>**\\ ' if V V ' ^ A ;. *i ^?£'V' ^V' SUM m «ro fW 9 - SAt • I I 3 •4f s 6 7 8 9 IO ii 11 *3 •4 IS 16 17 18 19 JO 21 22 23 24 26 *7 28 Je/2 Mi pjflBr 1 f' ».,v«?s;; , „ -jiCt Qex] .•* *" Vi t , » .. * r i' ,4 •.»>•*£ \ « -V ^ (" *' ^ . * { " / > 1 V'̂ V..V ' /* <•( L /, ^v..j" v- , 4 ,1>+ ' - -m «0img&/r; ¥i-"^'-, ,̂0 7 ^v*&i V **Sif';!??!iJ." ^ S»&k: % "s : :f* * tt inm»mii>miititi>MMMn NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY j OUR ABLE 1QQRPS OF CORRESPONDENTS' \ mt*> WOODSTOCK. E. L. Shippee was a Harvard visitor ^jn Wednesday. 0 Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Bartlett made a JiJfcrip to Chicago Wednesday. §j| Mrs. G. C. Brown and son, Bobbie, ^were Harvard visitors on Friday. v Mrs. Boyd of Walworth visited f W ;<with relatives in town part of last wtfek. : -, ' Miss Mabel Darrell of Harvard visited g|; ;HJpritii her sister and many friends in ^•fS^town recently. : ' - \ * Wm. McFadden of Omaha, Neb., is :V " '» guest at the home of his brother, £1 S., r ^ .4 for a few weeks. • The Misses Sally and Rose Gaffney spent Saturday and Sunday at their ^ home in HartlancL v Mrs. Lacia Gilbert who is caring to* :•><* ^ sick friend at Algonquin came home fCv 'on Thursday for a few days. The Misses Downing of Chicago and Isabel Woodford of Greenwood were vjguests of relatives in town first of the *„ ,*>eek. f * Mrs. Besley of McHenry was a guest , : ? ;^it the home of Dr. E. V. Anderson and - fcher son, Dr. W. C. Besley, several days ;iji|g|Uwt week • |f§|| The members of the Preabyteriau t;hoir with their respective wives and • 1 husbands were entertained at the home g|ftff|>f Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Hoy, Friday 4 _ - evening. \ \ , The special services held in the Con- jgregational church, conducted by the lable evangelist, Rev. Milford Lyon, lassisted by the singers, Mr. and Mrs. ^ i Cleorge Williams, are full of spirit I';: life. It is earnestly hoped that much 1 good will be accomplished, in Jesus' %;%»aw. - RICHMOXD. \\ , C. D. Denison transacted btfMxieefi lb ^Chicago one day last week. |lvw%| Mrs. Perry Armstrong of Chicago is % ' Visiting atDr. F. N. Armstrongs. ^ ; • James Kimball of Woodstock spent |p|j|ast week with his son, H. J. Kimball • T. J. Bower was attending to busi ness at Elgin the latter part of last A ^week. . " • Miss Cornelia Smith returned last : Y Saturday from a visit with her parents «• ^"':.»t Nunda. Miss Myrtle Coquillett went: to •' Marengo last week where she is visit er £ng relatives. ' Elmer Mcintosh was attending to Y\:- ibusinessat Whitewater, Wito., his Did i r V %ome last week. Lew. Wilcox has been entertaining , ' ̂ Ifor some days, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. 'Charles of Chicago. Prof. D. M. Mills returned Sunday l<, ^evening from a visit with his siste^, Mrs. ^ Jay Van Slyke, at McHenry. tT ' 's Mr. and Mrs. George Osmond drove ^ j tto Woodstock last Saturday where they £ i; spent Sunday with relatives. " • Mrs. Nettie Clark of Chicago has -j Jbeen visiting for several days with her ? / ^brother, H. E. Boutell and family. J'"# Wm. McGawleft the latter part of IjC i 'last week for iDetroit where he will visit .his old time friend, Alex. McAdam, who ^.several years ago operated the Richmond ' ' \'l (MMBMy for a short time. ;v- ̂ ̂ ' Agent* Wanted. < I ifo sell the MAKSH READF^^SMLFFI * AND REVOLVING BFX)K CASE Best M'<t ' Office or Libfary article ever patented, :<r-\ and fells everywhere oh sight, at a good Ipft profit. Wliy stand idle with such a "'01. chance to make money? Ask the pub- V' llsher of this paper to show you sample this «tand or write us for full partic- ' i&nMcmce. :,4" . MARSH MPG , Co., ?3? 542 WestÎ keSt. Chicago. AtOONQUIN Miss Emma Kabon is improving. Mrs. Chas. Lobeck is reported better. Leon Helm was in Dundee on Friday. Joe Syke was a city visitor the last of the week. Arthur Haeger waa Chicago on Thursday. :4; V-v' Mrs. Will Morton returned to Elgin on Saturday. Blackie Helm spent Thursday and Fri day in Chicago. The Fife children are oat of school with the mumps. Mrs. Gilbert of Woodstock is attend ing Mrs. Phillips. The Woodmen initiated two members on Thursday night. Mrs. Sadlick returned from Chicago on Friday evening. Miss Jennie Balch spent Sunday with her parents~in Elgin. Mrs. Ira Jayne became Mint to two pairs of twins ̂ ast week. Misses Anna Haeger and Ruth Yerkes were in Elgin on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Ketcham has been quite poorly for the past week. Dor Thomas is in jbhe neighborhood of Freeport buying horses. „ Mrs. Shnfelt and Mrs. Howard Phil lips still remain very low. R. E. Haeger returned from the poultry show on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Bartells spent the most 0 the week visiting in Chicago. Ed Peter has hegun to get in wheel for the coming season's trade. Miss Ada Andrus of Nunda visited with schoolmates here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Doig have gone to housekeeping in the Steleck flat The Ladies' Aid Society met with Mary Keyes on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lyange are proud parents of a boy, who arrived on Fri day. ' Mr. and Mrs. Mark Benson rejoice oyer the arrival of a baby boy on, Sat urday Jan. 27, 1900. Mr. Holts won the horse 9fl, which Dick Morton raffled on Saturday night, 165 being the lucky number. Letters received from S. W. Haeger, who is spending the winter at Phoenix, Arizona,, say the weather there is fine and that he is feeling much better. He also states that the trees are in bloom and the gardens growing rapidly. Old People Hade Young. J. C. Sherman, the veteran editor of the Vermontville (Mich.)Echo, has dis covered the remarkable secret of peep ing old people young. For years he has avoided Nervousness, Sleeplessness, In digestion, Heart trouble, Constipation and Rheumatism, by using Electric Bitters, and he writes: "It can't be praised too highly. It gently stimu lates the kidneys, tones the stomach, aids digestion, and gives a splendid appetite. It has worked wonders for my wife and me. It's a marvelous remedy for old people's complaints." Only 50a at Julia A. Story's drug store. WANTED? Reliable map for Manager of Branch Office I wish to open in this vicinity. Good opening for an energetic, sober man. Kindly mention this paper when writing. A. T. MORRIS, Cindnatti, O. Illustrated catalogue 4 cents postage. 27 6. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab let*. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 35c. • Ed Carlson was in N tSarle Ormsby is home days. BCt. Anderson was here Monday •y- for a few on Nunda Thursday. Broest Merchant waft in Woodstock Saturday. James Robinson was in Woodstock Saturday; Will Fisk of Nunda visited friends here Friday. Mrs. Fred Hartman visited in Chi cago the past tew days. Mrs. J. T. Fisk of Nunda visited at R. L. Dufield's Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Keeler and son, Marion, were in Nunda Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited with Mrs. Ottman at Harvard Saturday. Delmar Dufield^of Elgin visited hisv father, R. L. Dufield, Sunday < Chas. Kiltz of Cary visited friends here Sunday. Dr. Anderson of Woodstock was Thursday^ \ Miss Edith KaM was in Nunda Satur day- . •' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wood war® in Woodstock Friday. 5S About ten from here attended the, Maccabees dance at Nunda Friday eve: ing. The Masquerade dance has be changed to Friday evening Feb. % A mission 85 cents. Lewis Gibson came home from Chi cago Saturday where he has been hav ing his nose doctored. Mr. Geo. Harris died, after two weeks severe illness, at his home south of town, Thursday, Jan. 26, 1900, aged 46 years. Funeral was held in the Presbyterian church, Sunday. Interment was made in the Ridgeneld cemetery. He leaves a wi£e* three sons and a brother* , , VOLO. ' \\ -v. Mat Glosson has quit work in the city and will remain here this winter. Miss Winnie Grimoldby of Ringwood spent Sunday with Miss Rosa Huson. Miss Jessie Gale of Elgin spent Sun day at Volo, she returned to Elgin Mon day. There was a party at Harry Nichols' on Monday evening last All report a good time. Elmer Murray of La Fox and Lee Murray of Wauconda were Volo callers Saturday afternoon. The many friends of John Sable will KA gA*w* 4-A « wv DV* * j wv uvm vuivu uo I rheumatism, in the city. The M. E. choir met at the home of J. Walton Saturday evening to practice pieces from the new song books. Miss Elsie Smith of Elgin, formerly of Volo, has gone to Des Moines, la., where she will spend the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Thomas. We hear ttiat Dighton Granger, of Chicago, formerly o||tU|g||0e, has the smallpox. If such true. thfr sympathy of his ,,is with turn. • Miss Jennie Walton, entertained the "Rebels" at her home Saturday after noon. On account of the bad weather only a few members were present, but nevertheless they had a jolly time. MURRAY-GLOSSON NUPTIALS. /"On Wednesday, Jan 24., 1900, at 8 a. In. James F. Murray, of Volo, and Miss Susan Glosson,1 of McHenry, were mar ried at the Catholic Church, Rev. Fath er Rhode performing the ceremony. The groom is the eldest son of Mrs. Den Murray, who resides about three miles south of Wauconda, and the bride is the daughter of John Glosson, of McHenry, The groom's brother, Elmer Murray, of La Fox, 111. and the bride's brother, Mat Glosson, of Yolo, acted as "best" men, and Misses Agnes Murray of Wau- conda and Lizzie Glosson, of McHenry, accompanied the bride. The bride. wore; gray trimmed with cream lace and pearl trimming. The maids also wore gray. A wedding breakfast was served at the home of the groom's mother to the im mediate relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mur ray* left on the five o'clock train from Jfarrington for Chicago, where they re mained until Friday morning. They went to house keeping immediately up on their return, in the living rooms over the Volo creamery, where Mr. Murray has been employed for seven years. They start in life with the best wishes of a host of friends to wh^.vwaj^p^ hope for a fair voyage. cn&t ne is uuu ap witn SOLON. Ed, Alice apd Maud Carey wore fi lers at R. Aylwards' recently. Berne Bell of Ringwood called on friends here the first of the week. R. B. Gardner wishes us to announce that his farm is not for sale now. The Cemetery Aid Society will meet with Mrs. H. G. Reading February 7, 1900. John and Arthur Merrell have taken the contract for Mr. Niches' barn and will begin work at once. Quite a few \from Solon accepted the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge and spent Monday evening with them. A number of young people were en tertained at the home of it. B. Gard ner last Saturday evening. AH present ad a very enjoyable time. Ed Cropley and Miss Marion Jones ere united in marriage last -Thursday. They visited relatives and friends at South Chicago and Marengo, returning to their future home just west of Solon* ^fonday evening. PHIL 8. BAKRISON, M«or plant htwlngs ajid hlessiugi* will bloomy /: I'lant lisiifeand hate will grow; Vou to-morrow willbplBaf - The blossom that proves what sort of a thing Is the seed--the seed that you sow. R, Lawson and wife of Elgin spent Sunday with friends here. G. A. Spaulding of Chicago was here on business the first of the week Miss Winnifred Grimoldby spent Sunday with friends at Wauconda. Mrs. Willis and Mrs. Waite of Elgin Visited with Mrs. J. W. Grimoldby one day during the week. * George Bacon was giv«n a surprise on Saturday evening by a host of his young friendB. The occasion being his birth day. ' •' Soott Harrison will lead the Y. P. C. U. meeting at the Universalis!; church, McHenry, next Sunday evening, Feb. 4. Subject: "Purity in Public Life." Last Tuesday evening Miss Florence Brown entertained a numbejr of friends at her home. The evening was spent pleasantly by all present. Refresh ments were served. * / James Conway met with an accident last Friday. While working in a well, a wrench dropped from the top striking him on the head ; had it not struck slant ing it would probably proved fatal. On last Friday evening the Woodmen and their families went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harrison and gave them a pleasant surprise, supper was served, a good time was had generally. On account of the severity oiTthe weather Dr. Straub was nnabl£ to fill the pulpit at the Universalist church last Sunday. His subject next Sunday will probably be the same as last Sun day, "Hells of the Bible." The Sunday School is in prosperous condition and we trust it will remain so. A Young peo ples'meeting will probably be |̂-gan- ized in the near future. '* ^ ** - „ „ , t „ '% ' BABSEVILLI. - . ' Mrs. Edwin Willmington wasa Cary caller Tuesday. John Riley of Crystal Lake wae seen on our streets Saturday. Mrs. Hattie Mogler of Chicago spent last week with her sister here. Jacob Stanson began work at Crystal Lake on the ice Monday morning. Mrs. Lizzie Putman, of Burton Bridge, called on Mrs. E. Willmington Saturday. Thomas Bolger of McHenry was present at the social here Tuesday* eve ning. Miss Anna Willcox of Nunda spent Tuesday evening in this vicinity visit ing friends. Watson Baird, Floyd Tompson, James Howell and Robbie tompson spent Sat urday in Nunda. Bessie Hoffman and Mable Doriety of gWc^jbville was seen oii our streets *The many npll^ '̂l^ichard Bremer will be pleasdp to know that he is on the road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baboock and Phoebe Warner were pleasant callers at Mrs C. Bairds Saturday afternoon. Several from here attended the Basket Social at Prairie Grove Wednesday eve ning. About |21 was the receipts of the evening. The Basket Social given by the teach er and scholars of the school was a success. About $12 was realized. John nie Hunter proved himself champion of the spelling contest •; \ WAUCONDA ' / Elmer Ford continues to improve*/ ! Miss C&ddie £&dth went to Chicago Friday. / John Davis -went to Evanston Friday morning. Frank Hammond went to Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Fitch has returned from a short visit in Chicago. Tommy Carr is spending the winter with his brother, Frank. Miss Sennott went to Chicago Friday to visit her aunt, Mrs. Murray. F. L. Carr and C. L. Pratt left here Wednesday for South Dakota. Harry Fuller visited her parents in McHenry a few days last week. Tyler Gilbert has ..possession of the meat market formerly kept by A. C. Mathews. * Qa Thursiay Miss Nora Parson's started fromliere for her future .home in Maryland: Mrs. W. Ford and son, Dell, of Chi cago paid a short visit at the house of M. S. Ford recently. Samuel Taggart left here Friday to visit his sister, Mrs. Wm. Hare, in Tecumseh, Michigan. Special meeting in the M. JE. church next Sunday. Revs. Hardin, Sllock and Money are expected. "N. B. Duers was confined to the house Saturday and Sunday with a slight attack of la grippe. Dont forget the mock trial at Slocum Lake school-house, Friday Feb. 2. Admission 20 cents. Scholarship Free. You may, by doing a little writing at jour home, secure scholarship, free, in either Draughon's Practical Business Colleges--Nashville, St Louis, Little Rock, Ft. Worth, Galveston, Shreveport or Savannah. Best patronized Business Colleges in the South. For particulars address, The Illustrated Youth and Age, Nashville, Tenn. 26--(ft. Advertise in The Plaindealer. *sSL . • Jfr-C- vi You o! Yew tt; You's- ible , jsome- you klM1-' lay hah of oa %ht pick «r flu' it- _ rocky ro®d Befo" you gits wha* aside de load. Sat be humble an' don't grumble, "Oase you sometimes slip and stumble* An' seeaui trt drap behin' de •><««• <t* huittttii'throng. - - Donrt steq^ an' staht a-whinln! An' a-whittpeffn' an* a-plnin' ' But pick jforlNt'up, honey, a l o n g . -- W » h l n g t o n S t a r , • Edgar Thon^^^ wn" visi tor Sunday. . Miss Callie Thomas has recovered from her illness. Peter Martin and son were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Edwaxd Flstich was a Sunday visitor at Griswold Lake. John Matson is working for Henry Hobart at th * writing. Peter Martin started a new feed grind- er and shelter Monday. E Warren Thomas jr. is passing his time away splitting wood, etc. Miss Agnes Thomas waa a welcome visitor at our school Friday. Quite a number from here tookin ti^e masquerade ball at Sfoffel's hall. Where is the man who said "We #111 have no more "zero" weather?" Fred E. Thompson spent the latter part of last week in the great city. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dayis entertained a friend from Wauconda Friday and Saturday. Bernard Harrison was a Woodstock visitor Monday. He took Miss Anna to her school. Mr. French takes this way of thank ing "The Plaindealer" for the present he received Saturday. : Messrs. Bassett and Francisco sawed wood with their new rig at Warren Francisco's last week. A few from here attended the initi ation of the new Woodmen, at McHenry, last Wednesday evening. Owing to unavoidable circumstances there were no services at the school house last Thursday evening. Some of our young men were in the calaboose, at McHenry, Wednesday evening; (but they didn't do any dam* age.) a The Ostend Literary Society will de liver an excellent program Friday after noon, this weel^.Jp,:5v|̂ (&^ ally invited. , , l',' \ V NUNDA.. Mts. Paddock is very sick. C. White has reoieved a J. P. Beardsley is visiting his daugh ter in Chicago. W. Voltz has beenpnttingin furnaces at Wynetka, 111. Mrs. Groggan spent two days of last week in Chicago. • George Piatt returned home from his visit in Ohio Saturday. Work began on the i(^t4 |̂ys^ I#ke again Monday morning. Mrs. Nolan of Cary was seen on our streets one day last week. Mrs. Delia Wells is making her .home with her sister, Mrs. A. Mink Misses Nina and Pearl Jacobs at tended the dance Friday night Don't forget the "Gypsy Queen" at Colby's opera house, Friday, Feb. 2. Mrs. James Jackman visited relatives and friends in Waukegan, last week. The W. C. T. U, meet with Mrs. Henry Willey (to-day) Thursday, Feb. 1. Mr. -Mid Mrs. Fred Vermyliar have a daughter, also Mr. and Mrs. Jud Thompson. A large crowd attended the baU and program last Friday evening giv«n by K. O. T. M. of Nunda. Mrs, Gene Andruss entertained a few young lady friends at her home a week ago. Tea was served. A company of glass blowers exhibited their work Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday in Ailsworth's building on Main street* Mrs. C. C. Riddell and children of Janesville who have been visiting rel atives in Nunda, returned home Mon day evening. Tickets for the operetta, "Gypsy Queen," will be sold in the hall. Re served seat tickets can be bought at O. C. Colby's store. Miss Raffen gives the last dancing lesson next Saturday, Feb. 8; she will give a dance in Nunda rink, February 9. Tickets $1.00. George Harris died at his home near Ridgefieid, Thursday night, Jan. 25. Funeral services were held Sunday after noon at Ridgefieid. Ben Raue, Henry Senney and Bernie Lund are committee on arrangement for the M. W. A. ball and concert to be given Feb. 16. The Royal Neighbors ||pl|$!p.§iipper for the dan^ ^ JOHNSBI7Q6H. . P... _ C. *M. Adams made,a business tnj> io the city this week. ^3 M. J. Freund is visiting relatives in the great city this week. Mike Freund is visiting with his sister!, Mrs. Buck, in Chicago this week. " On Tuesday next there will be a, dance at Stilling's hall Pistaqua Bay. Everybody is cordially invited. cards. V--5 ATTORNEY A stryt.«-h A BROWN. • W. 100 Washington C. P. BARNES. " A TTORNEY, solicitor, and Ouanselor. Get* lections a specialty. Damage 8uits,«tc. Office at Woodstock, ilL DA VI OHYSIOIAN;& Office and*~ over the Plain phone No. 3. tfSiAM, M. D. OCULIST, i s Block, - Tele- C.H. PEOERg, M. I). PHYSICIAN AND 8 ^ 111. Office at Keslc DR. A. E. AURINOlEB. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office hi 1 , old Post Offlce bullding, m door < J. Miller s store, West Mclie -lence, house (ormerly ocenpi borne. All professional tO. :v H. O. MEAO, Justice of the Peace and General Itt- suraace Agent, including ¥. and Life Insurance. FR, \VESTM«HKNBY, - - ' / • " ' '1 1 1 3S;: ; A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State street, Chicago. * Special attention given to repairing StiiS Watches aud Chronometers. t3KT A full assortment of goo^s in his line. Bt. Waller C. Besley Office over Besl̂ |% f DENTIST* Drug Store { } ;;; ^ WEST MoHnMKfk ' ̂ - Woodstock office--Kendall Dental Parlors '̂}i _W111 be at McHenry office Mondays and p; Tuesdays. At Woodstock office Wednesdays, sfc Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. ̂ v « v - KXAMINATlONa PRBB S*. All Kinds of Modern Executed on Short Notice at*"Pric f̂l Consistent with Good Wojk, $' Extracting by the use of Nitrous Oxld 6a or Vitalized Air. ̂ i F. C. ROSS, D. D. Over Owen ft Chapell's store. C. P. BOLBY, Proprietor of McHaDry Brewery, -I# WoHENRY. ILL. | *%||d/irars on Hand WW • 1 the Best Beer------ 80CIECTIE8. MASONIC. . """I'", MCHBNBY LODOE, NO. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- ̂: Regular Communications the second and <%. M™""" "• •S&'T'HW, W. M. , W. C. O. F.. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187. W. C. O. F„ i . First Saturday and Third Wednesday the Third ayetUngs of each month, at Forester Hall. . MRS. MARY COBB, Chief RANG1#^:: LORKTTA WAIJSH, Secretary. '̂ S» M. W. A. Begular Meetings every Second and Wednesday evenings of each month, at " ~ " Bfoc" Hall, in Stoifel's Block. H. C. MEAD, Clerk. O. C. COLBY, Consul. o.o.p. - • , v • Meet Plrtt and Third Sundays of month in Forester Hall. ANTON WEBSB, Chief Bangor, JOHN NEISS, Secretary. ^ - " O. O. P. St-F^rtek^OurtNo.T^O. Os iv „ held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. J. M. Phalen, C. B. G. E. Walsh, B. 8. -fa. • A ' CHURCHB9. Ki': X CASTOR IA For In&iits kd Children. Tli Kind YN Hm Always Bw|kt Bears the Signature of • * • .v-,. .. :y•* " tJNIVEBSALIST. • Bev. J. Straub, D. D,. . . . Pastor T. J. Walsh. President H. C. Mead Clerk James B. Perry. .Treasurer The Willing WOTkers (the ladles' organtu* tion.) Mrs. L. H. Owen--....,.v... ..President Mrs. John 1 -^tory .........Vice President, Mrs. J. Van Slyke v., Secretary Mrs. W. A. Oristy ...Treasurer Supt. of Sunday-School P. L. McOmber Assistant W. A. Ortety few The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Grand Crossing. r?v Preaching Services at 10:30 A. m. and at . r. x. A cordial invitation to all. •: METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Sev. Vt. L. Whipple. Preaching Sunday 10:90 A. I School, tt M. Dr. A. E. Aurtnger Superinteudtntt Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. Ladles' Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. A. E. Aurlnger, President, MteS Cora Wilson, Secretary. EST"A Cordial invitation Is extended to ai^T" . m • tt I ST. MABT'S OATHOLIO (GEBMANJ ̂ : Services will be held on Sunday as follow*: High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. Vespers a£. 3 o'clock p. m. BEV. FATHER KIRSC^H, Pasto£, ST. PATBICK'S CATHOLIC, fibular Sunday services at 9:80 o'clock4;:; m. and IS o'clock every third Sunday. B«v. FATHBB O'NEIJJ, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsbt **,, nave services on Sunday as follows: -li Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers o'clock p. m. Bmr. FATHKH MEHKINO, PT&FR*.-.- Abstractsof Titl McHenry County ABSTRACT COMPANY It K" 'Wt, Mrwton •WOODSTOCK, ILL. , y; ... , H '̂4 P. P. Axtell. Harvard. K. M. Patrick. Marengo. & ; ̂ John J. Murphy, Woodstock V\. (\ EicheUiergor, Woodsto• rphy, insurance ft4C; Real Estate Bought snd Sold. Abstracts of Title and