r»ft, .f -Ijjjjf I •*> ••&,< ^ *Sf; 'Wi> s^i; :* i^v - fl "„«>• If there is Sne tiling- that the housewife likes more than an- a*-v other, it is good, pure, fresh '*£» groceries. ;We sell them and * what is more guarantee every article that leave^lhi store to * be first-cl%sfe in every respect. ^ h „ vu~ t ̂ 4T - .*n* £ .?& & f K • >,**•" 4l/r t y * Ifli* 1'̂ ' "T ' • -^e.' V"\'6i f A S'i •*--<rv-• '• mm .V' •$•: •«•". ..V ^3 • mi.*#- •., r - ' , » "{^ •/? .^H . j*** ; ? * • ' • • * ; : ' • : * • • ' • " * 4 - ; r .- uH • j • •..*•».• ^, y '̂ • **• **> n*. <v* ^ - j#* *•» v - I ' -Imk' '-M ^ iwL*it*Jtotk jM ""m i* ^ #• Beltotmg goods^ «t6re is a pleasant oct^dpatioli, made so by t& assort©4 stocks and uiiiiiistakabl© values. On every side axe attractive a; sities and notions. Their quality- is asp^d; No matter how low tl^ prioe, fij able .merchandise is alpwed in any of ot^ departments, ̂ ifou are cordially iir#t$idlfeO visit our store^d exaaawogoods. We have a corps of cQurteotis fflerks whdvxto^jive- Vou the best treatment Whether you wis^ to buy or not. ,r y • 'SM - __irf- •' rv V'--V .- ># ;^4 latere is 90 limit^;' ;qiiali^ * 2md prices in dry goods. ' W3 " do not claim to sell the best ^ ^ "shoddy goods" priced, rioi* . • ̂ we wish .P3£|Bt£ to have^that ,>/:<#1P^eS8ion» -b®S*e: have . the y*^* ^es* m everything and prices \ £% will ̂ always be found consist- *** with the quality . '*'Vi . K , " " - '•'• £yW y Hff. •Vi^ • %;•>. ' a'V^- m ; fffii „•. ,s^i ' ?.* ; V w •••If fZ -*»•• ^ |/l T -V Clothing and Qerits'^Purnishlngs. ' *• complete* stock of gents' and"%pva,;' 'i ; ' clothing can always be found he£e • *. H0&> Vt-*. •>»'?' • w- . ,% . . • b^r~ # a arid in Gents' furnishing a n;.« superb lot of HAHir'" CAPS,'"* UNDERWEAR, ^ NECK '^ES, .^jjPAPfcv And white shirts,Lt y. • COLLARS. f CUFF5,--CRASH SUITS,** ETC. (0*. ,k^^e a^° carry a full line of juveraits' Is. and jackets for the laboring, man. . •; •««- •*" V" • :p(' SHOE DEPARTMENT !. FJ i^one thing that.% man,^ywi0«na»^- child likes ahd appreciates it; is fitting, good looking shoe. It take a person of experience; to kn^w how to buy shoes and then to fit theni %o a^pergen 's fpot, an4 we q^n truthfully .§»,,t^at. we l|ave had thelperience. ^e handlfe shoes in all gfades, but the. . 'V i.«: as " " - A % * It will lie very Gratifying to the Ladies of this % iviclnity to learn that we have secured th^ i ; 3M>IK'. fif Agency forthe well^kiiqwii '• * 1M* , <. v ' if.. " . *;'&*}. ̂ .k,. ~* '}•' • "* " ~' '"J 'f f ^ ^ • Iv r S:- ^ *r? The Patterns are without doubt the very best, ' - j. . and are sold at reasonable prices,^ ^ i." V*r * Insurance Agency! i A* •-.W that we <fo the largest busi ness in Fire and Tornado Insurance in this paFt of the country. During the past year we wrote Insurance amounting to over $13,QOO in premi ums. ^e represent some df the best companies in existence., Before insuring your property it will be to your interest to let me have a talk with you, or drop me a line and I will ~ca^l on yoQy^. Never any trouble in adjusting1 lj^sesb--% gQMt Of All-in. C|ii^ 11 ty, comfort acd price. ' Tfe shoe has bee& as jeacter many years and is always recommended by uj». Come in and look at*' our and get a nice comfortable pair of ^ioes. All sizes in black and colors." fof y-3gr$Pi. Ti;;r r-M. -T' J', *• '- -f If .• ^ . *. ('* ••••'• i• tft'. A& est in the County. ;For dancing parti^ our Aall hastalwas been i^knowledg^d h One of the best, Jbiit since the jjate improvements it is un doubtedly The Best; The main hall is 44 feet wide and .80 feet long, and the floor is of Hard wood and smooth "as glass. In the new annex 1fo the hall are waiting rooms, check rooins, smoking room, ladies' and gents' toilet rooms, and every other convenience that lovers of the mazy waltz could desire. There were nfearly 400 people at the dance 011 the evening of July 4, and not one word^of complaint-was \ " ' ;"fr> b • " 4- ; . • g •• V' %, i&i 4 • M '«k: • !ti^ iL T r"".' '£'" , • £ *•_ V. 1 •>; "=/ lf N " .• •"itV tli^^T^Vest McHenry, niinois. • ;V . • ' ' • .jjfts.V-T/ ' 1 • ' J. , S V . ' • - . . • - ' • • • . • r W • • " • ' ss Goods Department livery Lady knows of the pretty Styles i g; ito be founi here in ^ -•LA T^i {• ^ 'Luting flannels! "•A " -rm, •» - - »y f PERCALES, ; • ^ • r. ^ , .f; SILKS, ,<Kr' " »',V'* . • SATINS, >i&Xir'\K , DIriri • ;>• ISWISS, ETC. You ̂ hoiild visit tfil^ dfepa ^ A ^4 ^ DlniTIES,- if -i-f « |t|mayj^e Motional, *'1$&^ to say the least our notion department is over- flowing with pretty things that will please the Ladies. It would be impossible to tell all about them here^-justr ". and see the display-- it will pay you. - - L ^ "iv/VT^ 'tt&i Ifw ,f DO WE KEEP SHIRI WAISTS? ti] ,7. ^ No, we don't keep then|, but sell them by the dozens. But We keep our stoc^ up, so that you can "make satisfactory selecti^at any time during the seasoii V!? ;#We are Managers lor the Both Local and Long Distance* ^ ; : _ . . . y/.f. This compadv is giving excellent service and the, 55 subscribers in McHenrj and vicinity are, more than '$% pleased. ^The eifcuit'S ^re alv^g^s kept in4 perfect * 'Condition and every tone can be heard over the wire "Slear and distinctly. Are you a subscriber? k % kv^ ui, - * V." ^ v.- ' » v'.-; * i «>* >,*' •! »»*• ^,fcv : ; < • J y ' sister Nellie Knox, and Gfrace Elrwin, of Elgin,, caHed on relatives and friends here* Tuesday and attended the dance in Stoffel'a hall. ^ ^ Snnday Hehncr, of ' in this place. Larkin, of fH^Oids here this week. Senator Granger was im Oricago on # hasineeg matters Saturday. . Peter Heimer, of Elgin, is ifeij)*" gnest of relatives here this wwk. ' - Will Sfaree, of Elgin,! spent "With {Mtrtotg in this village. 1 It |).. Hoy, of Woodstock, was here TWefcwsday pn business matters. ' J£r. Nohe is visiting with his gnmd- inother, Mrs. Peter Shade, tliig week. Jfiss Dela Knox, of Elgin, was a - caller at the home of Prank Ward Sun- :•'**•0- > » , : > Ming NeQia , Snttoa inft, Mamie Elwood are up from Elgin ibr a tew days, i; -• E.jJ^Hanly ia ont from Chicago this week to look after his t>usineas interests here. . Mr. Bobinaon and wife, of Anrora, are .̂-iilBiting at the home <ft pr. Boss thin '%:.week.., " Chicago, epent the Fourth with friends in Jay of Chicago. fe spending his vacation with his grandparente in *3»ia village. ̂ Mrs, Sadie E. Williams, of Elgin, wa« ;4pre Thursday and was the guest of '{^n«nds. , CliScago, «was*the And family over. * l̂ bompaon, of Woodstock, was among: his McHenry friend ^Stuth Wheeler, of fiSgm, was $0mtoot R. Sherburne and family i Forest; of Woodstock, is ; af Hi/n Bernice Perry in this A. 0. Rnpp «^e ,enjojr [fwitti hi* mother, whosb home HL • "of Elgin, friends ~4be • West Chicago and air business matters the ek. "•••'• R. W. Stofford was out from Chicago the early part, of the week looking after business matters. Major Thorne and family, of West Chicago, were the gne*ts of Dr. Ross and wife the past week. - Mrs. Seymour C. South wick, 6f Chi cago, is here to spotf f • the summer at the Riverside. Mrs. Mary Kearns and son, Andrew, of Chicago, are the gnesto of Frank Ward and wife this week. Miss Stella Pitch, of west Chicago, arrived here Saturday and will be the gneet of Miss Lillie Heimer. Frank Rothermel and wife, of Chicago, are the guests of his parents, Geo. Rothermel and wife, in this city. Mrs. E. Gorton left for the home of her parents at Columbus, Ohio, where she will remain for two or three weeks. W. H. Mead, who is employed in the Nunda Electric Lighting plant, was here Sunday to tinwith his wife and family. f Miss Charlotte Madden, of Chicago, visited at the home* of Frank Ward is thjs place frssa~^0atwdagr until Monday. Bernard Frisby. who ig employed in Belvidere, was the guest of his parents here Sunday, having rode all the way on his wheel. 3 Earl Mead, o^ Qak Buck, here visiting his parents the Fourth' and his mother returned with }>im for a few week's visit: E. J, Hazel, of Chicago, was here Mon day. Mr Hazel is engaged in the news paper business and ha$ held portions of responsibility. f! * , Senator Granger and son, E. P. Granger, were at Richmond Tuesday to see the horse races and otherwise enjoy thenselebration. Adolph P|lLe and life, of Chicago, were here ,Wedneeday eve«iing to make yrangements at the Rivertade. They will retftrn later. '• • y' Qias. Granger, the efficfet}| manager of the Wilbur Lufhber Co. Iwuber yards at this place, was at Elgin jor a lew hoars Saturday, .yf :- Albert Reyndids, Vfho is. engaged J® 4n Chicago hav&g a lncratiye $c»itidfi at that place, . was ttee'gi^^^of hisM pareats, S. Reynolds and wife, h^e this week. , v¥.V- • '* " Frank Bennett arrived here from Racine the latter part of the week. Mr. Bennett is employed in that city and at the same time he is studying medicine, which profession he intends preparing himself for. " . r 7wTa Annerfi departed Monday for ew York City, where he will join his 'amily. Mr. Aimers was engaged in ;he jewelery business here for some ;ime and was located in«the G. W. Bes- drug storjj> . Mr. Anners expects to leave for South America later. ( Messrs. and Mesdames R. H. Owen bad L. W. Clefton rode out from Chi-f icago Monday on their tandems and (returned Wednesday to Chicagf), but hot ori their wheels! The cain made it in- ci>nvenient for that purpose. While .here they were the guests ofO W. Owen and wife. % O. E. Harrison and wife, Mrs. J. Frank Wray, Misses Quinnie Buchanan, Flo fleck, Verna Mcintosh, Florence Symonds and Edna Walters, and Messrs. C. S. Aldrich, Earle Bower, W. C. Cole, H. F. Greely, Will Heck, Lou lohonnott and August Walters attended the Fourth of July dance at Stoffel's hall, West McHenry.--Richmond Ga zette.' Fred Bltc^; of Spring Grove, one of the University/of lllmoin trastees, was here Monday and called at this office. Mr Hatch, in company with Mr. Cole, of Spring Grove, departed Wednesday for California, visiting in Firebaugh and in Los Angeles. From there they will go to Tacoma, Washington, and will be absent in all several months. Next week will occur the big racee at Woodstftck. The beautiful rain appointed this week. many dis- Read the assessment %|e 5 i% THE PLAIN DEALER this week. Allen Peck is seriously ill * this week but not considered dangerous. ^ Rev. A, M. Pilcher will occupy the M. E. Pulpit,. Snnday morbing, July, 9. Mrs. Wm. L. "Smith h«s'been visiting with the family, of E. F. Hues at Hebron this week. We want our i-eaders to 4ead every ad vertisement in this issije. They are E^wiand tahe type is new. Miss Evelyn Stoddard wM assist Mrs. A*. M. Pilcher in the entertainment at Stojffel's HalL Thursday evening. E. K. Thompson, of Woodstock, has purchased a Crown piano, which was sold through the agency of O. W.; Owen. D. M." Miller, brother of Mrs. Jay Van Slyke, has been re-engaged as principal of the Richmond school for the coming year. . ^ Miss Bernice Perry w]Ql g^r^ a ,5 o'clock tea this(Friday) evening in honor of her guest, Miss Helen Forest* of Woodstock. ' The Willing Workers will meet on Thursday afternoon of next week with Mrs. £ewis Owen. ^ % • * ri>'; Mrtt, 3. Van Slyke, Mrs. A. M. Pilcher, of Menominee, will give an elocutionary entertainment at; Stoffel's Hall, Thursday evening, July, 18. Admission 25 cents. Chil dren 10 cents; * ? * r tiie food "Queen Esther" will he^ giVen at Richmond tomorrow, Saturday evening, by McHenry talent. It will lie under the directum of M. E. Robinson. The Ladies'Aid Society of the M. E., church will meet with MTS. R. Sher burne on Friday -afternoon ,of next week, July 14, at two o'clock. All are cordially invited. * . ,^ejc. - JJ r J <4'u Sunday evenihg, at 8 P; i" class will meet in the city hall for the study of sight reading in music. Sacred mus ic will be taken up. All musically in clined are invited. KIDNEY I»#*a deceptive^%tseaae-- TomH3l1C®U)Urtan^8 hava it and I nUUDLL don t know ft. If you want quick results you can make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's -Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar ile bottle by mail free; also ling you how to find out if nev trouble. ** teliner RINGWOOD DEPARTMENT WEEKLY LETTER COMPILED BY PHIL S. HARRISON. W|» Goes and Where They Go--KNter- tainmentg and Soclely Iteetin^s--Kotes From thr .School. * M Call on Mrs. Rich for Millinery. " S. N. Smith was a Woodstock visitor Monday. George Hagen wast to Chicago Mon day evening. Malissee Bacon has been spending a few days at Elgin. Mrs. Kemerling is visiting relatives at Elgin and Hampshire. A. O. .Tabor and E. W. Robbins drove to Richmond Monday. " , Amos Whiting, of Nunda visited with relatives one day last week. ' •# Mrs, Dwelly entertained. Chigptgo friends the first of the week. . Mr. Little and wife have been ^vfclt- ing in Chicago the past week. Mrs. Rich has been visiting friends at Elgin, Rockford and Chicago. Mrs. E. F.Harrison is spending a few days with relatives at Greenwood. Mrs. Fitch, of Chicago, is spending a few days with Mr. Allen's people. L. Green and wife, of Chicago, spent the Fourth with his brother and sister. The plasterers are at work on Amos Smith's house, Mr. Meygrs has the job. The W. C. T. U. meets with Mrs. James Ladd Saturday at three o'cloek p. m. Mrs. Olson,*of. Elgin, is few days with her sister IRich. - Charles Snyder and wife of Wood stock spent Sunday with D. Steyen's people. • . . : ... ' F. S. Hai-rison and wife visited with Woodstock friends Tuesday ^and Wednesday. ' ' Preachin* at Woodman hall ; next Sunday ' immediately after. Sunday school. • /; " ,, '• Hilda Kemerling * is'; spending her 1 vacation with . relatives at Elgin i and Hampshire. , » Alta Snyder, of Woodstock, spesut part of last w^ak with > her aunt, Mrs. N. D. Stevens. " A. Lawrence has taken,. several jobs •f plastering hejar. Richiw9̂ l and .is very busy at present. • ; Hallie Stevens'little friends passed a pleasant day .with him Thursday of last week' in honor of his birthday. Mrs. a CS'IT. school and Lina Wilis, of Bertin, Wis., on relatives the last of the week. Prof. C. W- Hart, of Woodstock, in town last week in the interest of Gim & Co., publishers 6f school books. H. N. Allen is getting along as well as could^ expected. Un.ly.as he gets a set back !W will be abottt the house in a few days. . v • •' Several of our boys ventured out on the Fourth; some going to Chicago, others to Elgin, Lake Geneva Hebron, Richmond and McHenry. On Sunday, July. 2, a Sun< was organized at Woodman the following officers. A. L. Francisco, Superij}tendaq£. Mrs. J. N. Bowen, Assistant Superin- tendant. Scott H. Harrison, Secretary, v. ̂ ̂ Mrft. H. Allen, Treasurer. ; ^ The school starts out with a memier- ship of forty-five, several more have signified their willingness to attend, and we see no reason why tha number can not be increased to seventy-five. Time set for Sunday-school 2 *.30, p.m. There will be Preaching next Snnday at 2:80 p. m. > > . . . .".rr?s •" ' ";i, -- -- tijrt >r _ < : • } B e M n r o G t B o r m s ^ , Clara' Stevens is enjoying a new wtieel. Mathias Smith was down from G< n va Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Squire Reynolds, of Belvidere, has been spending the week at Fred Hatch's. T. L. Hatch and Thomas Cole leffNfor Los Angeles, Cal., Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Catherine Dorsey, of Racine, ac companied Maude and Mamie Carey home. While the Misses Carey were driving to McHenry, their horse, "'Rob Roy, ' f >11 dead. The hill in front Of Willard Colby's is being cut down and a nearly impass able piece of road is the present result. The bountiful rains are just what we need, but it was hard to convince ma"ny of the young people that rain waft necessary Tuesday. • At the last meeting of the Niwpersinl Camp, R. N. of A. Willard Colby and wffe were received as members, Mrs. Libbie Bell installed as manager, Mrs. Ida Westlake as recorder, and Mrs. Celia Colby as receiver. - We would like to correct the mistake made some weeks ago in regard to the boys in blue, and we still insist that WE, WFE, WE, and not THEY, are the grum blers, but we have serious doubts if the compositor will allow us to or not. A merry fishing party of twenty-five from Lotus Point cottages, spent Thurn- dLay afternoon on Dunn's Lake, fishing] for black bass. A fine catch was the re sult. The ladies and children spent the afternoon at Moss landing. Come again neighbors. ' O Betnt&a ^The Kifld You Ban Always Bwatt 0%a*K* wM WAUOO MDA. Will Dillon yisited wi^ here recently. " C. P. Pratt, of Chicago, spent Sundaj*> 'u: "with his parents here. T. Wells spent Tuesday with his sister/ . « Mrs. Geo. Darrell, at the farm. ^ Clyde Gliding spent Sunday with hisi> parents, Mr. and Mrs,," Henry Goldinpv , ~f\ Ray Hopes, of Chicago, is spending $ ; few days with relatives in this vicinity.{fv t Mrs. L. E. Hughes, of Dixon, is visi tag with her parents, Dr. a ad Mm C. R* ^ , f W e l l s . ' / ' v ' • ' f f r > « • * Miss Allen, of Crystal Lake, syenjf r a few dayt ' Jfthi.. SpencearM^, ',-.* ^ recently.' '4 _V"'. Misses Irene Roney and Nettie Murray, V ^ ' spent the Fourth with parents in thi#* vicinity. . a - . ' Miss Lucy Spencer returned to Chi- .j|f cago Monday after spending a weekr: ^" *""" with her parents. ^ ^ , The funeral of Mrs. James Wells, of: Chicago, took place in the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. . Messrs. Frank and Earl Harrison re^ | i"s ^ turned to the city Sunday afternoon . "J-1* after a days outing in our village.. Rev. Eaton, a former pastor of the1 , Baptist Church, has returned and wil^, ^ hold services here Sunday, July 9. ^ Claud Pratt met with *1* *oC»den^|C'X-^>-,.v*j Tuesday, while firing a srnal^ cannon, \ / receiving a charge of powder in his face.;. J ̂ s Mr. Ford has returned fjrom the West, after an absence erf'thirty .years; kndie^i.^f^ visiting old friends and relatives ,J A large number attended the social^ '• given by the King's Blighter's, thef:|f evening being cold, the Ibfpre&n sold^ -4 wolt • ' '"n-^1 Want Column. * 1J*>R BALK-ONE SHARE IN THE Mc- -t S A Henry Oreao^ry Co.- plant. Inquire & Ohas. Oranser. manager Wilbur La inter Co., .* iL-.> West McHenry. 111. vsr- TT^pK RENT^-A (f'X'fl house and two acres of" 4-*^" % f la,ld nt»r tfie TA }#av depot. Tfeerois also » * in connection a good well and barn. N . ;** " SOU Inquire of HARRV HAKO.T. Lake and near Meyers Hay alwut 1J4- mile Xlpt*.r front. Also bouse arid acre iandw' » , innshurBT. l(ir inforniulinii !inhlv t.1 ll'uT' ' •J. MKYERS. .F"' 1' information apply to XSm$'Z 1, 212 tranklfn Street, Elgin Ills. ? , X-V i • ..>.M .»«««. 'JR.,*. i.^j B«u-* the