Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1900, p. 3

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* * v -•t-"" <&*** ^ ' ' ' * ' *• <* ' ' ̂ 4 f-Geo. Meyers- .,-. v QHNERAL TEAMING oiall kinds. Excavating and ^Grading. McHenry, Illinois SECRETS OF SUCCESS. GOOD ADVICE to business boys by nearly 100 ol the most successful basin.ess men. Contains many helpflil items from these business men's own experience. An invaluable aid to every boy whether in school or em­ ployed in an office. A dainty volume of about 50 pages, bound in cream pebble grain, stamped in green and silver and sent postpaid for only $0.25. Every boy should read this book. Send for our special illustrated book cata­ logue of books for young and old, FREE. Address au ord­ ers to THE WERNER COMPANY, Yfebllafcws Md Mamiactiren. Akron, Ohio. [The Wem«r Company U thoroughly reliable.]--Editor. A COMPLETE NOVEL IN EACH NUMBER LIPPINCOTTS I f\PNTHLYJAAGAZlNE i Subscribers may begin with any month THE CHEAPEST AWD BEST FAMILY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED A LIBRARY OF 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY Besides Poetry and many Stories of Dally Life, Travel, Anecdote, Humor, etc. REDUCED PRICE, $2.60 PER YEAR SINGLE COPY, 28 CENTS J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, Publishers PHILADELPHIA, PA. A FREE PATTER., 3»er own selection) to every subscriber. Beautiful cot ired lithographed plates and Illustrations. Original, a teat, arUatic, exquliite and atrictly up-to-date deeigna. MS CALL'S MAGAZINE1 Dranamaklnff economies, fancy work, household hints. Short stories, current topics, etc. Subscribe to-day. Only 60c. yearly.- Lady agents wanted. Bead for terms. Tor ladles, misses, girls and little children. That cer­ tain styllih " chic " effect not attained by the use of any Other patterns Have no equal for style and perfect fit. MS CALLicc ̂BAZAR, | fiVTTIRHS Ssllr put together. Only 10 an4 It cents each--none fher. Soldln nearly every city and town, or by maiL k for them. Absolutely very latest up-to-date rtyle* THE McCALL COMPANY, HMM Wnt ltth ItrssU • . - Yerk City, I. I The Chicago Tribune is a newspaper for bright and intelligent peo­ ple. It is made njrro attract people who think. Is not neutral or colorless, constantly trim­ ming in an endeavor to please both sides, but it is independent in the best sense of the word. It has pronounced opinions and is fearless in expressing them, but it is always fair to its opponents. Matters of national or vital public interest get more space in THE TRIBUNE than in any Other paper in the West. For these reasons It is the newspaper you should read during the forthcoming political campaign. THE TRIBUNE'S financial columns never mislead the public. Its facilities for gathering news, both local and foreign, are far superior to those of any other newspaper in the West. It presents the news in as fair a way as pos­ sible, and lets its readers form their opinions. While it publishes the most comprehensive articles on all news features, if you are busy the "Summary of THE DAILY TRIBUNE" published daily on the first page gives yon briefly all the news of the day within one col­ umn. It&sporting news is always the best, and its Sunday Pink Sporting Section is better than any sporting paper in the country. It iu the "cleanest" daily printed in the West. Werner's Dictionary of Synonyms & Antonyms, Mythology and Familiar Phrases. A book that should be in the vest pocket of every person, because it tells you the right word to use. No Two Words in the English Language Have Exactly the Same Significance. To express the precise meaning that one in­ tends to convey a dictionary of Synonyms is needed to avoid repe­ tition. The strongest figure of speech is antithesis. In this dic­ tionary the appended Antonyms will, therefore, be found extremely valuable. Contains many other features such as Mythology, Familiar Allusions and For­ eign Phrases, Prof. Loisette's Memory System, 'The Art of Never Forgetting," etc.. etc. This wonderful little book bound in a neat Cloth binding and sent postpaid for $0,25. Full Leather, gilt edge, $0.40, postpaid. Order at once. Send for our laige book catalogue, free. Address all orders to THE WERNER COMPANY. fkblishers and Itonufactursrs, AllOR, OHO. Jewish Court In England. There is a Jewish court in GrUtet Britain known as Beth Din, which is presided over by the Very Rev. Dr. Adler chief rabbi of England. Its. de­ cisions are not of course legally binding, but all who come before the court are asked to sign a form accepting the deci­ sions as final. Cure for Cholera Infantum- Never Known to Fail. During last May an infant child of out- neighbor was suffering from cholera in-' fantum. The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used ac­ cording to directions. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have recommended this remedy fre­ quently and have never known it to fail. --MRS. CURTIS BAKER, Book waiter, Ohio. For sale by Julia A. Story. England*!* SimikelesH Coal. Experiments have for some time been made in England with smokeless coal. This peculiar fuel may be burned either in an ordinary grate or in a basin in the middle of the room without developing any perceptible odor or smoke at any time. The Heat Remedy for Ntnmarh and Rovfrl Troubles. "I have been in the drug bnsinss for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for al stomach and bowel troubles," says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga 'Thi> remedy cured two severe cases of choler; norbus in my family and I have reeom uended and sold hundreds of bottles oi it to my customers to their eutire satis 'action. It affords a quick and sur* ure in a pleasant forui. No family t.iould be without it. ' I keep it in m- louse at all times.v For sale by Juli. V. Story. French Matrimonial-Agent*. A regular business carried on ii France by ladies of high standing is t>< secure rich American brides for pennilesf men of title. These matrimonial agents- •eceive heavy fees when they are sue •essful. Many thousands have been restored to lealth and happiness by the use of Cham­ berlain's Cough Remedy. If afflicted .*ith any throat or lung trouble, give it i trial for it's certain to prove beneficial, toughs that have resisted all othei -reatment for years, have vielded to thie •emedy and perfect health restored, ^ases that seemed hopeless, that tif limate of famous health resorts failed o benefit, have been permanently cured •y its use. Bear in mind that ever} -ottle is warranted and if it does noi •rove beneficial the money will be ro­ unded to you. For sale by Julia A. itory. Women's Necks (ivnwinjj Longer. A well-known Philadelphia artist says vomen's necks are growing longer. He ays the high collar is responsible for it. All the life studies and portraits ol vomen seen at student's exhibits de- nonstrate this. Zou tire easily? four heart flip flops, you tremble, md think of getting old, ind fear some one will know it. You try to look pleasant, when in fact, vou are puffing like a steam engine, and can't throw a brijk across a cow path, vvithout wheezing like a shingle-mill. But you bet you are not getting old. You have indigestion. You have let it run too long. You can cure it by using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It's a sure shot, 10c, 50c or $1 a bottle. (Jet it of Julia A. Story. Oddities of the Calendar. January and October of the same year always begin with the same day. So do April and July, also September and December, February, March and Novem­ ber. ^ Was it A Miracle? "The marvelous cure of Mrs. Rena J. Stout of Consumption has created inten­ se excitement in Cammack, Ind." writes Marion Stuart, a leading druggist of Muncie, Ind. She only weighed 90 pounds when her, doctor in Yorktown said she must soon die. Then she began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and gained 87 pounds in weight and was completely cured." It has cured thous­ ands of hopeless cases, and is positively guaranteed ^to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung diseases. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's drug store. . Short-Li ved. The average working life of a London omnibus horse is five years; that of a tram horse four. White Han Turned Yellow. Great consternation was felt bv the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington, Ky., when tbey saw he was turning yel­ low. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. He was treated by the best doctors, but • without benefit. Then he was advised ' to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and be i writes: "After taking two bottles 11 was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 50c. Sold by Julia A. Story, druggist. i Items of Ihterest from Att Ov®rth« World. PRKPAKKD 15 COXDENSK MDF.KSKD FORM. SresU Reporte^by Telegrispfc ONm In Hiort Paragraphs--One Week's Happen­ ings Chronicled to Suit the Bnsy Reader --Crimes; Casualties aad Other Matters •f Public Interest. THE BOER WAR. England's war office announced that 2l,<jf>7 British soldiers have been killed in battle since the Boer war began. The total british casualties now amount to 48,<»40. Lieutenant Bundle and a patrol were captured by Boers near Pretoria July 4. Paris gave the Boer envoys a warm greeting on their return from their American visit. THE TROUBLE IN CHINA Heads of foreigners in Pekin are paraded through the city, held aloft on spears. At last reports legation* were being fired upon and the captive occupants were almost starving. All foreigners have been ordered out' of Tientsin. The situation is con­ sidered desperate. The Chinese are pushing their entrenchments under the walls. The railway between Tientsin and Lutal is in the hands of the Chi­ nese. International forces have abandoned relief of Pekin owing to inadequate forces. All foreig ners there are re­ ported killed. The poisoning of the emperor, who died, and the empress dowager, has been confirmed. Russian troops are near Pekin on the north, but it is feared .the renort of the murder of all foreigners in the city is true. England awaits an answer to its re­ quest that Japan, despite Russia's at­ titude, cfusli the revolt in China. Chinese are reported to have butchered 10.000 persons In Peking, and it is feared the Boxer revolt will spread throughout the empire if the allied army is defeated. Fort Sheridan battalion, the Fif­ teenth infantry and the First cavalry will form part of a large American army to go to China. The allied Japanese and Russian troops routed the Chinese with 1,000 loss to the enemy rt Lang Fang, eight­ een miles from Tientsin, on the way to Pekin. Only England and America have agreed to give Japan a free hand to act in powers' behalf. Others merely permit it to land any .number of troops. Two more regiments of United States troops have been ordered from the Philippines to China. The Ninth United States infantry has landed at Taku. While definite news from Pekin is lacking, there i* a generxl belief that the foreign legations ar-e safe and may be rescued. Tientsin was being bombarded when last heard from, and many refugees had reached Taku. The (terman ea*t Asiatic squadron sailed from Kiel for China. Emperor William aud Prince Hen^y of Prussia witnessed the departure of the war­ ships. The powers expect to have 40,000 men in China during the coming week. THE WAR IN THE PHILIPPINES. Filipino leaders are taking the oath of allegiance and pushing the work for peace. At tne request of the Philippine com­ mission, F. M. Kiggins, chairman of the central board of examiners of the United States civil service commis­ sion. has been assigned to duty in the Philippines. Eleven Americans and sixty Fil­ ipinos were killed during last week's scouting in Luzon. General MacArthur fears the with­ drawal of troops from the Philippines will delay the acceptance of amnesty by Tagals. WASHINGTON NEW®. The United States court of claims has just settled a ease 102 years old. The sultan has promised to pay $100,000 indemnity in settlement of American missionary claims In ninety days. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Representatives of the Democrats, Populists and silver Republicans con­ ferred at Kansas City and agreed that 16 to 1 must specifically go into the Democratic national platform. The Democratic national convention was thrown into a tumult by cheers for D. B. Hill and later for Bryan. William J. Bryan was nominated unanimously by the Democratic na­ tional convention at Kansas City. The Democratic convention adopted a platform of which the three princi­ pal planks are anti-imperialism, de­ struction of trusts and a specific re­ statement of the silver plank. Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois was nominated for vice president by the Democratic national convention. The refusal of Hill to stand for the vice presidential nomination is regard­ ed as a defeat for Richard Croker. IN THE POLITICAL FIEI.D. Silver Republicans named Bryan for president and left the vice presidential nomination to the national committee, with plenary powers. Senator Spooner, of Wisconsin, an­ nounces he will not be a candidate for re-election. The Arkansas Republican state con­ vention nominated Herman L. Rem- mel, of Little Rock, for governor, and made no other nominations for state offices. Wisconsin's Populists have decided not to fuse with Democrats. National committees of both parties will open headquarters in Chicago within thirty days. It is said President McKinley will make few speeches during the cam­ paign. THE CRIMINAL RECORD. Mrs. Elsie Tessel, who said her hus­ band robbed and deserted her, commit­ ted suicide in Kansas City. A. H. Ross, proprietor of a barber shop at La Grange, Ills., shot himself m through <#£»: be«rt beefittse of jenlousy of his wife, and died instantly. George Smith, a Chicago carpenter who could get no work, tried to drown himself and starving family. A white woman iu Kentcuky was bastinadoed by a party of white caps, the motive not being apparent. Robber Callanhan tried to steal a cash register at Chicago, but Drug Clerk Dyer beat him into insensibility. Callahan is iu the hospital. John Roe, an lS-'year-old negro, awas lynched near Columbia, Ala., for an at­ tempted assault. The trial of A. J. Jester on the charge of murdering Gilbert Gates thirty years ago, has begun in New London, Mo. , BUSINESS NOTES. Russell Sage, of New York, has sold the Wabagh elevator at Chicago to the Wabash Railroad company for $275,- 000. Only one bank In Kansas failed last year. Most of the banks In the state paid large dividends. N. W. Harris & Co., of Chicago, have financed a loan of $.H,:i44,000 for the Chicago and Northwestern Rail­ way company. Reports to(,R. G. Dun & Co. show commercial failures for the half year just closed 5.332 in number, with lia­ bilities of $74,747,452. The New Porto Rican tariff has more than doubled exports and nearly doubled imports. Circulation of Chicago banks 1s $4.- 2t$M,805, against $933,475 on Feb. 13. 11KKJ. Exports of provisions from America were $180,000,000 last year, breaking the record. The annual report of the Interstate commrece commission shows railroad mileage of 252.304, an increase of 2.- 898; number of persons employed, 925,- 924. an increase of 54,460. During 1899 Manila imports were $17,450,112. of which $1,350,364 were from America. MISHAPS AND DISASTERS. Twelve lives were lost In a tene­ ment house fire at Hoboken N. J. Jwslav Krai, Bohemian, 3 years old, fell over a railing at his home at Chi­ cago and was killed instantly by strik­ ing the sidewalk, twenty-live feet be­ low. A street car plunged off a bridge and fell bottom upward into a gulch 100 feet deep at Tacoma. Wash. Thirty- six persons were killed and many htirt. The explosion of an oil tank at Par- kersburg. W. Va., due to collision, killed six men. 1 An explosion of fireworks at Phila­ delphia resulted in the death of seven persons. Edward Fortln fell under a Wabash train which he was trying to board at Ciynpus, Ills., and was instantly killed Mrs. John Kruse, wife of a farmer near Auburn, Ind., tried to light a fire in the stove after pouring kerosene on the wood. She was burned to death. Early returns show thirty people killed and 1.325 injured by Foffrth of July celebrations. Gustav Leux. son of a leading Quln- cy, Ilis., manufacturer, was drowned while diving from a raft in the Mis­ sissippi. At Coldwater, Mich., Mi*s. Mary Leving fell from a ladder, breaking her hip; Mr. Gundrum fell from a load of hay, breaking three ribs, and (Maude Hinkley's right hand was mangled in a stave mill. Joseph Dillon, while boarding a train at Quiney. Ills., slipped and fell beneath the wheels. He was killed. Eleven persons were killed and twenty-five others prostrated by heat at Chicago. NOTABLE DEATHS. Sir Thomas Farrell. sculptor and president of the Royal Ilibernalan Academy, is dead at Dublin. Colonel Anthony A. Kelly, one of the most prominent pension attorneys of Fond du Lac, Wis., dropped dead. Henry Barnard, well known writer on educational topics, is dead at Hart­ ford, Conn., aged 92. Franklin McLeay, the Canadian actor, is dead in London, England, of brain fever. Colonel David Urquhart of New Orleans, La., Is dead. He was the fa­ ther of Mrs. James Brown Potter, the actress. Hon. John A. Williams, judge of the United States district court, Eastern district of Arkansas, died Saturday in Manitou Springs, Colo. THE FIRE RECORD. Fire in the lumber yards of the C. W. Leatherbee Lumber company, Bos­ ton, did $125,000 damage. The bag mill of the Plover Paper company at Stevens Point, Wis., burned. Spontaneous combustion. Loss, $75,000; insured. The Standard Oil works,at Bayonne, N, J., were struck by lightning and damage was done valued at $20,000. The Congregational church at Hart­ ford, Mich., was wrecked by lightning. The fire at the Standard Oil com­ pany's plant at Bayonne, N. J., has nearly burned itself out. The total loss is $2,500,000. Two large slaughter houses near Newark, N. J., were destroyed by fire Saturday. Loss, $85,000. .ODDS AND ENDS. American tourists in Edinburg cele­ brated the Fourth by dedicating the statue of Abraham Lincoln. All the troops now in Cuba save two regiments of infantry will return home shortly. Villatte, formerly the leader of the Ohio Catholics, has been excommuni­ cated by Popfe Leo XIII. Greece may raise funds by lottery to make its navy as strong as Tur­ key's. The deep waterways commission's report favors a twenty-one-foot chan­ nel from lakes to ocean, which would Cbst $190,183,386. Belgians fear the wrath of Britons over the acquittal of Sipido for his at­ tempt to kill the Prince of Wales may cost the former nation much trade. Dr. Henry Wade Rogers has ac­ cepted the chair of law at Yale to succeed E. J. Phelps. The St. Louis grtiuu jury accuses the police of that city with complicity to the lawlessness of the strike. Peter Nissen, the Chicago Dane, who prefers to be known as "Mr. Bowser," made a successful trip through the rapids and whirlpool of Niagara. "VOUWANT V toffee PWINELL: £i!Cil»i>*i} llananas, Apricots ^ Pineapples Strawberries 3 Oranges - LemoQUMT Apples, Plums Cherries, Peaches FRESH VEGETABLES Cabbage I^ettuce Spinach Radishes Rhubarb Carrots Beets Turnips Tomatoes CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO B A JC E R Y Q O O D S i We Sell Strictly for Cash Ihe CYCLONE GROCERY West McHenry Long distance telephone I Citizens' telephone 32 Illinois Taney Groceries « * We carry as fine a line of Fancy Groceries as , any store in this vicinity, if not better. Our ^ c shelves are loaded with bottles, packages and . cans bearing the labels of the best manufa<^ - turers. We have Blanke's celebrated Faudt Blend Coffee, and all other grades. Fresk Fruit every day. ^ GILBERT, BROS. McHenry, Ililmff 1 E. LAWLUS Is taking orders for s ) For Gentlemen from Terra Cotta, and other places* His good Goods at Chicago's Lowest Prices save buying tickets to Chicago. E . I _ A W L . U S , M c H e n r y f \ JWILD LAXATIVE. WRITE FOR. I SAMPLE. M N-\ k MILD LAXATIVE TABLETS I yviERyt, Vitality MC/HTAL CALMNE55. k PEACEFUL £>LUMB£R_. I THE, MODEBN '5TITCK 1/1 Tint* 5ou.d amd Guaranteed ev JULIA A. 3TORV, [ ( BUY AND g try Then i THC MorcwgpttDrCa Druggist. Tor Summer we hiive a complete stock of wearables which you should-see. It consists ot the very best in UNDERWEAR HATS, FINE SHOES DRESS GOODS CLOTHING, ETC Groceries and Hardware --- If our Koods please you tell your friends. If there is any dissiitisfretion tell us. Our aim is to please our customers. HERMAN STOPLE, Terra Cotta, 111. Pumps Steam Fitting* and Olind mills Steel and Oiood Canlts and Farm machinery A full line in every department We are prepared to do Well Work of all Kinds Give us a call Conway & Rainey Ringwood, IU. (HARHS t FRETI Wholesale and retail dealer ID I am In the Market F«r Beef Ved riuttoa Hog* and Poultry dive • a call md Smoked Meats, Sausi^e McHenry - Illinois DON'T BE FOOLED! Take the genuine* «ri(iMl ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA © Made only by, dot Co., Mad keep* yen wall, mark cat w Price, 33 cents. In bulk. * t«te. Ask ywr

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