Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1900, p. 2

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. * • • . < " X^ m ¥ «•H, f< £ • ip i I jisf "" •l-~? :y:^i •" ^ 6 * i'4' ' \V' -i./A f- 4 >i ? W : v .."t• Sanitary plumbing a specialty. The Eagle Acetylene Gas Ma­ chines for sale. Orders by mail and 'phone promptly attended to „ ££.V; Office and stock mesa » : < s l a f e e TKLVHONES: j) Long Dist ance. sUtf" West MtHrary, Bell Telephone. . The following nre the names and nur of t,he pstrftas of the Me Henry and McHenry exebanges of the Chicago Telepf CO. iteskknices only are si are business houses. SIMON STOFFKIi, Manager. 891 Aurlnger Dr. A. E. r8» Nlesen M M r !S3t Barbian Bros * 383 Owen L H r 3 5 8 B a r b i a n N l r 8 Boley G F 301 Boswell H Ml Brand John&&ft 812 Buch J J • 801 Burke Thos., 843 Besley, G. W. 211 Chapel 1 S S r 32K Dermont Mrs8 2S1 Engeln Anton 283 Engeln M &>1 Kngeln M r ^ 333 Fegers Dr VH_ 264 Frett Bros & Witt Gilbert Bros 221 Owen O W r V,^J> 381 Owen O N r " -V 314 Owen & Chapelt 252 O'Neill Kev. P M r 2tlPaR«OL r Mi Plalndetler 1 2)2 Rosedale J- 2 >4 Ross Dr F'O M- 5502 Koss Dr FC r ^ 354 Hupp A O r '; 342 Somn.e s Geo r 321 Spurting DrA C I •AT£ Stotfel 8 r 304 Stotfel 8 Dostoffice 5 Stoffel Slraon 3 Gilbert Bros toll Sta273 Story J 1 r 293 Hazel E. J. r 243 Hsuily Geo A t 353 Hertz II L r m Holt/. & stilling* 2 T M H o w e A L r 3S2 Howell M A r , ' 813 J usten J;wob r * y 84t.TustenNJ * 223 Laniphere O. R. r 312 Liimphere Uyy r 351 LorimerWmir y>: S,- a •< v * '• " > .*>1 Musical Instru- . " ' U ? * merits p,ij»v-J i * n \ * 4 " \ * ' u : 4 ^ And everything ijhtti. |M?riAin8i to ilusic. ' y r ? • . - V | MILO MOVm West McHenry, IU. J--5 t ; 282 Story Julia A * 323 Stafford B W 231 Vil la Re of McHenry pumping station 261 Vi 11 age of McHenry , pi-esldent's res 234 Village of McHenry public school 302 Wattles F H 311 Wells Dr DG » 7 Western IT Tel CO 244 McHenry Cre'm'ry 371 Wightman Hariy Oonipany. 214 Wightman Harr* « 224 McHenry Journals Wheeler E8r 361 McOmber FL 242 Whiting W Er i TOfcL' STATIONS. ,-;>wv.>,. '-j. i 4 2 rings, Pfetakee Bay, Ben Stilling- 4 * 4 rings, Solon, W 11 Davis, 10c toll ji 5 rtngs, Spring Grove, A Neish, lite toU* ,CitlKens' Telephone. :»,'• 's^: The following are the names and numtjers of the patrons of the McHenry and JWest Mc­ Henry exchanges of the Citizens' Telephone Go. Residences only are specified, iyi others are business houses. / ;> ^ F. E. BELL, Manager. - . I, 13 Aurlnger Dr A E 16 McOmbecJfli ' < - r 18 Aurlnger Dr. A E r 21 Meyer Geo r 23 Adams. O M, Johns-23 Mertes Joseph, Pis- burg. toll station takee Ba; 100 Bell F E, Central 23 Mineral "8,^ i*«.S .. ... •" mX'Mm 30 Buch J J |L % Bacon Wm |W 30 Boley G F 45 Barbian Br#; 4 Cristy W A f .32 Cristy W A 15 Chapell S S 55 Clemens H 55 Clemens J O 40 City School; Spring, Pis- takee Bay 42 McHenry Laundry 43 Magueson G L Rose- dale 10 Miller John s 23 Nell George, Johns- burg 24 Owen & Chapell 24 Ferry & Owen „ 37 Pumping Station 96 Dermont Mrs 8arah38 Postoffice. McHenry 40 Depot C N W By Co36 Park Hotel, W Me- © Dighton Station (5 Evanson W C 8 Evanson John r 11 Fegers Dr O H 11 Fegers Dr O H r Hi) Erfckson H 18 Friedly AC? " 33 Granger F IE'? " 12 Granger Chas. 22 Heimer Joe 81 Heimer John 8 Holtz & Stilling SB Heman burg 19 Hazel E J ^ 48 Hetzel J rr t< 35 Jus ton Nick.' 44 Justen Jak»*sf ' ^ '48 Jensen H N Henry Plaindealer 41 Summer George 50 Spurling Dr AO 28 Smies Henry .>.•* --. 47 Scbiessle Robt 14 Story Miss Julia A 34 Smith HC 27 Schneider Joe 23 Simes, Dighton sta­ tion " 2 Wells Dr D G ^ ,r - Joe, Johns- 2 Wells Dr D G r 55 Whiting Will 7 Wilbur Lumber Co 9 Wightman Harry 30 Walsh M J 17 Wattles Frank F. WATTLES W atchess Clocks ; ; Rings 1 Chains '•)' ̂ ^'4'- * , ' Diamonds Scarf Pins j'.. ' *•-* .'3^. ,* Silver JOS. SCHNEIDER, - t McHenry, 111 x V\:V: Igl. Viner's Dictionary or synonyms ft Astrayns, lyMony and Familiar Phrases. Abook that should be in thevest I pocket of every person, becaoac It I tells you the right word to use. I Ho Two Words in the English | Language Have Exactly the Same Significance. To express the precise meaning that one in­ tend! to convey a dictionary of i Synonyms is heeded to avoid repe- ion. The strongest figure of speech Is antithesis. In this dic- sonarv the appended Antonyms Kill, therefore. be found extremely [valuable. Contains many other features such as Mythology, Familiar Alluiloni and For- Fhrases, Prof. Loisette's Memory iretem, 'The Art of Never Forrettlnc." etc., vc. This wonoerau little book Dound m aneai sth binding and sent postpaid for $0.26. Full Leather, gilt edge, $0.40, postpaid. Order at eoce. Send for our large book catalogue, ftee. I Address all orders to THE WERNER COMPANY, MuiMirtn, ASIC!!, OHO. « IProprletor oftHe West Sifc M Manet 'i! • •• V tr 1 J i ' TkeaRht He bad Been Roticlig. Willie Wisliiugtoii was trying to be conversational, but the young woman Wfland looked severe, and surveyed the scene with au of austere toleration. Wil­ lie oaght to bave known better than to call on Monday, wash day, anyhow. "Have you read any books lately?" asked Willie, with the Inane grin which he uses in society. "Yes," answered the girl. "Been sen ^ pretty good ones written lately, don't you think?" "I haven't read any recent noVfela," she answered. "You ought to read some." "I find ample entertainment In the classics," was the rejoinder, while her mother looked on with an approving 8tn(§. * •%h, yes; Shakespeare, 1 suppose. He'e a good old classic." "I read Shakespeare occasionally when I read English. I also read Cor- neille and Moliere and Goethe and Schiller, but only for diversion. Philo­ sophic studies are my especial occupa­ tion at present" "By Jove!" exclaimed Willie admir­ ingly. "You're getting to be a regular bluestocking, areh't you?" "A what!" repeated the young wo­ man's mother grimly as she rose to her feet. "Why, a bluestocking, you know- that Is"-- "No explanations are necessary. Amelia, 1 am going to tell the servant to take In the clothesline at once. Hereafter neither of us will be at home to Mrl Wishington."--Washington Star. Where Honesty Exlati,^ "People in the small towns lip In Connecticut," said the traveling 'man, "appear to be much more honest than they are In New York. Not one fam­ ily In ten thinks of such a thing as burglar alarms, and half of them do not even lock their oater doors when they retire. But what impresses me most are the street laundry boxes. "Nearly every town of 5,000 or more inhabitants has several places where laundry packages are received and de­ livered. These places are generally dry goods or notion stores, or haber­ dasheries. Suburban merchants as a rule do not keep their stores open much later than 8 o'clock in the evening and do not open them until 7 or half past 7 In the morning. "This does not suit all their patrons, so it is no Infrequent sight to See out­ side the store a large red box with a fair sized opening in the top. The box bears the legend 'If the store Is closed, put your laundry in here.' Now, just Imagine a New York laundry office us­ ing a receptacle like that! Why, five minutes after a package was deposited In the box It would be fished out and In an hour Its contents would be In the possession of some dealer In Second­ hand clothing. But up In Connecticut the scheme seems to work very well, and all I can say is that it Is a tribute to the general honesty of the immu­ nity .VNew York Herald. All kinds of Fresh and. salt Meats always on hand In their Goods. ' A t Vegetables and Canned Come and give me a trial -:k;' Oysters F. WATTLES, West McHenry? BARBIAN BROS. 4 M a k e r s o f % , '> (..Fine Cigars, •; "Our Monogram" IO cent Cigar ,r.. 1 Leads Them All. ]" Our Leading 5c Brands: ••Olivette" ••Barbian Bro*. Be||p "Silver" - "Bee Hive" 1$, "Empire Cuban" n. EACH NUMBKR Webster,s International: I>i<5lionary | Successor of the" Unabridged" 1 Ttm One Great Sta$idar& Anthorityt ! So writes Hon. !».J. JJrewer, j •' l Justice U. 8. Suprern® Court, 1 'w\€^-- mr^l Standard ! of ttie V. S-l.ov'tPrinting ( otiice, tlie it, s, Busreme , Court, nil tbe Stow Su- . i) re me (' o 11 rt s, andoi iionr- ly all the s( lioulbooks. ' Warmly ! Comnietided j by State Siii>es inten<lente < of Schools, CoileKe l'rest- , dents, andottierEauvntots almost without number. 1 In-valuable J In the household, and to | the teacher, scholar, pro- , fessloinil man, nnd aelf-educator. 'Specimen paffe$ sent on appliccM&iiJo,J |G.ft C. 9l4srrXam Co.< IPubllsXtera, »prtagfleld,^la«}. CAUTION. Oe not deceived In . buying email eo-e»llcd i "Webster's Dicttonarles." All anttentte i i abridgments of Webster's International IHctlon- , ary 111 the various sizes bear our trade-mark on , the front cover as shown tu the cuts. LIPPINCOTTS I MflNTHIV M ACAJJhtg, Subscribers may begin with any month T B K C H E A P E S T a w d Bbst Family Magazine Poblish»» A LIBRARY of 1« COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY Besides Poetry and many Stories of Dally Life, Travel, Anecdote, Humor, etc. REDUCED PRICE, $2.SO PER YEAR 8 I N Q L C C O P Y , 2 6 CKNTa J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY. PvMUbere PHII.ADBL.FUIA, PA. SECRETS OF SUCCESS. GOOD ADVICE to besiness feoye by aeerly tec of the meet#eaccesef nl teiriaess an. Ccmtaine many belpAil items from these busueee men's own experience. An invaluable eld to every boy whether In school or em­ ployed in an office. A dainty volume of about 60 pegee, bound in cream pebble frsin, stamped In green end sUw and sent postpaid for eat; &30. Every boy should md i book. Send for oat slal illustrated bookctta- wof books fov yoonc and TUCK. Addrewaueifr en to THE WERNER COMPANY, , PabUitivrs ut HsBvfKetwsrs. AkrOU, OfclOi {The Werner Company is thoroughly «sU»ble. j--EdlM. For 'y IMrertiae in ' vy PA WON THE CENTURY ~~~~ t HE iHlgS TO EXPLAIN * NEW ONE BEQtf The Learend of m Bell. Tbe largest hanging bell in the world l% lp a Buddhist monastery near Can­ ton. It is 18 feet high and 45 feet in circumference and Is of solid bronze. Canton has a pretty little fable con­ nected with it The story is told by Mrs. J. P. Newman in one of her sketches of tcavel. The life of the founder of the greatest bell of China had been threatened by the emperor because of his unsuccessful attempts to make a bell having perfect purity of tone. The bell founder's beautiful daughter, witnessing her father's agony while Imploring the emperor for cine more trial, consulted the gods as to the reason for failure. Being told that should the blood of a fair maiden mingle with the bell metal the result would be secured, she, waiting beside her father until able to see her face in the molten ore, plunged In and was de­ stroyed. To the sacrifice of this maiden the Chinese attribute the beauty and sweetness of the tone of the great bell of Ta-Cung-ta.--New York Time^: . Extraordinary CnrvlnKe.^"'^"*' Some very extraordinary carvings are to be found at Thomboo, on the Irawaddy, where they are cut out of the face of a high cliff rising directly from the river bank and are of great size. They consist of a succession of rudely formed niches. In appearance something like the catacombs of Rome, and these are full of large and small Images of Buddha, who Is represented In several positions. On the summit of the cliff Is a pagoda of great sanctity, which Is visited every year by large numbers of pilgrims. Three Masted Schooners. tt was on the great lakes that the three masted schooner first made Its appearance. The unique character of lake navigation created the necessity for this type of sailing craft because of the fact that with this class of vessel sailors could handle the sheets from the deck at times when It was Impossi­ ble to go aloft In one of those sudden storms which make the life of the lake skipper an uncertain and anxious one. --Ainslee's Magazine. Cirlas a Pernicious Habit. The plan of arresting people #fto throw banana skins on the sidewalks and of fining them or sending them to the bridewell Is all right as far as it goes, but It does not seem as if the right punishment had been provided. Any one guilty of that offense ought to be sent either to the Detention Hospi­ tal For the Insane or to the Home For the Feeble Minded.~Cblcago Post. And Usee » Practical Blostratles That Unfortunately Met Only Up­ sets His Theories, t«t T*ites 4 van Oat of Him Too. / > "Of all the Slllie people*! ever Seen," paw sed after rinklen his'forrid A long time, "the worst Is the Ones what Git to Starten Argyments about When the twentyeth sentcherry Begins. Peeple, what ain't got no More Sentz than to* Waste Time Over sutch a Thing ot to Have babies er sumthing in the house So they could keep bizzy without Goin away frum Home tor hunt fer trubble. But tile good Lord made it So sum W SO HK GOT TWO OF THE KITCHEN CHARES, folks hasen't got nothin to Do But al­ ways Look around fer sum new Way to Show thare foolishness. That's what makes me Glad I haft to work fer a Liven. If I woulden't Have nothin else to Do mebby Sutntimes I mite Git to goln on like a South Amurican Re­ public too. Ennybudy what Has haff as mutch Sentz as they are in a little Red mousetrap ot to no the twentyeth sentcherry Can't Begin only Wunst and that Is nineteen Hunderd and Wun.~ "How Can it Begin, then f maw ast. "Grate hevens," paw ansered, "Can it Be possable you are One of the Soup preem iddyuts That thinks it Begins with Nineteen Hundered? No wunder Our Chlldern sum times Don't hardly Seem to be Worth raisin. Now, I'll jlst Sho you How this thing Is. If 1 am workln fer a Hundered Dollers a Week and"-- "Ob. paw," maw Says, •'Don't go to supposin Ennythlhg of that kind. It ain't Ever goln to Hapen." "Say." paw told Her, "Don't yon want to Find out about this Bizness er not? If you Do, try to Brake the reck- erd now by not saying nothing fer about a Haff a minut and I'll sho you. You see, if 1 was goin to Ride a hun­ dered miles I wouldent go Back and Ride a Mile before 1 got started, would *r "1 Don't no," maw says. "I Have Offen saw you Do things what was just as Hard to Explain. They are never no Tellln what you mite Do." "Oh, well," paw Says, "tbay ain't enpy use Try In to Talk to people what Don't no enuff to Lern things when they have a Chanct. Sposen you was agoln to Pay the Grocery man a Dol- ler and Begin Counten Out pennies. Do you Think he Would tell you to stop when you Give him ninety Nine?" "Mebby He mite Be makin a marked Down Sale that day," maw says. "What's the use GItten Bothered about It enny Way? 1 thot you sed people Was Silly If tbay would waste Thalr time over such a thing?" "Thay are," paw told Her, "only thay Don't no Enuff to see it the rite way. Now I'm jlst agoln to sho you How this thing Is so you Can't Help but See It." * So He got Two of the Kitchen Chares and stood with one foot on one chare and the other foot on the other Chare. "Now," paw told us, "sposen the chare what my left foot is on is the nineteenth Sentchery and the other one is the next one. with the first of January Haff wgy Between. Do You See It all rite as Far as I got?" "Yes," maw Says. "But I Don't nev­ er Beleeve in Straddlen on these Things. Thay Can't be two Sides to It." "You watch." paw sed. "I got It Down fine. Now, sposen my left foot la Entillih Astronomy. Much more Interest Is taken In prac­ tical astronomy in England than In America. Astronomical classes are en­ couraged by the use of the telescopes like that one on the East Heath. Lon­ don, which is a reflecting telescope of a BUMPED AGAIX8T THE XIXETEEXTH SENTCHEBRY, ate Teen ninety nine and the Chare where It's tlestin on la the nineteenth •entcherry. If I"-- By the Time he got It all Settled up to That point little albert and the Pupp Come In Chasen after the Hender­ son ses Cat what I Had shut up In the seller the nite Before becoz maw Herd some rats Down thare last week. Tbe Cat Scooted Between the Chares where paw was stauden, and the pupp thot He would Do the Salm. but made ft mistake and Bumped aginst the Nine teenth Sentcherry and uocked It frum under paw, and the Bottom Dropt out of the argyment. His Cote was all Tore up the Back too.-7-Georgle. ia Qbicftffo TUnet-Ber»10. m „#-s „,,r. | We striv^ to please. !T: -.-.t « / Y" ^.• " ji' -i r ' ' , ^ - - - - i - 1 _vAiVv I * !' -A . •iMuMaWMnasiarfiiiM " 7,. * ! ^ ~*Sc *<*.,' YV"x'~\? L* \ JS ILIA A. STQH\ t 'y ^ ^ iA > . ! ^ t 5 1 McHenry, UL "> ^ " '** n - > J s/., y. v; ?v> j- 'ji ^ - » -- "" - iv ^ - /• '. ^ : ' • > .. Z * * »' * ^ ^ * 4. •x i /•*; "V'/i- 'vfc.' ? - t • B»II Iin if» iri'u^BffriiiKS •i -j : * .J II you are buying goods x come in and save 25 cents on the dollar! Best Overshirts........ A NEW BILL OF GOODS ' ^ Men's heavy winter pants.. .1 Fine hair lined pants .7*.... *4 ̂C.. $ .̂00 Fine Clay -Cashmere Suits $10.00 Heavy Clay Suits, all wool .§ 1^5* 11.. $8.90 Blue broadcloth finished suit. .••! .^.$10.00 - -i 85C 1 yr-Sj^, 'm^.95C 4 prs good Socks . * •***• . . 'i *.1, « t . Boys' Knee Pants. ..ittC tO 3^ ̂ Boys Suspenders.... .L. .1..8c» IOC, 15 ̂ Boys' $2 Shoes, best in np^ket̂ • $1.50 B o y s ' $ 3 B o o t s , d o u b l e t a p * > - • $ 1 . 7 5 Men's $2.25 Boots, double sole.'>\-.;*.̂ 1*75 E. LAWLUS, JlcHenry, 111. W& • - i; tjj \^p. m v.», i * . . f; ^ > *"* 1. * *!***• 4 •-jV-.'I : •* ->U T inniniiiiiiiiiMMmM«Miiiin»niimiii u SL,- 4 V, T is not neoessuy for laiake mention of all the articles in tbe furniture line that constitute the ^ immense stock in onr store. Yon K . i v.- , 1 know all about it. Furniture prices • / i- > -e., have advanced during the past few months, but we luckily had a good " - -"-J supply on hand at the time prices .;<* went ap, and can still offer, yon bar- f gains. Seeing is believing. Come bm. t.l:. 'v;"' " "• ' ' , s ' , , v , s - " • V . « 4 • ^ 4 .• £<• xm.k: JACOB JUSTEN. ;-/r m , imnmiin«nniiii»m i rt' : -fr*- In III tlit lOWi Affords the Best! Rqyal Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, ^ / olDjf Molne«,!«. . kt " -* • ' 1 % * Net valnes of all Polldea deposited In* Approved Securities with the State of] Iowa, who acts as your Trustee. W.-.~ :>k ^ i..<i .1.1 , ....t W. A OtiSTY, District Mat, Wist Mdlcuy, M vrw%irwvrw%irvrvrv̂ vrvrtirvtwvrvrvmriirvnir\ ' • ? v ' ' 1' * •* • , kA 2 "A:

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