Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jun 1899, p. 5

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. • • w - * DIRECTORY. <r\ • /. ,-, ^.jBUSINESS, CARCS. O. H GIL.LMOBB, ATTIR'IET Probate work a epauitlty. Office in Kendill Biock, Wood lock ill. J. r. OASBY, ATTOBNEY and Ooun.eloi at Law. Offioe in Jottlyu'a Block, Wood a lock, Iii. Speo- Ul attent.on given to iml oases. KNIGHT & BOOWN. TTOBNEYT AT LAW, ICO. Washington . street, Oaicago, 111. FRANK A.. SHEPABD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, aulie 80--182 OUuk* tiLioago, 1IL O. P. BARNE3, trcRVKT, toli^ttor, and Ooucs« 'or L Uoueokiou* ft speo alty. wooaiuock, 111, DAVID G. WELLS. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND eURGEON, Office and real euce in .cuchota BIOCK, over ibe Plainueaier oi&oc, Mcueury. Tviosnono NO. 2 O. U. FKGERL, M. D. HTSIOI IN AND SUKGKON, McHanrj, 11L Office at Residence. IB. IE. AURINUBB, OHTSICIAM AND SUKGBO^n. Office In the X tttroner Uuiltfiug, one door »(#( of A. f. iter's store, W.rtMcHenty, HI. Keairience, hoaae formerly cccmied by Dr. Oaltoine. All prottsubion&l Calis promptly attended to. A. C SPUR LING, M. D. V. VBTCNINAHV SUR6BON. ' Special attention given to Dentistry. Call protnptly attended. OtBce at Residence west of Park Hotel. H'est McHenry, Illinois. W. A. CRI8TY, Justice of tlie Peace. WEST MOHENHY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Oolleotiona. Will to in my Office over Avanson's Store, every ta urday and Monday, until luitber notice. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent, including Accident and Life insurance. WIST MoHBHBT. III. SPRING OROVB. W,C. Moss is painting hit farm honae. Mrs. J. W. Bell was calling on McHenry friends Friday. Mrs. Walter My Ice* «ll ft McHenry visitor Friday. Mrs. Lizzie Neieb visited her parents at Geaoa Junction Sunday. One of Wm. Watt's little boys is ill, a physician being called Monday. The farmers are delighted with the line rains, and the prospect of good harvests grows brighter. ^Zeli Colby, youngest son of Willard |£olby, has been very sick the past, week ij)qt is now gaining. James Bell is at home suffering from lung trouble. His many friends hope to see him better soon. Mr. Lanning, the teacher ot the Creek school, has taken some very fine views near here with his camera. He also does his own developing, his work ear- passing many professionals. The surveyors were near the village at work Monday, returning to Liberty ville that night. In speaking'of the railroad last week we mentioned Ed. Howard's name, when it should have been Ed. Bayles. At the last meetirgof Nippersink Camp R. »V. oi A,, Mrs. Lizzie Pierce gave an interesting report as Delegate to Head Camp. The Royal Neighbors will hence­ forth send an official paper to every member and their delegates will also be sent much as the * oodmea delegates are. JJotb splendid changes for the good of the order. Your Card Would Look Well Here. Am M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler • No 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watchea an l Chronometers. 4V a Fall Asaortment ot Goods in bis line. C.F. BOLEY, ProDrifilor of McHenry Briery, McHENBV, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer Dr. Walter C. Besley, UJEBiTIST WEST;McHENRV, Office over Be-ley's I Woo<ist ck office Drugstore, 1 Kendall Dental Parlors. Will be at McUenry office Mondays and Tuesdays At Woodstock office Wednesdays, Thors days, Fridays and Saturdays, EXAMINATIONS FREB. SOCIETIES. MASON 10. MOBBHBT LoDor, No. 168, A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. GEO U HANLY. W. M. W. O. O. F. St Patricia Court, No. 187, W, C. O. F meet the First f^atuiday and Third Wednes-tay evenings of each month, at forest HHII 'MR*. HART COBB, Chief Ranger. OHAK&OTTB MADDER »«ecr«»arr. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday even'ugs of each month, at their Hall, in stoffel'a Block. O. O. OOLBY, Consul. H.C. MEAD, Olerk. , CHURCHES. | FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS Able NeightxHring New® Gathered by o of "Representatives*. O SIR WOLD LAKE. 'latest" is tfm. Johnson's new The fcuggy, Mike Wagner is entertaining friends from the eity. v 8. Reynolds and wife were Sunday call­ ers at Louis Knigge's. Ed. French was a Ringwood visitor Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Welch is spending a few days visiting at Beloit, Wisconsin. Misses Nellie Frisby and Etta Walms- ley were Sunday calk re at Wauconda. Ed. Granger passed through here Sat­ urday witb as fine a span of colts as we have seen for a long time. Mrs. Maggie Egger and family, of Manito, III., are spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Qeo. Eatinger. Shortj's" refHe will come off soon. It will be an exciting one. A shotgun, bicycle, watch and bicycle lamp are to be put up. The house on the farm recently pur­ chased by Mr. Peterson, of Nunda, has been undergoing repairs and is in a much better coudition than formerly. On Saturday last a gathering of young folks occurred at the home of L. H. Kniggp. They came to see Irene Biggs, who is visiting there. A pleasant afternoou was spent and afterwards an excellent supper was enjoyed by all. Those present were: Misses Rosina Reynolds, Annie and Barbara Steindor- fer, May and Hattie Welch and Minnie, Lottie, Sarah and Sabrina Kni^fel. UNIVERSALIS!. I. J. Walsh, President H.O Mead Olerk James B. Perry Treasurer Rev. J. Straub, D. D .Paator The Willing Workers (the ladles organ •ation.) Mrs. L. H.Owen President Mrs. John I. Story Vice President Mrs. J. Van Slyke .....Secretary Mrs. W. A.Oristy^ .....Treasurer Supt, of Sunday 8choc».,... . A. E. Baef tiler Assistant, W. A. Cristy •TThe Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Addreaa a Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:80 A. K. and at 7;80 f, k, A cordial invitation to alL MBTI10DI9T EPISCOPAL. fter W L. Whipple Paator preach'nK Sunday, 10:80 A. M. Sunday School, 12 m. Dr. A, B. Auringer, ... Superintendent Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:801. M. Lades' Aid "oMety each alternate week Vtk Dr. Auringer, Prealdent. Miss Cora Wilson, fcsec'y. «T-A Cordiat Invitation Is expended to all 1 ST. M ASY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN) Rervloea will he held on Sunday# as fallows: High Mass «t 10 o'clock a. m. ; Vespers at J o*clook p. m. REV. FATHBB KiSfcCH, Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC Regular Sunday services at 9:80 o'elock a, a. ai»d 12 o'clock everv ihtr Sunday Rav. FATHBB O'NBIL, Pastor.. ST. JOSBPH'S OATHOLIC (GERMAN) St. Joseph's Catholic Church, lohnsburt;. have snrvices on Sunday as f'llown:. High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m and Vespers at a o'clock p M. RBV FATHBB NKUBINU, Paa.or TO THE LADIES: The Plaindealer Co. wishes to announce to. the ladies of Mc­ Henry and/ vicinity that they have all the facilities for turn­ ing out up-to-date calling cards We use nothing but the best of material and gnarante» that our work will give entfre satis­ faction. Call and inspect our stock and get priree BIDOBriELD. James Westerman was in Chicago on Friday. Aunt Lucretia Qreea to suffering with rheumatism. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Ldia, were in CLemnng Friday. A few from here attended the dance at Nunda Friday evening. Miss Mabel and Madelene Lynch are visiting relatives in Wisconsin. A number from here were in Wood­ stock Saturday to witness the fan. Mrs. A. L Wakefield returned from her visit with relatives at Elgin Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Wood visited a couple of days of last week nt Marengo. Miss Edith Skahl, of Nunda, spent Sa • urday and Sunday at her cousin's here Geo Skinner, wife and children, of Nun­ da, visited at J. E. Robinson's Sunday. Miss Elnora Arps and brother, Plin, of Palatine, visited at Henry Reed's San- day. M isses Gracie and Jeesie Hunt, of El­ gin, visited at R. L. Dufield's Friday And Saturday. Miss Bessie Reed and Olive Willis, of Elgin, visited at Henry Reed's Sunday and Monday. Miss Emma Eickhoff gave her scholars a half holiday Monday to gather flowers to decorate soldiers' graves Tuesday. A party of young folks spent a very pleasant evening last Saturday at the home of Fred Reed, but had to return early on account of the rain. A great excitement reignad in our little •illagt Friday evening by an insane man. He went from house to house say­ ing these words: "They're after me, and are going to kill me. Let me in that I may sleep'till morn!" The agent saw him safely on the train for Barrington Saturday morning. YOLO, Miss'Liena Wirtz, of McHenry, visited her parents here Wednesday. Dr. Rossdeutsher attended the funeral of his father in-law at Elgin Thursday. A number of young people from Wau- oonda attended Joe Miller's dance Wed­ nesday night. Quite a number of people from Wau conda attended the Decoration services at Volo. Lemonade was ssrvsd in (V Sabel's yard. * Misses Mabel and Alice Ford, Miss Mary Raymond and also Miss Emma Bacou went to Chicago on their wheels Saturday, May 27. A. J. Riymond and wife drove to Wheeling Wednesday. Mr. Raymond took his large bay team there and traded them for a smaller gray team. Misses Lillian Tidmarsh, Delia Ham­ mond abd Priscilla Davliri, of Wancon da, were in Volo on their wheels Wed­ nesday evening. They were on their way to McHenry aud were accompanied from here by MieseS Mabel Ford and Mary Raymond. ALGONQUIN < Too late for last week, * Earnest Censor is still sick. R. W. Hacger is on the gain. E L dpence was in Chicago on Tues. day. Will Moiton and wife spent Sunday here. Bartha Dean is still working for Kit Dorg. Rev Simmons returned from Kansas Friday. Geo. Chapell and wife were in town on Friday. Amelia Adamek has quit work at the factory. Leon Helm was in Dundee the last of the week. Mr. Gester was a city caller the last of the week. Mrs. Sherwood, of E'gin, was in town Saturday. Mrs Newcomer, o/ Elgin, was in town Saturday. Harry Morton, of Elgin, spent Sunday witb relatives here. Mr. Brebns is building a large ad­ dition to his house. T V. Montanye, of Dundee, was seen on our streets Friday, Peter Herring is moving into his new barn near the track. Mrs. Laura L<?voy and Mrs. Miller were in Elgin on Sunday. J. B. Reser and wife are visiting their daughter in Kansas. Mrs. D. H. Haeger, of Dandee, visited relatives Qeie Monday. Mrs. Leon Helm and Vera Haeger were Dundee callers on Tuesday. The Algonquins beat the Dundees at the game of ball by one score. Jake Bratlyn has gone to uhicago to have an operation on his limb. Jennie Haight, of Spring Lake, started to work in the factory Monday. Mrs. Carter returned home, visiting relatives at Joliet on Saturday. Minnie Carter returned to work in the factory after a month's vacation. Mrs. H, Johnstone attended the Relit f Corp meeting at Nunda Saturday. A large number from to<*n went to the Husk and Beckman wedding last Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Vanderane, Mrs. Frank Adamek and Miss Bertha Sachy were, in Cary Sunday. Advertise in THE PLAINDEALBB. PBAIBIS OROVB. Do the readers like our farm names? There was no school on Monday and Tuesday. John Wollenberg is a happy possessor of a new bicycle. J. J. Johnstone made a business trip to Chicago Satnrday. John Nish was among the many visi­ tors in the cemetery Sunday. . R. Steele took his milk to Crystal Springs Thursday of last week. Willow pond in Steele's field is dry. It has been turned into a cornfield. M. S. M. West, of Cary, was a business caller Monday at Evergreen Farm. W. Jones, wife and son were here from Cary Sunday calling on old friends. Parties drove up from Elgin Saturday and spent the day fishing in Silver Lake George Wollenfcerg, of Nnnda, spent Saturdey night with his brother at Wm Jesse's. Some of our people will attend the M, W. A. picnic at Beloit, Wis., this week Thursday. Nick Peterson was at his farm and returned to Elgin Friday with a load of« ood. Mies Phoebe M. Warner went to Chi­ cago Saturday to visit her parent) and returned Tuesday. - Miss H irriet Adciaaci wheeled to t >wn last tveek Wednesday evening to call on Mrs. W. B. Huffman. Miss Ella Matthews rides an "El- dredge" wheel, whi *h she purchased last week from Bert Colby. John Wollenberg, of Bellemead, and Louis Smith were Sunday visitor at pleasant "Shady Nook." Mrs Rebecca Cairns, from Richmond, is a guest of her friend, Mrs. A. Hunter, at Silver Creek, this week. Chas. Schroeder's eldest son is ill with the measles and lung fever. His friends hope for a speedy recovery. McWhorter and Shales have secured the job of painting the honse of Bert RoBencrans in Munshawville. The busy season prevented a number from attending the M. W. A. drill and dancd in town last Friday night. John Warner, of Warner's Jersey Dairy, Chicago, remembered Prairie Grove Tuesday by paying us a visit. Carl Roust and Willie Schumau, of Terra Cotta, spent the Sabbath with the family at "Shady Nook" or C. Eichoff. W. C. Keller, wifa and little daughter, of Nunda, enjoyed a drive in this locality one day last week and also were callers at their farm, "Bellemead." which is oc­ cupied by Wm. Jesse and family. Harvey Fox, wife and two children, of Nnnda, were visitors in our "silent city" --Pairie Grove Ccmetary--Sunday last. Mrs. Miles Grosvenor returned from her Chicago visit Saturday night and will now remain awhile with her parents. Miss Bessie Babcock went to Nunda Saturday morning to call on little Leila Keller. The latter was a year old San- day. Miss Clara Eisenmenger, of "Rasp- beirry-Hill," Sundayed with Emma Bochardt and Ida Sass at Palmer's cor. ners. Miss Batna Henderson, of D.undee, ac­ companied by her nephew, Andre# Hen­ derson, Jr., spent Saturday iieiting friends. W.L. Campbell, wife and daughter, Mollie, of Holcombville, stopped at the cemetery Sandav and called on the fam­ ily at Four Corners. Lightening struck a tree at Wm. Jesse's Saturday night. A horse stood near and received a shock, One of its eyes is badly injured. Edward McGae, secretary of Prairie Grove dancing club, has been assisting Mr. Haskin, working his rented land on Wm. Hitchcock's form. . Lee and Victor Babcock were fishing in the Barreville mill pond Saturday and succeeded in getting twenty two fish. A pretty good catch, boys. Several loads of men with a number of fishing poles from neighboring - town? drove through this, vicinity Saturday night, bound for the Fox river. Miss Anna Eichoff spent Sunday at home but in the evening sha returned to Crystal Lake, where she is assisting with household duties at Mr. Pendleton's. Seventeen feet of water in the well at Evergreen Farm frightened away the bricklayers last week Tuesday and they don't dare to return until the well is dry. Miss Emily Behan, of "Hazv4 Dell,' entertained Miss Warmer a few nights last week. The teacher spent last week Thursday night at Mro. F. L. Brown's in Cary. Eugene Matthews and family, of Bar­ reville, were seen driving through this part of the country Saturday afternoon enroute for silver Lake, where- the child- dren enjoyed fishing. Grandma Matthews and grand daugh­ ters, Endora and Mabel Kiltz, returned to Pleasant Valley Sunday evening after "pending a day or two with relatives at the Silver Lake summer resort. Last week Thursday Mrs. Mary Huff­ man, Mrs. H. B. Wilcox, daughter, Anna, Mrs. Fred Byrant, Mrs. C. P. Huffman, father, Philip Huffman, and Mrs. H. Henderson were callers at Chas. Babcock's. Jacob Horwitz surprised all of his cus­ tomers by appearing with a new ped­ dler's wagon, vhich he purchased in El­ gin for the ritund sum of $24u. The fine vehicle was made in Greenwood by W.J, Cruikshank. Two swallows fisw into Steele's kitchen early last week Tuesday morning, both were captured and liberated by Emma McWhorter, the hawk catcher, wishing they had been chicken hawks instead of swallows. Last week Wednesday Mrs. Katt e Henderson, Mrs. Wm. M. Huffman, uncle Phil and Mrs. Haight, all from town, attended to business at the grave yard and also called on Mrs. Babcock at "Four Corners." Mrs. Henry Snyder, of Chicago, is vis- itinar among her many friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Lines, of Hebron, vibited with relatives in town Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Wood, of Ridgefield, were in attendance at the township Sun- day-SnhooI convention 4 The employes of (he Oliver Typewriter factory enjoyed a holiday on Monday as well as Decoration Day. -• Mrs. Cornue and son, Harold, and Miss Mary Bochman, of Chicago, were guests at Geo. Bochman's Sunday. Mrs. Emil Anderson and daughters, Esther and Bertha, of Crystal Lake, spent Saturday with friends in town. Decoratioa Day was observed as usaal by appropriate exercises. 'J he many soldiers' graves in beautiful Oakland cemetery were decor \ted. Dr. C. C. Miller and Miss Wilson, of Marengo, two of our untiring county Sunday-School officers, attended the township convention held in the Baptist church Sunday afternoon and eveniug. There was certainly a large attendance at the 9econd annual field day meet at the fair grounds on Saturday afternoon. People were present from all parts of the county and they appeared to have an enjoyable time. YOB cam Dodge mem There is some talk about posting op street names on all road corners, and farm names may suddenly appear on all farm houses in this vicinity. We hope the parties who suggested this idea w'll carry out their plans. Physicians of the Presbyterian hospi­ tal, Chicago, say that Mrs. John Muntz is recovering nicely and if she remains well all of this week as last she will quit the hospital on Friday or Saturday next and return home to her parents, A Hunter and wif J, where she expects to enjoy a loog rest. Memorial day was observed here on Monday. In the forenoon the Prairie Grov) pupils in care of Emma McWhorter roamed in the woods and sloughs after flowers and succeeded iu getting many. They returned to Four Corners, where Mrs. Babcock kindly assisted in arrang­ ing the blossoms into fine bouquets. After dinner the children proceeded to the cemetery, where S. 8. Shepard warm­ ly greeted them and the little folks took great pleasure in beautifying and decorating the graves of our soldiers. M >ny visitors were present from NundaL, Barreville, Cary and Burton's Bridge The participants were: Grace Huffman, Brssie, Hattie. Jennie and Mabel Bab­ cock, Mary Eickhoff, Hilda Frank, U illie Eickhcff, Willie Frank, Lee and Victor Bahcoi'k, John R McWhortcr and E K McWhorter. Did you ever try to dodge the rain-drops ? Did not succeed very well, did you? It's Just as useless to try to escape from the germs of consumption. You can't do it. They are about us on every hand and we are con" stantly taking them into our lungs. Then why don*t we all have this disease? Simply because these germs cannot gain a foot­ hold in a strong . thr A and lungs. It's when these are weak that the germs master. The body must be well supplied with fat. The danger comes when the blood is poor and the body is thin. If your cough does not yield, and your throat and lungs feel raw and sore, you should not delay another day. Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos- phites at once. It will heal the inflamed membranes and greatly strengthen them as well. The digestion becomes stronger, the appetite better and the weight increases. The whole body be­ comes well fortified and the germs of consumption cannot gain a foothold. It's this nourishing, sustain­ ing and strengthening power of SCOTT'S EMULSION thai has made it of such value in all wasting and exhausting diseases. joe. and fi.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. do you know that a Miirt Waist is the prettiest sad cheapest garment you ever wore! Their cost is trifle and the comfort they afford cannot be told. Oof principal hobby now is B'SWIli When do we sell them! Why, every day. handle the celebrated BANNER BRAND and there are no better fitting Waists nor bettei style in the market. They sell from ~ SSf' IN THE HARNESS WOODSTOCK J. C. Choate was a Lhicago visitor Friday. E R Bird spent Sunday with his son in > hicago. Rev. N. A. Sunderlin is visiting rela­ tives in Iowa. John Fish made a trip to Algorquiu Saturday evening. Walter Watson spent Sunday at his home in Greenwood. Miss Madge Boone is again rmployed in the steam laundry. Pete Lee is^ visiting • with D. F. Mc- Caulev and wife in Chicago. Jay Stead, of Elgin, was the gnest of friends several days last week. < Miss Nellie Percill, of Chicago, is the guest of MISB Emma Lambert. W. H. Young made a busin ss trip to Chicago the forepart of the weefei ' Ben Anderson epent Thursday night with his brother, 8. K., in Harvard. Miss Mary Bier visited at her sister's home in Elgin Monday and Tuesday, t Miss Eoiima Furor is the gnest of her water, Mrs F Blakeslee, at Loekport. is a very common expres­ sion, and it is usually the cse that the harness was purchtstd here. Our line ot single and double har­ ness JS complete, and our prices are m ide to fit any horse owner's pocket book KEPA1RING receives prompt attention and is neatly done. We can make a harness to order and guar­ antee perfect satisfaction 0--ULS. Carlson. McHenry, 111. AS cents up to $2.00, each, LADIES' CRASH SKIRTS AND PIQUES IN ORGANDIES AND DIMITIES Summer Underwent* We sell underwear from 5 cents to 50 cents 3 piecc FANCY SHIRTS AND NECKTIES, LADIES' CAPES Shoes in Tans Gents Ladies '/fey • '<3 - I: •rk * -:i rid Children We have a complete assortment of WINDO SHADES and CURTAINS. We especially in­ vite you to inspect our stock in these lines. WALL PAPER STILL SELLING AT LOW PRICES. West McHonry. SIMON STOFrei; OOOO»QBOBEQOEEEDEEEOOQEOESSQOOOQEBEGSQOSSSSSBSS»>I ITS II MM THE A J AX ••4 £* - I V.' &?'• i I $28.00 BICYCLE. Call and see it. - F. I McOMBER, - WS8T MoHENRY, ILL. J. H. MILLER, MANUFACTUBE8 OF Marble and Granite Monuments, All Kinds of Cemote y Work at the Lowest F r ces Foreign & American Granite a Specialty. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. Steady Employment at good wages to Moulders, Machinists and Laborus. APrLY AT ONCE. , ILLINOIS IBON AND BOLT Co., Ca^penterevi*'1, 111 i Ooeo eeeoeoooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeoeeoeeosoeeeeeeoeooeoo Are You Cleaning House ? i i! * k < k n During house cleaning time you wish for a few new pieces of furniture, or would like to replace an old piece with some­ thing new and up to date. W e have a fine stock of hie3 enameled, brass mounted Iron Beds, and can make prices to fiit any pocket. Center tables, Dining tables, Din­ ing room chairs, rockers and Upholstered Furniture in grert variety. Carpets and Mattings i'< n 'ft. >< £ # /y \ f Are articles that come into prominenco it this time of the year. We carry a linu that you should inspect before going else­ where, and anyone can make a selection -from our line of samples. Place your ord­ er with us for carpets and mattijags and w# will guarantee that you will be pleased III both price and quality. *' McHenry, Illinois. 41 3i. \

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