Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1900, p. 4

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The NcHenry Pldindealei PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY m MCHENRY PLAINDEALER COMPANY. F. K. GRANGER, W. A. CRTSTY, J. B. PKRRV. Pres. ' See. Tresis. E. J. HAZEL, Manager. »_0«ee In JuBten Block, two doors north of Owen & Ohapell's store. TELEPHONES: Long Distance, No. 202; - Cltlaens', No. 1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year $1.80 Subscriptions received for three or six toonths in the same proportion. } - Thursday, July s6, 1900. NOTICE. The figures on the label after yonr-naflie tell the date to which your subscription is paid. For instance, if the label on your paper reads Sept. 1,'99, it means your subscription is paid to Sept. 1, '99. If you do not understand that the figures on your paper represent the datt to which you think you are paid, notify lis. giving date and amount of your last payment, and we will try and ad just, t,he same. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Election to be Held on Tuesday, No­ vember 6th, 1900. President s ...... Vice President. National. WILLIAM MCKINLEY ..THEODORE ROOSEVELT State. Governor RICHARD YATES Lieutenant Governor W. A. NORTHCOTT Secretary of State JAMES A. ROSE Auditor. ... JAMES S. M'CTLLOUGH Treasurer M. O. WILLIAMSON Attorney General .'..H.J. HAMLIN State Trustees,. MRS. C. ALEXANDER, S. A. BULLARD, ALEXM'LEAN. Congressional. Congressman \>A. J. HOPKINS Member State Board of Equalization T. S. ROGERS Legislative. State Senator DUFAY A. FULLER For Representatives \ E. D. SHURTLEFF, 154 votes ( GEO. R. LYON, 1V4 t*otes County. Circuit Clerk GEO. B. RIC HARDS State's Attorney L. D. LOWELL, JR. Coroner I)R. J. S. MAXON Surveyor CHAS. II. TRYON THERE has been considerable expan­ sion in the amount of money in circula­ tion since the campaign in 1896. HON. DON M. DICKINSON says the so- called Democratic party 4 'is nothing more than the Populist party now." ECKLES hit the mark when he de­ clared that Bryan himself is the "para­ mount issue" in the present campaign. THE per capita circulation of the United States has expanded from, $21.35 on June 1, 1896, to $36.50 on June 30, 1900--a gain of $5.25 in four years. SINCE Mr. Bryan began to tell the people four years ago that what they wanted was more money, they have added at the rate of $135,210,000 annual­ ly to the circulation medium. THE refunding of bonds, under the new currency law, has so far brought a net profit of $8,000,.000 to the govern ment, in the saving of interest. How is that for good financiering ? WITH an additional $7,000,000 to in­ crease the Navy, we should see some good results in that branch of the United States defense force of which the American people are so justly proud. FOUR years ago, without a dollar and in debt, today worth $100,000 in cash, is the record of one family through grow- ing wheat in Oklahoma. They"Were not scared by Bryan's gloomy predictions of roll was reduced by $16,820,000. During the fiscal year just ended the Pension Bureau has issued 100,000 certificates, and payments for the year on account of pensions will exceed $140,000,000. THE census bureau has sent out a statement intended as an answer to thousands of letters asking for figures shown by the census in various locali­ ties. By showing the routine through which the returns from each enumera­ tor's district must go, the impossibility of giving the information at this time is made apparent. As fast as the offic­ ial count is completed the totals will be bullitened at the census bureaus, cities being taken first. THE Kansas City Democratic plat­ form accuses the Republican Adminis­ tration of forming an alliance with Eng­ land, which is . untrue. But the same platform opposes legislation for the building of American ships for our for­ eign carrying trade, preferring to leave the business in the hands of foreign (chiefly British) ships that earn $200, - 000,000 a year that the Republicans are anxious to keep at home through the construction and employment of Ameri­ can instead of foreign ships in our for­ eign carrying. THE supreme court of. the- IT. S.- has rendered a decision in a chicken case carried from Newton, IoWa. One neigh­ bor was greatly pestered by the chick­ ens of another who thought that it was nothing for a neighbor to get mad about, to have a dozen chickens digging in every soft place in his lawn and orna­ menting his board walks. The pestered neighbor thought differently and shot some of the chickens. The matter went to law and was carried from court to court until it reached the supreme court of the United States. That body decided that a person had a right to rid his premises of all pests such as chick­ ens, when, he does not want them there, and clases all such fowfs as wild game, liable to be killed by whoever wants to do so. AMERICA AGAINST THE WORLD. In his speech at the Maine Republi­ can convention Senator Frye called at tention to a few of the things the United States is first in. The record is an astonishing one, and as gratifying as it is informing: "Our wheat crop in 1898 was larger than that of any other nation--23 per cent of the world's crop. 4 'Our corn crop for the same year was ten times larger than that of any other nation--72 per cent of the world's crop. "Our export of provisions was three times greater than that of any other nation. "Our cotton crop was five times great­ er than any other nation--75 per cent of the world's product. 4'Our coal production last year ex­ ceeded that of any other nation--31 per cent of the world's production. "Our pig iron production last year exceeded that of any other nation--33 per cent of the world's production. "Our copper production was more than one half that of the whole world. "Our railroads were six times .the length of those of any other nation." AH ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AJJ ORDINANCE PROHIBITING NON-RESI­ DENTS FROM DOING PLUMBING OR GAS FIT­ TING IN THE VILLAGE OF M'HENRY WITH­ OUT FIRST OBTAINING A LICENSE. ORDINANCE NO. 22. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, 111. ARTICLE 1.--1That any licensed plumbers desiring to do plumbing or gas pipe, steam pipe or pipe fitting in the village of McHenry, except licensed residents; must first obtain a license therefor, by paying into the village treasury the sum of Ten ($10) Dollars, and presenting his receipt therefor, together with his license certificate, to the Village Clerk, who will issue said license. ARTICLE 2.--Any person attempting to do plumbing or pipe fitting In the Village of Mc­ Henry without first obtaining a license, shall upon conviction, pay a flneof Ten <|10) dollars. ARTICLE 3.--That this ordinance shall take effect ten days after its passage. Approved July 2nd A. D. 1900. SIMON STOFFEL, President. Passed July 2nd A. D. 1900. Published July 19 A. D, 1900. 3-3t JOHN 8' IN order to maintain the price woolen goods abroad, Consul Worman, of Munich) 'reports that the German, Swiss, Austrian and Russian manufact­ urers have agreed to reduce production by 20 per cent. THE calm, wise judgement of Wm. McKinley appals to the solid, mature element all over the country, while "Teddy" is the idol of the boys every­ where. The combination can't be beat, and it already has the country goiag its way. 7 SPEAKING of the effect of the Foraker Wll upon Cuba and the Cubans, ' 'La Lucha, published in ^Havana, says: "It has been of untold benefit to the island, and will stand as a monument to the sincerity of purpose on the part of the American Government. FIVE hundred and forty thousand dollars an hour, more than $9,000 a minute, or $150 per second, is the rate at which the people have increased the circulating medium of the country in the last four years, if we count the ac­ tual working day of eight hours' dura tion. OLD soldiers should remember that in 1894, under president Cleveland's ^Democratic Administration, the pension Drowned at Algonquin. William Carpenter, son of Edward Carpenter, of Evanston, was drowned at Algonquin Wednesday evening of last week at 6 o'clock. The little fellow was only 15 years old, but a bright, cheerful boy. His parents have a sum­ mer cottage near the lime kiln, about a mile from Algonquin and spend ©very summer there. The boy had gone fishing about 4 o clock and with pole and bait went down to the end of the pier. For a while the coachman sat and watched the child as he enjoyed the sport. Just before 6 the coachman was called away and did not return for some time. The absence of the boy was noticed and his hat and pole were found on the pier. The suspicion of the family was aroused by his absence and search begun. His body was found soon after in about six feet of water, near the place where he fell in. He was taken'out of the water and everything done to revive him; but to no avail. The body was conveyed to Chicago by the mourning friends and relatives, and the funeral was held from the house in Evanston Friday afternoon. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab­ lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig­ nature is on each box. 25c. CONSUMPTION never stops because the ipi||her Is warm. ' Then why stop taking " J j soorrs EMULSION j simply because it's summer? j Keep taking it It will heal your j lungs, and make them strong for ' another winter. 50c. and fi.oo; all druggbtt. for \ J PROBA TE NEWS REAL ESTATE%RANSFERS. Nelson Howe & w to Jerome D Wright; sej< of se^ sec 8, Marengo. ,. .$2400 00 Osman M Hale& w to Richard G Smith, ,: pt. swM sec 17. Nunda............. 132500 Henry "E Ifogan & w to Richard (J Smith, wM ne'4 & nw'i sel4 sec 17, also part, nw'4 see 17. Nunda...... .. 450000 Ellas Campbell to Julius (' Voss,' lots 2 &•!. !>!k 1, Alden & pt v/% of sex sec 15, Alden.... 000 00 Winnie Lordan to Mary Lordan, Sr., sw X of netf, nwM of se'4 & wV4 of sen of seH sec 32, Alden; also part'lot 2 of sea sec 5, Hartland ...... M0 00 Charles B Smith & w t6 Thomas Row- ; son, pt nw fraction of sw'4 sec 32, Nunda. l«000 .ioiin Peter Meimer & w to John Helmer se'4 of no'4 & s 29 acres of net* of neJ4 & ei4 of sw^4 of ne'4 of sec 14, ex strip 1 rod wide on w side all in McHenry.. 5250 00 Dora Glass to John P Brown, part sw^ "* of sw}4 sec 9. Hebron 2000 00 Charles S N Durkee & w to Joanna Downes, ex lot 1 & strip 1 rod wide off n side of e^ of lot 4, blk 1, Hart's 1st add to Harvard 50 00 Mrs Sarah Reed to William Reed, n v / X of nw'i sec 32, sv-X of sel-4 sec 30, part •wVt <>f swl-4 sec 20, pt w'-« of sel-4 sec 30, nel-4 of sel-4 sec 30, excepig &c ill Richmond; also nwl-4of nel-4 sec 31, Richmond; also lot 2, Simmon's add to Ringwood, also strip 30 rds wideofT e side lot 1. of nwl-4 sec 31; also 40 acres in nel-4 sec 30, Richmond; also right of way .• 8000 00 Freeman Whiting & w to Alonzo C Bishop, 20 acres in nel-4 of nwl-4 sec 21, McHenry 25 00 PROBATE NEWS Estate of A. V. Teeple. Report filed. Estate of John McGuire. Proof of heirship fired . ^ Estate of Charles Radloff. Proof of death. Petition for probate of will & letters testamentary filed, hearing set for August 6, 1900. Estate of Daniel O'Rourke. Proof of death. Petition for letters of adminis­ tration. Proof of heirship. Bond $1000, filed. Appraisers appointed. f ** Estate of William Edward. Exhi­ bition of final receipts. Estate of Henry W. Mead. Report filed. Estate of S. Griffith. Proof of death. Proof of will. Petition for probate of will & letters testamentary filed. Bond $27,000. Appraisers apptd. Estate of Edwin E. Thomas. Final report filed. * MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frederick F. Lisco.. Chicago Pearl May Harnish Woodstock JACKMAN AN1) BENNETT. ATTORNEYS. ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Michael Cleary, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executors of the last Will and Testament of Michael Cleary, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby give notice that they will appear before the County Court, of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the September Term, 011 the first Monday in September next, at Which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to at­ tend for the purpose of having the same ad­ justed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate the undersigned. Dated this ltfth day of July. A. D. 1900. JAMETI ' 'LEAHY, I IT . PATRICK CLEARY F Executors. Will Teaeh at Rlngwood. Frank W. Cole, of Harvard, has been engaged as principal of the Ringwood schools for the ensuing year. Mr. Cole is a graduate of the Harvard high school, class of '98, and has been a suc­ cessful teacher for the past two years. He will no doubt give general satisfact­ ion in his work. ILLINOIS COUNTY FAIRS. Adams Camp Point Sept. 4-7 Boone.. Belvidere Sept. 4-7 Browti Mt. Sterling Aug. 27-:il Carroll Mt. Carroll. ..Aug. 28-:ti Champaign J onu r I Champaign " isvTl" Aug. 21-24 ; Aug. 28-31 Clark Martinsville; Sept. 25-29 •Coles, mTfrrf. Churleston... . . .Sept.. 18-22 Cumberland. .Greenup '. Sept. 0-10 DeKalb.J Sandwich Sept. 11-14 Dewlt-t Clinton ." Aug. 0-10 Donghus Camargo Sept. 4 7 DuPage..s..... Wheaton Sept. 5-s Edpr.......... Paris Oct. 2-ii KtHngtoa--Watson Sept. 11-14 l' ulton Avon Sept. 4-7 Gallatin Shawneetown ... Aug. 28-Sept. 1 Hancock Lallarpe. A UK- 20-24 Cambridge Aug. 20-21 Sept. 10-14 opt .Sept,. 4-7 ...Sept. 18-21 ... Sept. 25-28 .Auk. 28-31 ..Sept. 10-14 Sept. 4-7 ...Sept. 11-14 ... July 17 20 Sept. 3-7 Sept. 4-7 Oct . 2-5 Sept. 12-14 Henry •] Kewanee Iroquois Watseka Jasper Newton Jo I $a v iess Galena Kane Ratavia Kankakee Kankakee Knox Knoxvllle Lake .. Liberty vilie... LaSalle Mendota Livingston.... Fairbury Logan Atlanta Macoupin Carlinville... Marshall Wenona *. McDonough -! ..Aug. 28-31 a i Macomb Au>$. 1H-17 rictfenry Woodstock Aug. 28-31 McLean,.. . > Mercer Aledo..- Sept. 18-23 Peoria Kim wood A ug." 21 -24 Plett Monticello Aug 13-17 Pike. . .. -Griggsville Aug. 7-10 Rock Island. Joslm. Sent U-ln Hchuyier. Rushvtlie Sept H-7 g,tark Wyoming Aug. 28-31 Tazewell Delevan Aug 28-31 * Warren Sept. 4-7 Union < Anna Aug. 28-31 ( Jonesboro Sept. 11-14 Vermilion Hoopeston Aug. 27-31 Warren Monmouth Sept. 11-14 White Caritti Sept. 4-8 Whiteside^ Mtwrllnsf Auk' 2H"31 I Morrison Sept 4-7 Williamson.. .Marion ».Sept. 18-21 Winnebago.. ..Rockford Sept. 3-7 Woodford El Paso Sept . 10-14 Le Roy Fair Ass'n, Le Roy, Aug, 21-24, Ed. Langdon, Sec. OTHER FAIRS. Illinois State Fair. Kprjngtield, Sept. 24 29. St. Louis Fair Ass'n, Oct. 1-6, Robt. Anils, Qa/I Mvv • Hillsdale Fair, Mich., Oct. 1-5, C. W. Ter- williger, Sec. Walworth Fair, Wis., Sept. 18-21, G. L. Har­ rington, Sec. -- Steam Fitting* and OHrid mills Steel and mood Cank$ and Farm machinery A full line in every department We are prepared to do > Well Work of all Kinds Give us acall Conway & Rainey Ringwood, ill. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I RADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. .Anyone sending a sketch and description may • quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for Hecuring'patents. Patents taken through Mimn & Co. receive Iptcial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest, cir- cul.itimi of any scientific journal. Terms, f3 a yenv : four months, fl. Sold by all newsdealers. &Co ̂ 361 Broadway, New York Branch Office, 626 F 8t„ Washington4 D. C. >0000001 Webster's International: Dictionary Successor of the " Unabridged." The One Great Standard Authority, So writes Hon. T». .1. ISrewer, Justice L'. S Supreme Court. Standard of the I*. S. C.ov'tPrinting oilice, the V. S. Supreme Court, a 11 ti le Stiile S11- , 111 cine Courts,andof near­ ly :tll the Hchoolbooks. Warmly Commended l>y State Superintendents of Schools, College Presi­ dents,;ind other K<1 i i ch tors 1 almost without number. lit valuable in the household, nnd to the teacher, scholar, pro­ fessional man, and self- educator. •Specimen pages sent, on ajtplication to >G.&C. Merriam Co., Publishers,) Springfield, Mass* CATTION7 Do not be deceived In ------------ buying small so-called "Webster's Dictionaries." All authentic abridgments of Webster's International Diction­ ary in the various sizes bear our trade-mark 011 the lront cover as shown in the cuts. Where to Locate ? WHY, IN THB TERRITORY TRAVERSED BY THB Louisville and Nashville Railroad THE GREAT CENTRAL SOUTHERN TRUNKLINE, IN K E N T U C K Y , T E N N E S S E E , A L A B A M A , M I S S I S S I P P I , F L O R I D A , WHERE Farmers, Fruit Growers, Stock Raisers, Manufacturers, Investors, Speculators and Money Lenders will And the greatest, vluinees in the United States to make money" by reason of the abundance and cheapness of LAN'D- AM&FAHma ": ~ TIMBER AND STONE IRON AND COAL LABOR EVERYTHING tree sites, financial assistance, and freedom from t axation., for the manufacturer. Land and farms at $1.00 per acre and up­ wards, and 500,000 acres in West Florida that can be taken gratis under I'. S, Homestead laws. St»>ckrivl>iltiK in t lie (Julf ^'oast District will make enormous profits. Halt' tare excursions the first and third Tuesdays (ifeacli month. Let us know what you want , and we will tell you where and how to get it--hut don't delay, as the country is filling up rapidly. Printed matter, maps and all information Address, R. J. WEMYSS, General Immigration and Industrial Agt. LOUISVILLE, KY. C. A. N. W. R R. TIME TABLE. McHENRY, ILL. GOING NORTH. E Passenger 10:03 A. M. W. D. E " 11 :M A. M.-- G. D. 8 " #:37 A. M.-W. D. S - - 11:0ft A. M.-- G. I). 8 " 5:00 p. M.-- G. 0. SO " 3:00 p. M . - W. D. JS " 4:45 p. M.--W. I), E " 0:51 p. M.-- G. D. E Freight ..10:55 A. M.-- G. I). GOING SOUTH. " M O Passenger 7:12 A. M.--W. O. I) * " 7:32 A. M. G. D. E " 8:33 A. M.--W. D. E " 3:18 P. M.- G. I>. E . " ..- .-6:15 P. M.--W. I). 8 " 7:0s p. M.--W. I). 8 " ...7:24 p. m.-- G. I). E Freight 3:18 p. M. G. I). E-Except Sundays. I) -Daily. SO--Satur­ days only. S--Sundays only. MO Mondays only. \\ D - Wisconsin Division. G I')--Gale­ na Division. B. Buss, Agent. II PATS 10 ADVERSE •S:XI•FTSR Ulasbbum-€ro$by GO* "60ED MEDJIC Tlour It is excelled by none Special Price on Barrel Cots «0wen $ gbapell* «Ittcftenry «Illinois « Black Cat fioslery to be sold cheap at Evanson's Cash Store next Saturday afternoon beginning at two o'clock p. m. 10c per Pair or 3 Pairs for 25c. You have doubtless heard of the Black Cat Hose before, as they are advertised quite extensively in leading trade journals. They are the best 25c hose in the market, and because of a fortunate purchase and to introduce them as a popular leading hose, worthy of your attention, we arrange this special sale for Saturday Only You are also invited to look over our entire line of merchandise. No reason why you should send your money away for supplies if equal or better deals are presented to you here in our own town. This newly introduced Soap, Fels-Naptha, is to be had here. So are fresh Cakes and Crackers and Teas and Coffees. West McHenry, WALTER C. EVANSON Have you good Eyes? If you have not, you should give them your attention at once.v,_s^. pair of glasses that fit are what you need. I am now located in the post office building, West McHenry, and will guarantee entire satisfac­ tion in testing eyes and fitting glasses to them. Lenses skillfully ground by the most improved process. I will make prices to suit all. Will be irl West flcHenry until August i. i H. M. HUEflANN, Optician Graduate of the American College of Aphthalmology of Chicago.

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