aariM are W&*.' fr* i'Wf> III" ft little cMld, and fbood and youth to mm, tin* of think- lof many i done what .««||KI^-,|il)j|aK>w we are glad to be l it all, to be up and away. It it Mdtjr to be a little earlier in passing to feeftunmer land. What better thing for os when we have ac- lower strata of onr ttwi to give tip this life as the of entering that larger and grander life that awaits us in the great id. If we are ever to be anything than what we have achieved, our must be opened to a larger sphere. And so when we have had our summer, and accomplished our life-work, why ^hicmld we hesitate to take this forward step as the grandest destiny for us mor t»is? And now friends I have offered you Wich reflections. They will not perhaps dry up your tears, or take away your grief, but they may help to sustain y«i in these. They will not drive off all the dark, that may make your grief more tolerable, or show you how to place your feet inrthe aext step of your jbur- And what shall I say of him that lies OBffined before us? Nothing that will * affect him in the least This first I will aay. Our brother and friend, George Gage, had nothing of the priest jmd Levite in bte nature, but much of the good Samar itan. If in anything he was ambitious, yet his ambition had in it nothing of envy. If he loved the approbation and friend ship of the more advanced in station, he never failed to make himself equally interested in those who moved iB other spheres. If he was the companion of the rich, 3tt was no less the unassuming and pity ing consoler of the indigent. If his nat ural feelings gravitated towards a high center, they shed on the humblest walks benign influences. Being of a social nature, he took a jtsciric&I view of things, regarding everything with reference to its practi- The things that most found heart, were those that gave energy and direction to principles and affections •which render us good neighbors, sincere friends, peaceable citizens, useful men and women devoted to oito another's welfare. which and 1dm no leftirt eowuern provided besawln them no tendency to hinder the progress of society in knowledge, virtue and l^p- piness. This was the test to which he chose to bring all opinions. In regard to the faith of our friend, I suppose it is proper to call him a Spirit ualist, but there was nothing of an ir rational character to warn you away from him. He could love and fellow ship a good and true man of any per suasion. It is enough to aay that he lived faithful to his own convictions, that he never sacrificed a principle to the love of popularity, but stood by his in tegrity as resolutely as ever martyr stood at the stake. The articles of his creed were few, perhaps less than would satisfy some ol us, but they were no less than to love what seemed to him the truth, and to love all goodness: His faith led him to respect all good men, not the religious men in the ac cepted sense of the word particularly, but men of virtuous lives, useful, kind- hearted men, above a mean or sordid action. It led him to detest all scant, mere professions and sanctimoniousness. He thought far less of the outward signs of religion than the great majori ty of people, but it was because he hon ored the real spirit of religion the more. His faith gave him joy in contempla tion of the future. He had no fear ot death, but dreaded a helpless life' much more. ' ' A Postmaster's View of it. Bloomingdalk, Ind., Feb. 20, 1899. Pepsin Syrup Co. entlemen:--After having given Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepin a fair trial in my family, I unhesitatingly pronounce it a great boon to all suffering fron. indigestion, constipation and dyspepsia in all their forms with all their train oi evil consequences. I have fought dys pepsia and constipation of a severe char acter for 25 years, have employed the most skilled physicians that I could reach, have spent hundreds of dollars and now I find more relief in this pleas ant remedy than I have found in any thing else. To alt persons of sedentarj occupations in life, I wish to say, buy it and use it. I have spent 12 years at the postmaster's desk, averaging 14 hours per day, and know now if I had had this remedy years ago it would have saved me much suffering. Respectfully yours, W. M. McCoy, p. m., Bloomingdale, Ind. Aar -f ft mout*a,%p* have told you tmMQx The PlaifideaOer of our weekl^pfilgs in the s&re, about the goods fl|̂ |prices, aiming at all times to secure d Reasonable share of your pat ronage Mid good will You have read our solicitations--you have responded-- accept thanks for both. H In soliciting your patronage o&. the cash plan, we feel quite certayi of the fact, that we are in position to furnish you any kind of merchandise at lowest living prices, and able to meet and even better any competition wheather here or elsewhere. We cordially ask you tc favor us with a chance to demonstrate this fact, and any kind of merchandise that is not carried in stock, <from a silk dress to a grindstone) will be cheerfully furnished and the order executed to^ your entire satisfaction or money re funded. Fair enough, isn't it? Your attention is respectfully directed to our regular ad in this day's issue, from it you will notice a special sale arranged for this coming Saturday, when household necessities may be had at somewhat reduced prices, and when we shall be pleased to meet you at the store and personally thank you for past favors. Wish you all a happy and very pros perous New Year. Walter C. Evanson. Olavos prize winners terms aadress 11. Nelson, Fox Lake, 111. ATONE V TO LOAN--Lowest rates of Interest. Apply to H. C. West MeHenry, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. EL W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 25c. Grand Excursion to Old Mexico Via Chicago & North-Western Railway, to leave Chicago Tuesday, Jan. 80. 1900, under personal direction of Mr. J. Craf- Don, an experienced excursion tpanager. Entire trip in special train with dining car. Tour is arranged to include Mardi Grras at New Orleans and all principal points of interest in old Mexico and tick et covers all expenses. Only limited number can be accom- nodated; secure space early. For de- <criptive pamphlets and information, call on, or write agents Chicago & North- Western Ry. 26 5t. Scholarship Free. You may, by doing a little writing at your home, secure scholarship, free, in either Draughon's Practical Business Colleges--Nashville, St. Louis, Little Rock, Ft. Worth, Galveston, Shreveport or Savannah. Best patronized Business Colleges in the South. For particulars address, The Illustrated Youth and Age, Nashville, Tenn. 26--Bt. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, DM Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Two Facts About Arbuckles' it has set the standard of quality fur al! competitors for the iast thirty years* The sti est claim any competitor can make is that his coffee is "just as good as Arbuckles'."' THREE CONCLUSIONS The best Coffee Is Arbuckles'. The only Coffee to buy Is Arbuckles'. The right thing is to insist on* having Arbuckles'. No. 73 Lady's Colt Suckle. • Silver plated artistic design, Sent postpaid "on receipt of 2 cent postage stamp nud 8 sisna- tvxes cut from wrappers of Arbucklcs' Koasted Co flee. A School Bag. WWrtes wide, 10 inches deep, made of handsome colored netting. Seat post-paid on receipt of !i cent postage •tamp and 10 alcaatares cut from wrappers of Axtacklee Roasted Coffee. No. 73. Scholars' Companion. article for school children. Highly A moat usefu ished wooden x with lock key, con ning lead pen- pen holder, (Vie and rubber. post* paid en re. eeipt ml two rem ;V Ho. 83 A Table Cover. No. 82 Barber Swing Strop. A double strop one of leather and one of canvas, bound together. Length, 22 inches, Width, two inches, trimmings nickel plated. Kent peat-paid on receipt of two e e n t poetace •tamp and It) •icaataree cut from wrappers of A r buck lea Bo--t- fed Coffee. No. 81 iHen's Suspenders. Klaatle Web Suspenders, durable, neat, well mounted. Bent p o a t« sa. eeipt oftw coat age stamp 16 mlt- natures cat from wrap, pers of Ar- touckles'Boast edCoOM. I Handsome cloth, varic gated figured pattern u iib fringe, 32 inches. Beat post-paid on rccelpt of two cent postnso stamp and 25 fiisup- tures cut from wrappers of No. 00 ,•>• r1 by UUDYAKD KSfLlNU Arbuckles Roasted Coffee. No. 98 Two Is Company. iWWR No. 92 the First Kltt The original WBS pointed by Percy Moran. This reproduc tion in H printings is a genuine work of art. ize 25 inches. Sent post paid receipt of two cent postage stamp and 10 signa tures cut lieve this to be one of the bandnomest A ItMatlfM laa ported 30 Inches 1 n U from wrappers of Artracfclea' Koasted OoAe. Eighty-one Odd Eyed Needles. Pat up la * pretty m o r- occo case, as sorted Blzes, and made by the Ixftt Eng lish manufac turers. Sent pest-paid en receipt of » c c n t f o a t a i e stamp and 30 signa t u r e s c u t from wrap pers of Ar il u c k 1 e i Boasted Cof fee, Mo. 08 Pin Cabinet A metal box lltbottrapiied in colors, containing One Hundred Hair Pins, us- rtcd «lzf-s and styles Hira.^iiAcrimpied and in visililA Thi' illrterent stv «*s arnn separate con- P' imtuiS .Sent pot»t> p .id on Vecclpt of nc Kiaini nd 10 siei^ariii'ea cut irorn wrappers of Ar buckies' liosKWIUMMf. This is a picture of ths Slf- aators on ArbucklM' Rsaslad jCtlfl Wrapper, ehick yon Mi mi cat out sod send to m as • of the Cotss accepiea ss a this Picture bo SOME or OUB lISIlfimES ABE PKINTE^OV BtD BAOCOBOCSS k, A" . ' urary 1 IltOO. After this date price will be 11.00 oach. J. V. BtiCKiiAND, Rlngwood, III. TXT A NTEI>-8E V ER AL l'KRSON H PORDlS- *v trict Office Manaj?ors In this state tf rvprosi'nt me in their own and surroundinffM «)unties. Willing to pay yearly $tS00, payable >ve?kly. Desirable eniploynient with un usual opportunities. References exchanged. Enclose self-addressod stamped envelope. B. A. Park, 320 Caxton Dullding, Chicago. 23-16 TXT ANTED SEVERAL HEIGHT AND HON * * est persons to represent us as Managers In this and close by counties. Salary fBOO i« year and expenses. Htraisht. bona-fide, no more, no less salary. Position permanent. Our references, any bank in any town. It Is mainly office work conducted at home. Ref erence. Enclose self-addressed stamped en velope, Ths Dominion Company. Dept. 8, Chicago. ll-10t "Secrets of Snccma; or, Our Bminew- Boys" by the Rev Francis E. Clark, founder of the Young People's Society for Christian Endeavor is a book of food and wholesome advice for boys, ee the advertisement in another col umn. The Werner Company, publish ers, are offering it at a special price, tf. O A S T O R I Jk. - Bears the >»Th8 Kind You Haw Umn BntM 4TaHei" New York has been celebrat ed :n a thrilling short story by Percit W. Hart in the January "New Lippin- cott." This singularly novel tale is called "The Story of a Sky-Scraper," and re veals the possibilities for crime offered by the great structures. CASToniAi Bears tho /> Kind You Han AlWaysl flignatuie OLEHittSANi) t;U 0 the snow comes l«mv Come and see t o se TOR 8ALB~Brof»«e x lect stiHrk of tho i Cut Ptowerg In all - i Varieties. ^ €. • ^knttaiy ptumbiiig a spssclalfy The Eagle Acetylene Gas Ma chines for sale. Orders by mail and 'phone promptly attended to AH kinds of Fresh and on hand • Oysters Potted Plants of all kinds constantly ou hand. We would be greatly pleased toharethepublicgivetrtacall ; and stock rodifl 1 |n the Siiues block;; in their season. Vegetables and Canned Goods. Gome and give me a trial TBLPHON8* Long Dlstaac«h Cittaens', 9 H. M. JENSEN, Manager. 5endne thertm ndcan We like H bener any kind we.have ever It Touches the Spot The complete novel of the January "New Lippincott" is "The Bread Line," by Albert Bigelow Paine. This gentle humorist tells a' masterly story which begins on New Year's night at the Model Bakery, in New York, where the line of hungry tramps wait for a crust, and ends there a year later. The inter val is devoted to starting a newspaper in a Bohemian studio. New York's "Latin quarters" is true to the life, yet an idyllic strain of love quakes a man oi the hero. For Cuts, Burn* Bruises, Sores, Pimples Chapped Hands and £-v Etci Etc. Send for sain{jl«. Large box, DOBBIN flFQ. C0^< " Station S, Chicago, I1L , •Don't wait for the Casualty! Be Prepared! Where do you ship your Dressed Beef, Calves, Hogs GILBERT BROS, Fancy Grocers, ftcHenry, Illinois! also Bam the Signature of »The Kind You Hate Always BeofM - ¥• No. 74. Noiseless Spring Tape Measure. Blxty Inches long, n i c k e l -plated metal case, well- tiuished. It can be carried in the veat pocket. Sent p o s t - p a i d o n receipt of tic. pontage stamp and 10 signatures cut from wrapper* of Arbuckles' Koasted Cofflee. No. 75. A Fifty Foot Measuring Tape.? A very useful article In tbe house- bolil and on tbe ' farm. Brass case, nickel- plat-, odliricn 'ape fifty feet kng, Sent post paid on receipt of 4 cent pontnee stamp and IS signatures cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' Koasted Coffee. No, 77. Telescope Drinking Cup. This article Is prevented from fall- Ins upart by its uniqu- construction. Nickel-plated uud i-ijliiy finished. Mrrn K in-1 o sed ftiiliJX -- in emboss ed n 1 c k e 1 covcr no larger than an o r d I- nary watch whi'n tele scoped , when e x - t e n d e d holds nsmneh as a soffeecup. Went pcm(-piti'.l on 'erpivt of 2 cent poHtnce stii in p n»d 13 siaaa- tures cut fr m wrappers of At- buckles' Roasted Coffee. No. ¥8 An Alburn of IHuatratod Natural History. Fifty colored pictures ot Animals selected for their beauty and rarity. S e n t p o s t - p a i d o n r e c e i p t m f f t cent postage stamp and |0 sig natures cut from w'rsppers ot Arbuckles' Roasted Cofltee. No. 79. Pepper and Salt Holders. No. 80 * V A S p r i n g . 4 E 3 a<;sr.?3 i(- i Made of Herman Silver without seam or joint except where tops screw on and off. Sent post-paid on reccipt of 3 cent postage stamp and 13 signatures cut Irom wrappers of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee. Will wilgb fron fie ounce to SO _t>unds. Sent by express, charges prepaid by as. oa receipt of# cost postage itamy and '100 signa tures cut from wrappers of Ar buckles' Roastsd Co Bee. When or dering name your nearest J£x preaa Office aa well m your Post Office. Hides, Tallow, dime, Butter, Etc., Etc. Do yon get Satisfactory and Promjil Returns for your shipments? If not, why not ship to a strictly Reliablt- House, where you not only secure the liest prices but get HONEST and PROMPT returns? Write for tags and aarket quotations. CHAS. A. DANZ, *?» Commission Mer hant.! No. 6 foitoo Market, (Mcgo, 111 This Bank reoeive»> "deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a «fHfRAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully soli||,|, ||m p u b l i c p a t r o n a g e . . . . . . . . Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec- ial attention given to collections, and promptly at tended to INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at tho Low est rates. Yours Respectfully, PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers. 5'- V" -ir* * '^*4: i Z** '•s'- appy New Yeai^ and ask for a continuance of- •*».- ngtt year of 1900* rXp .' 'i A W- ry • \ * ? •% J. ;•« I "•'M-rl. Any om Qook of tho following List will be sent post-paid on of a 2 cent postage stamp and 10 signature^ cut from the wrappers of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee. IO. 84 A ONE NIGHT MYSTERY, and two other great D«UcUt« tstoriea, ty "Oj-u i;LzniB." No. CS ADVENTURE8 OF A BASHFUL BACHELOR, BY CLABA Augusta. A mirtb provoking story. No. CQ TEMPEST AMD SUNSHINE. A Novel.by Mm. Vary J. lioLMzs. Tho moat popular female writer of action of t^«age. No, 07 THE GUNNYSIDE COOK BOOK, by Mm. Jennie Harlan. This is ono of the most comprehensive, common sense Cook Uojk3 ever pubiiatn'il. No. 08 OLD 8E0r?ETS ANO NEW DISCOVERIES. This book t-ik'-N 1 .n» f-ailer «mt ff ilia L?aten trp.cks cf knowledge, and will L>e found both nuierLui-uiu;; acid usetul. No. 09 THREE THOUSAND THINCS WORTH KNOWING, by K. JIuoiE, author of -Moore d Unlvorsul^Asslstant.'; Tbls boolc la an encyclopedia ofhigiiiy useful I n formation In condensed form. THE CITY OF DREADFUL NLOHT, mod other storles- NO< OI - r PI rat PrayOr. *' A bMDtllM Import*! Picture lSzV Inches la post-paid recetyt of 3 eeat po itate •tamp ui 10 ilfU> tares cat from «ni> pen of AitoacklM' Boasted Co0m. Harness r-^ •A'h': ' J/* "i When prices have reached bed rock it taeans that they| have reached the lowest notch. r~' ' ̂ ̂ I' can be made in a hurry, poor N material used and poor work- | men employed. The reanlt is a H cheap harness in quality and ;:;l price. In making a hax346gp wt ̂otwerve these mottos: Best Worl Bert Material h\ " ' VA A *> %•,^ 'i-i' ( "S, \ # v -r jt * ri t - i ' S f v ' r i i it* \ Mm1 - '? >'*T f vt No. 94. A Basket of Beautioa, A magnificent picture of Roses by Paul de' Longpre. tue great painter of rtow«*r*. We beli - No. OB - Three Beautiful Flower Plot 'ivium. Xsch measuring 9)4*17 Inches. Tbe tltj§e are '"Bummer Fragrance," " A Vase of Lilies," and These three pictures all fo together, and will be sent post-paid on re ceipt ot 2 ccnt post- flower pictures ever offered to the public. It : ®tan,P and Si »lf- is 16^x'25J3 inches in size. Sent posr.pold . natures cut from wrap- on receipt of'2 cent poHtaice Htnmp and., pers of Arbuckles' 10 xiKimtnren out from wrappers of Ar- , „ . . , buckk* - l^ty^^Tngyti . j Roasted Coffee. ^ No. 90. Noah'aArfc. A menagerie, consisting of 12 pair* of Animals--Elephants, Camels, Deer. HoraH,^ Cattle, Donkeys, Ooats, Lions, Bears, TIgecS,' Dogs and Cat*. Each pair is coupled aa4 stands alone. They an lithographed la many colors on heavy cardboard, cvit eM ' ' . • AfS 'Finish ^Style îPrpmptnaaa >: ^Consistent Price#' WM. MBRZ, v I - '« , is distinctly shown. The elephants are 7 Inches high and 10 Inches long, and the other Animals are proportionately laiW flrsO pout-paid on receipt ofH coat ]oils|9 •tamp and 13 elcaatare* cut frdll wrappers of Arbuckles' Koasted Co Ike, - Mc Henry. 'K '0 No. O01 A Pocket IRlrror and Comb. M In neat leather combination case, with white metal frame. Seat poet-paid on receipt mt 9 eeat postage staaip 7 ilgsanm eat from wrappers of Koasted CoHse. Musical ii* to#: Sajfety PlnlBooK I c o V t a l a * «' ' fty-foo* Olatwl • MM i i : |f • •• V W 00000,000 r\,oor\ooro i n n n p i n p e p u \v (I •• tpee w a n t Tlit'V t ut ion. •tamp and 8 signatures wrappers of Arbuckles' Bos i7t|i f®- luriug nrs mi peofl This -represents one page ot tMLUt which Is fj pound package of Arbuckles' iouasted CoUIm, package in which the List is^foui.d the purcha a deflnite part of some l" be Beiect«tl b from the List, subject orai.« thqi o-nJition tliut on the package is to be cut~ui!. as a voucher, in accordance w" connection with eacii item lHnsi This List will be kept go«<t page of this 1,1st will appear ID fUtim 0 SMMiwhxtiMi t» ARBUCKLE BRO|.. NOTION DEPT., NEW YORE nba.o^n .uro .tiros. .'ed In he List notbwr dry go *, _ onuielled t yr jar*' m* <lf f| ^turned ments 'And everything ' that pertains ; ^ to riusic. X ; ' : i, , » 'Ji't ' ' & K ' The holiday 'ever we kave had took about j^i^ in so doing find that weJ left on our nants an These will be 1 * and ends in all kinds of merchai rmust be sold regardless of cost >ur advantage to call and look them over. MU) HOW^ - West MeHenry. ivest ncHenry.llI. r . * • A *'• V..A • *: '%•' - ' - r^.,1