Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1899, p. 8

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Huson was a Chicago vis- brother, Kane ww a Chtoago vtaitor ofthe week. visited Clyde Torrance ~ J- G. iiioift to visiting his David, at Harlington, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walt we Yolo callers Saturday afternoon. > John Rosing and Hubert Miller were at Fox Lake on business Friday. Lonip Conway has gone out west, where he will spend the winter. James Halpin has stopped working on the railroad and is at C. Dillon's. Mrs. N. Kretsehmer visited relatives in Wisconsin several days last week. Jake Worts and Bennie Wegener were'Chicago visitors a few days last week Peter Stadtfield and his mother speni last Sunday visiting relatives la Wan kegan. Will Leonard, Willie Moore and Ja­ son Walton were at Waoconda Wed­ nesday afternoon. Mrs. Hanna Kinos of Waukejjan is visiting at Ranght Broe. She will re- mam there about two weeks. Misses Celia, Katie and Clara Rosing were at Fremont Friday afternoon. They to#k the Sisters there to visit the Sisters of the Fremont school. Mr. West of Evanston occupied the pulpit of the M. K. church Sunday dur- ingRev. Duttous absence. Mr. West formerly lived ne*r Wauconda. Robert and Tillie Yogt went to the city on Friday last. Robert returned home the first the week, but Miss Tillie will remain there this winter Nioh Kretsehmer has bought a farm of James Ingrish. about one mile from Grays Lake. There is a fine new house on tne farm, one of the nicest houses in the township. Joe Miller has moved into the rooms over his meat market. Peter Bower has moved into the house vacated by Joe Miller. Mr. Bower has been working for Ben Hiller, but has rented George Wait's farm and will move there In the spring. The ladies' society, "Busy Bees" have finished their work of beautifying the church. They have jfut in new seats, stoves, carpets, windows, and the church sow presents & v«ry attractive appear­ ance. They have reorganized the soci- ety and have changed the name to "Yolo Ladies' Aid Society. " They have ten '$ if -F' members. Mrs. James Kirwin is ml 6hrswtti k -wv ; , { • 'i. •» m & n is presi dent, Mrs. John Walton, vice president and Mrs. A. J. Raymond, secretary and treasurer. ...jflplS. Bam tin ITORX. tlfee Kind You Hw i c8r|H working chiaeli: it Into what Hwsy^re itsproperdiape. In .WthechiM as a plant, with in the soil of cireum- with peculiar tendencies of its own toward growth, naturally, gladly mantling outward and upward to what WM meant to be its blossoming. Then tell me which picture appeals to you as more nearly approaching truth. I have faith enough m human understanding lo believe that none will choose the first, but all the last, to hang in their gallery of ideals. How muoh simpler the beau­ tiful growing process than the harsh chiseling process! All that we who love the child nave to do, is carefully to keep in good codition its environment; to see that it gets its needed sunshine; to study most carefully its natural growth and nourish that, and perhaps gently and lovingly to prune it now and then. A Great Christina* Numbtti The Christmas number of The Satur­ day Evening Post marks a new depart­ ure in periodical literature-- the first successful attempt to give for five cents; stories, articles, and pictures by the same writers and artists who make the high-cost magazines. For example, the opening story in the Christmas Post is by Budyard Kipling, and. the tale that of Private Or theris and his dog, Garm; Joel Chandler Harris tells "Why the Confederacy Failed," a stirring story of the Secret Service; and Ian Maclaren, Justin McCarthy, M. P., John Luther Long, M. E. M. Davis and W S. Harwood contribute stories and ar­ ticle®. The verse in the number is by Edwin Markham. Frank L. Stanton, Mary E. WiUdns and Clinton Scollard. The half-tone page headings, illustrat­ ing Christmas in History, are by Charles Louis Hinton, Frank and Joe Leyen- deeker, W. S, Lukens, George Gibbs, F. L. Fithian, Emlen McConnell and Harrison Fisher. The handsome colored cover is by Henry Hutt. The Christ­ mas Post will be on all newa-gtaudfc December 21. y |fij| " , Advaneea Stop,. i,- • If you have been in the habit of taking pills for your constipation and with poor results, just try a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and you will be surprised at the results. Very pleasant to take. 10c, 50c and $1.00. Jfox sale by Julia A. Story. ' / A Hifulne't Editorial An idea of the amount of editorial work involved in the publication of a magazine is gained by the knowledge that the regular staff of editors of The Ladies' Home Journal numbers twenty- six men and women. These do not in­ clude the scores of special contributors. Hofftanan is Richmond wasi of Wilmot attended hereTnsaday-. Mr. fund Mrs. Kick Freund welcomed a baby daughter Sunday. Jake Adams and family were Wilmot and Richmond visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Savage spent Sunday in this neighborhood. John Trosmere has purchased the Geo. Turner farm, for $30 an acre. Chas. Harness is back from Dwight, where he spent the summer farming. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carey were Wood­ stock and McHenry visitors Saturday. Jas. Westlake, Earl and Ada, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson at Capron the past week, Francis James has given up his clerk­ ship in A. Neish's store and will attend school in Elgin this winter. We were much shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Martha Kim­ ball, of McHenry. Mrs. Kimball was known by all having spent the greater part of her life in this neighborhood, and will be greatly missed. The Masquerade ball held last Friday evening broke the record, over eight} dance numbers being sold and thirty- four dollars cleared by the Woodmen and sixteen by the R. N. otfthe sapper. The Forresters have purchased a new outfit throughout and interest is now centered on the building <)S a new M. W. hi. 11. The camp has increased largely in. membership the last year and much sound timber added, and more room is seeded, than they are able to rent TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab­ lets. All druggists refund the money if it failB to cure. E. W. Grove's sig­ nature is on each bos. 35fe' LPERSONS are no hooves look for sui loved ones. ERA h BUOHT&ND to represent us Ml by coufettas. 8t" as you can MCHENRY, 111. in all Varieties* •A" . * v SOLON. A Christmas tree and entertainment will be held on Saturday evening, Dec. 23 at the M. E. Church. A good pro­ gram is being prepared. An apron Bazaar and supper will be held at the home of W. A. Davis, Wed­ nesday afternoon and evening, Dec. 30. Supper will be served from 5:00 until 9:00 o'clock. A good program will be given in the evening..... Lvery one is cor­ dially invited to be present. Proceeds for Rev. W. A. Cross. This is the Season. This is the season when the wide­ awake business man is in the midst of iiis fall and winter business. The home papers go into homes of people who buy at the home stores if the inducement oi the latter are properly presented. Money spent by the local tradesmen to make known what they can supply and at what they can sell it is money well in­ vested. There is no better medium to reach the trade than the local papers. Exchange. in this a year and mof®. BOfep|IW»ry Ouf><®*tMiBSEsny bunk In town, matoly offii%fl$£k conducted at home, ore nee. f-ad stam velope, TSt DOMINION OOHHANT Ohlcajjb. Merit# ofthe P. N. Corset*. No comfort in a corset unless com­ fortable; feOi comfortable unless right fo l eng th and f fwfy Ifyou otMda long corset, wear a long corset; if you need a short corset wear » diort corset, but in any event wear b good corset. Good in length, size, quality, style, lit and wear. . Best of materials, finest workmanship, fully jxnued with best quality rust-proof steels, flexible as whaleboae and mort durable, inserted in pockets interlined so as to withstand greatest possible wear without punching through the covering. Extra utays reinforcing side steels yet so inserted a#to not impair flexibility is a great feature--means for you no more broken cartata: means for ns your trade and inttnwiflf, " * "P. N. tactical Side" Corset is a rare combination of the above enumerated desirable features, and in no other gar­ ment can be found such a happy blend­ ing of the qualities that you are looking- for in the foundation of your dress. Then the style too,--we never omit that--gently restricting where neces­ sary, assisting development wherere- quired. A perfect contour, graceful curves, stylish figure, with greatest pos­ sible oomfort are insured wearers of this corset. Another feature never to be forgotten, P. N. Corsets all have Cork Protected Clasps. • CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tbi KM Ym Haia Ahnft BH(M Beam the Signature of • * ids of itsalwa Oysters in their season. Vegetables and Goods. Come and give me **# P. WATTLES. West McHenry. CiEO. SOMMERS, can be found price to suit clean and up "Hi - » iii this line here and at a Our stock is to date. The \ V. Funeral ttesigns on sfcort notice and at reasonable prices. chances are that we have just! What yoo wani Call! •IcHenry, Illinois JOS. SCHNEIDER. Sanitary Plumbing a Spec* ialty. Orders by mail and 'phone promptly attended to. It Touches s Spot ! Potted Plants of all kinds constantly on hand. We would be greatly pleased to have the public give us a e«ll ' and «tock roam i Jii • in the Simes block. i, f; i /* For Cuts. Burns Brulsas, Sores, Pimptas Clipped Hands aad Lips, jfcv; Arbuckles' CofFee W - - î -' y n*. 1' «: - \ , > i Is the Standard of Coffee Excellence by which all Coffee Quality is Compared. Hfe- I", No. St Dining Room Tabls Cloth. SIM 60 x «S locbMk 8am poBtp»ld medpt a «mn fM««e MUV ui VO iltuMm est fr(Ma wrappeni of Artmcklaa' No. 63. A Dress Pattern. w • % f* •» 5 4>-«, No. 5e Six Handkerohiefb. No. B5 Pour Hondkorohlefto, B3 Wbeo •rderios, b« jure eo «tat« the oolor desired Mo u tuples wlU btt fitta oat. Lady's whit* Six 40 1 ecatfcit. No. #4. APalr of Window Curtains. Each Cur­ tain a yard wide two and tbrae-q Darter yards long. Seat post­ paid re- eel»t ef 3 eeat hm* •(• stamp and 65 ilg« oatnrea cut from wrap­ pers of ir- buckles ' Roaatad Cot- OOOOOOOOOOOQCQS 8U Ladies' PooM Handkar- Ooiefs, hematitchad, eolotad bofd- ars,sicei3zi3inohaa. SeatpMC- pald on receipt «f | eeat postage etaatp kad SO natures cnt from wrappara * Arbuokle.' Roaatad Ooflae. No. B8. A Pair of lhsar«| Of the beet American make, 8 inches long. Seat post i paid •» receipt of !i cent pesta«e stamp aad 19 skiaatares eat from wrappers of Arbucklas' Roasted CoOke. • No. 00. Razor mado by J. R. Terrey., receipt of '2 ceat pMttce etai Roaated Coffee, Tbs J. R. known as the bast a States. Th« printed gusrants turer goes wltli each tacor. Seal *p aad SIS slaaatares cut from wrap; i of the 2,>- ' 'tk' •Ho. B7. >: A Pairof A#claaors. Made by the American mana fac­ tum aad well flntsh- ed. CH inches long. pt of % cent jpaat&ce stamp aad U eicnatarea cut Skm TTTsimsrs of Mo. <K>. Lady's Mt. •trie, grain leather Un color 1 >£ nickel (dated buckle. Belts are I slses only, give site In Inches whsa ordering, frOmS to IS to.; from 27 to IS la.; from n to M In. Seat post­ paid aa receipt of a 3 eeat past, aareeuuap mad 30 alsaataree cut from tbs wrappers of Art>ocklas' Roasted No. 61. Man's Belt. Grain leather, tan color, nickel-plated buckle and rings. When ordering give size of waist in inches. Belts run from Z4 to 42 inches In length. Sent poat-pald on receipt of 2 eeat postage stamp and 20 signatures cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' Roasted CoOM. • - • No. 02. A Carving Knlfs No. 03. A Butcher's Knife. •* lae Made, bard wood baadie, good materials and well HE H*! paid aa iweelpt ef 9 eeat postage stamp aad 99 cut from wmppsraof Arfaackies' Roasted Coffw. ilntobed. Scat aicaa tares A Kitchen Knife. -J* Will eat bned. slice every ktabea. Beat id si«aatarea cut ; aad mm the bone. Serviceable, and should be In poet-paid aa receipt of ft eeat posta«e stamp aad from wiappemof Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee. m: No. 60. AOontlaman's Pocket Knife. TwvMnAtxi knife mads ef bsrt materials and fiaisbed In work­ manlike manner. Seat pest* paid on receipt ef3 eeat past. a«e etamp aad M sl«aataree cut from wrappscs of AitucM--' r.>«../• up; t • So. 68. An X-L Revolver. workmanship, 32 calibre, centre-fire doable action. Sent by express, «kar«es prepaid by as, ©a receipt ef 3 cent posta«e etamp aad 1M Jtaaatares cut from wrappers of Ax- bq#klea' Boast** JBoflee. Whan ordering Xxpceaa Office as weft ss joax Poet OfBos. No. 70 A Porcelain Oloofc. Imported porcelain frame, beaatifullr de- oemted. Movement made by New Raven Clock Co., guaranteed by them a good time, keeper, t inches high, same wldtb. Sent ky express, charces prepaid by ae, aa receipt of 3 eeat paetace stamp aad 115 signatures cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee. When ordering name your neatest Express Ofltoa as well as year Post Oltlee. ' A first-class set, mounted with genuine bock 8 inches long. Seat by express, charsan St cent postage stamp aad 90 slsaatares cut Arbuckles' Roasted Co flee. When ordering Office as well as your Post Office. No. 00 -A'l*ady*» Pen KniAk No. «7> Uas two finely finished blades. Bandle beautifully variegated rrn imitation of onyx. Beat pest.pnid on receipt of 9 cent postnee stamp and 30 signature* cut from wrappers of Arbuckles'Roasted Coffee. No. 69. A Gentleman's Watch. 4be •• New Haven" is a watcb of the ordinary atm. Stem wind and stem set, dust proof, nickel-plated case. Quick beat movement, highly polished steel pinions. Modeled after a standard watch, reliable time-keeper. The prtMjiiftlCaa ̂ tee of tbe maker accompanies each watcb. Seal aa receipt of -Z cent postace stamp and 90 slvaataree cat from wrappers of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee. fWt It a picture of the tig. •ten on Arbucklfes RoastSd Cwm Wrapper, which «ou are #0 out out iH terns to ma I vwtclnr. «o other part o1 the Co«*« Wrapper «dl be ameted as a vOIMSher. a«r aW this Picture to m MWIHRE IMKATCBII PKIXTED OS KED BiOEOBOtSS. This representsa packa«Tu>kXS &a Ltot Utoand a dednita part of soma article to tx from tbe List, only to the oon OQ tbe packase ia to be «oi oat and as & voacher, Is aeeortUtttce with - con nection with each Ham lllostrated This List wlllbe paftof this etc. ete. Send for sample. Large box, Sfic DOBBIN riFO. COn Station S, Chicago, DL - t- ' •--Don't wait for the Casualty!-- Be Prepared! Where do you ship your pressed Beef, Calves, Hogs Sheep^:;,v,-;:; •"V-.O; ., also- , Putty,'Hides, Tiliow, .Butter, Etc, ft Do you get Satisfactory and Prompt Returns for your shipments? If not, why not ship to a strictly Reliable House, *vhere you not only secure the best prices but get HONEST and PROMPT returns? Write for tags and market quotations. CHAS. A. DANZ, **> Commission Mer hant. !M fttitH Market. Ok#, HI This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKIM BUSMESI. , We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage ^ ̂ Honey to Loan * on red estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec- i&l attention given to collections, and promptly at­ tended to INSURANCES In First Glass Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully, PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker*. Christmas Chef j* If Cheerliss without i! Musical Ihstruf We are making prepar­ ations to make this store a heidquarterB for the Holiday shopper?. An elegant line of / Instruments will be oil s exhibition, from which ̂ ' yon can make a seW*. Ion. Tf we don't hap- n to have just w«a|' i you want, bear in *• LG BROSh AOTIQH DKPT^ IIBW "My. derinc I Office sod acalL tlOWB. H. M. JENSEN, Manager. TKLPIIONE8: Long Distance.SM CitlieD8% 9 t« NclMiy, JL tl> * S $ t i * « I £ i t # t i * * When the time arrives for you to m day purchases, do not forget that we carry " tie Mm' " ' line of notions, just the kind that make" gifts. We wish particularly to draw your attifttto to our superb lme of perfumes. They are the beat that can be procured. Is there anything that a young lady would appreciate more as a Christmas GEO. W. BESLEY, West McHeniy J , Sk" ^*loaks, Clot -- Overcoats, etc Never before have - ;we; been so well prepared to supply our customers in these lines* Our stock is complete and we are certain that we can satisfy all in price, quality and style. It costs nothing to inspect them. ,-Mc ^ jt ^ * ' v "ft j, '* w/s. li' ",t These coats are carried ill stock > only a few country merchants, ̂ and we '%re one of them. We have a stock |r which anyone can make a selection and |t will be to your advantage to buy now I Blankets I for Man and Heist i$m.» \ Come in and inspect our Une and horse blankets.^ if'hef 'canjiot •pSuplicated at the prices for which We offering them. Jt r *W~ Our Superb ihns ar«y< I adles' Flannel or Mercerized We have them in many ent styles and at all prices The ladies should not fail, to call and see them. SlftON STOFFEL. ^iWest HfcHenry.

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