Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1900, p. 5

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mam, Point to , (ornn Main M front Sh 0ur stock of Summer Dress Goods will be closed out at reduced prices during July, in order to turn them into cash and _ make room f o r P a l l G o o d s . C o m e a n d s e e t h e m * . . . . . . . The Easiest Way to an Easy Shoe is by way of this store. ̂ Our. stock is far above, previous efforts in point of Selection, Novelty and Variety.; Hats New, nobby, stylish, in all shapes and colors at lowest prices. Groceries Tiie Pure Pood Law went into effect on July 1. We were prepared to comply with it, hav­ ing only the purest and best in stock. Our Tea is giving universal satisfaction at 35c, 50c and 60c. Try it. Coffee at 12c, 15 c, 20c, 25c and 30c. None better. . WALSH CLOTHING have a full line of samples for this famous mark of Clothing--the styles arc attractive--the fabrics worth seeing. All garments we sell are guaranteed. They are made from the most trustworthy fabrics and trimmings, and are tailored by the best tailors' hands. Every gar­ ment bears the mark that NE^ER'DISHPPOINTS. Fancy Shirts Men' s Fancy Shirts from 50c to $1.50. Neg­ ligee Shirts with Silk fronts in large variety. Collars and Cuffs,* new and up to date. Ties! Ties! Ties! Elegant, attractive designs. The newest styles always on hand "... Shirt Waists in all the leading novelties and colors, from 40c to $2.00. Ladies' Wrappers We have the largest and best assorted stock in town in Calico, Percales and Poulards in all the leading colors and styles . ..75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 and $1.75. Goods delivered promptly. Citizens* Telephone, 20 Overalls Men's Overalls and Pants from 32 to 50 waist at all prices from 50c up. Boys' Brownie Overalls at 25c to 35c. Men's working Shirts, sizes from 14^ to 19. Correct prices. Gauze Underwear in all sizes and quality M. J. WALSH >t> <t< 0 <t> >t> <t> <t>'t' 'i' 'I' 't' 'I' 't' *!' 'I' 't< '?• $ <t> $ <t> <t> <t> <t> 'I' >t> <t> <t> 't> 't> <t> <t> it' 'PW> 'I' >t> 'I' 't' '3> $ <t< >t> <t<'!»ft't' 'I"X' '1* 'I' d>'t' '1"1' 'I' 't' $ $ $ <t> '!• ft 'I' PERSONAL HAPPENINGS. Elgin Butter Market. On the Elgin board of trade Monday, four lots of butter were offered and 19 cents was bid on all but one lot of 800 pounds. That was withdrawn on an of­ fer of 18J cents. The quotation com­ mitter declared the market firm at 19 cents. . HIS LOVE. 1 love my love in the morning. For she like the morn is fair - That is to say, Late in the day. When she has crimped her hair. I love my love in the morning, I love my love at noon; For site's sublime At luncheon time-^ If I don't get home too soon. I love my love in the morning, I love my love at eve-- Unless she's cross. And wants to boss. And then I want to leave! Mrs. George W. Besley and daughter. Miss Mayme, were Chicago visitors last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Keef, of Chicago, are guests at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cobb. Donald Browd, of Chicago, is enjoy­ ing a visit with his grandparents, Dr. and Mrs H. T. Brown. Mrs, W. A. Cristy droye over to He­ bron Saturday aqd remained the guest of relatives until Sunday evening. Miss Iva Mead returned home Monday evening from a visit with relatives in Oak Park, Elgin, and Hampshire. Miss Ethel King, a former employe of The Plaindealer office, now of Chi­ cago, visited her parents in this village recently. Mr. and Mre. A. C. Granger came out from Chicago Saturday evening and re­ mained for-a visit of several days with Hon. and Mrs F. K. Granger. Dr. H. H. Hanly, of Chicago, visited friends and relatives here the past few days. The doctor says he never knew that there were as many M. D's in the country as he has found since looking for a location. Mrs. John I. Story and daughter, Miss Edna, left Tuesday morning for a visit of several weeks with friends in Chicago, Oak Park and Waukegan. They may extend their trip to'Iowa be­ fore returning home. Yesterday afternoon a delightful re­ ception was given at the W. B. Besley residence on Genesee street by Mrs, Besley and her daughters, Mrs. Wm. Werden, of Ravens woo 1, and Misses Miriam and Jane of this city.--Wauke­ gan Sun, July 21. J. D. Lodtz spent Monday in Chicago. Peter Schooer was a recent Chicago visitor. Miss Mamie Granger is visiting rela­ tives in Chicago. J. E. Pratt visited relatives in Wau- conda yesterday. Hon. F. K. Granger took in the races at Woodstock last week. H. C. Mead drove over 'to Woodstock Friday and enjoyed the races. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Pike were calling on friends in the city Monday. Jacob Justen transacted business in the city the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh attended the races at Woodstock last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ward and daughter, Maggie, attended a picnic at Cary last Saturday. Master Gilbert McOmber spent sever­ al days last week in Elgin, visiting his little friend, Granger Smith. Miss Nellie Moulton, of Elgin, is en­ joying a visit with her friend, Miss Hattie Lamphere, in this village. The Slay ton Jubilee Singers will sing each afternoon of the McHenry county fair in the grand stand during the races. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ward are entertaining Messrs. and Mesdames John Monahan and Samuel Hough, of Chicago. Miss Irene McOmber went to Oak Park Saturday evening and will spend a week or so visiting her aunt, Mrs. Earl Mead. John Huemann,0 of McHenry, was shaking hands with friends and trans­ acting business in this city last Thurs­ day.--Woodstock Sentinel. Miss Mattie Hough has returned to her home in Chicago after a pleasant visit of two weeks spent at the residence of her uncle, Frank J. Ward. Messrs. Carl Mead and George Slim- pint who have been employed in Elgin forWme time past, are enjoying a week's visit with McHenry relatives. Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Brown accompa­ nied by Mesdames John I. Story and (E. M. Owen drove to Woodstock last Fri­ day and enjoyed a pleasant day's visit with Mrs, E. E. Thomas. w Miss Caroline Fischer, of Chicago, was the hostess at a very delightful dinner party given at the Riverside House last Sunday. The guests included Mre. John I. Story, Misses Edna Story and Vera Fitzsiinmons, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hazel and son, Lyle. All kinds offresh fruits at the Cyclone Grocery. Ed. Long attended the races at Wood­ stock last week. Genuine Canadian Maple Syrup at the Cyclone Grocery. M. M. Merriman has been very ill for the past few days. N. A. Huemann was a passenger for Chicago yesterday. Heinz Baked Beans, tomato catsup at the Cyclone Grocery. Smoke the Pete Daly or Hawthorne, 5 cent cigar. Cyclone Grocery. B. F. Butler and wife, and J. J. Sher­ idan and wife are still at the Riverside. Clothes cleaned and repaired at any time and first class style at E. Lawless. H. P. Heiner and wife and Mrs. Shirer made a trip to Grass Lake W ednes day. E. Lawless has had the front of his block painted Walter Lee was the artist. C. Fay Willard and wife, of Chicago, are enjoying a week's outing at the Riverside. John J Flusky, of Chicago, will visit his old friends in this neighborhood for some days. Mrs. E. L. Dalton, of Hampshire, 111., is enjoying a visit at the residence of her father, H. C. Mead. Mrs. Mary Caffery will go to Palatine next Saturday where she will remain for a brief visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bolsinger and Miss Alelia Goettsche, of Chicago, are guests at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bishop. Remember the lawn party at Wm. Hutson's on Friday evening. Ice cream and cake will be served. Proceeds for the benefit of the M. E. church. E. Lawless wishes ladies and gentle­ men who have goods to be dyed to bring them to his store Saturdays and Mon­ days. Satisfaction guaranteed. Remember that ice cream and cake is served at the city hall tomorrow (Fri­ day) night. Proceeds to go toward fixing the interior of school house. Mr. and Mrs. John Ralston are enter­ taining their daughter, Mrs. Major Beckley and children, of Riverside, 111. They will remain for a visit of several weeks. Mian Mabel Granger will leave for Chicago next Friday. She will enjoy a visit of a week or ten days with her brother, A. C. Granger, and other friends. C. L. Pease, who occupies the Julia Bishop cottage, says that last Friday while fishing off the bridge, he caught a nine pound pickerel and says he can prove it by John J. Buch. Next! Remember Miss Eldredge sings at the city hall Friday night. Miss Georgie Eldredge will sing at the city hall Friday night. Mrs. B. Gilbert was the guest of friends in Waukegan over Sunday. Master William Gallaher will spend two weeks in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Mrs. M. A. Howell was the guest of relatives in Chicago several days this week. Mrs. Walter C. Besley called on friends in Woodstock the latter part of last week. H. C. Duffy, of the Chicago Telephone Co., was in town today looking up business interests. Rev. Wm Nickle, formerly a teacher in our schools, will preach in Solon next Sunday afternoon at 2:30. «© Messrs. and Mesdames E. E. Gorton, L. H. Owen and W. C. Evanson drove to Woodstock last Thursday and wit­ nessed the Derbv. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth and children, of Waucqnda, have been en­ joying a very pleasant visit at the resi­ dence of Isaac Wentworth. Messrs. and Mesdames J. J. Sheridan, B. F. Butler, Mesdames G. W. Besley, W. C. Besley, Misses Dora and Mayme Beslev and Mr. Ray Lamphere were Woodstock visitors Thursday. Last week Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carr, of Waucouda were in McHenry'visiting friends and made The Plaindealer a pleasant call. Mr. Carr was formerly proprietor of the Wauconda Leader. It is with regret that we announce that Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gorton, who have been residents of this village for the past two years, have decided to leave McHenry and will take up their residence in southern Ohio. George Curtiss met with a serious misfortune last Monday. He was en­ gaged in painting John Heimer's build­ ing and missing his footing fell from the ladder and fractured several ribs. At this writing he is slowly improving. John R. Brents, accompanied by Misses Myrtle Hampton and Emma H. V. Sayles, of Clinton, la., visited friends in several towns in Iowa last week. John says he had one of the best visits of his life, and if one is to judge by his smile since returning this must be true. John Brown, of Volo, brought to this office last week several heads of a new variety of Spelz which he is experiment­ ing with. The seed came from Ger­ many and is claimed by those who know to make a superior feed for stock. Mr. Brown has about i of an acre under cultivation and feels confident that in this grain he has something a littld better than any previously grown here. J. L. Smith, Jr., of Chicago, is enjoy­ ing a visit with George Howe. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Huff, of Richmond. , F." C. Renich, of the Volksblatt, Woodstock, was a very pleasant Mc­ Henry caller, Tuesday. Editor John A. Dufield of The Mc­ Henry County Democrat, was shaking hands with friends in tov*n, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bergch and son, of Chicago, are the guests for the sum­ mer of Mrs. I'egch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hedges. School Kiitertnininent. The ice cream social and entertain­ ment to }ie given in the city hall, Friday evening of this week promises to be a very enjoyable affair. The proceeds are to be used for the purpose of decorating and beautifying our school building and is certainly a cause worthy the patron­ age of every public spirited individual. The committee having the matter in charge have labored arduously to make this a success and it only remains for the public to "turn out rain or shine" and eat, drink and be merry, leaving every extra dime so the coffers will be filled to overflowing. 4 Miss Georgie Eldredge, of Richmond, will be present and favor the audience with several of her choicest selections. Picnic at McColluin's L.ak«*. Several families enjoyed a picnic at McCollum's Lake on Wednesday of last week. Early in the day busses conveyed the pleasure seekers to this popular re­ sort and fche time was devoted to boat­ ing, fishing and bathing. A good sub­ stantial picnic dinner was served and the evening shadows had gathered ere the homeward journey was begun. The party was composed of Mr. and Mrs. B. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. McOmber and children and Mesdames Julia Gre­ gory, Emma Phillips and son, Leonard. Are You Kliffible f One of our citizens called at this office and said he^jBa&soing to start a new church. Tfiose wflp desire admission will be asked only one question, viz.: "Can you see your garden ravaged by your neighbors hens without saying cross words?" If "Y6s" all right, you will be admitted. Such are fit for the Kingdom of Heaven. The citizen said he did not expect many to join, only dumb folks. 44 Years Old. The Woodstock Sentinel last week completed its forty-fourth Vol. Typo­ graphically and editorially the Sentinel is one of the best papers in Illinois. Bro. Lemmers knows how to get up a good paper and that's not all, he gets it up. We wish the Sentinel forty-four years more of continued prosperity. Want Column. Xj^Olt SALE-- Farm of 140 acres more or less, 5 miles northeast of McHenry at IMstakee Lake (Myers' Bay) over half a mile water front, also house and one and one half acre* in Johnsburgh. For information apply to WM. J. MYEKS, 49-3m 212 Franklin St., Elgin, 111. TpOR RENT--The elegant large residence -1- formerly occupied by Geo. W. Besley.Ap- plyti><it'<>. lLlluiilyfor terms, etc. 50-tf. "EV>R SALE CHEAP--A large Dtebold safe. x Best in McHenry county. Original cost <000.00. Address C. P. Barnes, Woodstock, 111. LOST Bet ween McHenry and IMstakee Bajr a Lady's Black Jacket. Return garment to Cyclone (Jrocery and receive reward. LOST Between the iron bridge and deixic", pocket. Ixtok containing $5.00/and valu*^ ble papers. Small folding pocket litaiik wM.h/fne name Geo. K. t'hupell printed in giitTet&j's on inside. The Hnder may retain the $5 Dill if I hey will return the pocket book and papers io Owen & Chapeil. CTRA YEP--To my place, a lost calf. Owner ^ <ran have same by proving property ana paying expenses. JOSEPH BTILLIHQ. 3-lt Notice to Contractors. - Sealed bids will be received up to 1 p. in., Aug. 8, 1900, for the erection and completion (less heating, plumbing and sewerage) of a two-story and basement hospital building for McHenry county, Illinois. All bids must be in strict accordance with the plans and specifications, musk be sealed and marked, "Proposal for Hospital Building," and addressed to County Clerk G. F. Rushton, Wood­ stock, 111. Bids received after the stated time cannot be considered. It is the intention of the board to award the contract to the lowest responsible bid­ der, but the right to reject any or all bids is reserved. A $100 check musir accompany each bid, as a guarantee of good faith, same to be returned to unsuccessful bidders. The party to whom contract is awarded will be required to give satisfactory bond for the faithful performance of contract. Plans and specifications or any other information can be obtained from the superintendent, F. H. OPFERGEI/T, 4 2t Hoy Block, Woodstock. 111. Is Alive and Well. We were in error in stating in our issue of the 19th inst that Homer D. Galpin, Sr., of Chicago, deceased, was secretary of the Pistakee Yacht clulj. It should have read "father of the sec­ retary of the Pistakee Yacht club." Youiig -Mr. Galpin is enjoying the best of health so we are informed by Hon. Henry L. Hertz. Notice. During July ONLY I will give a lib­ eral reduction on prices made heretofore. The price of all work made known upon application. Respectfully, 52-5t. F. C. Ross. All who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will give them instant and per­ manent relief. It will cuye eczema and all skin diseases. Beware of counter­ feits. Julia A. Story ;>*#

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