Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1900, p. 2

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MM •J- 1900 NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY { OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS J i i - ' RIDGEFIELIX Mrs. Agnes Munroe was in Woodstock Sunday. James Weeterman visited his parents at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Lafore returned from Elgin Sat­ urday after a week's visit. J. Doyle and family, of Brayton, la., moved back here last week. Dr. Watson was attending the numer­ ous sick people here Monday. John Carmichael, of Brayton, la., is staying with his sister, Mrs. J. Doyle. W. H. Munroe, R. H. Conant and W. J. Garrison were in Woodstock Satur­ day. Prof. F. E. Thayer, of Greenwood, .called on old friends here the last of the J. H. Parks, EdCadwalladerand Will Pearson were in Chicago on business Saturday. Mrs. Eva Lynch and -daughter, Lola, teturned Sunday from a week's visit .frith friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and daughter, Ethel, came up from Nnnda one day I 'lltet week and visited friends here. RICHMOND. Mrs. Skellenger spent Friday in Chi­ cago. A. P. Bohart was down from Genoa one day last week. Ralph Fisk was a Chicago caller the latter part of last week. Edward Williams was calling on , friends at Geneva one day last week. John Chittenden was calling on friends at Geneva one day last week. Dr. F. N. Armstrong was at Evanston Tuesday attending to professional work. Last Sunday afternoon Miss La Verna Mcintosh rendered a very pretty solo at the Congregational church. Last Sunday morning Mr. Kenneth Aldrich rendered a pretty solo entitled the Choir Boy. at the M. E. church. Quite a crowd from here went to Genoa Saturday night to attend "The Deestrick Skule" and all report a good , time. The many friends of J. H. Shuey were grieved to hear of his death which occur­ red at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. R. Alexander, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolton went to Racine Sunday. Mr. Bolton returned the first part of the week but Mrs. Bolton remained to make a more ex­ tended visit. , \ Last Friday evening a merry crowd of young folks assembled at the home of Miss Ella Gibbs. The evening was spent in playing various games. At 'the pro­ per time dainty refreshment were served after which all returned to their respect­ ive homes, having spent, a merry even­ ing. Banker Routs A Robber. J. R. Garrison, Cashier of the bank of Thornville, Ohio, had been robbed of his health by serious lung trouble until he tried Dr.King's New Discovery for Consumption. Then he wrote: "It is the best medicine I ever used for a se­ vere cold or a bad case of lung trouble. $ always keep a bottle on hand." Don't Jraffer with Coughs, Colds, or any Throat, Cfaest or Lung trouble when you can be cured so easily. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's Drug Store. Great opportunity offered to good " A ? reliable men. Salary of $15 per week - <rad expenses for man with rig to in- j>4-^troduce our Poultry Mixture and Insect - ^Destroyer in the country. Send stamp, f^ ~iAnwric#n Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. ' 83-iy VOLTO. Grandma Rosing is quite,sick. Dev. Smith of Oak Park was in Volo Monday. Nick Miller will work for John Vasey the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davis, of Haines- ville, were in Volo Sunday. Master Earl Snyder is visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sabel. Miss Abbie Converse will go to Chica­ go Monday to work for Mrs. Stanford. Mrs. Lizzie Schaefer and children of McHenry visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Sabel Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with the Mesdames Raught Wednesday after­ noon March 21. Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson and Miss Katie Pfanestiel, of Hainesville, were in Volo Sunday. Daniel Oaks, of Sioux Falls, S. D., and his sister Mrs. Jane E. Whiton of Viola, Minn., visited their cousin Mrs. A. J. Raymond last week. Otis Murray, who has worked for A. J. Raymond in the Volo creamery for about four years, will go to Johnsburgh to work in the creamery there April 1. Mrs. Conway writes from Fort Brid- ger, Uinita Co., Wyoming, that she ar­ rived there safely, and likes it there very much. She says the weather is warm and the farmers are plowing. Parties were very numerous last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholl's gave an old English card party Tuesday night. Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. WillDuri- nill gave a party to several of their friends, and Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eatinger and daughter Maud gave a party. JOHNSBURGH. Mrs. Kemp is quite ill at present. Rev. H. Mehring spent Friday in Chi­ cago. George Schaid of Volo was a caller here on Sunday. Peter Rothermel was a caller in Wood­ stock on Monday. Charles Michels was lathing for Peter Wirfs this week. John Niedercho of Chicago was a caller here Monday. A. K. Reese of Fox Lake was a busi­ ness caller here Monday. John P. Lay was a business caller in the great city On Tuesday. Adam and John Schillo of Chicago called on friends here Monday. Mr. Brinkman of Chicago spent several days here, returning Tuesday. Phil Freiler of Elgin was a business caller here Thursday of last week. William Rothermel of Springfield, 111., is visiting relatives here at present. Peter Weber is drilling a well for Math Freund on the latter's farm on the prairie. Rev. John Schmitt of Aurora visited relatives here several days the latter part of last week. Many of the gentlemen from here At­ tended the republican caucus in Mc­ Henry Saturday; George Nell is having a new roof put on his house. Frank EVeund and Peter Rothermel are doing the work. The people are very busy clearing the place where the church used to stand. They will have all the brick hauled away so they won't be delayed with the erection of the new one on which they will start to build as soon as the weather will allow them. Bum the signature S T O n i A . i The Kind You Have Always I OSTEND. [Homo sum; humani nihil a me um puto.) Ed Thompson was a caller here Mon­ day. Will Mollahan is working for Thos. McDonald. A woman's wants are often the cause of a man's woes. Lester Nogle, of Woodstock, is work­ ing for Peter Martin. Ed Wallace purchased a new 8-horse tread power Monday. A ripe apple and a green pair stirred up a world of trouble. Ray Thomas and Artie Whiting Utere McHenry visitors Sunday. A spinster says she loves cats because they are treacherous like men. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord, of1 Delavan, Wis., are visiting here this week. Mrs. Andrew Thomas, of Woodstock, is visiting at Geo. Thomas' this week. Miss Ella Thomas is sick at this writ­ ing. Her recovery is earnestly hoped for. The counterfeiter doesn't care for ex­ penses if he is allowed to pay in his own coin. :;VV- . . Ever$ man knows better thani to jgo up against another man's game, yet they all do it. Warren and Edgar Thomas were Sun­ day visitors at Mrs. Lucy Thomas', at McHenry. Phil. Harrison was a caller at Mrs. Clark's Saturday, where his family lives at present. It's about as hard for some men to collect their senses as it is to collect a bill of them. The man with a pain in his back and another in his stomach isn't necessarily transparent. Eber Bassett has been quite sick for the past weel^ He is, we are glad to say, improving. T. A. Abbott has recently engaged a hand, who, with his family, moved into Mr. Abbott's tenant house last week. Miss Susie Thompson was absent from school Monday, on account of the chicken pox. We hope she will be well soon. The fine of five cents will be imposed upon ladies who do not wear calico dresses Friday evening. Ladies will please make ties of the same material as their dresses. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Martin entertained company from Woodstock Sunday; Those present were: Frances Martin, Thos. Jecks, Chas. Hollister and Eva, Lutie, and Guy Martin. SOLOIf. R. W. Overton was at Elgin Monday. We are soon to have a blacksmith shop. Mr. Ed. Cropley has been quite sick the past week. George Sutton is entertaining a young gentleman friend. Mrs. A. L. Beck has been numbered with the sick, but is now much better. Mrs. J. Wilcox, of Antioch, was the guest of Mrs. F. B. Johonott a couple of days recently. Mr. John Collison and sister, "Mary,* came down from Richmond to attend the oyster supper. Wm.' Hankey has made an opening in the willows south of R. W. Overton's for the new railroad. Floy Halderman resumed her school duties at Keystone, Monday, after .hav­ ing a week's vacation. Nellie Halderman was a Lake Gene­ va visitor the latter part of last week, and, while there assisted in an entertain­ ment. Rev. Wm. Cross was calling among his people and stopped over night with H. J. Christian the evening of the oyster supper. The oyster supper at the home of H. J, Christian Wednesday evening was en­ joyed by a large crowd and a nice little sum realized for church purposes. Will Hodge opened his barber shop last Saturday and was kept quite busy. We understand his place will not be open to the public on the Sabbath Irving Overton and Fred Watts drov to McHenry Friday. The latter to con suit Dr. Fegers as to the seriousness of a wound received in an encounter with a Boer sympathizer. Mr. George Vogel and Albert Sutton attended S. Stray's sale near Antioch last week. Mr. Vogel was auctioneer and persuaded the people to buy to-the amount of $4,500. ' . Mrs. Stockton and daughter Sarah, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Coats during the winter have re­ turned to Egan, S. Dakota. Miss Sarah will be greatly missed by the young folks to whom she has endeared herself by her happy spirit and womanly ways. An Elocution Recital under the direct­ ion of Miss Marie Goodhand will be given at the Solon M. E. church, Satur­ day evening, March 34th. PROGRAM. Music "Grandpa's Spectacles" Allle Turner Pantomime "Lead Kindly Light" .... "A Little Girl's Wish" Georgle Vogel "An Old Worn Out Song" Miss Goodhand Music ..... .. "The Schoolmaster's Guests".. Addie Overton Delsarte Poses "Hannah Jane" Battle Westlake Dumbbell Exercise... Never out of Season. There is no time in the year when Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is not a benefit to mankind. It cures constipation and indigestion and cures diarrhoea caused by bad condition of the digestive organs. Trial size bottles 10c, also in 50c and $1 size, of Julia A. Story. KINOWOOD DEPARTMENT THE MONTH OF MARCH. The stormy March has come at last, With wind, and cloud, and changing skies; I hear the rushing of the blast' ^ That through the snowy valley ftles.,^ Ah. passing few are they who speak* ** ^.Wild, stormy month, in praise of thee; •? Yet though tliy winds are louil and bleak, Thou art a welcome month to me. ( For thou, to northern lands, again I" The glad and glorious sun dostbftf||& . And thou hast joined the gentle train S And wearest the gentle name of Spring^ Then sing aloud the gushing rills _ . . . ̂ In joy that they again are free, And, brightly leaping down the Renew their journey to the sea. Thou bring'st the hope of those calm skiei, And that soft time of sunny showers, *• When the wide bloom, on earth that lies Seem of a brighter world than ours. ^ --BRYAJT*. • N. D Stevens was a city visitor Tues­ d a y . / ' . . • / . C. H. Thompson and "wife were here on Wednesday. . , John Pint transacted business in Chi­ cago Wednesday. Miss Ella Spaulding. of McHenry, was a caller Wednesday. Mrs. John Carey was a Richmond visitor last Wednesday. Miss Anna Kane, of Terra Cotta, is visiting with friends here. Leon Griswold left for his home in Callao, Mo. on Thursday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hess on Friday. March 16, a daughter. Miss Bertha Baldwin, of Nunda, spent Tuesday evening with her sister. Sayler E. Smith spent a few days with friends in the city last week. Uncle John Rainthorpe, of Nunda, has been visiting here during the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cristy and Miss Matie Kohn are visiting friends in the city. Miss Ella Hall entertained a number of friends at a rag social on Tuesday evening. Miss Kate Frisby went to Chicago Thursday to attend the funeral of her nephew. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Miss Anna Waterman next Wednesday after­ noon March 28. Mrs. John Rock wood, of Lyons, la. has been visiting with her sister^ Mrs. Mary Harrison. Mrs. Harry Fuller, of Wauconda, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Harrison a few days last week. A number of friends were entertained by Miss Clara Kelly on Tuesday even­ ing; the occasion beitfg her eighteenth birthday. Nr. D. Stevens, Misses Myrtle and Mabel Stevens and Mrs. G. A. Stevens attended the funeral of Miss Alta Snyder at Wo'odstock on Thursday. The Y. P. C. U. held their first meet­ ing last Sunday evening a committee on organization was appointed and on next Sunday evening the Union will be com­ pleted. The Cemetery Aid Society will give an entertainment at Woodman hall in Ringwood on Thursday evening, March 29. The elocutionary part of the pro­ gram will be given by Miss Mary Good- hand, of Solon, and the musical part by Miss Florence Baldwin, of Ringwood. The following selections will be ren­ dered: "Singing Baby" Winthrop "So Was I" ... ..; Music « . Little Mamma". .Field "Jane Jones" King Music "Old Ace" Brooks "The Night Wind" .Field Music ' 'Hand Car No. 412 " Phelps "The Man Who Apologized" Admission: Adults, 15 cents; children under twelve years, 10 cents. /Little Leo Frisby, only child or Mr. fuid Mrs. J. E. Frisby, died at their 'home, 8528 Wallace street, Chicago, of pneumonia, on Wednesday, March 14, at the age of one year and five months. The funeral was held at the home on Friday morning at ten o'clock, after hich the little body was taken to Cal- y cemetery and laid to rest J Mr. and Mrs. FriitJJTTiS^e^many^^rtCnds in this community who extend their heart­ felt sympathy in this their hour of be­ reavement. "Beautiful spirit free from all stain, Ours the heart ache, the sorrow and pain, Thine is the glory and infinite gain-- iMiy slumber Is sweet. Peace on the brow and eyelids so calm, ' Peace in the heart, 'neath the white folded palm. Peace dropping down like a wondrous balm From the head to the feet." TERRA COTTA. • Rob. Matthews, of Barreville, was here Monday. Miss Katie Buss visited friends at Mc­ Henry recently. M. A. Conway transacted business in Chicago Saturday. J. H. Gracy made a business trip to Wisconsin last week. Chas. Gibbs, of McHenry, visited friends here recently. Bruce Starrit who has been attending school at Madison, is home for a short vacation. T. W, Ames held the lucky number- on the quilt raffled for the benefit of the school library. Miss Lena Church and Elmer Magoon attended a social at Holcombville last J^ednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buss have moved heir house hold goods to McHenry^ uiJbeJuture WAR TO THE DEATH PESTS OF THE POULTRY YARD riUST GO! American Lice Destroyer Kills More Mite*, Liee and Other Vermin in a Day Tfiaa All Other Remedies Combined. The war is on! The days of lice and vermin that have done so much to make the life of the poultryman miserable, ai.d his business unprofitable are over. American Lice Destroyer is the proper ammunition to use! This preparation is wonderful in its power, and vermin cannot exist twenty-four hours after it is applied to the coop or fowls. Every poultryipan needs it. It is cheap, re­ liable and effective, one package being sufficient to protect 250 fowls from mites and lice for one year. When this De­ stroyer is used, profits at once increase, Lice and vermin do more to kill profits than all other causes combined. You kiiow it. , Don't go on losing money every week, but try American Lice De­ stroyer. You may have tried other things Without success, but if this fails you can have your money back. We are in this fight to stay, and will back Destroyer against any number of mites or lice you may have. Don't fool away money with "recipies" or home-made makeshifts. Use scientific means. The American Lice Destroyer has been used by thousands of poultry men; it has been on market several years and has been tested thousands of times. We know it is all right, and if it doesn't do the work remember you get your money back. What more can you ask ? If your drug­ gist don't sell American Lice Destroyer, he's behind the age. In that case send for $1.00 box at once. Made only by American Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. NUNDA. Mrs. Ira Mallory is sick. Miss Frances Follette has been flick. Emma Baldwin was home last week. Mrs. George Pricket has been visiting in Chicago. R. Steel is again able to come to town, after being hurt. F. E. Cox and wife visited in Chicago the last of last week. Ed. Andrus, of Huntley, visited rela­ tives here last week. A son was born "to Mr. and Mrs. (£uy Pricket, Friday March 9. Mr. Wagner has moved into the house where J. Doherty has lived. Mrs. Alice Yoltz is visiting her parents at Sheldonville, 111. Mrs. Becca Pricket started two R. N. . A. camps the first of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mallory visited at Father Mallory's over Sunday. Mrs. Hazeltine, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is visiting at A. A. Thomas'. John Aylesworth was laid up for a week from a fall on the slippery walk. Mrs. John Camm, spent two weeks with her daughter, Jennie Naslund, at Beloit. Miss Ethel Beardsley has left school on account of the poor health of her mother. x The D. O. C., the young men's club that has met for a number of years, have disbanded. John Beardsley was here recently. He is now visiting in Janesville and Whitewater, Wis. Sumner Pingry expects to move into the building now occupied by his father, C. Pingry, and will keep boarders. Mrs. G. L.Gardner's brother, C. Hunt, of Wilbur, Neb., is running the second chair in G. L. Gardner's barbershop. George Piatt has been keeping store for Ira Mallory, who has been confined to the house by sickness for nearly two weeks. Anna Wilcox was brought home from school sick one day last week but we hear she has recovered and returned to school Monday. Mrs. Tillie Jeffries, who has been vis­ iting her father, J. Crosman and sister, Miss Carrie, has gone to Madison, Wis., where she is to live. Harry Ford, Mrs. McCollum and daughter, Ruby, attended the funeral of Rossie Andruss, at Pleasant Prairie, Wis., last Thursday. From the effects of falling from a tree some months ago Maude Mitchell, age fourteen years, died at her home in Elgin, Wednesday evening, Mar. 14. ^ WOODSTOCK. F. N. Blakelee made a trip to Chicago Saturday. Rev and Mrs. S. C. Hay were Chicago visitors Friday. E. L. Shippee spent Sunday with friends at Harvard. Mrs. S. C. Hull, of Rockford, visited relatives in town one day last week. Mrs. P. Anderson visited from Friday 'till Monday with hers on, S.E. and wife at Harvard. Miss Jennie McElroy, of Hartland, was the guest of her sister here the first of the week. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presbyterian church will give a dime musicale at the home of G. H. Hoy, on Friday evening. Mrs. C. W. Allen, to the joy of her many friends, returned last week after a visit of several months with relatives in Minnesota. The community were shocked on Mon­ day last to learn of the sudden death of I. A. Austin. Cause--heart failure. Mr. Austin is well-known throughout the county having been in the livery business for many years. O.A. Bean the Signatu* 9T S T O R I A . The Kind You Have Always Bought * W- W- Bb. DIRECTORY SS BUSINESS CARDS. .r KNIGHT & BROWN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 100 Washington street, Chicago, III. " C. P. BARNES. A TTORNEY, solicitor, and Counselor. Ool- ^ » specialty. Damage Suits, etc. v . f Office at Woodstock, III. * DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. "PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST,. Office and residence in Justen's Block, over the Plaindealer office, McHenry. Tele­ phone No. 2. . 0. H. FEGERS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, *- Ill.sOfficeatResldei.ce. DR. A. E. AURINGER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office In the old Post Office building, one door east of J. Miller's store, West McHenry, 111. Resi< dence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Os­ borne. All professional calls promptly at­ tended to. , f V H. C. MEAD, ^ Justii ̂of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MCHUSBY, - - III. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches and Chronometers. E®r" A full assortment of goods in his line. MM Office, Kendal Block, WOCDSTOCK, ILLINOIS DR. W. C. BESLEY SURGEON DENTIST Extracting a Specialty, with the administra- * tion of Nitrous Oxid Gas or Vitalized Air. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty All Elnds of Modern ! :D:E2srT:D3rr:EV"5r Executed on Short Notice at Prices Consistent with Good Work. Extracting by the use of Nitrous Oxid Gas or Vitalized Air. F. C. ROSS, D. D. S. Over Owen A Ohapell's store. C. F. BOLEY, Proprietor of McHenry Bravery, McHENRY. ILL. Always on Hand With ' the Best Beer SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE. NO. 158, A. F.and A. M.W Regular Communications the second fourth Mondays In each month. GEO. H. HANLY, W. M. W. C.O. F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187, W. O. O. F., meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COBB, Chief Ranger. LORETTA W AL£H, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at their Hall, in Stoffel's Block. 0. C. COI.BY, Consul. H. C. MSAJ>, Clerk. C.O. F. Meet First and Third Sundays of month in Forester Ilall. each MATT WEBER, Chief Ranges JOHN NEISS, Secretary. JOHN H. MILLER, Financial Sec'y. Trustees: John Heimer, Anton Efygeln, Ben Lauer. C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 746, C. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. J. M. Phalen, C. R. G. E. Walsh, R. S. CHURCHES. UNIVERSALIST. Rev. J. Straub, D. D Pastor T. J. Walsh I. President H. C. Mead Clerk James B. Perry Treasurer The Willing Workers {the ladies' organiza­ tion.) Mrs. John 1. Story President Mrs. L. H. Owen Vice President Mrs. C. C. C'hapell Secretary Mrs. W. A. Cristy Treasurer Supt. of Sunday-School ..F. L- McOmber Assistant W. A. Cristy The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address Is Grand Crossing. Preaching Services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:90 P. M. A cordial invitation to all. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. W. L. Whipple Pastor Preaching Sunday 10:S0 A. M. Sunday- School, 12 M. Dr. A. E. Auringer Superintendent Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. Ladies' Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. A. E. Auringer, Prtssldeut, Miss Cora Wilson, Secretary. A Cordial Invitation is extended to all. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) Services will be held on Sunday as follows: High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. Vespers at 3 o'clock p. m. REV. FATHER KIRSCH, Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Regular Sunday services at 9:30 o'clock a. ra. and 13 o'clock every third Sunday. REV. FATHERO'NKIL, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) 8t. John's Catholic Church, Johnsburg have services, on Sunday as follows: Htgn Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers at 8 o'clock p. m. REV. FATHER MEHRING, Pastor. Abstracts of Title. McHenry County ABSTRACT COMPANY WOODSTOCK, ILL. f F, F. Axtell. Harvard. ! R. M. Patrick. Marengo. Directors J John J. Murphy. Woodstock. I W. C.Eiche merger. Woodstock I Geo. L. Murphy. Woodstock Real Estate Bought and Sold. Insurance aMl Loaa* Abstracts of Tltl# and Convayanclay*

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