Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1900, p. 6

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E^.^PIIPfl . f*- «,' "w. P®Kr das fitter Sanitary Plumbing a specialty TM Eagle Acetylene Gas Machines for sale. Carbite for sale. Oniftm by telephone and mail promptly attended to. $j0k» and stock roam tf| the Simee block. LPtlONES: _ f* ^ Long Distance. 84? ^ Cltlfens', ft £': |Wut Ndtevy, • M. , -v **• Musicair^ Instru- ,-fev- ^ And everything ' that pertains to flusic. ~4"t f 7 < . MttOBOWK. ' - Wedt HfcBetory, A mi e m • ; .ig,* ' 5--r £?- w. & *v jfe' Watches j Clocks iW. *' "'4< • „K V Rin«* ;; Chains •« - i JV„- .4p-* tli-i iamonds Scarf Pills *-*• aT t> jl %.***£ JOS. SCHNEIDER, Silver­ ware iv'-r f? ^ 3* - • • - i i • ' • 1>\»; , A ni About MOO ' Stile* of tHtok bM*BMt Record gtvw 1890i The Railway Age has made a canvass of the conn try in regard to the building of new railroads during the past year, and find that about 4,590 miles haw. been added in that time. This is the greatest amount of new railroad that has been bnilt in any one year since 1890, when 5,670 .miles Were completed. Scarcity of labor and the great increase in prices for rails and other supplies is believed to have had a material effect in keeping down the new mileage, and the coming year will without doubt see con­ tinuation of building. Iowa stands at the head of the list of states in its figures for new mileage, with 585 miles to its credit, although the previous ten years had seen little or no additions made to its railroads A notable fact about the railroad building of the year is that there has been com­ paratively little building by new com­ panies, while a number of the older roads have made important extensions. As examples, the Chicago and North­ western has built 357| miles; the Chi­ cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, 98 miles, the Northern Pacific, 95 miles in the United States and 29 miles in Canada; the Chicago, Bock Island and Pacific, 83 miles; the Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe, 160 miles; the Illinois Central, 190 miles: the Burlington system, 80 miles; the Louisville and Nashville, 74 miles; the Seaboard Air line, over 100 miles; the Great Northern, 74 miles, and the Choetow, Oklahoma and Gulf, 162 miles. Paring 1H9J Massachusetts had the lowest record of new trackage, the number of miles being only 4.20 Having a Great Run on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Manager Martin, of the Pierson drug store, informs us that he is having a great run on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles of that medicine to one of any other kind, and it gives great satisfaction. In these days of la grippe there is nothing like Cham­ berlain's Cough Remedy to stop tl 0 cough, heal up the sore throat and lungs and give relief within a very short time. The sales are growing, and all who try it are pleased with its prompt action.-- South Chicago DaiJv Calumet. For sale by Miss Julia A. Story. Liberal Offer. The large and increasing circulation dt The I^wa Homestead in this county is a matter for congratulation to the publishers and to good farming, for, of all the papers of its class in the country, it is easily the best and most helpful. Its Special Farmers' Institute editions, issued with the regular edition the first week in each month, have been for years the admiration of all practical farmers. Written wholly by farmers, they are full of actual experience and smell of the soil. We have been fortunate enough this season to secure terms for The Homestead and its Spe­ cial Farmers' Institute Editions, 4o- gdther with The Poultry Farmer and The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal, four of the most valuable farm publi­ cations in the country, >that enable us to offer the four in connection with our own paper for $2.00 for the entire five, one year. This is emphatically a good thing, and no farmer in this country should fail to take advantage of the offer. For a large line of thoronghly practical farm reading nothing has ever been offered before that eqnais it. A county paper, a farm paper, a poultry paper, a farm insurance paper and the Special Farmers' Institute, all/or $2.00. N«wi from All Parts of th« Croat World. HAPPENINGS BRIEFLY NARRATE* BitUeof MANILA! CHICAGO bapfculve scene. Every Atoertcan •tiesM Me It."-- Pres. MeKItaley. Come in and order them. tf V- ft" -- w.* Waderful ClectrkU EftecU Tropical suite Ml Saot Stum di Night BMurriBHt <H ftrts al SHp Dewey Silver Souvenir Spoons--the most elaborate souvenir ever given away--will be presented to every pur­ chaser of a ticket (50c) during January. Patrons from out of town may send stamps tor tickets wanted, and spoons and tickets will be forwarded--the tick- #|s jCood until used. *, Address : MANILA EXHIBITION CO. Wabash Ave. Chicago Vmtr't Dictionary o( Sjrun jus 4 Aolonpia, frnuoiT au Fantllir Plraiei. A book thai should be inthtmt [pocket of every person, because it 11̂ 1" y°« the right wort to use. ia ^e English -- ~-- Exactly itte Langit! Have To . 8*1*6 _ Bams Significance toe precise meaning that one in tend* to convey a dictionary of SynoaynMi i* needed to avoid repe­ tition. The strongest figure of speech is antithesis. In this dic- ?SRa!Z appended Antonyms will, UMJMifore, be found extremely valuable. Contains many other gat®"? *«& as Mythology, Familiar illusions and For- Memory Engagement Broken Oft * A. girl in Montgomery broke her en­ gagement with one of the wealthiest young men in the county, because he had indigestion so bad he was a menace to her happiness and no good to'himself What a relief just one bottle of Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin would have been to that man, and what a boon it is to-day to many a household, where it keeps all the family in a state of health that war rants true lore, confidence and happiness in the home. Try It yourself. At Julia A. Story 's. Grand Kxcurftlon to OM Mraiee Via Chicago & North-Western B&ilway, to leave Chicago Tuesday, Jan. 80, 1900, under personal direction of Mr. J. Craf ton, an experienced excursion manager. Entire trip in special train with dining car. Tonr is arranged to include Mardi Gras at New Orleans and all principal points of interest in oldMexieoand tick et covers all expenses. Only limited number can be accom modated; secure space early. For de scriptive pamphlets and information, call on, or write agents Chicago & North Western By. 90 5t. Have Yen aCoM? 4 If so, then instead of taking so much quinine take a pleasant and mild stomach and bowel remedy which will cleanse the system, and y >u will be surprised how quickly the cold will leave you. We sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for just this purpose. Try it. 10 cents 50 entd and $1. For sale by Julia A. &cory. ill the Lsust Goo* Hewe, Fon|pi Kvente j Which Are of OMtrsl Interval Dlna*» tors, Crimea and Other tnhleehi Chrosal- clcd In OfeMeneed Form far the Bus? Reader. , TBS WAB IN *HK rBILIPFlXlH General TOieeler has started from Manila on his return -to the United States. Dr. Edward Osborn,. a well-known physician and surgeon or Mason City, la., died suddenly of apoplexy. A pack train under escort of Lieu­ tenant Ralston and Jifty men of the Thirtieth infantry W*i» ambushed. Two were killed, Ave wounded and nine are missing. Two companies of the Forty-sixth in­ fantry, under Major Johnson, and three companies of the Thirty-eighth infantry, commanded by Major Muir, defeated 300 insurgents at Taal, prov­ ince of Batangas, taking the,town. The United States gunboat Marietta qlso shelled the place. WASHINGTON NEWS. Senator Mason has introduced ft bill to pension members of the Chicago Dragoons who served ninety days In the civil war, Senator Penrose has reported from the committee on immigration the bill Introduced by Senator Lodge restrict­ ing immigration. The Roberts committee has ranched a conclusion. They are unanimous on1 the polygamous status of Roberts, but divided on the question of proeeedure. The majority favor exclusion at the outset. The minority favors seating Roberts on prima facia rights and then expelling him. The president has sent to the senate the nomination of Thomas J. Hender­ son, At Illinois, to be civilian member of tbe board of ordinance and fortifica­ tion, and tbe senate has confirmed the same. Senator McLaurln, of Mississippi, who has been dangerously 111 of pneu­ monia. is out of danger. Secretary Gage has asked congress to appropriate $17,500 to equip a new marine hospital in Chicago. Republicans of the senate were In caucus for nearly two hours consider­ ing the reorganization of the seante official force. THE OBIN1NAL RECORD. Ex-Congressman David C; "Oofcawi shot and killed Ethelburt Scott, Charles Jullen and Luther Detmaree, and wounded a man named Golden In the Capitol hotel at Frankfort, Ky. The killing was the result of a renewal of a feud between Colson and Scott. J. W. Murphy, cashier of the Third National bank. Columbus. Ga., shot and killed the teller, P. T. Shutze, and then killed himself. Insanity. Charles Hauptman was fatally stabbed by G. W. Chaffee, a brother of General Chaffee. U. 8. A„ after be had fractured Chaffee's skull with h hammer in a fight at Houston. Tex, The body of Fred W, Wright was found In a vacant lot at Chicago. A re­ volver with two empty chambers was by his side. He bad been ill for some time. Two prisoners at West Plains, Mo„ killed the jailer and escaped. Martin Bergen, catcher of the Bos­ ton League base ball club, while pre­ sumably insane, killed his wife and two children and then himself in his home at North Brook field, Mass., yes­ terday. » The case of Charles H. Cole, former­ ly president of the Globe National bank of Boston, accused of embezzle­ ment, was continued to Feb. 1. At Kansas City, Mo., John J. Kel- ley, a former policeman, was shot and killed by Worth Riley, a bartender. George Silbee and Meets, half- brothers, who were convicted of mur­ der here early last week, were lynched by a mob In tbe eonnty jail yard at Ft Scott, Kan. The grand jury at Frankfort, Ky., reported indictments charging Colonel David O, Colson with the willful mur­ der of Htfcelbert Scott and L. W. Dftnaree, ^ Lenor W. Secor, charged with em­ bezzling $17,000 from Goodrich Transportation Company at Milww. kee, has been arrested in New Yorfe. On bis death- bed a man named Slow­ er confessed that be wurrted Moses Lufklns, of Redwood Falls, Minn*, twelve years ago, for which crime William Rose was hanged. Samuel Briggs, who carries tbe Boydville mall, was fatally shot (n the postoffice at Mayfleld. Ky.. by Edward Bruce. Bruce claimed Briggs bad spoken disrespectfully to Mrs!, Bruce. Three Italians of on# hoitti w#r« ihot to death in an inter-fanmy row In Stew York. •iliiirii I ifHiilif' o&lnMo., dlspB? frsa.1! «foth binding and sent postpaid for S0.2B. Full Lestlierrftt edge, $0.«0, poi Be. Send for oar faurge boo Address all orders to postpaid • Older >k catalog catalogue, free. THE WERNCI& Y, v WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office I wish to open in this vicinity. Good opening for an energetic, sober man. Kindly mention this paper when writing. A. T. MORRIS, Cincmatti, O. Illustrated catalogue 4 cents prt"- *97 6, PUSINIMff NOTES, H. C. Wntoivright & Co., bankers and brokers, Boston, have made an assignment. The firm of H. C. Walnwright & Co., bankers and brokers, of 40 State street Boston, have made an assign­ ment. By order o t the diractors the pay of tbe operatives in tbe employ of the Nonatum and Xewton Worsted com­ panies at Boston waa advanced W per cent Tbe Wild Bros, Jewelry company of St. Louis has filed a deed of trust on all its stock of jewelry and fixtures to Peter A. Picket as trustee for tbe credt itors. An order for 30,000 tons of rails has been placed with tbe Illinois Steel com­ pany by tbe Chicago and Northwestern railroad. Bridge builders are planning a com­ bine with $32,000,000 capital. Francis P. Owings, formerly In­ terested in real estate in Chicago, asks relief from debts aggregating $5.564,- 017--the largest schedule of liabilities ever presented under a bankruptcy act In this or any other country. The new $3,600,000 combine has se­ cured option* on many of the largest brick plants of Allegheny county, Pa„ and it Is expected to take over tbe plants by the 1st of April. It fs said that a zinc trust, capltat- Jwd at tmflOOfiM, to tttlq* formed of |pte0t in the Jopllti Tltf Baldwin Locomotive . works have obtained another large order for enghaes fr*om France. MISHAPS AND DISASTERS. A Mection gang of nine men was run down in the Delaware, Lackawana and Western tunnel near Oxford, N. J., and three of the party killed. Charles Dfrtlgberty, a lineman, was killed and Btiward Elms and William Kaiser were aeriously injured at St. Louis while removing a wire which had crossed an electric light wire* Professor Hazen of the weather de­ partment was fatally injured at Wash­ ington by being thrown from his bi­ cycle. The body of George B. Eyre, the rich young man of Chester, Pa., who went on a shooting expedition Dec. 21 and never returned, has been found float­ ing In the river near Bridgeport, N. J. THE BOER WAR. General Lyttletou has ferried and forded Petgieter's drift and seized with little opposition a line of low ridges a mile from there. During the night a howitzer battery was carried across. t Lord Dundonald, hy a dashing move­ ment, occupied the hills above Pet­ gieter's drift, fifteen miles west of Co- lenso, taking the Boers completely by surprise. * A Durban special dated Thursday night, says: "It is reported here that Lord Dundottald has smashed a Boer convoy. General Buller is said to be within twelve miles of Ladysinith and General Warren about six miles to the rear." A dispatch via heliograph from Lady smith says there was heavy firing south of that town; the British were wining their way north and the Boers" retreating. General Cleary, with a portion of General Warren's force, has driven the Boers from ridge to ridge and ad­ vanced three miles in the direction of' Ladysmith. About 100 wounded were sent to the rear. Number of dead' unknokn. The London war office has received the following: "General Warren's en­ gagement continues. He has forced the enemy from three positions. The Lancashire and Irish brigades are ad­ vancing steadily. The fire is very se- severe occasionally." George Warrington Steevens, the London Daily Mail war correspondent, is dead at Ladysmith of enteric fever. The statement conies from an excel­ lent source in Pieterinaritzburg that Lord Dundonald has entered Lady­ smith with 1,600 men. The Boers admit twenty-one casual­ ties during General Lyttleton's skir­ mish. General Warren continues push­ ing though he is necessarily making f very slow progress, as the Boers are numerous and strongly entrenched, t Tbe total British losses In the recentr flgbt at Ladysmjth were 488. HOTABLE DEATHS. Thomas Egleston, who planned and founded tbe school of mines of Co­ lumbia university, is dead at New York. Andrew Carnegie denies having ca­ bled Senator Hoar's speech to Aguin- aldo. Earl Man vers, Sydney William Her­ bert Pierrepont, is dead in London. Captain Charles L. Steele. Eight­ eenth infantry, i« dead at Fort Bay­ ard, N. M. Dr. C. L. Dlven, D. D., pastor of Unity church In St. Paul, Minn., and well known throughout tbe country, Is dead. John Buskin, the famous author, Is dead in London of influenza, agad 81. The Duke of Teck is dead In Eng­ land. Rev. Dr. J. Henry Sharpe, a promi­ nent Presbyterian clergyman, is dead at his home In Philadelphia, aged 58 years. He was born at Cadiz* THE yiKE RECORD. ' Fire did damage to the extent of $80,000 In tbe building qqcupied by Burrows & Co., manufacturers, and others at Baltimore, Md. Tbe palatial suburban home of Charles R. Harris, the inventor, at Williamsport, Pa., was entirely de­ stroyed by fire late at night. The Ashland, Or., woolen mills, one of the oldest industrial establishments in the state, were destroyed by fire. ODDS AND ENDS. * Marion Manola Mason, the comic opera singer, has filed suit for divorce from her husband; John Mason, the $ctor, on statutory grounds. MMm* Jt*S*!e M. Forbes, slaughter of Rev. .John M; Forbe.s Of Lincoln, Ills., and Thomas g. Wylla. S forjekmaker ttf the same place, eloped to Spring- fteld, Ills,, and were married: Miss Anna MOPFP died suddenly pf disease Jit ^hPlbyyfilP, Ind.. $ few hours before the time spt for iw marriage |» Charles Umm- The Davenport. Ropk island and *M**Jwes!er» wjif broom** a member fit thff Wi.Kjwrn PHMspngep gSQCiHtiOn'jl mileage bureau Jan, ^>7 coltor h»fte is more frequently brokeB body. Tbe Rev. Charles Albert Smith, whd for the last seventeen months hai been rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity at St. Joseph, Mo„ bas re­ signed his pastorate. The Swiss government gives general *4Mtm>rjK»tiou fdr the Importation of American dried fruits, also fresh fruUs, providing they are examined at Bas},e and found exempt from scale or either parasites, Tbe rod u»iU workers of the Am«rl' can steel and Wire company at leaver Falls, Pa,, have deefdwl to return to work at the company's terms, The total numlW of paid employes 0i the New York state government Is The governing committee of tbe Cbi* eago Stock Exchange has declined to act on C. A, Whyland's petition for reinstatement to membership. The present reason has been one of particular benefit to tbe oyster farm* ere. The total candy output of the United States last year was at least *75,000,- ooo, Annie Ellsworth Smith, widow of Roswell Smith, founder of the Century company. Is dead in New York, Tbe remains of John Uuskin, to ae» eordanee with a wish he expressed % > v " y 1 f * fa ?' •' "V •' < • V . . FOR PURE DRUGS AND i ' C; MEDICINES, NOTIONS d% TOILET ARTICLES, STA­ 2 "-t- TIONERY, SCHOOL SUP- ^ .V ^ PLIES, BOOKS, FINE - 5- / u *, CHINA AND GLASS-^ ^ ^ ' > ' * WARE. ETC. CALL ON - Jf JULIA A. STORY - - y • - M'HIjNRY, ILLINOIS - * - if: - • ft •/ • a; , 1 1 • " - 4 - 1 " l 1 J l i J '4 • . ^ > jje - -rv;?,« •pi ^ i . *: 'M n 'V w any other bone in i./i 45.00 worth for ;V E •U, .• •OX) ' <A !~i f .• '~M( ' ̂ M- > t feave a se^ of^TU tnlerriatlonal Cycfopedia- wfiW'f offer for sale at the exceedingly low rate of $15.00, The , books are in excellent condition and cofet me $45,00. In order to raise a certain sum of money by the first of * February, I make this offer. REV. W. L. WHIPPLE, - West McHenry. When you •nd away from faoaw, And Away Werrt Your Corset. • Vli Then you thought-- naturally too, that the "unbreakable corset." -- b u t w o r d s l c a t f i S t e x p r e s s i a l t y o u t h o u g h t . a h d first time you had an opportunity you would buy ail ' You were fortunate, Indeed, PROOF and UNBREAKABLE and cost you only $1.00 each., That is very cheap lor such a Corset and we want to shpw you it. • RECOMMENDED AND GUARANTEED H. J. WALSH, - West McHenry, 111. ' £ • . niiiiimin>iiMmiinnmiM>iitmnmi> N J &J' :: URNITURE \ unaertikiot 1 (SpedOty & • '•f * T( ' ' . -f'- rtj*'.-:' 3^, rr hi- *<9$ '• v"/; k' 1 ^ J .'I'*' • . ^ V, '•" f --A- T is not necessary for us to make mention of all the articles in the furniture line that constitute the immense stock in our store. Yon Jmow all about it. Furniture prices have advanced during the past few ^ , Jinonths, but we luckily had a good Supply on hand at the time prices |vent np, and can still offer you bar- I? bpli^ripip, 4- : Mftndsper !. -4-': 1 '• ' r j- - JACdfirjUSTfiN. ram. Sfejf-f •p •^5- is .Wli 'i£ . . . T H A T lo all tint isOood iowi A((ord$ toe Best 1 Bit" Union Insurance Company^1: T • ' •»" • " >< " V« J'" ' •:"h- Netvalnes of all Policies deposited ip Approved Securities with the State of y wlfa m yowr Trwtee, W. A, (WSTY.WsWtt tm, west Ndkvy, III, .«•! . -j?'. ^ P e s I UWtf A»*K> ,iHPtll||f w - • .--cT-^-rjr.nrf ?> S, K *- * w ^ -- -t r v V- A

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