t WMm MFJ JH»isieil«. FMOAY, JUNE 10, 1890. WlfW m'll PUBLISHED EVKBY FKIDAY BT K. GBAMGER. -fFIC* IN THC NICHOLS BLOCK Doors North Owsn A Ctopell'i ItoNi TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One yssr (inadvftoce) -- • •! 8° Subscriptions rccclvwl for thrvfl or ill month* in the um« pro portion. ,jj&' IN Clay county, Kentucky, there has > ' ' been eleven men killed within the past "V. . year in disputes over a judgement for $40. This is a email amount of money ".1 ,. for eleven lives. • 1 W. A. PUFFER, ex-senator of the United States, says Populism has ceased to be Like the days of chivalry, it has risen and fell. Kansas was the state wherein it was born and the ex-senator has had ample opportunity to learn of its origin and workings. & TH* United States Fish Commission is about to send out one of the most ex- * tensive scientific expeditions ever ar- ; ranged by the commission. The expe dition will sail on the "Albatross" in charge of Prof. Agassis to explore por tions of the Pacific Ocean. THE receipts from the great prize fight amounted to $65,000. This only* in cludes what was taken in at the gate. The money that changed handn on bets no doubt is several times this amount. All this was done to see a free display of brats force. What fools these mortals be. V&i' Ip-o5 4 '**" ; ' > ' b*?*- ° "^4^-. ** - OVSB in Indiana there is a matrimoni al trust. The justices of the peace have raised the marriage fee. Formerly the justices received as pay whatever the bridegroom considered Ms bride worth and he received all the way from three cents to 50 cents for tieing the knot. Hereafter their motto will be: *'$2, and If yon havn't got it stay single." THK two dogs of Adolph Luetgert, the wife murderer, are to be sold to provide money to carry his case to the supreme coart. It will be two years next wintr since Luetgert was taken to Joliet and all the money and property he had, which included the noted Sausage factory, was used in bis defeats. Now in order to get the case before tbe Supreme court, move money must be raised to employ lawyers and to have the records copied, and his two dogs will have to pass into strangers' bands. T%i|f • The Twelfth Census. ; H is estimated that tbe population of the United States as shown by the twelfth census, will reach 77,576,000 This is only a guess and such guesses are placed in excess of what really will ap pear in the census returns. The most elaborate and scientific guess at the population has been made by Dr. H. 8. Pritchett, superintendent of the coast and geodetic survey, who predicts that the twelfth census will show a popu lation of 77,472,000. His estimate is 204,000 smaller than that of the govern ment actuary. Dr. Pritchett admits a probable error in his figures of 250,000 one way or the other, so that the two estimates may correspond even more closely than now appears. Dr. Pritch ett obtains his figures by means of a for ul&tion as shown at the census period* from 1790 to 1890. This formula is ex pressed by an fquation, which is here given for the edifieation of the cur'ous: P=17.4841-1-5 102t- -0 63t*-H) 030t» In this equation P represents the pop ulation and the time in decades after 1840, while the figures are constants representing various factors of the popu lation expressed in millions and fractions of a million. Worked out to future dates this equation gives the following interesting estimates of our coming pop ulation: 1900...* 1910 1920 , 1930 1940 1950 I960...*..... 1970 1980 1990 Lltfinrj N'otM. The June Ladies' Home Journal reaches the top notch of excellence in both its pictorial and literary features. It opens with a page drawing of Longfellow's "Evangelino," and gives a group of pictures showing some "Fetes of College Girls." , An interesting description is given of "Tbe Creole Girl of Mew Orleans," and "Housekeeping on an Ocean Steamship" is graphically pro trayed. "How a Youug Man Can Work His Way Tlirough College" has a practi cal value for every poor boy ambitious for higher education, and "Telling the Character from Uandwritiug" is inter- gaining Bishop, priest, rabbi and minister contribute to a symposium on "What is the Good of Going to Church? ' and the Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, D. D , discuses " Paius that Polish Perfection. The fiction of the June Journal in cludes tha second installment of Anthony Hopers *\ aptain Dieppe," Sophie Sweet's story, "The Revolt of Sar' Abby tiuiut," the first of "01 Peck ham's Opinions" and four chapters of "A College Courtship." There are two departments: "Five- Minute Talks on Good Health," by expert, physical educators, and a boys' page, to which Dan Beard contributes an illudtrhtxi article on "A Boys' Underground Club House." -• Two. pages of photographs show "Where Our Presidents are Buried"; others picture "children's Day in the Church," "Picturesque Bits Of Gardens," etc Mrs. 8. T. Rorer teaches "The A B C of Ice Croam Making," and gives menus for outdoor gatherings. "The Journal's Prix* Model House" is shown, with others built from plans previously pub lished. There are numerous practical articles on woman's work and woman'* wear. By The Curtis Publishing Com pany, Philadelphia. One dollar per year; ten cents per copy. Mrs. Humphry, writing in the June Ladies'Home Journal on "How to be Pretty Though Plain," asserts that the best advice she could give the girl who would attain a graceful figure is con tained in two words: Avoid exagger ation. "We all know how disapointing, if not actually annoying, it is to see a pretty face associated with an awkward figure or an uncouth gait. Now, grace fulness is almost always capable of be ing cultivated, to some degree at least, even in cases which may seem to be of the hopeless sort. Calisthenics have con- v rted many an awkward girl into an unrecognizibly graceful and charmii g adition of her former self. Many a grow ing girl has her figure aud carriage mined for life by want of care, and more particulary motherless girls, who have no kind elder to make th«m lie down at least an hour every day. The recum bent posture averts many an evil. The shoulders should be perfectly Hat upon the couch, and the head be only slightly raised. Girls are such active, vigorous creatures that they often object to lyiug down in this way, but a careful mother may easily learn how to turn this rest ful time into a pleasure. In almost all cases improvement will result from gymnastic and calisthenic exercises from rowing, drilling and swimming. But it is absolutely necessary that the patient should be mindful constantly of her own bearing. She must hold ber shoulders back, her head up and her chest forward. At first this position will cause some st iffness, but if perserved in and accom panied by calisthenic exercises, or even games like lawn-tennis, it will soon be come natural, easy and gract ful." ocxxxxxxjooocxxxxxxxagooocoo PROBATR NEWS: Estate of George A Capron, Final report Estate of Sarah J Cook. probate of will. Estate i f Hiram report. Estate of Philip Hoffman. Proof of death, petition for probate of will. Estate of Margaret R Blodgett.- In ventory. MARRIAGE LICENSES. SI minor. imm.iuniL-il Pitition for For Infants and Children. Lock woocl# Louis J Lehky..„.... Amelia Ademek. Chicago ............Algotqnin Ira M. Barber Marengo Lillian May Gfieble..^...... Marengo Buit Grodivatth.,.....*,*,,,.. Alder* Jennie Street.. .Janesvilie Fred Hunker....... Marengo Anna Zick Huntley REAL ESVAT E TRAN8FER8. Thomas Keatin# A w to Cornell s If %- lone, land in s»c 11 G niton........ .,§000000 Alf-«<l W H rt Jtw*t altoGw Mil r, wjtf It 1 A I, blk 93. dart's «lh *<i to Harvard.... SXt'O Wilton J Esmond A wf to Marrnrnt Feaningt jn, land in s«u 4. Du ham.. li'B'O rrnd Olow et al to Patrick H Leonard! tt in 26 ft 27, bik 3, t.low'% Crystal ke Park ... ... ... .. 850Oo Divid L W<Kxf ft w to Louis I Knf, land in sees 2a A S3, Chemung j oo Qeo AOairnn toOynthia M Leach, lot 8, bik 2, Union . so On John Hanrk ft w to Chss F Kraase, land in sect), Grafton ... ... 4560 (X) John Mc>Broom ft w to Wlllard A Shad bolt, pt It 173, assrs pl>, sec 8. Oori. 12000 Spsncr Waterman A wf to I M Muzzy land in sec «, uorai 3000 0o August 0 Frit><r<r to Osr.ar Theodore R berg;. It,14 As* it IS in Jo n B Feeterts sub div n w fil h. 20. Mo Henry Solve Peterson ft w to Oscar T Bub' rg sa^e... Be d, Murdoch ft Oo te Oscar T R.berg s«me 100 1<0 GasrdUn of Carl W Friberg and Ea- taer K Friberg to 8 .m«, sa. e prop.. 1S50 0 Mary F Pome ny ft bus to Helen "wan son. it9, bit 3, Pouieroy's, u Lake ... 95 00 Wm Bonn>r to Koxy Wheeler et al, land in seo8, Ohemung 1 00 Harry w Cook et al to Lor >ine Church pt ItJS, bit 15. Woodstock B000 Rlchard A Nnrent to Geo S Leivitt, l-nd in sec 33; Chemung too Geo McConnell ft w to W C Cole, land In sso 9, Klohuiond 100000 Helen A Durfee ft H o Edwin R Bir*l, pt It 1, blk 7, Woodstock... . .. 200000 Margaret MuHenry, iaot lidii i bj/i aiiiou ilty itib uip *» utio handling some heavy boxes. The doctor :alled on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worae and the doctor then said 1 had rheumatiein. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly sret around to worK. I went to the drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham beflain'e Pain Balm. I tried it and one half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to ail my friends -- F. A. BABCOCK, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by J. A, Story, Druggist. . E O Jewett ft wf to stme, t 2 b|k 1|, Hobart's &ud to Woo<l8tqc* •• £••» Jason L Marks ft f to Msnnth Dalby pi It61, assrs pit, sec 35, Marengo...:' Ph lipHaupnch A wf to Brefei<-, o s 2 A 3, blk 10, west kiue Fox Uiver... Mirgaret Br feld A h toCaiper Wirfs lots, bik .0, Moaeury, west side Fox r.ver BmmaJSwaln A h, heir of Jonas O Tanner, to Jonas O Tanner, Ji„ land in sec 17. Ms ren o Hirry W Cook et al to M D Hoy and <i»o H Hoy, pt us & A I, hik. l , iir.ood sto k... Geo B Sewell A w t" Ge-» T I anion, land in se> s 21 and 28, Ctoral X lOu 1850 00 4(000 200 00 80000 1200 0b 600 CO 77,472,000 94,673,000 114,417,000 136,887,000 162,268,000 190,940,000 222.077,000 257,688,000 296,814,000 3-19,193 000 2000 385,860 000 2100 1,112,767,000 2500 11,856,302.000 2900 "These figures,"said Dr. Pritchett, are suggestive, to say the least. They show that within 100 years the popula tion of this country will amount to 350,000,000; and within 1,000 years the present rate of growth continues, this number will have swelled to nearly 41,000,000,000. How great a change in the conditions of living this g-owth of population would imply it is, perhaps, impoHsible for us to realize. "Great Britain, at present one of tbe most densely populated countries of the globe, contains about 300 inhabitants to the square mile. Should the present rate of growth continue the year 2000 the United States would contain over 11,000 persons to each square mile of •urface."--Chicago Tribune Exceptionally Low Sate* to St Loots, Mo. Via the North-Wee tern Line. Excursion tickets will be sold at greatly reduced ratee from all stations, June 19 and 20, limited to Jun^ 24, inclusive, on account of Annual Reunion B. P. Order of Elks. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Wet- tern Et'y. 49-2 w Amusing Advertisement*. "No person," wrote an imaginative undertaker, "ever having tried one of these air-tight coffins of ours will ever use any other." This Is supplemented by the truthful but discouraging advertisement of a dentist: "Teeth extracted with great pains." A Western farmer advertises for a woman to "wash, iron and milk two cows." An advertisement once appeared in ,t Washington paper for "a room for a young man 10 by 12." An American paper published in Par is recently contained the following unique advertisement: "A young man of agreeable presence and desirous -of geuiug married would like to make ike acquaintance of an aged and ̂ experienc ed geiiueiiiall wliu tvutlltl <iiooua.de hiiii from taking the fatal step." • ••• WB • W • The Thmshfir • ••v • an •• • You're After is the one that will earn and save the most money--that will thresh the most grain and separate it most perfectly, at the lowest cost. Every part of the Nichols-Shep ard Separator is designed to do the best work in the best way, in the shortest time--at the least expense for power, help and repairs. Every feature and attachment--from the self-feeder to the stacker--is of the most improved pat tern; efficient, strong, durable. Pur chasers of the Would V, / Fifty Vot Suffer So A (rain fOT Timet Its Price I awoke last night with severe pain in W stomach. I never felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morning 1 felt so weak I could hard ly work. I went to Miller & McCurdy'a drug store and they recommended Cham berlain's Colic Cholera and diarrhoea Kerned v. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my houie hereafter, for I should not care to endure the sufferings of last night again for fifty times it? price.--G. H, WILSON, Liveryman, Burgettstown, Washington Co., Pa. This remedy is for sale by J. A. Btory, Druggist. O A S T O R I A , Basra ' ^Thfl Kind Vou Have Nichols-Shepard SEPARATOR have the choice of various styles of stackers. The Sebum Stacker is the newest form of wind stacker, and has many fea tures that will instantly commend it to thresher buyers. Some of Its Advantage*: --The chute starts from the top of ths separator; Is higher from the ground; swings In s owmplets circle; It can be loaded or unloaded by one man. Write for tree catalogue and learr» al I about the Nlchols-fthepard Separator and its attachments, and the Nichols-Shepard Traction Engint, NICHOLS & SHEPARD CO., Battle Creek, Mich. Branch H*SM mt BTOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS, With rail stock: of machine* «n<t o^trM* gllTOTOlMlfllTll^^ AVegetahle Preparation for As similating tbeTood and Reg ula- ting the Stomachs andBowels of L \ I V M S ( H L L L )KI X Promotes DigesUon,Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARC OTIC. fhmnpkat Smd". Mx.Svmm * JtmAaU* tufh - A»*t Stmt • ' ftinmSted - a fleg^- A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms,Convulsions. Fevcrish- oess and Loss OF SLEEP- Tac Simile Signature df 1STEW "YORK. A l b m o u t h * , o l d J ̂ D o s r s - ] J CI N T S EXACT copy OF WRAPPEB. R"F! "F AT?MT?PQj QTrVD sp tno place to trade is you ;til» '-XpS ting for the best the market affords at ,, AAotmsuikTm mqtiQmm, The Kind You Have Always Bought5 In Use for Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THI CCNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. We danotdaim to lewff tto Jargcst stock of Groceries in the # county, but our many easterners will agree that we handle noth ing but the very best. You can rely on getting fresh goods, and what pleases the housewife more than dependable groceries? Our TEAS and COFFEES are delic ious. We have them at all prices. :m • m roceriesi #• A. P. BAER. TELEPHONE NO. 261. \A/. IVlcHe^nry ...PHI in SMOKERS! ii Waut of aGMCipr! Registered in Percheron Stud Book of America as No. 20043. OWNED BY--- The McHenry Percheron Horse Co. DESCRIPTIONColor, black ; we ght, 1800 pounds; height, 17X hande. PETHGIiEE;--Foa-ert March 1-?, 1895; bred bj Patterson Kro» ,ot Humr'ck, Illinois Got liv Ppulus 11220, 21(>83, ha bv Brilliant I' I 111 16, 2919, he by Feneion 26^12. 3d, 'e r>y Brilliant 1271, 765, he by Brilliant 1899, ?5a. be l>v Coro II, 711, he by V enx Ohas In 713, be by C"«*o712 he by Mign> n 715, he by Jean-ie.B and 7S9. Dam, Eunice 22^6, by Brilliant 1271, 756, br by Bnll nnt 18SH), 7M, he liv Coco 11, 714, h* by Vleux Chaelln 713, be by (loco 712. be by Mig- non 71S, he by Jean-le-Blanc 739. Secood flam. Elciae 1213, M27, by Vldorq 483, 732, Ooco II, 714, he by Vieux Chaslln 713. he • y Oor.o 712. he by Mignon 716, he by <J«an le- Blanc 739. PRINCE NOIR will make the sea^oB of 1899 in Weet MeHenry and neighboring towns. TBRMS:--Kor one eerviee, ®10 cash, payable at th?> time of 8'rvice; for tho season, $12 pay. able on or before July I; to insure mure to fo«lco)t that will stand up and stick, 115. Due •»are will be taken to present accident*, but Will not be responsible should any cccu<, HcHeiir} Percitem Horse Co. HARRY WICHTMAN. Manager; CALL AT B&RBIAN BEOS THE OLD RELIABLE Cigrar and Tobacco Dealers OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. OASTORIA, Bean the st The Kind Vou Have Always Bought Signature of • Oard of Thanks. 1 wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what <Jbamberla>u'e Cough Remedy has done for our family. We have used it, in s > many cases < f coughs, luog troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given the most perffct satisfaction, we feel greatly in debted to the manufacturers of this rem edy and wish them to please accept onr hearty thanks.--Respectfully, MRS. 8 DOTY, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by J. A. Story, Druggist. PEUBY & OWEN, Bankers, McHENRY, - ILLINOIS, This Bank receives deporitp, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en frusted to our care in a manner arid upon terms entirely satisfactory fo our cus tomers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate and other first class security. coikc Lions. The Shoemakers Last. Style is often first in popular favor because people always like something new. First in popularity and last in style stand pur shoe*. Fi'st, last, and all the time they are shoos you want. We have just received a New Stock of Shirt Waists in the latest styles and colors. Muslin and gauze Underwear in all grades and sizes. Now Summer Dre s Goods in hatlics. Lawns, Dim ities, Percales, Piques, 1 rystallincs, Mulls, Or iental Suitings, etc., in all the new shades and styles. A large new stock of Hats, Caps and Straw Goods just in. Our Grocery Stock is complete with fresh pure Groceries, Fruits, etc VGR* » GQOD8 DELI AGENT CONTiNENTALFIRe INSURANTS OJ. Yours Truly, M. J. WALNH. Citizens Telephone, No. 20, West McHenry, 111 J)RUGS IKSUBANCK In Firat Class Companies at the Lowest Ratee. Yours Respectfully, P E K R Y & O W E N . Notary Pub ie Standard and Registered --No. 23895. DE^CRI'TION;--Bay.'.horse, (Mr, small snip, right, hi nil ankle white. Foaled April '26, 1803; stands 17y hands high and weighs over 1400 pound*. He U bred In direct line from Hsmbletonian 10 on both aire and dum side*, miking htm oue of the best bred siVlinns on the list. Parties desiring to breed for roadsters and trener»l purpose horses will Ard it to their interest to <%all and 'nvestisate before placing their mart show for them8»lv«8, TfLKMM OK1 SERV ICEflO 00 to :nsu>c live coit; #5 Go for lite season. Moiiey to be p<i<l at «nd of season. 8KN&TOK HOPKIN9 wilt '>e at Hanl'y Bros', stables, X mile s^uth of th* McHenry brick mill*, the ci ming season cf 18!K). 1 sitpes and a-ctaente at owner's risk. BANLIY BROS, WestMctay. Faying had several ye^rs •*t>erten"« cell ing farm and other sales. I now call attention to tbe fact that X feel like getting a GREAT "HUMP" On myself ard sell yur farm sales In • wftfc McHenry as well as Lake Oo a fcreat DETERMINATION Necessary to obtain ^ooi results tho^e clo*e t>mes, 1 am satisfied thnt it require* the came VIGOR AND PUSH s'eH * a'-nr oaTes and h^ Runr.ea'fal as it d»>*s to Ci.op wood or sell you a farm in Ar kansas. eitv er of which lam willing to do | wh»n c«ll*d. of vou wifl'-know that I tisve hart SBd still h^v» m' ••"n fxporienre •eH'ng just such gf o'ls and sto»k ycu will offer st public soct on thi< uprirg. there fore I shout i ' now their value and h w to pet at s«l'in« the sar-e tor ite mo»t morey, dropping thearfcl- wit^ lh® <^ne hit srme t'mea paj s his note, lamqul'ea ood Md der at"1 ' m h iwa> s looking for i>argat s. I beiimvlrun I'nmrrefor you thai, can the -.tbers f^r the *au.r or less »"OPl. If 1 dirt n^t teel suie of the sbove and w»s not in ' ead ea and will ng to trv o' ihort notice, I would not bs so well eq fpped 4n alarm turned in by postal may reveai unexpected results. ». SCHIESSLE, HBAB TBE DEPOT, WEST McHEKRT, ILL Keeps oren for t he accon modation of th Public a first-Glass Saloon and Restaurant Wh*re h» will at all Mmes keep the bes brands of Wines. Liquors aid Cigars to be tound in the market Try Us a Couple of Times. lour obedient and unsystematic fuend T. V. SLOCUM, Wauoanda, ill PABST'S KUwuke* Lt£tr B««r At Wholesai ard Retail. Beer in large or smati Kegs or Bottles a|. m «ys on hand, cheaper than any other,quality sonstuered Ordeis by mail promptly attended to. GOOD SIAIillAO FOR UOR6>E OALL aad see us. Robt. Schiessie. W«( McHenry, May 2,1W8, J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Contractor. All KINDS of SANITARY PIbiMi PB0MPTLT ATTENDED TO Has just received a very com pleto stock of Plumblns Goods, Path Tubs. Closets* Cavatorlt s and Fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heating. Complete utook of all Galvanized and Bluok Pipe and FittingH on hand Office and Show Honm in Jacob Bon- •lett'ti 4tfr>cu"tural Implement Building, MoHKNRY. ILL* -s^and ]||BBICINES Like all other goods must be fresh, and if you desire fresh poods in this line call on m a. amm** McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Now is the time of year that PAINTS, OILS COLORS are in demand. Remember we carry a brand of ready-mixeo paints that is equal to any and better than many so-called "best" brands A COMPLBTI LIN1 OP Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Stationery Toilet articles and Notions. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED OOOOOi B1GGLE BOOKS • Farm Library of uneqnalled value--Practical* Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive--Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIOQLB No. 1--BIGGLE HORSE BOOK All about Horses--a Common-Sense Treatise, with trrtr 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 50 Cent*. No. 2--BIGQL.B BERRY BOOK Ail about growing Small Fruits--read an4 learn how; contains 43 colored liie-like reproductions of all leading varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 3-- BIGGLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ; tells everything ; witli23 colored life-like reproductions of all the principal breeds; with 103 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4--BIGGLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business : having a great sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions of each breed, with 13a other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 6--BIGGLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs--Breeding, Feeding, Butch ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over 80 beautiful half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. The BIGGLB BOOKS are unique,original,useful--you never saw anything like them--so practical, so sensible. They are having an enormous sale--East, West, North and South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right away for the BIQQLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL la your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is 21 yean Old; it is the great boilrd-down, hit-the-nail-on-the-head,-- quit-after-you-have-said-it, Farm and Household paper in -he world--the biggest paper of its size in the United states of America--having over a million and a-halfregular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and tbe FARM JOURN AL fl YEARS (remainder of 1899, igock 1901, 190a and 1903) will be sent by mail O any address for A DOLLAFE BILLT Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOQLB BOOKS five. WILlfBR ATKINSON. CUAS. V. JKH UII8, Address, JFJLMM JOURNAL fHii.anw.rrt* Mk