Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1899, p. 3

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: v-VvV*;?^ Wmm & >1 " *; yourself I Is jrc _ covered win pimples? Your skin rough and blotchy? It's your liver! Ayer's Klls are liver pills. They enre constipation, biliousness, and dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. ""iKSi jpw raoortaebe erbOnl i taiihi -- riefc black t SV; • •B- A Strange Collision. Berlin was the scene of a collision Hetween a horse car and a balloon re­ cently. A captive military balloon Iwoke loose during a squall, and drove Across the Tempelhof field, dragging1 With It tbe soldiers who were holding It On reaching the street,,though its ||>eed was checked by Its carrying •way some telegraph wires, it hit a horse car violently enough to upset it ..With its pa.swengers. Two of the eol- <K«ni who held on were badly hurt. Try Gratn-O! Try Gratn-O! Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a package of URAIN-O, the new food wink that takes the place of coffee. The Children may drink it without injury as Well as the adult. All who try it like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach re- jeeives it without distress. ^4 the price of «Offee. 15c and 25c per package. Sold " by all grocers. Bermuda Liobstera. "&1a. tihe neighborhood of the Bermudas the sea is extremely transparent, so that the fishermen can readily see the horns of the lobsters protruding from their hiding places in the rocks at con­ siderable depth. To entice the crusta­ ceans from these crannies they tie a lot Of snails to a ball and dangle them in front of the curious lobster. When he jjhibs the ball they haul him up. • -FTMNWDL FLVSP. Tbs sacred Ares of India have not all extlacnftfbed. The most ancient, which still exists, was consecrated twelve centuries ago in commemora­ tion of the voyage made by tbe P*r- sees when they emigrated from Persia to India. The fire is fed five times every twenty-four houre with sandal­ wood and other fragrant materials, combined with very dry fuel. This fire, i- the village of Oodwada, near Bulsar, is visited by Parsees in large numbers during the months alloted to the pre­ siding" genius of fire. * i 1' An Explosive BeM. The "cigar bean" of Batavia is a wild fruit recently discovered In Batavia. The pod is like a cigar in shape and color, but ostiy an inch long* and when put Into water it rests cm the surface for several minutes, then explodes Mke a torpedo, hurling the seed ta all di­ rections. If allowed to ripen in a warm place- the pod gradually splits length­ wise from point to base. If left to ripen on the plant it splits open more 'suddenly.' - A /!v First-Class Sewing Machines Ha* $14.25. Foe- those who are accustomed to send­ ing away from home for their goods it is of the greatest importance to know the character and reliability of the establish­ ment selling goods to families from cata­ logues. The great emporium of the John M. Smyth Co., located at 150 to 1(56 West Madison street, Chicago, has been estab­ lished for a third of a century, and has furnished over half a million homes in Chicago and vicinity alone. This lirm enjoys the confidence of the public by its many years of fair dealing. It issues an immense illustrated catalogue that should be in every family, as it describes and gives the price of every article required for household use. A sample of the ex­ traordinary values offered by this firm is shown in the illustration of the "Melba" sewing machine in another column of this paper for $14.25. This is one of the best sewing machines ever offered to the pub­ lic. and yet it is but a sample of the thousand and one useful articles illus­ trated and described in the beautiful cat­ alogue of the John M. Smyth Compaay. «. Curat Colds. Coughs. Soro Throat, Croup, in & "uenza.WHoopinflCough.BronchitlsandAsthma certain cure lor Consumption in first stages, nd a suro relief in advanced stages. Use at vnce. You will see the excellent effect after . a aking the first dose. Sold by dealers every Larce bottles 25 cents and 60 cents. . „»%vhere POMMEL _ tWUHfr- " 'Saddle Coat. SLICKER Keeps both rider and saddle per­ fectly dry In the hardest storms. Substitutes wtll disappoint. Ask for 1897 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker- It Is entirely new. If not for sale in your town, write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston, mui m W. L. DOUCLAS .50 SHOES j{ggjg Worth $4 to $6 compared with other makes. Indorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES Til GEXlilKK k»t W. L. Douglas* •••» u< prler sUnped on bolteia. Take no »ub»t!tute claimed to be as good. Largest makers" of S3 and $8.50 shoes In the world. Your dealer nhould keep them--!f not, we will send you rrrr--•" apalron receipt of price. State m* leather, size and width, plain or cap toe, >. Catalogue I» Free. ULL. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton. Mats. ARTERS1NK Ko household can afford to be with­ out it. Every household can afford to have it. NSION^SS^fS.'S ! ,«• e. u. No. -SS Pleein?' from Electricity. The rapid spread of electric tram­ ways amd electric light systems is driv­ ing magnetic observatories from the neighborhood of large towns and cities. The delicate instruments employed in such observatories lose their usefulness when extensive electric plants ape in operation near them. One of the latest instances is that of tbe magnetic ob­ servatory of Vienna, which, has been abandoned. The Austrian Government has been asked to provide a new ob­ servatory situated at a distance from the capital. Chronic Nasal Catarrh poisons cverj breath that is drawn intc the longs. There is procurable from any druggist the remedy for its cure. A small quantity of Ely's Cream Balm placed into the nostrils •preada over an inflamed and angry surface, relieves immediately the painful inflamma­ tion, cleanses, heals and cures. Drying in­ halants, fumes, smokes and snuffs simply develop dry catarrh; they dry up the secre­ tions which adhere to the membrane and decompose, causing afar more serious trou­ ble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid jdl drying inhalants, use Ely's Cream Balm. It is reliable and will cure catarrh, cold in the headand hay fever easily and pleasantly. All Iruggists sell it at 50 cents or it will be mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 WarrenSt„lN.Y. Tbe hinging Shells of Ceylon. A remarkable phenomenon connected with the Batticaloa Lake is that of the singing shells, which on a quiet night is most pleasant to hear. Arrange­ ments were made the other night for his excellency the Governor to hear the novelty, and after dinner Sir West Itldgeway was taken on the lake. The night was a lovely one and very still, and the singing of the shells was heard to advantage. Dafa Feed Man and Steed." Red yoar newt*, tdm, on you nxxtld futve them strong, Aten end women <wha sre nervous sre mo because their nervts *re stsrved. Wfcjf* they nuke their blood rich And pure <a#h Hood's S*rsApar3U their nervousness tBssppesrs because the nerves art property fed. T&odS SAD ERRORS BY HONEST MEN. Truthful People Who Mean Well but Get Sadly Mixed Up. "You can't believe an honest man on oath," remarked an old postal clerk, as he finished his run. "I've Just had a curious experience that proves it. As the Illino'-B Central was ready to pull out Thursday afternoon with our mail cat on the end a fine-looking old gentle­ men came running along the platform. I was standing on the steps of the car. '"Are you a mall clerk?' he asked, hurriedly, and, finding I was, said: 'Well, here, I wish you'd take these let­ ters for me. I was so anxious to be sure they got off in this train I wouldn't trust a messenger, but brought them down myself. Tbe one to Mobile is very important.' "He handed me three letters. Now, It's a curious fact that nine times out of ten a man will hand letters to a mail clerk with the address on the under side. They seem to think we have no business to read the address, as if mail ever would arrive at the right place If we didn't. I took the letters and turned *ena over. " *You say that the Mobile letter Is important?' I shouted. • "'Yes, very.' *Well, It hasn't a stamp on It.' **'Young man,' the old fellow re­ marked, as he looked at the envelope, 'I would have sworn that 1 remembered Helping that stamp and sticking It on!' "That's the way it goes," continued the clerk. "A man can't trust his own senses. A few years ago a registered package was missing fforn the mails be­ tween a town down in the center of the State an® Chicago. 3?he postmaster at the small town, a judge and a promin­ ent citizen, swore that he put the pack­ age in thf mall pouch. An investiga­ tion was commenced, and this affidavit was forwarded to Washington. " 'What have you toeay to that?' the inspector demanded of the clerk Whc should have handled the package. " 'Nothing, sir, except that the pack­ age wasn't in the pouch,' replied the clerk. About a week afier that, when it looked pretty blue for the clerk, the postmaster overhauled his desk. Right on top, under an accumulation of news­ papers, was the package, which the postmaster swore he remembered put­ ting into the mall sack."--Chicago Inter Ocean. C.C.C. LINE NOW OPEN Completed and Opened to the Public. STATS or OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO. LUCAS COUNT V. PRANK J. CHKNKY makes oath that h« W(lii* senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY & Co.. doing business In the City of Toledo, County anil State aforesaid, and tliat said linn will pav tlie sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tlie use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres­ ence. this 6th day of December, A. D. 188<|. M«. i that I | SEAL j- A W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and a<fts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. , tj F. J. t'HKNKV & CO.. Toledo, O. tysold by Druggists, 75c. The World's Sheep. ' The number of shefep In the world is estimated to amount to 550,000,000. Of this number between one-third iwd one-half are believed to be Merinos. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowelo each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidney*. Cares sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. Punctuality is the stern virtue; of men of business, and the fracefdl courtesy of princes.--Bulwer. Avoid popularity; it has many snares, and no real benefit--Penn. FOB THIRTY DATS YOU CAN THY IT FOR 10 CBNT8, 5K. PROMINENT PHYSICIAN Who has had 35 YEARS of active Practice of Medicine has to say. I have never before in my 35 years of Bractice of medicine given niv testimonial or reuommen- ion to any patent medicine, but there is a remedy, the result of which has come under rav own observation ; lor there is no Disease which has so baffled the medical skill of all ae<>8 as Rheuma- • ttsm and to find a Reliable remedy for the same. At last we have found it in " $ Drops," mauu factured by the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company, Chicago, III. The " 5 DROPS" has proven fteelf wonderful for its curative power in Rheumatism, not as a Temporary Reliever only, but to \ V* give » Permanent Cure <;veu In chronic cases. Sometime ugo I had among " others several Rheumatic eases under my treatment and prescribed for these patients the very best Remedies which 1 skillfully selected, but with­ out desirable results. I then h-ard of 5 DROPS" and of its Wonderful Cures, and prescribed it to a patieuts. who found relief from its use within a few days. After that f prescribed it to a ere at number and to my surprise I wil' say th»t in the course of Two or Three Weeks after they had used " 5 DROPS" and " 9 Drop" Plasters they were Cured. Aiuom; ' these were H lew who had, for a number of years, been suffering with Chronic Rheumatism, who had piloted themselves around on Crutches. ^ They came to my office without Crutches and told me thev were perfectly *'t, , well. 1'hey give all the credit to " 5 DROPS " and to " 5 Drop" Piasters tVBftnTMa n K I and this is their testimony to the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company for h ' -- their kindness and for the conscientious wa v in which they are placing - tttfese Wonderful Remedies unions sufferins humanity, which thev told me to write to the Company Hi an ac^nowie(lsrment. As I have seen the Curative Power of "g DROPS" and "3 Drop" .Plasters, in a preat many instances. I can Truly recommend them, and also thru the firm is per­ fectly honest and reliable to deal with. . . (SWANSONS) c. A. JACKSON. Physician and Surgeon, Kearney, Neb., Aug. 29,1899. •* K |*fc J 9 is the Tcost powerful specific kliown. Free from opiates and per- - mJ VP fectly harmless. Relief is usually felt the first night. It is a posi­ tive <vire tor Bheumatlaiii, £ciatlcu, >'euralsia. Dyspepsia. Backache, AM It in a. Hay lever, Catarrh, Sl»eple>sness. Nervousness, Nervous and Neuralgic Headaches, baracho, wnthkehe, Heart Weakness, Crouu, Swelling, La (irippe, Malaru, Creeping Kurnk- <•!<•., etc. "f i_| I K3 TV A gfc longer to enable sufferers to give "5 DROPS" at least a _• in I T% B I I trial, we will send a 25c sample bottle, prepaid by mail for .cents. A -ample bott.e will co.tivincu vou. Also, large bottles (300 doses) 11.00. 3 bottles for 82.50. fpld bvjlrnegists and agents. A«eut< wanted in new territory. Writs us 10-day. SWANSON KUKUMATIC CURE CO., 160 to 164 Lake Btreet, CHICAGO, ILL OrMtait Improvement of th* At* --Aayoaw Can RMe Over It to Itarith aatf Happiness. Chicago.--(Special.)--The new C. C. C. line Is now open to the pulille, and at once gained an enormous patronage on account of the merltoiious service it performs. The line Is built on solid merit, and leads by the stralghtest and shortest route to Health. Everybody Is delighted, and those who thought they would never reach Health and Happiness again have found thla an easy and sure way of getting there. Ninety per cent, of the ills of humanity are caused by lazy livers, chronic constipa­ tion and their consequences, Impure blood and a poisoning of the whole system. What's the use of stumbling along the road­ way, sick and weary, when you can quickly ride to health--by taking CascaretsV Buy and try Cascarets Candy Cathartic to-day. You will find that lt'8 what they do, not what we say they'll do. that will please you. Sold by druggists generally. 10c, 25c. or 50c per box, or by mall for price. Send for booklet and free sample. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago; Montreal, Can.; New York. This Is the CASCARET tablet. Kvery tablet of the only genuine Cascaret bears the magic letters "CCC." Look at the tablet before you buy, and beware of frauds* Imitations and substitute*. BOER BATTLB GROUND. Scene of the battle near Glencoe, in Na­ tal. The cross indicates Smith's Hill, three miles from Glencoe, where the British troops under Gen. Symons ' made their gallant charge, routing the BdfWk - SOME BOER WORD& If Muting •ad Pronunciation of Eonth African Dutch Mantes. The American reading public has found considerable difficulty in pronouncing the Dutch names that come in the cable3 from far-off Africa. The language of the Boers is identical grammatically but not in idiom with that of the people of Hol­ land. The Dutch Afrikanders are called Boers because that word describes^h^ir class--farmers. The pronunciations giv­ en the letters in these Dutch words are not like those of the English. The dou­ ble "o," for instance, in Dutch has the same sound as "o" in Rome, while the diphthong "oe" is pronounced by the Dutch as we pronounce "00" in boot. The English pronunciation of these two diph­ thongs is the reverse of that given them by those who speak Dutch. "Ou" has the sound of "ti(\v" in owl. The soun A*?* ui is nearly; like that of the English "oyM in boy. The Dutch double "aa" is the same as the English "a" in war. v*£s there is no "y" in Dutch, its place is taken by "ij," which is souuded as "y" in defy. If one, therefore, would pro­ nounce Oom Paul properly he would say it as if it were spelled "Ome Powl." The family name of Gen. Joubert would, foi the same reason, be pronounced as if it were spelled "Yowbert." The woird Boer is pronounced by the Afrikanders as if it were of two syllables; the first long and the second short, thus: "Boo-er." The plural is not "Boers." It is "Boeren," and it is pronounced "Bo-ereh," because the final "n" is slurred. Here are some of the Dutch words that are oftenest in print in connection with the news of the Transvaal, and their pronunciation and meaning; Bloemfonteln (bloom-fon-tlne) »j„ , Flower fountain Boer (boo-er) Fanner Bultenlander (boy-ten-lont-er) Foreigner Burgher (buhr-ker) Oltlsen Burgherregt <buhr-ker-rekt) Citizenship Buigherwucht (buhr-ker-vokt) T„„::" Cltlcen soldiery Jonkherr (yunk-bare) Member of the volksraad--gentleman Oom (ome) . . Uncle llaad (rahd) Senate Rnadsheeruahds-hare) Senator Haadhuls (rahd-hoya). Senate house Hand (rahntt Margin--ede<> Staat (st^ht» ...State Mautku~.e istaht ktrhn-de^ I'oiltlcs Staatsraad (stahts-rahd) ....Council of state htaq (stot) Steramer (steimner) .Voter--eVeetor lransvaal (trans-fahl) Circular--vallev TU." ' ; • • • Draught--Journey 1 rekken (treck-en) To draw--to travel l rekpaard (treck-pahrd) Draught horse I It (oyt) :.Out-out of Ultlander (oyt-lont-er) Foreigner \ aal (rubn Vallev Vaderlandsllefde (fah-ter-tonts-leef to).. »- •I^>Ve of one'3 country-patriotism V Flaid--open lands ,rei?"ec't! (felt-hare).. .General commandant J elflvvachter (felr-vock-ter) Rural guard Aolksraad (fulks-rahd) • • • Lower house of Congress \oorregt (fore-rekt) Franchise--privilege Vreemdeling (frame-de ling) Stranger Witwaterarand (vlt-vot-ters-rout) Margin of the white water Pretoria, the capital of the South Afri­ can Republic, is named in honor of its first president, Pretorius, who led the Dutch in the great trek, or journey, out of Cape Colony sixty years ago and into the Transvaal to escape the dominion of England. Johannesburg is easily translated into English as Johnstown. The term of "Afrikander" is used to des­ ignate the Dutch from the other white people of South Africa. > ' A- Expressive Americanism. "When I go over to the old country I am going to get a lot of clothes to bring back with ine," said a well-known Windsorlte, wlipfwent abroad recently. "Oh," said his hearer, "if that is the. case, I have a brother who is a tailor in London, and I will give you a letter of Introduction, and write him telling him to use you right." In course of time the traveler stepped into the tailor shop in London and pre­ sented his letter of introduction. He got a warm handshake from the tailor, who said he had received a letter from his brother telling of the traveler's ex­ pected arrival, but could not under­ stand part of the letter. The letter, when produced, read: "Dear Brother: The bearer, Mr -----, is from our place and wishes to get a lot of clothes in London. He has all sorts of money. Soak him. Yours af­ fectionately." The part of tbe letter that could not be understood was the concluding phrase. The traveler of course under­ stood the Americanism, but managed to keep his face straight while he gave it a favorable construction. He saved the laugh until he could have it on his American friend. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25e. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. After a man has caught his train with several minutes to spai'e he knows how the engaged fellow feels who won­ ders why he chased her so fast. <"ITS Permanently Cured. No fits or nervounew after first day's use of Ur. Kline's Or das Nerve Re- ttorer. Send (or FKKK S2.0U trial bottle and treatlie. DB. K. U. KLINE, Ltd., 931 Arch bU, Philadelphia, pa. Don't keep a good movement on hand: put it on foot immediately. 1 Mr*. VTInnlow'FT SOOTHING STBUP for Chliareo teething: softens the gumd. reaucos inflammation, allaya pain, cures wind colic, ifi cants a bottle. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FREE ONE OF THE GRANDEST OFFERS EVER MADE. ftrst live persons procuring the Ei^lleas Chain Starch Book from their grocer, will each obtain one large 10c. paok«f of - •• • " ~ * Tinted in twslve **IUSD CROSS" Starch, on* large 10c. packagv of "HUBINGER'S BEST" Starch, two Shakespeare beautiful colors, as natural as life, or one Twentieth Century Girt Calendar, the finest of its kind ever printed All others _ rt time to further intnxluo** the ftmmri "5}&D Ask your grocer for this starch. fhs beautiful premiums which are being givan away. Thfa offer is only made for a si CROSS" Starofe, and the ealabratad "HtJBXNOEB'S BEST" 00M water Starch. absolutely free, of starch for Sc. and GRAND METEORIC DISPLAY. Two Hundred Thousand Miles of Le­ onids Will Visible, Quite beyond the conception of the hu­ man mind is the spectacle that will be witnessed by nearly the entire civilized world ou the night of Nov. 13 next, when two thousand million miles of meteorites traversing the heavens in a fixed course will rush past the earth in their never ending voyage through space. Upon coming in contact with the at­ mosphere of the earth and subject to its gravity, countless millions of these flying particles will fall and become ignited with the rapidity of their flight. The blue canopy of the heavens will be light­ ed by great lines of vivid fire crossing each oflier in every direction, while daz­ zling globes of multi-colored flame will add variety to the awful splendor of this rain of fire, which is one of the grandest spectacles of all history. The fact that they ignite and dissolve on eontact with the atmosphere here is all that saves the earth from destruction by them. This spectacle, which will be visible in nearly the whole surface of the globe, is the great fall of the meteorites known as the Leonids, so called from the fact that the radiant point of the November me­ teors is in the constellation Leo. It oc­ curs regularly every thirty-three years, the last appearance being in November, 18CG, when it was viewed in various parts of the world and led many people to believe that it was but the beginning of the earth's destruction by fire, the end of the world. > Window Sash Chokes Girl. Near Fort Dodge, Iowa, the lifeless form of Lavina Fitzgerald, a 9-year-old girl, was found hanging outside a school house window, the heavy sash on her neck. After starting home she returned to get some books and finding the door locked attempted to get in through the window and was caught, Vt Flax Law Made RidicnlceJlp, In Chicago the Illinois flag law is at the front in a ridiculous light. The lat­ est victim is a barber, arrested for alleg­ ed violation of the law by displaying a barlw/f pole outside his place of business. id'. "f.M ' tv -.&J3& n.i ..>1 * Sparks from tbe Wires. Revolution is in progress in Colombia. Mattress manufacturers will advance prices 25 per cent. Vanderbilts have gobbled up the Nor­ folk and Southern Railway. U. S. Grant has purchased the Flor­ ence Hotel, San Diego, Cal., for $00,- 000. Dr. Chas. M. Hyde, 67, missionary for twenty-two years in Honolulu, died there recently. John De la met t shot and instantly killed Eliza Purratt. near Skinner, Ms. He then blew his bralii* out. , mm A Land Tide. Recent observations with the seismo­ graphs at Mauritius have led to the sug­ gestion that not only the ocean and the atmosphere, but even the land, majr experience the effects of a daily tide running round and round the earth as It revolves on its axis. But while the tides in the air and the sea are due more to the moon than to the sun. the supposed "land tide" arises solely from the sun's action. Moreover, it Is caused* not by the attraction of the sun, but by its heat. A wave of depression is supposed to follow the sun from east to west, caused by the extraction of moisture from the soli. At Mauritius it is found that there is a relative up­ heaval of the land to the west of the place of observation from morning un­ til evening, and a relative depression on the same side, or an unheava^ td (fee east, during the night. An Important Industry!' The Brockton, Mass., Times says that at the factory of the W. L. Douglas Shoe Company in that city the pay roll for the week ending Sept. 30, excluding superin­ tendent, foremen, salesmen and all cler­ ical help, showed the average* earnings of the employes, large and small, to be 915.54 per week. This was not an ex­ traordinary week. It was the customary pay roll. The Douglas factory has been closed but one week this year, and that for the usual summer stock taking, and it will be closed but three days the latter part of December. This would make bat nine days out of the yeat that the factory is closed. Owing to Increased business, another addition is to be made to the Donglas factory. It will be 100 feet long, 40 feet wide, and five stories high. This addi­ tion increases the capacity 25 per cent. The W. L. Douglas Shoe Company has the largest factory in the world, produc­ ing an advertised line $3.50 and $3.00 •hoes. Well Intended. A few years ago a countryman vlalt- ed New York for the sole purpose of sight-seeing. After spending a couple of day® In the business part of the great metropolis he Wandered up Fifth avenue. Stopping at length in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral he gazed on that magnificent piece of Architecture, with its curves and angles, and its spires pointing heavenward, and in the ful­ ness of his soul exclaimed: "Wall, that beats the devil!" An Irishman, who was sweeping the street a few feet away, looked up from his work, and replied: "Shuxe, an' that's the intlntlon, sor." WOMEH , AVOID OPERATIOII9 vary word "operatioa" strika* tenor soul. Nearly always these operations become nirrr--ary though neglect. " If the mensefe iire very painful, or too frequent and exctatifafc get the right advice at once and •top taking .chances. It will cost you nothing for advice if you write to Mrs. Pinkbam at Lynn, Mass., for it, and if you let the trouble run along it will surely cost you a great deal of pain and may mean ah operation: : Miss SARAH J. GRAHAM, Sheridanville, Pa., writes: "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM :--I had suffered for sev- seral years with female troubles and doctored until I was discouraged. I felt wretched and tired of living. I had dis­ ease of kidneys, bladder trouble, dropsy and bloating, had womb trouble and a large tumor had formed; in fact all my organs were out of fix. *' Seeing a woman's letter prala» ing your remedies, I wrote to her and she begged of me to try it, telling me all that it had done for her. I bought six bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and now cannot ex­ press my gratitude to you. The ttimor began to come away in pieces and I got better all the time. I believe now that I am entirely cured. "My doctors could not believe it at first, as they all had told me that my case was a hopeless one, and no human power could do me any good. They were astounded. If I can say anything that can help other women, I shall be glad to." •' It is not safe to wait until tlfct last moment. Head off trouble by prompt attention to it. Don't be satisfied without Mrs* Pinkham's advice. M$1 M Wbat Do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new food drink called (jrRAIN-O? It is delicious and nourish­ ing, and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-O you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee, but costs about 14 as much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 25c. Telephonic Fences. In Kansas the ranchmen are utilizing wire fences for telephone lines. It is found that the wires are sufficiently in­ sulated by the wooden posts to carry electric currents without perceptible . loss. From the nearest telegraph sta­ tion, at Liberal, fence telephone lines have'been run all over Seward County, as well as Into the adjoining counties of Morton and Stevens, aiid aci'Q$9 into Oklahoma and Texas. ' Oonghlnff beads to Ooifiliii^Mi. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottl« free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottle*. Go at once; delays are dan­ gerous. Familr Autocrat*. "There's nothing worse than a spoiled child." "I don't know; there's a spoiled cook.** My doctor aaid I would die, but Piso's Cure for Consumption cured me.--Amos Kelner, Cherry Valley, 111., Nor. 23, TO. MAILORDER HOU! i50jo,riis< JWEIT MADISON CHICAGO JI4.25 ISI4.25 The Best 8ew,ns Machine on Earth ^ ̂ At the Price, $14.28 fer Our "MELBA" tawinf Machine. A hteh-arn, MtH'i* machine wnJ to what others are asking $25.00 to fftjQB lor. Ouarmateetf by » foi'ao (ram date of pnrchase, against any i»pwrlM» tion in material or workmanship. Tit* ataMI ia made of tbe tut Iran and fa nicely proportioned. Tbe cabinet wetfc is perfect and is famished in yoar choice of antique,oak er walnst Ithasaavan tfrawera all handsomely carved and wit* nickel-plated ring pulls. The leal construction u equal to •ay machine regardleaa of price. are of the beat oil tea ersrj bearing perfectly adjusted running qualities the I tectanJi made, xms sewing Machine has all the latest improvements. It makes a perfect awl an(- term LOCK STITCH, and will do the best work on either the lightest mnslins or heavieat - sewing over soams and rough places without skipping stitches. A fuH net at made. This Sewinjj Machine has all the latest, improvements.. It P steel attachments, nicely nickel-plated and enclosed in a handsome metal, japanned box, nnd a complete assortment ol accessories and book of I FURNISHED FREE with each machine. en nivc TRI&I We ship this mach ine C.O.D. subject to approval, on i '•"* 1 ° I niHL. dollars. If. on examination you are convinced tnati you$25 on asrent's price, pay the balance and freight charges then try i the machino. If not satisfied at any timo within 60 day? send the machine' back to us at our expense and we will refund the full purchase price.. to make the •t, mast per9 of any machine ?n which is listed at lowest whelai We must not judge of a man's merit* by bis great qualities, but by the use, he makes of them.--Rochefoucauld. .•Hm ."f'.w, v" ,rv«s "Use the Means and Heaven Will Giv|| Yputhe Blessing." Never Neyde A Useful Article Like 5 L" . . if i, r-- Vvi 4 vm w^mnTtnimimnmjMj^iinnj»nu)»><roiimimrQtnmmimimiumi AV^fie table Prep araUonlor As- I N F A N T S ( H I L P K L . \ Promotes Digestion,1Cheerful- nessandRest.Contains neither OjmimlMorphine nor Mineral. NOT NAHCOTIC. Urnm af eJWa-SMBELWUBH Mw/dii Smd- jtbcSeonm * HmkUUSJb- A perfect Bemedy for Cons tipa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- oess and Loss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of NEW lfOBi£ i/V| fa riioullis'old • CflSTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / Signature ESTABLISH A HOME OF YOUR OWN Read "The Corn Belt," a han^eme monthly paper, beautifully illustrated, containing exact and truthful informa­ tion about farm lands in the West, letters from farmers and pictures of their homes, barns and stock. Inter­ esting and instructive. Send 25 cents in postage stamps for a year's sub­ scription to "THE COEM BELT," 309 Adams St., Chicago. EXACT copy or WRAPPEB. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. PRIMING PRI Printers9 Materials Of all kinds for tale at lowest market IIIIBW, Newapaper outi'.ta a •psclalty. For eatimatM and fail particulars addreaa CHICAGO NEWSPAPER ONION. til. ixi, Sii»8, SI. CaLlCAM. HARDWOOD LANDS* FOR SALE. Splendid hardware lauds in CUHS" - County, Wis., on Wisconsin Ceatttii Ry., three miles from station, turnplte roads, schools, settlers all arouaaL Prices $5.00 and upward. Fine dairy region. Log timber is sold and is beifig cut off now. but plenty of timber tor ^ a fences, cord wood, etc.. will remaife Adi-ess for plats and prices, C. P. CROSBY, Wausau. WLFC •*'& ' "Artistic Home MEN*.** DrBulTs • The best remedy for Lafll Iffn Consumption. Cures *m. ® Coughs, ColdSj Grippe, 4% ^ *jougns,vjoiaB.unppe SVril D Bronchitis, Hoarse » • ness. Asthma. Whoonina ness, Asthma, 'Whoopiaf- Small doses; quick, sure result*. A^\?i.>"X?-MUrallleuse Burners WITHOtT MANTLKS. Gasoline gas lamps WHimi T MANTLES. Warruuied 5 years Mantle lamps failures overcome. . > Kelt CATAXiOQCE. Murei Patentee, LMintosF. 111. ' mANT1£S. Gas )llne gas lamjs Warruuied 5 years Ma lOO Modern lloii&aa, lau>«i and iu. ~t i-opul r Je- signs, tuxtlns-ir m $30») u^- w.rd Hhoi-s. flans. Ci : ml cle<orli l!'>ns. B>x>k " . L(.I inches, t IH.» <»gvs. prepaid for SM.L'O. i ivik et 42 de situs 25c. 0eo.W Pavne& Soa Architects, CAu.ii-4>.t. .1.1. 8. N. U. Bp l' & £> 5 . rjSrv: r'

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