Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Aug 1900, p. 7

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* ptMcnrte and pickles, spread ttwha «is|.|syi *Jf 2-3&a«d FARAFFINE trmt Stham jbtotaMt noiiiim end . P«*#M Willi also oiMfnl is a aozen other way* abont the hoosa directions in each ponnd paokai*. Bold •••qrwhara. STANDARD OILOO. Abstractsof Title, flftcHenry County ' ABSTRACT WOODSTOCK, ILL. Dtraolor* [ F. F. A xtell, Harvard. U. M. Patrick, Marengo. John J. Murphy. Woodstock. I W. C. Eielielberner, Woodstock [ Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock :; ftwri Estate Bought and Sold. Insurance and Loam Abstracts of Title and Conveyancing. H* fl.Jensen w:" FLORIST •vfiSt #ft>wers all Varieties. reasonable prices. Potted Plants Pitted Plants of all kinds constantly oh hand. We would be greatly pleased o have the public give us a call McHENRY, ILLINOIS. F. WATTLES (Successor to R. K. Howard) All kinds of Fresh and saliva ts always on hand ? •*'. » Vegetables and ' ^ ' Canned Goods. Bakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of Salt Fish. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh daily. Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on me I will do the right thing with yon. F. WATTLES, West McHenry, HI. Long distance telephone, 90» Citizens' telephone 17 This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a A Real Hero. On the train coming to Denver I saw a man who was one of the greatest her­ oes I have ever, seen or read of in prose, poem or history. The man had a wife-- a dying wife, almost in the last stages of consumption. She was so weak she could scarcely lift, her hand to her head; the flwnth mark was on her brow, those When to en* Timber ft»r Posts. . A farmer says; ' Timber cut for fence posts in July, or August will i&at three times longer than if cut in between the months of January and May. I.have n vn posts of white oak ent in August that stood over twenty years in the ground and still «ome of ikesi la good condition when removed. On tlie distinct beads of perspiration which tell other hand, I have seen good, dry posts tifllERAl BANKING BUSINESS. i\ F We endeavor to do all busi- I I f* ness entrusted to our care in a III manner and upon terms entire- \j | ly satisfactory to our custom- _____ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan i . u r i i i v i / o n r e a l e s t a t e a n d O t h e r first class se­ curity. Spec- mmmm ial attentate- given to collections, and promptly at­ tended to INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may anlckly ascertain oar opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patent*. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific JMcricati. A handsomely Ulustrated weekly. Largest cir­ culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, 13 a year; four mouths, II 8old by all newsdealers. the awful tale. They had two noisy, troublesome little ones with them, a boy and a girl, and this man answered the questions they asked and kept them from annoying their mother. He whistled merry tunes, sang snatches of songs and joked with his wife. She did not have to express a single wish; he an­ ticipated them all. He was the merriest man imaginable until his wife went to sleep. Then he sat in the seat behind her and placed his hand to his forehead. 1 saw the great big tears steal through his fingers and drop to the floor of the ooach. By and by she stirred. He dashed the tears away and jumped up loo King at her to see if he had been de­ tected. She did not wake. He sat down and again that brave and break­ ing heart found vent in his tears. Brave fellow. Whoever he is, he is the right kind of a hero, and one day he will wear a crown so bejeweled and so beau­ tiful that the rest of us poor mortals will have to shade our eyes when we look at it--if we get a chance. --Roy Gifford in Rantoul Press. Does Your Stonim-li Distress Traf Do you have pain in th<* side, nausea sometimes vomiting, distress after eat­ ing, belching, constipation, loss of appe­ tite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? If you have any of these symptoms, you have dyspepsia or stom­ ach disorder. The new discovery, Bail­ ey's Dyspepsia Tablets, brings quick relief, followed by a permanent cure; pleasant to take. W. J. Bailey, written on each package. Price 25 cents, post­ paid. Made by Lakeside Medicine o., hicago. Sample free. Well informed doctors prescribe them. Sold *>v Miss J. A. Story. 15- 00 -- : -A Military Marriage. - Nothing was done at a recent marriage in Middletown, Conn., to lessen the force of the trite joke about marriage being a preparation for battle. To the strains of a military march Lieutenant George Adolphns Nugent of the Fourth artillary, U. S. A, and Miss Emma Howard Bacon marched to the altar in the church of the Holy Trinity. The approach of the wedding party was pre­ ceded by the sounding of the reveille on the cornet. The ushers presented arms to the bridesmaids and the party two- stepped down the aisle to the altar. Flags decorated the church and many soldiers were present in full-dress uni­ forms with helmets in hand. If #ou have a baby in the house you will wish to know the best way to check any unusual looseness of the bowels, or diarrhoea so common in small children. O. P. M. Holliday, of Deming, Ind., who has an eleven months old child, says: "Through the months of June and July our baby was teething and took a running off of the bowels and and sickness of the stomach. His bow­ els would move from five to eight times a day. I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house and gave him four drops in a teaspoonful of water and he got better at once.".. For sale by Julia A. Story . Novejj gult Against a Sherift A man in Pratt, Kan., was convicted of selling liquor without a license and sentenced to jail. Sheriff Gibbens, how­ ever, permitted the prisoner to remain with his family most of the time and did not lock him up as he should have done. At the expiration of the prisoner's term the prisoners wife sued the sheriff for the price of board and lodging for her spouse, alleging that the sheriff was drawing pay from the county for the prisoner's keep, whereas, in fact, he was living off her. She was awarded judg­ ment for $21.60, but the sheriff has ap­ pealed to the district court. Deal's Celebrated Antiseptic and Preventive. of all diseases. One of the greatest medical discoveries for women. We have thousands of testimonials to prove its great merit. An article that should be in every household. Cannot fail to bring the aesired result. Send at once for a box with full instructions. Sent free--any part of the U. S. for $1. If once tried you will always use it. The only genuine antiseptic on the market. Address, MME. DEAL,, 880 Jackson Boul., Chicago, 111. 51-ly Made It Kara its Food. A Lowell woman who found a young robin on her doorstep took it in and tenderly cared for it. She has brought it up to be a self-reliant, independent bird by burying worms in a pot of earth and compelling the robin to do its own digging for a living. The bird is said to be a great pet and has learned to come to his mistress when she calls, though he will have nothing to say to strangers. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. tie Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of of white oak which were cut in March, decay in seven to ten years. The main cause of this is that if the tree is cut when full of sap, which is rich in sugar, it will undergo a fermenting process which will change the sugar into an acid, which is really the first stage decay. The sugar in the sap or wood is not present after the season's growth is completed in July or August. Trees cu* when full of sap and left to dry n the warm, dry air of spring will become full of small cracks which cause water and fine soil to be absorbed readily and hasten decay." A Minister's Good Work. r ' l M a s e v e r e a t t a c k o f b i l i o u s o o l i c , got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doses and Was entirely cured," says Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or three bot­ tles of medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days with out relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him' no relief, so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning. He said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had Ik en running off so long that it Was almost bloody flux. I asked him if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he said 'No'. I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to tak£ another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if he did not find relief, but he took no more and was en tirely cured. I think it is the best medicine I have ever tried." For sale by Julia A. Story. Expenses of the Sultan. The yearly expenses of the sultan have been estimated at no less a sum than $30,000,000. Of this $7,500,000 alone is spent on the clothing of the women and $400,000 on the sultan's own wardrobe Nearly $7,500,000 is swallowed up by presents, $5,000,000 goes for pocket money and still another $5,000,000 for the table. It seems incredible that so much money can possibly be spent in a year by one man, but when it is remem­ bered that some 1,500 people live within the palace walls--live luxuriously and dress expensively at the cost of the civil list--it appears a little more comprehen­ sibly. Prevented A Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every uight. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her; and she writes, this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive broof of its power to cure all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and $1.00. Guaran­ teed. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story * drug store. Rice and Population. In deciding whether China's popula­ tion is dense or sparse it ought to be re­ membered that the country produces rice. Countries which produce rice yield at least two crops a year. Coun­ tries which produce corn, on the other hand, only yield one crop a year. Therefore, apportionately to its extent, a country which produces rice ought to support at least twice as large a popula­ tion as a country which produces corn. You Owe It to All your friends to tell them of the curative power of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. I bet half of 'em have stomach trouble. Send for 10c, 50c or $1 bottle, to Julia A Story. . Sifting*. Erery duty in life should be done from one standpoint unselfish love. It should be t ie one grand object in life to do a kind and loving deed for some p K>r soul, out of no other motive than 1 jve for humauity. ( When, you are tempted to get angry, stop and think to yonrself the injury iU w'll work to your peace and Comfort, then look upon it as a joke and take a good mental, laugh. The chances are by that time you will be in good shape to answer your tormentor with credit to yourself and the interest of peace. At this season of the year uiany young people are making arrangements to at­ tend some of the higher institutions of learning. The question that comes up for decision is--Where shall I got The one thing that should decide the question is--Where can X do the best work1? Too many young people go to the school that is the most popular and that has the biggest name. This is a mistake. The smaller colleges are doing the, most thorough work and are reaching the heights of success. What is the reason for this? In the large ischool the pupil does not come into direct contact with his teacher and the pupil loses the bless­ ing of heart to heart contact with the teacher. In the smaller college the pupil is moulded not only intellectually but morally by the professors and the head of the institution. ' Story Of A Slave. £i/ - be bound hand and foot for by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottlee of Electric Bit­ ters she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This su­ preme remedy for female diseases quick­ ly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, mel­ ancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. It is a godsend to weak, sickly, run-down people. Cure guaranteed. Only 50c. Sold by Jnli$ A. Story druggist . . . . . . . T i m b e r I ^ a w s o f E n g l a n d . By the general laws of England oak, ath and elm are "timber" if not younger than twenty years or so old that a good' post cannot be cut from them. What constitutes "timber" varies slightly ac­ cording to locality. But when a tree is proved to be "timber" a person who has only a life interest in the land it grows upon cannot cut it down unless it be on an estate cultivated solely for the pro­ duction of salable timber or unless he has a special agreement giving him power to do so. ' CLAY CITY, IND., JAH,144W7. Dr. W. B. Caldwell, Monticello.Ill. S I R I h a v e u s e d D r . C a l d w e l l ' s Syrup Pepsin for dispepsia and consti­ pation with great benefit to myself. Some days I was not able to do my office work. I had run down to only 135 lbs. After taking several bottles of youiv wonderful medicine I now weigh 185 lbs. I* now feel like a new man. I have recommended Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin to my friends and will answer any and all letters of inquiry I may receive as to the merits of your medicine. Yours resp., WM. H. SHIRELY, Prop. Kline Hotel. Soldiers of Japan, In Japan every able-bodied man is a soldier, and even the children know the urfe of arms. Military drill is a part of the regular education in the schools throughout the empire. Sel^pol boys dress in a military uniform cut on the pattern of cadet uniforms in Europe and America. Their instructors are regular army officers, veterans of the war with China, and some of them of the Sat- suma rebellion of 1877. This has its effect on the youthful mind, ever prone to hero worship au4 trebly so in Japan. Perfect womanhood depends on per feet health. Nature's rarest gift of physical beauty comes to all who use Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c. Ask your druggist. For Infants Children Kind Always Bought AVege table Preparation for As simulating tteToodandReguta ting the Stomachs and.Bowels of IMAMS (HILIUU;\ Promotes DigesUon.Cheerful-KnBS ness anaftestCon tains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral NOT NAHC OTIC. /̂ vn/Um St»d ?'*• AtxStn* 'Mx.Stnmt JftduIU Sdtt - 'fUrm Sted Use Apfsfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion, Sour S tomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. For fee Simile Signature of £ dL&fc&ik5T NEW YORK. A I b m o u t l \ s o l d } y D OS! S 7 J T I N I S EXACT COPY OF WRAPPC®. THC CCMTAUN COMPANY, MCW YORK CITY. •r' * " /"£ BIMFS EXPOSITION (OFFEES Blanke's ExpositionCoffees are superior to all others, re a smooth, rich flavor and are now being use(i by the leading hotels and by the large railroads. If you are looking for a good cup af coffee,•: give them a trial.' p®i§SC ' .&-V *- i •• The above is a cut of the most complete* coffee plant in the U n i t e d S t a t e s . T h e tremendous business that made it necessary to erect such an establishment is the result of new ideas applied to the coftee busi­ ness. C. F. Blanke was the first man in the United States to blend coffees solely with regard to their drinking quality in the cup, rather than follow the old formulas of so much " Mocha" and so much "Java." There are good,medium, and poor Mochas and Javas, the same as there are good, medium and poor California fruits. That is the reason other coffees are not uniform. Blanke scientifically blends every tot of coffee to produce a drinking quality exactly like " it has always been." " Faust Blend " is his highest grade. Blanke's other brands are as good proportionately. The C. F. Blanke Tea and ':ri agencies who will handle their celebrated teas and coffees: OILBERT BROS., McHenry fjl' .-V J* JOHN P. LAY, Johiisburg rg BOWK BROS, tfebrofr? WEI DNElt BROS., Buffalo Grove JOHN ROSING, Volfr,„ _ \ G. H. HOOKER. \\Wlstoek R.-PANTALL. Milburo C. W. CARL. Rockefeller. C. G. WESTERMAN, Greenwood, OOLTHNO BROS.. Waueonda YV. KOHL. Luke Zurich, Wis. J. F. THOMPSON. Wilmout. Wis.RAY B. DIXON. Gurnet} WILLIAMS BROS.. Antioch M. Des .IstriHns. Harvard A. NEISH, Spring Grove PETERSON BROS.. Sal«m 81VER BROS, Russell, III. JOHN MEIKLK. Ivan In A I'G. BECKER. Twin Lakes FOOTE BROS.. Half Day W. H. SCHWA RTZ. Carpentersvi GANSCIJOW & Kl'NKE. Gilberts. 111. O. It. SCHMALZ. Huntley, 111. ^ * j,':£X $ ifr iii ifr ifr ift I^I <li ifr ill frill iji '1' 'I' it' '!• 'ft 'I' 3' i$' 'I't 'I' 't' 'ft $ 'ft $'!»'ft# $'t* 3' • Summer* Not at one-half their cost, but at a reduction that wUl make the price attractive and sell the goods at on<?e* « . -- •*. • : ' S c h o o l D a y s will soon be here, and all those barefoot boys and girls must be properly shod. . We guaran­ tee our litie*of school shoes to be the best on the market. You will also find a line of goods especially adapted for school dresses for the little girls. That boy may need a new pair of pants or a whole suit, and if he does -we can clad him for less money than you will pay else­ where. If you desire that your children make a neat appearance on the first day of school, it will behoove you bring them to this stoi^: Simon Stoffcl, » KJest ltlcfienry <fT S* J * ^ < .:" ik r- . . '*;• • ; v-* f.i' . i »«' " V;. ft it .if f". liir. ,• , _ . f" >•- % • j* . V* *>* MM *'-S" r. ^ .C, msmm.

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