Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1900, p. 5

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'^4 • '^4 • • f t . i,v; • p-i I-;. - - f ' *v v i. r * j * * >J?" f "Si? ' - * '»• &: .* * iieour o \ ,< >*,-*» ̂\ „ ,V r If you want a good, $5.00 $10.00 " $12.60 $12.?5 $14.50 > 1 have them, $18.75 $20.00 411 Sewing Machines, the $5 kind as well as the $35 kind, will be delivered to any part of the country on thirty days' trial, free of charge, and the purchaser instructed in the use of all the attachments V ' ' Sewing Machines to Rent by the Week or Month About half the trouble in repairing mac! poor. We buy an oil direct form the se s we find is due to the poor oil which is used. Buy the best, it costs no more than the g machine company with their own name on each bottle. Repairs and needles on hand t* • QUI at tikis store • - Fridav, Oct. It, nee the new macfcua we will hate on exhi» bition.. ,»*. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 11111 WACCONDA. ̂ Perry Powers went to Elgin Saturday. Mrs. Millard is visiting her daughter, [at Barry Fuller is entertaining bis sister 160m Michigan. Frank Harrison made a business trip |to Kansas last week. ̂ John Boney, of Chicago, is visiting parents here this week. Merritt Clark and wifp called on riends at Lake Zurich Sunday. Mrs. Hironamtts has gone to New fork to make her home with an aunt. John Ho<Jge, of Rockefeller, was a feasant Wauconda caller on Saturday. iBimwr Vurray, of Geneva, 111., is the ; of his mother, Mrs. Den. Murray. Mrs. Dutton who has been vejry ill for ome time is reported much improved. Arthur Kearns and Paul Bay, of Dia­ mond Lake, called at (Ms village Satur- ly. About a dozen boys were employed at (he Shendorf farm Satutday picking np >rn. The teaoher's meeting held in the chool house Saturday was well at- ided. Work 011 the new parsonage has been >mix)g. It is now in readiness for the plasterers. The Epworth Leaguers are preparing >r an Experience social to be held about le first of November. Mrs. Shumway and son, Roy, of Wau- |egan, are the guests of the former's Wm. Harris. Ike Fox, Lake Zurich's hustling ice- delivered a load of ice at the meat LM*#* here Saturday . wrestling match between (He sterson (?) and Plutarch Houghton, was decidedly a fake. I Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brooks, Miss pnnie Brooks, Mrs. H. L. Brooks visit- relatives at Dundee last Sunday. and Mrs. E. M. Cooke, Miss Ruby >ke and Miss Belle Taggart were ^aukegan visitors several days of last ek. base ball game should have taken between Diamond Lake and Wau- 1 Jrs., Saturday but the Diamond 1 Bine could'nt come. ktorday evening Arthur Powero en- i a party of his young friends at near this village; the occasion ' the birthday of the host, Harrison, Fred Reynolds, Harry . and Chester Sowles, all of Chi- Sundayed with relatives and > t» Wauuonua. >f. and Mrs. Andrews have taken Smith cottage. Their goods have frond Woodstock and they will nonce house keeping here at once, week, A. J. Raymond, of Volo, , trip to Indiana, where he pur- 59 horses, 70 wagons with har- *nd road scrapers of Geo. Wragg. are now offered for sale at the ̂ m farm about one mile south- \t of Wauconda. O CURK A COLO IN ONE DAY. LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab- All druggists refund the money if to eiare. E. W. Grove's sig- , VOM. , Jason Converse is slowly improving. Will Leonard is a Chicago visitor this week. Lewis Lusk was in Waukegan Wed­ nesday. Miss Harriett Nicholls is working for Mrs. C. Dillon. Miss Hannah Kmes, of Waukegan, is visiting at Raught Bros. Miss Olive Wilson, of Chicago, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Ben well. . Mrs. George Rosing, of Big Hollow, visited her sister, Mrs. Mat Miller Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vanderbaum re­ turned Sunday from their trip through Wisconsin. Miss Jennie Walton was at Wauconda Saturday afternoon to attend a teachers' meeting there. Messrs. Harry Fay and Charles Nord- quist, of McHenry, called on Volo friends Sunday afternoon. Miss Lizzie Buss, Of Chicago, and Miss Katie Buss, of Terra Cotta, were Volo visitors one day last week. Mrs. W. M. Clough and daughter, Miss Bessie, of Wauconda*, wen Volo callers Saturday afternoon. Miss Katie Freund, of Wauconda, taught our school Monday on account of the sickness of her sister, Mary. Mrs. Monaghan has rented her farm to Job Vasey and will move to Waucon­ da Monday. She had an auction sale. Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores are soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. Beware of wcf&leos counterfeits. Julia A. Story. Died: At her home near Roseville, Friday Oct 19, Mrs. Peter Hess aged about thirty-five years. She leaves a husband and four children, Kate, John., George and Mary, also an aged mother, Mrs. Nett, one sister, Mrs. Pat. Conway, of McHenry, one brother, Joe Nett, of Wilmot, Wis. Our sympathy is with the sorrowing family in this their time of great affliction. The funeral was held in the Volo Catholic church Sunday afternoon. Oct 21. The remains were laid to rest in the Volo Catholic ceme­ tery. Do not get seared if your heart troubles you. Most likely you suffer from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that com­ pletely dig«st« si] of foods; that is why it cures the worst cases of indi­ gestion and stomach trouble after every­ thing else has failed. It may be taken in all conditions and cannot help but do you good. Julia A. Story. , i f Good Advice. When that distressing pals"-seeSM to grab you by the back of the head and neck %nd your eyes seem fixed on a given point straight ahead, do not make your­ self sick by taking Drastic Cathartics, but take a small dose of Dr. Caldwell's Syrpp Pepsin. It relieves the pressure on the nerve centers of the brain and aids digestion by curing constipation permanently. In 10c 50c and $1 size at RIDOEFIKX.D. Moorse was in Woodstock Satur-F. day. Mrs. Eva Lynch waste Nunda Thurs­ day. / Mrs. Hobart wis i» Dundee Wednes­ day. Mrs. Emma Morse was in Elgin Thurs­ day. Clark Jacobs, of Nunda, was here Sat­ urday. Mrs. Bertha Beed was In iNunda Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merchant were in Greenwood Monday. • J. A. Westerman was in Woodstock on business Thursday. > Mrs. M. Ward and Miss Lola Lynch were in Woodstock Saturday. E. E Lucas and Mrs. ML Ward are numbered with the sick. Mrs. E. W. Merchant and Mrs. E. Noble were in Hebron Thursday. Mrs. Lucy Doyle and daughter, Muriel, were in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Dufield and Mrs. Cadwallader were in Woodstock the last of the week. J. Still, E. Knilans and H. Goo ham were in Woodstock on business Satur­ day. Mrs. E. Ottman, of Harvard v|sited at J. B. Lynch's Wednesday and Thurs­ day: Mr. and Mrs.F. & Thayer and daugh­ ter, Mamie, called on friends here Fri­ day. Mrs. Eva Lynch and dangfhter, Made- lene, visited friends In Chicago the past week. 4 Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ward and daughter, Nora, visited relatives at Greenwood Sunday. Mr. Bert. Ward and sister, Miss Cora Ward, of Greenwood, visited their brother and family the first of the week. The best .method of cleansing the liver is use w ia« iBiuuue iiiue pills known as Dewitt's Little Early Risers. Easy to take. Never gripe ̂ Jalia A. Story. Stops the Ceugfe * and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. Ho Cuzai as Pay. Price 25 cents. ̂ - JOHNSBUKGH. £•; - ::{0\ Peter Freund, Sr., is quite rick. Mis. Jake Diedrich is reported quite sick. Miss Liztie Glossen was a caller here on Sunday. ~ Johnny Schaefer was a Chicago caller on Tuesday. Jake Diedrich and wife are Hie happy parents of a boy baby. Miss Maggie Adams was a Chicago caller one day last week. Nick Thelen returned to his home after visiting a few weehB with relati­ ves. Miss Anna Myers returned to Kenosha after spending a few weeks with her parents. Miss Lena L*y weot to fee City on Tuesday and purchased a fine line of winter millinery. It brings to the little ones that price­ less gift of healthy flesh, solid bone and muscle. That's what Boeky Mountain Tea does. Ask your druggist. . .H" . 1 .̂ .CI .-W.L* «... UNSWOOD. What w6ndroua be»aty crpwns the |io«w, When autumn dajrs are near, For weather green or crimaon djml, . " Golden, or brown (Oldsere, p;'. Still beautiful In varied tints *'* f The Autumn leaves appear. Miss Anna Green is a city visitor. Fred Morgan was a Volo visitor Mon­ day. \ O. A. Tabor was a Woodstock visitor last Saturday. Mrs. Frank Martta was a ̂Chicago vis­ itor last Thursday. J. S. Brown and wife were Richmond visitors last Sunday. Mrs. Louise ^bor waa a MoHenry visitor last Wednesday. Miss Anna Waterman was shopping in the great city last Thursday. Charles Housholder and family were calling on Ringwood friends Si^iday. Mrs. John Watson and daughter. Ethel, were McHenry visitors Saturday. Grandma Bacon has been visiting her son, Robert, at Lake Geneva, the past week. Miss Emma Coates is spending the week with her sister, Mis. Foes at Rich­ mond. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant and children, of Nunda, were guests at H. W. Allen's last Sunday. Mrs. Ned Duers and Mrs. R Harri­ son, of Wauconda, were Ringwood vis­ itors last Thursday. Mrs. Minard Chase spent a part 6f last week at Richmond the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Robins. Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Harrison and little daughter, of Ostend, visited Mr. Harri­ son's mother here l^st Saturday. The W. C. T. U. will meet this Satur­ day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary Dodge. All are invited to attend. Miss Matie Cohn has gone to the city where she will remain for several weeks to take instructions in the art of dress­ making. The Young Peoples' meeting will be led next Sunday evening by Mrs. Fred Morgan. Subject; "TJjye Certainty of- Just Retribution tar Bmf' Bring your bibles. This is the season when mothers are alarmed on account of croup. It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. Julia A. Story. Mesdames H. C. Mead, B. Gilbert, J. L Story, L. H. Owen, S. Co veil, F. Holmes, M. Mertiman, of McHenry, and Mrs. Torrence, of Hebron, were in at­ tendance at the W. W. society at Mrs. James Ladd's last Thursday. Feelings of safety pervade the house­ hold that uses One minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that produces immediate rssalts. It io infallible for coughs, colds» croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent oonsnmp- tta&T Julia A. Story. Deal's Celebrated Aattae|i§$ and Prtmtiv*. of all diseases. One of the greatest medical discoveries' for women. We have thousands of testimonials to prove its great merit An article that should be in every household. Cannot fail to bring the desired result Send at once for a box with full instructions. Sent free--any part of the U. S. for fL If once tried you will always use it Tim only gemifie antiseptic on the market. Address IHOB. DEAL, 280 Jackson . Sk-lj lu.r-.-ti Some Reasons Why You Should ImM on Having Ofl. Especially prepared. [eeps out water. heavy bodied at IARNE88 |n excellent preservative. -0 jeduces cost of your harness. r, Jever burns the leather; its ' efficiency is increased. * jecures best service. Ltitches! Is sola in s8 ' .ocalities Manufactured by ISUriaril Oil 1 ; RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Chicago & North-Western. ITla Des Plafnes... .•la " Des PlalneS. VttHt DAT T&A»S|, Leave Chicago. 8.10 am.;... 3.90 p m 5.06 p m SUNDAY TRAINS, 940am.........Via Des Plaiua'.,.... 2-<B p Via Elgin.. 'WBBK DAY TRAlSSt Ijeave i.- ^ Arrive McHenr^ I'hicago. 7.32 a m.;;UV«.VIa Des Plains;:..,..8.30 a m 7.32 a .Via Ejcln 10.10 a m 8.83 a m........,V1a Des Plalndk....' ,9J .Arrive l|c Henry. .„10i>3am ...,4.46 pm ,,.6.51 p m .11.06 a m i .5.00 p m 3.18 p m............ Via Elgin. , SUNDAY TRAINS., 7.38 a m. .V Via Des Plainas... 7.32 a m Via Elgin 7.24 p m Via Elgin 0.30 am HM p ti t . ...O.aOana 10.30 a m --9.55 p m Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul. All trains from Union Passenger Station. Arrive Chicago. 8:35 AM 9:40 am Mi: • dally, t dally except Sunday, t Sunday only Leave Arrive Chicago. Nippers ink. *8:30 AM 10:00 AM +1:30 p M 8:00 PM *8:10 »-M 5:15 P 3S •5:10 PM 6:80 P M Leave Nlppersink. +7:15 A M *7:»A* .Art » U •7:30 PM W:30PM Want Column. TJ^OB SALE--Large Jeweler'a Sirfe. Good as J new. 13 Jos. gcHKMPBB. McHenry, III. tst ANTED--Salesmen to sell our lubricating vv oils, greases, belting and specialtlea to threshermen, cm com, and liberal proposition, nr* ferences. THB HOWARD OIL A 0»£ksa00., OleveUmd. Ohio. Good goods \rranted--Active man, of good character to *' deliver and collect m Illinoto tor old established manufacturing wholesale house. |M0 a year, sure pay. Honesty more than ex­ perience required. Our reference, any bank in any city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envefope.Maaufacturers, TWMFIoar, ̂ 4 Dearborn St.. Ohlcago. u-16t T^OK KENT-A well-lmi 1 adjoining Huntley, tateof D. H. Haegvo;. fo» lSConAation ad dress l>. C. HA»QSH. Dundee, III. i«-tf acre farm belonging to es- "nMJR BENT OR FOB ULC^118 acre farm, In J- town of Grant, at Dtantoti, 111,, all under cultivatics. *ouu welja, good buildings. Terms easy. Inquire>of Wm. Simes, Dighton, 111. Tel^ione.OhlcaicOor Citizens'. 16-3t» TP ABM SpB 8ALJB OB BENT --The subscri- \ ber Offers higfsrm, crasslBtinK of 135 acres of landt with (food balldingH, situated 2 miles «uit of Greenwood, tor sale or rent. Posses- fion givea.lmmediately or not till spring. For terms apply en p&odM*. 16-4t CHAKI.ES . KKAM BEER. _ STOP THAT PAIN! Because it wears on the nervous system like friction on machin­ ery. The whole human organiz­ ation is deranged by pain. Rest from pain does not cure but gives nature a chance to recuperate. That is the way Dr. TALLER- DAY'S PAIN TABLETS do the work. Irritate a nerve and you have pain. Stop the irritation and pais stops. Continue the irritation and, following it, there is con­ gestion. Then follows inflam­ mation and supperation or death of the part. The cureful physician WHERE IS THE PAIN?, He KPGWS it must be stopped. But riur^ly with opium or morphine--for in most cases the cure is worse th^n the disease. Dr. MM#'! Ml Tifclets are Safe but Certain. Success in controlling pain with specific harmless remedies has only been obtained by constant and careful investigation with the newer remedies and it is of recent oc curence. If von have contract ̂ ed a COLD, mere is tention on nerve filaments. DR. TALLER- DAY'S PAIN TABLETS always re­ lieve the tention. '.b gifia to­ tal First i est rates. Notary a Beaut; mi by TIM TA1XKW41 KKMCINK CO., BelvJdsn, life For sale by mU A. 8TOJB¥, f; » GEO. W. BBSLtX, - McHenry W«*t MeHenry 44 9 9 BARB1AN BROS. Makers of : . Fine Cigars, Our Monogram IO cent Cigar £& Leads Them All. - Oar Leading 5c Brands: ••Olivette" "Barbian Bros. ••Silver" - "Bee Hive' 4« Bmplre Cuban" a Phone Nasi Dlst. Phone No.3HL TiVJK SALE--Fall-blood cheater white boaiS s for sale. c. W. HARBISON, 18-tf Ringwood, 111. GEO. SOflMERS • v'S, Plumbing ' ; f Gas Fitting s . - * " 1 ' t % , •\ •* S T O V Bead wbaft People Friedley's Stoves. The stove I bought of you wor in every way. I am well pleased > Ai The No. 15 Empire Acorn I fives good satisfaction. It csn'tf The stove I bought of you is lent satisfaction. Ism well satisfied with tbe bought of von. ' ? ti-i Last year I bought 1 you and must ss# tt1. ion. I would for good heating and i The Acorn cook atovfrl No. 1. The two stoves IbOfaght1! andtheothersl faction for do fuel they areT^Mn) Three years IgmmmiUatt a ooede you and haiia"jlH«iM^taalfc- «Uih For baking it < I am move than pleased bought of you. Tar and beating porpoeeait eaa't fee l JAC •ver WIN paMUm thtakoftar Hsriww, Jbnmm, mm in the village «rf restdenw of F. <3. Mayes. Will be sold cheap If taken at once, Address, F. Q. MAYBS, 1116 Irving place, ld-tt Bacir" Lgent for Eagle , Acetylene Qas flachine^ Wis, lbs fsswHis mm QatMtti aim Allklads Brass Iran Pipe alwiyrs WSBS ITHSN&Y,

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