̂ ~°*7 t; & JLW.*** mSM* NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RICHMOND. Walter Cole spent Saturday in Chi- A. P. Bohart of Genoa, Wis. Was in town Monday. ^ • Mrs. August Walters spent last week ,With relatives at Lake Geneva. S v M i s s L i z z i e T u r n e r o f S p r i n g G r o v e spent Wednesday at A. M. Wray's. Mrs. J. W. Haythone spent most of week with relatives in Chicago. .: v Mrs. Clarence Denison was visiting s friends at Genoa one day last week. Mrs. Sarah Bohart was calling on Relatives at Genoa one day last week. f Mrs. A. B. Clapsattle of Genoa, Wis. was visiting her daughter; Mat Hahn, t;'>©ne day last week. >i Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clapsattle of Chi cago were visiting relatives in this •icinity last week. Miss Laura Mason was entertaining ler cousin, Miss Bertha Smith, of Leroy, >wa one day last week. J, Mrs. Fred Sanford aad Jas. McLaughlin have been' entertaining their mother, Mrs. C. F. Stewart of Pundee. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Fuller returned .from their visit of a month with their >on at Irwin, Neb., and their son and daughter at Maywood, 111. , Mrs. Wm. Beatty of Keystone has S§een entertaining her mother, Mrs. Geo. Earing, who has returned from an ex- Itjended visit with her daughter at jl^urlington, Wis. |1 The "Lucky 18" Club met last week |pt the home of Miss Elizabeth Ward. ;|The evening was spent in playing cinque followed by light refreshments. All present thoroughly enjoyed themselves tod when they left for their homes all felt that the "Lucky 18" Club was Alright. The next meeting will be held ;|rt Miss Laura Mas wis. was in WOODSTOCK. Prof. Hutchins ^ town over Sunday* *»V;- • Mrs. Jeanette Clark is seriously ill at ^ * her home on Calhoun St.' - Mrs. Kate Goodsel spent most of last ,,,,: Week with relatives at Ringwood. . Miles Gibbons returned on Thursday ^ £fte;r an extended visit at Lanarkr411. t Miss Laura McDonald frotanea? Mc- 4 -Henry* spent Thursday with friends in £. '.'ttown. . ... Miss Marila Richards visited with § * relatives at Marengo the fore part of the ...^week. -- Mrs. E. V. Anderson returned Mon- ' day after nearly a week's absence in WAUCONDA. Wingor Torrance is on the sick list. Will Harris made a trip to Waukegan on Tuesday. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. two fine baby boys. Fred Huntington and wife were in Wauconda Sunday. The typhoid fever patig&t, Elmer Ford, is slowly improving. David Rowson of Nebraska, is the guest of his brother, Charles, > Miss Lora Harrison spent last week 'with Mrs. Asel Steven in Waukegan. Stebbin Ford of Chicago, formerly a resident of this village, is reported to be very sick. The masquerade ball, Thursday eve ning, was • well attended, about fifty couples being present. The Epworth League will give a social Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. TurnbuU. Fird Lowell of Nunda and Tony King and his sons, Otto and Joe of Rockfeller attended the masquerade ball here on Thursday. , " Saturday evening the G. A. R. and W. R. C. met and spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Golding. An interesting program was given by the young people. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Beach of Wau conda, jlir. and Mrs. Osman Hale and Dr. Balou of Nunda started Tuesday for California, where they will spend the re mainder of the winter. Mr. Filbert, former cashier of the Palatine bank, is slowly recovering. He is regaining the use of his right side, which was paralyzed. His entire re covery is hoped for. While skating on the lake, Thursday afternoon, Fred Basley fell into a hole where the men had been cutting ice, but for the timely assistance of hiB father, he must have been drowned. in and Chicago. <. / Miss Ethel Thoiftas returned to Chi- l|fpago last week after an extended visit l|»t the home of Mr. Edmunds. Mr. antj Mrs. Emrick, the former of 0 Franklin Life Insurance Co., were guests of friends in our city over Sun- -i day- Mrs. I* D. Lemmers returned last t (week after an absence of several weeks S IB*11 Chicago, and goes to Ridgefield this I meek to spend ttte remainder of "the Vr" '̂ winter. J W*K> k®8 ^""ied on the l&l^rasiness of harness maker in our city t'-'lI fOT many years, sold out to John Wurt- ainger last week on account of ill health -U 4in<^ en3°y a pleasant home with a sister, in Chicago. ^ \ TO CURE A C01.D IN ONfe DAY. Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab- ?f »•, £11 druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's siir- jiatnre is on each box 35c. " FV. % • JOHNSBURCrH. , Stephen Thelen from Iowa is visiting friends Around here. Hubart Kleperioh is visiting relatives in the city this week. John Schmitt returned to bis home in Minnesota on Monday. Rev. H. Mehring visited the great city a few days last week, T; : Nick Adams is home after spending a few years in Iowa. Miss Katie Buzner was a passenger for the great city on Wednesday. Peter Rothermel was a Woodstdck caller on Wednesday of last week. Peter Rothermel went to Woodstock on Monday to recieve his tax books. Miss Lizzie Schumaker returned to her home, after spending a few months in Racine. t Mrs. Joseph Mertis Sr. died at her home on Sunday evening. The funeral took place in St. John's church on Tues day morning, Rev. Mehring officiating. yit'has been demonstrated repeatedly in every state in the Union and in many foreign countries that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a certain preventive and cure for croup. It has become the universal remedy for that disease. M. V. Fisher of Liberty, W. Va., only repeats what has been said around the globe when he writes: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for several years and always with perfect success. We believe that it is not only the best cough remed; but that it is a sure cure for croup, has saved the liver 1 of our children a number of times." This remedy is for sale by Miss Julia A. Story. ft oaller Sunday evening, The man with a cork limb is more of * stopper «*§§ a goer. If the rol&ii trust ever explodes there will be a big Mrs. C. W. liwwipu and son, Ben, were Ostend visHofi on Sutdif. Many a man wouM have abetter fcife if he wasn't such a patf iMdiiBd. Some from here attended the dmirdwg aoadeany at Ridgefield Friday evening. The individual who frequently goes on a "tear" is seldom able to pay the "rent." Miss Etta Simee of McHftnry spent a few days recently with Miss Callie Thomas. A woman usually puts up a first class glove fight when she attempts to put on a new pair. Miss Edith Hobart of Richmond spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hobart and family. Some one will be sure tc* take your ad vice if you have it engraved on tile handle of a $10 umbrella. You can leart^ more about a man in ten minutes after it is too l&te yon could in ten years before. Basset and Fransico are getting ready to husk D. Simpson's corn. They, have the best outfit in the neighborhood. \ Miss Anna Harrison spent the Sabbath at her home here. She was accomr panied by her friend, Miss Nellie Rich ardson. Mrs. E. E. Basset and Ed Martin at tended the installation and oyster sup per given by the M. W. A. at Ringwood last Saturday evening. Misses Eva Thompson and Jessie Richardson of Woodstock were at Sun day school, and assisted in the exercises in the evening at the school house. Mrs. W. F. Basset went to Madison, Wis. Monday morning to visit with her children, Mr. and Mrs. £L E. Jack, of that place She will be gone for some time. The school house wa» packed with people last Sunday evening; who listened with interest to the carefully selected program. At the awarding of the prizes Miss Maud Abbott, Mrs. Cora Bassett, Miss Agnes Thomas, Miss Anna Harri son, and Messrs Ed Martin and Clifford Thompson received silver medals; Mrs. Geo. Thomas, Misses Jennie Thomas, Callie Thomas, Ethyl Abbot and Ella Thomas received rolls of honor; while Arthur Whiting, Clyde Thompson, Emil Thomas, Susie Thompson and Hazel Thomas received diplomas. Those present from a distance represented Cherry Valley, Greenwood, Woodstock and McHenry. VOXrfK ' .v James McCabe is qnite sick at present writing. % Joe Miller was filling his ice house last week. Peter Frost of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents. • J. W. Torrance of Wauoonda was at Yolo Friday evening. Mrs. Peter Frost of Chicago is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frost. Otis and James Murray were at Grays Lake Saturday afternoon. Mrs. E. G. Gale of Elgin spent three or four days of last week at Volo. Miss Charlotte Dowell of Griswold Lake spent Sunday at John Vasey's. Ab Potter's youngest son, Ollie, is attending school at Wauconda this winter. Dr. Dawson of Wauconda was at Volo Saturday to see James Kirwin who is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. Vogt and family visited their daughter fcr& Wicks and husband at Grays Lake. The choir of the M. E. church met at Raught Bros. Sunday evening to prac tice new songs. The young people of the Catholic church are preparing for a concert to be given some time in February. . There were no services at the Catholic church Sunday. Here after, during Urn winter there will be services only every alternate Sunday. Miss Lena Wortz who has been visit ing in Chicago for about a week returned home Tuesday. Her sister, Mrs. Wege ner, remained there. , ^ Rev. Dutton will preach next Sunday Jan, 21, on the "Pearl of Great Price." Preaching services at 2:80 p. m. Sunday School at 1:30. All are invited to attend. The friends of Mrs. J. W, Torrance of Wauconda, formerly of Volo, will be sorry to hear that she is back, at the hospital. This time she is at the Mercy Hospital. The teacher, Mary Freund and her pupils will give an entertainment and dance at Stadtfield's hall, Friday eve ning Jan., 19, Admission 20 cents, chil dren 10 cents. At nine thirty, Wednesday morning, an. 10, Miss Minnie Rosing, and Robert a'zielof Big Hollow were united in arriage by Rev. Father Rhode at the tholic church. t Klassen of St. Martin, Minn., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Miller and his cousinn, Hubert, Nick, and Annie Miller. He wili remain in our vicinity for some time, perhaps all summer. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church met with Mrs. J. Kirwin last Wednesday afternoon. The next meet ing will be with Mrs. Elijah Richardson Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 17. 'if) . . Tiil&IFFERENOE. 5 Hone marmurwltttlt their sky is cli Antfl wholly WMfcbt to view, ^ tt one small speck of dark appear In their great heaven of blue; And some with thankful love are If but 6ne streak of light, One ray of God's good mi rcy, gild The darkness of their nig it, O. W. Owen of McHenry was here on Saturday. C. E. Fay was a Woodstock caller on Thursday. J. E. Cristy was a city visitor Friday and Saturday. Frank Hall was taken to the County Farm on Saturday. Mrs. James McDonald and daughter were callers Friday. J. E. Harrison of Greenwood was here on business Monday. F. L. Carr and wife* of Wauoonda were (Millers Tuesday. E. S. French of Ostend spent Satur day and Sunday here. E. H. Ingalls and daughter, Edith, spent Tuesday at Elgin. T. Smith of Nebraska is visiting with relatives and friends here. John Collison of Richmond was in town on business Monday. E. W. Robbins and wife were here the latter part of the week. M.-g. W. Peatt and daughter of Green wood were callers Saturday. Mrs. Libbie Simpson has been spend ing a few days at Greenwood. Kay Parks of Painsville, (X is visit ing friends and relatives here. Mrs. Palmes and son of Johnsburg were here on business Tuesday. J. S. Brown and{ wife spent the latter part of the week at Woodstock. /Born to Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Harrison In Monday Jan., 15, a daughter. Mrs. Katie Goodsell of Woodstock spent part of last week with relatives here Miss Jessie Baldwin and Miss Frances Osborne were visitors at C. C. Harrison's on Saturday. Miss Anna Kane of Terra Cotta has been spending the week with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Can* and daugh ter, Edith, of Greenwood spent Satur day and Sunday here. Miss Eva Davis of Genoa Junction was calling on Misses Myrtle and Mabel Stevens last Thursday. Quite a number from Richmond camp and other neighboring camps attended the installation here Saturday evening. The Woodman held a special meeting on Monday evening to vote on two applications, the lodge is steadily grow ing. Ohas. Stephenson and "Mfe attended the county convention of t|ie Court of Honor which was held at Woodstock on : ' SOLON. - Mrs. Ward & visiting at fhe home of E. T. Monear. Mrs. R. W. Overton spent the first of the week in Chicago. Cole Brothers of Richmond are dig- ing a well for R. Aylward. Miss Altia Kimball of McHenry has been visiting relatives and friends here, Mrs. W. H. Davis and Mrs. E. S. Johonnott were Chicago visitors last week. Mrs. Will Dilley, of Kansas, is visiting at the -home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Johonnott. Quite a number attended the dance at W. H. Davis' Friday evening. Spring Grove was well represented. Mr& J. J. Kaighen who has been visiting with her sister here has returned to her home in Detroit, Mich. Johnnie Strang is gathering in another large drove of cattle, in this special branch of live stock he defies all com petitors. As a result of the recent advance in the pork market the hog buyers have been buzzing around the farmers' yards like bees. Some of the termers have gathered an abundance of the sweet nectar, from the apparently ^mushroon growth of the market flower, while others are playing with the busy bees, perhaps waiting to be stung. Statement of Solon Creamery Associ ation for December 1899^ Total milk received, 195,543 lbs.; totf(l butter manu factured, 9,192 lbs.: total oil, 7,818 lbs.; total n^oney received, $2,449.88; average price received for butter per lb., 20.65 cents; average cost making butter, 2.15c; average price paid per 100 lbs. milk, $1 .1515. Expenses: fuel, $40.00; tubs and salt, $15.50; oil and 'color, $4.00; interest and insurance, $16.00; teaming, $8.00 ; buttermaker, $60.00; officers, $24; chnrn, $25.00* supplies, $9.32; total ex penses, $202.12; profit making outside butter* $4.50; net expenses, $197.62. R. W. OVERTON, Secretary, WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Bmnch Office I wish to open in this vicinity. Good opening for an energetic, sober man. Kindly mention this paper when writing. A. T. MORRIS, Cincinatti, O. Illustrated catalogue 4 cents postage. 27 tt. .--'we For la&nts and Children. Tin KM YOU Han Alwifs Bough) Bears the Signature of t l . ' H|a ^ 1 , \K • BHBIBMB PeteWMi daughter, born Januarys. Mrs. Behm and daughters have re turned from a visit-in Ohio. The W. C. T. U. meet with Mrs. Fred Work Thursday of this week. Miss Rul^ SleCollum spent Tuesday with friend^ at Crystal Lake. Miss Anna and Edith Wilkerson spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. . F. Smidt has moved his family into the house he purchased of Mrs. Joslyn. Revival meetings at the Christian church are not being continued this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gordop left for Chicago last week, where they will reside. John P, Beardsley is spending ft few weeks with friers and relatives In this vicinity. Pearl Behm entertained a few young friends Saturday evening, it being her birthday. s Mrs. George Piat returned from Ohio last week to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. White. Mrs. Wm. J&yne, Jr., and children visited her sister, Mrs, A. Keeler, in Janesville, last week. Miss Pussy Everets of Chicago is stay ing with her grandmother, Mrs. A. Anderson, who is sick. Dr. Balou -and family have gone to California to spend a few months in their winter home there. Dr. Mingus, wife and daughter, Fae, spent a few days the first of the week in Chicago, with relatives. Mrs. L. Grossman visited relatives here Ttiesday. She was on her way from Woodstock to her home in Bell Plain, Iowa. j Miss Grace Covalt has resumed her school work. The school was closed for a week on account of sickness a^uong the pupils. Earl McCollum had his thumb put out of joint Monday while working at a saw in the shop. It was quickly tended to by Dr. Hull. Second quarterly conference meeting was held in the parlors of the M. E. church Friday evening. Presiding Elder Harding was present. A normal class was started at the M. E. church Tuesday evening of last week. It is to study the bible. Aboiit forty* five joined the first evening. A. M. Brown of McHenry is working for the Citizens' Electric Light and Manufacturing Co. He may move his family here in the spring. Installation of the officers of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. was held in their hall last Friday evening, a goodly number of members and their families present. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rowlands have moved into Charley Ven&ylar's house, lately occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Couarigee. E. Niese jnoved in the rooms above his store. The relatives from here that' attended Mrs. Still's funeral in Woodstock last week Tuesday were: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McCollum and son, Harry, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. McCollum, F. E. McCollum and daughter, Ruby. Mrs. C. B. White died at her home in Nunda, January 10, from injuries re ceived the Saturday previous by being thrown from a surrey, coming from L. Harrison's. The funeral was held in the M. Fi. church Thursday afternoon, ser vices conducted by Rev. Smith. Sunday at two o'clock, the funeral of George Irwin was held at. his home. A short service was held by Rev. Smithy the M!. W. A. taking charge. He was killed Thursday afternoon at Crystal Lake while working on the water boxes. He was caught in the chain and was badly crushed before the machinery could be stopped. He leaves a wife and ^ children. . ̂ BIDOEHBLD. t"' , ' * 4 ' ' 0. Han Was in Elgin Mondfty^ f 4 Barney Terwillager wqs in Chicago Monday. Ernest Merchant WM in Belvidere Saturday. . ^ e Miss Nell Gibson is visiting relatives at Beloit, Wis. J. H. Parks was in Woodstock one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson were in Nunda Friday. Mrs. Maud Garrison was in Green wood last Tuesday. Mrs. Alta Keeler and son, Marvin, were in Woodstock Saturday. James Robinson and daughter, Ethel, were in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. Olmstead and daughter, Mrs. Smitn, were in Woodstock fYiday. Sydney Reed visited his brother, Frank, at Chicago the past few days. Will Gorham and Chas. Ambler called on the Misses Whiston at Holoombville Sunday evening. Misses Lntie and Eva Martin and brother, Guy, visited with J. B. Lynch and family Sunday. f ^ - A Card. 1, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of-Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money* refunded, tf Julia A. Story, j If you consider dither quality or price' gj to Reid's studio, open at Richmond every Thursday and Friday, and a trial will convince the most skeptical of the superiority of his work. 21-tf j r V ' r . . < . V - j • ' w v l - A BROWN. JAW. 100 Washington' C. P. BARNES. T>HY8It r Office over the phone No. 2. W-Wfii'̂ ELLS, M. D. AND OCULIST, ue in Justen's Itlock, lealer office, McUewry. Tete- OHYSICIAN AND -*• Til. Office at Besiti O. H. F"KG|5R8, M. D. DR. A. E. AURINGER. J. auiiwrn »um), nun ajcuenfy, IIL Real- H. C. MEAD, : Justice of the Peace and General In- • t snranee Agent, including Accident. ; and Life Insurance. ^ ,WKST AIOHKWJIY, - - ILLJY • J ' I " A. M. CHURCH,.' -S. Watchmaker and Jeweler 'v < No. 126 State street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine - Watches and Chronometers. I fW A full assortment of goods in his line, tt Dr- Walter C. Basley, Office over Besla**^ Drug Store * DENTIST- WEST MC H BNRT. Woodstock office--Kendall Dentai Parlors Will bo at McHenry office Mondays and Tuesdays. At Woodstock office Wt ~ Thtvmdays, Fridays and Saturdays. •XAMtNATION* PR KB M 4k All Kinds of Modern -- : V#' Executed on Short Notice at Pricapi Consistent with Good Work. Extracting by the use of Nitrous Oxld Qaa.:.^ or Vitalised Air. ., - ^ ' P. C, ROSS, D* 0. •Over Chveo « Ohapell's store. . " iy;|Uinili,,i i ii. ii "i- 'HI/.I ill fi i inning * £ '• X / t. F. BOLEY, Proprietor of McHenry Brewery, MoHENRY. ILL.. •Always on Hand With -the Best Beer----- SOCIETIES. * MASONIC. MCHbhbt LODO£, NO. 158, Regular Communications the fourth Mondays in each month. GEO. 11. MANLY, W. W. 0. O. P. St.* Patrick's Court, No. 187. W. O. O. F.,j the First Saturday and Third Wedneu evenings of each month, at Forester liall. MRS. MAHY COBB, Chief Kangef.' LORETTA WAUSH, Secretary. 1 - ; M. W. A. ^Regular Meetings every Second and ftmlrtli Wednesday evenings of each Hall, in Stoffel's Block H. C. MBAD, Clerk. month, at their O. C. COLBY, Consul. " 5t' ; O.Q.*. Meet Pii-st and Third Sundays of month in Forester Hall. » ? ANTON WBBBB, Chief Ranger. ' r JotUN N&uts, Secretarjr. * " " 11 T11"" *Vil 1 / i * t ft if >»' St. Patrick Court No. 746. C. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings £ • of each month in Forester Hall. ri- J.M.Phalen, C. O. E. Walsh, R. 8. . CHURCHES. •M if.' UNIVER8ALIST. ' " Rev. J.Straub, D. D. ..........Paster T. J.Walsh...: .......president H. C. Mead Clerk James B. Perry. Treasurer The Willing Workers (the ladies' organisa tion.) Mrs. L. H. Owen President Mrs. John 1. Story .. President Mrs. J< Van Slyke «. .• * Hecretary Mrs. W\A. Cristy...... T.. .*.; Treasurer Supt. of Sunday-School... F. L. McOinber Assistant W. A. Cristy The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Grand Crossing. ; ' ' Preaching Services at 10:30 A. JN. and «T fiM p. M. A cordial invitation to all. m i METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. W. L. Whipple Preaching Sunday 10:80 School, 12 3® Dr. A. E. Aurlnger. SundiQT- Prsiver Meeting, Wednesday, 7 :§0 p. M. Ladles" Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. A. E. Auringer, President, Miss Cora Wilson, Secretary. 0T A Cordial invitation is extended to all. % ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) ' Services will bo held on Sunday t? . lity as follo\n|: High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. Vespers at i o'clock p.m. REV. FATHBB KIRSCH, Pastor. •fx* >' ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIO. Regular Sunday services at 9:30 o'clock m. and 18o'clock every third Sunday. REV. FATHKK Pastor. " * ' ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAI^.) St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsbv have services on Sunday as follows: Hi Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers at'<tf o'clock p. m. RKV. FATHER MEHRJNG, Past-er. Abstracts of Title. •i"#i,i iniriiiii. ihii.»i^».iji,ii.i.i.. i. i -m . ,.isj, || McHenry Couti ABSTRACT COMPANY WOODSTOCK, IftUU. -i. Iv:"- "«>,<<1: •1 DlrMtm f F". F. Axtoll. Harvard. K. M. Patrick. Marengo. « / John J. Murphy, Woodstock. , •' ?'t W. C. Elchelberger, Woodstock I Ceo. L. Murphy, Woodstock RMI Bstate Bought and Sold Insurance •