Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1899, p. 5

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7 :^:5 , , . r __ ^ •' i£: ^ c^itr ' tit ̂ *tr^' t*t w BUSINESS CARDS. r y * KNIGHT & BTTOWS. 100 Washington 'ATTORNEY AT LAW ** street, Chicago, 111. C. P. BARNES. <" ATTORNEY, solicitor, and Connie lor. OoJ- L fcwttons a specialty. . Damage Butts, etc. ' ,: >; , Omce at Woodstock. III. DAVII>G. WELLS, M. I). XJHYHTCIAN, SURGEON AN1> OCULIST. * Otnee and resideaca in Justin's Block, Ovisr tue Flaiudealer ollice, MeHenry. Tele- pooaeiMo.2. • C, H. FEGERS, M. D. ' IY8ICIAN AND BURGEON, MeHenry, ill. OiBce at .Residence. 'fM • * DR. A. E. AURINGER. tJHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office In the old Post Office building, one door east of J. Miller's* store, West An.-ilenry, ill. Resi­ dence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Os­ borne.- All professional cans promptly at­ tended to. ^ H. C. MEAD, , kttstieeof the Peace and General In­ surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. ^ FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. Neighborine News Gathered by <mr of Repreefentativett miiii Wasx Mchenry, - III. :y;f« ; A. M. CHURCH, y ? , r ' Wa tchmaker and JewelgM*- No. 126 State street, Chicago; Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches and Chronometers. ^T* A fulI assortment of goods In his line. Dr. Walter G. Besley, Office over Besley*i Ti ® E NTlST* Drugstore . -r West McHsmrr. Woodstock office-- iteiidall Dental .Parlors Will be at MeHenry office Mondays and Tuestitys. At Woodstock office Wednesdays, „,J!vBS4psw|ys, * ridays and Saturdays. . . ' • BXAMINATIONS PRH :;-- All Kinds of Modern IPE33S3 TISTRY Executed on Short Notice at Prices ^ Consistent with Good Work. by the use of Nitrous Oxid Gas or Vitalized Air. K . F. C. ROSS, D. D. S, Over Owen A Ghapell's store. . „iL_ „ JOHXSBURG. N. E. Barbarikn mma business call­ er here Friday. , Rev. H. Mehring visited Mends in Chicago last week. Bernard Althoff is severely ill at the home of his parents. Mrs. Matthew Boner of Chicago is visiting relatives here. Miss Lena Lay was a passenger for Chicago on Wednesdayr*- ̂ t C. M. Adams made a business trip to Chicago on Wednesday. Mrs. Michaels is visiting relatives In the "great city" this week. Mrs. Castor Adams, who was quite sick with rheumatism, is now reported better. Mrs. Krumpen and daughter, Anna, have returned from their visit in Wis­ consin. Nick Freund and wife of Spring Grove visited at the home of the former's par­ ents on Sunday. Peter Smith and wife of Ringwood visited at the home of Stephen Smith and wife on Sunday. '» Mathew Thelen of Chicago, who was working for John 8. Freund, left for his home on Wednesday. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Pe­ ter DfciJrieh died cm Sunday. The fu­ neral took place on Monday morning. Remember the great annual Chrysan­ themum show at Woodstock, III, Nov. 9, • 1889. Supper served from 5 until 8 o 'clock. Admission to City Hall includ­ ing supper 25 cents. Gome and see the beautiful flowers, enjoy a good supper and'fine program. • C. F. BOLEY, Jpetor of MhhjJ mm % MoHENRY. AI war 8 on Band With the Best Beer SOCIETIES, V:- m SSsS MASONIC. ^McHenry Lodge, No. 158, A. F.and A. M second Ifejfular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. GEO. H. HANLY, W. M. W. C. O. P. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187, W. C. O. F., meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. Mrs. Mary Cobb, Chief Ranger. LORBxTA walsh, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday even" Hall, in Stoffel's H. C. Mead, Cleric. C. O. F. Meet First and Third Sundays of month in Forester Hall. „ _ Anton Weber, Chief Banger. John Nkiss, Secretery. C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 746, C. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. u - J. M. Phalen, O, R. < E. Walsh, R. 8,' Wednesday evenhigs^of each month, at their * C. C. Oourr, Consul. CHURCHESil UNLVERSALIST. T. J.'Walsh President H. C. Mead Clerk Jataes B. Perry Treasurer Rev. J. Straub, D. • D Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladles' organiza­ tion.) Mrs. L. H. Oweu .» -- President Mrs. John 1. Htorv....... .v..... Vice President Mrs. J. Van Slyka,.,;..,..,,..--Secretary Mrs. W. A. Cristy --Treasurer Supt. of Sunday-School F. L. McOmber Assistant.: W. A. Cristy 43ff" The 1'astor's Chicago Telegraph Address Is Grand Crossing. Preaching Services at 10:30 a. m. and at 7:80 9. M. A cordial invitation to all. ; s: - METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Be* W. L. Whipple. Pastor Preaching Sunday 10:30 a. m. Sunday- School. 12 12 m. Dr. A. E. Auringer Superintendent Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. Ladies' Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. Dr. Auringer, President, Miss Cora Wilson, Secretary. ftTX Cordial Invitation is extended to all. 7-?-. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) follows: at 3 Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Regular Sunday services at 9:30 o'clock a B. and 13 o'clock every third Sunday. • , Rev. Father O'neil, Pastor. ; i ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) John's Catholic Church, Johnsburg have services on Sunday as follows: Ilign Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers at 3 o'clock p. m. Rkv. Fathkb Mehring, Pastor. JBARBIAN BR.QS. Makers of Fine Ciga<d, "Our Monogram 10 cent Cigar... Leads Them All. • v ;.0«|r Ideating 5c Brands: ••Olivette" " Barbian Bros. "Sliver" - "Bee Hive' "Empire Cuban" RiDOEFiELD, ^ s r|, Sydney Reed was in Nund& "raraf Fred Wille was in Palatine Monday. N. H. Munroe was in Nunda Satur­ day. Miss Mabel Reed wafl itt Woodstock Monday. '. .. v James Robinson WM to Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. B<^rtha Reed was ia Woodstock Wednesday, Mrs. Timm and children spent Sun­ day at Nunda. Mrs. Dufield and son, Arthur, were in Nunda Saturday. Delinar Dufield of Elgin spent Sun­ day at home here. Will Wagner was in Woodstock on business Saturday. Miss Emma Eichkoff of Woodstock spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Dufield and son, Arthur, were in. Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. Olmsteadand Mrs. Smith were in< Woodstock Wednesday. Geo. Truax and son of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents here. A number from here attended the Convention at Nunda Saturday. James Westman and Chas. Ambler spent Saturday and Sunday at Elgin. Misses Lola Lynch and Sadie Wood visited friends at Holcomville Friday. Mrs. Ida Stanley and children left Thursday for their home at Brayton, la. j Miss Elsie Eiltz of Cary was the guest of Miss Myrtle Robinson Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lucy Hall of Peoria visited with her brother, Olin and family Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Munroe and daughter, Mrs. Agnes Munroe visited relatives at Woodstock the first of the week. Floyd Reed, Will Jones, Ed Cadwalla- der. Earl Peck, Sherman and Herman Irish of Carpentersville spent Sunday here. Remember the great annual Chrysan­ themum show at Woodstock, 111., Nov­ ember 9, 1899. Supper served from 5 until 8 o'clock. Admission to City Hall including supper 25 cents. Come and the see beautiful flowers enjoy a good supper and fine program. NORTH NUNDA. Willie Whiting and wife were callers here Sunday. Phil Kane returned to his duties at Chicago on Sunday last. Thos. Kane of Woodstock spent Sun­ day with his parents here Fleming Bros, of Iowa were enter­ tained by relatives in this vicinity Wednesday. T. P. Walsh wasat work here Wednes­ day putting up rampipe* <111 several of the residences here. Neighboring housekeepers enjoyed a very pleasant quilting bee at the home of Mrs. Jas. Kane Wednesday. Miss Alice Cary of Spring Grove ac­ companied by a gentleman friend called at the home of P. J. Clary and wif#> Sun­ day. Chamberlain'* Pain Ralrn Cures Others, Why Not You? My wife has been using Chamberlain's Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that has pained her con­ tinually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors with­ out receiving any benefit from any of tham. One day we saw an advertise­ ment of this medicine and thought of trying it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost welL --Adolph L. Millett, Manchester, N. H. For sale by Julia A Story. OASTOHIA. d* S? ThB Kind You liave A'*a),s * IHM---- WOODSTOCK. F. M. Bunker was a Chicago visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Riley were in El­ gin Wednesday. Mrs. C. B. Wright was a Chicago visitor last Monday. Mrs. E. V. Anderson was at Elgin sev­ eral days last week. . Mrs. C. B. . Wright made a trip to Chicago on Monday last. Miss Olive Dewey spent most of last week at Harvard caring fdr her mother. Master Linn Stone and Clarence Heart returned from Chicago Sunday evening. Mrs. E. Kemmerling and two little sons of Elgin are visiting at Gr&ndpa Biers'. Miss Ada Parsons enjoyed the County C. E. Convention at Crystal Lake Sat urday. ' - * Mr. and. Mrs. F. L. Renich visited with relatives , in Chicago Sunday and Monday. Rev. Father Clancy of Chicago was calling on former parishoners in town last week. . Miss Lizzie Murphy of Elgin has been visiting relatives and friends here the past week. Miss Woodford of Greenwood visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. B. Nogle, Over Sunday. The annual flower show of the Pres­ byterian society occurs on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, Nov. 9. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Guild and Ed Renich were in attendance at the Conn* ty C. E. Convention, held at Crystal Lake Saturday. J. T. Pratt came home from Carpen- terville Thursday, having gotten a piece of steel in his eye, while employed in the Iron Works. It is feared he will lose his eyesight and he has the sympathy of his many friends. , \ Remember the great annual Chrys­ anthemum show at Woodstock 111. Nov. 9, 1899. Supper served from 5 until 8o'­ clock. Admission to City Hall includ­ ing supper 25 ceats. Come and see Ihe beautiful flowers, enjoy a good supper and fine program. NUNDA. Nelson Hurbert visited in Chicago last week; , ̂ ~ ,,a Miss Angyfc.̂ M. Sweet is visiting in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Kempher have returned and will occupy Mrs. Goffs' house. A. D. Whitting and wife are at home, after a visit with a daughter in Dakota. Hazel Willey spent Saturday and Sunday with Nina Jacobs at C&rpenter- ville. Mrs. Celia ^lumb and Mrs. Mary Grosman visited relatives here Sunday and Monday. Ed and Geo. Lowell, Misses May Thomas and Anna Willcox spent Sat urday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd, .Mrs. Richmond and the former's mother, Mrs. J. Floyd, drove to Algonquin Monday. I A reunion of the Van Natfca family was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mort Ritt, Oct 22, about thirty-four persons were present. „ Prof Harris secured enough members for a Choral Class here, but the meeting has had to be postponed cm account of the illness of his wife. Bernio Fcatherly died at liia home iu Nunda Saturday* Oct. 28, with consump­ tion. Funeral services were held in the M. E. Church, Rev. W. H. Smith officiating. The ladies of the M. E. Church gave a New England supper in the church parlor Friday evening, Oct. 27. On ac­ count of the rain the attendance was small. They made $7.50. Rey. E. 'P. Kempher, pustor of the Christian Church, of Nunda, and Miss Phoebe E. Cooper of Van Buren, Ohio, Were married at the home of the, bride, toy Rev. W. O. Fries. The fifth room of the Union School will give a social at the school house Saturday night. A program and supper will be served. The proceeds go for renting of an organ. Supper 10 cents. About 67 guests from Wauconda and Cary camps of Royal Neighbors were present at the last meeting of Summit camp, by invitation, A short program was given, then supper was served in the rink. Two weddings at Crystal Lake--Geo. D. Williams and Mildred E. 'Campbell. Oct. 26, by Rev. C. E. Enlow and 3. H. Nash and Mias Sarah Ash ton were mar­ ried Thursday eveninar Oct. 19, at the home of the bride, by Rev, S. C. Hay of Woodstock. Remember the great annual Chrysan­ themum show at Woodstock, 111. Nov. 9, 18S9. Supper served from 5 until 8 o'clock. Admission to City Hall in­ cluding supper 25 cents. Come and see the beautiful flowers, enjoy a good sup­ per and fine program. Used by British Soldiers in Africa. Capt. C. G. Dennisoji is well known all over Africa afr commander of the forces that captnred the famous rebel Galishe. Under date of November 4, 1897, from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he writes: "Before starting on the last cam­ paign I bought a quantity of Chamber­ lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every case it proved most beneficiaL" For sale by Julia A. Story. VOLO. Mrs. Jane Converse was a Libertyville visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dillon visited friends West of MeHenry Sunday. ' * Mrs. Philendia Potter of Ifelgiw h«a been visiting friends here. ' Mrs. Ambrose Raught has been up with rheumatism for some tlm«, James Kirwin has traded Ms hone, Pedro, for a colt, with Fred Convene. Mrs. Raymond and daughters were Chicago visitors a few days this week. John Sutherland w^g, oui from Wau- kegan to attend (X Jk, Howard's sale Saturday. The Wegener-Elfrihg wedding at Libertyville was attended by several from here. O. A. Howard is moving to Wanke- gan, where he expects to work on the electric road as conductor. Will Huson went to Elgin Saturday to see his brother-in-law, Mat Smith who is very ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Chas. Potter went to Elgin last week where she has secured employ­ ment and will remain for some time. Miss Rose Huson entertained the Jolly Rebel Club at her home Saturday eve­ ning Oct. 28. All reported a pleasant time. -. Wednesday evening, Essie Fisher was pleasantly surprised by a number of friends who came to spend the evening and have a merry time. A large num­ ber from Wauconda were present. Mrs. Chas. Harmon of Chicago pre­ sented the M. E. church and Sunday School, with a beautiful bible in memory of her father, Elijah Stanford, who for several years was a leading member of the church in this place. Married, at the Catholic church in Libertyville Mi^s Catherine Elfering and Henry Wegener, Wednesday Oct. 25, 1899. Mr. Wegener is the eldest son of Ben Wegener who lives at Lily Lake We extend congratulations. Remember the great annual Chrysan­ themum show at Woodstock 111. Nov­ ember 9, 1899. Supper served from 5 until 8 o'clock. Admission to City Hall including supper 25 cents. Come and see the beautiful flowers enjoy a good supper and fine program. BABREVILLK. Tom Rouscen of Gary was in our city Monday. Miss Clara Thompson was a MeHenry caller Thursday. Mrs. C. Baird and children spent Sunday in Nunda. F. L. Shepard of Chicago was here on business last week. John Schroeder of Huntley spent Son- day at C. Kanack's. Mr. Bremer entertained- company from the city Sunday. Mr. Eastman is shreding oorn for Will Ames at Terra Cotta. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kanack attended church in Nunda Sunday. y' William Selmire of Wauconda was la caller in our burg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Blaisdell returned to their home in Belvidere Saturday. Messers Wilder and John Starret of Terra Cotta enjoyed hunting . here Fri day. , The sale at Abbie C. Shepard's amounted to about #700. Cows aver­ aged $40 per head. Miss Olive Shepard attended the partjr at Thomas McMillan's, Terra Cotta, Wednesday evening. The cucumbers on the S. S. Shepard farm are being barreled and shipped to Chicago this week. Mrs. Leonard Eastman was bo un­ fortunate s.o to be kicked by & oo w and quite seriously injured. A number of young people were pleasantly entertained at the home of John Fleming Wednesday evening. Advertise in The Plaindealer. | W. C. T. U. PRESS DEPARTMENT i • MRS. A. E. AURINGER, Editor. [The Plaindealer does not hold itself respon­ sible for the opinions expressed in this col­ umn.-- Ed.1 The Conqueror. ** > ' The barkeeper's wife has a sealskin coat ; But mine has an old plaid shawl; - She has jewels for her finger, ear and throat, But mine has none at all. Her only ring I stole one night, ? And pawned for a poisoned drink! ,i. Oh, mother of mine; Bring back the Ijjjpf;' ; Of youth and the strength to think? ' The barkeeper's child has books and My children have want and woe; They never have dwelt in the world of • The barkeeper's child may know. A At a tiny doll my baby's eyes Would dance, and her heart would srafgHt' But I've always taken the price to buy A cup of the liquid hell. Oh, the girl I wooed in th& good, glad Whose pure lips touched with mine,-- I swear to banish her bitter tears In the strength of a love divine; #> And hearts so broken and sad to-day, With new-found bliss shall thrill. For the devil of rum I'll cast away,'-- ij" God helping me, I Will! J X, Bob Burdette gi ves this simple re­ ceipt: My homeless friend with the chromatic nose, while you are stirring up the sugar in a ten cent glass of gin, let me give you something to wash down with it. You may say you have longed for years for the free independ­ ent life of the fanner, but you have not been able to get enough money to buy a farm but there is where you are mis­ taken. For some years you have been drinking a good improved farm at the rate of one hundred square feet at a gulp. If you doubt this statement fig­ ure it out for yourself. An acre of land contains 58,560 square feet. Estimating the land at $48.60 an acre you will see that it brings the land to just one mill per square foot. Now pour down the fiery dose and imagine you are swallow­ ing a strawberry patch. Call in five of your friends and have them gulp down that garden of 500 square feet. Go on a prolonged spree some day and see how long it will take to swallow a pas­ ture- land to feed a cow. Put down that glass of gin; there is dirt in it 100 square feet of good, rich dirt, worth 143.55 an acre. Eureka Harness Oil Is the best preservative of new leather and the best renovator of old leather. I! oils, softens, Maok* ens and protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on .your best harness, your old har­ ness, and your carriage top, and they will nol only look better but wear lonmr. Sold everywhere In cans--all sizes from half pints to five gallons. U*d« by STANDARD OIL CO. Is there Anything Kiore Attractive A in the Home than* Aug. Buchholz, -Th* , -9i<* I! West MeHenry, 111. £ ; - " . . " a J ?!: Don't beflistaken If you want a stylish fitting Suit or pair of pants gq to Buchhblz, That is the Place. He makes no humbug fit and workmanship is the best. Made up right or 110 sale. HM»»--t ThtfCOflgh Hangs on You have used all sorts of cough reme­ dies but it does not ] yield; it is too deep! seated. Jt may wear | itself out in time, but | it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri­ ous throat affection. { You need something I that will give you f strength and build up the body. SCOTT'S EMULSION will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt about it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and | healthy, not only to throw § off this hard cough, but to 4 fortify the system against further attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. yx.atnd ti.oo, ill druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. We Rather Think Not! Our Store is - headquarters for musical instruments and we always have on hand a full stock of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Mando­ lins, Banjos, Graphaphones, and if we have not what you want we can get it for yon on short notice. Wert ncHenry, III • M1LO HOWE. Closing Out Sale! The Riverside House having been closed, the entire contents are now offered for sale, and at ftxtremely low prices. The stock consists of Lioen Bed Linen Lineoleum, Carpets Bed Room Suits (rockery 2 first-class Boats Stoves Your own choice $2.50 to $5.00*. / Also an Organ for sale JOHNL STOUT . "1 , • <f - . / ji, • I N, J. JUSTEN | ̂ . T mm f Kit :MP' •K: Hi- Furnitures Undertaking a Specialty. Also Licensed Embalmer. We carry as larger «tocMI all kinds of goods in our f line, if not larger than anj- v,\; \ ^ house in the county at priced to suit all. So when in need! of anything in the furniture line call and get our price# , before bujing elsewhere. ci5-'-. t>z1 "rHr U '/H • 'Wlllf No. 31 "w smsem .s- IO ®JS Uf>» i m We do not hesitate to state $; J that our Coffee stock is the fin- . 4; est in MeHenry. It Consists of good grades at 10 cents per lb. up to the best Moca and Java that the market affords. Seven grades to select from! We can surely please anyoneicuthis line. Give nd a trial.' m- .j *I*"I"»• ' Wf 'i»«w'i,:-- * < A. P. BAER, McHaary, III. Fall Announcement of \ •\ -,i Clothing, Overcoats^ and Suits.' ;Vs • We have just placed on our counters the largest line of Over­ coats, Suits, Odd Pants and odd Vests we have ever shown here. When ready to dress your boy or yourself, a look into our store is earnestly solicited. We trust to our clothing and prices on to convince you where to buy. Our well-known s School Shoes Protect your feet from the wet aad-celfl. Complete line of Fall Underwear just in As usual, theJrf^est JUn ̂q| Gloves Flour 11 pounds Sweet FoMojM|̂ .35C ̂ 8 quarts Cranberries........ 25C? ̂ Af* 1 •. Gallon can Apples ̂ Thanking you for past favors, we are yours lor Jail trails * West MeHenry, UL : v JOHN J. MILLER. !••••• 1II. i.I • 1 • 1 ^ New \\ Fall 11 Goods I Arriving Daily Dress Goods in all the latest fabrics and colors in Fancy Plaids and Weaves, all wool Coverts, Serges, Novelties, Cashmeres, Fleece backs, Per­ cales, Etc. Outing Flannels, Shirting, Pants Ck)th& ia Cfltton aAd Wool . " ̂Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Table Covers, Dresser Scarfs, Pillow Shams and Mi Hats, Caps, Gloves, Overalls, Jackets, Fancy Shirts, "Collars, Neck Ties.. ̂̂ ̂X ""111 - ' • GROCERIES, FLOUR, ETC. 01 W : AfMl vWKBMHi rift I n. J. WALSH, - West MeHenry, S* CITIZENS* TSLV^HON* NO. 20. " i • *"*"

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