Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1899, p. 4

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BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Curt •» ****** «<«y. mmHtntor J«ror«.. J HHBt Geo K k*i D me mfj fUnfoler. FRID1Y, JUNE 80, 1899. POBUBBID ETEBY PKIDAT If 3B%; *;..-6BA«GBa"». i-r triCC IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK *>Wo Doers North Owen ft Obapelt'a Store. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: tto> ••mrjClnadWM'®) -- • '*£? Subccrlpttoa* received for itam or ill ttantbs in the same proportion- IMPORTANT! THE PLAINPEALER will publish next week A he assessment lists of th® town­ ships o! McHenry ani Greenwood. ki­ tes copies of THE PLAINDEALBH will be printed for this occasion, OALL AT THE ^tuAINDKALER office. '?#> ?v - SU* ^' • Gov. Scofield, of Wisconsin, has issned his proclamation asking for aid for the rebuilding of New Richland, Wis , which was destroyed by a cyclone, June 13 This will give the good people of Wis- consin a chance to show their benevo­ lence. > " . THE old settlers of the Fox river valley picnic held in Lord's park Elgin recently was noticeable for one thing and that was the scarcity of old pioneers ofthe thirties. Of all those who regis fered there was one who was here in 1832. two in 1834, one in 1835. The majority of those present being residents since 184°- • Youth's Companion.--The relafiooNjf the cigarette to crime was the subject of some starling statistics presented before the National Conference of Charities and Corrections at Cincinnatti. Of the boys is the Illinois State Reformatory between the ages of ten and fifteen, ninety-two per cent were confirmed cigarette smokers, and eighty-five per cent so addicted to the habit, at the time of their conviction, as to be termed "cigarette fiends" bjg the court. The8aperintend£|dj|^Hteipute(3 these figures asser^yfl^^^^^^Barette works tmfol<ygfl^^H|^HPPboy liquors, and •one factor starts > criminal life. i true that not every c:gar- fend becomes a criminal, the fact tains that the habit is acquired through evil associations; it iuvolves demoralizing deception on the part of the boy at home; and bv enfeebling health and will make the lad an easy prey to temptation. Profesor fte Motto of Bryn Mawr •Isiting a tobncco house in Brazil, no­ ticed ablack fluid trickling into the vat of tobacco about to be made into cigar­ ettes. Upon asking what it was he was told,"Rum, molasses and opium; to give spice to the cigarette" These are specific facts, which admit of no contro­ versy. Deductions thereupon can be easily made by every reader. lift fe fev'-' i ELGIN Courier.--Dairy farmers »re becoming alarmed at what they term the wholesale elaugbter of cattle for the purpose of making tests f r tuberculosis. Directors of the Milk Shippers' union, at m meeting recently, resolved to advise farmers not to allow tests to be made in their herds. "We are not opposed to the strictest testa," said President Bolcomb, of Syca­ more,"but we object to the tests being niade at the expense of the farmer. Let the state or the city pay full value for all cattle slaughtered and they may kill all they like of them." It was said by members that 83 per cent of the farmers shipping milk into Chicago were renters whose property consisted solely of cows. If a whole herd of a poor man's cattle were con­ demned it would be robbing him of the means of making a living, Secretary Hill, who has investigated the matter, Baid; "Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesotta, New Jersey, Massachusetts and some other states, after spending large sums of money on inspection of cattle, have given it np. With all of the investi­ gation there is hardly an authenticated case in which they can prove that tuber­ culosis was communicated to a human fating through the medium of milk." Many of the directors declared that the farmers would keep their milk at home and turn it into butter if Chicago attempted to make regulation for their dairies without providing for the expenses to be paid by the city. The directors of the union fixed the price of milk for July at 75 cents for an flight gallon can and 85 cents for August. The present price is 65 cents a can. Last fall I sprained my fcft hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first it was a slight Strain and would soon be well, but it «rew worse and the doctor then said ad rheumatism. It continued to grow jfcoree and I could hardly eet around to Work. I went to the drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends -- F. A. BAISCOCK, Erie, Pa. It is for sale J. A, Story, Druggist. BnnlncHM . .7' • , • :4«»e ftoMtoa. " " _ ̂ »' ' .... * iPhe hohoraMe board of BUpffrvhrdrs of McHenry county met in regular oewaiou at the court house in Woodstock, III., on Monday, the 12th day ol June, 1899, for the purpose of transuctiug such business as oiignt properly come before them Meeting called to order by chairman, W. A. Cristy. At roll call all supervisors present, ^he semi-annual reports of the county clerk, circuit clerk, treasurer and sheriff and quarterly report of the superinten­ dent of schools were presented to the board, and on motion of Sup. Hoy were referred to the proper committees. Report of the special committee ap­ pointed by the chairman on the building of a new bridge across the Fox river about one one mile east of the village of Cary, ill., was read, which is as follow*: To the Board ol Supervisois of Mc­ Henry County, Illinois, and to George F. Rushton, County Clerk: Your commit­ tee to whom was referred the matter of giving aid and assisting the towuship commissioners of highways of the town of Algonquin, in said county, in the building i f a bridge across Fox river, about one mile east of the village of Cary, in said town of Algonquin, would respectfully beg have to report: That your committer, with the highway com­ missioners of the said town of Algon­ quin, met at the village of Cary, in said town, on or about the 30th of Decem­ ber. A. D 1898. and organized by the st lection of Robert McK^e, one of the said highway commissioners, as chairman if the said board ot highway commission­ ers and committee of the board of super­ visors, and V N Ford, town clerk of said town tf Algonquin, acting as clerk < f said board; that on that day, in con­ junction with the preeideut and trustees of the said village of Cary, plans and specifications were adopted for the build­ ing of the said bridge: that thereafter due aud legal notice wao given of the let­ ting of the contract for the building oi said bridge, and providing for sealed bid* to be placed with the town clerk of said township of Algonquin, according to the plans and specification so adopted and filed with the said clerk, said bids to be opened and contract let on January 25, 1899; that on January 25, 1899, your committee met at the said /illage of Cary, with the said com­ missioners. as a board, and opened the said bids, there being sixteen bids iu all for said work, and the Joliet Bridge and Iron Works, of Joliet, Illinois, having bid the sum of $6,775 f)r said »ork and they being the lowest and best bid­ ders for said work, your committee and said board on that day entered into a contract with said Joliet bridge and Iron Company for the furnishing of the material and doing the work for the east one-half of said work and building of sa d bridge for the sum of $3,387,50, it being provided for the building of the west half of said bridge by the village of Cary, so as to provide a complete structure the terms of said contract, with other stipulations and agreements in said con­ tract contained. Your committee would further report that again, tn the 10th day of May, 1899, they met at the said village of Cary in conjunction with the said high­ way commissioners of said town, and, as a board, examined the b-idge and work, the same ha ving been completed by said company. Your committee reports that they found the said bride fully completed and finished, in accordance with the terms of the contract entered into with said company, and that a complete iron bridge is now built across the Fox river at said point, and that said bridge has been and is accepted and approved by your committee, the said highway com­ missioners and tne oresident and trus­ tees of said village of Cary. We further report that the president and trust) as of the village of Gary have settled and paid for the west one-half of said complete structure or bridge, and that the said highway commissioners of the township cf Algonquin have paid for the one-half of the contract price made by your committee, to the said companv for said bridge, to-wit: the sum of $1,693 75, leaving a balance owing to the said Joliet Bridge, and Iron Works, for the said bridge, of $1,693 75, to be paid by the said county af McHenry. We therefore recommend that the county clerk of said McHenry county draw an order on the treasurer of said county for the sum of $1 ,693 75, payable to the said Joliet Bridge and Iron full payment for the building of said bridge, on the part of said McHenry county. JOHN WELTZIEN, WM. DESMOND, E D. SHURTLKFF, Committee of Board of (supervisors. CABY, ILLS., May 10, 1899. All claims and demands to the said bridge material, etc., in consideration of the foregoing report, are hereby released, and the said bridge and the' entire structure, as built by us, is hereby turned over to the public JOLIET BRIDGE & IRON CO., Per Robt. C. Morrison. Pres. Snp. Hoy moved the clerk of the county be instructed to draw an order on the county treasurer for $193 75, the said amount not heretofore appro priated, in favor of the Joliet Bridge and Iron Works, and the report of the com­ mittee be approved. Carried. Oa motion of Sup Brotzman board adjourned for committee work until 2 p. m. TWO I' M Board met pursuant to adj jurnment At roll call all supervisors present. The committee on claims made the fol- owing report, which was adopted, to- wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims pre­ sented to them, and recommend the pay­ ment of the following and that the cler< be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the sever al amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: BILI8 PAID. ' Bxoeption»iiy LoW Bates to Richmond Vs. ^ Via the North-Western Line. 'Excursion 'f3%#ickets will be sold at greatly reduced f *<Tftteg from all stations, July 10,11 and 12 (but not for trains arriving Chicago I jbetore July 11 or latter than July 13), > • ^limited to August 15,1899, inclusive, on •* ttccount of National Convention B. Y. P Apply to agents Chicago & North Western Railway. 52 2 flpeeial Izcwiion Bates to Portland. ; Ore, and Other North Pacific Coast Points, ,;v> Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tick eta will be sold at greatly reduced >ates from all stations, until July 8 Inclusive, limited to September 4,1899 p|; ^nclueiv«p Variable routes, delightful .gs#; Apply to agants Chicago North-Western Railway. . 52 1 . J? ^ jiron,,,^ X 25 J I. Keyea, r*ili*ft .. •./.* 2 f vo£ tfStfVTeW prow,K""'*- • 2; 0' »B aktey, mine ... 17 to 5 tff«r*e'«wi J»ii 810 • P . mitii wire A << I mi Vruifcs, auppiu 1, courtty tretia. >er's t.fll e... . . « Northern rsute M'trtia . » CMtv of Wo electrirt lights 1^. , t H ?,* ,n,°*r trveli A • o, <>IB e Uetk .... M Volk^lihtt puli . v,P \Vnod*tuck s * tlnei Oo court docket*..", ui Si ni«, (Mill proi«.<th»g# ... ... .. ... .. . ojs flame, g Ht on^ry % •?«* Marengo H'ipuT.iicnn, put* proceedings'. 2m'm" U i i ' h n w d . . . " Alffonqtt'. <*rrow. asmi ...]*!* 26 "I [t, l.L novan* reP*t»> and clete n pump.'. 7 A li tei p>on« 12 G 0 K kprf tati'flr 1 j Murphy * Mullen, 7 c mfort/Kr l »ll 7 A B Adams, Wl' rg j ol nnd re« Bo -**m, Vet^r «Mirre t tap . l o lito^k, eleetr'ri iig'fe'u ....... # I* F MoCUole , meals for jurura ..... ,. 3 Total fis»a;u mn,«»ot p«r>, 2'DJkM<l*»f°ni-o k p or farm..• •*»> ™ K Wire, ofllmtaiippltN „ 9 (>tt IU Pilntmg C . I <| r noli e ma*t'g hi.. 1)0 M«« zi ger Itrw, ror juro a . 6(0 Woodftock Keiiti.el Co, court dooiet and Ht^t'ooery ... .. 5-225 G r KushioD, postage and roventie »tp«. SW«7 V S l.nmlry, stnteo attv. cast* P i>" OHrk ^ 00 • "Wrinht medicine fuminhed sherff, S7H3 E Windmueiler, witne'a te^' » aa' Peop'e viG» no- RO, rar»e*. same Mary K Pnrke«-, mml ;..,... Louise P^rk^r, same... .... A PeMt, same « .V, JE 1 «i»nn, came........ .. W M Farrel, SMiie Gftf * Hunt, .it...... H J Herd loiz, sune Perry W Murphy, a*me.... .W..; W R Wirr. same . Adam Woaierman, same ... ,i. :. ; I L H Jrtaed same .. ... eospencei. witness fe6a People v« Jimei >«te hnn 1 10 2 ;<• 2:0 2 70 a 7<i 2?0 4 4»0 2 10 2 I- 220 2 if, 86(1 •ay am fur feeble minded children*. r Kielt), coal J L. Keves, bailiff 7 dtya 1 uuiu VToge!, 0 me SP Oakley, same ...... Alien Wienfce, hnngtnr pnfer A I> i el) rn, iilnmbinK bill ' itv of Wo natork, e ec.tric light .. ' F Pettiuine, b oksand stuio^ery Walsh A WhUtlftOD. Statiorery Woo'l*uwk Sentinel • o, same Oily cf Woodstock, water Northern Insane H 8 pita I L#on,r<l P»tereon, sawi.ig 8 cord a wood John Wairrleht, rep'g doora snd wind's Bunker Bros, mortise ic W D Hall, 1 mber Caskey & Rurge , coal City of Wnoilstcck electric Ilgfat.. u iCoK0 r Co, radiator 1 1 2 HO •Z 10 2 "• 2 611 1 90 1 W) 1 M) 190 1 70 170 1 2< 13 l.d 1 » 1«0 180 1 (>0 4<0 2 34' 2 8) 250 2 2i •2 2c • 2 2 20 2 AU 1 7r 1 30 1 2ft 2 10 2CJ 1 PO 1 ] »u 2 20 i20 32 2 a- 2 20 1 6 2 ill 2 40 2 40 1 10 1»0 1 U11 260 2 HO 2 20 2 2U 1 10 1 10 1 60 2 < 2 CO 2 10 1 80 260 2 60 1 10 1 60 6 i0 6 10 6 10 1 0 2 20 2 20 2 30 2 30 2 OB 2 20 200 2 00 2'"i 21 1 20 2 0J 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 10 2 40 2 40 2 4(1 2 V0 2 2 :0 920 2 20 •I 20 1 20 22b 1 0 •!fl 2 60 2 2«l 1 00 2R> 2 60 : 60 2 II) 2 :o t 10 6 10 85 00 70 00 42 5j 865 00 210 00 4') 00 6 65 PF Pettioone & O". stationery W _S_E.Jw.rds Mi(?C. • ' ' * is m 47 no 17 SO 17 611 17 00 6 01 283 •« •i 78 143 20 1H 7 s 40 00 4.95 IV It 8 00 1 ?6 2 CO 6 57 IB 00 5 64 2 25 15!' Osrl l.i'ja, tame ,2^0 E l MrEiroy, tt*me "8 «en sperce'r, a m« 2(H) John O'Brier, a-me .... .. 3 00 Vrank ThurroM, sam* "...i ....... 170 »• red ZU'hulir, uma ... ... 170 Fro Tburrow, -xnie ... ]7 P J C'o ney, skinn 2t'0 El Willi ni , srm» I 24 Win Haley, mme . * .. 18 L Herthuycen, mme...> UK) I. H Jo--e8 .; 1 10 I.izzie G furnsy, 8 1111 i 40 C A 8, same l 0 tl Uert I Furney, same MO David Welch, sa e 29u Richur- wh t ,-«%mo aH> H D .clmes, aitm 1 Mi.-hirl C'.vin, i-hine - J McMi lan, simo. John Hmlise , . John Mile , same.... W k Walker, witness fees Feople vs Charles U«al . .. Kred WalR'r, same L H Jones, s me . Irvin Walker, same Mrs A L Ja nos. witness fee* Peopto va John l>yer \ James, same M Harmon, s ,me Henrv Pugh, same .» Jamef, John Pugh sanfe Themis, same ; H 8. huy ler, same John M Goy,s<me EJ M< Keown .... Wm M.h;ert, witne • fees Pe plevsWm Jul»re s me. sam Harriet Beebe, wltoess te< 8 People Earl Fav Catherine Hand, same Eug°neHarii ft ton, s me Lyinan sheldon, same i.ottle Harr n^t < , same.... Wm Beebe, s, me P ler McCue, witness fees People vs L wson Iver Iverson, sains l*'<b lie Hnrtlet', same .. Dewitt Oro> er, witness fee People va tewart Timothy Deneen, iimi Mary E Poweii, wtne^s feea Insanity of Jennie B Hartman O O Wats«!-, same Inez Keller, same Onas Soo' eld, witn^a* fees People va A I Vail J O Dunwoody, sam •.. k F McKinney, same .... Same, sa e ktui', same Pat < oo- ey, witness fere People vs Geo Npencer... • An.irew j VcM'llan same Lizzie J Furney, s<me . . Hot>ert I Furney. same C A Letners. same L Beniiu en, witness fees Peo- le va (ieo Walters Same, same !.... 0 D Donnisor, same. H M Hust ings , me H W Bichar .ison, witness fe a insanity Chr s Andrews F B Luc'S. same James Pterin, witness fees People va Alorzj uenn tt II J one P. sam 9 V E Browi>, same co F Mil ., same..., J (J Sherman, t>ame P rry W »nrp y, rame O 'ra E I)nikler,i*'nie Gro McCwnnell, same J T Bowen, sam« W G c nk in, same '. T H Brown, same Alec Aello. wltncgs fees people va Jol a Keiler Frank B-trnarJo, same '.. Kar 0 Leo, same John a Di ffel , came ! Jamis Burk, same..... OUKS Latnphere same James McNett, witness feea inaanity t1 rank Dvorak John W ire. •if nn Ed Kerns, same . . . ............... Uhaa Colnns, wit ies« ie«s ins;nitv A lit Thomas .7^; j i> Bii»-< s.uiu "!!!!!!!! A J Go dricli, i me 0 L Kremer, same i* f Film ore, same '. Frank Btllarri, same ' Lydia M Collins Patrick M O'Neal, witnaa* fise> Peou e vs Kelley C K Lamphere, s m B> rnar.t Baap, same Wm.-herman, will ess tees people vs wil*»rHn«it RBM KM, same E S J» 1,e. same H<mrylubb, s me B hureh, Mime 340 8 C Wernlmm. wit i«»# fea People vs Heli A Bulu' , aame W F Abbott, same H W Rid hard soo, same G W F wler, witness fee Peon e vi Ford ..." Kruest it-tub, »ame Rav E Hills, same Wm Arl ngt n. s me E Wir dmue ler, witness fee People va Brier Chas Bedel, s-ime Gus Handel, same •» • Wernham, same 1 K Harrison, same John r !-ay, Witness tee People vs Michels Jo eph F^chmidt. sime Jacob Bothermel, same A J Goodrich, wit l^e Peo vs F Olbrich L F Nulla, s me Jaines Tynan, same Peter Valley, same. J L Conover, burvlnsrold soldier Henry Keyes. btl.lflT si days, prob crt. Same, stune 17 days, countv court ..... Same, dieilng prisoners, Dec. 0,'98 10 M ay ft. '93 ;.. S*uu', Jailor and janitor 8 months, ending May 31, '99 Same, conveying Insane to Elgin and return Geo Eckert, cash paid for telephone E V Anderson, f e allowed medical« x- atnina'ion Fi nk Dvorak 3 00 F N Blakeslee,stenographercocourt.. 2 00 B F Ellsworth, check v»lve SO A J Murphy, 12 cor t* wood ..... . S4 00 ('allagan A Co, HI reps appellate court 19 511 L H Jones, just te^ Peo. va J no Dyer. 8 85 Jas Thomp-oii. same, same vs J Keller lo HO L H Jones, same, same. vs. B Gainor.. Mi 93 Same. same, vs (.'has Deal 17 20 Same, same, vs J Kelly 30 E D Shurtieff com work and mileage. 5 oi L T Hoy. same « 10 Win Desmond, same 2104 F E Stevens, same 4 20 R J Beck, same 3 30 J 8 Mills. Maine 3 20 John Weltzien. tame 15 20 AYege table Prep ara t ion for As - similating the Food andl&gula- ting the Stomachs aiuiBowels of Im ams ( hildken Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­ ness andRest.Contains neither 3jium,Morphine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. Ab|m efOUllk-SAMUELPtTCBER Pumpktn Seed" Mx.Stnna** Xtt/aUt SJtf - Anise Sent * Appermmt - Jil OtrionaftS/A 4 fibnn Seed - Cbrt&d Sugar • wfciiynwB Ftmrm j A perfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish aess and Loss OF SLE£P. facsimile Signature of NIW YORK. Alb monlhn old J5 D o s r s -ri11 N,s EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. L.'M'WVftvv mM. ' STOB is the place to, trade is you are ^ lor the beat the mat kct affords For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have! "• •' Years GASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK C!TV. Ill Registered in Percberon Stud Book of - America aa No. 20043. -- OWNED BY---- The McHenry Percheron Horse Go. DESCRlPTI°Nr--Color, black; we ght, 1800 tiounds; hei(iht, 17% hantip. PKDlti REE;--Foai-ed March 2?, 1895; brfd bv Pstlerenn »<»«• , oi Huinr'ck, Ii inoiJ Mot tiv P* uius 112-20, 21(" ,S3, h« bv Brilliant I Illl :8, 2919, lie t»y heneion 2t>*<2. 'e i>y Brilliant W7I, 75S, he bv Brillisnt 189», 75°, h« l>v Coro II, 714, ^e liy t 'V cnx Ch»s li 7IH, hi liyC'>ro712 ne by Mi<11 n 715, he by Jean-ie-B and 7^9. D»m, Eunice a2»«, bv Brilliant 1271, 765, h hy Br 111 am 7SH, he bv L'ooo 11, 714, h« by Vleux Chaslin 7|3, he bv Poc" 712 he by Mig- eon 7l.\ lie by Jeun-lc-Blanc 7ij9. S«co>id <1am, Eloise 1216, 1427, by VHorq 483, 732, <;oro IT, 714. he bv Vinix Ohaslin 713. he y o0(v< 712. he by Uignon 7,5, he by Je*n le- B anc 739 PRIXCE NOIR wil» m»ke the sea»on of 189d in AVeet McHenry and r.eighb>)ritig towns. T* RMS: -- For one servire, $10 cash, payable at thr time of s rvlre; tor the sea*on, ii2 pay- ab e on or before July I; to insur« irittre to totlcnlt that will t'.and up And suck, fl5 Due •are will bs tan«n ti pre- en 1 accidents, but will not b^ responsible shm'd any occur, IcHnrj Percheron Horse Co. HARRY WICHTMAN, Manager* Standard and Registered No. 23895. DESCRIPTIONBay 'horae, etar, small snip, right hind ankle white, Foaled April 25, 1MW; stands 17)i hands high and weighs over 1400 pounds. He Is bred in direct line from Hambletonian 10on both siresnd dum side*-, making him one ofthe b< st bred sbt'linnscn the list. P.irtiei> desiring to breed for roadsters snd general purpose horses will fiod it to their Interest to ••-all and 'nvestigate befor* placing their mares the coming season. Bis gets will show for themsilves, TttHMH OF SERVICE:--flO 00 to fnsorclive colt; *8 0u for the season. Money to be p*id at end of season. SENATOR HOPKINS will '>e at Hanl>y Bros*, stables, % mile south of the McHenry brick mill*, the ct tiling season cf lWtfi. I e m prs and a*cldents at owner's risk. HANLIYBEOS, West McHenry. 265 09 .. elec's lmht flxl's 60 H8 N J O 1 earv, 4 cords ood a) H tuts n Bros, htrd • are #• 3S F ™r-l'i<u 'ev, w'k on and at ro'thouse 46 »8 *»to Hunt/.inger, covrriog 'able 1 80 City of Wo- drtoelc, electric lights 10 2tt l/ni»ago Envneer Supply Oo, air valves for rail ators 2 IS Win Pearton, repairing windowe S HO Scoiield A Joslyn, pub proceedings S 00 oirnss & Wrighi, legal blarkti. lft 00 F N Bl kesiee, court reporter 5^5 Same. «ame son Walrii & wi iitieton, stationery 10*0 W F axtel1, work and material repairing t eusiirer'a oflice IB 55 A T Olson, mrals for jurors 1S<0 City ot WoodS'oi-k, electric light 2658 »» Lake, bailiff 1 days 17 5"> E I) Shurtieff, committee work and mile Oary bridge Justin V Beatty, pub prooeedlnia i.vf.n 8lyke.aa»e Mcllfnry Jouraal, Total. ...f.. . $154t li All "I which Is respectfully submitted. E. I). SLIUKI I.EFF, Jt. J. BK K, Chm, V. E STBVRMS, N. BROTZMAN. W. D. Cohm u E, SMOKERS! When ioWaiit of a Good CitLar! CALL AT BARBIAN BROS- THE OI.D RELIABLE Cigar mid Tobacco Dealers OUR HPECIALT1I Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. - J FERRY & OWEN, Bankers, McBENRY, - ILLINOIS. Thin Rank receiver dppositp, buys and sells Foreign and DomeHtic Exchange, and does a ""V General Basking Business We endeavor to do all bueinepa en- trueted to our care in a manner and upon ternm entirely satisfactory *o our cus­ tomers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN On Re&l Estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCR In First, C^lass Tompanies at the Lowest Rates. Yours Respectfully, PERKY & OWEN. Notary Pub io I. SCBIESSLB. NEAR TBE DEPOT. WF8T MoHENBY, IJL.L Keeps oren for t he aceon mod at loh of tb Public a Kim-Class Saloon and Restaurant Where h" will at all times keep the bes brands of Wines, Liquors aid Otgan to tie touod in the market The committee OD fees and salaries made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chaitman and Gentleman of the Board of Supervisors: Your oomiuit- tee to whom WHS referred the reports of county clerk, circuit clerk, and sheriff, would beg leave to submit the following report on matters before them. COUHTY CLBBK •arned. Heed. For probate fee* and clerks fees In suits In court $1SMI 47 $708 7» Countv Merviees . 1076 60 Miscellaneous services 162 80 iw 80 (Continued on fifth page) PABST'LL Mltom&si Ltgar Bm Wholesai ard Retail. 'J 8,na,• Kefrs or Ho tl. s al. isiilere.1 cll«-per thau any <<tlt«.r,quality » a considered r T* J/ • ' sjak*7 iip„. Ordeia by mail promptly attended to. GOOD MAliilKQ F O& UOBSM 0*11 and see ns..' i Robt. 8chles8te. Wtolt Mclfoiiry, May 2, MM, ^42 AUCTIONEER Faring had several y*»>r« •x^er ,en"e »ell- log f»rm and other na'es. I now call attention to the fact that 1 fee) l ike gett ing a GREAT "HUMP" On mvself ard sell y«ur farm sales In McHenry as well as Lake Oo witfc a &reat DETERMINATION Necessary to obtain coo-l results these clo»e t'mes, l am sa<<sfled thst it requires the came VIGOR AND PUSH To sell Farm Sales and be sunoes'-r'ul as It dees to cuop wood or sell you a farm in Ar kaneas. eit^er of which I am willing f» do wh«n c*ll*d. M"St of vou will know thn t I have hs'i snd still ii«v» «• eh experience se'Tnp just euoh g> oils and slo»k a s ycu will offer at public auct on thii sprirg. There­ fore I snoul 1 * now thQir vslue and h w to get at soiling the satr r tor tbe moot mor.ey, dropping theart'ol* with the •'ne 'hat some t'm^s p*j s his tiote, I am qui'e a < ood hid der anrt ' m o-lwar s lookinjf tor bargai'a. 1 believe I rsn do more for you thau can the tthere for the 'aiilr or less rost, If 1 did not feel suie of the above and WM notinf'eade* rest and wili ng <o iry c »bort notice, I would not be so wetl eq-i ipped An alarm turned in by postal may re\esi ureipected results. Try Us a Couple of Times. Your obedient and unsy steastic friend SLOCUMi T. V. Waupenda, ill J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing . Contractor. ill finds of Sanitary Flfliiliisi FB0MPTLY ATTENDED TO Has just roccivcd a very com plote stock of Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs* Closets, LavatoriesatMl f Fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heating. Complete ptock of all fizefi Galvanized «nd Black Pipe and Fittings on hand Office and Show Room in Jacob BOB- •jvft's Agricultural Implement Building, MCHENRYS ILL. Groceries! Si Wc <lo not claim to keep ftock of Groceries in guilty, bot oor many cast Sill agree that we handle* but the very best. You on getting fresh goods, what pleases the housewife than dependable groceries? TEAS and COFFEES arc We hav<* them at all prices A. R. BAER. TENLr2H6°^B W. McH Confirmation Suits. V e have just added an unusual largo line of Ornfit m ition Suits in either short or long pants suits. Alices range from $2.00to$7.00 The goods are on OUF oounterp. on and take them home with you. Bring in your boys, fit them Shoes, hats and white shirts iscoun t given on entire outfit for same occasion. Special, Warm weather Underwear for Men women and children.- Straw and ( rash hats. Warm woather Low Shoes for men and Men's t rash Suits, "A warm one," for hot weather at women $3.50, 3II Sizes. Pure Groceries, Best Brands Flour. A few bushels more of Mammoth sweet corn, for seed for Fodder Purposes. West McHenry, 111. Yours for trade, JOHN. 4. MILLE r! exxxxxxxxxoooooo good must be desire fresh call on McHENRY Now is the time of year that PAINTS, OILS «. COLORS are in demand. Remember we carry a brand of ready-mixeo paints that is equal to any and better than many so-called "best" brands A COMPLITB LINK OP L Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Stationery Toilet articles and Notions. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED OOOOCX)OOOCXXXDOOOCXXXXXXXXXXX>CXX)OOOOCXXXXX)' Paint all farm implements that get hard knocks and are exposed to the weather with the paint that's made especially to stand rough usage. An extra tough, durable paint that will add years to the life of the wood-work or metal work it is used on, When you want a paint like this see that you get THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS ; « WAGON and IMPLEMENT PAFKF There's more than thirty years experience behind each drop of it. There's the guarantee and all the reputation of the company back of every Can of it. wua^fmfgt"dr^"t!age# wher# a gl08"y flnl8h 11 waaU5d «•' Th« shwwto. THE SHERWIN-WlLUAKS CO.. Pni*t and Color Maker*. 2829 Stewart Ave., Chicago; also Cleveland, Mew York, Montreal. fs ̂ • ' ». * }&ii*-j E. B. PERKINS, Agent, McHen ry» llliroit

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