M 42 J B m • • i f - : ; ' 1 PtiMNKf OLOOOWWE* ARC D€8TRfcY£D. Thursday, February i, 1900. j PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY Wt MtHMRY PLAINDfAlfR COMPANY. fj/-*' 'i-F. K.CSHANGEK, t;k . . Pres. '/•' • W. A. CRISTY, J. B. PEBBY, Sec. Treas. E.J. HAZEL, Manager. 08fc?to in Justen Block, two doors north of Owen & Chapelt's store. > ' > TKLBPHOHSS: t^ Dlstance, No. 202; - J, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! 'One year ..l.»wU.>,,...|LflD ^ Subscriptions received for three or six received for 1 months in the same proportion. f-t Uv fpHE jg out for republican state r^w convention to meet at Peoria Tuesday, > J, May 8. The total number of delegates fixed at 1537, of which McHenry 1 ' county is entitled to 18, Kendall 5, De- $|,V - Kalb 14 DuPage 10, Kane 35 and ;; Grundy 8. The time being fixed for VV., May will give opportunity for the .; V primaries to choose good men. ' • ";j : • . - V I T is estimated that Great Srifefti, the United States and Germany have from two^thirds to three-fourtha of the f world's business in metals* shipping^ V, finance, iinports, exports, etc. These / countries produce 77 per cent of the ••••; world's make of pig iron; 80*8 per cent > of the steel; they take 75 2 per cent of |£the world's consumption of lead; 67'5 percent of the spelter; and 67'2 cent of the tin. P OLYGAMIST Roberts declares that the people of Utah will appeal to the United States supreme court from the decision of the house of representatives , ' expelling him from that body, but no f» one will disturbed by his threat. The 'fi * Ufgy house is the sole judge of the qualifica tions of its members, and the supreme court will not interfere with its exercise of its undoubted rights til that respect in the Roberts case. S® Oleomargarine Shipped Lut Year, ft The total amount of oleomargarine * shipped last year was 79,095,774 pounds / of which Illinois distributed more than |/; any other state in the Union, the num- * ber of pounds being 18,688,921 pounds. Pennsylvania is n$xt to Illinois, with only 11,433,341 pounds, while Ohio dis- 4 tributed 8,830,969 pounds and New * t Jersey 5,875,975 pounds. New York „ shows only 222,688 pounds while West Virginia received 1,203,865 pounds. Other distributions--in pounds--are as •A" :• * 1 T*- follow*: 'i t f f ' Indiana..... » • * *«8,92&,228 Colorado Kansas Kentucky.. fa**- Louisiana ii MassHChusetta........ Michigan. Minnesota - Missouri i'k Nebraska...."i..;. , ' ' Rhode Ialanjt. . , Texas tNevada IS V.J.123,537 -,*.Jl,658,544 ^.4,400,577 043.502 ,2.0*3,nk# i:vt"̂ v.<v ^8.092, ">21 ,...B..>94,984 .....1,518,364 iT;V 823 &**• t'*i 'r' 1; 'C-i" fi •' ** kwm ttt Alaska Alabama....^. Arkansas Arizona . California., Connecticut^- '̂' Delaware Florida V Georgia Idaho.. Indian Territory loyr&............. Mainfl...... ......... 1. Mississippi Montana Mew Hampshire.. New Mexico. North Carolina... •%$/'&. North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon South Carolina.. South. Dakotfr. Tennessee. .tS» Utah Vermont, Washingtoq|^i| Wisconsin.. Wy<Hnlng *%??•< • f m »• •+ * * #>T%» 18,OHO 236,053 380,389 78,767 74.023 134,255 40,475 590,225 405,004 58,224 152,278 70,822 102,274 104,622 446.022 455,583 115,830 110,244 7,710 117,398 41,250 258,159 55,432 714,640 8,450 2,000 63,345 714,742 90,547 rijSliiii Mint op«Uln Hm fci iif': Fnrth#rU«« ftor bear-One thousand and seventy dit ing the date 1899, and used last year to coin hundreds of millions in all denomi nations of money, wete destroyed'at the Philadelphia mint Jan. 2 in the presence of Superintendent Boyer, the assayer and ehief coiner. The dies destroyed^ were for coining double eagles, eagles, half eagles, quarter eagles, silyer dol lars, half dollars, quarters, dimes, nick els and pennies. They were first thrown into the furnace, twenty-five at a time, and on reaching a white heat were drawn out, one at a time and hammered into a mass of misshapen metal. Many of the reverse sides of the dies were kept for further use. The only obverse die used at the Philadelphia mint in f899 and retained was the one used for strik ing off the .La Fayette dollar, which is dated 1900. Every die used by the United States mints is engraved and then de stroyed in thia city, an account being kept of each die. The United States make the finest coins in the world, rank ing above England and Russia, in the order named. ' i v ^ : INTERESTING TO LAOÎ A XU>ral*r 92.OO Cornet for Only 1© Cent". The Endless Chain. r|n)*w#e£ p* q*ick% "double fifcm end to end" Spiral Corset Clasp, we will on receipt of ten cents stamps, to cover cost of mailing, etc., send to any address a book containing 10 coupons which are exchangeable for one of our celebrated "Clio" corsets. Recommended by over 10,000 physicians. You positively receive a corset without any further outlay. We refer you to the editor of this paper or any of the commercial agencies. Nichol's Manu facturing Co.,New Canaan,Conn. 31-8m Old Hudson Bay Receipts. Among some curious records of the Hudson Bay Company are receipts which read as follows: "Received per Lapwing, Jane Goody, as per invoice, in good condition. "Received per Os- prey, Matilda Timbins. Returned per Lapwing, as not being in accordance with description contained in invoice." These belong to pioneer times, when white men who settled in new parts of the country were either obliged to re main bachelors, marry squaws or send east for wives, trusting to the judgment of the company to select them and se&d them out. ;; v - ' • f. I , •' tf im :UJ V t^c *' jS: 8PRISO GItOTK. Mrs. Mary Alderson is very sick. Andrew Huff has rented the Broadley farm. • John Jackson is nxnewhat better at present. Jack Carr is having four car loads of hay pressed. A dance will be held at Freund's hall Friday night. Francis Jamas waa np tram IClglw over Sunday. , The little son of Mr. apd Mi*. Ed 9»lderman is ilL v / f , ••. ? : Philip Hoffman, of Terra Cotta, was a welcome visitor here Saturday. John W. Baker started Monday for a visit with friends at Galva, 111. The Earing farm occupied by Barney Rudolph has been purchased by Theo^ dote Schroedor, of Richmond. Harry Osmond's sale is held today, 'Wednesday, instead of February 28th, as erroneously stated last week. Seed catalogues are arriving daily and help us to form a pleasant vision of spring and a warmer time than this. Mrs. Minnie Nelson and daughter, Cora, of Council Bluffs, have been visit ing relatives here for the past few days. The ice business is being rushed here, those having ice-houses being deter mined to have them filled before we have another change of temperature. The sale at Otto Hasse's last week «wm woli attended and a fair r>rice re alised for every thing sold. Geo. Vogle was the auctioneer and he is kept busy attending to the many sales at present No need to look farther for a good auc tioneer when George's services can be secured. Advertised Ufettera. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office &t McHenry, 111., J&b- ruary 1,1900. Mrs. Jay Cooke. Mrs. James Legbarger. Williams Coal Co. * When calling for above letters please say advertised. ^ I ROLLIN WAITE, P. M. .. , .j R. in V- Important Notice. Let all interested in the well fare of McHenry attend the meeting of the Business Men's Association this evening in the city hall. "She accepts rings from men she doesn't know. " "The bold thing! How can she?" "Has to. She's a telephone g i r i " _ . • ; ; ; .' Wlieai Hone*-Go1 to Sleef. It Is not generally known that at least four out of every ten horses do not lie down to sleep. The horse that sleeps in a standing position rests one leg at a time, depending on the other three to sustain the weight of his body. The habit is a very dangerous one. On ly-a short time since a fine horse in the stables of a big manufacturing concern went to sleep while standing in his stall and fell heavily to the flopr, break ing one of his legs. A great many horses are permanently injured as a re sult of accidents of this nature, and there is no way of curing them of the habit ! T*« Cuir of Blr4'» Heat* The following is a sample of English as she is spoke or wrote at Wuhu, 160 miles up the Yasgtse: SOUTH CHINA WAH HUNG BIRDS NK8T * CO. C. M. Newspaper Man Offlers to Freaeh Commotf" *.W. ' . , . V.';. *'• ; Sense While Minister Maaac«» Payor. ' E. W. Howe, editor of tike Atchison (Kan.,) Globe, prints the following in his paper: "It would be only a fair exchange if the editor of the Topeka Capital be came pastor of the First Congregational Church of Topeka during the week the Rev. C. M. Sheldon is busy pointing out the mistakes of editors. In case the editor of the Capital does not care for the assignment, the editor of the Globe would be willing to write a sermon to be read in Sheldon's pulpit while he is busy with the newspaper business. If we fail to make out as much of a case against preachers as Sheldon makes out against newspapers we will buy a Bible and join the church. In. case the editor of the Globe is permitted to preach in Topeka during the week the Rev. C. M. Sheldon is running the Capital, he will teach what Jesus would have taught. "The principles of Jesus are simple, full of humanity and kindness, and all men can accept them. The nonsense that has found its way into religion, and over which the people quarrel, and go to war, and commit outrages, was not taught by JeAus; it was invented by the preachers. We can prove--and will prove in case we preach in Topeka-- that the Rev. C. M. Sheldon not only preaches doctrine that Jesus did not teach, but that the Rev. C. M. Sheldon preaches doctrine that Jesus positively forbade. , "Instead of telling how Jesus would run a newspaper, and making religion ridiculous all over the world, Parson Sheldon would be better engaged in humbly trying to preach the common sense, humanity, and kindness that Jesus taught." Evaiison'S February Clearing Sale. Quilts and blankets of which there happens to be a few left* are offered to you cheaper than you will see them again, for instance, an all wool $6 blank et for $4.50 and the cheaper are scaled down on same basis. Hosiery for ladies, misses and children, made at Rockford and Kenosha, called the "black cat". Perhaps you have heard of them-- prices have been 85 cents to 50 cents-- your choice now 25 cents. Be sure and get a dress patera of the flannelets--12 styles--8£ cents a yard. Be sure And try our new teas and coffees--beats any thing in town for what you pay. Store full of bargains and awaits your com ing. WALTER C. EvANSON. • F' Gilbert Bros, have received a fresh supply of Blanke's Celebrated Coffees. All lovers of a genuine article should give this coffee a trial. ,, "I think I would go crazy with pain were it not for Chamberlain's Pain Balm," writes Mr. W. H» Stapleton, Herminie, Pa. "I have been afflicted with rheumatism for several years and have tried remedies without number, but Pain Balm is the best medicine I have got hold ofv" One application re lieves the paixt For sale by Julia A. Story. • - umtfiuut PROBATM NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. William H. Lee ft w to Persus A. Hopkins piece In village of Hebronf 1SOO 00 Sarah E. Primm & b to William G. Conklin pt It 7 and east 45 feet it 9 blk 1 Emily Ilutchlns addn to Wood stock aawoo John W. Primm & w to same north 86 feet of It 2 blk 15 Woodstock 14000 00 William C. Conklin & w to John W. 5 Primm eHof ne* and e5-8 of wH of new Bee. 34 eft-8 of wH of sex Sec. 27 Hart land Ufl**; Sullivan 8. Shepard per Admr. to Fred M. Williams aeu of seM Sec. 23 and i strip of neM of sex Sec. 23 also swx w iii- of swX Sec. 24 Nunda Addie L. Jones to Lalie A. Bow u it 5 assessors plat Sec. 35 Marengo, Love, 4c Francis L. and Lalle A. Bowen to Abner W. KclJey, same '<906 < Hailie Trautmanu & h to Prances Hitchcock It 2 of nwii of Sec. 1 ex cept, w 30 acres Algonquin William Klitzgen to Barney Meyring It 8 blk 1 of park addn Marengo Frederick Bubb to John J. Murphy- 6 acres in swJi of swj< Sec. 31 Green wood IdOO Mf Jonathan S. Brown & w to Mary A, " Dodge & Edmund H. Dodge Its 12 & 13 of Reynolds addn Ringwood ex- < cept north 20 ft 1800 tt) John l)u» woody to Jane Dunwoody , w^ of eH of neX Sec. 26 except "i.J north 40 acres and nH of nwj< of seX ; :.iv ii |'; and 1150 acres of e^i of nwM Sec. 2)6 in Riley.... It Emiius C. Jewett & w to L. B. Compton all eii of ne!* lying southerly of road Sec. 17 Dorr. JA0& JB# 1 09 . • , Amelia E. Southerland et al to Mary < - ' Ann Held in et al sH of neX of seM W Sec. 14 Marengo 1 «s& MARRIAOE LICENSES. Edward E. fJropl^y Ridimoiadl Marion Jones... A».. Dodgeville, Wis. John Duval.. Bigfoot J u l i a T y l e r . . . . . . . . . . y ^ B p r v a r d PROBATE "NEWS. Estate of John Timm, inventory and appraisment bill approved. Estate of Isaac Hawthorne, inventory approved. Estate of Israel C. St Clair, inven tory. appraisement bill and widowcT selection Approved. , Estate of John P. Zimpleman, apprais ment bill approved. Estate of Joseph A. Read, report ap proved. > Estate of Jennette iSeany, inventory and appraisement bill approved. * Estate of minor heirs of Alex. Erick- son, report approved. Estate of Hazel N. Waterman, re- port approved. Estate of Percy A^ ^appan inventory and appraisment bill filed and approved. Estate of Daniel Sweeney, inventory and appraisement bill filed and approved^ Estate of Mary B. Sheldon, minor, pe tition for sale of real estate. Estate of Thomas Williams, Jfaal re port filed. Estate of Reuben Hurd, final report filed. Estate of Roxana A. Hart, report of condition of estate and petition to self real estate filed. ^ u 4 Estate of John ;P.' Schaef«r, roport filed. ^ Estate of Jessie F. Pyott, final report filed. - .A Card. undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded, tf Julia A. Story. Auction. Saturday, Feb. 3,1900 4I> *•*•> < z* * • ' » *: • . followiug described property will be sold afejpub- lie auction on the Above date^'at one o'clock, p. - . . . t r • - v A utii i Thirty-nine feet and four inches off the ;/vv' " " . west end of lot one, in block No. 20, on the " , .* /west side of Fox river, in the village of Mc- y*' ». Henry: Being a part of section 26, township . .forty-five north, of range eight, east of the third principal meridian, south side of the V * %-puplic square, situated in the village of Mq- v H e n r y , in the county of McHenry, in the 1 _ ' M * J . ' ' ^ . " ' " ' C f t l S T Y , M E R V I L L E M . C A R M A C K , Auctioneer. ' i4 Proprietor. •Cj" -• , 'V Jti ' a \ * -4" ' • THE CANDY OF BIRDS NEST. The Candy la prepared of Blrd's-nest, which wu famous in all the countries. We made It used with engines to take the dirty away, and then put it into sugar, there is a great of sweetness, fragrance, and whiteness, every old and young man are ought to eat, (or it can make strong. There are two kinds of boxes, one of them the price is two dollars and the other is tour dollars. SOOTH CBRU WAH HAKQ BIKDS NITER k Oo. No. 147, Nanking Road. ---London Globe. ; < r ' r _ - , B i l l i e s * ' B r a c e r . . MM. Billings (aside)--GottdAli^liiie! Here comes Mrs. Spruce with her jsmart looking husband, and here John goes along by my side slopping and Ihuffling. What 'Shall I do to brace him up? Ah, I knovy,! (Aloud.) Johu! John! Did you see that ha^Some girl looking at yon? ^ Mr. Billings (with alacrity)--No! V! here? Where?--London Telegraph. •iti; 1 is tliG time ,» r*#" £* 1 r v ;5fi- r 'T's ^ ^ t C, ^ ' i • j ust before taking inventory, all general merchants are more than glad to close out all lines of winter goods at COST and even BELOW COST, for several reas ons: 1st. Too much money tied up. 2nd. Rather sell cheap and use the same money many times before having to buy winter goods again. 3rd. We need the room for the many lines of Spring and Summer goods. So you can all readily see we mean what we say and are sure that if you need anything in the winter goods line, you can get them cheap here. Commencing SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, for one week we will offer all CAPS, GLOVES, MITTENS, OVER COATS, CLOTHING, Felt Boots, Chil dren's Cloaks, Felt Lined Shoes and Duck Coats at a reduction of 15 to 25 per cent. '* t < , 1 * t . A S5 Our entire stock of Ladies' $10.00 Jackets, made of all wool beaver cloth, lined with best satin throughout, in Black, Navy Blue, Brown and Light Tan, for $6,98, cash, to close. These Jackets are without a doubt the best $10.00 garment on the market, made up in the very latest style by skilled tailors and can be worn as a spring jacket as well as fall or winter. ' We would be pleased to have you call and examine them. - - While in look over the remnant table. We may have something there that will interest you. bM{ > ^ A ' : t 4 •f ~ OWKN & CHAPEIX '•v ' McHenry, 0. *. jllllnois,-- ^ 'iMri , terns* the people of the town oa footwear is in favor of 1.; ' 'jV 4 "*V- It is rendered by the largely ^ increasing patronage and the $<• satisfied air that accompanies tS|e purchase of footwear of any kind in this store " , ^ ; - "K >1 'A ^ We are making liberal discounts of heavy |^inter goods to turn them into cash. * « >v ' *vt.- i >1. f ^ " -\ 1 , ̂ ' C'-4' *T J. * i • > ' } Groceries of the purest Fancy and Seal of Minnesota Goods delivered promptly. t „ t ** * ^ : ̂ 4L* YOUP8 j , f it m\ K ^ , I West McHenry, Ill»; ^ , ft, J. WALSH, f « 'i. . . * > » ; ' xt* CIkU. $.JHny m naw, iTfrm C l > / 1 ̂ \ i n n T c w V " The Korean woman Is so little es teemed that she has not even a name. She Is simply "the daughter" or **the sister" of So-and-so. :-':Vr£ The trip by motor car from Cairo to the pyramids is m|de in 14 minutes. t o h i a . • The Kind Yon Ha<e *iw»ys Hcutu* :f - ' -'X'T »v *•' -V* S"=;' ) r*) i \ ' the close of the Spaniih-American War. It clothed, paid and generally cared for. Th Hon described la detail. *MrntiT WilllTI.A. Kear Admiral 8am: factnn this took oarael' which en&ble8 us to or A History from tha era of tho REVOLUTION Down to the | Cfoso of tho 'S SPANISH* | AH EMC AH I WAR. 1SL.s A beautiful ait edition. nia«ni &o«nU^ lllwrtrat hanAoBMtebooi in fact a xecvla* pS Boak for oalf $10. Ose of the most laterwting books ever pub lished. It describes graphically the operations or the Army and Navy from 1776 down to velvet finished book paper, maae expreasiy for this publ grain keratol of a rich, deep brown and biue color. Tbis 3f $10.00, er by snress. C. 0. B., subject to examina ividence of mxn faiui. If it is not as reartfeateA stove, in opportunity that will not again be - - t books, free. Address all orders to reeelyt order as asthlsfti nr by enreM, C. 0.subject to exaa go*« faitn. H it is aot as resresemted iity that will not again be aflTonied by any publishing house. Write as for ear catalerac «. THE WERNER COMPANY, Akron, (Ifee Werner CMsjwDy it thoroughly reliaWe.^KdiUw, FaUMMrf sM Ksnfsctezws, To be closed out quickly 1 " iv; U.' } mm ' * ^ ¥i *" ' 1 ^ " " t ^5 ^ • ; j r i ' i ' , Si lot Ladies' warm lined Felt and Foxed, at. .> 1 lot Ladies' Dongola and Yici Kid Shoes, a little more pointed toes than up to date styles* but of good quality and worth up to $2.00, we^offer you your choice at. per pair, if-you come quicklj»% 'Wr'ir other things at clpsing-out yt; i Opening sale of New Blue Dress Prints happens here tt:?s week Saturday, when you can secure one new Dress Pattern (10 yards) for 45 cents. Also special Undwi - wear aelling thia week Saturday^ , Vt: fr ^Vou are invited to try vfpu* new.Teas and lisi" z/m; West McHenry, SQL WALTER C. EVANSCN ,