child visited Sunday with Silver Lake relatives. Mrs. John Haskin called Sunday on the sick people at Wm. Hitchcock's. Mrs. Fred Bryant spent last week Thusrday in Nunda with her parents. Grandpa Huffman visited at his son's, Chas. Huffman's last week Thursday. John Smith, Jr., and Benjamin Pin- gry, each has a new "Imperial" bicycle. Will McWhorter and J. Johnstone were fishing on the lake Saturday even­ ing. Miss Hattie Babcock spent Saturday with her schoolmate. Miss Grace Huff­ man. The young folks from Mr. Jesse's spent a pleasant evening, Sunday, at Mr. Eick- hoff's. Miss Phoebe M. Warner spent Monday evening with Miss Ella Macthews at the Lake. Miss Emma K. McWhorter spent Sun­ day afternoon with Miss Clara Eisen- menger. Mortimer Randolph made a trip to Ridgefield on his wheel to visit his parents. Mrs. Louis Eisenmenger entetained Mrs. V\ m. Radke from Strawberry Lane Friday last. Mrs. L, Babcock was here from Elk- horn. Wis., and spent last week with her son, Charles. Harry Gordon from town is making basiness trips through this tiny locality every Friday. Mrs. John McWhortar called on Mrs. H. B. Wilcox in the town of Nunda last week Thursday. A. Adriance was busy drawing oats to town last week, having sold the grain to George Whyte. Sumner Pingry and little son, from Munchawville, were at Evergreen Farm Monday on business. Fred Mortenson purchased a fine wheel at Frey's in town last week Thursday. It's a "Pritelaff Banner." Charle Ogbin assisted Fred Palmer to drive cattle to town Monday, which were purchased from W. Rowsen. One of the Barbian brothers, of Mc­ Henry, was seen driving on Silver Lake avenue one evening last week. Fred Mortenson rode his wheel to Bull Valley Sunday morning to make a visit with his brother, Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Parks and daughter, Minnie, have moved from McHenry and are now residents of Nunda. Mrs. John Pingry and children, of Munshawville, were guests of Mrs. Emma Johnstone at Brier Crest Monday. Mrs. Georgia Muntz and son, Robin, of Jamestown, Dakota, are visiting her parents, A. Hunter and wife,.of Cary. Are the gentlemen prepared to attend the fourth dance at "Rose Cottage?" If so they are requested to bring ladies. Eiward McGue and Arthur Eisenmen­ ger, managers of the Prairir Grove danc­ ing club, were callers Crystal Like on Friday. Grandpa Johnstona went to the city of Chicago last week Thursday for and ex­ tended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Wallace. Miles Grosvenor, wife and daughter, Mila, of Peru, Ind., are visitors at the home of her parents, Andrew Hunter and wife, in Cary. Edward Malone returned to his duties at Evergreen Farm Monday after spend­ ing the Sabbath with his parents at South Prairie. * - George Keller and wife expect ta • come out from Ch icago during the latter part of this week to sp8nd their usual vaca­ tion at the Silver Lake summer resort. Attorney J. R. Philp, of Chicago, and Miss Bessie Philp, ofNaoda, enjoyed a drive in the country Saturday and called at J. MoWhorter's at Evergreen Farm. Last Monday evening Mrs. Grosvenor accompanied her sister, Mrs. John Muntz, to Chicago, where the latter is taking medical treatment at the Pres­ byterian hospital. Leon and Delf Morrison, of Grsrfton, Iowa, spent the past week with their grandparents, A. Hunter and wife, but both young gentlemen are now visiting as the county seat, Woodstock. A new windmill--a monitor--sixty- three feet in height has been erected at John Jobnetone's. Judd Thompson, W. T. Huffman and 8. A. Watkins had the job of putting it up. The same parties made a business call one day last week at Strawberry Lane. Why doeen't the Nunda correspondent write for The McHenry P la indealrr? 8ureiy snch a large town as Nunda ought to be able to have at least twice or three times more news items than its tiny country d tughter, Prairie Grove. Orson Smtlsy and wife, of Burton,s Bridge, passed through this locality Monday, enroute for Silver Lake to visit her sister, Mrs. W. Hitchcock. The latter party and her husaand were bad­ ly injured in a runawey Saturday even­ ing, James Haskin was the third victim who was slightly injured. WOODSTOCK How it rained Sunday afternoon and evening! Mrs. G. B. Richards spent Sunday and Monday in Chicago. Guy Kellogg has secured employment in the abstract office. Mrs, C. B. Wright returned on Satur­ day evening from Chicago. Miss Bessie Lee visited witb relatives in Seneca thefore part of the week. Mrs. N. S. Elderkin returned to her home in Chicago Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Alois Dryer entertained Miss Minnie Stefler, of Algonquin, on Sunday. Miss Lucy Glennon, of Elgin, spent Sunday at her home on Washington street. Mrs. Frank Dufield entertained her sister, Mrs. Lines and husband, of He­ bron last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kemmerling and two little sons returned to their home at Elgin last Monday. Elmer Stone, of Minneapolis, Minn, came home Thursday morning to attend his mother's funeral. The W. C. T. U maetn on Friday after­ noon with Mrs. R. B. Guild, at the Con­ gregational parsonage. The Northweetern University Ma's Quartette will give a concert in the M. E church next Friday evening. J. J. Stafford, A. J. Zoia and Chas. Snyder were at Big Foot, on Monday last erecting the Mosher monument. The monthly missionarv meeting of the Presbyterian church will be held with Mrs. Clara Allen Saturday afternoon .next. Mrs. Clvra Allen delivered her lectnrv, "Her majesty's Tower and Westminster Abbey," Monday evening in the Presby­ terian church and It was much enjoyc d by those present. Mrs. Louis Stone, Mrs. Torborguson, Mrs. Martha Johnson and the Misses Augusta and Josephine Peterson, of Chicago, came out to attend the funeral of Mrs. Eric Stone on Thursday. The K'.dney Complexion. The pale, sallow sunken-cheeked, dis­ tressed-looking people you so often meet are afflicted with "Kidney Complexion." Their kidneys are turning to a parsnip color. So is their complexion. They may also have indigestion, or suffer from sleeplessness, rheumatism, neuralgia, brain troubie, nervous exhaus­ tion and sometimes the heart acts badly. The cau»e is weak, unhealthy kidneys. Usually the sufferer from kidney dis­ ease does not find out what the tronbte is until it is almost too late, because the first symptoms are so like mild sickness that they do not think they need a medi­ cine or a doctor until they find them­ selves sick in bed. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root will build up and strengthen their weak and diseased kidneys, purify their diseased kidney- poisoned blood, clear their complexion and soon they will enjoy better health. You can get regular sices at the drug store, at fifty cents and one dollar or y>u may first prove for yourself the wonderful virtues of this great discovery, Swamp-Root, by sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co , Binghamton, N. Y. for a sample bottla and book that tells all about it, both sent to you absolutely free by mail. When writing kindly men­ tion that you read this liberal offer in The P la indealkb. FEW WORDSTARS WEEDED. O-ty a lahnlted Vocabulary Waeeasary la Teaching the Young. "I have been engaged on rather a novel experiment lately," remarked a bright teacher, who is particularly in­ terested in kindergarten work. "My purpose is to obtain some definite idea of the vocabulary of small children-^ how many words they use for the ex­ pression of ideas. Strange to say, there Is no data on the subject, although 1| would be of great scientific value in Indicating the development of the mind. I took three of my pupils, a lit­ tle boy and two girls, all about 6 years old, and told them to look carefully at a certain house across the way. Then I had them describe it to me, and took down what they said in shorthand. I afterward repeated the experiment with children between the ages of 8 and 9 years, carefully counting the words employed In each instance. I found that none of the smaller children used over 60 different words, while the others ran up in the neighborhood of 200. Of course, one trial was value­ less, because of Individual variations In temperament, and the only way to obtain results of any scientific value is to calculate averages from an im­ mense number of experiments. This I propose to do, but it will take me two or three years at least I have been at It now for only a few months, and the thing that has Impressed me most Is the very dexterous use to which young children put their limited stock of words. As a rule, an intelligent child of say 6 will give a better and more vivid description of people and things than one of 8. The additional words which the older youngster em­ ploys usually tends to obscure the point Some very Interesting experi­ ments might certainly be carried out in the same line with adults, and I am persuaded they would demonstrate that the average person of the middle class has a much smaller vocabulary than is generally sypposed. It is sur­ prising how few words some folks manage to tumble through life with." Bxcuralon Tickets to Deoatar, 111, Via the Northwestern line, will be sold at reduced rates, from stations in Illi­ nois, May 15,16 and 17, limited to May 10, inclusive, on account of State S. S. Convention. Appply to agents Chicago ft Northwestern Railway. 2-w r WMtf iambi! o o o (I o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o 0 o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Do you take cold with every change In the weather? Does your throat feel raw? And do sharp pains dart through your chest ? Don't you know these are danger signals which point to pneumonia, bronchitis, or consumption itself? If you are ailing and have lost flesh lately, they are certainly danger signals. The question for you to decide Is, ••Have 1 the vitality to throw off these diseases?" Don't wait to try 5C0TT'5 EMULSION "as a last re­ sort." There 1s no remedy equal to It for fortifying the syitm. Prevention is easy. Scott's Emulsion prevents consumption and hosts of other diseases which attack the weak and those with poor blood. SCOTT'S EMULSION I* the one standard remedy for inflamed throats and lungs, for colds, bronchitis and con­ sumption. It is a food medi­ cine of remarkable power. A food, because it nourishes the body; and a medicine, be­ cause It corrects diseased conditions. 50c. and fi.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chcmitto, New York A AGENCY FOR THE MERICAN t^WOVEN WIRE FENCE Made of |£rge, Strqpg Wires, Heavily Galvanized. £ Amply provides for expansion and contrac- J*™-- tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires «,«*» used. Always of uniform Quality. Never goes wrong no matter how great a Strain " is put upon it. . mm m««r Does not muti­ late, but does efficiently torn cattle, borses, bogs and pigs. EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURERS. Call and Soe It. Can show you how it will save you money. You can fence ypur fields so they will stay fenced. SOLD BY J. D. Donovan, Woodstock. F. L. McOmber, W. McHenry, R. J. Wingate, Nunda. Albert Paddock, Cray's Lake. J^mes Green, Ringwoodl. D. Huntington, Gilmer. Prices Low Having bought 3 carloads of American Fencing before the recent advance m prices. Also handle a full line of Steel Gates and Lawn and Poultry Fencing. E. H. THOMPSON, ipt, TooM, 111. KIND ' :>.'** " - - do you know that a Miirt Waist is the prettiest aaft cheapest garment you ever wore? Their cost is If trifle and* the comfort they afford cannot be told. Oar principal hobby now is ; ri, When do we sell them? Why, every day. Wd handle the celebrated BANNER BRAND and there are no better fitting W aists nor bettei style in th* market. They sell from . ^ - A s c e n t s - : i up to - LADIES' CRASH SKIRTS AND FIQUBS IN ORGANDIES AND DIMITIES Summer Underwear We sell underwear from ^ cents to 50 cents a piece. V' ' ' ;• FANCY SHIRTS AND NECKTIES, LADIES'CAPES Shoes in Tans and Browns Gents Ladiesand Children We have a complete assortment of WINDO W SHADES and CURTAINS. We especially in­ vite you to inspect our stock in these lines. 'M * 5 r ? v ' v, % "* WALJj PAPER STILL SELLING AT LOW PRICB& , :'M. • 1 < West McHenry. SIMON QsosseeeoeeeeoeeeoooeeeoooeoooooooeeeeooeeooeDseeQ Sl:il uu mm THE: AJAX $28.00 BICYCLE. Gall and see it. - F\ I McOMBER, - WEST MoHENRY, ILL. oeeeeeeoeeeeeeoeeoooooooooeooooooeooeeoeeooeeeeeQ > v. M Are You Cleaning House ? I I; 1 I During house cleaning time yon always wish for a few now pieces of furniture, cgr would like to replace an old piece with some­ thing new and up to date. e have a fin# stock of White enameled, brass mounted Iron Beds, and can make prices to fiit any pocket. Center tables, Dining tables, Din-> ing room chairs, rockers and Upholstered Furniture in grert variety. ' ^ •t 3**^ : Carpets and Mattings r*. h 'rf McHenry, Illinois Are articles that come into prominence et:; this time of the year. We carry a line thai you should inspect before going else* where, and anyone can make a selection from our line of samples. Place your ord* er with us for carpets and mattings and w** will guarantee that you will be pleased in both price and quality. JACOB JUSTEN, • • j

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