' V* 1 %•$ i%t7x1 „*%• *• i •> v * w, *"' y.: s'JSS •J~ .r*£..y--* T-l̂ ' f, *J „ -Pf '*£&,' }*" ~~~' '. W#. %*t k : t?> * : % / > \\ We wish you al and ask you to watch this space '1* . during the coming year. :-n%, ".- *?' !:A 4 * J M. J. WALSH, West McHenry. tv»V_ *•; . % ^'r ^r%Vv-- / * y»v^ ^ •*" ' ' >J * *""f* > \ }' A ' < A - * * * * 'v',;* ^ • -/ ^ ^ u ? * .* ^ *ii:•'* «P rV"..*: •s,St5 #», f / S ' 'V 'S\i / * ' ̂ jtf^V ** '4* " *.-** ; : , ~V-$T' :S- * S * * 1 ;i - • ^ *j»' - f"V, ' -S-' r> i *r«L,7 *' '.' . V .* ' -,»; ,V'\ t f "<,& J", <"*•<• j^, AJ f x _ , ?V* / * SN*1? A??:" " ^SM Vs V \ \ We have the machinery to do it hare your too small or too large Rings made to fit or your old Jewelry cleaned and polished to look just as good as new ? Precious Stones. W® will set any kind, size or color in any piece of Jewelry you have. Old Gold or Silver taken in exchange. • - . J e w e l r y a n d W a t c h R e p a i r i n g . "We invite a careful inspection of this department. All kinds of Jew elry made to order. Estimates on work cheerfully given when requested Gold and silver plating, engraving of all kinds artistically executed. Op tical and Camera goods. The Cyclone is the best Camera for the money. Plates, printing paper, developer, toning solution, card mounts and every thing usually needed in this line. We will repair or set new lenses of any grade or strength. Sheet Music. We have given a standing order to one house in Chicago and one in New York to send every month one copy of each new piece out. In this way we know we can give our customers music which is up to date. 3*A- Sewing Machines. The Wheeler & Wilson, American, New Home, Household and Royal St. John, which are the leading machines and can be sold at from $14.00 to $50.00. Also repairs and needles for all machines, and attachments. In Pianos and Organs e tiandlw the Crown, Stoiy & Clark, Schnltz & Co. 's and the Estey. West McH«nry. N. A. HUEHANN & O. W. OWEN. ^mimwwwmwmtmiiinniHinmiiiinil '•Sf\ To Farmers and Others S. Reynolds wishes to in-form his cus tomers that extensive improvements have been made in the mill, known as %he Bishop mill, McHenry. A new En gine has been added, besides other im provements, to facilitate grinding feed, Wheat, Buckwheat and Rye for flour, and excellent corn meal and Graham. ^The engine will do crushing and grind ing at the same time in cask of dry weather or continued frost. He also wishes to thank all of his customers for past patronage and hopes for a contin uance of the same. He always endeav ors to give satisfaction. "Whats in a Name?" Not so much Sn the name as in the make. If you seethe name "P. N." 6n a corset, you can rely on the make being the best tlfet first class material and honest workmanship can produce. Wc f A, a v: EVERY P. N. CORSET "*• ^4. •, m'. From 75c to $3.00 each 4 throughout with RUST PROOF STEEL and has C.OTH' PROTECTED RUST PROOF CLASP RECOMMENDED and GUARANTEED BY . J. WALSH, - West McHenry, 111. FROM OUR CORRESiPON DENcPSfe Ne<flSiborlng New® Gathered by outr Abhi 'C6r$tif- of RepreeentaUvea. VOLO. Peter Bowt*r is in Chicago this week. A. J. Raymond was a Chicago visitor Tnewlay. Mat Miller drew seven loads of barley to Waukegan Friday. John Rosing had a Christmas tree at his home for his children Xmas'eve. Misses Jennie Walton and Rose Hnson are spending their vacation at home. Will Dillon of Chicago is speeding a week's vacation with his parents here. Several irom here attended the M. E. church bazaar at Wauconda this week. Miss Lizzie Glosson of McHenry spent a few days of list week at Geo. Scheid's. ' Mrs. Lizzie Schaefer and little daugh ter ol McHenry visited at C. Babel's Thursday. James Kirwin went to Nonda Wed nesday to see His wife's uncle, Win. Mc. Conaty, who is very sick. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hnson attended the Chrisftnas services at McHenry M. 'E. church Saturday night. Miss Mary Raught will receive the Rebel Club next Thursday from eleven to fottr o'clock, at her home. Rev. Dutton will preach the first of his series of sermons next Sunday, His subject will be: "What is Heaven". Sidney Gardinier and family are hack here again, the creamery where he worked having closed for the winter. Our teacher, Mary Freund, and her pupils are preparing to give a concert about the twelfth of January in Stadt- field's hall. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Raught went to Waukegan Friday to take Mrs. Kines back to her home. They remained over Christmas with relatives there. Chas. and Edgar Parker, Otis Murray, Mary Raught and Mary Raymond at tended a surprise party on Amanda Wait, at Fort Hill Wednesday evening. All reported a fine tftne. C. Dillon and wife gave a dinner to several of their relatives on Christmas day. Those present were: George Ben- well and family, Alfred Benwell and family, Misses Benwell of Morton Park, and Will Dillon of Chicago. W A l; CO NT) A. Arthur Powers went to Chicago Tues day. A pigeon shoot was held in Kimball's lot Christmas day. Elmer Ford, who has typhoid fever, is, as yet, very sick. Mrs. H. T. Fuller and Children went to McHenry Sunday. N. B. Duers and family ate Christmas dinner with relatives in Nunda. Misses Lola and Eva Hill of Chicago are spending the week with friends here. J. Bennett and family syte Chigatmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glynch. Fird Grovsenor and Clyde Golding spent Christmas with their parents heie. Mrs. Pierce, formerly, Gertie Johnson of this place, is very sick with typhoid fever. Chester Sowles and Elmer Golding of Chicago spent Christmas with their parents here. Mrs. Woodhouse and daughter, Helen, are spending the holidays with friends in this village. The ladies of the M. E. Church are pleased with results of their bazaar. Everything sold. Frank and Earl Harrisop returned to Chicago Monday, after a brief visit with their parents. Mrs. Nichols and daughter, Katie, of Cary ate Christmas turkey with Emer son Cooke and family. Harry Graham, student in a school of pharmacy, in Chicago, is spending the holidays with his parents here, On Friday afternoon, the pupils of the Wauconda high school presented their teacher, Mr. Ortan Hubbard, with a fine new rocker. SOLON. Ed Aylward was at McHenry one day last week. Bernie Bell of Ringwood was in town Sunday evening. Mae and Will Monear were at Mc Henry Saturday. E. T. Monear and H.' J. Christian went to Elgin Monday morning. Mrs. R. W. Overton spent Sunday with relatives at Lake Geneva. Mr. James Overton came home from C hicago Friday for a short vacation. Alfred Richardson, wife and little child, are visiting with relatives here. Walter Aylward a student of Rock- ford'Business College is spending the holidays at home. A number from here attended the Christmas tree exercises at Spring Grove Sunday evening. The Christmas tree entertainment pasa- ed off pleasantly Saturday evening and we believe Santa Clans remembered all the little ones present. The fair held at W. H. Davis' last Wednesday evening was largely attend ed and a large sum was realized, as we understand over fifty dollars was taken ill* Advance • Step. If have been in the habit of taking pills for your constipation and with poor results, just try a bottle of Dr. Caldwell'8 Syrup Pepsin and you will be sux-prised at the results. Very pleasant to take. 10c, 50c and #1.00. For sale bv Julia A. Story. •eeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Buchholz, -¥IM West McHenry, I1L IN. f" Don't beH istaken If jpou want a stylish fitting Suit or pair of pants go to p Buchholz, ° That is the Place.. He makes no humbug fit and, workmanship is the best. Made up right or no s^le. RICHMOND. John Osmond is home for Christmas. Mr. Nyquist spent Christmas in Chi cago. p Miss Maude Yintoa h home for the holidays. Miss Nellie Johonnptt Is home for the holidays. Miss Mien Croesen of Elgin is visiting her father. Frank Wray returned home for Christmas. Miss Luce Turner Is visiting at Pleas ant Prairie. , MissHazleton of Chicago is visiting at Dr. Wards'. , Miss Nellie Pope Is visiting her friends in this village. Mary Hurley of Elgin spent Christ mas with her father. Claude Aldrich was a caller at the county seat Sunday. James Aldrich of Chicago spent Christ mas with his parents. Clarence Cox spent Christmas with his cousin, Louis Burton. Mr. Mills is spending Christmas' with his sister in McHenry. # Isa Cruikshank of Racine, Wis, is visiting at T. F. Williams. Miss Srfith is spending Christmas with her parents at Nunda. Miss Rahm spent Christmas with her aunt, Mrs. J: W. Haythorn. Tim Hurley of Chicago spent Christ mas with relatives in this place. Mrs. Kate Clapsattle spent the first part of the week with her daughter. Mrs. A. B. Clapsattle of Chicago was in town the first part of the week. Dr. Edwin Bennet and wife spent Christmas at the home of the former's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Sternburg and family of Elgin spent Christmas at T. C. SchroedertT Those who were at the M. E. Church Monday night enjoyed the program, which had been prepared, after which the gifts were distributed. A large crowd attended the exercises at the Congregational Church Saturday evening. The program was nicely rend ered, after which many hearts were made glad by the distribution of the gifts. • BIDOKF1KLD. Miss Anna Morse is home for the holi days. Miss Nell Gibson was in Woodstock Sunday. , Mrs. J. G. Hartman was in Ntn'a Thursday. Master Ralph Walkup is very low with scarlet fever. • Mr. Merchant and son, Ernest, were in Nunda Friday. Miss Edith Kahl is visiting her brother at Manitowoc, Wis. Gus and Carl Antonasen were in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Eva Lynch and daughter, Lola, visited friends in Harvard Saturday. T. Furney of Geneva visited his sistef and brother here Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Garrison spent .Christmas with j^latives at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wagner and daugh ter, Loretta, were in Woodstock Thurs day. •Miss Emma Eichkoff of Woodstock is en joying a^week's vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kiltz and son, Elmer, of Elgin spent Christmas with J. Robin son and family. Miss Mabel Reed attended the exer cises at the M. E. Church in Woodstock Saturday evening. 6 ^ Frank Reed of Chicago and Miss Bessie Reed of Elgin spent Christmas with their parents here. James Robinson, wife and daughter, Ethel, visited the former's brother at Crystal Lake on Sunday. J. C. Button, who is spending the winter at Austin, spent a few days of last week at Mr. Hewitts. Ed Cadwallader and Will Jones of Carpentersville spent Christmas with the former's sister, Mrs. R. L. Dufield. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and daughter, Blanche, of Slocum's Lake visited their daughter and sister, Mrs. Ella Parks, Friday. • The Christmas exercises at the church Monday evening were grand, although short, but as the children only had one week's practice, they recited very nice- iy. The exercises at the school Friday afternoon were enjoyed hugely by a good sized audience. The program was short and was the work of the scholars alone. OSTKNO. W- R Baasett is husking the new rig. Merrit Thomas and wife were visitors here over Christmas. Chas. Jecks is making a few improve ments on his farm buildings. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Mr. French spent Xmas at Elgin. Rev. ' Jones was here Saturday evening and assisted in the ̂ program at the Xmas The Xmas tree Sj.turday evening was a very beautiful aijur.' A fine program was rendered. Agenta wanted. To sell the MarshtReamnG Stand AND REVOLVING iMHiC CASE Best Office or Library arti|e>« ever patented, and sells everywhere Jbefhight, at a good profit. Why stand pj/le with such a chance to make monaf; Ask the pub lisher of this paper txlfchow you sample of this stand or writqjsus for full partic ulars at once. Marsh Mfg.^Co., No. 542 Wet^t Lake St. Chicago. Colic'and JQHarrhoea. Cured and corrected by the use of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This remedv restores the natural action of the stomach and bowels, and is better than a remedy that checks but does not correct the conditions. Sold ami recommended by Julia A. Stor^Zl I ROVal Baking Powder i>. Made from putt v:. ^ cream of tarta& Safeguards the food against alum* Alom faafcktff powdcti a«* feegfcalat mmarrrs to health of the present day, NOVAL BAKING POWMR CO., NEW VOftX. Our Army and Navy. Not until the close of the Spanish- American war, which proved such a brilliant success for our Army and Na vy, did foreign powers appreciate the strength and stability of our engines of war. Not only did foreign countries watch the movements of our troops and ships with amusement, but our own people, right here at home, were sur prised to find that the United States possessed an army and navy of such strength and proportions. In one of the latest books to appear, entitled "The United States Army and Navy, 1776-1899/' a grapic description of the operations of both branches of the service, from their inception to the close of the late war, is to be found. It is a beautiful art edition, and no book so complete, both from a literary and ar tistic point of view, has ever been pub lished. The text is by eminent authorities in both branches, and was compiled after a careful research of all government re cords. The illustrations and there are 48 of them, full-page size, are the finest specimens of art ever placed in a book The volume is published by the Wer ner Company, of Akron, Ohio, who are making a special offer to introduce it to the reading public. In another part of this issue will be found a more detailed description of the book and how it cau be secured. tf. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green'8 Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded, tf Julia A. Story. Thai cough Hangs on You have used all sorts of cough reme dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and build up the body. SCOTT'S EMULSION will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt about it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against further attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. coc. and $1.00, al l druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. _ III III 111 II til - *" CLOSING OF THE OLD YEAR, , \ We invite the cash paying trade to * few Satnrd^r .*' 1 liar gains. This being the last business day of the year, we " »» ,nre quite anxious to make a good showing for the month ; and at the same time, as an appreciation to our customers* • -^rrange special low prices in order to make shopping easy ' ,• *' *on this last day of 1899. Saturday, Dec. 30) we offer: 31 lbs best Granulated Sugar |1.00 21 lbs choice Prunes*. . $1.00 21 lbs good Rice.. ......... .$1.00 11 bars Kirk's Soap. 25c 4-gal jacket can fine Syrup... .98c 15-lb pail Jelly «..... .85c Choice Cabbage, per doz head 55c Simon pure Lard, per lb 8c Saratoga Flake Crackers,, the 15c quality, per lb....... ...10c 3} lbs Ginger Snaps...... ... .85c 8 lbs CrackeCtx . . .. Quart bottle Choice Mixed Nuts, per' 8J lbs choice mixed Candy... .35c 10 lbs Buckwheat Flour.., ....35c 3 qts finest Cranberries. .^>. .95c Arbuckle's or 4X Coffee. .4.....9c Fine Japan Tea. J 80c Medium Pickles, per gal 33c Best on Record Flour, sack... .93c 2 sacks fo|* $1.85 Choice Baking Powder, lb can 10c S c a n s f a * . r : . > i . . . ^ 9 c • £ : " a.M Full line Felt Boots, Overshoes, Gloves, Mittens, Un derwear and Shawls at cut prices. All fancy goods left will be sold on Saturday at nearly half price. A grand op portunity to secure useful articles for New Year gifts.. Four-piece set Glassware,. Saturday, 25c. ,, Wish you a Happy New Year. „ •< * McHenry, 111. • »$!»$»$ WALTER C. EVANSON. 1 Jsl URN1TURE \ IMertiking I 1 Specialty !r, k. IT is not necessary for us to make * '"ij mention of all the articles in tha . / furniture line that constitute the----^ immense stock in our store. Ton know aU about it. Furniture prices have advanced during the past few"l|?^ months, but we luckily had a good' . supply on hand at the time prices went ap, and can still offer you bar gains. Seeing is believing. Come and see. f' i ; f? ^McHenry. JACOB JUSTEN. -* > -ii MinmmimiMiiiiiiiiiiiiB WUHMI If you are buying goods come in and save v 25 cents on the dollar. " 1 I"|1|"|"I'|H mniTi^i^)jiiu.m^ni |||;I|»I>II|WI|, A NEW BILL OF GOODS . • Men's heavy winter pants.. • **. • < Fine hair lined pantft*»......... ...<$3.00 Fine Clay Cashmere Suits. JlO.OO Heavy Clay Suits, all wool :.$8.9o Blue broadcloth finished suit $10.00 Best Overshirts ..85c Fleeced Wool Shirts and Drawers. 95c 4 prs good Socks : 2$C Boys' Knee Pants ^OC to 3^^ Boys Suspenders 8c, IOC, 15^ Boys' $2 Shoes, best in market, for .. $1.50 Boys' $3 Boots, double tap $1.75 Men's $2.25 Boots, double sole 1-75 E. LAWLUS, ftcHenry, III. -\:jf * ^ ^ i - 1 * : I : }t i h , ' * Im" - • Vs Watches Clocks '• Rings Chains Bracelets Diamonds Scarf Pins Btcii Silver ware ? JOS. SCHNEIDER, - McHenry? D1 A jfrikncr. J** yewjfrom .:-h y We strive to please.' iit •-it •f: & ft 1 I 1 it': 1 •ml; » ' • * \ fledicines •it :*%. '<: Vt , ,1 * 1; 11 t'. .v .7'. .. Ah 5 -mMkMJm JULIA A. STORY McHenry iWaGK / « I -ft .... .. , ... *%• I s - > ^... .1