"f * ' * * * "-"^,5.' X _C •-•'X . IJ •&: i f~ * « APRIL 19QO mam pĉ r̂ :' L> % .. ..v»y" «f NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS Of CORRESPONDENTS RICHMOND. Miss Cora Reynolds went to Chicago Friday. Miss Dora Besley went to Chicago Friday. Miss Mable Anderson spent Saturday at Woodstock. Miss Ruth Bogart was a county seat caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Conn were Chica go callers Friday. Miss Ada Richardson was a county seat caller Saturday. Mrs. Herrick and son Paul, of Hebron, were in town Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Bohart went to Delavan, Wis., Tuesday to visit relatives. Miss Julia O'Brien came up from Elgin to spend Sunday with her parents. Mr. Jean Howe, of McHenry, was vis iting at George Vinton's one day last week. 'V- Mrs. J. V. Aldrich was visiting friends at Woodstock the latter part of last week. Miss Erma Conn came down from Hebron to attend the musicale Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilson, of Ring wood, were visiting at Ed Bobbins' Sunday. Mrs. G. W. Coon was down from Hebron Thursday night to attend the musicald. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Bennett came out from Chicago Saturday to spend Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bennett came out from Chicago Saturday to spend Sunday with relatives. Miss Ethelyn Bennett who is teaching school near Nunda was calling on rela tives Saturday and Sunday. The M. E. Sunday school gave an Easter entertainment at the church Sunday morning. The church was prettily decorated and the program was well rendered. The Congregational Sunday school gave an Easter entertainment at the church Sunday evening. The 'program though tekort was well rendered, after which a short song service was held. A musicale was held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Haythorn Thursday evening. The program which had been carefully prepared was nicely rendered and &11 present spent an enjoyable evening. Quite a crowd attended the W. R. C. social Saturday evening and all had a time;--A short ^program was well rendered followed by light refresh ments and later in the evening all par took in a geographical contest. Free Complexion Beautifler. We want every lady reader of the McHenry Plaindealer, to try Dwight's Complexion Beautifier, the most ex quisite toilet preparation. It is pure and harmless, makes the face smooth as vel vet and fair as alabaster. To induce a fair trial of it we will for SHORT TIME ONLY SE&D FREE a full size, Fifty Cent box to every lady who will send us her post office address and SILVER DIME to pay for packing and postage. Only one FREE box to each address, but ladies may order for her friends. Each box mailed separately. Send this no tice and your order AT ONCE to D. W. CUSTER & Co., Huntington, W. Va- Feb. 22, 1 y . Til Not True, We can not cure everything. We f k Kmly cure Dispepsia, Indigestion, Con- , stipation, Sick Headache and Stomach troubles. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin doetj the work aud you can get it in 10c., or $L00 size of Jtflia A. Story,. WAUCONDA. Paul Hicks is sick with mumps. Mrs. M. W. Hughes went to Chicago Monday. Frank Harrison returned to "Chicago Tuesday. Dr. Howe went to the 6ity Monday morning. Frank Hammond made .a trip to Chi cago Monday. AL Coxhead spent Sunday with friends in this village. Reuben Hill and wife, of Waukegari, are visiting relatives here. Oscar Whitcom attended the fnneral of Mr. Harrison here Saturday. A load of Cary Odd Fellows attended Wauconda lodge Friday evening. Lester Burdict is entertaining a friend from Rockefeller this week. Wright Carr and wife, of Woodstock, attended the funeral of Mr. Harrison. A number of young people from Volo attended the Easter exercises here Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, Albert and Rosina, of McHenry, visited Wauconda friends Sunday. Mr. Floyd and Miss Nina Lawera, of Elgin, were the guests of Mrs. Millard a few days last week. It is rumored that Sydney Powers a former resident of this place, killed himself and wife in Elgin. Mr. Robert Harrison, an old and much esteemed resident of Wauconda, died at his home Thursday morning. Mr. Harrison was a kind and indulgent father and the family have the sym pathy of the entire community. The funeral took place in the M. E. church in this village and the enterment at the Ring wood cemetery. The deceased leaves a widow, two sons and daughter, to mourn his loss. WOODSTOCK. E. R. Bird, of Chicago, visited with old friends In town, Saturday. Miss Edith Murphy entertained Miss Etta Salisbury, of Cary, Easter Sunday. Miss Miriam Gaylord, of Elgin, was the guest of Miss Stella Sherman last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Heimerdinger, of Cary, were guests of relatives in town. Easter. E. A. Stone recently started on a trip to Paris and from thence will visit his native land. Norway. Revr S. G'. Hay, Elder W. J. McDowell and Miss E. J. Norton attended the spring meeting of Freeport Presbytery, at Freeport last week. Messrs. W. P. Hoy of the Madison University and Walter Hoy of the Armour Institute, Chicago, spent the Easter tide, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Bier returned from Elgin the first of the week satisfied of the recovery of their little grandson, Edwin Kemmerling. The Easter services held in the church by the Knight Templars were largely attended. The address by Rev. S. C. Hay and prayer by Rev. N. A. Sunder- lin were very good. The music from the new pipe organ ani the beautiful selections rendered by the choir were highly appreciated. Next Tuesday - At 12:43 p. m. standard time, yon begin and take after each meal a half tea- spoonful of Dr. Clad well's Syrup Pepsin, you will be permanently relieved of any stomach or bowel irregularities and we will gain your friendship by this timely advice which we give m all sincerity Julia A. Story, RIDGKFIELD. Mrs. F. Hobart waa in Nunda Mon day. . E. B. Smith was In Woodstock Mon day. ^ 'J; , ' ' Mra BL Lynch wis in Harvard Saturday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. F. Hartman were in Woodstock Sunday. Adam Westerman, fit Woodstock, was here Thursday. " { Miss Smith, of Chicago, is the guest of her sister, Mamie. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Garrison visited at Woodstock Sunday. James Westerman visited friends in Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Mamie Jackman, of Woodstock, visited her parents here Saturday. Mrs. Belle Dufield and brother, Ed Cadwallader, were in Nunda Saturday. Mrs. Noble and Miss Lola Lynch called on friends at Woodstock Sunday. Lewis Gibson came home from Chi cago Saturday and reports everything O. K. J. B. Lynch is visiting his parents and other relatives at Green Lake and Rip- on, Wis. Mr* and Mrs. D. L. Gibson and son, Lewis, visited relatives at Woodstock Sunday. S. Olmstead, of Woodstock, was here Sunday to visit his father who is still very low. * Geo. Whiston and daughter, P«arl, of Holcombville, called on friends here Thursday. Mr. Olmstead's daughter from the west is visiting her father and sister, Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs.- Throop and daughter, Agnes, of Nunda, visited at G, Hart- man's Sunday. Mrs. A. S. Wakefield returned Mon day from her visit with relatives apd friends in Elgin. Geo. Wood returned from Rockford Saturday where he has been at work the past few months. Marvin Keeler is still kept indoors with the measles, and Miss Ward is having a light attack of the mumps. Miss Blanche Philips returned home Sunday with her father. Miss Blanche has been helping her sister with the work while Mr. Parks was under the weather. > WAUCONDA. Received to late for our last issue. John Davis was a Chicago caller Mon day. Mrs. Fitch is in Chicago on a short visit. L. C. Price and family spent Sunday in Gilmer. ' ~x- Miss Ada Hicks returned from Chi cago Saturday. Henry Lang is spending the week with Judge Fitch. E. E. Gilbert is assisting his son, Will, in the store. Will Eniger has moved into the honse on the David Oak's farm. Dr. Fegers, of McHenry, was a Wauconda visitor Sunday. Rev. Dutton will mov» ..into Nile Wynkoop's house this week. Miss Ruth Smith started * in the Wauconda high school Monday. Kate Freund has returned to school after a slight attack of la grippe. David McClain returned Monday from an extended visit in the east. Wm. Derry, of Waukegan, spent Sunday with relatives in Wauconda. Wm. Harris who suffered from an attack of la grippe last week, is better. Miss Ella Hill was out of school several days last week on account of sickness. John Rainthorpe, of Nunda, visited with his daughter, Mrs. N. B. Duers, a part of this week. Claude Pratt who has enlisted in the U. S. Navy, left Wauconda Wednesday for a training station. G. W. Pratt moved out of the Pratt house this week. Mr. of Chicago, will be proprietor this summer. Harry Graham finished his first year in the Chicago school of pharmacy and returned home Monday. He will assist Mr. Roberts in the drug store this summer. On Saturday of last week Robert Harrison was taken so ill with pneumo nia that his friends were alarmed and his wife who was visiting in the east was sent for. His sons, Frank and Earl, of Chicago, were also called home. At present he is some what better; ^ IIOHNSBUBGH. C. M. Adams was a business caller in Chicago Friday. Will Cole, from Richmond, was a caller here Sunday. Tom Gfrant, from Richmond, called on friends here Sunday. John Krumpen, from Richmond, visited friends here Sunday. Miss Barbara Schmitt, from Aurora, is visiting with relatives at present. Miss Mary May, from Chicago, is visiting with her parents at present. Peter Williams sold his team of horses to A. L. Howe last week for $150. Professor Math Wilwerth returned toChicago on Monday after visiting with Rev. H. Mehringfor several day. On Saturday afternoon three of John King's horses ran away with a seeder, running through several barb wire fences two of them cutting themselves badly which is quite a loss to Mr. King having refused $250 for two of them several weeks ago. Th§ McHenry Steam Laundry is better equipped for work than ever. Try them, W. N, ^CKOFF. HBPPPPS OSTEND. •THOUGH WE REPENT; - Though w*e repent, can any god Rive hack The dear, lost days ve might have made so fair, y „ -|g$. . Turn false to true and careless Ut care ; And let us find again .what now we lack? Oh, once, once morn to tread the old time •track The (lowers we throw away once more to, wear! Though we repent, can any God give back " The dear, lost days we might have made SO Who can repulse a stealthy ghost's attack. Silence a voice that doth the midnight dare, Make fresh hopes spring from the grave sod of despair, Set free a tortured soul from memory's rack? Though we repent can any God give back The dear, lost days we might have made so fair? • v Louise Chandler Moulton in Scribner's. Miss Alice Richardson began school here Monday. Mr. E. E. Basset t was a Woodstock visitor Friday If a man has no temptations its easy to remain honest. Miss Leila Abbott has recovered from her recent illness. Edward Dates and family spent Sun day with his parents. Miss Nina Hobart is recovering from a seVere attack of mumps. Don't apologize to the devil jf^ou tread on his toes; do it again. Miss Susie Thompson is still quite ill. We hope she may soon recover. Ch&s. Sherman will move to his father's farm in Cherry Valley. Thought is only company for those who are capable of entertaining it. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pierce were Sunday visitors at A. McCollum s. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Thompson, of Greenwood, were brief callers here Sun day. Cowards sing at night when they are afraid; ladies laugh at love for the same reason. ' We now have a surcease of "Beautiful Snow" but are having a lot of ' 'Beauti- f ul^Hin." Mesdames Bernard Harrison and Wm. Thomas were Woodstock visitors Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Abbott, daughter, and niece attended Easter services at McHenry Sunday. In spite of all the mud a number from here attended the dances at McHenry Easter Monday evening. Clifford Thompson was a Chicago vis itor Tuesday in the interest of Hereford cattle, of which he is a very good judge. Crokindole is all the rage here. Four new boards have come in the last two weeks. As yet we cannot name the champion. A physician says that raw oysters are unhealthy. Perhaps they are, but no jne ever heard of a raw oyster sending for a doctor. NUNDA. Mrs! H. Ford was in Janesville this week. - Mrs. George Piatt has been on the sick list. Miss Grace Benthusen was in Chicago Saturday. Miss Ruby McCollum was in Elgin last week. School election at the school honse, Saturday, April 21. Miss Pussie Everets,of Chicago, visited her grandparents over Sunday. Mrs. J. Nelson has been quite sick with la gippe, also Miss Laura Pain. The class of 1900 give a basket social at the rink tomorrow (Friday) evening. The Easter program at the M. E. church was fine^and listened to by a large audi ence. H. Rice and wife have moved to the George Harris farm, his place being for rent. Help for the Citizens' Electric Light and Manufacturing Co.,are working ten hours a day. G. Morley and wife have moved into one of the tenant houses on the Dole farm at Crystal^Lake. . Mr. and Mrs/ R. Nisbet, of Fullerton, Neb., rejoice over the arrival of a daughter born March 24. Married, at Janesville, Wis., April 18, Mr. Harry R. Ford, Crystal Lake, and Miss Ruby McCollum, Nunda. Mrs. Wm. Keller has moved into Charlie VermiJyar's house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rowland. ^Hugh Watson and Bert Genung went to Chicago last week to attend the Metropolitan Business college. Mrs. Kate Jones advertises her home in Crystal Lake and household goods for sale at auction, Friday April 20. v$ev. E. P. Kempherand wife went to Van Buren, Ohio, last week, to see Mrs. Kempher's brother, who is very sick. Miss Adelia Andruss, of Pleasant Prairie, Wis., visited her niece, Mrs. Frank McCollum, a few days the first of the week. Miss Anna Wyman, of Beloit,has been spending a week with relatives here. Mrs Cora Wyman spent Sunday here and her mother, Mrs. Delia Wells, re turned home with them Monday. The members of the Junior League were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Whyte, Friday evening of last week. The evening was spent in playing games and eating pop corn and candy. • -. "Secrets of Success ; or, Our Business Boys"by the Rev. Francis E. Clark, founder of the Young People's Society for Christian Endeavor is a book of good and wholesome advice for boys. See the advertisement in another col umn. The Werner Company, publish ers, are offering it at a special price, tf. •U„' WAR TO THE DEATH THE POULTRy YARD riUST GO! V - American Lice Destroyer Kin* More Mite*, Lice and Other Vermin In a Day Than All Other licmcdlea Combined. The war is on! The days of lioe and vermin that have done so much to make the life of the poultryman miserable, ai.d his business unprofitable are over. American Lice Destroyer is the proper ammunition to use! This preparation is wonderful in its power, and vermin cannot exist twenty-fottr hours after it is applied to the coop or fowls. Every poultryman needs it. It is cheap, re liable and effective, one package being sufficient to protect 250 fowls from mites and lice for one year. When this De stroyer is used, profits at once increase. Lice and vermin do more to kill profits than all other causes combined. You know it. Don't go on losing money every week, but try American Lice De stroyer. You may have tried other things without success, but if this fails you can have your money back. We are in this fight to stay, and will back Destroyer against any number of mites or lice you may have. Don't fool away money with "recipies" or home-made makeshifts. Use scientific means. The American Lice Destroyer has been used by thousands of poultrymen; it has been on market several years and" has been tested thousands of times. We know it is all right, and if it doesn't do the work remember you get your money back. What more can you ask? If your drug gist don't sell American Lice Destroyer, he's behind the age. In that case send for $1.00 box at once. Made only by American Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. „ 8O1.ON. R. W. Overton went to Woodstock Tuesday. Harry Fay and Elsie Howe called on friends here Sunday. Charlie Harness, from Walworth, has been visiting friends here. Miss Etta Patterson was down from Richmond one day this week. Miss Aggie Bullwinkle, of Chicago, is the guest of relatives and friends. Frank Potter, of Richmond, attended Easter exercises here Sunday evening. Mrs. Elliot Cropley .is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Osborne, near Marengo. A number of our youiig people attend ed the dance at McHenry Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reading entertained quite a company of friends one day this week. Miss Altia Kimball has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Vosburgh, for some time. R. Johonnett, of Antioch, was here one day this week attending to his farm interests. George Vogle, Albert Sutton and Lee Hodge attended the horse sale at Woodstock Wednesday of last yreek and each disposed of a horse at a fair price. Monday, the 16th, being the birthday anniversary of Mrs. E. G. Monear, her many friends surprised her in the even ing and spent a most delightful hour, leaving tokens of esteem and wishing many happy returns of the day. Sunday afternoon a Sabbath school was organized for the coming summer and the following officers were elected: Miss Flory Halderman, superintend ent; Mrs. M. Brown, assistant super intendent; Hattie Westlake, secretary and treusurer; Maud Cornish, organist; Maud Thomas, assistant organist; Bird Hodge, chorister. Some difficulty has arisin as to the amount of damages incurred by the railroad crossing the Overton farm and the following appraisers selected by the C. M. & St, P. officiated were looking over the ground Monday afternoon. Superintendent Wire, Horace Reading, Frank Johonnett, W. Rehorst, Mr. Jones, Lock Austin, while Mr. H. Cole, E. Co veil, J. Richardson, M. Imerson, H. Christian, E. S. Johonnett were elect ed by Mr. Overton. NORTH NUNDA. Thos. Frisby has resumed his work at Elgin. Geo. Frisby, of Chicago, is visiting relatives here. ^ Miss Katie Knox visited friends at McHenrySaturdayj ----- R. J. Walsh and T. Kane called on friends at Wauconda Sunday. Miss Maggie Conway, of Elgin, was a guest of friends here Sunday. Edward Knox, of Chicago, is visiting his uncle, Ed. Knox at present. Bob Tweed, of Woodstock, was a pleasant caller in this vicinity Sunday evening. T. F. Walsh, of Evanston, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Walsh. Miss Ellen Sutton, of Elgin, is spend ing her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sutton: | DIRECTORY ! BUSINESS CARDS, • KNIGHT & BROWN. - AL^oStNfeYS AT LAW, LOO WASHINXTI^ street, Chicago, III. • C. i\ BAKNES. A TTORNEY, solicitor, and Counselor. Col- lections a specialty. Damage Suits. JJM J Office at Woodstock, Il)» s =J ^ K-'. DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. - PHX£rCIA^' SURGEON AND OCULIST. Vue.,?u.d residence in Justen's Block, over the Flaindealer office, McHenry. Tele p h o n e i t O . i t . . v . f t , y O. H. FEGFIKS, M. D. „ , DR. A. E. AURINGER. ' V PHYSICIAN AfrD SURGEON, Office In ttie T ,,*!!? p,ost °ffice building, one door east Of J. Miller's store, West McHenry, 111. Resi dence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Os borne. All professional calls promptly at* t>eud<xi to. 8TRAYER & 8TRAYER, A TTORNEYS AT LAAV. Practice in all the courts of the state. Collections given personal attention. Suite 210 Real Estate lioarU i>uikli»|j. JfePearborn St. «; CHICAGO, Ilj§* D. T. SMILEY, ATTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and No- A tary Public. Will give prompt and iife- mediate attention to all business intrusted to- his care. Office in Hoy's Block. rt' Woodstock, 111, J. W. TORRENCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and Notary Pub- ** lie. General collection agency. Collec tions promptly made at a reasonable couimis-- sion- Volo, III. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. . ^BST MCHENRY, - - IIX. A. M. CHURCH, W&tchmakor and Jewetar No. 126 State street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches and Chronometers. A full assortment of goods in his line. Office, Kendal Block, WOCDSTOCK, ILLINOIS DR. W. C. BESLEY SURGEON DENTIST Extracting a Specialty, with the administri^ tion of Nitrous Oxid Gas or Vitalised Air. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty All Kinds of Modern ZDZEjKTTISTIFL'Sr Executed on Short Notice at Prices Consistent with Good Work. , Extracting by the use of Nitrous Oxid Gas or Vitalized Air." F. C. ROSS, % ID. S. Over Owen Aphapell's store. f C. F. BOLBV. Proprietor of McHenry Brewery, MoHENRY. ILL. Always on Band With the Beat 30CIETIB9. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, No. 158, A. F.and A. ML-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. GEO. H. HANLY, W. M. W. 0. O. F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187. W. O. O. F., meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COBB, Chief Ranger. LORETTA WALSH, Secretary. 0 M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at their ~ " "lock. Hall, in Stoffel's BL H. C. MEAD, Clerk, C. C. COLBY, Consul. 0. O. F. Meet First and Third Sundays of each month in Forester Hall. MATT WSBBB, Chief Ranger. JOHN NEISS, Secretary. JOHN H. MILLER, Financial Sec'y. Trustees: John Heimer, Anton En gain, Ben Lauer. ' C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 746, C. O. P. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. J. M. Phalen, C. R. G. E. Walsh, R. S. CHURCHES. Great opportunity offered to good, reliable men. Salary of $15 per week and expenses for man with rig to in troduce our Poultry Mixture and Insect Destroyer in the country. Send stamp, American Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. ' 82-ly Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind.. says "DeWitt's Little Early bring certain relief, c and never gripe." The and invigorate the bo Julia A. Story. tlways dache arise UNIVERSALIST. Rev. J. Straub, D. D Pastor T. J. Walsh. President H. C. Mead Clerk James B. Perry Treasurer The Willing Workers (the ladies' organiza tion.) Mrs. John I. Story President Mrs. L. H. Owen. ..........,,..Vice.Prt«sident Mrs. C. C. Chapell,. Secretary Mrs. W. A. Oristyl............... Treasurer Supt. of Sunday-Schoot F. L. McOmber Assistant W. A. Cristy tag*" The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Grand Crossing. Preaching Services at 10:80 A. M. and at-7:30 p. M. A cordial invitation to all. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. W. L. Whipple Pastor Preaching Sunday 10:80 A. M. Sunday- School. 12 m. Dr. A. E. Auringerl Superintendent Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. Ladles' Aiti Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. A. E. Auringer, President, Miss Cora Wilson, Secretary. tsy™A Cordial invitation is extended to all. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) Services will be held on Sunday as follows: High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. Vespers at 3 o'clock p. m. REV. FATHER KIRSCH, Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Regular Sunday services at 0:30 o'clock a. m. and 12 o'clock every third Sunday. REV. FATHER O'NEIL,. Pastor. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsburir have services on Sunday as fol lows: High Mass at 10 o clock a. m. and Vespers at 3 o'clock p. m. Bsv. FATHSP MSHRINU, pastor, -J#:.