% t\\ V*lLk *: * ¥%*<> "¥ ^f1 « „ *i Mo; *« ' " " • * ' ^Vi( '•-&'"" Zt. 1 ' ' SUSSi# 5<"$ «iiimmiimiiniiiiMHMHWMiminm«iimnM»MiinnnnMMMlMM Neighboring ne ivs as chronicled b y j _. our able corps of correspondents j >IIHMIimtlHltMitmiHIMIHll<IHHMMM»M>>"<>Mltt><tllt>t WAUCONDA* Fred Green Sundayed with his par- H. Pjit Frank Roney returned from Chicago ^nnday. Mr. Deri^ r«£ Waukegan, IMS in '$*** Monday. Leo Miiimaa is studying in a german y§chool in Fremont. Sanford and Robert Bennett were on our streets Monday. ^ Will Spencer and Charley Pratt spent Sunday with their parents here. ' Mrs. Lang and son, Henry', are the ipnests of Judge and Mrs. Fitch. Ethel Duers was out of school with a - «evere cold several days last week. " Miss May Spencer, of Ohicago, was f:"\ the guest of her parents over Sunday. 5 » ; " Chester Sowles and Elmer Golding, ©f Chicago, spent Sunday with relatives. | ̂ > A. C. Mathew's and family will : < move this week to the Park's farm 1^. v near Woodstock. Mrs. Harrison and David McClean have gone to Pennsylvania to visit £ relatives and friends. f\ * Friday evening a social will be held !§$; •, »t T. Bacon's residence near this village. |v A large attendance is desired. Ed Underwood and wife have returned fef from a visit to Vermont. Mr. Jebson, a *r v friend, accompanied them home. '̂ Reuben Hill and wife have returned from Edgerton, Wis., where they have been visiting for some time past. |i|t The collector, J. C. Reilley, has re- |̂ j * ceived his tax books and will be pre- pared in a few days to receive taxes. The basket social in Prices' hall 4? /Saturday evening was very well attend- ^ ed. Baskets and lunch sold well and about $23.00 was taken. f;/1 Frank Thomas held an anctionsale on r^4 Monday, all stock and farm interests H ; * were sold. Mr. Thomas will take up htt residence in Rockefeller. SOLON. The Cemetery Society held at Mm. G. Reading's was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Overton spent a part of last weekwith relatives at Anti- och. Misses Alice Merrell and Ruth Over ton spent Sunday with Spring Grove friends. Nearly all the ladies from our town attended the rale at Spring Grove on last Saturday. Wm. Johonnotte and C. H. O'cock at tended the teacher's institute At Wood stock last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Overton and daughter, Ruth, spent a few days at Harvard recently. The Church Aid Society will meet in their rooms across from the post office every Thursday. All are requested to be present. /iTred Thorn and Miss Eva Davis were 'united in marriage at the latter's home in Solon Wpfl n PR^a.yV*r^r^^ftpf7nTri was held Trom eight until eleven o'clock. We will give particulars in next week's paper. The home of H. G. Reading was the scene of much enjoyment last Thursday evening, as Miss Alice was having a party. Although the night was cold and stormy, a goodly number gathered there, knowing they would surely enjoy themselves with Alice Reading as host- efr7~ .'Miss Ruth Overton êntertained a few of her friends Tuesday evening, FUffTTT, an honor of Miss Sadie Stockton, of Hijkmth Dakota/ Those present were: Misses. Anna James, Alice Merrell, Sadie Stockton, Margaret Aylward, Ruth Overton. Messrs. Ed Aylward, Lynn Overton, Will Davis, ;,"^illis .S|rd- ner, Irving Overton. <*. ^ m c*mi. Wm JOHNSBUROB. Charlie Karls who was very ill Is re ported better. Peter J. Ereund waSka business ralW here on Monday. j r \ Miss Lena Lay visited with Lena pf * Smith on Sunday. ' L I Jake Miller is visiting with his remain, i; v Joseph Brick, in Chicago. 1 Math. J. Smith visited at the family n of Stephen H. Schmitt on Sunday. - Frank Smith made a business trip to g \ the iron foundry in Carpentersville. ' -k M. J. Freund visited with the family of J. Mertes, at Pistaqua Bay, onThurs- jjicday. :fe t' Joseph Miller and Katie Schreiner, of iHg-f \ McHenry, called on friends here Sun- - day. - . Mrs. John F. Schmitt has returned 'J from a visit with her son, Rev. Schmitt, 4. Aurora. . f ' On Thursday Miss Mary Lay enter- I tained some of her friends, this being .j vJier birthday. Mrs. Christ. Blake entertained Mrs. Peter Schoever and Mrs. Barbara ^ Schmitt on Monday. | | f j i . M r . A n t o n f l y e r s w i l l g o t o t h e |l,. Alexian Hospital in Chicago this week. Mr. Myers is in a very serious condition and it is feared that he might not re turn. On Thursday Stephen H. Schmitt and wift£|ntertained some of their friends 'nd a very enjoyable day was spent. Those present were: Messrs. and Mes- darnes, John Heimer, John Bishop, Peter Smith, William Tonyan, Gupt. Huff, John Huff, Joseph Michels, George Hell ItlDGEFlStli. '1 R. L. Du field was in Nunda Saturday. Jim Robinson was in Nunda Friday. Ernest Merchant was in Nunda Fri day. James Westerman wae lpi ^unda Friday. , Mrs. Prickett of Nunda was here on business Friday. J. H. Parks was in Chicago on busi ness a few days last week. Mrs. Eva Lynch visited with Mrs. John King, at Harvard, Saturday* Miss Bessie Hoffman, of Holcombville, called on friends here Saturday. Miss Edith Kahl returned to her school Monday morning aft^r * week's illness. : v Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackman, of Woodstock, visited at W. H. Monroe's Sunday, Ed Cadwallader, Sherman and Her man Irish, of Carpentersville, spent Sunday here. Earle Orrnsby came out from Chicago Saturday evening and returned Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Whiston and children spent Sunday with the former's brother, Geo., at Holcombville, Sunday. A load of young folks from here went for a ride last Fridav afternoon taking in Cherry Valley ana Holcombville. Miss Lola Lynch was the guest of Misses Lilly and Pearl Whiston, at Holcombville, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Kitty O. Flaherty returned to her home in Chicago the first of the week after a few days visit with friends here. David Magoon was visiting at Bassett's Monday. Bassê t and Francisco sawed wood for Chas. Jecks Monday. Mrs. F. Woodford and daughter, Veda, were recent visitors at Gaylord's. Miss Irene Thompson was the guest of Anna Harrison Saturday and Sun day. i .. Miss Ella Thomas was ob||£ed to stay from school Monday on ampint of the toothache. . • Mark Hutson and Miss Ethyl King, were in attendance at the services, Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin spent Sun day at Greenwood, with their daughter, Mrs. E. J. Mansfield. Mr. Gaylord, who has been living on Bernard Harrison's farm, began moving Monday, to Delavan, Wis. Robt. Richardson Went to the great city with a carload of hogs last week. He returned Friday evening. Misses. Jessie Richardson and Eva Thompson, of Woodstock, Were reoent visitors at Herbert Thompson's. Rev. Priest, of Chicago University, preached an excellent sermon last Sun day eve., to an appreciative audience. Master Wm. Thomas and Clyde Clark, spent a few days at Carpentersville recently with Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Thomas. Edward French was in attendance at the teachers' institute Saturday at Woodstock. He reports the most inter esting institute he ever attended. A merry group of young folks were ntertained by Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Harrison on Friday evening, Feb. 9, in honor of the twenty-first anniversary of their son Qjiy. JMiss Anna Harrison rranged the party, and Mesdames Wm. and Warren Thomas, Henry Hobart, Brown, and Edward Dates assisted Mrs. Harrison at tables, etc. The evening was spent in playing games etc. Supper was served from 12:00 to 1:80. The guests departed at 2:00 a. m. They all united in wishing Guy many happy anniversaries. Ajaaong thote present were: -'9 ' Misses-^- • 4 , Grace Murphy 4, Xiettie Murpby Mabel Carr ?K\ Jliillie Eckert Irene Thompson Veda Woodford - Ethel Abbott Orpha Darrell J Mildred Brown Jessie Richardstftr Benj. Toles ^ V Ray L. Thoma#^ Paul Charles Clifford Thompson Lester Thompsda Ray Gaylord Chas. Jecks Thos. McDonald Edward Frencllf ^ Henry Hobart i ̂ v Evelyn Thompson Jennie Thomas pNTina Hobart «f5aisy Gaylord Lora McDonald Anna Harri&on S. '̂ IPloyd Carr X Ed Martin ' Walter Watson Arthur Whiting Earl Brown ^Fr«d Thompson Hoy Colby iEdgar Thomaa^f:" -Elbert Thomas Edward Dates. To Plaindealer Readers: We publish this to inform our readers that the extra, items we received from Ostend lest week were from an anonymous contrib utor (called an occasional one) and were printed because of ignorance of their in tent. They are, to say the least, a very simple lot of rubbish, containing noth ing, but a few remarks about Mr. E. S. French, who, (we are happy to state) is above reproach, and it needs not our telling to assure everyone of the falsity of the remarks.--Ed.] How sweet and gracious even speech, ' Is that fliw senge which men feall Courtesy J Wholesale as air and prenfat as the light,. Welcome In every clime as breath'of,flowers,-- It transmits aliens Into trusting friends, And gives Its owner transport round the globe. --James T. Fields. £5jifcev. Wm. Nickle visited with friends gn Monday. , N . r J.*W. Cristy was a Richmond visitor dn Saturday. A Swan, fof Elgin, was calling on friends Friday. » Jas. Keiiierling was here on business last Thursday. Misf Jessie Baldwin was calling on friends Tuesday. F. R. Hess was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. F. L. Carr, of Wauoonda, was herein business Tuesday. Goo. Stevens was a visitor at Wood stock on Thursday. Dr. Spurling, of McHenry, attended to business here Sunday. A. C. Mathews, of Waaconda, shipped hogs from here on Monday. Mrs. E. H. Walker, of Lake Geneva, was calling on friends here Tuesday. Master Earl Hess, of Elgin, visited with his parents the first of the week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Water man on Wednesday Feb. 7,« 1900 a daughter. K. Park and Scott Harrison visited the Terkes Observatory at Williams Bay on last Saturday. Remember the memorial service given by the W. C. T. TJ. at Woodman hall next Sunday evening Feb. 18. Robert Coates, of Neb., is visiting with his parents. Ringwood has changed some 'since he was here twenty-one years ago. •F. Lowell, of Nunda, called on friends Wednesday, he also visited our pnblic school, he seems very much interested in educational work. Next Sunday at the Universalist church Dr. Stranb will preach on the following subject: "The Resurrection'to Life and to Damnation." Mrs. O. N. Rich, a former resident of our village, but now of Elgin is visiting here, she has a host ot friends, who are always glad to welcome her. Those that attended the teachers meeting at Woodstock on Friday and Saturday from this place were: J. Leedle, Miss Baldwin, P. S. Harrison, *&tiis Edith Matthews, Elmer Francisco, Mrs. A. L. Francisco, Mrs. J. W. Grim- oldby and Winnifred Grimoldby. Following is the statement of the Ringwood Butter Co., for January: Milk received, 534,515 lbs.; butter made, 25,040 lbs; money received, $6943.80; price received for butter, 25.8 cents; cost of manufacturing, 1 Cent; price pud for 100 lbs. milk, $1.16. The ghosts gave a skating party last Saturday night and from all appearances We think they enjoyed their stay with the rest of the skaters. They were not like the ghosts we read about; waiting for midnight before making their ap pearance but came boldly out at eight; neither did they hold themselves aloof but mingled with the common folks, and it was not an unusual sight to see a ghost and citizen skating side by side. if? '• WOODSTOCK# Miss Belle*8tone, of Chicago, -wag' at home over Sunday. W. P. Hoy, of the Madison University, is spending a few days at home. W. H. Young spent Saturday and Sunday with a friend in Chicago. Rev. Milford Lyon, the evangelist, spent Saturday with his family in Chi cago. County Clerk Rushton and his f sister. Miss Carrie, were Chicago visitors Sat urday. Many children in our city are con fined to their homes at present on ac count of the mumps. Miss Etta Salisbury; of Cary,vwas a guest at the home of W. P. Morse from Friday until Monday! The Misses Dake, of Alden, were guests of Miss Spooner while attending the teacher's institute, Friday and Sat urday last. Miss Bowman, of Harvard, was the guefet of Miss Mary Renich while attend ing the teacher's institute here last Fri day and Saturday. The evangelists, Rev. Lyon and Mr. Williams, departed the first of the week for Augusta, 111. The prayers of the Christian people in Woodstock go with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Burr Robbins, Mr. 'Still and Miss Lena McConnell, all of the M. E. church were Chicago visitors on Saturday in the interest of purchasing an organ for said church. "Secrete of Success ; qr, Our Business Boys" by the Rev. Frttncis E. Clark, founder of the Young People's Society for Christian Endeavor is a book o£ good and wholesome advice for boys. See tfee advertisement sin another col umn. The Werner Company, publish ers, are offering it at a special price, tf. O BMZSHM 0 T O R I A . i The Kind You Have i .ma, .&l', '4{. T O R I The Kind You Have Aiwa Bignatv* ' • 'JsiW: TOLO. Mrs. Nick Kretschmer is in Wauke- gan. A , Miss Katie Buss returned to her home at Barreville Monday after a pleasant visit with friends for about a week. Mrs. Cynthia Conway and children will soon leave for Evanston, Wyoming, to join Mr. Conway who has been there for some time. There will be a dime social at the home of T. Bacon, at Roseville, on Sat urday evening, Feb. 17. All are cordial ly invited to attend. Miss Elsie Walton celebrated her eleventh birthday Saturday afternoon. Fourteen of her little friends came to spend the afternoon with her. All re port a fine time. The Young people of the Catholic ohurch will give an entertainment in Stadtfield's hall, Volo, on Thursday evening, Feb. 15. Admission 25 cents. All are cordially invited. Proceeds to be used to btiy new altars for the church. BARREVILLE D. Bremer spent Sunday at home. Harry. Wolley was in McHenry Mon day. Mrk Ross Robinson visited in Elgin Friday. » Mrs. Richard Bremer was a Nunda caller Satueday. Mr. Thompson entertained company from Chicago last week. Miss Grace Hoffman called on Miss Hazel Robinson Monday. Miss Anna Behn, of Birton Bridge, was a pleasant caller here Monday. John McNeish, of Crystal Lake, was calling in Cur neighborhood Saturday night. Miss Christena Baird spent Sunday with her friend, Miss OUve Sfcepard, at Nund*. fiucklen's Arnica Saiv£, Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils> Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 85c at Julia A. Story's. M*n In IOW* DIM a Compouwd tkat Mak*s His H«n« Lky Double the tlniwl Nnmbur <Summer and Winter, gecrct ot His Suc cess. People in the neighborhood of Cres- ton, Iowa, are amazed at the number of eggs that this man drives to market with. When asked what was the cause of his hens being so prolific, he stated it was all in a certain compound he was using, that kept his hens in good con dition and furnished them with the proper stimulus to egg production. American Poultry Mixture is the name of it, and is made by American Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Every man in the poultry business is interested in the health of his hens and their laying ca paeity. In the eggs lie his profits. This mixture is guaranteed to increase the production of eggs 100 per cent or money refunded. It will do more than three times as much as the same amount of any other compound. It is concen trated in form and the result of years of practical experience in the poultry busing. There is absolutely no doufft as to what it will do, and you are ir. vited to try it at the expense of the company. Send $1.00 for a sample package and if doesn't do the work you get your money back. This is fair and is made to induce practical poultrymen to give it a trial. It is also a sure pre ventive of such diseases as the terrible cholera and roup which create such havoc in all parts of the country. It acts directly on the craw and gizzard and is a thoroughly scientific prepara tion. The manufacturers guarantee every package or refund purchase money. If your druggist don't sell American Poult ry Mixture, he's behind the age. In that case order direct from American Manufacturing Co., Terre Haute, Ind. • V ---- * ^ V.V/?*'1" . RICHMOND. . / > * Reeder have been entertaining M. H. Booth, of Elgin. D. M. Mills attended the teachers in stitute held at Woodstock last week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rotnour have been visiting relatives at Rockford, 111. E. B. Weeks has left for California where he will spend the rest of the winter. Ray Alexander who is attending col lege in Chicago spent Sunday with his parents. Miss Jessie Haldeman who is study ing music in Chicago has been visiting her parents. Mrs. Sarah Bohart and sister, Mrs. A. M. Ray, were visiting relatives at Genoa one day last week. Miss Quinnie Buchanan is spending a month with relatives and friends at her old home Lodi, Wis. Last Sunday evening Charlie Cross and Willie Hock rendered a very pretty duet at the M. E. church. Mrs. A. M. Ray, of Delavan, Wis., has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Sarah Bohart, and other relatives in this vicin ity. Earl ES. Bower who isattending school at Morgan Park came home Friday eve ning and stayed until Monday after noon. Frank Schroeder who is attending school at Morgan Park came home Fri day evening and stayed. until Monday afternoon. Misses Cora Reynolds, Dora Besley and Cornelia Smith were among the many who attended the teachers insti tute held at Woodstock last week. The ladies of the Richmond W. R. C. are making arrangements to give a con cert and ball next Thursday evening Feb. 22. The ladies are planning sev eral novel and entertaining specialties and it is safe to predict that it will be the event of the season. Hardin's Or chestra will furnish the music. Tickets including supper $1.50; spectators 2o cents. Last Sunday was the fiftieth anniver sary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Hugg, of this village. They came to this country from France in 18*1, and a few years latter settled in Rich mond. As the anniversary was on Sun day there was no celebration but many friends called on them to offer congratu lations. An Editor's Life Saved by ChatQherlaia'a Cough Remedy. During the early part of October, 1896, I contracted a bad cold which settle^on my lungs and was neglected until I feared that consumption had appeared in an incipient state. I was constantly coughing and trying to expel something which I could not. I became alarmed and after giving the local doctor a trial bought a botUe of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the result was immediate improvement, and after I had used three bottles my lungs were restored to their healthy state.-- B. S. EDWARDS, Pub lisher of The Review, Wyant, HL Fw sale by Julia A. Story. t* > ; ;V;, "I think I would go crazy with pain were it not for Chamberlain's Pain Balm," writes Mr. W. H. Stapleton, Herminie, Pa. "I have been afflicted with rheumatism for several years an<| have tried remedies without number, but Pain Balm is the best medicine I have got hold of." One application re« lieves the pain. For sale by Julia A, Story. - - • Advertise in The Plaindeftler. le Plaindeftler. 1 x 1 * <• -*r-;' BU8INES8 CARtlS. * ' KNIGHT & BROWN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 100 Washington if ^ n street, Chicago, III. C. P. BARNES. A TTORNEY, solicitor, and Counselor. » specialty. Damage Suits Office at Woodstock, K DAVID O. WELLS* At. D, PHXi*ICIA5' SUR,GEON and OCULIST. Office and residence in Jnsten's Block, over the Plaindealer office, McHenry, Tele phone No.38. , v FT' Mi. 0. H. FEGERS, M.». : ^ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenrv. r m. Office at Residence. ' DR. A. E. AURINGER. I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in the ^ old Post Office building, one door east of $ i"S J. Miller's store, West McHenry, III. Retii. \ •lenee, house formerly occupied by Dr. OS- borne. All professional calls promptly at- •• ; * ..J, H. C. MEAD, * Justice of the Pbace and General surance Agent, including A ' v J* and Life Insurance. WKST MCHENBY, - - Iui A. M. CHURCH, ; Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Watches and Chronometers. 1" WKT A full*assortment of goods In his line, > • 1 Dr. Walter G.Besley Office over Beslev's Drug Store DENTIST* WEST McHM!jiiiP;; Woodstock office--itendall Dental Parlors Will be at McHenry office Mondays and Tuesdays. At Woodstock office Wednesdays, .Thujcffllays, Fridays and Saturdays., ̂ *• SXAMSWATION® ^ --• --: .... a, All Kinds of Modern UDEIXI TIST3FL~$r Executed on Short Notice at Priced. Consistent with Good Work. . i Extracting by the use of Nitrons Oxtd Gas or Vitalised Air. " \.' F. C. ROSS, D. D. S. Over Owen dc Chapell's storev •' * v- - of McHenty Breweiy, > : ' McHENRY, ILL. :§^Alwa,rs on Haotj Witb. <. \ --'the Beet Beer ^ SOCIETIES. MASONIC. _ A V . * v »V- ,V r , * MCHKKHY LODGE, NO. 168, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second ^ and fourth Mondays In each month. J?- .» GEO. H. HANLY, W. 1L W.C.O. F. - 8t. Patrick's Court, No. 187. W. C. O. F., meet i the First Saturday and Third Wednesday If evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. , MRS. MARY COBB, Chief lianger. ? .'S LORETTA WALSH, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at their* Hall, in Stoffei's Block. O. O. COLBY, Consul. H. C. MEAD, Clerk. C.O.F. r Meet First and Third BundayS of month In Forester Hall. ANTON WKBEB, Chief Ranger. JOHN NEISS, Secretary. si C. O. F. . St . Patrick Court No. 746, O. O'. R Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. J. M. Phalen, C. B. G. E. Walsh, B. 8. f ; CHURCHES. UNIVERSALIST. -,.v Rev. J. Stranb, D. D Pastor T. J. Walsh President H. C. Mead Clerk James B. Perry........... ... Treasurer The Willing Workers (the ladlea' organisa tion.) Mrs. L. H. Owen -- President Mrs. John I. Story.... Vice President Mrs. J. Van Slyke k. .^.Secretary Mrs. W. A. Cristy .Treasurer* Supt. of Sunday-School F. L. McOmber- Assistant W. A. Cristy- The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Grand Crossing. Preaching Services at 10:30 A. M. and at ?i||t p. M. A cordial invitation to all. METHODI8T EPISCOPAL. Rev. W.I*. Whipple.. Preaching Sunday School, IS M. Dr. A. E. Auringer. 10:30 A. it.' Superintend«t«S Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7: 30 P. M, Ladies' Aid Sot:iety meet each alternulV week. Mrs. A. K. Auringer, President, Mix* Cora Wilson, Secretary. mr A Cordial invitation Is extended to all. '"'"ii •kx •fe; • . -I. ./A/ - -J,'. -St-: IS ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) . Services will be held on 8unday as foliowsi , High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. Vespers at o'clock p. m. RBV. FATHER KIRSCH, Pastor. '&• if ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Regular Sunday services at 9:30 o'clock u, -i.- u. Mid IS o'clock every third Sunday. I *' - REV. FATHER O'NEII., Pastor. * 1 ^ : ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) 4 St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsliiu#? have services on Sunday as follows: llttii Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers <i r -*: o'clock p. m. Rsv. FATHER MEHRINQ, PAM , I*;- ' : --4 Abstracts of Titt McHenry Coun _ V LL.U; ^ b nrvflrd. ' f\. ? Marengo. hy, Woodstock-. llberKer, Woodsttn^c^" rphy, WoodstocK •nd Sold. htsuniRcr-r-f