Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Aug 1900, p. 7

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1 T;, ales short roads nd light loads. QREASE ^I^Pood for everything x # A , that runs on wheels. • J • -'" bold EvtrywhtiW. k lh4« bf gTAHOARD OIL CO. . Abstracts of X'tle. McHenry County ABSTRACT COMPANY.. WOODSTOCK, ILL. (F. P. Axtell, Harvard. R. M. Patrick, Marengo. John J. Murpny, Woodstock. W. O. Eichelberger, W«x>dstock Geo. L. Murphy. Woodstock Real Estate Bought and Sold. Insurance and Loans Abstracts of Title and Conveyancing. H. fl. Jensen FLORIST Cut Flowers in all Varieties. Funeral^ Designs on short notice and at reasonable prices. Potted Pliots Potted Plants of all kinds constantly on hand. We would be greatly pleased o have the public give us a call McHENRY, ILLINOIS. It Touches the Spot ? For Cuts, Burns Bruises, Sores, Pimples, Chapped Hands and Lips, Etc. Etc. end for sample. Large box, 26c DOBBIN flFG. CO. Station S, Chicago, 111. --Don't wait for the Casualty!-- Be Prepared! F. WATTLES (Successor to R. R. Howard) AH kinds of Fresh and salt Meats always on hand -/ ! Vegetables and Canned Goods. Bakery Goods a Specialty Ail Kinds of Salt Pish. .Highest market Prices -paid for Hoge, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh daily. Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on me I will do the right thing with yon. F. WATTLES, West McHenry, 111. f^oagr dintaaoe telephone, 308 (Citizens' telephone 17 This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections, and promptly at­ tended to « INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Motary Public. . Banker#. Norses In Operating-Rooms. Nurses in the operating-room of the city and county hospital will be required in the future to wear white and have their arms bare. The rule was applied for the first time Saturday at an un usual and interesting operation, and all of the iiuioes who were there as specta tors and for instruction were obliged to follow the rule the same arf those Te gularly in attendance. The custom ob tains in many hospitals, and it is consid­ ered to have a good effect on persons who attend operations and who are in clined to be careless in removing outer wraps before entering.--San Francisco Chronicle. A Mlnlnter'ti Good Work. , "I had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doses and was entirely cured," says Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or three bot ties of medicine from the doctor. He tised them for three o^four days With­ out relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning. He said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long that it was almost bloody flux. I asked him if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he said 'No'. I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if he did not find relief, but he took no more and was en­ tirely cured. I think it is the best medicine I have ever tried.For sale by Julia A. Story. America Sets the Styles. Among other things the Parisians are learning from the great crowd of American women who are attending the Paris exposition is how to dress prop­ erly. It is noticeable everywhere in France that the ladies from this country who are visiting the big cities of that country as a part of their attendance at the exposition, are dressed in better taste than ever a Parisian dreamed of. The Western continent before very long will take away the palm of setting the fash­ ions from the dressmakers and milliners on the other side of the Atlantic. Washington Times. Story Of A Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bit­ ters she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This su preme remedy for female diseases quick­ ly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, mel­ ancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. It is a godsend to weak, sickly, run-down people. Cure guaranteed. Only 50c. Sold by Jnlia A. Story druggist. Apples Without Pips. A fruit tree propagator has at last produced a seedless apple, and the fruits have been seen by many interested in pomology, so that in a few years' time a good supply of these pipless apples will be found upon the market. It is said, too, that these new apples are superior in flavor to the ordinary kinds. Already high prices are being paid for the trees, which for some time yet will be bought up by rich amateurs.---London Globe. PLAY CITY, IND., Jan. 14,1897. Dr. W. B. Caldwell, Monticello,IU. SIR:--I have used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for dispepsia and consti­ pation with great benefit to myself. Some days I was not able to do my office work. I had run down to only 185 lbs. After taking several bottles of your wonderful medicine I now weigh 185 lbs. I now feel like a new man. I have recommended Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin to my friends and will answer any and all letters of inquiry I may receive as to the merits of your medicine. Yours resp., WM. H. SHIRELY, Prop. Kline Hbtel. What Kliall Wp>C»ll Them? Did you ever stand by and see a chicken scratch and rake over a pile of refuse in search of a crumb or worm, and then another chicken that stood idly by grab up the morsel and eat it? That i1 lust rates the fellow who sits around town, kicks on improvements and then reaps the benefits by having his property increased in value by reason of the improvements made by others. Prevented A Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night., She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her; and she writes, this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive broof of its power to cure all throat, chest and lung_ troubles. Only 50c and $ 1.00. Guaran­ teed. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story'8 drug store. Hint for Housewives. In Peru it was once the custom for domestic servants to liave two of their upper front teeth extracted. Their ab­ sence indicated their servnxtde. .-".j 1 1 " . 1 ""fi 1 tynytqgfBTgiWir •' Orabi In Oysters. J,,ibe demand for that little southern delicacy, the oyster crab, is always larger *ijtn the supply, and I have all I can <J«> to obtain the 50 or 00 gallons which are dally required for flavoring stews and making omelets in the lead­ ing hotels, restaur., aud clubs of this city," said a wholesale fish dealer In New, York to a Washington Star writer. "Our northern oysters do not contain the Uttle dainties, so I am obliged to buy them from the oyster slmokers along the York, Rappahan­ nock and other southern rivers. The Chesapeake bay shore oystermen send us some also. "The little crab found in the oyster Is not, as commonly supposed by two- thirds of the oyster eating community, the young of the blue crab, but is a distinct species. It Is a messmate of and caterer to the wants of the oyster, being therefore a benefit instead of a detriment to the latter. In return for the oyster's kindness in protecting it against its enemies the little crab catches and crushes food which in its entire state could not be taken by the oyster. A singular thing in connection with them is that all found inside of the oyster are females. The male of the same variety has a hard shell.*' Turtle* Trained to Fltkt. You want to go to China to see ani­ mal fighting reduced to a science. There are hundreds of young men in the larger cities there who make a liv­ ing by training animals to fight and in exhibiting their savage qualities to In­ terested audiences. They catch both mud and snapping turtles, feed them on raw meat and some sort of drug that warms them up. and at the end of six months they become savage enough to fight a tiger. The jaws and teeth are tiled and sandpapered until the mouth becomes a dangerous thing to go near. The turtle is tantalized each day with a piece of wood or a bunch of cotton until its temper reaches a white heat. When confronted with another turtle that has been trained and badg­ ered in the same way. they go for each other with distended jaws, and there Is sure to be a fight to a finish. They have each been starved for a week. Each Is handled by his owner, who has teased it to the killing point. The two turtles are then placed in a small ring, and only one comes out alive. The fight lasts from one to ten hours, and death generally comes only when one of them has secured a throat hold on his doomed antagonist.--Cleve­ land Plain Dealer. He Boight a Sectloa. A Plttsburger who has money to spare had to go" east on short notice. He is a man given to exclusiveness, and he detests traveling in a public conveyance because he is thrown In with so many persons of whom he knows nothing. When he does take a trip, he takes a stateroom wherever he can get it, or, failing in that, if his business Is urgent, he takes a section in the sleeping car. He had little time to make arrangements last week, but his first thought was of a stateroom. He called one of the employees and hurried him to the ticket office. "Get a stateroom, If you can," he said, "and, if you cannot, get a section You know what a section is--two berths." "Yes, sir," replied the man as he started off. He returned soon with the Informa­ tion that there wasn't a stateroom to be had on the train. "But I got two berths for you, sir," he said, handing out two tickets. He nearly lost his job when his em­ ployer examined the tickets and found one for "upper 3" and the other for "upper 8."--Pittsburg News. Aecommoistlst Diseases. Perhaps the record for school attend­ ance belongs to a Walworth lad named Thomas Ward, who^jyas never absent or late during his 11 years of school life, beginning with his fourth year. The local member of the school board for London tells the story that when the proud boy received the attendance medal for the eleventh year, which had to be specially struck to meet his case, the mother was questioned as to how her boy had been able to make so remarkable a record. "Has he had the usual children's complaints?" she was asked. "Yes, sir." "The measles?" "Yes, sir."* "Whooping cough?" "Yes, sir." "How> is it, then, that he has never beeh away from school?" "Well, sir, he had them in his holi­ days," was the interesting reply.-- Westminster Gazette. Proved His Case. Miss Willing (after the proposal)-- But are you quite sure you believe In second love? Mr. Woodby (a widower)--Certainly, my dear. Now suppose a man buys a pound of sugar; It is sweet, isn't it? Miss Willing--Yes, of course. But-- Mr. Woodby--And when that's gone he naturally wants another pound-- and the second pound is just as sweet, isn't it?--Chicago News. A Big Difference. Kendrick (who for two months has been studying French)--Say, Sutton, I can write a good letter in French now. Sutton--H'm! Is that so? Well, you may be able to write a good letter In French, but I don't believe you can write a letter In good French.--Boston ranscript. HI* Hearing: to Come. Old Lady (reading newspaper)--I de­ clare! The poor fellow arrested yester­ day is deaf. Listener--How do you know? Old Lady--Why, it says here that he Is expected to have bis hearin next week.--Green Bag. Famous Famines off the World. The worst famines of modern times were the famine in Ireland in 1846-7, in in which t,000,000 people perished; the Indian famine in 1866,' which claimed 1,450,000 victims; the Indian famine ib 1877, in which 500,000 people perished, and the great famine in China in 1878, in which 9,500,000 died. * A ftO-Pouml Babjr can take Dr. Caldwell's Syrtp Pepsfo with as much safety and beneficial re­ sults &s an adult It is a mild liquid laxative and children thrive tipoj*-it. Syrup Pepsin assists nature in cleansing the system, and its use is not attended with any of the unpleasant gripings and nauseating effects caused by the use of pill or so-called cathartics. Try a 10c size bottle (10 doses 10 cents.) Also sold in 50c and $ 1 sizes by Julia A. Story. Special Delivery Is Popular. The popularity of the special delivery branch of the United States mail ser­ vice is evidenced by the fact that in 1899 more than 52,000,000 of these special stamps were sold. The distance trav- by the messengers who delivered these letters is estimated a>t nearly 3,000,000 miles. • •* Does Tour Stomach Distress You ? Do you have pain in th« side, nausea sometimes vomiting, distress after eat­ ing, belching, constipation, loss of appe­ tite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? If you have any of these Symptoms, you have dyspepsi* or stom­ ach disorder. The new discovery, Bail­ ey's Dyspepsia Tablets, brings quick relief, followed by a permanent cure; pleasant to take. W. J. Bailey, written on each package. Price 25 cents, post­ paid. Made by Lakeside Medicine Co., Chicago. Sample free. Well informed doctors prescribe them. Sold W Mies J. A. Story. l y-« eb. 15-'00 We Produce the Moot Honey. The United States produce more honey than any other nation. As long as thirty years ago the product was 15,000,000 pounds annually. Twenty years ago it had risen to 25,000,000 pounds and ten years ago it was 65,000,- 000 pounds. Deal's Celebrated Antiseptic and Preventive. of all diseases. One of the greatest medical discoveries for women. We have thousands of testimonials to prove its great merit. An article that should be in every household. Cannot fail to bring the aesired result. Send at once for a box with full instructions. Sent free--any part of the U. S. for $1. If once tried you will always use it. The only genuine antiseptic on the market.. Address, MME. DEAL, 280 Jackson Boul., Chicago, I1L 51-ly .lit T 1^-1, China Knows How to Preserve Grape* Millions have been spent in civilized countries in the futule efforts to pre serve grapes. The Chinese have known the secret for many centuries and mil lions more have been vainly used in the effort to drag from them the recipe. It Helped Win Battles. Tweuty-nine officers and men wrote from the Front to say that for Scratches, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklens Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for Burns, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Julia A. Story druggist. Didn't Like Ingratitude. AtFreeport, L. I., a hen laid an egg every day in a kennel and the dog ate it. She stayed longer than usual one day and he shook her. Since then she has kept away from the kennel and the dog has given up his egg diet. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Julia A. Story Druggist. Number off Persons In Schools. The entire number of pupils in all American schools last year was 16,687,- 643. There are 101,058 in the universi­ ties and colleges, 54,231 in schools of law, medicine and theology, 67,588 in normal schools, 70,950 in business schools, 97,787 in kindergartens. It Is a Curse. Constipation is a curse, and afflicts too great a portion of the American people. There is no excuse for it either, as we sell a remedy that will banish the cause, and with moderate use will keep you well. It is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Sold in 10c, 50c and fl.00 sizes. For sale by Julia A. Story. No Use for Bridges. An officer in the Austrian army in Vienna has invented balloons which will float both men and horses across a river. They are to be fastened to belts around the men and the harness of the Very Low Excursion Rates to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pneblo. Via Chicago, Union Pacific and North­ western Line, on June 19, 20, July 8, 9, 17 and August 1, 7 and 21, good return­ ing until October 81, also very low rates on same dates to Glen wood Springs, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Dead wood and Hot Springs. Quickest time. Best service. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western B'y. 51-St4 table Preparation for As - sim&ating tteToodandReguta- ting thcStomflrhs nnri Bowels < I M A M S < H I L D I U N Promotes Di^stion,Cheerful­ ness andHest.Contains neither nor Mineral. Opium .Morphine MOT NARCOTIC. MMFMT SMSI" JBCSMNM * JTM./HUT*-; • FAT'W SM*T * MMSTD FT V F * HW^WSraSR Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- oess and Loss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of "NTEW YORK. n i o i i l l i s o J EXACT COFTCFf WRAPPER. 'MHitnrn CASTORIA For Infants and Children.! The Kind You Have Always Bough! USB For Over CASTORIA THK eCNTAOft COMPANY, NCW YOUR CITY. tion Please! For the summer of 1900 we have a bet­ ter stock than ever before, and at prices to suit all people. You are cordially invited to visit the store and be convinced that our stock is superb in the following Ikies: For Ladies Summer Dress Goods Laces * Ribbons Embroideries Gloves- Mitts Shoes, Oxfords Parasols For Gentlemen Shirts, Ties Collars and Cuffs Shoes Summer Underwear Summer Suits Summer Hats West rtcHenry. SlflON STOFFEL sal REMEMBER The McHenry Plaindeal Weekly Inter Ocean one year for $1.50 if paid in advance. Take advantage. "I '5'ii • X

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