Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1900, p. 8

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id vial- £ H l l imi .N _!on,<3»rful- LC<mtaiiisn£J8*f i nor KAHCOTIC. Bears the Signature v __ forConsftpa- uSoor STOMKH,Diarrhoea, B» .Convulsions ,Feverisii- • and Loss OF SLEKE ' KCWYOBK. \ i • ! i t • \ ' U % » )Ut , - ] jC I' M \ , ̂ / . . (ASTORIA new TO** cm. i " V /' 4^ '̂ f * V' ' * IMS r ,? 5\ • ifilStftirf" One of. the most destructive cyclones "-'J*?,'9 •: that lias ever visited McHenry . ^ ,t will reach here about - . t <w. t;.'~ .i-M Rf.. ' * *. SJ:t>J» >*<< ,> .• i » K " V; J " T • when we will show yoti the terrible work of the cyclone in cut prices* C A call at our place will convince f: you. Come in and let us 7 "/f" • V."'K tell you about it. ' West McHenry Long distance telephone 303 Cttlieiis' telephone 38 Illinois W tvivt V-vm-vm WW YW WW WWUM •• f>V>Vl<t<V| Ar. J, \l * fcil1^4 A t' i f- ' ' M. f - • ' " " ;',v 1 • 1 ^ ' » ' * I !("'•" J • ,,,.. w . P t s * *"-< Winter Dress Groodl ' r: " -- C ^41 •" ̂ vi u ,£^» -*1- --•W - 1$ LCr - *0, -- -%v ; t f 5,13 .2- :m' w?. ' \>v • - A'; ^ , J- Underwear Gents' Furnishings: ', J Hats, Caps, Gleves , . Shoes for everybo^p^J*;,SM | 'it 'V •'; "v _ 4 f K I - - **» - • 4 ' ' i y . i Tdiphtot Nil. ao Pr0,Bptty* M. J. WALSH. •v • 'TA&. i. BELL, Builder of First-class * Concrete, ^ Composition or * •»^ Asphal#^- - • ;-1 AND QRAVELUDOFS Guaranteed, lor five years Require no painting. Repairs done in first-class shape. ^prepared top dressing it make* old w«Utt as le^r : -t %*r: sttaw Pf": ' |Wl J- \ I ||;.::; uiiiid nuns h - | Uttl *h4 Wood Canfcs and ^ v-f1Piinii machinery ^• > are prepared ••*&? to do i KMin«k«tanxMi .Conway « Block, DongUs.Ave,} \ .P"- -M- ILLINOIS :\ffs ^ Ringwood, III. Z™ No jw Hill Avenue, ""- Block, Douglas. Ave *0 family wit! mor« ^st. Boy and Edna Mosa, of Belvidere, spent last week with relatives here. Work was commenced by the carpen­ ters on the Catholic church Tuesday. little Willie N«1CK», son of Peter tfelson, is very ill and recovery doubtful. Mm Bertha Hartwell spent Wednes­ day and Thursday of last week in Chi­ cago. Win. Carey has started getting mater­ ial on his lots preparatory to erecting a hotel. Peter Wagner has purchased a lot of Richard Ox toby and has started work on a residence. The fencing division of R. R. workers left Wednesday morning, going to Oarien, Wis. ^ Selirn Pierce has rented tite Wna. Hoffman house and will ocoupy the -same this winter. Mr. Bennett and nine men have started work on the depot and will soon have it completed. Services will be held in the M. E. church next Sunday evening, Rev. Anderson preaching. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph James, Sr., at Antioch. Wm. Lichty has purchased sixty-five feet frontage of Otto Hesse and will build a good sized two-story building. The M. E. Sunday school will give an entertainment at the Woodman hall, Saturday, Oct.* 27th. All are cordially invited. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles John- *on, of Capron, Oct. 30th, a son. Per­ haps you had noticed that Grandpa Westlake looks unusually happy. Johnsburgh, Antioch, Wilmot and Solon masons and carpenters beside our local workers are all busy at the numer­ ous buildings now being built here. An entertainment was given by Miss Bessie Stone and pupils of the Creek school Tuesday evening. It was very successful in all ways and the neat stun of ten dollars realised. At the annual election of Spring Grove creamery officers Burton Stevens was elected secretary. Robt. Thompson who has held the office since its incor­ poration desiring a well-earned rest It is well to know that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain at once. It will cure ecze­ ma and skin disease and ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain cure for piles. Counterfeits may be offered yon. See that you get the original DeWitt's Wttoh Hazel Salve. Julia A. Story. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of Philadelphia, when Dr. King's New Discovery cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. She says: "After all other remedies and doc­ tors failed it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praised throughout the Universe." Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50c wad $1. Trial bottle free at Julia A. Story's drug store. f RICHMOND. Miss Mabel Anderson spent* Sunday with her parents. ~ Y Mrs. Nyquist is entertaining her sis­ ter, Miss Sarah Unwin of Chicago. William McConnell has been spending a few days with friends in Chicago. Miss Nellie Johonnott visited with her parents in this village last Sunday. Mrs. E. Mcintosh and .Viola are visit­ ing relatives at Madison, South Dakota. Mrs. Geo. Osmond has returned from a week's visit with relatives at Wood­ stock. Mrs. A. R. Alexander and daughter, Irma, have been spending a few days in Chicago. Miss Lizzie Gerber, of Aurora, has been the guest of Mrs. Chas. Erase the past week. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clapsattle spent a few days (||iast week with relatives in this village. P. Kenneth Aldrich is once more a student of the R. H. S, after a brief stay at Morgan Park academy. Mrs. S. B. Ward spent a few days of last week with her daughter, Elizabeth, who is attending school at Rockford Mrs. Geo. Earning has been spending couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Caskey at Burlington, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers left this vil­ lage Thursday for a short visit with their daughter, Mrs. Fred Jewell, of Lincoln, Neb. Rev. W. A. Cross and family have moved to Winnebago where Mr. Cross will occupy the pulpit of the M. E. church the coming year. Mr. Ander­ son who is to he the pastor ben, arrived Thursday. Excursion Tickets to Hon* Sko* at Chi­ cago, Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates, October 81 and November 1, limited to November 8. Apply to agents Chicago & North-West- ern R'y. $60.00 per Moot! mi Expenses cau be made by a capable woman. Perma­ nent position. Experience unnecessary. Write at once for particulars. Ci.ark & €o., 284 South. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pu Pearls Fpund in V Everyplfe is talking u GrpmTMountain Pearls." Did" m that they cure liver troubli constipation, bad digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foil There never was a pill solt. ch acted so auicklv ami scent in the smoky city MM. Pflaun is yery low with heart trouble. , " R. W. on Friday C. C. Chapel^ of Elgin, /^ 4n town on Friday. William Jones and family spent Sun­ day in Elgin. The campaign lias brought back our long-lost band. Mr. and Mrs- Leon Helm spent Sun­ day at Spiiiiig Lake Earnest Benson was down from Pop­ lar Grove on Friday. Mrs. Mary and Add Helm spent Thursday in Dundee: / J. B. Reser has moved to Kansas to occupy his farm there. Lon Creighton is thought to be haying an attack of appendicitis. Miss Anna Behness is no longer work­ ing for Mrs. Sandey McKay. A large crowd from here attended the •rally at Gary Saturday night. Mrs. Axesmith, of Chicago, is visiting with her sister, Mary Pomba. Bile Jayne and family, of (Spring Lake, called on Henry Diercks on Sun­ day. v Mrs. Chas. Stratton's piano was moved from the country to her home here on Saturday. Mr. and. Mrs. Wingate, of Nunda, visited their daughter, Mrs. Will Jones, on Friday . Charles Nasen spent Saturday at Morris, HI., with our past druggist, C. T. D&niels. Mrs. Marie Morton, soh, Dick, 4nd Kittie Doig returned on Saturday from visit at Aurora. A fifteen-year-old son of Fred Willig was killed by accidental discharge of a gun at his home on Sunday afternoon. Miss Anna Haeger and cousin, Edna Haeger, of Dundee, have gone to Ne­ braska to visit among relatives COT a month. Tt Happened in a Drugstore, 'One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of congh medicine that I did not have jp stock," says Mr. C. R. Grandin, the pop­ ular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. ' 'She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recommend I said to her that I could freely rec­ ommend Chamberlain's Congh Remedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would re­ fund the price paid. In the course of a day or two the lady came back in com pany with a friend in need of a congh medicine and advised her to buy a bot­ tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recommenda­ tion for the remedy." The remedy owes its great popularity and extensive sale in a large measure to the personal rec­ ommendations of people who have been curedby its use. It is for sale by Julia NORTH NUNDA. Mr. P. Walsh spent Monday in Chica­ go. M. Kennealy, of Chicago, spent a day here recently. Miss Maggie Walsh spent a few days with her parents this week. Wm. Lonergan, of Chicago, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. L. Aylward, this week. Mrs. Wm. Biggie and children spent Wednesday with Ed. Sutton and family. Miss Lou Jennings, of Chicago, spent a few days with Miss Nancy Frisby last week. % Mrs. Jno. Wright, who has heap very sick the past few weeks is reported as being no better. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby entertained Mrs. Jno. Walsh and son, Ray, of Fox Lake, a few days recently. Frank Kelly, who has been spending the past few months at the home of R. Sutton, returned to Chicago W^dpes- day. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident, is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters; to my great joy, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I con­ tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them% only 60c., guaranteed, at Julia A. Story's drug store-. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order If you want these qualities and the suc­ cess they bring use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Only 36 cento it Julia A. Story's drug store. ; • iftrnm an Old Soldier. KNOX, IND., Jan. 14,1898. I have every confidence in recommending your Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. I am 72 years of age and am broken down, the trouble hav­ ing been brought on by my experience in the war. Your medicine has done me more good than a hundred doctors and I am ju§t about well of my stomach trouble. Yours truly, JJEFFERSON WmiEU*. For sale by Julia A. Story. ^ You little knew wheu first we met That some day you would be The lucky fellows I'd choose to let; Pay for my Rocky Mountain tea# Ask your druggest, di pi his gtven many fine cagQ and iii New York, has done fOr 'IDaleb' West" "jnst what he did ftjf '̂ porting Life", "In Old "The Great Ruby", "Shenandoah" and other of his enterprises. fia ha*»ilvetL ttie play a splendid setting and. the com­ pany which is now playing to crowded houses in New York is the $bat oould be brought together. Ever$40l£or was chosen for his or her fitness for the part which they were to play. The play itself tells a beautiful story at tender love. Caleb West's devotion to his girl-wife; his grief at her apparent flight from him, and her return to Ids heart fill up a story full of beauty and interest. The quaint characters of the New England coast, divers, light house builders and gossiping villagers fill in the back ground while the figures of Captain Joe and Aunty Bell, whole- souled, human beings, make a fine con­ trast to the littleness and envy of the lesser characters. There is plenty ! of wholesome fun, enough of the strongly dramatic to keep the nerves on tension and scenery that is the most beautiful seen on the stage for a long time. Sun­ day night, Oct. 28, Mr. Litt will bring this superb production to McVicker's theatre for a short run, the company and scenery coming direct from New York where the play is triumphant. Mr. Litt is again giving a new proof of his indention to keep faith with the pub­ lic which has made McVicker's the most popular theatre in the United States? He gives another big production and gives it in the same style as his. other great successes. Job Couldn't Have Stood It If he'd had Itching Piles. They're terribly annoying; but Bucklen's Arnica Salve w*U cure the worst case^of Piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For Injuries, Pains^or Bodily Eruptions it's the best salve in the world. Price 26c. & box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Julia A. Story, druggist. lflcffcnrv* Illinois Tine Bakery Goods ati< Confec­ tionery ( W h i t e a n d r Rye Bread Tresh €very Day f' „ e " .. . .' >?3St „ Ss.'jSsS&KKt# mmm lacefi Win- The tell how a looll^i^the stock in WNfy depart- V* and com- Top Overcoat solicit your price on (Mir our entire line oOfccwt Underwear. Duck Coats of every description, cotton lined, wool lined and lamb­ skin lined Wool Shirts, Wool Jackets and Overalls. Blankets; For, Plush and Wool Robes. We stilt keep up the : tation of carrying the largest stock of Gloves and Mittera-~eall be suited...... Wool Hosiery, Fall Caps ... .Stove and Floor Oil Gloth..... .Trunks and Traveling Bags,.... .Ptire stock gf Groceries, IP Yours for fall trade* -M JOHN J. MILLER *^4tV 1 : New Stoves?; Old Stoves Cheap Stoves High Priced Stoves Stoves for all kinds of Fuel Stoves for all kinds of People V1 ' • t ' i" v * x; ^ 4r 5 v S'rJ? >" M'1 > < > • ; f c* 3 We take oi for part payment and your promise to pay (or cash) for "|he balance c' l 1 'I - J -n We '<' clean,' repair and '^t up your heater on short no tice. In addition to Stoves we carry a line of general Hardware, and do jobbing and repairing in all kinds M sheet metals, jut sick moumsb to feel kMvjr* beeled, tired and liatMM, to ksv* BO appetite, to sloop badly, tohmvo what you eat feel lite lead in your •tomaoh. Not sick enoun to tako to bed, but just sick know what to do -- EVBRYBO»Y»S BLOOD PURIFIER Jfaonpt flositivt Ptif€ PltMSMni --tint's what yon ovght to do; a food, seasible nwdidae that will sharpoa your appatito and p«t aew "go" iato your asms m ' dH. Ttfu'Ufladit JastW 1906. E. VUKVBT, HttM. 1IL KUCB OM* DOLLAR ' TaarVRTBSS The MODERN REMEDY CO* KEWANEE, ILL. Sold and GUARANTEED by JULIA A. STORY, McHenry QMS. i. wras & CO, Oame, Furs* Produce Buyers Dressed Poultry Eggs and Butter DUANE STREET HEW. YORK.*"'"' West Side Hardware Paints • • n t ' - J ' / « j -- s Colors r>\' Brushes! VrSf** Toilet articles Notions, Etc. mm JULIA A. STORY. McHenry, Illinois fi 1*^' • r.. tv I SSSSEO»OOOOO«S«««SSS>SSESSB>A>SS>S>SO«W>OOOTB>SA>OSE< 5chool Books ipting Tablets Writing flaterlal ft ^ %L^*-h t l 1 v - % '" " ' mi yL-" If a- /f •J- .•* ̂ Z: v " i ' £ **.V ^ V *• J r>" ' " " ~'A DRUGGISTS Rlngwood|r tiii'i' a'lY'ii BOOKS ana ,'^r' ***$"*> *4. I* ^ ^\ 14' *vV' '<> *^1"* #,* ^.• *•j* . .-*•: •>.% .. .--W Extra Choicest Japan Cea Put up in 1-4 pound package#* GILBERT Bi . y' * t\'

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