Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1900, p. 7

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On Jellies preserves and piokles, spread a thin coating of refined PARAFF1NE WAX Will keep them sbaolately moisture and acid proof. P&rafflne Wax is also OMfnl in * dozen other ways abont the house. Fall directions in each pound package. Sold everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. Abstracts of f itle. McHenry County ..ABSTRACT COMPANY, v; WOODSTOCK, ILL. Directors FF. F. Axtell. Harvard, li. M. Patrick. Marengo. John J. Murphy. Woodstock. W. O. Kiclu'lliff^i'r. Woodstock [Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock Real Estate Bought and Sold. Insurance and Loans Abstracts of Title and Conveyancing. Mr fl^ Jensen FLORIST Cut FloweiW . in all Varieties. Funeral Designs oil short notice and at reasonable, prices. Potted Plants Potted giants of all kinds constantly on hand. We would be greatly pleased o have the public give us a call McHENRY, ILLINOIS. P. WATTLES (Successor to B. R. Howard) * All kinds of Fresh and salt Meats^sJways on hand Vegetables and Canned Goods. Bakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of Salt Fish. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Hides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and. Fruits received fresh daily.- Orders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on me I will do the right thing with you. F. WATTLES, ' West McHenry, 111. Long distance telephone, 3091 Citizens'telephone 17 This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage floney to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ en !ty. Spec- ial attention given to collections, and promptly at­ tended to THE WEEK'S HISTORY. Itejjit. oflnterest Prom All Ot« the ' World. * INSURANCE in First Class Companies," at the ^Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS RADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anvone sending a sketch and description mar quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest aeencv tor securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive gpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. I,west cir­ culation of any scientific journal. Terms. $3 a year : tour months, fl. Sola by all newsdealers. MUNN & »• New York . Branch Office, SB F Bt, Washington, D. C. John K. Lawrence of Piercet^a, Ind., a well-known politician is dead. Morris Jrioehr, a miner working near Moline, 111., fell eighty fret down a shaft and was killed. W. F. Bundy of Centralia, 111., closed a week's campaign work with speeches at Oakdale and Nashville. Mrs. Jane Booth, the oldest resident of Pike County, died at her home in Barry last Friday aged 100 years. c There are now 603 patients at the Eastern Indiana Hospital for the Insane, the largest number ever there. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are prompt, palatable, pleasant, powerful, purifying little pills. Julia A. Story. Iron Moccasin, anjndian, was killed at Forest City, N. D.r in a quarrel in which a number of Indians took part. To prevent consumption quickly pure throat and lung troubles with One Minute Cough Cure. Julia A. Story. Judge W. K. Homanof Dallas, who was offered the Prohibition nomination for Governor of Texas, has declined to run. Students of Knox College at Gales- tmrg, 111., have organized a republican club to work for the election of Mc­ Kinley. Governor Pingree, of Michigan, par­ doned two convicts--Alfred Willet and W. K. Barker--who were serving sent­ ences for murder. People who burn the Lamp of Reason need Rocky Mountain Tea. Greatest reason prodttcer known. 85c. Ask your druggist. x At Cartwright, Ky., the 12-year-old daughter of Nisby Jones was shot through the heart and instantly killed by unknown persons. Frederick Gilbert who shot and killed his sweet-heart's mother, Mrs. James Banta, 'was sentenced to the State re­ formatory at Madison, Ind. Judge J. M. Bonner, a capitalist and banker of New Orleans, died of heart disease at the California club in Los Angeles while conversing with friends. Prof. Carl Swenson, of Kansas spoke to the Sweedish-American Republican club at Bloomington, 111. A large crowd of Sweedish-Americans attended. James C. Carlton, postmaster under Cleveland and a life-long democrat, in a speech last night at Bedford, Ind., de­ clared his intention to support Mc- Kinley. St. Paul's Episcopal church, a $25,000 structure of Gothic design at Kankakee, 111., was dedicated Friday. Bishop Anderson of the Chicago diocese presided. The most dainty and effective pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers They are unequaled for all liver and bowel troubles. ' Never gripe. Julia A. Story. Ex-Congressman Owen Scott, a life­ long democrat, but now an out-spoken advocate of McKinley and Yates, ad­ dressed a big republican meeting at Moweaqua last night. You can spell it cough, coff, caugh, kauf, kaff, kough, or kaugh, but the only harmless remedy that quickly cures it is One Minute Cough Cure. Julia A. Story. John P. Irish of California, who is in Indiana making a few speeches under the aihspices of the Gold Democrates, says California will give McKinley 15,000 majority this year. When you are born the Creator starts you going and you go a long time, if you grease the main-spring of life with Rocky Mountain Tea. Great lubrica­ tor. Ask your druggist. George W. Jones of Robinson, 111., is one of the latest and m «t notable ac­ quisitions to the Republican ranks. He is a lawyer and for many years took an active part in Democratic politics. Warren F. Harrison, foreman of the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone com­ pany, was shot and killed at Brigham City, Utah, by James Burke, a lineman. He refused to give any reason for the act. George McElroy, the oldest resident of central Iowa, died at Eldorado last Friday at the age of 97f He had lived under the administration of all the presidents except Washington and Adams. Two years ago Miss Edna Snod grass of Reed Station, Ind., was bitten by a dog The wound soon healed and was forgotenen. On Saturday effects of the bite became apparent and the young lady died. About 800 Cleveland journeyman tailors went on strike. In addition to a 10 per cent advance in wages, which the employers conceded, they demand compensation for extra work on cloth­ ing and recognition of their union. Senator Wellington spoke for an hour and a half in the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Auditorium to 5,000 people. His ad­ dress was devoted to imperialism and the war in South Africa. He was fol­ lowed by Mayor Rose of Milwaukee. The County board of supervisors at Joliet, 111., passed a resolution calling on the State Legislature to provide a State institution for the prope^. care of epileptics now scattered throughout var­ ious county poor farms and improperly cared for. The trustees' executive committee United Society of Ohristain Endeavor has voted to accept the invitation of ^Cincinnati to hold the twentieth inter­ national convention in that city in 1901, BrovdinK that satisfactory railroad rates j and local arrangements are made. L. M. Martin of Des Moines, la., will have charge of the national head-qnart- ers at. Indianapolis, which will be opened at once by the gold Democrats/ His work there will consist in promoting the organization of sound money clubs and the distribution of literature. The Republican county committee will meet at 2 o'clock tomorrow after­ noon to hear reports as to the progress of the campaign and to consider plans fo» efficient registration and naturalization work. The executive committee will meet at 10:30 tomorrow forenoon. Chairman Dick of the Republican State Executive commitee has made public at Columbus, O. a letter giving a negative reply to a challenge of Con­ gressman Lentz to debate the reports of the Investigating committee of Congress upon the Coeur d' Alene mining trouble. Without a minute's warning Henry Reitenour, a prominent citizen of Union City. Ind., was stricken with blindness. He was driving in the country, when he experienced a pain over his eyes and im­ mediately all, became dark. He had never had any trouble with his eyes be­ fore. Poisonous toadstools resembling mush­ rooms have caused frequent deaths this year. Be sure to use only the genuine. Observe the same care when you ask for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are poisonous counterfeits. DeWitt's is the only original Witch Hazel Salve. It is a safe and certain cure for piles and all skin diseases. Julia A. Story. Fred Thumany, ex-alderman of Quin- cy and former grand treasurer of the Select Knights of America, was ar­ rested last Saturday for the em­ bezzlement of $1,700. The deficiency was discovered some time ago, and he was given a chance to make it up. He was unable to do so and the arrest fol­ lowed. He was unable to secure bail. Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injury will instantly allay the pain and will heal the parts in less time than any other treatment. Unless the injury is very severe it will not leave a scar. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, sprains, swellings and lameness. F<5r sale by Julia A Story. P. F. Nugent, a prominent young Democrat of Fort Dodge, Iowa, has formally renounced the Democratic party. Nugent was formerly a candi date for county attorney on the Demo cratic ticket. Recently he was elected chairman of the Fourth ward delegation to the republican county convention. The emergency bags sent by a church society to Kansas soldiers in the Philip­ pines contained among the necessities a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the well known cure for piles, injuries and skin diseases. The ladies took care to obtain the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve knowing that all the coun­ terfeits are worthless. Julia A. Story. A North Manchester, Ind., paper states that the Rev. Ira P. Eby, who left that town several weeks ago to rep­ resent the Dunkards in Missouri, has closed a deal at Poplar Bluffs in that state for 15,000 acres of land upon which to establish a colony of Indiana Dun­ kards. One thousand of that sect will leave Indiana for the new colony. Large sun spots, astronomers say, caused "the extreme heat this summer, and doctors declare nearly all the pros­ trations were induced by disorders of the stomach. Good health follows good digestion. Kadol Dyspepsia Cure di­ gests what you eat. If you have indi­ gestion or dyspepsia it will quickly re­ lieve and permanently cure yon. Julia A. Story. f - Morgan Butler, a traveling man of Peru, was stricken with paralysis not long ago, whidh rendered him unablfe to make his trips through the State. His wife took h«*r husband's grips and made the round of the towns he was accus­ tomed to visit As a result of her la­ bors more ordors were sent to the house Butler represents than he had been able to rieoure in any other two trips during the year. , The trouble caused by a pocket o* clay near the base of the dam at Joliet was remedied by filling tjie pocket With con­ crete. A cofferdam was built around it while the work was being done. Twen- ty-fonr hours were given the concrete to set, and the water was turned on at Lockport Saturday afternoon, when l n- gineer Randolph said, he expected the complaints about the reversal of the Chicago River would cease. The progressive nations of the world are the great food, consuming nations. Good food Veil digested gives strength. If you cannot digest all you eat, you need Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. You need not diet your­ self. It contains all the digestants combined with the best known tonics and reeonstructi ves. It will even digest all classes of food in a bottle. No other preparation will do this. It instantly relieves and quickly cures all stomach troubles. Julia A. Story. Cured «f Chronic Diarrhoea After ^ rtilrty Yearn of Suffering. "I suffered for thirty years with diar­ rhoea and thought I was past being cured," c.«ays John S. Halloway, of French Camp, Miss. "I had spent so much time and money and suffered so much that I had given up all hopes of recovery. I was so feeble from the ef­ fects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not even travel, "but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after tak­ ing several bottles I am entirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that I am anxious that it be in reach of all who suffer as l haver1' For sale by Julia A. Story. A Famous Prison. The celebrated Mamertine prison fur­ nishes an important scene In Slenkle- wicz's story, "Qtto Vadis." It is locat­ ed on the slope of the Capitoline, in Some, and, according to tradition, it was begun by Ancus Martius and later enlarged by Servius Tullius. Jugurtlia Is said to have been starved to death here, the accomplices of Catiline stran­ gled by command of Cicero and Seja- nus, the minister and favorite of Tibe­ rius, executed. Church tradition has consecrated this prison as the place where St. Peter and St. Paul were con­ fined by order of Nero. HisArian Hll- lard says of It: "The Mamertine prison Is a hideous vault divided into an upper and lower portion scooped out of the solid rock and lined with massive blocks in the Etruscan style of architecture. A more heartbreaking place of confinement it is not easy to Imagine. According to the traditions of the church, St. Peter was Imprisoned here by order of Nero, and the pillar to which he was bound and a fountain which sprang up mirac­ ulously to furnish the water of baptism to his Jailers, whom he converted, are shown to the visitor. There is no rea­ son to doubt that Jugurtha was starv­ ed to death in these pitiless vaults. Here, too, the companions of Catiline were strangled. It Is a curious fact that the chances of literature and his tory should have carved two sucht names as those of Sallust and Cicero on'these Cyclopean walls." AVege tabic Prcparationfor As­ similating theTood andRcg uta- ting tte Stomachs aocLBowels of 1 M W I S ( H 1 L D K K N Promotes Digestion .Cheerful­ ness and Rest.Con tains neither nor Mineral. Opium.Morphine NOT NAHCOTIC, Mk** efOldlh-SJMUElPmmR JSimpkm Smi" •'iS'tytbc.Smvm * jp* , Jt~A4USJk- i li Ji»ff * For Infants and Children. J|f; The Kind You Have |: A perfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions,Feverish- U£§5 and LOSS OF SLEEP. fee Simile Signature N12W YORK. A l b m i t > n 1 1 \ j 5 d < V ] j C l M N EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB. Signature For Over Thirty Years - t j „ 4 Vv ^ r " 'V- • '$ -1 >j,' - ^ •* 'I > TJ ^1 THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NSW YORK OTTY. - - h • . School Book School Supplies Writing Tablets Writing flaterial 3. s. BRown « son DRUGGISTS Rlngwood, • Illinois, / Prescriptions carefully compounded by m.C. Rasselt, registered pharmacist Patent Medicines Drugs Books and Stationery i Pearls Found in Vermont. Erervpife is talking abouW the " Grain Mountain Pearls." Di^mu that they cure liver troublek constipation, bad digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foul treath ? There never was a pill sold which acted so quickly and gently, a^d they don't gripe one bit. i^fnal is JuLwe ask--we know what^me re­ sult will be. ' JULIA A. STORY. HENDERSONS Empress Shoe JAS fotrad the greatest favor with the modern woman who seeks perfection in shoe quality. THB EMPRESS is made from the best brands of Chrome Kid, with flexible soles of the highest grade stock, giving a wonderfniljr •asy fitting: shoe, handsome looks and superior style. It's Perfection in Shoe Satisfaction for Women. HENDERSON'S SHOES are (he Substantial Kind. Henderson's "Little Bed School House" Shoes for Children and their "Quorum" and "Direc­ tor** for men give the greatest sat­ isfaction in Wesring Qualities, fwlirt mi Styts. Always Ask Yotxr Dealer for Henderson's Shoes. Advertise in the Plaindealer. C M. HENDERSON 4 CO. Chicago. XaWtest Shoe M&ftufactnma lathe West Ss WiM Prepare for Ulinter, now! I UNDERWEAR For ladies, gentlemen and chil­ dren, in all weights and at con­ sistent prices. The stock con­ sists of Camel Hair, Flefeced Goods and Swits Conde. The latter is the finest thing on the market. We have a few bar­ gains in underwear that you should see. SHOES It requires good\jud#ment to purchase a stock of shoes that will wear well and can be sold at the lowest price: Our experience has taught us what shoes to select to satisfy customers,. Come and look over the stock. Everything in the shoe line for men, women and children. flercerized Satine and Ruth Underskirts Full Line, from $1.00 $3.50 eâ h CLOTHING We have a fine line of ready made clothing and can furnish complete suits for the smallest boy or the largest man. Over­ coats can also be found here in all styles for men and boys. We also have 500 samples for you to select from if we have nothing *H stock that pleases. Hi - ^ •] '•ffl ' '! • WMS Sole agents for the celebrated "Hood" rubber goods. Ask to see' the "Royal Oak" rubber boot. " Fully guaranteed. Simon Stottel West McHenry, Illinois Sleepy-Eye and Pillsbury's Best Flour best in the world. For Fancy Groceries call up long distance No. 5. Goods delivered i •'! - j

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