Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1899, p. 8

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eA-- s&ijfc' £-«* GaatlMWn ¥<»» the „ , ooronty beg le»v<* to ettb- : report of the matters itve have examined ed Report * ith books vouchers, find the a balance of ten dol- in the bands of the anperinten- Yofir csoawaaittee has also ex- MBiiiad the superintendents rerort of funds. We find the same cor­ net, With a balance on hand of two Un4r^ Mid nine dollars and fifty-two Mt« 0^09,52), In the matter of the re­ port ofW. E. Wire, superintendent of fldbooto, for the quater ending Sept. 1. 1899, we bagleave to submit the follovr- I . ing report : We have examined said re- port, fed the same correct, and that there is now due the superintendent three hundred and fifty-two dollars, (|852) and we recommend that the re­ port be approved. We would also re­ commend that the superintendent be al- i lowed fifty dollars ($50) for institute ' work. , wif All of which is respectfully subim t ted. I,- W. D. CORNUE, chm, F. W. HATCH, H. M TURNER, E. D. SHUKTLES. JAMES LAKE. ry The committee on finance made the ; . following report, which was adopted, to- . , Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on finance, would beg leave to submit the following report of the matters be­ fore them: The county treasurer reports a balance on hand at this date (Sept. 12,) of twelve thousand four hundred sixty- seven and four hundredths dollars ($12, 467.04). Your committee would recom­ mend that the sum of eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000) tax he levied on the property of the county to pay the con­ tingent expenses of the county for the en­ ding year. The county treasure's re- pbrf is hereto attached and made a part of this report: STAT EMS ST OF TONUS SEPT. 1, 1809. Ijotal receipts per eash book f87118 10 -Total expendit ures per cash book $74651 06 Sfcl&neeon hand per cash bocfc.. BALANCE ITHIMafcr Ifcstltote fund fill known heir .* Distributable taxes •»*•< Qenera! fund...U> i'r'-: A11 of which is reepeoetfally sal ted. J. H. ORACY, chm, L R MJSNTCH, MRBI^AN, SAMTR. CLARK, JohnWl|P&,: The committee oft claims made the following report, which wqe adopted to* wit: . ' Mr. Chaurma® and Gentleman of the Board of Sttpenrisorr. Your committee on claims would togtetve » report that they have pxamlned all claims pre­ sented to them, and reoommeod the payment of the following «ttd that the clerk be directed to issue otders <m the county treasurer to thai Cttlnumts for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Bll.l. PAID. :, ' v Callayhan A Cta, III report vol > JS Callayh&n * Co. Ill report vol * 35 L E Men toll. Com work poor term 4 ~ W E Wire, fo Supt, office supplies H A Stone, wit cse People vs Bennett ~ w« wire I/«w. Wit cse People rsWailert O A Hufff, wit cse People vs Stewart. Geora 54 IS 1 » t « 8 » 1 70 200 -|i2467 04 . .f 20# K ,. m 49 .. 43SS 36 .. 7330 47 S£M07 04 :: All of which Is respectfully submitted. F. E. STKVENS, Chm, JOSEPH S. MIIXS, '< L. T. Hoy. JAMES LAKE. ;1 JOHN WEMSSIEX, ^ J %x. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Soard of Supervisors: Your committee tfr whom was referred the various road warrants of the town of Hebron would feieg leave to submit the following report the matters before them: Town of Hebron, ninteen districts, fourteen of which are correct; No. 3, 9, 10, 12 and 1$ not returned. We recommend that the said warrants be returned to the Oounty clerk on or before the 1st of Oct., 35 00 11 06 68 00 10 00 S 00 10 00 •0 4 m 0 00 5» 48 15 5 45 12 00 3 00 90 00 8 88 7 30 34 65 10 00 30 33 12 ;V> 28 33 21 24 46 11 2U91 20 85 20 40 50 14 00 20 06 61 55 25 55 55 94 49 11 25 98 6 99 9 50 4 00 30 41 41 75 39 NO 20 12 27 17 53 15 68 58 I AS W ltd labor mpleaneota shoes. . :, hitaiSM) goods and 18 85 _netUciaea and paints 104 56 . tBMte. 26 87 ttrn&F. »« •r... 17* * medical attendance.... . 88 IB as sap. 23 weeks....... 443 •) Jtal expenses.. Hir» 34 sash fw slmipbery.. u. • 6 oo second-hana stove 5 oo ly e: se set "forth, the • Uhereby anthorixed to >flfeersof thQ McHenry jlturftl Board, the above ooanty jrto ranty said a is a statement of the .<*$1of i«ip)M>rting the poor in the various towns for the year ending March 81, 1899: J McDonald, wit cse Prtiple vs Gainor S Hyman. wit cse, insane care. Thomas Board of review, cash advanced J J Stafford, buryltift old soldier McHenry Co treasurer careins'e wom'n F G Arnold, work on tax 1 looks in 1898.. I> T Smiley, legal services.. .. ... James Dennont, repair lioilet Mcllenrv Piainaealer. blank bor r..... H M Vaughn, repair on boiler City of Woodstock", electric light........ Oley Olson, sawing 9 cords of wood F X BlakesU<e, writlnR up evidence... . Same • H A Stone, shoes and repairs, prisoner B L Keichniuth rt husk mattresses Jail.. W G C'onklin, meals for jury Geo Eckert, bailiff City of Woodstock, electric light M W Lake, baliff ...... Whltson 5Jros, hardware J J Stafford, toilet table A T> <»slM>rne. supplies for sheriff....... Citv of WoodstxK'k. electric light IU-'North Hospital.bills forlnmates.,.. McHenry PI'nd'r, pub tax list Gr.nw'd Same for. McHenry Harvard Herald, same % CbexnuBg Sam*', Alden ....... Same, Dunham Harvard Herald, 10 copies Walsh & Whitaleton, blanks Co offices. Hebron Trlb'e, pub ass'd list, 10 c'p of p Woods'k Sen'l Oo. same, of Dorr & lOp.. same, Grafton \V S Neweomnr. pub tax list. Algonquin Marengo Hep. same. Marengo Richmond Gazette, same. Richmond Same, same tor Burton Same, pub blanks, board of review Same, pub legal blanks Harv'd Inde't pub tax list H Chemung. Nunda Herald, sarne. Nunda ....... Schoefl'ld & Josl'n, same, Riley, Seneca McHenry Co Democrat, same Hartland The ValKSblatt, same. Coral P F Pettlbone, supplies for Co offices... Same, same. v Same, same .J 114 45 All of which Is respectfully submitted XL J. BECK. Ohem, E. D. SHURTL*JT. N. BBOTSMAN, F. E. SUVIHS, W. D. OORNDS. The committe on poor farm made the following report, which, on motion of Sup. WeitJsem, was adopted to-wit To the chairman and Honorable Board of Supervisors. Your committee on poorhouae and poor farm, beg leave to submit the following report: Committee met at poor farm Aug. 29, 1899, for the purpose of auditing bills, and ascertain­ ing the cost of keeping the poor from Janes Demewt, repafrlnxpump. F. W Chapman, carpenter work supt bouse and poor house A W Lascelle, painting papering and sbtngting Hans Olson, carpenter work » 00 50 00 Total bills audted .tl»70 58 The above bills were divided as fol­ lows: Permanent improvements, $480. 90; running expenses, 9895.52; clothing, $852.00: tobacco, $88.90: medicines and medical attendance, $104.59. Supplies on hand Mar. 23, 1890 (as per report) |U2 • Running expenses from Mar. 2B, 1899 to Sept. 1. 18W...V. .......9995 52 Total .tl608 45 Lttss supplies on hand Sept. 1.*99 $220 42 Less seeds sold -- 26 25 " '-.-f Less Mrs Brown's board 20wks 2 40 00 | Less Mrs Browu' 6 90 Less Mrs Browns medical attend 1 W 8:166' ^ r.T;;-v.v.,51S W'v.v.v.v.v.-.lSg Barton.... Doer.....,.,, ,.,. 83 Nunda........... Algonquin... 556 54 W. A. CRISTY, Chairman. 0. F. ROBHTON, Clerk. Marengo..... Chemung.... Hartland. ... Greenwood... Hebron McHenry... Richmond. Grafton --... , « ;1 Total $298 !» Net running expanses to Sept. 1,18M... 1311 95 C«>st of 042 H-7 weeks board.. 1311 95 Cost per week, tl.38. Bills were sent to towns and Individuals as follows: A Thompson, Marengo, brd Mrs Brown# 49 83 James Lake. Chemung 43 69 F E Stevens, Coral 3174 J Mills, Seneca 90 88 W Desmond' Hartland ...,. f . i , ... 2*F> H4 H M Turner, Hebron 74 V* W A Cristy, McHenry 26 S E Clark, Greenwood 02 10 LT Hoy, Dorr .4;,..".I,; 14ft 67 John Weltxein, Grafton ......» ; 34 02 J H Gracy, Isunda 25 N Brotunan, Kiley 42 32 L E Mentch, Algonquin «i6 48 E D Shurtleff, Marengo-- 1*3 71 B J Beck, Dnnham M 46 W DCcwnue, Alden 44 19 McHenry Co., (insane woman tramp)... 11 00 It was moved by Mr. Desmond, sec conded by Mr. Mentch that the super­ intendent be authorised to procure a new wind mill to take the place of the one now used at the house, which is considered to be unsafe. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Stevens, seconded by Mr. Desmond that a cistern be placed on west side of superintendent's residence and that gutters, pipes and pump be properly connected with same. Motion | carried. All of which is respectfully submitted. Three quarts of Cranberries for vf as cent* ̂ ̂ at^lf^liillers, West Metfeftr^. On th» IDtb of December, 1897, Rev. . A. Dtmahoe, pastor M. E. Church, outh, Pt. I l̂esant W. Va,, contracted a severe cold which was attended from the beginning by violent coughing. He says: "After resorting to a number of so- called 'specifics,' usually kept in the house, to no purpose, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. I most cheer- fully recommend it to the public^"--f or sale by JuHa A. Story. * Half States to Portland, Ore., Seattle anil Tacoma, Wash., Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare for round trip from all stations, October 12 to 15, inclusive, limited tn November 16, 1899, account of W. C. T. U. 6 Convention, at Seattle. Variable routes, delightful scenery. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 2t ' est persons to represent us as Managers in this ana close by counties. Salary fBOO a year and expenses. Straight, bona-flde, no more, no teas salary. Position permanent. Our references, any bank In any town. It Is mainly office work conducted at home. Ref­ erence. Enclose self-addressed stamped en velone, TH« DOMINION COMPANY. Dejpt. 3, Chicago. O Banfti Signature of Uept. a ll-iet TORIA. i Tin Kind You Haw Always tag# IKUCK tram pure cream of tartar. 'PM, mm* l k % ! ' , Two Facts About uckles' *: i SPRING OBOVTC. ; Thomas Cart of Ringwood visited friends in this neighborhood Tuesday. Many from this way will help swell |he crowds in the City this week and next. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fillweber of Antioch visited friends in thps vicinity Saturday. Mrs. Kate Shotliff has been at Wilmot for several days past visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Duffy. Elmer Orvis has re-enlisted in the army and ̂ remains in the Phillipines,. his regiment, the 51st Iowa, being on its way home. The Woodman of Spring Grove Camp held a very successful dance doth social­ ly and financially last Friday evening. The sapper was prepared and served by the Royal Neighbors. The many friends of Mrs. Richard Alyward, of Solon, were pained to hear of her death which occurred last week of consumption. She leaves a husband and large family to whom the utmost sympathy is extended in their great sorrow. The death of William Motley occurred Sunday night after an illness of several weeks. The deceased is an old settler upon English Prairie and well known by all. His wife, one son, Jabez, one daughter, Mrs. Mary Fulbrick and two grand-daughters are left o* his im­ mediate family to mourn his death. One brother, Robert Motley, of Rich­ mond, also survives. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon.* WORTH NUNDA. f Mrs. P. Costello, son, James, and daughter, Margaret, are gnosis at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Walsh. Walter Balger's new residence is last nearing completion and the leading topic is: "Saail we Have a house warm- I \ >' ' ' frig?' / T h H has set the standard of quality for all competitors for the last thirty years. The strong- crt Claim any competitor can make Is that his coffee Is "Just as good aa Artmckles'." . w J - f , f : » , THREE CONCLUSIONS m-: Is Arbuckles'. The only Coffee to bil The right thing is to insist on having Arbuckles'. M ij'*'/ Ifr: ir' -V< «> No. 74. NoiseleM Sprinc A School Tape Measure. A Scnool Bagm '.Sixty inches long, 14laetwa wide, 10inehw top, j finished, it can be carried in the veat pocket, gent fsibpsli nerin *f Ste. Mitat* .ramp and 10 stcMUare. cat from wrappers of AffenSlet' rofltoi n«k of hiadwat colored netUnc- Seat |iit fll receipt of it cnt •uai and 1* ilmtara cut from »r»rpw| j)f l»Iiab«dn'r>o<lcn f>ox with lock and key, con­ taining lend pen- Seheter«* Companion. I aiUda te Kbool chlldmi. a, * / ***\ ^1 f • t * c K, • : t' kV-' SSti - / * ' " v {iv RcV > 1 * 1. fi i ' : t/- - '."J; - mv>' h' : f i \ and rubber. Heat t««i. aid mm 0t «r tare* cut wrapper* of Aibocklw' Boasted OoflM. He. 78. A Fifty Foet Rieasuring Tape. igxpi Wl MW nickel-p *dlln<-n 'i paid aa recelat af 4 eent paatase a tamp a ad IS alamtarea cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee. No. 76 Lady's Belt Buckle. Sliver plated uribt'ic uesiga. Saat postpaid on receipt of SI emit postage stamp and 8 al«aa- tnsl cot from wrappers of Atbockln' Boosted CoSse. No. 77. Telescope Drinking Cup. tkh article is prevented from fail- inapart by its unique COD struct ton. Kickel-piuhfd aud iiiglily fininbed. £nclosed in emboss­ ed n ickei cover no larger than, a a o r d i - nary watch when teie- s c o p e d , w h e n e x ­ t e n d e d holds as much as a ?offee cup. Mont pnat.puld on receipt of 9 emit paatace stamp and 13 "" ' " Ar-tares cut fnm wrappers bockles' Roasted Coflfce. No. 78 An Alb|im of Illustrated Natural History. Fifty colored pictures «f Animals selected for their beauty and rarity. Seat peat-paid en receipt of 3 eent pestace ataasp aad 10 etc- aataree cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' Boasted Coflhe. N0.79. Pi Pepper and Salt Holders. . *<J Mad* of Merman Silver without No. 81 MOn's jS«speriders. Elastic Web durable, neat, well mounted. Beat pott- vald on re* eeiyt sftwt ss4 II sig- •atarea cut from wrap­ per® of Ar- buckles* KoasS •dCoflta. No. 88 Barber Swing Strop. A double strop, one of leather and one of canvas, bound together. Length, finches, width, two inches, I trimmings nickel ! plated. Sent i post-paid mm | receipt of two Ic e n t poetace lataasp and 13 |sl«*sttares cat from wrappers of i Arbuckles Boa#t- led CoSw, No. 83 A Table Cover. or Joint saospt where tops screw on and off. gent post-paid sa receipt ef 9 cent posta«e ataasp and 19 slcnatarea cat from wrapper# of Arbuckles' Boasted Coltei. , w,..-. .^..t--- Will weigh from one ounce to M pounds. 8ent by ace stamp 900 s*«aa- poata4 and tares cut from wrappers of Ar­ b u c k l e s ' R o a s t e d Co flee. When or­ dering name your n e a r e s t E x p r e s s Office as well aa your PostOfllc«,, : Handsome cloth, rarie- (ated figured pattern with fringe, 32 Inches. Sent paat-pald en receipt ef two eent poetace [stamp aad 95 aicna< itaree cat from wrap; > Arbuckles' Roasted Mqf QM Book of UM foUowiag List «W botiat pott-paM oo roootpl a 2 ooot postage stamp and 10 tigMtarM Mt fra« V. tiM wrappers of Arbuokios' RoasM CtRUT Mo. 84 A ONE NiOHT MYSTERY, and two other groat Detective Btories, by "OLJ>SLISI;TH." Ne. OS ADVENTURES OF A BASHFUL BACHELOR, bf Ctaaa ACCCSTA. A mirth provoking story. No.CS TEMPEST AND 8UNSHINE. A Has. MART J. lloLUis. Tlie most popuiur tcmsie writer of Action of the age. No. 87 THE 8UNNYSIDE COOK BOOK, hy Mas. JEKNIB IUKUX. This is one of the most comprehensive, common sense Cook Books evi r publiab' d. D8 OLD SECRETS AND NEW DISCOVERIES. This book takrn tiie reader out of the beaten tracks of k now ledge, and will te found both entertuluing aud useful. No. OS THflEE THOUSAND THINGS WORTH KNOWINO, by 1L MOORE, author of 'Moore's Universal Assistant." This hook Is an encyclopedia of highly useful Information tn condensed form. and other stortse-- Ho. 81 The First Prayer. pen of, No. 00 THK CITY OF DREADFUL NlOHT Coffee. by RDUTAKS Eiru»». No. 94. A Basket of Beauties. A magnificent picture of RMM hy Pant «L» Ixinspre, the great painter of flower*. We baudsoMSBt No. OS TKrat* Beautiful Flower l̂ oturee. Each JHxlT inches. The titles are "Summer Fragrance," " A Vase of Lilies," and "Fresh and Bwset," These three pictures all go together, and will be eent post-paid en re­ ceipt el 9 coat poet* flower pictures ever offered to the public. It I **• •*»•»» •*<> •'*«• is l«Sx2S), inches in size. Heat post-paid i natarae cot from wrap- on receipt of 9 cent pesiace ataasp aad ̂pets o f A r back las' IS slcaatarea cut (ton Wlappers of Ar- i buckles' Roasted Coffee. j Boasted CoSte. No. 93 Tw© Is Company. No. ©2 The First Klse believe this to Lw one beftoHM of the minted tin po rted Moran. Th picture rep rod uc- 20 inchet in In 14 (ion prtntlpgg it i fenuine work cf art •B receive Bite IncbeB. •f 3 eent Mat pott receipt ef 10 ilfia* cat from wrap . • cut VlOe 97. Eighty-one Gold Eyed Needles Put uplllft pretty mor­ occo eaae. M. sorted ILIES, Mid made by the best Eog Itoh manufac- turen. Bent on receipt ©f % cent ^ esta«e etanip mu4 W ilcaa. tires c u t from wrap­ pers of Ar* b u c l c l e a Prrattd Cot- iiii •• Hair Pin Cabinet A metal box lithographed In colors, containing One Hundred Hair Pins, its- sorted sfaws and atyl Stralcbt, crlmpleu and In • 1sthie. The diflerent styles sre In Kjries sre m separate com­ partments. sent peat* paid ea receipt ef 9 st teettf* Muunp id lO slcnatares cui from WF»p| icr» of At bttckkes' Xtoasiud CoSse. • ilHwi et Mf- JlffcacitiSt* •Mer. tshWi yep art te CM ent voucher. Mo other Wrspper will «f the MM at a be v5" ^ , ' T Abeaattfhl Imported Picture lSxM inchss la size. Seat post.paid ea receipt of 9 cent po i t t i t s'amp aad IS el«B». taree oa t from w rap­ pees of ArbookUis' Bosstsd Co > No. 99. Noah's Ark. -.•A sisssserie, cssslstiDs of. SS pa Anlxhkis--Elephants, Camels, Deer, Ho: Csttle, Donkeys, Ooats, Lions, Bears, T Dogs and Cats. Each pair is coupled many colors on heavy cardboard, and embossed. Every feature of the Is distinctly shown. The elepban inches high and 10 Inches ions, snd Animals are proportionately la; peet»patd en receipt ef 9 ce stamp aad 15 alanatures wrappers of Arbuckles* Roast The Chicago Tel. Co. have a force of men at work in oar section. They are putting in a line from McHenry to Terra Many of the farmers in this sec­ tion are contemplating having a tele­ phone pat into their homes. Will Bolger and Richard Baftos of Chicago wer ̂ gq&ts at the htfiue "pf. Walter Bolger on Sunday. They came |>ut Saturday to attenl the funeral of ilfrs. R. Ay 1 ward. H Mr. and Mrs. O. IL CJM* of Wood­ stock were callinf bii relativej aad ilriends here Sun lay. John Bolger aod wife of Woodstock were guests of the latter's parents, Thomas Pha en a id wife, Sunday. CASTOR IA For Infants ud Children. The Kind Yon Hm Always Bw{M Want Column. QORGHUM FOK S V quality of pure » prepared to deliver. J^OK BALE--House and lot f\0 EXCHANGE x toy bugey for cash. Address CM)B SALE--A farm consisting i*? /Wve miles west of McHenry, -('tyre of Greenwood. Good stock farm. Build- K first class. 10-4t *(/» CTAAiA V/1V AVbil X K &I IU 1 . iun iiurvs, nu Ne. W A ̂ oofcet Mirror an«l Comb. Set la nee combination esse, with whits metal fi Seat >S-- paid receipt ef 9 eeet pesta«e ecasep aad relasanns catftma wrappers ef Arbucklss' none r n o r> o n ^ f\ < n r r n n c f \ mmmp aad.8 Slenat wrapper* «f Axfeuckles Ltst which Is Koasted Cotlee, found the purchai to be, selected eoonditiou paokace ia to be cutout and returned ' , ln aooordance with the directi dljtaMt an of aoine article t law LbwanUeci only to the (W paekafO Is to be cntoot an reudwri in aooordance witl Mtiss with eaeb Item illustn L>Lst will be kept fosd SMIJT till Mar Of thie List Will appear in this paper CICISC l»<|Tlfp CM 'ftM# £*-• • « i i ' t ( " . - I v ; ; I: Safety-Pine t i > good conditio*!. Large barn, good Elegant sttx-k farm. 1 mile from For a good deal look this up. Wm. Stotfel & Co., McHenry. dwelling, butter rectory. V T. , j- > ' • U W, ".-.l ; afk tM house pure f< antee ottr the best. , aBO( ar6 and more so. Wegti#* medicines to be carry a cdi$- v >v pJcte stock of Perfumes, Toilet aSr* ̂ ticl4, school Supplies, etc. W«t ncHenry. •, SALE--We have a fine sorghum for sale and are prepared to deliver. Send in your orders at jDnce as last year our large stotk was extiaust- il'd soon after made and we were unable to fill late orders. This year we have hundreds of gallons ordered from last season's patrons. Warren C. Moss, Spring Grove. llllnols, pVJR SALE-Two houses and lots In West * MeHenry, belonging to Mrs. J. P. Going. Call on J. A. Going at Walter C. Evanson s .-.tore for price. 4-tf D ARBERS ATTENTION--The barber shop formerly occupied by F. Kamholtz near the depot West McHenry, 111. has been fiuddonly vacated. A good barber can locate cheap In the best location In the county. Uncle Ben Gilbert. Terms easy. F. G. Mayes Nearly new piano box for hay and oats of «ell cheap ,1. B. R., this office. Chas. Krambeer. & 1 !ht m f : 't:• I • to & isr J aT y r* 1 ir.\\:>& f-'j , * Removal! witn pleasure that I announce to the public that ^;my stock of Goods has bet-n moved into more commodi­ ous quart-TS, in the Pi rkins building, three doors south ,of my former place of busi­ ness. I will now carry the cleanest, up-to-date Jewelry, Silver and Pl&tedware stock in McHenry. Diamonds a Precious Stones. It will be to your interest | .to look nt «»ur ntork bffor« 1 pla<-intr your or«U;r for any- thiujyr in this Hn», % We have a large assort­ ment of Silver Novelties. k t f&m icisp .̂ McHeary, ffi. •IS " "t ^c' *'• remind us tnat winter is approaching J and that it is necessary that you | about you for a suitable place to buy \ your winter wearables. If quality and ? price concern you, we feel satisfied that ? our store is the place you are looking - for* Our lines ate complete* ̂ Shoes, Rubbers, . ^ " and Overshoes Is all Style*, qualities and prices, for men, women and ohildMn. ' • \ , A J e w e l r y " ' A ; ^-do Jttot carry the biggest stock in the comity; %ot>« good'on®. - Cloaks, Coats, Capes ^ " . and Golf Capes y For ipidies, Mioses and Children. A complete stock. . Fur Collarette Onr elegant stock of Collarettes will arrive this week. VlTait for them .• Shirts "JOM" ̂ Qd "Silver " brands, in dainty and decided colors. Ladies' Flannel Shirt Waists « with embroidered yokes, something decidedly nfeW. See theim. Suits Overcaats in the latest styles and Men's Hats, Caps, Gloves and Mittens I Winter underwear for men, women, 1 * boys, girls--everybody, i » | <^uting Flannel--Dainty c o l o r s . < , n ' B , «r N>, Jamestown . ,.7 , / , * Dress Eterything in Dress Goods Line. Non-shrinkable amd fast colors. 5 i Men' and Boys Lyconing Pantk" They beat anything for wear. It will pay yon tb buy ft pail, • \ •We are agents for the "Black Cat" brand Hosiery. Fall and winter stock 1 ^ Just' arrived, f WIW WUlMv •A4 1 V fi. 1 . V i1 $<! • v pi A •ir I SiriON STOPPBU - " West ncHenry. I « noam A5i\r0»IT PaacyOcocers Houses: There are evidences of paint hunger on every hand. g9jng to decay--literally starving to death for want of the viving touch of the painter s brash and some good paint, is a good word to use, for you might as well let your outbuildings starve as give them a costing of so-c whether under the guise of white lead, zinc or prepared conS of patenfpaints." Give them a coat of good, solid, faoneat THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PA, the paint famed the world over because it is what it is < be--pure in every ingredient, scientificsdly mixed- that is made. Back of every can is a.guarantee r" not crack, peel or chalk, and back of the gt reputation and resource* of the largest pait turers iu the world. The Sherwin-Williams elude all kinds of paints--not one paint for all ] iu purpose. .J*-'5* itttl m- iu»- % but a special paint for each specis "Paint Points," our little book on Indoor and outdoor painting abouta-W. P. SEUD for It. Youraaod welcome, whether you buyjMlntori THE SHEBWH-WiLUAKS CO., Point and Mr Minmrt A**.. Chicago; alao Clavelaod, New Yoekt * * E. B. Perkins, Ajrent, •flfetftinjy, III W&tPtt SCUMSDS, si *- * " 1 ** 4. /a irt r*taU mwaeU SeSS*. von OAK ' **>

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