Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1900, p. 5

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' Sf -»#§ ' 'iff *>•' .4 • <<+\ . Vy * ' ^ V'j* • ^ -Ti^'.. ^ J* ' 1 > '- • » ^'WrV* Pf t, *^y* fjff: <$»$ntntH$iifn|n$it$tt3n$ti|n$t< *i'n, :.S.'v mmm.' ::-^j 0;i;' ' The Store Too may need a New Shirt this, next week or later, when you do it will be a pleasure to show you our line...... 35 cts. to $i.oo LION BRAND TRADE. MARK. FRONT 2% IN. BACK 2% IN. ROOSEVELT LION BRAND TRADEMARK 5 IN. WIDE. DEWEY ANCHOR BRAND TRADE MARK FRONT 2M IN. BACK 2)4 IN. DEL REY is in Holiday Attire! Fifteen new Styles Organdies, Lawns and Dimities just Received w • Remnants, Odds and Ends of different kinds of merchandise, such as you need for immediate use, will be closed out regardless of cost r ----;--: :--r- We offer you the most com­ plete lot of Neck and Sash Ribbons ever shown in this town, at under-prices Do not forget to come here for your Black Cat Hose. Here you get two pairs of 25c Hose for 25c or 6 pairs for 73 cents. * Ladies' Wrappers, the best niade, and best fitting'gar­ ments to be had, but you must try them, then you will know'more about it. Heinz's fine bottled goods and bulk mixed Pickles. VanCamp's Soups, Pork and Beans, Pumpkin Pies, etc. Shirt Waist Selling At Under Prices (ot id help os dear 1 fooils my! Shirt Waist Selling At Under Prices WALTER G: EVANSON West ricHenry, Illinois . - nfr $ $ I$I I$I ifr I$I I$I <t> >Xi i$< iMnfrifr t$i I$I I$I $ $i i$i $ I$I $ iii t$i ill I|I I$I tli ili i^i $ i$i $ $ <fr '$ •$' •!' (fr i$' •!' •$»<$"£«!• a m m m m m * * »ti * M PERSONAL HAPPENINGS. Elgin Butter Markft. On the Elgin board of trade Monday, two lots of butter, aggregating 5,580 pounds were offered. No bids were re­ ceived. The quotation committee de­ clared the market firm at 19 cents. The weekly output was 787,680 pounds. THE OLD, OLD STORY. Now doth the youth and maiden Steal away down by the brook, Where tor fishes they will angle With a deftly hidden hook. But the artful maid is cunning ' And the youth will find too late That he is the fish she landed, And a smile was used for bait. George W. Besley was a Chicago vis­ itor last Monday. Joseph Pauley, of Elgin, visited friends in town over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cristy were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Miss Lizzie Weber is entertaining her friend Miss Anna Wagner, of Chicago. . Joseph Buch was out frt>m Chicago and spent several days visiting McHenry friends last week. Miss Lizzie Thelen was over from El­ gin and spent several days visiting her parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stebbins and baby, of Dixon, 111., visited relatives and friends in McHenry last week. * Mr. and Mrs cago, are being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. Hedges at their Pistakee Bay cottage. M;is8 Florence Matthews returned to Elgin Saturday afternoon after a pleas­ ant visit with McHenry relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Farrington ar­ rived Tuesday evening to spend the summer at the home of Dr. .and Mrs. F. C. Boss. Mrs. E. E. Belding, son and daughter, and Mrs. Davis, of West Chicago, spent a number of days at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Ross. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Albrecht have Ken visiting her sister, Mrs. George W. Besley, at McHenry, for a few days.-- Waukegan Gazette. Mrs. H. C. Smith went to Elgin last week to make the acquaintance of her new granddaughter, little Miss Harriet Martha Chapell, before her arrival in McHenry. ' * Mrs. F. K. Granger went to Chicago Saturday for a brief visit with relatives. She was accompanied by Mids Mamie Granger who remained for a more ex­ tended visit. P. Conagan is out from Chicago for a week's visit. ' " Will Bath, of Ringwood, was a Sun­ day caller in town. J. Willliams, of Chicago, called op friends in town Sunday. ^ J. Leese, of Chicago, spent the first of this week in McHenry. D. Stoddart, of Hebron, visited Mc­ Henry friends over Sunday. J. J. Vasey, wife and children are guests of R. Waite and family. Miss Loretta Quinn, of Elgin, is visit­ ing McHenry friends this week. Attorney C. P. Barnes, of Woodstock, was a business caller here Tuesday. Mr. Robert Sherburne and family visited relatives in Libertyville recently. George Stewart, of Roscoe, is the guest of his brother, Elmer, this week. Miss Delo and Johnnie Knox, of Elgin, were the guests of McHenry friends last week. Willard Beal, of Waterloo, la., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Ral­ ston last week. Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Rouse are enjoy­ ing an outing at the Lotus Club House, on Pistaqua Lake. Misses Pierson and Granger, of Volo, were the guests of Miss Clara Wight- man one day last week. Miss Lizzie Henderson, of Junction City, Kansas, is visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Ross. Mrs. John I. Story went to Chicago Wednesday morning to remain for a brief visit with relatives. John I. Story left Wednesday morn­ ing fo^ an extended trip through the middle and western states. Mrs. Joseph Miller and Miss Celia Rosing, of Volo, were in towncalling on friends last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Chapman and daughter, of Chicago, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wendell and Mrs. Hamilton, of Chicago, are having a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hetzel. Miss Emma Fischer returned to her home in#JChicago, Tuesday morning, after having enjoyed a week's outing at the Riverside. Supervisor W. E. Miller, of Libertj - ville, has been appointed as associate delegate to the Farmer's National Con­ gress to meet in Colorado Springs, Aug. 21. The appointment came from Gov­ ernor Tanner. Mrs. Ella Lamphere is yisiting friends in Elgin. Mrs C. H. Fegers spent Wednesday in Chicago. Hear the band in the park next Tues­ day evening. See H. M. Huemann's adv. elsewhere in this issue. Miss Alice Waite called on friends at Pistaqua Bay. Tuesday. ( Fred Weber was out from Chicago ^Tuesday calling on friends. \ Samuel McDonald and daughter drove oYer to Fox Lake last Sunday. Mrs. E. D. Spikes, of Oshkosh, Wis., is visiting at the residence of E. S. Wheeler. Mrs. Robert Harrison, of Wauconda, was the guest of Mrs. S. Reynolds, on Wednesday. Mrs. A. H. Hill and children, of Chi­ cago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Wightman. Misses Katie and Mary Freund, of Wauconda, spent Wednesday with Mc­ Henry friends. Mrs. C. Hapkeand children, of Wau­ conda, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Meyers, on Wednesday. The Lady Foresters will serve ice cream and cake in the park on Tuesday evening, July 17. All are invited. Miss Mabel Granger has been the guest of her friend, Miss Anna Frisby, near Wauconda, for several dayB past. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bonslett are out from Chicago to spend their vaca- tion with McHenry relatives and friends. Miss Maybelle Wheeler, who has been visiting relatives in Oshkosh, Wis., for some time past, returned home last week. Martin Howell has returned from Newark N. J. to spend his summer holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs M. A. Howell. B. W. Bedell, of Wallace Casler's Dress Pleating Bazarr, Chicago, stopped in town Wednesday evening on his way to Burlington, Wis. Messrs. Harold and Lynn Cristy went to Lake Geneva Tuesday evening and will remain for a visit of several days with Mrs. E. H. Walker. Stephen B. Smith enjoyed a little visiting tour last week and called on friends at Huntley and Hampshire, 111* and Adams, Minn. Miss Ethel Robertson and brother, Joe, of Barrington, 111., are spending a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. Dora Alexander, of this village. Mr. and Mrs. William Craven, of Ravenswood, 111., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ralston for the past Week. Mr. Craven was one of the early owners of Indianapolis Journal. Wanted--A good strong girl, one who understands cooking. Will pay $3.00 per week. Apply at once to ^frs. M. A« Howell Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown came out from Chicago Saturday evening and en­ joyed a brief visit with relatives, re­ turning home Sunday evening. Victor P. Heil, of Rockford, district agent of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, was in town this week and made us a pleasant call. Messrs. T. P. Ward, Charlie McMann, Andrew Reams, Mattie Hough and Lillie Hollahan. of Chicago, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mead returned to their home in Oak Park, Monday. They were accompanied by Miss Iva Mead, who will spend some time as as their guest. Frank Parker, of Sioux Rapids, la., who recently sold his hotel has bought the same again. In the transaction Mr. Parker was enabled to realize a neat little sum. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lawyer, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Schoonmaker for the past week, re­ turned to their home in Elgin Wednes­ day afternoon. L. A.Reid, the Harvard photograper, was in McHenry last Tuesday and inside us a pleasant call. Mr. Reid will visit Fox„Lake and Pistakee Bay Mondays and Tuesdays of each week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward and daugh­ ter, Maggie, accompanied by their guests, Misses M&ttie Hough, Maggie Kearns, Messrs. Thomas Ward and Charlie Mc- Mann. spent Sunday at Pistakee Bay. Last week Dr. D. G. Wells received a copy of the Cape Town Times, printed at Cape Town, South Africa. This pa­ per is printed in English and is right up to date, having a number of half tones illustrating the various places of inter­ est in the Cape Colony. A PURE QAAFC CREAM OF TARTAR POWOCR VWCtt W CREAM BAKING POWER Highest Honors, World's Fair Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair Avoid Baking Powders containing alum. They are iajuriourto health m m m m m m •m m m m ; m m * m m m m m » * m s m m s m m m m m m m m m i i m m m m m * * * Hot Weather Clothing! We have mentioned clothing to you be­ fore in these columns, and you can rest assured that you can find the best as­ sortment here. It certainly is to our advantage to name you prices right. / ; i . - Hot Weather Suits from $3.00 up. Should you want a new pair of Shoes or Hat, we have them. West McHenry, 111. JOHN J. MILLER ,3 f £ / • GRISWOLD LAKE. James Brennan visited Chicago re­ cently. ~ Miss Nellie Frisby is visiting friends at Belvidere this week. --Mr. anil Mrs. J. ' taining relatives from the East. Bernie Frisby and sister, Nellie, spent Sunday with Barreville friends. George Wright spent the latter part of last week with relatives at Volo. Wm. Wright and son, of Wauconda, called on Grandma Wright last Satur­ day. Miss Etta Walmsley who has been visiting in Chicago returned to her home last week. < Mrs. S. O. Wilson, of Chicago, spent a few days last week with Mrs. G. Walmsley. Mrs. Allie, of Chicago, returned home Tuesday after a week's visit with friends, in this vicinity. Miss Mabel Granger, of McHenry, is spending a few days with her frienU, Miss Anna Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vasey and daugh­ ter, Irene, of Volo, were visitors at Mr. and Mrp. J. Wright's Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Hitchcox, of Belvidere, who have been visiting rela­ tives here the past week returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hitchcox, of Belvi­ dere, Mrs. Allie, of Chicago, Mrs. Frisby and daughter, Irene, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, of Long Lake, one day last week. Want Column, XjVMt SALE-Farm of 140 ;«*res more or less, 5 miles northeast of McHenry at Pistakee Lake (Myers* Bay) over half a mile water front, also house and one and one half acrvs in Johnsburgh. For information apply to -- W*. J. MYERS. 48-3m 212 Franklin St., Elgin, III. Xj^OR KENT--The elegant large residence formerly occupied by Geo. W. Besiey.Ap- pl.y to Geo. H. Hanly for terms, etc. 50-tf. "C>OK SALE CHEAP--A large Dieboid safe. A Best in McHenry county. Original cost fUOO.OO. Address C. P. Barnes, Woodstock, HI. SALE-- Mare 8 years old.weight 1250 lbs. *• Sound and desirable as a brood mare. Will be sold very reasonable._ Apply to this office. "pj^OH SALE--Horse, sound and young, can x be bought cheap. Gao. SOMMEHS. 32-tf West Mc Henry. FOB SALE -Household Goods. Nearly new. Can be bought cheap. Apply to Citlaens* Telephoue C<>..J\icHenry 111. WANTE!) Choice Farm in the vicinity of MfHenry ranging tn size from 130 to 800 acres. Address D. F. Quinlan. Woodstock, 111. r l-2t The following is the way the Ogle County Republican writes up their Fourth of July celebration: "The eagle screamed--Patriotism and perspiration oozed and flowed yesterday--Giant crackers, red lemonade and barrels of beer foam prominent factors--Roehelle, Polo, Mt. Morris and Byron caught the crowds A Few accidents"--"Hot Oregon." _ TO CUBS A COLD IN ONB DAI, * Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab­ lets. All druggists refund the moneyif it fails to cure. E. W. Grovll a|gw nature is oh each box. SQo, a 'Mk

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