* • - . FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1899, * POBUBUD EVEBY FHIDAY BT --IP. K. ' GRANGEa V " ' fFICC IN THC NICHOLS BLOCK [* two Doors Now Owen ft Chapelt'# Store, »S« •vi'? -'i' „ TERMS-OF SUBSCRIPTION: -lift* year (itrad vaace) . §1 W Subscription* receive*! for three or «x months in the same proportion. " The Hampshire Register has been <ifcanged to a fire colamp, five page, all home print paper. This is the latett im provement by Brill Bros and its a good i ; AN Oklahoma man claims to have dis- troy* d the deadly effects of a cyclone by the discharging of a cannon into the funnel shaped cloati. If tDis is true tfie cannon will be a boon to mankind Hereto re the canoQQ has been a life taker ' rather them a life saver. m REV. 8am Jones of Georgia say# that "if the farmers of tbis country could strap off their jaw-bones for back-bone add muscle we'd have a sturdy set, but the more a man talks the less he works." By making this statement Sam has Wiped himself off the list of workers. - The season for clover harvesting has arrived but farmers are not blessed with the sweet red clover. The past winter destroyed it as it did many other com modities and luxuries. Timothy pro mises to be a f iir crop. Tame hay will be a light crop in northern Illinois this jear. ^ MCHENRY COUNTY cities and' villages have aroused themselves and are going to celebrate July 4 this year in earnest Woodstock will hold the first celebration in ten years. The Oliver Typewriter band will furnish music during the day. There will be the general line of amuse ments with fire works in the evening Marengo and Harvard will celebrate. So will Nunda and Hebron. Let the good work continue. •"he death of John Adams and of Iftbotnas Jefferson, twin calamities, hap pened on the 4th of July, 1826, exactly 60 years after they signed the immortal Declaration. John Adams was a law yer, a member of the Continental con gress and chairman of the committee on war and ordinance. He was elected president of the United States in 1797 The day of his death he was awakened by the ringing of bells and firing of can non. He was asked if he knew what it t was. "Oh, yes," he replied; "it is the (dorions fourth of July. God bless it! In the course of the day he said. "It is a glorious day." Bis last words were. "Jefferson still lives." 'But at that mo- . Bent Jefferson, too, was breathing his last- James Monroe, fifth president of the United States, died Jnly 4, 1831. 0- THE school of law of the Univorsity of Uinois has been greatly strengthened by Hie election for the first time of a Dean of the School of Law. Professor James J&xiwn Scott, who has been appointed to this position, is a graduate of Harvard College with highest honors. He was awarded a traveling fellowship by Harvard Univ»rsity, and spent some jeare in study abroad, taking the degree of J. D. DTat Heidelberg. Since 1896 he haa been Dean of the Law School at Loe Angeles, California. Mr. Scott is a brilliant student, and has been very suc- fitti in his present position. The School of Law has now four men devot ing themselves wholly to the teaching of Inw, besides a number of special lectures. The school was founded only two years ago and has already abundantly justified its institution. If %V fer 7\Vvj: PROBATE COURT NEWS is the place to trade is you aw PROBATE NEWS. of W. W. Fits worth For Infants and Children. Wilcox Appraise- i Covering1 The Butk. In a recent issue of the Chameleon, s bright monthly published by the Sher win-Williams Company for the interest and benefit of their employes, is a littk article that is well calculated to awaken faith in The Sherwin-Williams Paints. The article points out how universally railroads have adopted The Sherwio- Williams Paints. Whatever faults m>n may find in railroad corporations, stu pidity or carelessness in purchasing is not one of their shortcomings. Selee tion of paints, as of everything elfe that enters into constructi in and repairs, is made on the coldest and most calcula ting business basis. There is a volume of significance, then, in the state ment that forty-five of the leading rail roads are users of The Sherwin-Williams Paints, the list including, the Erie, New York Central, Lahigh Vallf^tPhila. and Reading, Pennsylvania, Canadian Pacific. Grand Trunk, Nickle Plate, Lake Shore, I'nion Pacific, Northwestern Pac fie, Great Northern, C. B. and Q and the Mexican Central. *dded to the list are twenty-eight steamship companies, on the Atlantic, Pacific, the Great Lakes and tie rivers, which protect their prop el ty with the Sherwin-Williams Paints A record to be proud of. APHORISMS Self-trust Is the essence of heroism.-* Emerson. The sweetest type Of he&vec is hottiW -nj. <». Holland. •> '_ Nothing is more disgraceful than in sincerity.--Cicero. Live only for to-day and you ruin to morrow.--Simmons. It were better to lie of no church than to be bitter for any.--Penn. After crosses and losses men grow humbler and wiser.--Franklin. Our own heart, and not other meg's opinion, forms our tru«2 honor.--Cole ridge. Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds and the holiday of fools--Ches terfield. To be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man' picked out of ten thousand. --Sh^kspeare. He that calls a man ungrateful sums up all the evil of which one can be guilty.--Swift. Provision is the foundation of hos pitality and thrift the fuel of magnifi cence.--Sir P. Sidney. When a person is down in the world an ounce of help is better than a pound of preaching.--Buhver. Receive no satisfaction for premedi tated impertinence: forget it, and for give it; but keep inexorably at a dis tance from him who offered it.--Lava- ter. Excepttbnally Low Rates to Los Angles~f Cal., Via the North-Wet tern Line. Excur sion tickets w ill be sold at greatly re duced rate? from all stations, June 25 to July 8. inclusive, limited to September 4, 1899. inclusive. 00 account of Annual Meeting National IMucationpl Associa tion. Variable routes, delightful scenery. Side trips at low rates to points of interest. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Weetern R'y. 50-3 MEN if 1 * THE erecting of fences has cost farmers s®" than any other single improve ment on the farm, and mr re money has been wasted in this way than any other. Farmers have tried all manners of •ehemes in fencing. Fence agents have made vast sums of money selling farm ers fence material. Their first craz8 was the building of willowV fence. These to be profitable and were super added by osage orange and hedge, which has held its own for several years. Of late years farmers have grown to look npon it as an expensive and troublesome feoce, tfbd many farmers have grubbed ^hem out. But it remained for the past aevere winter to finish osage as a fence in this section. The osage fence is prac tically all winter killed and it is doubt- All if any will ever be planted again in this part of the State. THESE are a number ot persons who Jif _they last until the end of the present ^jear will have seen three centnries. That is, they will have lived in the nine- tenth and have seen the end of the | Jjmrentieth. fc1® ^ number of centenarians the United States comes first. It is esti mated that there are at least 700 scat tered over the country. C In Servia one man in 2,290 has seen , ®K) years, and, in all, Servia boasts 275 ' Ijjpen of 100 years or over. • v* Ireland ranks next with one centena- ytan in every 8,130 of the population or ,#78 in all. Spain favors length of years, and out Of 43,000 Spaniards one is a cente f aarian, with a total of 401. I Norway numbers 23, or one in about ' "#6,000. •. England, Scotland and Wales rank sext with 192, or one in about'177,000. Y France has 213 centenarians, or one in 180,750. j[[./ Sweden ranks seventh with 20 only, or 3>ne in 250,000. ' V Germany has 78, or one in 105,000. | r Denmark only claims two, or less than One to 1,000,000 of its population, and Switzerland, with all its reputed healtbi- *-wAess, seems not to possesses a single cen Kidney trouble preys upon , the mind, discourages and anc" lessens ambition; beauty, WOMEN vigor and cbeeriulnfsa soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or diseased. For pleas ing result use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy. At druggists. Sample bottle by mail free,also pamphlet, Address, Dr.Kilmes & Co , Binghamton, N. Y. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said 1 had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly eet around to work. I went to the drug store and the drtfggist recommended me to try Cham berlain*s Pain Balm. I tried it and one half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends -- F. A. BABCOCK, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by J. A, Story, Druggist. Exceptionally Low Kates to St Louis, Mo, Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold at greatly reduced rates from all stntions, June 19 and 20, limited to Jum 24, inclusive, on account of Annual Reunion B. P. Order of Elks. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Wes tern R'y. 49-2 w E«t*at>of w. w. Fits worth. Report. Estate of Augustas Morgan widow's Reliog & selection. Estate of Jane ment bill. Estate of James McDertn >tt. Proof of death, petition for probate of will and letters testimentary. Estate of Frederick C. Wolf. Proof ol death, petition for letter ot administra tion, bond $400. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Christian Somerfeld L*Va Z irich Carrie Berodit .......Lake Zuriub, III Samuel Wise M ^rengo Mrs. Carrie CI ark M areugo Fred G Witt Wood* took Em nan Chilrich w oodstock Flerschel P. Weter...^^.^..^, Alien Luelia J. Andrews. Uden George F CIute....«ui,»..^JIww....nhi«ago L. Grace Tbompaoa.......Chicago Alvan N. Dullam Harvard Gertie Roach.... Harvard HEAL ESVATE TRANSFERS. CVe"ry $ wf t« F K Granger, e*8t of Fox rive ,i el, N'tinda ; Patrick J near* A wf toaai tank" Asia Peace U> G o a Pease, | art It 4», assrs pit aeo 5, Dorr .. ...... Win H Ward S wf to i T»>y eX Its 7 A1 '»i'i sX It 9, btk 1. Brown'a ad«l, 'Harvard.... ... OyntMaM ' *arh ft hna to G'OAOap- ron, lt« 1 «fc '2, bit 2, Union and an J in 800 4. tk>iai --" Cynthia M T,aa<-b ft hns et a' ti A Esther But 8, Il7, bit 9, Union...... Freil T Pi'raur to Thoodo e H ftieyf r. Its 3 ft 5, G to's a id to X mda Milton M Morley'ft wf «o Geo E'-kert prt'>fU 4, blk si Stroda'd add to W001I Block Frederick Newbold to Geo Nswttold Ihnl in 4ec 15, algoi quin 600 <0 Jostth R l.eonard ft wf to i ;r derick W T-iylor anil Jnine Gtnte, land I" sac 15, Ounham, ami S3C 18, uutl nd ... 400000 Orton. lacd I'© IKS'W 10 000 30' 0*> 460 00 75 00 3W '0 2'000 Henry W' k'n* t > D niel In sec 31. Cor<I Executirof ca-h^rine Harrteo •, de rease^, to qmnue Matt et», i't W, Coitm*. ft Purtly's adit, R ohmond... Executors of estate of H W Mnal, de c«aed to to trustees "f M E fhurc** if H hror, part oi It 2, blk 1, Mead's 4th add t Hebr »n D iRht T.o« C olev ^r a*: law of Doro thy Lowe'i, dereaM-d, to Unprrt Cbur< h, It5, blk 'M, Harva d Charles W, Ritt ft • t <0 Pan' "ax hii*, pie e in t>.k^, t ierson's add to iya. tai Lake Warre « M Godrtard ft wf to Geo A. I.umlei, It 6, aasrs pi', sec il. Greenwood It J M^r hall ft wf to th* C»thoiia Bisho of Chicgo. part of It r, Mk 11 Haav • r4. and rt of wav v E l(?ar S Sm'th ft wf t" Mra Margaret A tter. land in see 2-2, Alden 60 00 350 00 50 TO 101 0 140 00 950 00 609 Ci 400 CO Herbert D Crnnfbet al to Chris Freeze >1 2 blk <9, Harvard 20"00 Execnloreof FT nry W Mead deceased t> Mosen W igbt, l<»2 ft<. blk 5 and It 1 ft 3, blk 6, Mead'a add. Hebron.. 60"'00 El'za J Udell ft hits to Oliyton Udell It 10, ArfcilJ£# Tidd, Ric mind 50 CO Fifty Would Not Suffer 80 A gain for Times Its frioe I awoke last night with severe pain in my stomach. I never felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work ttds morning I felt so weak I could hard ly work. I went to Miller & McCurdy'o 'I rug store and they recommended Cham berlain's folic Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right It certainly is the finest thing I tver used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to endure the sufferings of last night aura in for fifty times it* price.--G H, WILKON, Liveryman, Burgettstown, Washington Co , Pa. This remedy is for sale by J. A Story, Druggist. A Oard of Thanks. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Cbamberla<n's Cough Remedy has done for our family. We have used it, in s"» many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly in debted to the manufacturers of this rem edy and wish them to please accept our hearty thanks--Respectfully. MRS. 8 I)OTY, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by J A. fcitory, Druggist. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of '•hi* t*Mmii,--Ciiieago Journal. nwwvvvv of grain can be threshed in a day (and threshed perfectly and separated thoroughly, without waste) if you have a Nichols-Shepard Sep arator. And the straw will be handled easily, without the slightest trouble and almost no litter, if you use the Nlchols- Sbepard Swinging Stacker. This takes the place aud does the work of | an independent stacker. It oscillates automatically, is easily swung to ' right angles with the separator to carry the straw to either stack or barn. J This stacker has been demonstrated by thorough and practical tests in ' the field to be the handiest, most efficient swinging stacker ever attached to a thresher. Like every other feature of the Nichols-Shepard SEPARATOR | it is strongly and durably made, without any intricate parts to break or get out of order. All the advantages of the Nichols-Shepard Separator and the Nichols-Shepard Traction Engin« are fully described and illustrated in our free catalogue. Write for it. NICHOLS A SHEPARD CO., Battle Cr«ek, Mioh Br.ncfa Hoomat BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS, wtUi tali atoclc of owchluci and ulni. ^ _ n f.y " -Ti, *r' /"• 'V t\ AYegetahle Preparation for As- IM \X IS ( H1LD1U N Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Contai ns neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. Reapc afOTJ 7k~SANUELPtraBXB. Mx.Senna * Jtttfu Uv Ssltr « Anite Sent < ' Hfffrmini i Seed - A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions Jeverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of UTEW "YORK. At b months o ld J j D o s r s - j j C t N T S EXACT COPY OF WRAPPr.H. CASTORIA THC OCNTAUft COMPANY. NEW YOflK CITY. s looking for the best the market affords nt DERATE PRICB6|. - ,, •* ,*«, 'r\ ' J*' 7- \ 4 '* ' ' •»>•*'< • i-i •>,. Hi ' Pure, Fresh Groceries! ' 1 • ... • . . • - . . : . T p W V " *$. ; :'n-' - • * & " M " v . 1 i' , k i | a n Registered in^. Percheron Stud Book of America as No. 20043. OWNED BY The McHenry Percheron Horse Go. OE^CRlPTIoNr--Color. i>lcck; we ght, 1800 poundw; height, i"i)6 lianic. PKDlviltl' E;--foa e<l Mii'Ch 2V, IMS; bred bv Pattrrton "w . r>i Iluin>"<<k Ii - Hot bv Prulus 11220, 21('83, h« bv Brilliant I I 1116, 2919, h« by beoeion 2'>^2. :W, 'e ny Briinani 1?71, 765. bfl 1)V BrilliHiu 189:+. V5®, h" t<v Co-o II, <li, he by V eui Obaa Ii 71U, h" by 0"<*o7l2 he by Mi<o> n 715, lie by Jean-ie-B ami 7^9. Oam, Eimiop a2rfi, bv Brilliant 1271. 766, h' bv Brill apt 18!»9T 75^, he bv Copo 11. 714, li«» bv Vieiix Clfaelin 7iJ^ he bv Poen 712 he by Mig- non 71F, he by Jean-le-Bianc 739. Stoo(id'1am. Eloise 1216, 1427, by VMorq '483, 732,f;oro It, 714, he by Vifux Cliaslin 713. Iffe » v Oocr. 7ig. he by Mignon 7>6, be by Jean le- Bianc 739. PRISCE NOIK wiP make t he season of 189d in West McHenry and neighboring towns. "•"ItRMS:--For one eervi<*e, f 10 cash, payable at thn time ofs-rvlre; lor tlu! aea»on, #>i2 pay- ab e on or before July 1; to insur« mare to foil colt that will stand up aud suck, |15. Du& •••are will be taunn to prefer", acridentf, but will not be respontlble sboit'd any occur. . McHeiir} Percheron Horse Co. HARRY WiCHTMA*. Manageri Standard and Registered No. 23895. OEaCRITION H8y Jhorse, etar, small •nip, riftht hind ankle white, Foaled April 25, 1^93; it wide 17Jf hands high and weiitha oreM400 i'Ound«, He lb bred in direct line from Hambletonian 10 on both sire anil dum side*', in° king him one of the b»st bred lions on the list. P.irtien desiring to bre€d for roadsters and •rener.il purpose borses will flrd it to their interest to ".all and 'nvestigate befnr* placing th^ir mares the coming eeas >]|. Big gets will show fortbemsslves, TKUMS OF SERVICE.--|I0 00 to'nanre live colt; t8 0o for the season. Money to bo p :id at rnd of season. SENATOR HOPKIN9 will »>e at Hanl'y Bros', stables, M mile s^uth of the Mcllenry brick mills, the ctming season cf 1«99. Vs sapes and arcid^nts at owner's riea. I NEAB THE DEPOT,' WFST MclIENltY, ILL Keeps oren for t he accoar modatlon of th Public a First-Olaaa Saloon and Restaurant Whjf« hv Will at all t.imes keep the bes brands of Wines. I,iqu<>rs aid Cigar* to be found in the market SMOKERS! Vhei in Want of a Good Ciyrar! CALL AT BARB IAN BROS- Cigar »iid THE OLD RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers OUR SPECIALTIES I Our Monogram, 10©. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealer. UliUlilJ, PERRY & OWEN, Bankers, McHENRY, - ILLINOIS, This Bank received depositp, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all buainepg en trusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our cus tomers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN On _ Real Estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE In First Class Companies atthe Lowest Rates. Yours Respectfully, PERRY & OWEN. Notary Pub ic Paving bad-several yenra •xrer'en"* cell ing fsrm and other sales. I now call attention to the fact that 1 1 eel like getting a GREAT "HUMP" On mtself and sell yr>ur farm sales In McUenry as well as Lake Oo with a great DETERMINATION Necessary toobta'n rood results these olo*e t-mei, lam satisfied that it requires the came VIGOR AND PUSH To sell Tarm Sales and be successful as It dees to cnop wood or sell you a farm in Ar kansas. either of which I am willing to do wh«n c«ll*d. • MMt of vou will know that I hs.i ?Bd still fc=v* nsT.is sxr.srienoS se'linp just sur.h grods and a1o»k hs ypu will offer at public aoct on thl* spring. There fore I shoult 1 now their vslue and h'w to get at selling the snwc tor the most mor.ey, dripping thearticl* with the "ne 'hat some, times piy s his note, T am qul'e a < ood ><ld der and • m ftlwa^ a looking for bargains. I believe I ran <1o more for you thau can the ••t^ers for the *an.f or less'•ost. If I did net feel suie of the above and wss no* in«'ead ea.rest and willing to try o" ihort notice, I would not be so well eq-1 ipped 4n f.arm turned in by postal may reveal unexpected results. Try Us a Couple of Times. I'our obedient and unsystematic friend T. V. 8LOCUM, Wsuoends, ill PAB^T'9 Mllwukas Lager B«*r At Whofesai and Retail. Beer in large cr small Kegs or Bottles al- « a> s on hnnd, cheaper thau any oth^r, quality son siac red Ordeis by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSE* Oall and see us. Robt. Schiessie. Wee* Melfenry, May 2, 1898, J. W. BONSLETT, RlumlDing Contraptoi;. ill Kinds of Sanitary FUim PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO Has just receivcjl a very com plete stock of Plumbing Coed*, tath Tubi$» Closets« t-avaforles and Fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heating. Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized and Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Boa- slett's Agricultural Implement Building, MoHEHRY. ILL. • ; fTtdi s - , " } , A j ^ ' I J * ' ' n x.;. r .. ^ • W"e <lo toot claim to keep largest stock of Groceries in th| county, but our many cust)mers will agree that we handle ing but the very best. You can rely on getting fresh goods, and what pleases the housewife moil tli an dependable groceries? Otfr TEAS and COFFEES are deli©* KHiB. TH e have them at all priccs. v|b : • ir~$, ^ ! . T . _'p' ' -v# /V,;" 'W; J P- BAER, W. McHenry Confirmation Suits. We have just added an unusual largje line of Onfirmntion Suits in either short or long pants suits. Pi ices range from $2.00 to $7.00 > The goods are on our counters. Bring in your boys, fit them on and take them home with you. Shoes, hats and white shirts tor same occasion. Special Discount given on entire Outfit Warm weather Underwear for Men women and children. Straw and I rash hats. Warm weather IJOW Shoes for men and women Men's ( rash Suits, "A warm one," for hot weather at $3.50, all Sizes. Pure Groceries, Best Brands Flour. A few bushels more of Mammoth sweet corn, for seed for Fodder Purposes. Yours tor trade, West McHenry, 111. JOHN. J. MILLER. IfBDIGINES Like all other goods must be fresh, and if you desire fresh goods in this line call on 4mm M* limit* McHENRYi ILLINOIS. Now is the time of year that PAINTS, OILS COLORS are in demand. Remember we carry a brand of ready-mixeo paints that is equal to any and better than many so-called "best" brands A COMPLITB LIN'B Of Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Stationery Toilet articles and Notions. PRESCRIPTION^ CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED OOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXX)OOOOOOOOOC( "Works Both Ways The Bherwln-Wlinams Paints give satlsfacUon Id good looks! and in economy. They cover most,last longest, are mosteoo-J noinioal and everv can is full measure. Every can Is covered! by a guarantee behind which Is the reputation and mil Uis re- , touroM ul Uie company. THE SHERWIN-WIUJAMS PAINTS B«tth«r etwlk off like white lead or peel off like cine paints. They are made of the right proportions of each, mixed » as to give the best results. Write for a copy of "Paint Point*" _ i give our illustrated Turn ShEitwiM" PAINT ANO 3620 Btewart •venue, Qblc&goi' copy of "Paint Pointa" booklet. Free. WlLLiAMB OO., coLom MAKKna.j also, Cleveland, Wew York, rjloatmL E. B. PERKINS, Ageai McHtary, Ulimlt