Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1900, p. 5

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xm&f&ea ill r. ' hi •'$ .., . " rtJiJjc"-•-• cr^X-^X'S *', ,V ^ * i iM* * ,V } ,,+M 1' ? '*> ;1 I ,; ,c&mi /""t§ ^ s*/ - j : '-? nFfrjife#'*%Jtirr^faf . | rj • x i oil the cheaper grades In spite of this fact .we have wme bargains at^ %«?^»^arly the old prices. >i .10c |br Javanfes^ per pkg.. > .• *•>-i.M. *a fine Rio, per lb... t. A2%c Rio and Santos mixed, per lb; . .> *%>•*»; . . I7^c Other combinations, per lb...;... 18#c to 20c 'Mocha and Java, • -25c ,4% lbs of same for . • # • • •* • »*•*. mf # -« « $1 .00 JSctw Japan Tea^ per 11} • #£*'» • 35c 3 lbs of same for ^ ,^.$1.00 10 lbs. Rolled Oats, best quality.. i rK. . .25c California Prunes, 5c per lb. or 21 lbs.. .$1.00 Fresh Quaker Oats, per pkg .10c Whole, choice Rice, per - 4»-. - * •. - ^ 22 lbs. of same for. ^ »s, per lb.»f 1 .-?v .U 7c 3 lbs. Of same for. v. *gv. '•'*»»• 20c Square Crackers, per lb, ,7c* 3 lbs for.|... 20c 2 pkgs Grape Nuts... J. f..! f-i. . ."'1. r. .25c 3-lb can Elgin Baked Beans.,. jL.. I,.. ; 8c 1 . •• £j,. ':• ••.<•'•«,.'£••• ,/v) " - Wyandotte Washing Powder. ^.. .¥..%•!. .5c Wyandotte Soda or Safcaratus, per pk|ji«i Bel l Starch 1776, equal to Elast ic , pkg. * . . . 5c 10 bars Kirk's Savon Soap.. r.;;. .25c 4 bars toilet Soap..;••... .1;;............. .10c About 200 cans Blue Berries* Peas, l^lums ,* , ̂ Tomatoes, Corn, Blackberries, Beans 1 fctc, some worth 15c, jour choice.. . . . iUc 1-lb can flat Salmon.,. . %JJfiy£c 1-lb can Pic Nick Baking Powder, *. C .10c 3 % lbs mixed Candy. V - 25c Prune Juice plug Tobacco, per lb* • it .. *1.25c 6 for'10 20c Spear Head ^ Good smo ir ' . t i si. *'* .i . 45c i'f ,-*f r . mfl \i • ^ * J & HUtV&t&vfriti:,# • , r,v v ̂ > ( J ' profits, as the little business we do ar# " 14 Cash transactions, both in buying and; . ! Belling, We respectfully fK>licit you^ ' isnlanandh«rewithhanA ^ 4 ^ " : J -/ • >W' * *"*. tf/'t '*• » % v ̂ ^ ^ ^ V, r-.^^ '1?,?'".'̂ !* - ".(Si jro-11 a few quotations. ' 4 t%< " *4" ^ £'Ji* - - • < • ' » j . > t'}? cifc ,f' •» < kC *. ^ til), ?r * & dt >• ^ c i s' . s2T/l "., » ,,J< ̂ , us. < v*^ «iif,* • *w!i^. " ' , V > * , f Vy * - I 4 * t ^ «> ^ * „ 3 - ^ - * v v , ^ '^ W ^ . • " . • ^ ^ ...•: w-ml i t . . , . » _ v , • ^ * • < . - -t' r'5' tV tSs wr ilfllS; * j S'Hf ]• %M u'"4 v.^ht if ' i <;•*$ ' * i Jj* li .1, ?•>,: ̂ -r:i TRPW # *J i i*? ' aline, Balls, Jackson Waists, Etc.^ your ; :s] choice of any $1.00 corset.* . We show you the best line of corsets out- ?; ;; side of Chicago, at ^5c, 30c to SOci Shawls, the $4,00 kind go Underwear, the $1.00art ic le . .75c Men's heavy underwear, per suit..........75c| 10 doz ladies' fleeced and ribbed drawers* t h e 25c kind, closing price per pair. .'i\*.. 15q Best Blue Prints and Ginghams, per yd'.. ..'. .5ci Flannelets, 12 styles, p^r ydw, . . • . . . . .Bl-2c ^ •> •> ( ^ k ' • > • Sheeting, j^ird wide,- ;per yd^^:|^pt|^^. Tennis Flannel, 6 styles, per yd.%-m'. <** c. .5<^# Ladies' Wrappers, Flannelets i at•*»•«»»•••.. 95c Good house wrappersi. .60c to 75c| V,k 4" itttt Clothing, Boys' 2-piece suits, closing price jJfViftfcnskiid Grioves/the iSc khid ^ »...'19c t Shoes, Ladies' warm felt and foxed.. /• *»«%. .85c } t Utte'lot ladies' button and lace • j choice }:l Men's shoes up from..i\.«** .tl». ij 1.25 | Children's shoes begin iE| 15c I' Misses shoes at .... 75c fe $1.25 Iffosiery, wool, for all agesf regular 35c to 50c, *; •/* quality, choice. e. ; .25c ! ^elt Boots. Be sure and see the ^ofobina-^ ̂ t i o n w e a r e o f f e r i n g f o r . . . . ? $ £ ^ 5 I |^J3oysV Overcoats at half price. All the: w ¥ t 1 Flannels and Dress Goods stock at Cost. ^ j,.d^|Men!s' Wool Shirts at what they - cost to ; ;«"make w. . - . . . .T. ." .V. , ." . h >*$ M m , > 4 , S->. \ i " J* '•V. r ^ 'U' •' 1',-^ : ' -f^'r - ^ ^ \ '• - i'.-U ,<* !% 4<^T""' * }£p> '1*^^ ' >r " sf_" '1 "' " '• " »" > '• __ if •' •; t. ...... 0*K ' +•' A4*' S'fc-c'yJ "• v t ** V , , 3^ . ^ ^ T , v- >r t-4 '.W^-3 •• 'i. , '\V f f n h t - > . ^ // 'I '« . >'SJt ( V< 11-? . A ^ • *• % V M ... ,Mi.( ̂ •i % ,•>. * : N , ~ 4. •,, 1 , *« •> ^ n ^ • ,r . ' ,. v > . "* 1 ' '>' v, vVj*T T> ^ V 'X > , Mi>* J ( \ •*• ' ' ' '•» -> ^ n.,wa ^ ,» > a ," o # & o # o o o < > o o o • < > o o "o- o o o o o o o o o- o o- o o o o o o- o PERSONAL HAPPENINGS. THE UNDER DOGL Mho's for the under do»j? *; *i I'm for the under dog! For the men who nobly stan4 ; For their own dear native laipi: With the might of freemen gnttfll £'m for the under dopl ' < a Who's for the under dog? tv, %.,i.,(:,. I'm for the under dog! . > BJnci* the God of Freedom le$ . \ Where our sires for Freedom Vied TWll our starry flajr was spread! I'm for the under dog! ^ Who's for the under dog? . I'im for the under dog! v While the crave for gain and groo<| To Destruction's powers lead v . Bight and Justice be my crettdJ \ I'lin for the under dog? • - Who's for the under dog? >$tii for the under dog If K Think you crasii of shot and shell And the battle's horrid hell Gfcn the right of Freemen qutsll? for the under dog! »,.j" • • 'v- *' k'-'- %• •* - ' ,V'|.'- Rutti King is on the sick list. ta" - Mm H. Zimmerman is very ilL ,<?,.£ A. O. Rnpp was in Marengo last week. Wm. Block visited relatives in Dun- '"•v.i'W *MZ Mrs. Leda Brovn^ visited in Wood' last w©&k. •'* ;•:••_• Miss Bessie Going bas retained tofan; inChicago. ...,;*. Mrs. F. E. Angevine has recovered her recent illness. Ed Welch called on friends in Bar- Friday evening. Mrs. J. Waite,of E]gia»in visiting with family of R. Waite. Several from here attended the dance Nunda Friday evening, t , ' Mrs. W. A. Cristy has returned from 4, pleasant visit in Chicago. Miss Sarah M. Beokerreturned toher in Austin on Monday. Y * . aitd Mrs. Walter G. Evanson last Friday in Chicago. .Tesse King, who is working at Ring- ood, spent Sunday in McHenry. T. L. Kimball and Frank Sparling are' flit Twin Lake working on the ice. | Harry Hanly was here from Chicago ^Visiting with friends over Sunday. Miss Ella Spaulding was the guest of in Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Claude Qutson visited relatives in Ringwood Saturday evening and Sun­ day. Mean*. W. A-- Cristy aad. Oi G.Cha- 4>ell were Woodstock visitors last Stt- Urday evening. Y- Mr. Mrs. Jesse Bang is on the sick list. G. S. Mangusen is in Chicago today. Miss Nettie Schiesale has been quite ilL . . Hoa.,F. K Granger is th Chicago to- day. _ .o>; •r;,, Mrs. Hopper tuui biea fll the past week. A. Simes, of Big Hollow, spent Mon­ day here. Will Thurlwell has b«en on the sick list the past week. Frank Kimball run his stoma engine up from Elgin last week. Thomas Bolger attended the social at Barreville Tuesday evening. Miss Alice Frisby visited with friends in Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Will Cornish and son, Earl, of Solon, were here on business Saturday. Geo. Slimpin and Willie Krause have gone to Twin Lake to work on the ice. Miss Mamie Going, of Chicago, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. P. Going. ' Miss Edith Curtis Ins returned to Rockford after 'a short visit with ber parents. Willie Slimpin, Harold Howard, Earle Waite and Willie Kimball were at Ter­ ra Cotta, Saturday. Mrs. Dell Going, who has been visit­ ing relatives here, returned to her home in Chicago the latter part of last week. Mrs. Hicks and daughter, Miss Mil­ dred, spent Sunday with Mrs. Walter Evanson at McHenry. - Palatini Regis­ ter. Quito a' large crowd was present at the Ladies' Aid Society, which was held at Mrs. Wm. Hutsons' on Friday. A sum of over $4 was raised. ' Wm. Bonslett of McHenry was doing business with the miller here Tuesday. This proves the popularity of our mill. He was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carr for dinner.--Wanconda Leader. Miss Hicks started for . Melbourne, Ala., Thursday, where she will spend the winter.--Bar ring ton Review. Mim Hicks is a sister of Mrs. Walter C. Evan- son, of this place. B. Buell, mail clerk, is taking a t. When at McHenry Monday the car jolted him nearly off his feet and to avoid falling he thrust his hand through the window, sustaining several severe utw,--Lake Geneva Herald. Joe Michaels was here from Johns- burg Saturday* Miss Ella Parker visited friends in Elgin last week. Mrs. Harry Becker has returned from a visit in Chicago. • * W. F. Gallaher has returned from his trip to Minneapolis. ^1. ^ J H. F. Greeley waa a oaller in town Wednesday evening. J. K Pratt was a visitor in, Chicago Sunday and Monday. Joseph Heimer left for Chicago and Springfield Wednesday. Guy Waterman was a caller bars the latter part of last week. C. L. Page is able toibe around again after his recent accident. George H. Hanly has returned from a pleasant visit in Chicago. Orpha Darrell, of Wauoonda, is visit­ ing friends in this vicinity. W. Kelly, of Ringwood, is visiting at the home of Wm. Huteon. Miss Jessie Baldwin sprat Sunday with her mother at Nunda. Lyle Howe has accepted a position in a ftrug store at Gray's Lake. Wm. Musgrove visited with friends ii Chicago Saturday and Sunday Mrs. Isaac Wentworth, who has beei\ quite ill is much improved in health. Mrs. G. W. Besley has returned ^Sm a week's visit with friends in Wood­ stock. Miss Katie Frisl)y, of Ringwo6d i8 m guest of her mother, 'Mra. John Frtefcy today. / Eddie Sutton had the misfortune to have his thumb broken in a corn sheller >*acently. - : Mr. Cornell, special^ ag^^ ^ Home Fixe Insurance Ok, was hare Monday . T , John Krause went to Alleghany, Penn., Friday where he has a position in a brewery. j The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lamphere has been quite iH for some time past A. C. Smith and Tony Hanson, of Chicago, spent Saturday With G. S. Mangusen. Misses Florence Matthews and Delo Knox, of Elgin, attended the dance here Wednesday night. Ray Dodge and Elmer Frana&app, of Ringwood, attended the social a£ $v> J. Walsh's Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wenthworth and Mrs. Harry Fuller, of Wanconda, were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Weijtworth, last Sunday. Miss D. E. Granger has returned from an extended visit with friends in Chi­ cago and Waukegan. ^ r Mrs. H. J. Poile is here from Whea- ton, a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wight tnan. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Huteon returned to their home in Ringwood, after visiting relatives here for some few days. Mrs. Willie, who has been a guest at the home of her son, Fred Willie, has returned to her home in Ridgefield. Mrs. M. A. Searles and daughter, Miss Florence, left this morning for an extended visit with friends in Evanston. Simon Stoffel was in Chicago, Wed­ nesday, and had an interview with J. V. Far well in regard to locating his factory liere. Miss Dora Besley has rssumed her school duties in Richmond after a pleas­ ant week spent at her home in this village. - Milo Howe was in Woodstock, Toes- day evening, to take par; in the concert given by the Oliver Typewriter band, ot which he is solo b flat clarinet player. / F. L. McOtnber has taken in a junior partner. The young gentleman came to town Sunday, but so far F. L. has been unable to decide just what capacity he will occupy in the busineca C. A. Clinton, representing the C. F. Blanke Tea and Coffee Co., was here Wednesday and made The Phundealer a pleasant call. Mr. Clinton is a jolly, good fellow and is getting plenty of business in our town. ? R. W. Stafford was here Monday and announces that he has just formed a partnership with Mr. Goldsmith. He aski his customers to call upon Simon Stoff el. who is authorized to give them full particulars in regard to the price of cucumbers this year. To the Teachers of Mo Henry Oaaatfi There will be a two days' institute held in the High School Building, Wood­ stock, Illinois, on Friday and Saturday, February 9th and 10th, 1900.^ All teachers in the county are re­ quested to be in attendance both days. Boards of Education and Boards of Directors are requested to grant teachers Friday, February, 9th without loss of time. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction haff held that teach­ ers are entitled to such days for attend­ ance upon institutes. Teachers will please notify C. W. Hart, Woodstock, 111., of their intention to attend. We hope to secure reduced R. R. rates and all teachers will ask agents for certifi­ cates when purchasing tickets. Certifi­ cates of attendance will m given teach­ ers if desired, ^ \ ROVAL Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar* Safeguards the food against alum. Aksm menacers to ate Ac gNstcat of the present day* NOVM. MKINQ POWOCft OO., NEW VORK. On Friday forenoon C. T. Farr, Assist­ ant County Superintendent of Cook County, 111., will address the teachers on the subject, "The Responsibilitiee of the Teacher," On Friday afternoon Prof^ T. F. Par­ sons, of the N. I. N. S., DeKalb, 111., will lecture and J. T. Northon, of Hebron, will discuss the topic, "Develop­ ment of a discriminating judgment." At 8 p. m., a lecture will be given by C. T. Farr, illustrated with sterioptican views, on "The Farm, the Home, tbe School" • On Saturday, John T. Ray, of Chi­ cago, will present the topic, "Public Government," and Geo. A. Collins, of Capron, 111, presents "Unifying the Science work in the High School. '* On Saturday afternoon a general dis­ cussion of "Taylor's Study of the Child" will be taken up. - The general introduction Will .be made by R. O. Moon, Harris' introduc­ tion by Miss Grace Francisco, Chapters 1 to 8 by M. A. Kline, Chapters 9 to 11 by E, E. Lucas, Chapters 12 to 13, Miss Carrie B. Hemenger, Chapters 14 to 17, Miss Jennie McCampbell, Chapters 18 to 20, Miss Agnes Perry. ' Teachers this educational meeting is held for your benefit. Honor it by your presence. School officers and all who are interested in education and the betterment of our teachers and schools are invited. Respectfully, a W. E. Wuus, Hebron, HI, Jan. 89,1900. *T ; I ...<•» IsOn# Distance 'Phone*. The Chicago Telephone Co., has se­ cured the following new subscribers; H. M. Jensen, Jos. Heimer, Snyder Bros, and the McHenry Steam Laundry. Advertise in the Plaindeaî . .. \? 4'S,. , , . Take a day off and read the adver­ tisements in this paper/ You will fina it an honest t-e^ord. The Editor's table was graced by some very fine lettuce recently, whi^h was the gift of H. M. Jensen, of Rose* dale. v . Want Column. Xj^OK SALE. 30 Barred Plymouth llock coek- -1- erels, fine birds, weighing form < to 10 lbs. each. Price 75 cents each if taken by Feb- urary 1 1900. After this date price will be $1.00 each. J. V. BITCKI.,ANI>, Ringwood, III. tV)R RENT--73i acres land in West McHenry near stand pipe, suitable for grow ink cucumbers. Inquire of O. N. Owen at Bank of Melienry. Xrfk^T KD-8EV Eli A L PERSON S FOR i)lS- * * triet OfBce Managers in this state to represent tne in their own and surroundings counties. 'Willing to pay yearly $600, payable weekly. Desirable employment with mi- usual opportunities. References exchanged. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. S. A. Park. !}20 Caxton Building, Chicago. SM® •trrANTE U SE V ERA L IUUGHT A N D ifoN- ' * est persons U> represent us as Managers In this and close by counties. Salary $900 a year and expenses. Straight, bona-nde, no more, no less salary. Position permanent. Our references, any bank in any town. It is mainly office work conducted at home. Ref­ erence. Enclose self-addressed stamped en­ velope, THE DOMINION COMPANY. Dept. 8, Chicago. 11-ltifc A BIO BARGAIN! Cut this out and return with U.00 (money order or currency) and we will order the fol­ lowing "Family Combination" sent prepaid. N. Y. WEEKI.Y TItlltlJNE X YK. THE (iENTLEVVON AN 1 Ylt. NATIONAL ILLVST'D MAGAZINE 1 TH IMKWirAX l>ni!I.TKV A nV'lH'ATE 1 Ylt HAPPY HOI KS FAMILY MA(i VZ'E 1 VB VFRMONT FAUM JOI'KNAL 1 YK. Our Price $1, Regular Cost $4 This combination Alls a family need. Wet We will substitute the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean. Kansas City Weekly Star. Penve# Weekly Times. Montreal Weekly Gaze live. Toledo Weekly Blade, Twice-a-week Louis­ ville Courier-Journal, or San Francisco Week- Post in place of N. Y. Weekly Tribune if desired, but 110 other changes are allowed. Clubbing list for a stamp. O. H. JON ES.Koom MS Cir^ Manager Vermont Farm Journal, Wilmington, Vermont. " V 14 ^ GENERAL V y; i: , EAMINQ fi kinds. :» v " 'p. McHenry illinoif

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