Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1899, p. 5

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\ DIRECTORY. BUSINESS CARDS. It*' O, H T* >B i BT. P G.LLItoKiS, <ua work specialty. Ott jQ in iCwidull B ocki ^oo*l tof'k 111* J. CA»&19 IS " A ^TTOltNBY and U un.eloi at L*« Z •• '.JCX in Josiyu'a Block, tVoodstocft, I j'.- .l*! attent au given to trial »aae» OSce Speo KNIOtlT * BBOWN. ;i\ ITOBKEx AT LiW, KO W*»bi ng.on xV »tree», Umttga, lu. I'RitlK L>. 8H K P ABD vY^OUNSBLLi B -iT L «.»v, •ail* 80--tSSt ' : \J cuik t irwok, Oticbgo, ill. (It'i'-V a P- BA.BNK4, A rTOBNKT, tolij'.Udr, and Ooniie $/ •• A «jn<<niui>ii t ttpcO.alwy. woaQtio^k, 111, DAVID G. WELLS. M. D. PHY*1UIA.> AM> otKUEON, Oltt~e and re»i ence iu ^tcboia ttu'cn, over itie PlainuMler olAoc. Meavury. T*t0unon« -wo- a O a FKGKB*. M. 1>. :itN AND oUUUtfON, Office at UcaiUou^o, MeBeory, . R. A. K. AUBlKttKB, T>H YSIOI AN AN 1) oUKUICOa. Office in the „t.J. ssuouer Duil<ttu(i, one door muio' A. P. \ '. -jL.Aer'6 morn, W s. ilotleuxy, ill. ueoiJuuce, k'/,- ' Itaouae >orm»rly tceu ltd l»j Dr. Onour&e. •r ^11 giolcao oiial CttliB pi^uijfkiy micnaw to. A.C SPURLING, M. D. V. '.#i. VBTKRINARY suns^on. Special attention given to Dentistry. Call promptly attended. .{Office at Residence west of Purk Hotel. f $ v West MeHeury^ Illinois. W. A.CRISTY, * durtioe oi the Peace. WK»T MoSKNaY, ILL.. Special Attention patu to Oolleotion*. Will UeinmyOtfce over j&.vaosot's Store, every ft* urday and Monday, until tuither notice. H. C. MEADt Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent, including Accident ami Life Anxurance. WMI MOH«HBT, III. Your Card Would Look Well Here. A. M. CHURCH, •Watohiuaker and Jew( No 126 (state Street, Chicaio, \ Special attention given to repairing tfitae Waiohes an i chronometers. «sr A Fill Assortment of Goods in his line. C. F. BOLEY, Purielor of McHenry Briery, McHlSXBV, ILL. A (way8 on Hand with the Beit Beer Dr. Walter C. Besiey, DENTIST FROM OUR. CORRESPONDENTS Neighbiodng News Gatherecfe by our Abi« Corp» of Representatives. 8PKING GBOVB. E-trl ^aterfflaa baa boeu on the sick list lately. Walter Syke* was a McHenry visitor Thursday last. E iward Hopper and family spent Sun­ day at W. C. Mom's. Me, Alderson has been entertaining friends from the city. Ruby md Be mice Watte are visiting their aunt, Urs Ran Peck, of Terra Cot- ta. Jew Richardson, Clark Teft and Tbeo. Man have erected new aeromoter wind mills on their farina. ... a Miss Nellie Al.vmar returned to her home at Antioch last Thursday after several weeks visit here. Richard Oxtoby and wife and Libbie Bell attended the exercises at Wilmot school Saturday evening. W. Sykes and wife and Henry Faden and wife spSnt last Tuesday evening with tar. and t rs. Williams. Mrs. Sarah Faden and daughters, Pearl and Florence, spent several days with friends aud relatives near Silver L<ike, Wis , recently. Chas. Mead has sent in his resignation as postmaster of the Eoglish Prairie office. At present it seems to be hard to ind any one willing to take charge of the office. " Theodore Man's team ran away last week demolishing a large basket of eggs, and shading Theodore up. Could be have found a gun soon alter, one of the horses, notorious as a runaway, wonld probably not have lived to run again, but unfortaaately firearms are at a premium just then. Many of the boys wheeled up to w il- mot Saturday nuht, others preferring their trustv steeds. Among those who went were: John Cole, Francis James, Ed. Carey, James and Guy Bell, Thomas Ojyrort anl Wm. L:c*ity. The Com­ mencement; exercises of the Wilmot .school was th^ attraction, many of the graduates being well known here. Elmer Orvie.of the 51st Iowa regiment, an interesting letter to his par­ ents ynder the date of May 8th, writes from the Philippines tbat he thinks of taking his discharge and settling there*. They have marched 200 miles lately and crossed seven rivers and much of the time waded through deep gpud. Their clothing is very much the wors» for wear. Elmer states that but remnants of their hats and shoes are left them. They prefer the way of the many; to stay at home and criticise the acts of our officers, high in power, for not bringing the war to a speedy close. It's certainly much easier if not so heroic. t- •' WBST-MctlENB", OSce over Be°ley's I Woocut ck Office Drugstore, | Kendall Dental Par lor». Will be at McHenry office Mondays and Tuesjays At Woodstock office Wednesdays, Tbars dajs, Piidays atd Saturdays, EXAMINATIONS FREE. SOCIETIES. v MAOONin. MoFbnbt LoDor, No. 198, A. r. and A. M.-- (tegular OoiLinunic(»iion« the second and fourth Monoays in eacb month. GEO H HANLY, W. M. W. O. O. P. St Patr'cia Coort, No 187, w. o. O. r meet the First •aiuiday and Third Wednesday evenings of ea<*u niontb, at forest Hill Mr* IF art Cobb, Chief Banger. 0BABLOTTB Maddkh secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings "f each month, at their liall, in stoffel'4 Bioik. O. O. Colby, Consul. j{, O. Mbao, Olerk. CHURCHES. V J Walsh, H.O Mead James B. Perry Bev. J. 8trail t>, D. D The Willing Worker* aation.) UNIVENSALI9T. ... President olerk ..Treasurer Pastor (the ladies organ Mrs Ij. H.Owen President Mrs. John I. fttory Vlee President Mrs. J Van Slyke... Secretary Mrs. W. A. Oristy Treasurer gnpt, of Sunday BcIkmA,... . A. I. Baerhler Af58i8tsnt, W. A. Oristy «TTha Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address e Grind Orossing, Preaching services at 10:80 a,k. and at 7;S0 ,f. h, a cordial invitation to all. METHODIST BPI3DOPAL lev W L. Whipple ... PreaoMng Sunday, 10:30 A. M. School, 12 M. Dr. A, 8. Anringer, Superintendent Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, 7:80 T. *. Ladies' Aid Society each alternat* week Ifrn, Dr. Auringer, President, Miss Cora Wilson, f>ec.'r. <HTA Oordlal Invitation Is extended to all Pastor Sundav ST. MAHY'S CATHOLIC (GEBMAN) Serviees will be h'elrt on Sundays »-»fallows Hish Mass tt in o'clock a. m.; Vespe'-« st 3 •o'oioek p. m. Bkv. Paths* Kibhch, Pastor. ST PATBICK'S CATHOLIC Regular Sunday services at 9:30 o'clock m. aitd iSo'clo k eve-v thlr .Sunday Bkv. Fathbb O'Nbil, Pastor.. 8T. JOBKP.I'^ OATHCfLIO (GERMAN) St. Jnteiih'i Catholic Church, Johnaburar. have services on bunday as fllown: H gh Mas<< at 10 oVlo<-k a, m and Veepers at 3 o'clock p m. Bar. * athbb Nbubimu, Pas or TO THE LADIES: The Plaindealer Co. wishes to announce to the ladies of Mc­ Henry and vicinity that they have all the facilities for turn­ ing outup-to-dHte calling cards We use nothing but the best of material and guarantew that onr work will give entfre satis­ faction. Call and inspect onr stock and get prices WOODSTOCK Mrs. S. C. Hay spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. Dr. J. W. Primm and eon, Clarence, were at SpringHeld Sunday C. W. Allen is the gnest of rela tives in Chicago for a fnw weeks. Mrs Jenuie L^rnmer.* Ellsworth, of Chi­ cago, visited with her relatives here Sun­ day. Miss Mary Spooner .was a guest of Harvard relatives several days last week. Mrs. Frank Bruce and two children, of Erie, Penu , are visiting at the home of Mr. Stratton. The Ladies' Aid society of the Prjsbv- t^rian church meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. D. T. Smiley. Messrs, W. P. Hoy and G. T. Banker have arrived from Madison University for tbtt summer vacation. The Northwestern Vale Q irtette gave another of their pleasing concerts in the M. E. church, Monday evening. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Guild departed on Monday for Kansas, where they will en­ joy their vacation cf about four weeks. Mies Dorothy Z<uipleman entertained her cousin. Miss Senger, of Harvard, commencement week and over Sunday. Todd's Seminary closed tor the sum­ mer on Wednesday last and the scholars were very much missed at the Presby­ terian church Sunday morni *g. The large class graduating from the grammar room, in their exercises Thurs­ day evening, rendered their parts splen­ didly and the evening's entertainment, rt fleets great credit on Miss Hinman, their instructress. Miss Emma Bach man has left the em­ ploye of M. D. Hoy & Son and on Mon­ day depa"ted for Cnicago, where she will keep bouse for her brothers and sister. Miss Josephine Schenck succeeds Her as saleslady in the store. On Friday evening at the city hall oc- cured the twenty-first anpnal commence­ ment of the high school. Messrs A. S. Wright, W. G. Hoy, E A. Renicb and Misses Jessie Jewett, Nettie Burner, Maud Donavan and Dorothy Zlmpleman were graduates in the classical course; Misses Emma Schaaf and Hattie Wesson in the English course and the Misses Jes­ sie and Bessie Murphy were post gradu­ ates An excellent address was gjven bv Prof. M. V. O'Shea, of Madison. His subject was, "Hidden Forces in Educa­ tion and the Affairs of Life " Very Low Rati a to Milwaukee, Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold fr< m statio s in Wis­ consin, Illinois and Miubigan at very low rate* for the round trip, account of Milwaukee rarnivwl, to be hpld .June 27 30 For dates of sale, limits of tickets, etc , apply to ageuts Chicago 4 N<*rth Western Railway. 50 2 Bears the Signature of TOZtlA. > The Kind You Have Always Biigtt /j i lie miiu iuu nave Always VOLO, Chas. Stock, of Ckieago, spent Sunday in Volo. Born, to Jake Wirte and wife, J one 14, a daughter. Mrs. Torrance is In Chicago at the hos­ pital this week. Will Montgonwry, of Chicago, visited at Wirtz's ov«r Sunday. Will Rosing has gone to work in Evan- son's store at McHenry. Mrs. Harmon is visiting her mother, Mrs. Stamford, at "Cloverdale Farm." Mrs Fred Dunnill, eon and daughter, are visiting relatives in Chicago this week. Mrs. Sarah Hasdh and Mrs llrown, of El {in, are visitors at C. 6. Hnson's this week. Nick Frost, of Kenosha, who has been visiting relatives here, returned to his work Monday. W. M. dough, wife and daughter, Bessie, ol Wauconda. visited at A. J Raymond's Sunday. Miss Fannie Sexton returned home last night from Chicago, where she has been visiting relatives for sevaral weeks. A new center entrance has been cut through the M. E. church and the church has been cleaned ready for the new seats. George Buhr and wife, Nick Bnhr and John Sabel, of Chicago, visited C. Sa- bel and wife Sunday. They rode oat on their wheels and went back on the train Sunday evening. BIDOBFIBLO. Mrs. Kald was in Nunda Friday. R. L. Do fluid v'sited in Elgin the first of the week. I'has. Ogdin and wife, of Nunda, visited here Friday. Aithur Skinner and Floyd Thayer were in Nunda Saturday. N J. Garrison and wife visited at Greenwood Sunday. Mrs. Dufield and Mrs. L. Thayer were in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Edith Kahl spent Saturday and Sunday at home as usual. Mr. Parks and wife, of Nunda, visited with their son, J. H., Sunday. Miss Emily Gustavson, of Chicago, is visiting with Mrs. Anna Letsler. F. R Jackmau aud wife, of Woodstock, visited at Father Munroe's Sunday. Mrs. Eva Lynch and daughter, Lola, were in Harvard and Chemung Thurs­ day. Earnest Merchant, of Woodstock, visited with J. B. Lynch and family Sunday. Will Robinson, wife and son, George, of Greenwood, visited at J. E. Robinson Sunday. Mrs. W. M. Henning and daughter, Bertha, and son, D<> Witt, were in Nunda Saturday. J. B. Lynch, James Waterman and Lewis Gibson were in Woodstosk on business Friday. Grandma Munroe and Mrs, Agnes Munroe and Miss Furney visited at D. V. Traux's Thursday. Mrs. Westerman and daughter, Hazel, of Greenwood, visited with Mrs. N.J. Garrison last week. Among those from here who went to Devil's Lake Sunday were O. Olson, Lewis Gibson and Bertha Henning. Mr Philips, wife and daughter, Blanche, cf Slocnm's Lake visited with their daughter, Mrs. Parks, Sunday. fBAI&IB Q&OVB. Farmers will soon be suffering with hay fever. Wrn. Parsley, of Burton's Bridge, was in Cary Saturday.. C. Babcock and wife were Woodstock visitors last week Thursday. Eiward Malone spent Sunday with his-parents in South Prairie. Arthur and Clara Eisenmenger were among the Cary picnicers Sunday. Fred D Johnstone arrived from Chica­ go Monday to visit relatives here. A clergyman from Barrington, last Sunday, Christened little Vera Meiahn A. H. Diliey and wife, from town, were callers at John Johnstone's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Oat man, of Dundee, were Saturday callers at the summer resort James Malone, of South Prairie, ~nad» a brief call Sunday> at Evergreen Farm, Mr. Ditley and - Chas. Johnson are building a new granary for John John­ stone. Mr. Babcock, wife and family visited Sunday with the family of John Cross in Cary. T. H. Rowlands and wife, of Nunda, called ou Mrs. J. McWhorter Thdrsday evening. Mrs Frank I'ingrj visited her neigh­ bor, Mrs. J, J. Johnstone, on Friday afternoon. . Ed. Wing, wife and son from Elgin, spent a couple of days last week at Mrs. M attbews'. Miss Edna Hunter, of Barreville, called on a number of friends here one day last week. Mr. Todd, Misses Smith and Grant, all from Elgin, spent a day last week at the summer reeort. Dame Rumor says tbat Moses Beech has traded bis farm in Wauconda for property in Elgin. Miss Beesie Babcock was the gue^t pf Mrs Geo Baldwin in Pleasant Valley for a few days this week. Hans Vierggy rode bis bicyds all ths , way from Chicago last week Thursday for a visit at Wm. Radke's. John McWhorter and wife v in ted st the home of Mrs. Lloyd and in. Colin Baird in Barreville Sunday. George Keller and wife came out from Chicngo Monday to spend a fortnight at the Silver Lake summer resort. Clarke Miller wheeled up from Catpen- tersville last week Wedresday. He vis­ ited his aunt, Margaret Matthews. Wm. McWhorter and nephew, John, drove to Wauconda Sunday. They vis­ ited at Spencer and Matt Smith's. Wm. Radke's family, from Strawberry Lane, were fishing in Fox river Satur­ day night and all returned with fifty fish. We are sorry to learn that Miss Katie Phanntnstill, of Griswold Lake, is suffer ing with a felon on the first finger of the right hand. R. G. Smith's butter factory, near Wauconda, is to be painted by the ex­ pert painters and decorators, McWhor­ ter and Shales. Misses Phoebe M Warner and Harriet Adriance attended the Union school class exercises at the Congregational church Friday morning last at Crystal Lake. Grandma Matthews has returned to her home at the Silver Lake summer re­ sort after spending a l"ng visit with her daughter, Mrs. Philip Kilts, in Pleasant Valley. Emma K. McWhorter spinned over to" Griswold Lake Sunday aiternoon. She visited Misses Katie Phannenstili, Hat- tie and Minnie Knipfel. Girls, how does wheeling go? Master Willie Wallace accompanied his father from Chicago Saturday evening to spend all of bis summer vacation at the home of his grandma, Mrs. Mjargaret Johnstone. Reveral Elgin gentlemen, who have bad the treasure of catching the finny tribe in a number of lakes throughout McHenry and Lake counties, row declare that 8ilv-*r Lake is the best fishing place. Woodstock, Nunda and Cary are to celebrate July 4 this year. Many say that McHenrv is the best village of all for a celebration on Independence Day. That is, a tatter time is had tt ere than elsewhere. Last Saturday night Louis Burton took eight Chicago gentlemen in a bus to Griswold Lake, where they succeeded in capturing 200 pounds of fish. They returned to the city Sunday evening and all were pleased with th<ur good „Iuck. Those of the party were: Mr. Skinner, John Naugbton, John Bnnnet, Geo. Bennet, Arthur R^ddersen, Frank Beyer, Herman Kirk sick and Wm. Wallace. BABBBVILLB. Miss Baird spent Sunday in Nunda. Mr. Bremer is reported on the sick list. R. Metthews was a Yvauconda visitor Sunday. Leonard Eastman and wiie were in Marengo Saturday. Miss Baird and Johnnie Parsley were Marengo visitors Saturday last. Mrs E Wilmington spent Friday vis­ iting relatives at Burton's Bridge. Meedames P. Morris and A. McNish, of Nunda, called on friends here Monday. Several from here attended the gradu­ ation exercises in Nunda Friday evening. Several of the boys from here attended the dance at Wauconda Saturday even- ing. Miss Olive Shepard returned home last Saturday from Nunda, where she has spent a very successful term of school. Miss Shepard entered the junior class. Her many friends wish her success, _ PERSONALS. Peter Dunne, the author of the "Doo- ley" papers, will make a lecturing tour through England. Rudyard Kipling says that the hard­ est work he ever did and the hardest h«> ever saw done is that of a newspaper oftice. Mrs. Henry Siegel. wife of the New York and Chicago merchant, has grad­ uated in law from the New York Uni­ versity. The Czar of Russia, once a lover of cycling, has given up that sport and Is having made for him in Paris a petro­ leum tricycle. Secretary has promised to at­ tend the ceremonies attendant upon the laying of the cornerstone of Chicago's new poetoflice. The residents of Alva, Oklahoma, have decided to change the name of that tpwn to Capron, in honor of the Rough Rider captain killed at Santi­ ago. Speaker Robert McNamee, of the Florida Legislature, was presented at the opening of the session with a gavel made from tilt* keel, of the battleship Maine. Gen. Arthur Mac-Arthur was one of the boy heroes of the Civil War, was decorated-with a medal at 18, and a year later was in command of a fight­ ing regiment. ^ The statue of Isabella, former queen of Spain, which stood for years in the Central Park of Havana, Cuba, has been taken down by order of Military Governor Ludlow. At the recent sale of the pictures of ex-Gov. Ladd, of Rhode Island, over $24,000 was taken in. "Gentilhomme," Louis XIII., a "Melssonier," 0x8 inches, brought the highest bid, $4,200. A. Rabinoff, a native Russian and prominent at the Chicago bar, owns a copy of the terrible. "Code of Alexis." promulgated by the early Romanoffs over 200 years ago. This is said to be the only genuine copy extant outside of Russia, where it Is very rare. Most of the rag carpets covering the floors of the Washington mansion at Mount Vernon are woven on an old- fashioned loom by an ancient colored woman, "Aunt 'Phemy," whose for­ bears have for generations been con­ nected with the Washington estate and family. Secretary Wilson is determined to dis­ cover if a human being can live com­ fortably in the coldest portion of Alas­ ka, and has sent there to experiment in gardening Prof. C. C. Gorgensen, a Dane, who is an expert in Northern agriculture, and who will start a sta­ tion at Sitka. _ •'-iX1 Don't judge a woman's (Complexion by the box it comes In. Don't get into the habit of talking to yourself if you are easily bored. Don't attempt to borrow mone^3 on your wheel. It won't stand alone. Don't think because you can fool some people that others can't fool you. Don't think a man appreciates a cy- clone because he Is carried away with It. Don't provide yourself with a wife and expect her to provide you with a home. Don't take worry with you on your travels; you will find it on tap every­ where. Don't think your milkman has pedi­ greed cows because he supplies you with blue milk. Don't get the idea Into yrrar head that with women on juries there would be fewer disagreements. Don't attempt to train up your chil­ dren in the way they should go unless you are going that way yourself. WISE AND OTHERWISE. A successful officeholder is one that can succeed himself. A man can't get Into heaven by refer­ ring St.. Peter to his epitaph. There is trouble enough without hav- in' a tit because your shoes don't. You can't convince a mean man that his unpopularity isn't due to eqvy. There Is considerable difference bfr tween smoking up and gettin' fired. While some people are murderously inclined, a great many are simply kill­ ing. A man isn't necessarily in the real estate busines because he lands In bad circumstances. Bargain-hunters are not generally given to military greatness, but they are familiar with counter marches. A suspicion is afloat that a good many of those maiden ladles who pro­ nounce marriage a failure "never*weie 03 no aMiraNYXs Xq epnj? luog •9|X» u« (io ind jsa,> )seq eilJ 8,}| XqAi uj»0[ put) xoq « spoilt may look well, but it is not al­ ways made well, I GUARANTEE satisfaction in the making and repairing of Harness. I have also a complete linn of SUMMER GOODS in the harness line that I am selling at ai Bargains. Call and inspect my goods. McHenry, 111 WM. MERZ TALK IS CHEAP. A Talking Machine, a Ringing Machine and a Musical Instrument, Columbia Grapbaplioiie for $10 This is the most perfect Talking Machine ou the market. Come and see for yourself at MlLO HOWE'S, West McHenry DEALER IN linois The artistic standard, the favorite "Ludwig" agnifioent Piato at a rea­ sonable price. The world rebown "Lyon & Healy" Parlor and Church Organ. The cremona tone "Washburn" t ndo- lin, Guitar and Zither, tiie standard of the world. Theworld-wide faimd "Do­ mestic" Sewing Machine without an equal for simplicity, durability, light running and cheapness. Demand's "Gap %af" Brarji Seda.i THE m THfi "lAVIONAL FUAG6. tX Set of ublrf v cards showing the nation < flh of the principal nations of the<j j a world. One oi these cards is packed in| ' Aeach large package of CAP SHEAF SODA.< flf a coinpleto 3at is desired, we will mail < CToame on leceipt of five onepovnd Cap < SShsaf wrappers Give your name and< ^?x>st office tilainlv written. Eci-AITD 4 CO., Fairport, V. T. Crash! v< M i li For 3 Summer Wear, Ml KIT' There is nothing more comfortable and Cooler for this hot weather than a CRASH suit. We have them in ail sizes for m^n and boys. Do not wear . . : ' ' v ' ' . - - . I / that heavy suit of clothes this kind of weather. Let us sell you a linen suit and then you will feel better natured and get some pleasure out of these red hot days. Call and inspect line before buying elsewhere. W t* £ ; 4: „ , it r*,1 are more popular than ever this year, / and the fact is very gratifying to the ladies, for there is nothing more com­ fortable nor prettier for summer wear. We have them in great variety and* at prices to please the most economical buyers 4?' M * , 1 ^ Vs* .4, • si i f ? * . 1 > : West McHenry. SIMON •M ivjti . ^ As ̂ , \ 'i V M w '3; $28,00 BICYCLE. Call and see it. - F. I_. McOMBER, - WEST McHENRY, ILL. '~.:A ' ' >< Are You Cleaning House? i \ { * i During house cleaning time yon always wish for a few new pieces of furniture, or would like to replace an old piece with some­ thing new and up to date. W e have a fine stock of hitt) enameled, brass mounted Iron Beds, and can make priccs to fiit any pocket. Center tables, Dining tables, Din­ ing room chairs, rockers and Upholstered Furniture in grert variety. r ^ ',1 • %'! Carpets and Mattings }' n. n w /? /? 'rf Are articles that come into *prouftnellee this time of the year. We carry a line that you should inspect before going else­ where, and anyone can make a selection; from our line of samples. Place your ord- ̂ er with us for carpets and mattings and we will guarantee that you will be pleased in both price and quality. * *!-r McHenry, Illinois JACOBJUSTEN

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