Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1899, p. 7

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t Wash Taylors- a wtldmftfi. ' • * "~m" PEACE MEETING IN LONDON *L» MOST A RIOT 4/ thing else he can catch, and his powere In this line are aa well developed as of a wild beast re N. I*. HXirris, near whose home Is slttfitfed, discovered the wild few ago. Wlifle feeding i -. Mi stock he noticed smoke curling from jk'l mouth of the cave. Going to the en- " , trance he found a lot of bones and tv feathers scattered around. He did not " care to go inside the eave, not knowing ;:n- what wild animal abode there. He decided, however, to watch and iBaceTer the tenant. A day or two rard he returned to the place and the lodger outside the cave. It v was the straugest bit of humanity ever |r; ^ seen hereabouts--a little, dried-up man, y • not more than four feet high, weighing CX ninety pounds or less, and covered with W' • * shaggy coat of hair. His clothing was ;s| ' ' hardly worthy of attention. The wild man tried to escape into the -t •> cave, but Mr. Harris intercepted him ; - and endeavored to find out whence he piU came and who he was. The strange % 3r creature, however, could only talk in a &> >- jargon not understood by his question- *t\. er, but the Squire finally made out that " he came from South America. ' This veritable wild man has lost all „ vestige of civilization. His hands are pawato all Intents, and he fears man ,as much as any wild animal does. Squire Harris told his neighbors of his discovery, and hundreds of persons <-j • have been to the cave, hoping to see the p.. -strange object, but they have failed of ^ *_ their purpose. |f,,, On the approach of any one the wild |{' I man seeks the darkest recesses of the It cavern, and he must be able to see in " S the dark, for the presence of anybody r? ' on the outside is enough to keep him i:'/ concealed until the intruder has depart- ^ \ ed. How long he has been in the cav- /r-' era is not known. He is probably 60 ||yeans old. The neighbors do not care to molest him, as he commits no depre- / dations and makes his own living wlth- ? ^ out being a nuisance.--Philadelphia Times. •• , LP:; SWImportant Information for .Rouse- : * ^ keepers. For those who are accustomed to send- . ing away from borne for their goods it is ' of the greatest importance to know the character and reliability of the establisb- meats selling goods to families from cata- & • , logues. The great emporium of the John - M. Smyth Co., located at 150 to lt»6 West Madison street, Chicago, has been 0^*; .established for a third of a century, and " has furnished over half a million homes in Chicago and vicinity alone. This firm enjoys the confidence of the public by its many years of fair dealing. It issues an immense illustrated catalogue that should be in every family, as it describes and, „*iv«ixthe price of. every article required' for^hoaedtold-iuse.', A sample of the ex­ traordinary values offered by this firm is shown in the illustration of elegant lace curtai=ns jOt 98$ in another column of this paper. These .^attains are indeed won- derful' yaiues, and yet they are but a sample of the thousand and one useful articles illustrated and described in the beautifal catalogue of the John M, Smyth C o m p a n y , v . , • , - u • s >, '• ?" --v-- ' - •, Q»e Elevated Husband* * r "Julius, ..jwu don't mind my house- cleaning, do you}" "No, dearie; you don't make half as |much mnsftf and discomfort as my ^mother used to make."--Detroit Free Press."- ' <•' - •••• "vjiy-*- • » V Mrs.* Browfl-sPoifres--They say there : will be no mafnSge nor giving in mar- riage in heaven... 'Her husband--That's I*^ what mbkes it heaven.--The Yellow jgook. "ii-i-'i *9 44 A Gentle Wind of Western Birth Tdb no stoeeier story to humanity than the Announcement that the healih-gvver and health-bringcr, Hood's Sars&pzrSla, tells of the birth of 4n era. of good health. Bis the one reliable specific for the cart of all blood, stomach and liver troubles. SOME POMMEL SUCKER Keeps both rider and saddle fectly dty ia th« hardest storms. Substitutes wilMluppointAsk for 1'iSgf FiiSi orina Foaimei Sikker-- | It is entirely new. If not for sale In your town, write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. •om» Qitft t' >«l' tins " Hl<lll llllia mIm all Aa Mia ami my and had such piigi ia tita womb attd trotoliled with leaoan^oa and lddncya were aflBailii. 44 Alter birth of «•* child I grew weaker, and lkMurln« M «(tka food yon had <1OM, I wrote i»|M and have takw .Is bottlM of Lydia B. Pinkham-a box of day lamfeeUnff aa wtoU aalavar dfaL When I fefcup Ixiibaawriitaqgrlfeel aa fresh aa I did whan a firi aad eat and aleep well and do all of agr w«rk. If ever I feel i*eak ag^ia abaU know whm to get my afre&ftfe. 1 know y«mniiedMwa>wd»»."-4fa«.8unu ABCHAMIIO, OAABT.ayoar, Mat. The present Mrs. Piakhun'a experi­ ence in treating female ills is unparal­ leled; for yean aha worked stde by side with Mn. Lydia S. Pinkham, and for sometime past has bad sole charge of the correspondence department of her great business, treating by letter aa many as a hundred thousand ailing women a year. All women who suffer are invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., for advice, which vriil be promptly given without charge. A KNOWING HORSE. He Wea Alnost the Breaking, jit e Happy Family. "I see a number of reasons In the pa­ per why an automobile Is better than a horse," said the former sheriff of De KaJb County as he lighted the insur­ ance agent's cigar and settled himself, "but I can tell you OTM> reason that the city man does not think about." "Well, what to that?" "Listen. I wouldn't say a mean thing about my wife--not for worlde. But do you know, she doesn't always believe me." "I do--when you talk that way." "Well, never mind that. Listen. 1 have as good a buggy horse as any man ever pulled a line ov«r. I drove him four years when I was sheriff, and I've been driving him ever since, and he's younger now than he was when I bought him. "You see, long ago, before I wat elected I traed to go with a girl out to Somonauk township, and after I waf sheriff and was riding a good deal 1 used to make It convenient to get oul that way a good many times. It's right on the main south road, you know, and you can't get anywhere without pas® in§ the place." "What I want to know," said the in­ surance agent, "is, did you charge mile­ age every time you visited her house?" "Sure. What's the fee and salary bill for, anyhow? Well, I didn't marry her--and I'm not saying whose fault that was, either. But I did marry a right good woman, and now and then we go buggy riding. I haven't been in that Somonauk township house, mor on the farm, for three years. "But that blamed horse wiH break his meek to run up to the gate and stop qvery time my wife and I go out that way. And she won't believe me but what I am still calling on that yo<ung lady, and I can't make her think differ­ ent, not to save my life. Now, if the automobile will help a man out of a scrape of that kind, why, it can get very popular down In De Kalb Coun­ ty."--Chicago Post. kafetjr in Flight. Larry was on the witness stand. "Now, witness," began the judge, "where were you when the prisoner be­ gan shooting into the crowd?" "Within a hundred fate, yer Honor." "Then you were a bystander?" "No, sor; Ol didn't stand a minute; Oi ran loike th' wind." Where Hia Heart la. "Have you heard from your son Philippines, Mm. Parkins?" "Oh, yes, indeed, Mrs. Jones; he writes regularly." "And is his heart in this war?" "I don't exactly knoVv. I judge frdta what be says that It is in his boots most of'the time."--Harper's Bazar, • hock n«r. "Do you say the overhead wire must come down?" asked the 5th avenue merchant. "Certainly I do," responded the Van Buren street man, "providing it doesn't come down while I am standing undes^ it." ARTERY INK Take no other. It U the fcst that can be made. MM ̂ ~ -- - a I IT# person on Balarv in each town­ ship t« i<*celv.> arrestments fi r »ur° uritles. A; drehB. witli stamjfc WE NEED _ . . IIKI, VET IA INVESTMENT rOJlPAK* San Dl«so. California. 8. N, U. No. 40 -99 J.MUIILAU&IAI^CR^I;CASH3ALM££I«0PTLLPJU» prying preparations simply deral. op dry catarrh; thej dry up the secretions which adhere to the membrane and decora* pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry­ ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs aud use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Bairn is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head «Rsi?y «nd A trial a!?* will Via mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tha 50c. size. Ely Brothers, 5(5 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or causa sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev­ ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fer<i, Not a I* ps • reniuer. - Weeks--Did you ever thir^k what you would do if you bad Vaoderbiit's in- come? g... Meeks--No; I never smoke. . ' 1--: • ,t No man is the wiser for his learning. It may administer matter to work in, or objects to work upon;-but wit and wisdom are born with a man.--John Seiden. 25c HOW LONG Suffered With , • Sample Bottle lOc, for the next 30 days. RHEUMATISM? Haw Long Have Yea Real Abonl "5 Drops" Wi konl Tiling Tfceffl? Do you not think vou have " asted precious time and !• uttered enough? If so, ihjn'try the *-5 Drops" and be promptly andp^r- minentl - caret of your -afflictions. "5 Drops" i< a speedy and Sure Care lor Rheumatism,-Neuralgia. Sciatica, Liimba* J*o« SI 'IK back], Kidney Diseases, Asthma, Hay-Fever, Dyspepsia,4 Cat irrh i f alt kinds. Bronchitis, ti.i- (irippe, Hfatliiclie. X rvou-or Neuralgic, Heart Weaiuess, Drt>psy, Ejaruchc, Spasmodic and Catarrhal Cronp, Tooihach;*, N r- t Von«ni?ss, hli'eplessiiess, Creepine Numbness, Malaria, and kmdre;i disetse'. '*& Drops h n cured more n?opl; d .rin j the'past four years, of the a* ove named dis -ase^. than all other remeties known, and in case of Rheumatism -is curing more than a 1 tne "ost irs, patent me iicines. elo;;tric belts and batteries com- 'bined, for they cannot care Chronic Rheumatism. Tharr'lore waste no more vainable time H id mon y longer, but try "5 Drop*' and be pronntly CURED. "5 Drops" is not onlv the best medi> in^. but it is the cheapest, for a $1.00 bottle contains 303 doses. Price per bottle $1.00, prepaid by mail or express, or « bottles for $5.00. For the next 80 days we will send a 25c sample FREE to any one sending 10 cents to pay for he mailing. Agents wanted. Write to-day. . SWANSON RHEUMATiO CU*E CO-, IOO^I«4 E. Lak* 9trm* OHIOACtO. [TRADE MARK.1 -Bow DeaiiM^a#M4 tn r £«nar« iS(M)0O - W4r--Maaaea Back Up Ctunaaberta tn* AfptovlBt Hia So*tin A&ica* Poller. Trafalgar square London, Was the scene 8unday of a meeting which will be­ come historic as showing the strong drift of the masses ia England toward war. A peace demonstration had been advertised to be held in the square, where Nelson on the top of his monument has looked down on many a gathering significant of popular opinion when the tide of feeling runs high. The leaders of the peace party were to make one last, supreme effort and demonstration to influence public opinion. The radical press during the past week gave conspicuous place to no­ tices of the coming meeting, while the other papers were ominously silent, though a suggestion was dropped that a counter demonstration was not uniikeiy. Acting upon this hint, Britons of both persuasions were present Sunday, but, as events soon showed conclusively, the war party was overwhelmingly in the ascend­ ant. Only one speaker essayed to plead for peace. What he said is matter of conjecture, as no sooner had he begun than on the outskirts of the crowd of 50,- 000 people some one started "Rule Brit­ annia." The chorus soon rolled over the square and swallowed up all other sounds. Nevertheless the speaker continued his address with an earnestness and determi­ nation fully as British as that of his hos­ tile audience, but not long. Soon mis­ siles of various kind*--decayed apples, aged eggs and whatever else came handy --hurtled through the air; rushes were made upon the stand, soldiers who hap­ pened to be present were carried on the shoulders of the crowd and only the ap­ pearance and prompt action of mounted police enabled the speaker and his friends to escape with their lives. What was in­ tended to be a protest against the drift of events toward war was turned into a demonstration that showed unmistakably that the tide of Euglish feeling now runB too high in the Transvaal affair to be stayed by public discussion. Not only from the Trafalgar square meeting, but from the general tone of the English press and of the people, wherever the latter have given expression to their views, it is clear that the nation Is back of Salisbury and Chamberlain and that it is only among scholarly states­ men such as Morley, or writers such as Frederic Harrison, thaf peace finds advo­ cates. Even these seem to recognize the futility of their attempts to stem the cur­ rent. Press comment is altogether partisan, the Government organs approving the crowd and the opposition claiming it was; a preconcerted movement. Johannesburg advices report a wholesale dislocation of the Rand mining industry. All the mines are closing; all the Boer defenses are being strengthened. War seems the only;; possible outcome unless Kruger takes heed of the coming storm and bends be­ fore it. HINT* the of on r it done •1 may be the washing is a almoit can do the linens present and giossy appearance after belng lroned requires a flue Qual- Ity efttarch. Ask ytmr f^ocer for 4 coupon book which wiU jHtoMe yon to get the first two paekagesuof this new starch--" Red Cross" trade mark brand, also two ef the eHfidrenfB Sbakspeare pictures painted in twelve beautiful colors as natural aa life, or the Twentieth Cen­ tury Girl Calendar, all absolutely free. This Is one of the grandest offers ever made to introduce "Red Cross" laundry starch, J. C. Stabiliser's latest inven­ tion. • y . He'd Been Helping Jerry. In a small village in Kent lived a farmer who had two Sons. The elder, Jerry, an industrious and hard-work­ ing boy; the younger, Willie, Just as loie. •... .. j. His father, wishlhg to encourage the idle one, said to him: • , "Willie, my boy, work hard all day and I will give you a shilling when 1 come home." Evening came. Willie met his father at the gate, eaylng: "Father, I have Just about worked to-day. I have been helping Jerry all day." His father, greatly pleased, replied: "That's a good boy. Here's your ahllling. By the by, wliat has Jerry been doing?" «r ••Oh, he's been flshiqg, father," came the unexpected reply.--Lendo* Spare Momenta. - Shake Into Your Shoes Allenfc Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, dwollen, smarting, nervous feet and instantly takes the siitm out ofoorns ODD FELLOWS* JUBIL Celebration of the ̂ eventy-fiftli Anni­ versary of the Ord?r. The diamond jubilee of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows was recently cele­ brated in Detroit. A public welcome was extended at the Detroit Opera House by Mayor Maybury and Michigan Odd Fel­ low officials. Representatives from every State and territory and the Canadian provinces were present. Alfred S. Pink- erton, grand sire, responded to the wel­ comes, after which the sovereign grand ledge representative proceeded to Har- mouie Hall, where tl}enfirst business ses­ sion was held. It was estimated that 10.000 persons connected with the various divisions of Odd Fellows were in the city. The pass­ ing in review of 4,500 Odd Fellows and their sisters of the Rebekah order was the finest and largest procession seen in Detroit since the great G. A. R. parade in 1800. Fully a score of bands furnish­ ed the music. Brig. Gen. Martin, commander of the Michigan department of the Patriarchs Militant, led 1,000 iftembers of the mili­ tary branch of Odd Fellowship, all in full ypiform, carrying drawn swords. Ohio sent six canton* of patriarchs, Indiana three. New York three, Pennsylvania three, Massachusetts three, Michigan three and St. Thomas, Ont., one. Lodges vied with each other as to turn­ ing out the greater number of men uni­ formed in some striking manner. The representatives of the sovereign grand lodge occupied respective carriages, de­ signed by shields hung thereon, bearing the names of the States the occupants represented. Propositions to make membership in both the Patriarchs Militant and grand encampment compulsory for representa­ tives of the sovereign grand lodge were defeated la the session of the sovereign grand lodge. A proposition to hold bien­ nial sessions instead of annual was also voted down. Richmond, Va., was chosen as the place of meeting in 1900. MILLION* TO REPAIR SHIPS. Wilt Coat a Vaat Pnin to Refit Che Vea •els of Dewey'a Fleet. A special from Washington says that it is already apparent to naval experts that the Government will have to spend sev­ eral million dollars in refitting for active service the vessels which composed Ad­ miral Dewey's fleet when it destroyed Spain's naval power in the far East. Sec­ retary Long has approved the making of repairs to the cruiser Raleigh, which will cost approximately $500,000. The report of the board of survey which inspected the cruiser Boston, lately returned to the United States and now out of commission at Mare Island, rhows that another $500,- 000 will have to be spent upon that ves­ sel in order to put her in condition for recommission. Reports received at the department regarding the condition of the .cruiser Olympia show that she will have to be laid up for some time and naval experts estimate that before she is again in service she will have cost the Govern­ ment not less than $500,000 to repair. There are three vessels still on the Asi­ atic station which were under Admiral Dewey's command when he fought the battle of Manila bay, the Baltimore and the gunboats Concord and Petrel. ' and bunions. It'* the greatest comfort dis covery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy, it is a certain ewe for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet Try it to-day. sotd by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c, in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen sToimsted, Le Roy, N. Y. England Buying American Bone*. Great Britain buys more than 20,000 in the United States every year. /•- 0 » ' i Ml Yon Xonson in Beam*.. . . . A eJever piece of adver&fiHg appealed ggsigSMSSJUS Ay coom en aa das Burlington Das vas sapp-iightnin' tnnl •"* Ay tenk de yeatney yust began >' > ten "Too-oo-oot!" and har Ay banal Das pooty quick yo bat mae life., But not a yolt or yar-- Vea Ay got back Ay tol' mae Tli)» Das oaos* so fast lak her. Ay coom dar saven yar ago . Mat em-gran'trea; das bum! - r ': Ay tenk das railroads yust so slow, Lak judgment day vas coom. En ven das lightin' tren to-day Yoom oop into da air En fly. yust lak a baard avay, Ay tebk Ay shed ma* hair. Ay got sax dollar money ea Mae pocket; das all right; En yon yust bat mae life dar A hot tam har to-night. Tbc Cat W«a Atl Kight ; I hope you took good care of my animals while I was away,* "Indeed 1 did, ma'am; only once I for­ got to feed the cat." "I hope she didn't suffer?". "Oh. ho. Indeed, ma'am. She ate the canary, aud the parrot"--Tld-Bita. ' ' f F -- • li«ll*a Catarrh Cnrsw is take* iatsraally. Prtoe U oasts. ; ,> ", Wor»e Yet, •• "That" man cheated me out of a Cool million.^ "Ah! Wouldn't let you marry his daughter* I suppose?" "No; he let me marry her, and doesn't gill* Us a cent."--Detroit Free Press. . • -- Trade with Argentina. Argentina buys most of her goods from Britain. Italy is second, Ger­ many third and the United States a close fourth, with the prospect of soon being second. the Jadge Itwaaovt a fat, fellow jfor gam- Is your none, one and ed at the no law- will try the pros- e mem- ils case, iph hi ro­ of his con- crlmlnating /pJd, "What's that he apfwsawil't#* Wert, ai*:'~ short, named Delpk Ming. The J lawyer?" "Well," i we will pi Judge and said, yer, Jedge. the casfc" ecutor's witnt ories, aud he whereupon be' tried self on the stand I stitutional rlgl^. himself, but. your object in W?f- gambled," sald^tka pnsjaqitar. "Oh, no," said the* Jndgfc. "tfcat ̂ won *t do. Dolph and me can't stand that" Dolph was discharges for la^k of evidence, but the court warned Mm that it would not generally be safe to rely on the court to defend him. There'# A1w»t» Hope. . Clara--I wish I hadn't been Ipvlted to the reception, because now I shall have to give her a wedding present. Maud--Never mind, You may get married youWMf «Msd day.--Detroit Free Press. " • Piao's Core for Cansmnptfcm is the best Of all cough cure*--George W. Lota, Fa- fcaeher, L«L, Aug. 28, 1881k Half of ll?e is ho^e, but half of hope Isn't life--hope is good as ap Incentive, but not as a naOty. U»al%. Don't imagine that the hotel-mnner runs the lioteL I» mr bi best mends turn their beads A bad breath means a bed inr. Ayer's mis are liver pills. Tliey< constipation^ biliouanesa. * sick headache. 25c. Al " si ~ BUMINGHM^DYEl ̂ " "r-y^fbL, ' W. L. S3 A $3.50 SHOES W«rthS4t*$S< attMrmk 1,000,000 wwfSnL ALL LEATHERS. ALLCmtS TRI HSKriSK W. t. (Utf MB« pHe* --lailMi. Take no subttitata'MlaMI to be M good. Lenwtwe*** of t3 (ad tS.SO aboct '1*1 world. Your<£ea]«riktxtM! them--If not. we will mm • pstron re^.eJ|>(of pvtca.{ A of leather. Mze end vfdth, piala or a# « CwtaloKae 0 Fret,' W. L. D0U6US SHOE CO.. Sracfctaa, Vm* ha best Consum ifirs •tter flm norer. DS. Ho an or im iinunm r flm oaese of Ur. KUnei oraat Nervs Bo­ er. Stad for FKEE aSUM) irtai bottle aal trea>ttt«. U.H.kLlii«.Etd..»31 Arck M.. fbUMetpbia. Fa, Foaming or frothing is not possible with a liquid of pure constitution. Mr*. Wlnalow's SOOTHTMO mtavr mr ChlMna toothlBK; totteu the /rums, -r«nnn> Inliiawtlim •Utn piiii. CUM wi&a coUc. 16 ooata tbottk GENERAL JOE WHEELER JOE WHEELER'S CHARGE AT 5AN JUAN HILL. Cough Syrup Cough. Croup. Small ~ " '~sJvIsemrt JDr.JSuWsj Bear in Mind that "The Gods H«lp Those Who Help Themselves." ̂ELF ̂ Help Should Teach You to Use .i 'Vl ^ * : t ̂ * I mi 'i*S< * : . "II * r. 4"k" M w* mmmimmmmimmmmmm&mmmmmmim&mSSSUSm \ 156-158-160 162-164-166 tWMAOUOtfST MAMMOTH Major Geaerai Joseph Wheeler, command- lag the cavalry forces in front of Santiago •ad the author of "The Santiago Catnpalga," in speaking of the great catarrh remedy, Pe-ru-na, nays: "I Join with Senators SuDl- •aa Roach and McEnery In their good opin­ ion of Pe-ra-na. It is recommended to me by those who hare osed it as an excellent toaic and particularly effective as a cure far catarrh." United Stales Senator McEaery. Bon. S. D. McEtiery, United States Sen­ ator from Louisiana, says the foilowlag la regard to Pe-ru-na: < "Pe-ru-na is an excellent tonic. I have ased It sufficiently to say that 1 believe It to be all that you claim for It."--8. D. Mc- Bnery, New Orleans, Louisiana. United States Senator Sullivan. "I desire to say that I have been taking Pc-ra-na for some time for catarrh, and have found it an excellent medicine, giving me * • I '$ W * more relief than anything I have ever takes. --W. V. Sullivan, Oxford, Miss." United States Senator Roach. "Persuaded by a friend, I have ased Pe- ra-na as a tonic, and am glad to testify that It has greatly helped me In strength, vigor and appetite. J have been advised by friends that it Is remarkably efficacious as a cure for the almost universal complaint of catarrh.--W. N. Koach, Larlmore, North Dakota." A free book oa catarrh sent to aay address by The Pe-ru-na Drug M'fg Co., Columbus, Ohio. The microbes thst cause chills and fever and malaria enter the system through mucous .membranes made porous by catarrh. Pe-ru-na heals the mucous membranes and prevents the entrance of malarial germs, thus pre­ venting and enring these affections. OF ELE- v LACE CURTAINS. ; Constantly haunting th* markets ofiwope and America wiiit ready cash to buy with brings us bargains c only possible wltfi houses of the largest capacity. To our pait1* rons this often means two dollars' value for one dollar in money. Here, for instance, is _ traordlnary in lace curtains, adorn the window of any b -- et la a scroll design, an exact They are American net Brilu " of real Irish point, which window is scar at your gulshed from the original arable. Tbey are 46 inches SH yards long, and we fureL In white or ecm.and if this does noteomeupto your expectation we win cheerfully refund the »"* i ' " * V » \% m iiATtLOfiUE ** ^ v -- . , - • . . listed at Hum estwtwlu|ta prices everything to eat, wear and use* Is furnishedlim receipt of only fOc. to partly pay post­ age or and as evidence of good fatth-- the lOc. fii aHc*red on first purchase amounting to SlX>0orab0ye. Our monthly grocery price list free* I imr«. HE.»wa?i«»i Monthtjr atnHw MM N. U. No. 40 Bi AdvsrtftMs, pteasa «s ast isO Is aa» WT I ties i-- saw He Ajsth--m ia IMs papat. )0&r< - . Caused by over-^brlc! Over-eating Over-drinking! No part of the tHiman body receives more t!l treatmem than the bowels. Load after load is imposed until the intestines become clogged, refuse to act, worn out. Theft -you must assist nature. DoriC ahd see how easily you will be cured by CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Not a" mass of violent mercurial and-mineral poison, but a pure vegetable compound that acts directly upon the diseased and worn out intestinal canal, making it strong, and gently stimulating the liver and kidneys; a c$uidy tablet >leasant to eat, easy and delightful in action. Don't accept a substitute icr CASCARETS iHuiwillia I MiMWlC* I «< M mr oascZfin. •'.j i- -r-r- / •* "t J "?*, ... jt?. U yTS LAKE CRAFT IN PERIL. Veaaela Caasht in I he Storm UaveHard hnn« to Keach - afety. Chicago was the center Sunday of a storm area whose strange influences made night of early afternoon and trans­ formed Lake Michigan from Evanston to South Chicago into a wa aimost as troubled as the Atlantic off the dreaded Hatteras during the autumn gales. The wind attained a velocity of forty-seven miles an hour and wrought havoc with pleasure craft in the harbor and along the shore. A number of yachts were capsized in the basin. The iife-saving rrews were kept busy afternoon and even­ ing answering signals'Of» distress and go­ ing to the assistance ^' iaaperiisd boatr "l km Mis* l* ten mt * wwaeciis>r«M Wink « looad HrnfatanHflMRMi 1 now haaMtem on to thva. If I *»lM I woaM (iv« SHUSfar Hef." a UHKoMtHBL. •NMS- 1 * 1 '4^* -*4, , i " % 5 i ; « ^ ' i |f i A® [jiM; 'M (.£ • / ' ' f t J V DRUGGISTS are absolutely harmless, a parely vegetable coapoaod. He mercurial or other miaeial fffi-yeiaaa ia Casenets. Caaauets promptly, aSectiTeiy and paxaMneaUy of the Stomach, Liver aad fatestiaea. They sot oaly cme ceastipatloa, bat corset aaTaa<s»M» lauae<iweCT»aittr«< the bewela,iaeladiagdiana<Baaaddysenteiy. potent. Taste good, do good. Sever sicken, waakea er grips. Be ears you get the gmtosl Beware •t imitatiaas aad sabstitutes! Bay * CASCAHKTi pleased ia every respect, get yodr moaey back I Wrtteasfer boeklst aad free aanple! I ildwsa WBUIS MXMMDT COMPACT, CUCAQO er MBW TOBK. S8 If* ' i f** .Jyfr 'A f& - \s.iAC */" : I " . A . \ l l 1/. 4 IL ,* !^1...,;

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