Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jul 1900, p. 4

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The Mdfenry PMiMei PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY TME McnCNRT PUIHDEAlBt COMPANY. F. K. GRANGBH. W. A. CRISTY, 3 K. GRANGER, W. A. CRISTY, Pres. Sec. E. J. HAERU Manager. H. I'F.RRY, Treas. Office in Justen Block, Owen & Oh&pell's store. two doors north of TBLSPHOmCS: ; Distanoe, No. 202; Citizens', No. 1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! One year .$1.50 Subscriptions received for three or six taontbs in the same proportion. Thursday, July 19, 1900. NOTICE. 'The figures on the label after your name tell tfle date to which your subscription is paid. For instance, if the label on your paper reads Sept. 1; '99, it means your subscription is paid to Sept. 1, '99. If you do not understand that the figures on your paper represent the date to which you think you are paid, notify iis, giving date and amount, of your last, payment, and we will toy and ad just the same, REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election to be Held on Tuesday, No­ vember 6th, 1900. National. President WILLIAM McKINLEY Vice President TH EOIMJKE ROOSEVELT -i-- State. s* Governor ...RICHARD YATES Lieutenant Governor \V. A. NORTHCOTT Secretary of State... JAMES ,A. ROSE ^Auditor. ......7.. ..JAMES S. M'CILLOUOH Treasurer M. O. WILLIAMSON Attorney General H. J. HAMLIN State Trustees MRS. C. ALEXANDER, S. A. BULLAKD, ALEX M'LEAN. Congressional. Congressman.! A. J. HOPKINS Member State Board of Equalization T. S. ROGERS Legislative. Mate Senator DUFAY A. FULLER For Representatives » E. D. SHURTLEFF. 1% votes ; t GEO. R. LYON, 1* votes County. Circuit Clerk GEO. B. RICHARDS State's Attorney L. D. LOWELL, JR. Coroner.. DR. J. S. MAXON Surveyor.. ,...CHAS. H. TRYON inclined to think well of him. In his earlier career as the head of a family famous for wealth and social eminence in this country he won considerable political and literary distinction. He represented the United States in Italy, and while there wrote a novel which was favorably mentioned in the reviews. Since he moved to England, bought an ancient palace and attempted to shine in the most exclusive society of the kingdom he seems to have gone daft and is^ frequently giving his former countrymen reasons for rejoicing over the fact that he has thrown off his American citizenship and become a Briton. GEN. PALMER'S SENTIMENTS. A pargraph has been going the rounds of the papers crediting ex-Governor John M. Palmer, of Illinois, with say­ ing of the Kansas City convention: "It was a triumph for the people. The ticket is excellent and the platform is a ringing patriotic political instrument which will appeal straight to the hearts of American voters." General Palmer headed the gold: democratic ticket four1 years ago and holds the same views now that he did then. In a statement that he has just made public he says: "Mr. Bryan, it is reported, insisted upon the conven­ tion at Kansas City, committing itself to the 16 to 1 folly, in order to satisfy the silver states. By the term 'silver -states' I mean those which have silver bullion to sell and desire its value to be enhanced. If Mr. Bryan succeeds at all it will be by debauching the democratic party and persuading them that silver bullion can be advanced to the price of gold and converting the party to popu­ lism. The democrats will call a con­ vention and have a ticket in the fiel^." No one who knows the old-time sen­ timents of the famous democratic leader in Illinois, will doubt which of the two quotations given above speaks fpr his convictions. PROBA TE NEWS CULTIVATE! the beautiful, and it will crowd hideousness into nothingness. WHAT is living but achieving, brings death and decay. Rest NOBLE deeds and kind words through life are worth far more than flowers on the coffin. GEN. BUCKNER, of Kentucky, who was on the gold democratic ticket with Gen. Palmer four years ago, does not agree with the latter in favoring a nom­ ination by that fragmentary party this year. He favors a meeting of the Gold Democrats and resolutions denouncing free silver but would not make nomi­ nations. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Herbert D Crumb & w et al to William Guetschaw, lot i>, blk 50. Harvard ex­ tension . $200 00 WHO can deny the practical contri­ butions of the men of science 1 A re cent incident is in point. While opti­ cians were making tests of a telescope at Rochester they saw a man two miles away stealing a tub of butter. Of course the man engaged in the theft had not the slightest suspicion that he was being watched but the sequal of the incident appeared when the police, who had been informed, took him into custody as he came to take possession of the stolen goods where the butter had been hidden. FAITHFULNESS is what the world is hunting for today. All the way from the rulers of empires and republics, down to the most humble servant or laborer, the world cries for faithful men and women, and too often cries in vain. Young man or young woman! whatever you do, do it faithfully. Don't be afraid of doing too much or of doing more than you get paid for. There is an immense premium today on men who do more than they are paid for, and they are the men who succeed. Don't Stop taking Scott's Emulsion be­ cause ifs warm weather. Keep taking It until yew arc cured. It will heal your lungs and give you rich blood in sum­ mer as in winter. It's cod liver oil made easy. 50c. and $ 1 . All drugfgtts. THE National Telephone and Tele­ graph company was incorporated atTren- ton, N. J., last Tuesday with a capital of $50,000,000. This, it is said, is the first step in the consolidation into one im­ mense trust of the Western Union Tele­ graph company, the Postal Telegraph company, the Commercial Cable com­ pany, the Bell Telephone companies throughout the world, the Telegraph, Telephone, and Cable company of America, and the National Telephone and Telegraph company. This new cor­ poration intends to buy or absorb all the small telegraph and telephone coinpan- vy^V'ies in the country and create a monopoly whose capitalization would exceed that of any other trust now known. Richard W. Overton & w to Albert Sut- ton. strip lying n of R R in north end of el/t of nwM of nwl-4 sec 36, & 1 acre in se corner of swl-4 sec 23. Richmond 150 00 Peter A England & w to Lizzie Rowland lot 10, blk 2, Clow's Crystal Lake park 100 Lizzie Rowlands & h to Hattie J Freye, same '. 44000 John H McKinlay, to the village of Al­ gonquin. lots 40 & 41 re-subdivision. 5 lots 2, 3. 4. 5, & 6, blk 3 and blks 10,11 & 1H, Algonquin 1 00 Levi Cowdry & w to Grant Cowdry, pt wi4 of swl-4 sec 11, Greenwood 50000 Ellen Kelliher, toMourice IvellHier, pt nel-4 sabi seK sec 21, Dunham, & ne^f of se)^ sec 19, & nw^ sw5* sec 20, Hart- land 2000 00 May hew M Button & w to Cook, Lake & McHenry Co's liy Co, pt swjg sec 3, Hebron 50000 Cora Hughes & h to Sarah Hughes. 1-7 interest in pt lot 4, blk 1, E 1 Smith's addn to Woodstock 250 00 Charles F Dike & w et al to James Braunen, nw'i of nwX sec 3, Grafton 1100 00 PROBATE NEWS Estate of Jennie Grace St. John, minor. Report approved. Guardian discharged. Estate of Calvin Spencer. Report ap­ proved. Executor discharged. Estate of Henry Bremer. Proof of death made. Will proven. Paul Doe- derlein appointed executor. Bond $14,- 320. Filed & approved. Appraisers appointed. Estate of Albert Feltz, minor. Henry Feltz appointed guardian. Bond, $800. Filed and approved. Estate of Asenath Griffith. Proof of death. Petition for letters of.adminis- tration filed. Estate of Dan Collins. Proof of death made. Catherine Collins appointed ad­ ministratrix. Bond $400. Filed and approved. Estate of Oralando T. Hildreth. Proof of death. Petition for letters of administration. Bond $100. Filed. Estate of Elmarinda R Norton. Re­ port of condition of estate & petition to sell real estate filed. Estate of Robert Campbell. Appraise­ ment bill filed. Estate of James Duggan. Proof of heirship filed. Estate of Daniel Ercanbrack. Inven­ tory & appraisement bill filjed. Estate of Charles Wildhagen, minor. Petition for appointment of L. E. Mentch. Guardian filed. Estate of Gertrude M. Kitchen. Proof of death. Petition for letters of administration. Bond $100. Filed. Estate of Edwin M. Owen. Final re­ port filed and approved. Executor dis­ charged and estate declared settled. Estate of Michael Cleary. Proof of death. Will proven. James & Patrick Cleary appointed executor. Bond $400. approved and appraisers ap- WILLIAM WALDORF ASTOR is becom­ ing more eminent as an unsuccessful snob than for fabulous riches. That J , be should be guilty of so many social blunders since his expatriotism from ;** surprises those who were least Filed & pointed. Estate of I. A. Austin. Widow's re­ linquishment & selection filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Harry L. Black Kearney, Neb. Laney E. McDowell Woodstock Charles H. Johnson Rockford Ethel Westbrook.. Rockford Charles E. Klicko .Harvard Alvina Scheming Harvard Charles M. Hawthorne .Dundee Cora E. Fuller Palatine "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my familv with wonderful results. It gives immediate .i1Jef, is pleasant to take and ;s truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says 1. Hartgerink, Qverisel, Michv Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Julia A. Story. Lights and Shadow*. Time fleeth away without delay. Tideaud wind stays no man's pleas­ ure. - • He that would reap well must sow well." ,; Presumption is the daughter of ignor­ ance. • Keep your shop and your shop will Vnep you. He does much who does well what he has to do. When we get wise; enough to live it is time for us ttVdie. The foolish virgin of today never has any flxTn in her kodak. Time, that bleak and narrow isthmus between two eternities. Make one person happy every day, evfen if it is only yourself. The first electric light was produced by Sir Humphry Davy in 1808. Rule yourself, love your neighbor, do the duty that lies nearest to you. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; Avoid trifling con­ versation. Spain was one of the first three pow­ ers to recognize the beligerency of the confederacy. An injury can grieve us only when remembered; therefore the noblest re­ venge is to forget. The vocabulary of an ordinarily in­ telligent, educated person includes only about 4,000 words. It would not be safe to compare statis­ tics concerning cross old maids and cross married women. Nine people out of ten think they de­ serve credit for having feelings which are always getting hurt. In our battle of life we should have something worth-fighting for, otherwise we can have no creditable victory. Fine bravery is shown by performing without witness what one might be capable of doing before all the world. If you don't answer the letters you re­ ceive you can't expect your fourth cou­ sin to come and spend the summer with you. How many languish in obscurity, who would become great if emulation and encouragement incited them to ex­ ertion. The double-entry system of book­ keeping, now in common use, was first practiced in Italy in the lattey part of the fifteenth century. The first vessel to carry the American flag around the world was the ship Col­ umbia, which sailed from the port of Boston, Sept. 30, 11 o7. The federal law appoints capital pun­ ishment for about ten crimes, whereas few or none of the states apply it to more than two offences. Hope nothing from luck and the probability is that you will be fore­ warned and forearmed, that all shallow observers will call you lucky. The highest salary ever paid to a clergyman in this country was $50,000, given to Henry Ward Beecher for one year to enable him to defray the expen­ ses of the famous Tilton-Beecker trial. The bicycle, as a machine propelled by pedals having a crank action, is said to have been a Scotch invention, the first one, made of wood, having been constructed by Kirkpatrick MacMillan in 1840. Like most garments and most carpets, everything in life has a right side and a wrong side. You can take any joy and by turning it around find trouble on the other side, or you may take the greatest trouble, and by turning it around find joy on the other side. The gloomiest mountain never casts a shadow on both sides at once nor does the greatest of life's calamities. The fifteen most decisive battles of the world are laid to have been Mara­ thon, B. C. 490; Syracuse, B. C. 413; C. 331; Metaurus, B. C. 207; Notice. During July ONLY I will give a lib eral reduction on prices made heretofore. The price of all work made known upon application. .VJ-Bt Respectfully, F. C. Ross. Pu lti ps Steam Fittings and lUind mills Steel and mood Cank* and Farm machinery A full line in every department " ' ' ' Wp4re prepared - to do Well Work of all Kinds Give us a call Conway & Rainey Ring wood, 111. PAUL MUELLER i Iflcfienrv, Illinois Tine Bakery Goods and gonfec* tionery fMe Every Day Cake White and Rye Bread ? Test Our Bread! Tresb Every Day Webster's International! Dictionary Succcssor of the " Unabridged." The One Great Standard Authority, So writes lion. I). J. lirewer, Justice l i . S. Supreme Court. Standard of the 1". S. (iov'tPrinting Ofllce, the I'.H. Supreme Court, nil the State SH- nreiiieConrts.undof near­ ly all the Ni-hoolbooks. Warmly Commended l>v State Superintendents or Schools, Colleae l'resi- (lentjS.aiiilotherKilucntorB almost without number. Invaluable In the household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro­ fessional man, and self- eiiucator. I Specimen pages sent on application to »G. & Ci Merrlam Co., Publishers, < Springfield, mass. ACADEMIC DXTKKpQf CAUTION. Do not be derived in -------------- buying: small so-called "Webster's Dictionaries." All authentic abridgments of Webster's International Iiietion- ary In the various sizes bear our trade-mark on the front cover aa shown In the cuts. Where to Locate ? Sept. 21st. 1898. WILMINGTON, III, W. B. Caldwell. Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in adding my testimony as to the efficacy of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin as used in our Home. We use it in all cases of Constipation and Indigestion. ^ Respectfully, EVA J. SWEET, Nurse, Soldiers' Widows' Home Arbela, B Teutoberg, A. D. 9; Chalons, A. D. 451; Tours, A. D. 733; Hastings, A. D. 1006, Orleans, A. D. 1459; the Armada; A. D. 1588; Blenheim, A. D. 1704; Pultowa, A. D. 1709; Santiago, A. D. 1777; Valmy, A. D. 1792, and Waterloo, A. D. 1815. Some lists include Gettysburg. The Chinese ask "how is your liver?" instead of ' 'how do you do V" for when the liver is active the health is good. De- Witt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for the liver and bowels. Julia A. Story. It stands alone, it towers above. There's no other, its nature's wonder, a wanning poultice to the heart of man­ kind. Such is Rocky Mountain Tea. 85c Ask your druggist. WHY. IN THI TERRITORY TRAVERSBD BY THE Louisville and Nashville Railroad THE GREAT CENTRAL SOUTHERN TRUNKLINE, IN K E N T U C K Y , T E N N E S S E E , A L A B A M A M I S S I S S I P P I , F L O R I D A , W H E R E Farmers, Fruit Growers, Stock Raisers, Manufacturers, Investors, Speculators and Money Lenders w i l l FTND the greatest CHANCES IN THE United STATES to make "bitf money" by reason of the abundance and CHEAPNESS of L A N D A N D F A R M S T I M B E R A N D S T O N E I R O N A N D C O A L L A B O R E V E R Y T H I N G Free sites, f inancial assistance, and freedom from taxat ion, for the manufacturer. Land and farms at S1.00 per acre and up­ wards, and 500.000 acres in West Florida that CIIN be taken gratis under L". F$. Homestead laws. Stockralsin>T In the Uulf Coast District wil l make enormous profits. Half fare excursion* the flrnt and third Tucmlay* <>f rHi'li month. Let us* know what you want, and we w i l l tell you where and how to (JET it -but don'T delay, as the country is tilling up rapidly. Printed matter, maps and a l l information free. Address, R. J, WEMYSS, General Immigration and Industrial Agt. LOUISVILLE, KY. We bought too much of all kinds of summer goods and are very anxious to get rid of them. We can please you in anything in Summer Dress Goods, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hosiery, White Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, Summer C o r s e t s , W r a p p e r s , E t c . . . . . . . . . . < . . . . We keep a line of Fancy Groceries seldom kept in towns of less than 25000 inhabitants Cry tbe "Gold medal" Flour and "Vtico" Breakfast Food «0wen $ Cbapell* «lflcf>enry «Illinois « Wi ^ 1 Come t# our mid-summer clearing sale. In order to close out our stock of sum­ mer goods will offer special discounts while the goods are in season. We have some rare bargains to offer in Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Dimities, Organ­ dies, Batistes, Piques, Linens, Etc. Our stock of slippers and some broken lines of Shoes will be included in this sale. We also have bargains int every department for you. 1 '£• i •t*: & A '•r 4:.i ft ft West McHenry Citizens' Telephone Number 89 Yours truly, n. J. WALSH, § $ Have you good Eyes? If you hkve not, you should give them your attention at once. A pair of glasses that fit are what you need. I am now located in the post office Jbuilding, West McHenry, and will guarantee entire satisfac- tion in testing eyes and fitting glasses to them. Lenses skillfully ground by the most improved process. I will make prices to suit all. Will be in West HcHenry until August i. H. M. HUEHANN, Optician Graduate of the American College of Aphthalmology of Chicago. K W' w

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