Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Nov 1900, p. 6

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I •fGehertl Interert Told fa 4;fir»rr»phi "'Si '•M NEWS jfp&kplMwilnR* of Much o* UW( from AU Put* of Ito ttf ;l» Weaker* Market* 1 ; « Agoncillo accuses American soldiers ! cf murders and wholesale pillaging of J- ^liplno cities. " Russia proposes to build a canal to Connect the Baltic and the White sea#. CuoArd liner sunk the schooner • .flhiT Mosquito but saved all except «fte of its crew. Iowa defeated' Chicago at foofcbaH I, Saturday by decisive score of 17 to ©. Commercial organization, will meet • rli St Louis Nov, 14 to unite in efforts to have the powers of the interstate commission eiteoded. Senator Davis of Minnesota seriously «L ; ; Tiwo Dowie elders were roughly Jrtindled by a mob at Mansfield, O. Spanleh newspapers say money for " ^isllig came from England. Iain's visit to Mediterranean with suspicion. Rooelyn apologised to the of Wales for his insinuations •gainst the "bravery of officers of the Tenth Hussars. J^esiiWt- Loirbet was guarded by 26|M0»Oldiers at the dedication of the Cppat IWHttunent at Lyons. warship quelled rebellion In Jt&ftintlty Islands, shelling and de-> stroyla* native village. of Carlist foand in Becga dis- Spain, fled to France. Many arrested. officer in French army caused on Paris raoe track by in- ng cs riding. x • *.* c^ander Winton rode from Cleve­ land, O., to New York In automobile wt* boors and 30 minutes. r $MMpty Sullivan defeated "Young 3J$jHratt" in six rounds at Star thea- 'tsif Chicago. f Chicago White Stockings may train for baseball season at City of Mexi- ^ - 'fH** reported in Russia thi Is^JlWliied by the Carlist ;pwdeciaremartlal law in mis. One hundred tod five students sus- pended from Culver Military Academy, :$erre Haute, Ind., for insubor- Countess of Castellane's broth- 'flster have decided to pay her piftounting to $4,700,000. court in Hawaii decided con- does not supersede island message sent over government is. ' cable from St Michael to Nome. J" Dead and missing in Tarrant lire, jJHew York, placed at eighteeu. ~pK*. W. I* Strong, former mayor of New is dead. Abel P. Upham, tea tester at gro­ cery house, Chicago, driven to sul­ fide bF excessive use of tea. * r Hilprecht, Unlversfty of 'lvania, returned from Meso- tells of discovery of ancient library in Temple of Nip- sheds tew light on world's Andre Dauchez, Paris, won the gold Medal and $1,-500 at the Carnegie Art iR^sry international exhibition at, PHtobarg, Pa. Minister Wu mads Jwinder's day address. V*i*t Jones confessed to complicity er of W. M. Rice, New Yor* and tried to commit sui-» iilde. Accused Attorney Patrick. Rear Admiral Richard and two French cruiser* welcomed to Baitfri ^Biore, I Major J. G. Davis, Illinois veteran ot l*o wars, died in Manila. .jam vso^M* No. 8, toftc; pin* export " and buieh- ,r 1,000 lbs, |2.80©4«; canners, 1MB and Indian cows and heifers, and liptta, H66@466; . , 65; butchers, „ tive mutton*, tt»©4.00; lambs, »; culls and bucks, |2.76®4.00. Pou 1 try--GlilciteiM, hens, 6Hc per 8c; ducks, 7%w6c; turkeys. fay. stock, f&w@6.50 per doz. carcasaes. SVfcc per lb; lair at^fjSo; H*ht weights, 5@6%c. extras, 21%@22c; _ . seconds, I6@17c; Imitation creMoeries. 16@I6*c; dairies, choice, 18c; Ctotw-Fall cream, twins, choice. 10% eiOHc; off trades, 8@10c; flat, single, choice, UQiHUOKc; daisies, colored, choice, UfiUMC; youni Americas, colored, 11@ ll%e; uader*rades. 8® 10c; Cheddars, 10V*c; skimmed cheese, C@7c. Eggs--Loss off, cases returned, fresh, ro&c. Apples--Eastern stock, fL?S92.26 per brl; fancy varieties, «3.00@5.00 per brl; Michi­ gan stock, VJK®1.50 per brl. Potatoes--Choice stock, 3l®84c per bu; common, 27<g3Gc. Vlyar Collide* with Freight. In a head-end collision between the Chicago and Alton special train from Chicago to St Louis and a freight train near Mitchell, 111., twelve miles from St. Louis, two men lost their lives and several others, all trainmen, were injured. The dead: George L. Avery, trainman, Monon, Ind; George W. Corson, mail clerk, Bloomington. Following is a list of those Injured: B. Durham, mail clerk, Bloomington; R. P. Hlmes, mail clerk, Normal, 111.; J. W. Murphy, mail clerk, Blooming- ton; George Heritage, fireman, Bloom­ ington; arm broken. William Stew­ art, mall clerk, Chicago; James Smal- ley, conductor; bruised and Injured internally. Sidney L. Webster, en­ gineer, Bloomington; arms and legs broken and injured internally. ; " _ New Hop* for Mrs. Maybrlckv The appointment of Mr. Rltchli borne secretary in England affords new hope to the friends of Mrs. Maybrick, who say Sir Matthew White-Ridley, the retiring home secretary, was pre­ judiced. Ritchie is a practical busi­ ness man, unbound by red tape oj prejudices, and an appeal wil to him soon. Mrs. Florj was sent to prisoi years ago on poisoned tab o sleepps in the 'ate bank at Benson, "wakened 'by hearing burg­ lars in the act ot blowing his safe. He jumped from his bed and Ilred at two men kneeling near the safe. The burglars grabbed Peterson and bound him, then proceeded at their leisure to Mow the safe, securing fSOO. They escaped. rev "Neb., w Diphtheria Spreads In Springfield. The rapid spread of diphtheria Is ca-using great uneasiness throughout Spingfield, 111. New cases are <being reported daily anu the health authori­ ties are using active means to stamp out the disease. The fear of a gen­ eral epidemic is increased by the dally appearance o<f the di«!«ase In widely separated portions of the city. , ; Boys Boose Old Man's Irw. ', A crowd of schoolboys at Limit, Olw were beating Frank Carney, an old man, who has been a target for their fun for some time. He ran into the house, secured a shotgun and fired it at the boys. John Reid, aged 11 years, who was standing across the street watching the fun, received the entire charge and will die. denied forged be bad withdrawn from presidential contsst RefmWican national committee gave eat final statement, 204 elec­ toral votes for McKinley. John Wanamalter donated 150,000 to prosecute any one guilty of'election fraud in Philadelphia. Bryan spent Monday campaigning in Nebraska. Senator Hanna issues an, address to voters asking Support tear President McKinley. » Estimates place William Jennings Bryan's audiences of Friday at more than 90,000. Democrats claim Cook county, 111., for Bryan by 20,000 and the Republi­ cans claim it for McKinley by 50,000. Stevenson made two speeches at Fort Wayne, Ind., Friday. Hebe asked to withdraw In fiftVor of Bryan. Democrats gave big parade at Chi* cago Saturday night. Roosevelt ended his campaign o: flight weeks, in which he made 67S speeches, a record never equaled, i Bishop Potter, New York, says is magazine article United States most hold the Philippines. : McKinley will receive electidn re-, turns over three special wires at hia home in Canton, O. 1 McGregor Worth 950,000,000. A. M. McGregor, president of the Standard Oil company of Ohio, who died in New York Wednesday, was one of the few men who got into the Standard Oil company on the ground floor with John D. Rockefeller and stayed there. McGregor went to work as a clerk for the Standard Oil Com­ pany when it Was formed ill 1868, he being but 2$ years old. During the dark days of the company he hung on while other shareholders sold out, many of them to John D. Rockefeller himself, because he was the only buy­ er for the shares. No one knows what Standard Oil properties or shares *re worth, but the fortune left by the good and faithful servant of the head if the Standard Oil Interests amounts probably $50,000,000. Dtad on Transport Meade. The names of the men who died on the transport Meade during the voyage from Manila to San Francisco are ais follows: Harry Henderson, private Company D, Twenty-eighth infantry; Louis A. Huff, private Company G, Thirtieth infantry; Dennis Kelly, priv­ ate Company G, Twenty-first infantry; Joseph Lillyatt, ex-soldier; Willard Stoner, private Company C, Thirty- ninth infantry; James Thompson, private Company G, Forty-seventh In­ fantry; Charles H. Tomlinson, private, Company D, Thirty-ninth infantry; Fred Teager, Company F, Thirty- ninth infantry. The bodies of eleven soldiers who died in Manila were, brought home on the Meade. I. - -- Thieves Loot and Fire Town. The business portion of the town of Shelby, Polk county, Nebraska, was almost entirely wiped out by fire. Wednesday night a gang of burglars, believed to be five in num­ ber, swooped down on the town. The till of nearly every store and shop in the place was tapped and three safes •blown open. After gathering all of the loot possible they set fire to the Opera House block, the largest build­ ing in the center of the business dis­ trict. Every business establishment save two was burned. The robbers made their escape with money and goods estimated at $1,500. • • • NEW POLICY IS N0W SHAPING Almo in Determined to feeeff Fanlshment of OaUljr OMttoh-Bw> •la's Csar Shaping Plan te taflrtoga** China by Peaeefnl Means. TAgRANT 4 CQ.-S BUILDING DESTROYED IN N£W YORK, •» New officers in British cabinet are St. John Brodrick, war port- ( ^ folio; Earl of Selborne, first lord of ^^jpftliitodity; C. T. Ritchie, home affairs* « Salisbury may replace Speaker Gully of house of commons. a/ Paris paper says Emperor William " visited the exposition incognito two Su %eeks ago. gp ' Madrid dispatch says latest news of *\ Carlist revolt is more favorable to government. f* K&uiiitCu's Wife TCbbsd ; Of 125,000 worth of jewels in Paris ho­ tel. Boers captured ninety British and ^Jheld up and looted Cape Town mail ^^rain. .< London financiers predict period of V -; .great depression. Labor strikes are threatened. Brescl, the slayer of King Humbert, Wrote to his wife that he is kept in £ . 4iamp well and compelled to stand all the time. ) ; Dr. Vosberg-Rekow, German dele- pjate to the Philadelphia export exp^*" |sltaon, says in a*k£prt while the Unit- 1* states will conqter the world's markets. ft Chicago bank clearings for October 1607,631,087, the largest for any month |i j:! but one on record. Paris court appointed George Gould trustee for his sister, Countess Cas- tellane, whose husband has spent 25,- 000,000 francs of her money in four years. George J. Frey robbed of S810 ia First National bank, and "Frenchy" Nichols arrested on suspicion. English public displeased over as forri»n leaving field to one ot hia deacons. _Oen. Botha and strong force of Boers moving toward Cape Colony. JBF mas Llpton's corner In mass closed out at $20 a barrel, a jum» for the day, and an advance eK the corner began. Llpton's Said to be over 1300,000. American pictures shown onal exhibition in Carne- Pittsburg, pa. 98 £ Marriage Beaide a Corpse. Beside a bed on which lay the corpse of his mother James E. Whynke stood with Miss Edith M. Shook while Rev. George E. Hipsley, pastor of St Luke's Lutheran church, united them in marriage at Baltimore. Mrs. Cath­ erine Whynke, who had been ill sev­ eral days, became suddenly worse and expressed a desire to see her only son married in her sick room. Arrange­ ments were made in all haste, but be­ fore a marriage license could be se­ cured Mrs. Whynke died. earthquake Losses IseilMa Cable dispatches that were received at New York City from Car­ acas indicate that the damage to property and the loss of life through the earthquake shocks on Monday are even greater than was at first re­ potted. Venezuelan Consul General Qonsales received a message from the pfatotsr of foreign affairs, Bduardo Blanco, which said: "Shock very se­ ts®*, President Castro, wfeo had leg broken, is doing well." A smaU Is­ land at the mouth of the Rio Ohiea has disappeared. Tne*dajr, Oetober SO. Russia's czar is supposed to |; mapping out a policy that aims at the peaceful subjugation of China, Korea and Afghanistan. Allies in Pekin determined to secure punish­ ment of guilty officials. October SI. France accepted the Anglo-German agreement, except article 8. The Shanghai Dally News reports that a powder magazine at Nankin has been exploded by lightning and that many persons were killed or injured and much property was destroyed. „ The battle with AimmVU; was shot dead in a Hosier and his companion, Harry Burgess. Another was klllsd fey a posse of employes of the company, fsriners aid officers of the law; a third was wounded terribly and died l&ter, while the fourth surrendered Ind is in jail at" Gr<bensburg. Bur­ gess did not escape unharmed. He was shot in the left shoulder and two bullets crazed his head. Ths killing of three of the despera­ does by the army of manhunters that immediately formed was probably the most thrilling chapter In. the entire history. of Pennsylvania. Their bodies were riddled with bullets. Earthquake Felt In Florida. Eight distinct earthquake shocks were felt in Jacksonville, Fla., Wed- DUTCH WARSHIP THAT WILL JAKE KRUGER TO EUROPE. terjiriihi 5 The first-class cruiser Gelderland will be the refuge of the president of the* Transvaal Republic on his trip to Europe. The grand old man of South Africa will travel in the simple style state department Wednesday made public the British-German agreement respecting the maintenance of the "open door" and territorial integrity of China,' with the answer of the United States government, Bent in du­ plicate, to each of the principals to the agreement. Thursday, November It Letters from privates say German troops give no quarter to natives in China All the powers have answered the Anglo-German note, France and Russia making reservation similar to that of United States regarding arti­ cle 3. Chinese Viceroys memorialized throne to punish Boxer leaders and save empire from disruption. -Party of French officers forcibly ejected from American soldiers' special train In China. Friday, November 2. Said in Washington powers will de­ mand retirement of Dowager Empress, creation of indemnity fund by doub­ ling revenues, and appointment of Min­ ister of Foreign Affairs before pro­ ceeding with negotiations. France filed no protest against ejectment of French officers from a train in China by American soldiers, the forme being in the wrong. Five officials of Pao Ting Fu sentenced to death out­ rages on missionaries. . . Sunday, November 4. Emperor of China will not return to Pekin while city is occupied by for­ eign soldiers. China proposes to double its maritime customs to raise fundB for indemnities The result would be the powers would pay/ the damages they demand. Big Railway Man Stricken. Gerret Fort, assistant general pas­ senger and ticket agent of the Union Pacific railway, who has been a guest at the Palace hotel, San Francisco, for several days, was removed to" the Southern Pacific hospital, suffering from typhoid fever. Mr. Fort arrived at San Francisco from Omaha last Tuesday. He was not feeling in the ibest of health, a fact which he was at first inclined to attibute to the fatigue of the overland trip. ; ^ Fnra» Indicted at Patersoa. After the examination of six wit­ nesses and a thorough investigation of the death of Jennie Bosschieter, the grand jury of Passaic county, N. J., found true bills of indictment against the accused men, Waiter C. McAllis­ ter, Gtorge.J. Kerr, Andrew Campbell u William A. Death. There are two indictments against each prisoner, one for murder and the other for as­ sault. m& 81 Terribly Beaten by Robbers. Elon Steer of Castleton, 111., who mysteriously disappeared Thursday, was found Saturday night at Douglas, in Knox county. 111. His head was (bleeding and his mind was wandering from the effects of a terrible beating. He was attacked by two men, his money taken, and wthile unconsntous he was carried away and hidden un­ der a corn shock. When his senses were partly restored he made his way on foot into Douglas, thirty miles from Us home. . ^ -- . Bryan Train Kin* Fred Sssltl* As Lake Shore train No. 21, bearing W. J. Bryan and his party, was com­ ing into Toledo Wednesday morning it struck Fred Smith and fatally in­ jured him. Smith was walking across the track and did not see the He died Wednesday night. -- , 'h- OUr or Mexioo's PopakUoDt The census shows that Mexico City has over 400,000 population. The pgpu* latfe* of the federal district, includ- capital city, fa In excess at ! lupS » million n-. \\ Jlr , Negro Sues for Ejectment. |>r. Hickman, colored, who was the orator at a democratic meeting at Ko- komo, Ind., sued Beale & Cochran, proprietors of the Lindell hotel, for ejectment because of color. He sues under the civil-rights act. He lives at CrawfordBville. ind. " v 2 that comes natural to him. He will be received with genuine hospitality by those who have given their sym­ pathy to the colonies in their unequal struggle with Great Britain. nesday. The first was at 11:16 a. m., and shook some of the large buildings. Hundreds of people believed that' heavy ordnance was being fired In or near the city. At 11:25 o'clock another shock equally as severe was felt. Others continued at fifteen-min­ ute intervals until 12:30 o'clock. At 4:04 o'clock the seventh shock of the day was felt, severer than any of the preceding ones, followed four minutes later by a report and shock, the sever­ est of the day. The last disturbance made the windowpanes rattle in sever­ al sections of the city. * Judge Saved from Drowni«SV '• Judge William Smith of St. Joseph, Mich., better known as the Gretna Green marrying justice, he hav­ ing gained a national reputa­ tion in the last season of mar­ rying more bridal couples from Chi­ cago than any other justice of the peace in the country, while fishing from the government north pier was taken with a fit and plunged forward Into the lake. Benton Thomas of that city, jumped Into the water and res­ cued the aged judge. Judge Smith during the last summer united in marriage over 300 couples. King Victor Fears Assassin. The arrival at Rome of King Vic­ tor Ematiuel and Queen Helena was marked by an imposing military es­ cort, which surprised the Romans, who were not in the habit of seeing such array of troops under the late King Humbert's regime. It is un­ derstood that the exceptional precau­ tions taken were at the king's own request, and in order to prevent the possibility of an attempt up6n his life. Scottish Choreh The formal union of the free and united Presbyterian churches decided upon at the joint meeting & Edin­ burgh of the free church assembly and the united Presbyterian synod WM completed Wednesday. * ' SS, ? Basslan Crops in IMS The ministry of agriculture at ^t. Petersburg estimates the Russian crops for 1900 as being considerably below the average. These estimates are based on the reports of 7,100 cor­ respondents. Ooal AdiasMS la Prion. . » It is announced at New York thai- prices of anthracite coal have been advanced fifty cents a ton over the nominal price of the July circular by the anthracite mining and carrying companies. The change oovers the •whole country. » '•<- Citrons Fruit Crop Conditions. During the citrous season of 1900, 17,821 cars of citrous fruits were ship­ ped from Southern California, of which about 2,000 were lemons. By Nov. 6 the movement of the new crop will have fairly begun, and probably 3,000 carB will be shipped east for the holiday trade. The output tor the coming season is estimated at over 20,000 carloads. . .Wealthy gprlngileld Man Dies. John Schoenman, Springfield, 111., died there Tuesday, aged 72. He was a native of Germany. He settled in Springfield, from where he went to the gold fields of California in 1849, amassing considerable wealth a,nd re­ turning several years later. He left a large estate. A widow, but no chil- drsn survive him. _ Shot In a Hallowemi Fratklb *•*_ ' As a result of a Halloween priiSlk two men were shot at Shelby, Ohio, early this morning and both may die. Floyd Armstrong and Morris Brower placed cannon crackers in the eavs troughs of Roscoe McCormlck's house, and McCormick fired both barrels of a shotgun at them, with deadly ef­ fect. ; juigr nmtoat oow'MMa It is announced that the tweht^-ftte lacem&kers hired in London by John Alexander Dowie, the Zionist of Chi­ cago, sailed from Southampton, Oct 81, for Zlon City. The United States consular authorities think that un­ doubtedly the men come under the provisions of the contract law. Cor­ respondence on the subject has passed between the London and Nottingham consulates and the latter Is communi­ cating the matter direct to Washing­ ton. • .. MMbrt 'o* Wisconsin Ftofessor. Hie Society of Arts of London has awarded its silver nedal to Prof. R. W. Wood of the phy**ci department of the University of Wisconsin, in recog­ nition of his work on the diffraction process of color-photography. •ays Gears* 1L An attachment by the .sheriff on George M. Ftillman af. Ne# TOTk dis­ closed the fact that he Is in bad bealth. It is rumored that he hss consumption. ,r>; r;,, the t 21 for tortjr-five s *#$ti the in ̂ total population of the census was 83,009,755, comprising persons In the states and territories. The statement day by the director of census givSS the population of the country in detail by states and territories. Hawaii con­ tains a population of 154,001, as com­ pared with 89,990 In 1890, while the hulhber of persons in the service of thS United States stationed abroad is 84,000. There is a total ot 134,158 In­ dians not taxed. Following is the official announce­ ment of the population of the United States in 1900 by states, the first col­ umn representing the census for 1900, the second for 1890 and the third col­ umn, when given, representing the number of Indians not taxed: ^ ^ * 1900. 1890. Indians. Alabama ....1,328,337 * 1,513,017 Arkansas . . . . . . . .1 ,811.564 California UaMSS- Colorado B»,700 Connecticut ...... 908,836 Delaware Florida .. Georgia Idaho Illinois ... Indiana .. Iowa ..... Kansas .. Kentucky Louisiana Maine .... Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota .... Mississippi .... Missouri Montana ...... Nebraska Nevada 638,642 ....£216,32ft .... 161,771 ....4,521,550 ....2,516,463 ....2,251,829 ....1,469,496 ....2,147,174 ....1,SSI,627 ...4- 694,366 1,189,946 .2,805,346 2,419,782 .1,751,395 1,551,372 .$,107,117 243,289 .......1,068.901 42,334 New Hampshire.. 411,588 New Jersey 1,883,669 New York .7,268,009 North Carolina...1,891,992 North Dakota..... 319,040 Ohio .....4,157,545 Oregon 413,532 Pennsylvania ....6,301,365 Rhode Island 428,556 South Carolina...1,340,302 Bouth Dakota.... 401.6SS Tennessee 2,022,723 Texas ; J,<M8.828 Utah '..,'278,668 Vermont 343,641 Virginia .....1^54,184 Washington &17.672 West Virginia...; 858,900 Wisconsin 1,068,963 Wyoming 92,531 Total for 45 states 74,627,907 TERRITORIES. Alaska (eatim't'd) 44,000 Arizona jOist. Columbia... Hawaii Indian Territory.. New Mexico...;.. Oklahoma •-fersons in the service of the U. S. stationed abroad (esti­ mated) Indians, etc., on Indian reserva­ tions, exceptln- dlan Territory.. 122,212 278,718 154,001 391,960 193,777 39S.245 84.400 1,128,173 1.20S.130 412,198 746,238 16S.49S 391,422 1,837.353 84,385 3,826,351 2,192,404 1,911,898 1,427.096 1,858,636 1,118,587 661,088 1,042,290 v 2,238,943 2,093.889 1,301,826 1.289,COO 2,679,184 132,159 1.0&8.910 45,761 378,530 1,444,933 6,997,853 1,617,947 182,719 3,672,318 813,767 6,258,014 345,508 1,151,149 828,808 1,767,518 2,235,623 207,905 332,422 1,655,980 849,390. 762,794 1,686,880 8b,708 62116,811 ETC. 82,062 59,620 280,392 89.990 180,182 153,693 61.834 1,619 697 2.297 1,768 10,746 1,885 4,711 C898 10,932 1^472 2^531 i*667 44,617 2M44 66,033 2,937 6.927 ^ ^ a 1 i- ( ^ • 146,288 Total for seven territories, etcl,667,313 952,945 89,641 The Alaska figures are derived from partial data only, and all returns from Alaska and for certain military organ­ izations stationed abroad, principally in the Philippines, have not yet been received. Slavs IIushand in Cold Blood. William Hilger, a young carpenter Of Hooppole, near Geneseo, 111., la dead of wounds inflicted upon him with a pistol by his wife. According to the story Hilger told before his death, fully confirmed by the wife's confes­ sion, she shot him first in the temple as he lay dozing upon a sofa on Sun­ day evening. He leaped for her and she shot him once in the neck and twice in the abdomen before he wrested the weapon from her. There was one cartridge remaining in the revolver which h'e fired Into & wood- box. Cell, Not Horse Show, While he was dressing for the horse show at Chicago Alberto Aristodomo Dianisco Guiseppe de Ottairo Scarta- belli de Porlza, said by the pplice who have examined his passports, to be an Italian count, was arrested Wednes­ day night at the Victoria hotel, where he had been living in sumptuous style for a week. He is charged with for- gery, ' BWr Four Uflcta At the annual election of the Cleve­ land, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis Railway company at Cincinnati, Wed­ nesday, W. K. Vanderbilt, Chauncey M. Depew, J. Plerpont Morgan and Melville E. Ingalls were re-elected di­ rectors for three years. Among the improvements contemplated is a short line via Rising Sun to Louisville. Karl of Darnley Dead, Edward Henry Stuart Bligh, seventh earl of Darnley, is dead. He was born in 1851. The earl of Darnley was son of the sixth earl of Darnley, his mother being Lady Harriet Mary Pelham, a daughter of the earl of Chi­ chester. He was educated at Eton and Christ church, Oxford. Modest* in Rtreat Blot. What was probably the largest p*. tgtfcftl demonstration ever held by l^pn&teaa students in Cambridge and tiosttia tnded in a.riot Tuesday *4*ht, i in which the Boston police wars pow 1 twenty round battle. He is in the pink erless, of condition for the fray. XUdar's Injore Proves Fatal. Harry W. Smith of Philadelphia, who was injured during a steeplechase at Pimlico, Wednesday, died at the University hospital, Baltimore, never having regained consciousness after his fall. The body was sent to. his Philadelphia home. Physicians at the hospital said that Mr. Smith's skull was terribly fractured, and no opera­ tion was performed except to pick out a few ot the splinters of bone and cleanse the wound of ths clots of blood. They say they believe Mr. Smith fell upon a stone. • IteOovara and Oaas Sift, tarn Harris Thursday signed ths articles of agreement for a match be­ tween Terry McGovern and Joe Gans. It is to occur Dec. 11 before the Tat- tersalls Athletic club, Chicago. Gans is to weigh in at 133 pounds at 7 o'clock and must finish McGovern In six rounds or forfeit The purse Is to be divided, 75 per cent to the winner and 25 per cent to the loser. Mo Govern left Indianapolis for Louis* vllle. where he meets Bernstein in tri lii<be £9$ Sooner, Mary Mc off t!?.e .Amr>rl| _ The stari®i? and tail shaft were gone and b o a r d e n g i n e - r o o m a m a s s o f . St. Paul came into port on» For? a few seconds 0a last We evening the Bllip was an earthquake, but the nervy men eland on watch with steady vision clear brains quickly checked the fit of steam in the wrecked engine-i and not a soul was hurt, though two tandem engines on the 1 r&diuced to useless wrecks lir seconds. Trolley Can la ffedltston. Two electric cars on the Cii Lawrenceburs and Aurora -- :pi|, railway collided near Cleves, Ing to 4 misunderstanding of ordenk The cars were wrecked and eleven p^fl sons injured, some seriously* tout BOBA fatally. The injured: Mias Della AQd* ergon, Leesburg, Ohio. ^illiwa Beet,! Charles Han nan,Cincinnati. Mrs. yj W. Huber, Lawrenceitrarg, Ind. V. W.| Huber, Lawrenceburg, Ind. W11H8 Kellogg, motorman; leg wrenchi Charles Little, Lawrenceburg, Tn4,1 Mrs. Charles Little, Laiwreneelrarg,, Ind. George Lyons, motormanr se-| verely hurt. •••' Martin, con­ ductor. Joseph West, conducts^ * rarncll Estate » Sold. The plan of the American friends ofl Charles S. Parnell to purchase and* restore his estate met with surprisii failure Wednesday. It has been knows for a long time that the estate, whic was heavily mortgaged, would events ually come under the hammer. fund amounting to about 130,000 raised. The bale took place Dublin at public auction. It had generally been believed that the! would be no bidders against the tru tees of the American fund. Const erable surprise was therefore occ sioned when the property was knock! down to P. Doyland, a Dublin victual^ ler, for 130,000. Lord Salisbury Steps Oat, The following important announc ment appears in the London Telegraph: "We understand thl after mature consideration. Lord Salt bury has decided to resign the .for eign secretaryship, which will transferred to the marquis of Lai downe. Although the health of tt prime minister gives no cause fol anxiety, we believe that he is l&rgel{ Influenced by the counsels sf medical advisers." . r' Gr.tnd Trank's General Manager. P. H. McGuigan, general superli tendent of the Grand Trunk, is sal] to have been selected to succeed Chs M. Hays as general manager of tt road. When Mr. Hays announced hij Intention to become the executh head of the Southern Pacific systeij he was asked to recommend some map to fill the vacancy his departure wou| leave, and he suggested Mr. McGuiga be promoted to the general manage^ ship. Dies Kneeling at His Bedside. Charles Amsden, capitalist of Ami den, Vt., was found dead in Detroif Mich., kneeling before his bed in room in the Hotel Mtropole. Amsden was 69 years of age, and wJ engaged at Detroit in settling up tlf estate of his half-brother, the la John Ward, of which he* was executc A widow and daughter survive hil Heart disease is supposed to have the cause of death. Twenty Rounds to a Draw. Jack McClelland 6f Pittsburg aij Billy Ryan of Syracuse pulled off the third contest at Pittsburg to deciij wlio was the better In the feaths weight class. They weighed In at 1| pounds, and after twenty rounds exceptionally fast and scientific figl ing Referee Cornelius declared tl bout a draw. Both men took and ga| some hard punches and both we strong at the finish. Twelve Are Killed ta a Hia* f By an explosion at the mine of Southern Coal and Transportat company at Berrysburg, six miles fr<j Bbillippi, W. Va., twelve men w^ killed and two probably fatally jured. The dead are: Ollie Marks, boss. Andrew Blackwell,«Albert Brov Lawrence Duncan, Pack Adams. Sei others whose names are net kne The injured are: William Ms James Jackson. Swindled Oat of SMOO. Vincenzo Disalvo, an Italian vender of Chicago, was swindled of $2,500 in that city by two co^ dence men, who played a trick on known as "switching the satchel Disalvo was distrustful of banks he kept his hoard in a safety vault. This was known to sevc his acquaintances. Saltan Shows no Kerey. The Sultan of Turkey continue oppress the Armenians in ths heartless manner, according to a] port of Bishop Mush to the Arm« Patriarch at Constantinople. Be everything in the way of crops, cattle, and furniture have been ried off by the Kurds and that Armenians have died of st The report concludes that the of all Armenians in these die such that they have come to that a general massacre might lnate their sufferings. . BIS* Good-by to Miner*. President Mitchell made his speeech to the United Mineworkc the anthracite region at Nantfc Pa., Friday night, previous to parture for national headqut Indianapolis. Two thousand packed the opera house In wl meeting was held and 5,000 the street in the vicinity of the where an overflow meeting wm later. • parade of members M * ous trade unions also took plilf*-| .. . ."Ms.

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