Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Nov 1900, p. 5

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aw? '#sA; ' , ' * fp»! Why will yon pay an exorbitant price for a sewing machine that yon know nothing about when we offer to put the best make into your house on thirty days' trial, free of charge? Then if the machine does not prove satisfac­ tory we will take it away, but if should you wi$h tp keep $he price will be satisfactory. > * 1 • 'V' ' • ' £ f< ' . £ * " ^ V * Wheeler AWilson - ip-1'V" (*• . y;« * '.ft'* ' '• .> *- ̂ , >V- • it' fff' % c . ^ . f .k'«V ,v ,?<• - V5, ^r?" m &b'. ; K V* * 'v<\ s \ j ( v « • Domestic S i n g e r ? S ' ; New Home Household Cl imaxp v : • < i >" f Royal St. John White { *"• * ** V* * \ ^ i 1 1 :' ? "j*.- ^ < 1 / r, 1 ' ^ 'i' * i f * 1 . , " • > ^ 1 4 ^ s»? ******* ii<j»i flu in fi'lMiii »)pitnii|jjyi;iiimfy I"|ii|a'" Our $l$«75 Drop Read ma- all ̂ * 1- ». % 1 s m ; LlUlM ' I II.'!',. J'J\. ..l:L'.. ! jl'. J^J.1, fcR^ ?§ iSj? It •* j. f 1 i>-* »V"-V 7%' Jik 4. i; / " ? j *5 - V*'* . ,/ f v 1; the world and would be pleased to have , t > you call and get prices. Do not make ' v" ; L >Wvi" U" ^3U 5 mmm ,{,: -yy$ ;•; !:.rj " .......„ ?: :&:•&$ • ' • . •.. >?iv ;' I have the agency for the best makes in v ^. ^ 1 11 « V 1 y % j t"„ » .r '.'"t I 1„\ f r «.' ' \ " V - ••.. > ». -ft" 1 ^ i "" " the mistake of paying some out of town a large price for a cheap organ. ^ ^ c : "" v\)i^*%' * * Ii',,it W ^ ; " '" " s r; - ^ ' * > ' i M'» s- 1 • n Wi m y-ii ** /1" t 1 1 t v 1 /' » » 1 •?,-V ana wuuuui ucsiutnuu TIAIUI IUuavc IUC . ,,-, r* most elegant line in town. We have no 'J / V' •* , , . 1 cheap goods in any department and at- . . * r: » 5 V ways guarantee gooas as represeniea. * pV A: -f Fbotoarapby can be found here (V9"1 J? "' :\> "l?' W iMM WWiHl" WEST McHENRY, ? - ILLINOIS jjiii '̂iViiii-i? j^Mf' FFV '••-•tfii'lii •1RIvr,r^M""ll"'rT'Ti'VM^ ^1 RIFEF|F'"'^'"',HL jijwi '11 I^)j >'*• in' i»'ii1ii0iwi V , '1^9 1 ? We positively have the fin* est line of Jewelry ever seen in McHenry. Perhaps not the largest stock, but a good assortment of the best goods and at prices that are con­ sistent. Call and see u$. ^ > v f / f ' r * * \ / _ " ;V ft ^ ; r* i-, ̂ -. -( f j ' l t% -- - r ^ M watchef $y^ ^ * .. ftiiil i? v ^ 1 i** i t*1 1 , •' */»' <?,?r:: , !>'1' *1?* ^^ w"*"**' j JV if i! 4 >• - iffiiilriiiiiMHw'i #'i>>nlli^li|tti!vliiiiinjJu^Ci||i ci-:tl!li.ii'f' r'l^iutiijlil frffw Jf«s| on] o: given lo tendjdl ^|ru^ est rates. Notary I a NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS voia CiiaB. Stock, of Chicago, spent 3an4ay at A. J. Raymond's. Miss Rose Huson commenced boarding at McHenry this week. She will board with Mrs. Owen. LaWre»ce Miller, of New Minister, Wis., spent Snnday with his mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe and Miss Minnie Tnnyan, of Waubegan, and Miss Carrie Miller, of Chicago, were here to attend the faneral of Mrs. Wm. Tnnyan Saturday. Misses Mary Raught, Jennie Walton, : Maud Wakon, Mary and Helen Ray­ mond and Messrs. James Carney, Chauncey Sepson and Rollend Town- send attended church at Roseville Fri­ day night The cemetery meeting with Mrs. Chas. Tonies on Friday afternoon last WAS well attended. The next meeting Mill be with Mrs. A. W. Fox Friday afternoon, Nov. 80. At the W. C. T. U. meeting at Mrs. Tonies, Miss Amanda - Wait was elected secretary in the place of Mrs. Harry Payne who resigned. Died November t. tVOO, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. T. Seymour, near Wauconda, Mr. John Grey. He leaves three daughters, Mrs Seymour, Mrs. Jennie Gtrosvenor, of Wauconda, Mrs. O. Barron, of Libertyville He was an old and respected citizen, held in the greatest esteem by all who knew him. On Nov 1, 1900. at her home near Fox Lake, occured the death of Mrs. William Tunyan. Besides her husband and two little daughters, she leaves an aged mother. Mrs. Peter Smith, one brother, Nick Smith, of Chicago, five sisters, John Stadine>a, Mrs. Jack Frost. | of Volo, Mrs. Nick Kretschmer, of Gray's I Lake, Mrs. John Williams, of Chicago, laud Mrs. John Tunyan, of Fox Lake. I&he was about thirty-five years of age. [The funeral was held in the Volo Cath lolic church, Rev. Father Rhode officiat­ ing The pall bearers were George {Roping, Ben Dowe, Martin Stoffel, Ben (itUler, John Rosing, John Pitzen. The [remains were interred in the Volo Cath- j Ojic cemetery. We extend our sympathy [to the sorrowing family. RIDGEHELD. J. H. Parks was a Nunda caller one | day last week. Mrs. R. L. Dufield was in Nunda one Jday last week. Mrs. Fred Reed is entertaining com- iny from abroad. Mrs. J, B. Lynch and little daughter |were in Harvard Saturday. Mr. uid Mrs. EL W. Merchant were Nunda on business the first of the iek. Mrs. Chas. Eeeler and son, Marvin, rere in Woodstock the latter part of le week. A large number of the people attended 1 great Republican rally at Woodstock iturday evening. •igastore Is on every box of ttae genuine --ve Brono-Quiaioe tm** rass .WAUCONDA. Mrs. "J. Spencer returned from a short visit in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. Jay Cooke returned Friday from a visit to friends in Chicago. Mrs. Burton, of Chicago, is the guest of her brother, Merritt Clark. Martin Murray, of Chicago, was a pleasant caller at Wauconda Wednes­ day. Mrs. Poile went to Bamngton Friday where she will be the guest of Mrs. JjHt- Bon. Peter Nimsgerh has purchased the residence of Will Lamphere in this vil­ lage. Mrs. Harrison and daughter, Miss Lora, have gone to Chicago to spend the winter. Carrie Pratt returned to Chicago after spending two weeks with her young friends here. Thursday evening an experience social was held at the M. E. church parlors. It was well attended. Orton Hubbard, Harry Grahim, Elmer Golding and C. W. Sowies visited friends in Wauconda the first of the week. Miss Dora Rollins ̂ Lake, has resumed her oii paiiiitl^r lessons at Wauconda. The class now numbers six and is held on Saturday. Saturday evening a republican rally was held in the Oakland hall. A large audience listened to Judge Longeneck- er 8 able speech and Barrington quar­ tette. Little Lee Whelock was badly injured Sunday evening. While playing near a feed cutter his fingers were caught in the knives cutting off three fingers and a part of the small hand. Little Nora Tecampe had the misfor­ tune to break her leg Monday evening. She was attempting to climb into a car­ riage when the horse was started and the little girl fell into the wheel fract­ uring the limb. She is doing nicely at present. DeWitffc Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal the worst burns and scalds and not leave a scar. It can be applied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it lor piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless" counterfeits. Julia A. Story. John Gray, an old residence of this village passed from this life Thursday morning at his home near this village. The funeral services were held in the M E. church Saturday, Rev. Dutton officiating. Mr. Gray is an old settler and well known about here. He has been ill for a long time. Pearls Bound in iivervpre is talking Mountain Pearls.1 m that they cure liver troubl constipation, ted digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold which acted so quickly and ad they don't gripe one bit. is a^we ask--we know what, suit w be. KI NG WOOD. J. E. Cristy was a recent city visitor. Mrs. D welly was a recent city visitor. Dr. Fegers was eeen on ear streets Monday. Mrs. James Conway was a McHenry visitor Monday. Miss Mattie D welly was a caller at Mc­ Henry Monday. James Green and sister, Anna, visited friends at Tryon's Corners Sunday. Mrs. Will Smith and children returned home from the West last Saturday. Cal Coatee spent last week at Maple Park with his sister, Mrs. Mary Fay. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Miss Anna Waterman Saturday afternoon. Misses Myrtle and Agnes Stevens spent last Sunday at Nunda with friends. Rev. Slade is expected to occupy the pulpit of the Universalist church next Sunday. Mrs. George Spaulding, of Chicago, was calling on Ringwood friends one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherburne were vis­ iting their daughter, H IL Clayton Har­ rison, Monday. Mrs. J. E. Harrison and Mrs. G. Adams, of Greenwood, were visitor^ at Bert Bells last Friday. James Ladd came home from the West Saturday. Mr. Ladd could not afford to loose his vote. ^ Mrs. Lowell's pupils are preparing as entertainment which they will give in the near future. Watch for the date next week. The Y. P. a U. will be led next Sun­ day evening by Mrs. H. C. Allen. Ser­ vice begins at half pass seven o'clock. All are invited. Several from hem attended the recep­ tion given by the Universalist society of McHenry Saturday evening and all re­ port a delightful time. The writer is much pleased to know of the excellent work being done in our school by Prof. Frank Cole. Not only the course of study, but the instruction and government axe first class and we feel safe in predicting a very successful year for both pupils and teachers. Pupils who were not absent during the month of October were: Karl Bradly, George Hutson, Charlie Melsch, Ernest Melsch, Charlie Stevens, Edwin Waterman, Harold Kelly, Agnes Dodge, Ethel Harrison, Dora Hutson, Katie Pint, Zilla Stevens, Mildred Waterman. MRS. FLORENCE LOWELL, Teacher. Brave Explorers Like Stanley and Livingstone, found it harder to overcome Malaria, Fever and Ague, and Typhoid disease germs than savage cannibals; but thousands have found that Electric Bitters is a wonderful cure for all malarial diseases. If you have chills with feyer, aches in back of neck and head, and tiled, worn- out feeling, a trial will convince you of their merit. W. A. Null, of Webb, HL, writes: "My children suffered for more than a year with chills and fever; then two bottles of Electric Bitters cured them." Only 50 cents. Try them. Guaranteed. Sold t>7 Jnlia A. Story, druggist. ' TO ClIBK A COLD IK ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab­ lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig- Thin, pale, tnxmic girls a fatty food to enrich their blood, give color to their chceks and restore their health and strength. It is safe to say that they nearly all reject fat with their food. »LIM£*S<m b exactly what they require; it not only Jives them the im­ portant dement (cod-liver oil) in a palatable and easily di- gested form, but also the hypo- phosphites which are so valua­ ble in nervous disorders that | usually accompany ansmia. scorrs EMULSION is A fatty food that is more easily digested than any other form Of mi A Certain Uniulint of! flesh 1s necessary for health. You can get it in this way. We have known per­ sons to gain a pound a day white taking it 50c. and ft.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & SOWNE, Cbembu, New York. U 1 ,v„ j Want Column. Wrf SALE--Large Jeweler's Safe. Good < ^ new. 18 Jos. SCHNEIDER, McHenry, 111. LM>R BENT A well-Improved 290 acre farm adjoining Huntley, III., belonging to es­ tate of |£. H. Haeger. For information ad dress D. V. HABGCB, Dundee, 111. 16-t.f Tj*AKM FOB BALE OK RENT-The subscri- x ber offers his farm, consisting of 135 acres Of land, with good baildinrs, situated 2 miles east at Greenwood, tor sale or rent. Posses- sion given.immediately or not till spring. For ABLES KBAMBEKB. TJHJR SALE;--Full-blood Chester white boars for sale. W HIRRIKOX. 16-tf C. W. HARBISON . IlAttniaom Rinirwood. Ul. XjV>B SALK--tbe property in the village of McHenry known as tne residence of F. G. Will be sold cheap if taken at once. lace, ine. Wis. Mayes. Will be sold cheap if taken a Address, F. G. MATES, 1118 lrvtng^lao "OVJR BALE--Hall safe and heating stove, " both in good condition. T. J. WALSH. 19-2t* "\XTAN TEI)--Lady or gentleman organizer-- "» Tribe of Ben nor. fioo monthly. W. H. SittMft. Broadway, Aurora, 111. 1 PAUL MUELLER Itleffenrv, IINnoia • fine i Bakery - ' Goods and *ionery | jRye Bread | i f resb every Bay WM. BELU ^ f^Puilder of 4 JCONCRCTCJ . ; Composition or gAsphalt . i t ' ] ' . :<AND FELT GRAVEL ROOFS , .̂ Guaranteed for five year#, r ' ̂ Require no painting. ' Repairs done in first-class shape. A newly-prepared top dre«sing used that make* old walks a# good as new. ?Pric«s always reasonable. / -|of references. Sixtera years e*- ' I ^ perienoe. Fa^tory atid residence No. 50# Hill Avenua, Office, room 2 McBride Block, Douglas A vs. ELGIN, ILLINOIS • (HAS. 1. PEfTIS & (0. C A S H Produce Buyers Dmsed Poultry, dame, Furs, - Egg* and Butter. i04 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. Write (or prat hM Pkti if you wish to cur| a headache doit with • Testimonial from Gen. A. C. Hawtoy Washiogtou, D. 0. DR. G. C. TALLERDAY, Belvidere, 111. DEAR SIR:--Your Pain Tablets aai Hot Drops were used in treatUMttt "The Soldiers' Rest," and both einea in every instance where proved satisfactory, doing era claimed for them. It is with __ _ pleasure an opportunity is offered me of recommending both the Pain Tablets and Hot Drops, and feel assured they will meet with the approval of all who mayiHN them* Jlaajoctfully, A. C. HAWLEY. Belvidere, IU. I have always had such terrible headaches, and about one day every week I would have to give up and go to bed. I have used three or four bottles ot Dr. Tallerday's Headache Tablets, and they have cured me, as I hardly ev­ er have headache any more. I always keep the tablets on hand, and, if I feel a a headache coming on, one tablet is all that is required for almost instant relief MRS. JAS. FOWLER, 1132 Cherry St. Burlington, ^is. I have have had sick headaches for over thirty years and have used all kinds of headache wafers, but it was a happy time when I got a bottle of Dr. Taller- day's Pain Tablets. I insist on them " " * They have no equal A E. VAUGHN. Denver, Colo. I can not get along without Dr. TTallerday's Pain Tablets. I never their equal for sick headache. MRS. A. S. CARTER, Highlands, Denver, Colo. XNATETUROD by THE TALLERDAY ? KIDIOINB CO., MvMan, IH» ,-v,' . • For sale by ' ̂ JULIA A. STOBY, - McHenry w_ " Wept **rH«"tiry I "'"A No. Phone '• No. 9. i :l«ag Dint. Phone •C^TNo. MS. QEO. SOflMERS i •* Plumbing j;; ^as Fitting m ani Also Agent for Eagle , ̂ Acetylene Qas Hachlne ' V Qae Fittings, Qas Fixtures and Carbide for sale ' All-kinds Br.-vs Valves and ... iron Pipe always on hand. * j ̂ Beauty Pins 9fe WEST M'HENEY, ILLINOIS BARB1AN BROS. Makers of ** \ Fin© Cigars^ 5 ^ "Our Monogram lO cent Cigar Leads Them All. Our Leading 5c Brands: "Olivette" "Barbtan Bro«. "Silver" - «B(W Hive** Bead what Friedley's Thestovelbottgl in every way. Iaal| The No. IS llililii Acorn gives good sMU^ttoa. Tbestovelboaglit of you is lentsatisfaetlMB. Qi I am veil satisfied villi the bought of you. Lastyeartlx^j^^] you and must i iuit. £ wuuiu for good Ueutteg' The Acorn cook stove I No.l. U The two stoves 1 toanht and the other & be»ter>are$ faction for d^p||||||l fuel they are | Three yea 4hMt. you and haw found no For baking tt can't beliestlp NI I am more than bought of you. Fo and heating pur{ wiii^wuh tklnk of Mir i

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