• ' V : *":• .. •• ' -- M * i , W- %1 - - • - v*1 H-.f , ^ 1 • + H\ * * * £ $10.00 i I..* i ' , $14.50 $18.76 $20.00 All Sewing Machines, the $5 kind as well as the $35 kind, will be delivered to any part of the country thirty days' trial, free of charge, and the purchaser instructed in the use of all the attachments ' ' ' - Sewing Machines to Rent by the In est About half the trouble in repairing machines we find is due to the poor oil which is used. Buy the best, it costs no more than the poor. We buy an oil direct form the sewing machine company with their own name on each bottle. Repairs and needles on hand N HUEHANN, pall at this store am frridav, Oct. 19, and use the new machin* we w.li hare on ezhl> bition: . * *r NEIGHBORING NEIVS AS CHRONICLED B Y ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS TOLOk Willie Moore has a new hone. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pftssfield, Oct. 8, a son. Bora to Mr. and Mrs. John Molidore, Oct 18, a son. Mrs. Stanford, of Chicago, is oat at Cloverdale farm. Jame* Carney was a Chicago visitor Friday and Saturday. The New England supper at Banght Bros., was well attended. Thomas Moore and son, Willie, were Chicago visitors Thursday. Miss Ruby Cooke, of Wauoonda, spent Snnday at A. J. Raymond's. Miss Ruth Smith, of Slocnm's Lake, was in Volo Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ch»,uncey Jepson will work for HiMUghi Bros., the coming year. Miss Alta Converse, of Grant, was a Volo caller Saturday afternoon. Mrs. jTames Brown, of Gray's Lake, visited at S. J. Russell's Friday. Miss Emma Dombski, of Hainesville, visited Mrs. A. J. Raymond Friday. Elmer Murray, of Geneva, 111., is the guest of'his brother James and wife. Mrs. Jake Worts and Mrs. Bennie ' Wegener were McHenry visitors Friday | ffteraoon. Mrs. James Murray was at McHenry ito attend Mr. Schneider's funeral one [day last week. Miss Jennie Walton attended the ITeachers' Reading circle at Gray's Lake |Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Miller, daughter, Anna, and Mrs. |A. J. Raymond visited Mrs. Hubert srs at Big Hollow Thursday. Mrs. Albert Raught, Misses Mt.ry |Raught and Mary Graves attended the S. OuuTeutnm m Ijtuviiy * iiie Friday ind Saturday. L. H. Graven and daughter, .Miss Sthel, returned to their home at Tonica, 1L, last Thursday after a pleasant viait rith Mr. Graves and family at Fish te. On Wednesday morning October 10 |.900, at the Volo Catholic chnrch, Mr. Tm. Yanderbann and Miss Minnie >owe were united in the holy bonds of »trimony by the Rev. Father Rhode. Mary and Amelia Dowe were bridesmaids and Messrs. Henry Dowe Lnd Henr. Kinsola groomsmen. The bride and bridesmaids wore white IreKes After a wedding trip through Tisoonsin the happy pair will be at )me on the Will Smith farm near Villa. Their many frienfo wish sm mnch joy and a long life. ; Robbed the Qrave. [A startling incident, is narrated by )hn Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: > in an awful condition. My skin t almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue ited, pain continually in back and no appetite, growing weaker day - day. Three physicians had given me Then I was advised to use Electric 1; to my great joy, the fbst bottle a decided improvement. I con- l their nse for three weeks, and am a well man. I know they robbed grave of another victim." No 1 ehould fail to try them, only 50c., iteed, at Julia A. Story's drag FnW ' % ** , .y . . * ' '• i , r*' J f"-J> ' < -vp a s ^ * ' **•' -I» WAUCONDA. Mrs. Graham is on the sick list. Mrs. Dutten is entertaining her sistei*. Mrs. Harry Granthan visited the city Friday. Willie Basley went to Chicago Monday morning. . " # I)r. Reynolds went to Chicago Monday morning. Clyde Harris is the proud owner of a new army drum. Chancey Gibson Sundayed with Mends at Wauconda. Mrs. C. R. Wells has returned from a short visit in Chicago. Earl and Frank Harrison, of Chicago, spent Sunday in Wauconda. Scott Snell is moving into the house recently vacated by Jay Price. Mrs. Torrance and son, Winsor. spent some days m Chicago this week. F. L. Carr and Frank Honey were Lake Zurich callers on Monday. Misses Bessie, Tidy and Lilian Tid- marsh were Waukegan callers Sunday. Mrs. Roberts has been entertaining a lady cousin from Wisconsin the past week. Mr. R. P. Andrews is moving his household goods to Wauconda from Woodstock. Miss Alice Hicks spent several days of last week at Palatine returning Sunday accompanied by Mr. William Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Duers, Misses Lora Harrison, Lilah Golding, Ethel and Hasel Duers were at Chicago Fri day. Mrs. Harrison and daughter, Miss Lora, Mrs. N. B. Duers and Miss Ethel spent Tuesday and Wednesday with relatives at Ringwood. The many friends of Mrs. Ed. Ham will be pleased to learn that after her recent dangerous illness she is once mora MI the road to health. > . n*: an Old Soldtgfc ^2^ KNOX. IND., Jan. 14, 1899. GKNTS:--I have every confidence in recommending your Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. I am 73 years of age and am broken down, the trouble hav ing been brought on by my experience in the war. Your medicine has done me more good than a hundred doctors and I am just about well of my stomach trouble. Ypurs truly, JEFFERSON WTT.WKI.M. For sale by Julia A. Story. E. C. Turner was a Woodstock caller Wednesday. Collin Bairdia spending this week In the city. Mrs. Bremer and daughter, Ethel, visited in Chicago last week. Mr. Shales and Mrs. Genny, of Nunda, called on relatives here Sunday. & ' Attorney Lowell and wife, of Nunda, transacted business here one day last week. Thin Concentt Ton. For I can tell by the way you walk, you have indigestion. You haven't the firm dignified walk and general air that comes after one is cured of indigestion, as you surely can be by taking Dr. Cald well 's Syrup Pepsin. G$tit at Julia A KING WOOD. Will Brown was a county Mat visitor Monday. Bert Goddard spent Sunday at his home at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Foss spent Sun day with their parent* here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cristy were Woodstock visitors Monday. Mr. Edward Saylor, of McHenry, was calling on friends here last Monday. Olive Stevens has moved to Chi cago wherg she will remain for the win ter. Mrs. Page, of . Woodstock, spent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Cristy. Mrs. Dwelly spent part of last week .at McHenry with her mother, Mrs. Mc- Cullom. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Morgan and little son were guests at Fred Morgan's last Sunday. - J. E. Cristy has had a sale at his store for several days which has been largely attended. Walter Bradly has been numbered with the sick but is reported better at this writing. The Y. P. U. will be led next Sunday evening by Mr. Scott Harrison. All are invited to attend. The W. W. will meet with Mrs. Freddie Ladd this Thursday afternoon. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Miss Mattie Dwelly returned home from the city the later part of last week, where she had spent some time visiting friends. Many from here attended the funeral of Richard Overton at Solon last Sun day. It was the largest ever witnessed in this vicinity. Leslie Lafayette Woods was born in Romeo, ILL, Jan. 12, 1894, died at Al gonquin Friday Oct 12. His death waa very sudden being sick only four days. It was caused by a fall he received at school while playing and comes with a crushing force on the bereaved parents and relatives. Deceased was only son of George and Mary Ellen Woods. little Leslie was a bright little child of a lov ing and kind disposition, much older in bis ways than years and loved by all who knew him, being a special favorite of teachers and schoolmates. He leaves two little sisters, Pearl Y. and Viola L. to mourn his less. The funeral service was held in Ringwood Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m.. Dr. Straub officiat ing. The choir beautifully sang "Little baby Gone to Sleep" and "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" and the remains were laid to rest in Ringwood cemetery. "Another little form nsleep, a ^ 3 And a little spirit gone, *• , Another little voice Is hushed, ' r ,r' And a little angel born. Two little feet are on the way To the home beyond the skies And our hearts are like the void that comet. When a strain of music dies - But never again will those Uttle ̂ pt To our songs of love reply, 4 v ' For that silvery voice is blended with. The minstrelsy on high." • • : ?•-. . 1M RICHMOND. Mrs. 8. Ward has returned from I visit in the city. P. Kenneth Aid rich is spending the week with friends in Chicago. ̂ Mrs. Win. Rudolph entertained her sister from Milwaukee last week. Mrs. Win. Steams has returned from her visit with relatives at Harvard. Mrs. M. R. Caie has returned from a few week's visit with relatives in Chica go. t Mrs. J. H. Bloiiardaon has been spend ing several days with relatives in Chi cago. Mrs. Dygert, of Woodstock, spent a few days of last week with friends in this village. / Mrs. May Wray Is spending a few weeks with friends at Wabash and other Indiana cities. Miss Grace Cross is fending a few days with relative* andfriends fct Chica go and Evanston. Earle Cooley, son of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Cooley, of Trinidad, Cola, is the guest of Mrs. J. N. Burton and other relatives. Miss Helen Wray returned to her school duties in Chicago Monday, after spending a few days with her parents in this village. On Tuesday of last week occurred the death of Frank Schroeder, one of Rich mond's finest and most promising young men. He was the eldest child of Mr. r-v Half of HapplMM depends upon the stomach. If you have no constipation, indigestion, chronic sick headache, summer complaint or any other trouble of stomach or bowels, you ought to be happy--usually are. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin rids you of these ills. It's pleasant and powerful. It does'nt cost $1 to try it, 10 doses 10 at Jnha A. ; u/'. * V** Vk and Mrs. T. C. Schroeder, being 19 years of age. The funeral was haM fjiday morning at 11 o'clock. r7\ i;:.' '* - v NORTH NUNDA. X &. J. Sutton spent Monday in Elgin. G. W. Cohoon and family spent Wed nesday at Cary. Will Reed, of McHenry, was here on business Wednesday. J no. M Walsh, of McHenry. visited his sister, Mrs. Ed. Knox, Sunday. Misses Mary Gibbs and Lola Aylward are spending this week at Terra Cotta. L. P. Kane, e? Chicago, is spending a few davs with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. P. Walsh went to Chicago Tues day to spend a weak with relatives and friends. ; Miss Mary Sutton and Mrs. Ed. Lar- kin, of Elgin, spent Tuesday with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby, visited their daughter, Mrs. A. Hitchoox at Belvidere over Sunday. Misses Alice Sutton and Kathryn Walsh visited relatives at Elgin a few days last week. Owing to the severe illness of her mother, Mrs. Ed. Sutton was called to Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. T. Thompson and daughter, Clara, of Barreville, were callers at Jno. Wright's on Saturday. Atty. J. R. Powers and his mother, Mn. Jno. Powers, of Elgin, were pleas ant callers here this week. Messrs. Jno. and Paul Armstrong, of Chicago, enjoyed a day's outing recent ly at their pleasant- swamer home in Emerald Park. A large number from this vicinity listened to Hon. Jas. A. Long at the Riverside on Tuesday evening and pro nounced him all right. Miss Nellie Frisby who has been ear ployed in Chicago for the past year is home on a short vacation. On Sunday evening a number of her friends, who axe always glad to see her, called at het "£T V*"? V H Maui. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Chicago A North-Western. Leave Chicago. S 8.10 a rn . Via Des Plains*. 2.30 p .»#»,;Via Des Plainfe* 5.06 p " " '* SUNDAY TRAINS. 9.10 a Via Des Plaim.. 11.00a m Arrive McHenry. i. 10.03 a m ...4.45 p m . ,8.M p m 2.02 p Via Elgin. V WM DAY TRALSS. Leav® •. - McHentJft ,. 7.;fi a rn,........Via Des PlaiiM..., 7.32 a ID....; Via Elgin H.33 a in* ..Via Des Plaines... B.1H p .... Via Elgin....... 4- V ' SUNDAY TRAINS. i.38 a m.>i,.Via\I>«s Plahiwt, V.® a m 7.24 p m &£* .>4 i VlaVDes ;...........$jal Via ,. .5.00 p m Arrive Chicago. 9.30 a m ... 10.10 a m . .9.50 a m ... .5.50 p m --9.30 a m Elgin 16.80 am Elgin 9.56 p n Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. All trains from Union Passenger Station. Leave Arrive Chicago. Nippenink. *8:30 A H 10:00 A M *1:30 PM 3:00 PM *3:101* M 5:15 pm +5:10 FM #:U0PM Leave Mpperalnk. +7:15 AM •7:20 AM +1:00 p M +7:80 PM *8:30 p M Arrive Chicago. 8:35 AM 9:40 AM 2:45 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM * daily, • daily except Sunday, t Sunday only Want Column. WK SALE UKeJi 1 new. 18 Joe. BCHWElPSa. McHenry, 111. ANTED-Salesmen to sell our lubricating vv oils, greases, betting and specialtiea to threshermen, on eomrninlon. Good goods and liberal proposition. Address giving re- fereneets. THE 11O#ABO OIL Sc. QaaASS Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. \XTanted--Active roan, of good character to ** deliver and collect in Illinois few old established manufacturing wholesale house, fooo a year, sure pay. Honesty more than ex- perienci* required. Our re" In any city. Enclose aelf-i envelope. Manufacturers, Dearborn St.. Chicago. ll-lSt lonesty more than ex- obe. between McHenry and i inder please leave same at gtoffel's store or at this office. 14-tf LOST--A lap Richmond. "t^OK SALE--A well-improved J ifijoining Huntley, 111., behmglns tate of dress acre farm g to es- .tlon ad . - ia-tf XpOB RENT OB FOB 8ALfi^ ll« acre farm, in A , Uiwn of Grant, at Dtjgbtoa, IU.. all under cultivation, good welfi. good buildings, i easy, inquire of Wm. Simes, Dlghton, eieplKwe, CMeego or Citizens'. ltt-2t» F" A RM FOB SALE «B »Wf The subscrl-llfif OafiN tlln flHII Annatuf imr t tf I'-li u<>Mia of land, with good buildings, situated 2 mile* east of Greenwood, far sion given immediately or not till spring. Hugs, sale or rent. Posses , „ Or not till spring. For terms apply on premises. Ki *t CHARLES KRAMBKEB. 13*OR SALE--Fnli-blood Chester white boars * fnp tnlA n w 11 for sale. lfl-tf PGR BALK tfc property i * MATlAnW IfRAflVn iiu tha 1 C. W. HARRISON, Rlnjtwood. 111. INI f ... the village of McHenry known us the residence of F. G. if taken at once. Wis. ?3SSk?!o ry III be sold chea, . MATES, Heap ir taken ai < llMlrving place, /J2* STOP THAI PAIN! Because it wears on the nervous system life fricti&n on machin ery. The^vhole human organiz ation is deranged by pain. Rest from pain does not cure but gives nature a chance to recuperate. That is the way Dr. TALLER- DAY'S PAIN TABLETS do the work. Irritate a nerve and you ^ave pain. Stop the irritation and pain stops. Continue the irritation and, following it, there is con gestion. Then follows inflam mation and supperation or death of the part. The cureful physician asks WHERFI IS THE PAIN? He knows it must be stopped. But rarely with opium or morphine--for in most cases the cure is worse than the disease. Dr. Mfcfltay's Piia TiMets are Safe but Certain. Success in controlling pain with specific harmless remedies has only been obtained by constant and careful investigation with the newer remedies and it is of recent oc curence. If you have contract- ed a COLD there is tention on nerve filaments. DR. TALLER- DAY'S PAIN TABLKTS always re lieve the tenticm. MaawftMtured by THE TALLKBBAT MEDICINE CO., Belvidere, III. For sale tap JULIA A. STORY, i McHenry GEO. W. BK8LKY, . , West McHenry ' - J . ' P I Woodmen Ms Beauty Pins first-etas work only in wtleh,. " " need a (Telephone There is hardly an hour passes but that you could make convenient and prof itable use of a Telephone either in your office or house, or both. 5 to 16c per day of 24 hours is certainly a reasonable charge for service, and is hardly sufficient to be reckoned as an expense by the most economical. We will be glad to explain in person and a postal card request will receive prompt attention. ;l Chicago Telephone Company SIMON STOfFfiL, fltager ndleiury. Ptosis STOVES! Bead what People say about Friedley's Stoves. The stove I bought of you works satisfactory! in every war. I am well pleased with it. The No. 15 Empire Acorn I boqlij gives good satisfaction* It can't be V The stove I boaglrtof joo la gli lent satisfaction. Os«c J I am well satisfied with the cook bought of you. Geo. Last year T bougHa M^ SlliB you and must say ,>v Ion. I would heartily wr guOa !rai>iu>i i The Acora cook stove I bMNKif, The two stoves I bougbt1|C uiui the other a faction tor.dsi|^S|p||ptaMd fuel they are Three ye<ws *«a you and have f«| For baking It cantlSr it a <HK>k efl fault with it iilnce.: it. OLA8 Wi» with tbe s| nilcal use I am more bought of you. and beating purpoiihi cau't be beat. JACOB II will puMiak tank of