Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Nov 1900, p. 5

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Why will you pay an exorbitant price for a sewing machine that you know nothing about when we offer to put the best make into your house on thirty days' trial, free of charge? iThen if the machine does not prove satisfac­ tory we will take it away, but if should you wish to keep it, the price will be satisfactory *• 3'* '1 .V ••-'•v'-iy' i X*X" V^VsW.'Y*4 ' & * X h i j ^ :t-7 <" A Wheeler & Wilson Domestjj:, * #"» , V-V f, Singer •• v."---.'!?-* -* • • New Horn? i- *,' *£.£?,, "f- '$ '* r *' "-W* V- \ J** ^ *i V"/"* ><\V- Household" V -; ~ , i m <&*» * * * ^ 7 ^ ^ ~ Mhl Climax Royal SI '~t - i f t % ̂ - >.?•' ' *• V*;, 'V . . y •*« ^i ' " ; » ' *c. * ¥*- AO m 4 1 ,f*» <j k *\.. An i .. r V,. v. 4 , ViV" ' r\__ ..... ; cbfne Ceads tbem all « KM ftps i V4 *> En W S-IfflEi 1 • ; , s' ; -*«K., •» • "«,»% --j".' I Ml**!*! i*--.mi I Wni^ A iijai^^tOiilM Mil t - V f * -V^\*. S&v ^ - J -V .-** i r«J ^ .' » * • , j ' v H » . • * / . • VA; r v 1 >*-if •»* , -'V'T u> ' V • •' ' WliL* .* ' '» ' t Vy ^ ' ' ' v* • • ' . rW %-'4" " best MiJiii il5 ^ ^ ^ jthe world and would be pleased to have ; y ; , ^ ' you call and get prices. Do not make H; . , ~ /V , 4he mistake of paying some out of town J'* 'f agent a large price for a cheap organ. ^ f I ' / I ' V - ' . \ ; v r * ^ L'X ^ "vf Y ,1 - "I , . Y*y -V i 4"v ^ V" ^4, : f t1 **if • '?*' „t • ;^v,,r *• f , • 4t ijj-i *'-t, v , u' < ^.vVer ->\k-1^4 y£ ^ ' *& <*• V J |and without hesitation claim to have tl^p > „s^ ' i T" v 1 !« - : ry « % We positively have the fin­ est line of Jewelry ever seen in McHenry. Perhaps not the largest stock, but a good assortment of the best goods and at prices that are con- sistent.' ^jCali and see : ^ I I>IA|IG4IIW.Y*JKW. .liJ* I If , '" W ' jr / '»* ' # »^ ' ^ Inmost elegant line in town. We have n)| '^4 =.r.'5 >cheap goods in. any department and al* 1 ' \ \«'ir^-k guarantee gooc^' ;a*: represented v'- - V • \ * < X ^ >_ 1 , Vr.* p- ^ i X. } ' Cameras and all that pertains to Pbotoflrapby can be found bere « Watches '"'-.'i " and _ ;vi; *' V* Clocks , ; , - >Vv. - •" WESTMcHENRY r"-> ^ v "*?'v ILLINOIS Repairing « « N.A. HUEHANN jr v • •;' .^'| ifj1'" jjj1 »i .'-1 1 ^ p^«i^wBVi'^¥«ii; V'i? V; j '<'j1*1."; i. ]y *1 t o • -m -On hwd. ^ " "Kfe ff NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS W AU CON DA. Walter Helmuth was a Chicago visitor Thursday. Harry Fuller made a bosinees trip to Chicago last Friday. Chester Sowles returned to his school in Chicago Thursday. Several Barrington people were in W auconda on market day. Eugene Brooks went to Waukegan Monday to serve on grand jury. Mrs. Milliard returned Monday from a visit to her daughter at Elgin. Frank Carr attended a sale at the Pomroy farm at Lake Zurich Thursday. Baseley Bros., have just completed the enlargement of the church chimney. Mrs. Glynch, of Ravenswood, is visit­ ing friends and relatives at Wauconda. Mrs. John Spencer spent Thursday of last week with her daughters in Chica­ go. Mrs. Harry Grantham made her weekly trip to Chicago to have ber eyes treated. Walter Helmnth has been entertain­ ing his father, who returned home to Chicago Friday. Mrs. Grosmer went to Chicago Wed­ nesday. She will spend the winter with her son, Fird. The Mystic Workers will entertain their friends at their hall, Friday evening, Nov. 16. Frank Murray, who is attending school at Valpnriso. spent Sunday with his parents here. \ John ard Albert Mullen drove to Chi­ cago Thursday to take Mrs. Harrison's household goods. Ford Underwood returned to his home in Chicago Thursday after a prolonged stay at Wauconda. Herman Brooks went to Chicago Fri­ day with Dr. Dawson, M*. Brooks is having his eyes treated. Henry Harris and son, George, who have been visiting at Wankegan re­ turned home Saturday. Mrs. Harrison and daughter, Mira Lora, went to Chicago Saturday whore they will spend the winter. The Royal Neighbors entertained several adjoining lodges Thursday after­ noon. An interesting program was rendered and dainty refreahments served. • • ,! There is no pleasure in life if you dread going to the table to eat and can't rest at night on account of indigestion. Henry Williams, of Boonville, Ind., says he suffered that way for years, till he commenced the use of Kodol Dyspep­ sia Cure, and adds, "Now I can eat any­ thing I like and all I want and sleep soundly every night." Kodol Dyspepsia Core will digest what you eat. jnluA. Story. . . - RINGWOOD. Prof. Frank Cole spent Sunday at Harvard. " Several from here attended the funeral pf Mr. Goodhand at Solon Monday. Rev. Slade delivered a very able ser­ mon at the Univerbalist church Sunday. Mrs. Lillian Wollaver. of Elgin, was the guest of Mrs. Fred Morgan Monday. • The Young People's Christian Union will be led next Sunday evening by Miss Myrtle Stevens. All are invited. The Willing Workers will spend Thursday at the home of Mrs. Langham near Woodstock if the weather permits. The Ideal Entertainers will be at Ring wood Friday evening Nov. 16 at M. W. V. hall and will give one of their first-class entertainments, consisting of musical specialties, illustrated songs and photographic scenes. Admission 10 and SO tents. Come out fwd hear them. TOLO. Agnes Dunnill is on the sick list. Alfred Nicholls is home from Chicago. Mrs. Monaghan will move to GrayNs Lake soon. Miss Mary Decker was in Yolo Satur­ day afternoon. John Richardson was in the city on business Monday. Mrs. Uogan, of Waukegan, was a Volo visitor Saturday/ Otis Murray, of Johnsburgh, was a Volo caller Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hertel, of Fre­ mont, visited Volo relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegener, Jr., are the proud parents of a girl baby born Nov. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Elfering, of Libertyville, visited their daughter, Mrs. Henry Wegener, Sunday. Mrs. Sally Snider died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Raught, Nov. 8, aged 85 years, 1 month and T days. Mrs. Gill returned from Chicago Wednesday. Miss Henry came with her and will vi it her for some time. Miss Olive Wilson returned to her home in Chicago Saturday after a visit of several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. BenwelL Mr. and Mrs. Weigle, who hive been staying with Mrs. Weigle's sister, Mrs. Vogt and family this summer moved to Chicago Monday. Miss Mary Dowe, daughter of Benj. Dowe, and Mr. Henry Kinsala, son of Patrick Einsala, will be married soon. Their marriage was announced at the Catholic church Sunday. The Ladies quartette namely: Mrs. Hamby, Misses Alice Davis, Lydia Smith and Isabel Clark, of Libertyville, Mr. Quinlan, a violinist, and Mrs. Sin­ clair, an elocutionist from Gray's Lake, gave a very fine concert at the Volo M. E. church Friday evening. Miss Bertha Davis, youngest daughter of F. P. Davis, of Fort Hill, ana Mr. Clinton Hendee, of Hainesville, were married at Waukegan Wednesday Nov. 7, 1900. Miss Davis is well known here, she was a student at the McHenry high school and while attending school there boarde£? in Volo at John Walton's. The jrroom is a prosperous yonng farmer. They will make their home in Haines­ ville. Their many friends wish them much success and happiness. Bant tte yf ^8 Kind Y* Han Always Boqgjrt BABB«V1ULK. Miss Inga Stanson is visiting friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnstone, of Chicago are visiting friends here. Miss Dora Granthum, of Nunda, spent Friday with friends and relatives here. Quite a number attended the grapha- phone entertainment Monday evening. Mrs. Swan Hanson and sons visited with relatives at Burton's Bridge Sun­ day. John Nish and Eliza HoweU, of Crystal Lake, were pleasant callers here Sunday. The basket social was well attended Friday evening. The baskets averaged about 75 cents a piece. CASTOR IA Par Infants and Children. Dm Kind Yea Han Ahnp tegM Bears the OSTKND. T. A. Abbott has finished husking. Edward Martin was a Woodstock vis­ itor Sunday. Mrs. Richardson, of Woodstock, was visiting at Robt. Richardson's over Sunday. Miss Mary Thompson and John Mat- son were Sunday callers at Herbert Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sherman and son, Lester, were Sunday visitors at Thomas Bros. Edward French and Maud Abbott were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobart's. Henry Hobart is having his house Shingled. John Kimball, of McHenry, is doing the work. Rev. Nickle was a pleasant caller at our school on Monday. He was Mr. French's (the teacher) teacher. Mrs. Alice Butto" and Mrs. Mary Jacobs, of Elgin, were visiting Mrs. Herbert Thompson last Saturday. Rev. Nickle preached a very interest­ ing sermon last Sunday evening. He will preach again next Sunday evening. All should come and hear him. Warren Francisco's gasoline engine froze up one night last week and broke the water jacket. This is quite an an­ noying accident as it rendered husking impossible for over a week. They had to get a new jacket from the factory. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Saylor were pleas­ antly surprised last Sunday, it being Mrs. Saylor's 70th birthday anniversary. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomas and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Saylor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Saylor and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith and family. As is usual at surprises the dinner was brought by the parcipants in the game and everyone had a very pleasant time. DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve will quickly heal the worst burns and scald* and not leave a scar. It can be applied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it for piles and skin diseases. Beware of w^rtiUtiSs counterfeits. Julia A. Story. r • JOHNSBURGH. Mrs. Michaels returned from Chicago Monday. John P. Lay attended to business in Chicago Tuesday. John M. Miller yisited friends in Chi­ cago over Sunday. Hubert Michaels and wife IM the happy parents of a baby boy. Mr. Magnusen, of Rosedale, called on Johnsburgh friends Saturday. Mrs. Tennes, of Chicago, attended the funeral of Mr. Freund Wednesday. Mrs. Barbara Brick and son, Jos., at­ tended the funeral of Mr. Peter Freund. George Nell is entertaining his brother-in-law, Nick Martin, of Chicago. Peter Freund an old resident of this village passed from this life on Sunday evening. His death did not occur unex­ pected as his health had been failing for some months. He was one of Johns- burgh's oldest settlers arriving here in the year 1843 and endured all the hard­ ships of a p.< n^er life. The greater part of his life was spent on the farm about a mile and a half southeast of this village until two years ago when he settled down here in Johnsburgh, sell­ ing his farm to his son, John F. Freund. Beside* his wife who survives him he leaves nine cnildren, a number of grand children and a large circle of friends. The funeral was held Wednesday morn­ ing from the Catholic cburch and the remains were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery at Johnsburgh. We extend our ipnpathy to the family. Nature Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi­ cine. If they do not thrive on their food something b wrong, they need a little help to get their digestive machinery writing properly. COD UVER OIL wHI generally comet this difficulty. If you wHI put from one- fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby's bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show Its great nourish­ ing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul­ sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. 50c. and $1.00, all druggbts. SCOTT ft BOWNE, Chemists, Hew Y«*. Want Column. "CM)K SALE--Large Jeweler's Safe. Good as -T new. 13 Jos. SCHSEIDKR. McHenry. ill. K RENT--A well-improved 2H0 acre farm -*- adjoining Huntlev, 111., belonging to es­ tate of D. H. Haeger. for Information ad dress D. C. HAEOER. Dundee, 111. 1"~lt F°S. This signature is on every box of tb* genuine I Laiative Bromo^QwiBne Tablets I the teaasfly tkat cwrsa awtffl * fpe tfaf TTVOR SALE--Full-blood Chester white boar V for sale. C. W. HARRISON. HS-tf Ringwood. 111. TAOR SALE--Hall safe and heatittK stove, £ both in good condition. T. J. T2V)UND--Cape. Owner can have same by A proving property and paying for this no­ tice. TJHHJND--Pair ot eye glasses. Owner can 1 hare same by proving properity and pay­ ing for this notice. • OTRAYED--Black heifer two white feet. A 0 suitable reward for its return to J. F. Oteary. ,'J*.* ' y-: : '• J l: v'i- - Editor Sees Wonders. Editor W. V. B&rry, of Lexington, Tenn., In exploring Mammoth Cave, contracted A severe case of piles. His quick cure through using Bucklin's Arnica Salve convinced him it is another world's wonder. Cures Piles, Injuries, Inflammation, and all Bodily JSre^tî W. pnly 25c at Julia A. Story's. *!< A Village BlaekHinith Saved His Little NOII'H Life. Mr. H. H. Black, the well-known vil­ lage blacksmith at (Jrahanisville, Sulli­ van Co., N. Y., says: "Om little son, five years old, has always been subjected to croup, and so l>ad have the attacks been that he nearly died. We have had the doctor and used many medicines, bnt Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance. It seems to dis­ solve the tough mucus and by giving frequent doses when the croupy symp toms appear we have found that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled." There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale by Julia A. Story. Lightning travels in a zigzag course, because it passes through different strata of air and being restrained in its passage turns from side to side to find the easiest path. , Both makers and circulators of counterfeits commit frand. Honest men will not deceive yoo into buying worthless counterfeits of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original is in­ fallible for curing piles injuries, eczema and skin diseases. Julia A; Story. : PAUL MUELLER I f meffeary, lllhMio if:'-. Tine Bakery 0ood$ atyl Confec­ tionery ̂ } If you wish to cure a headachef*tft"**Hy TS do it with ' v«? DfJallerday'sPdin Tablets Testimonial from Gen. A. C. Hawley Washington,-Jk C. DR. G. C. TTALTJEKDAY, Belvidere, 111. , DEAR SIR:--Your Pain Tablets and Hot Drops were used in treatment at "The Soldiers' Rest," and both medi­ cines in every instance where used proved satisfactory, doing everything claimed for them. It is with much pleasure an opportunity is offered me of recommending both the Pain Tablets and Hot Drops, and feel assured they will meet with the approval of all who may use them. Respectfully, A. C. Hi IAWLEY. 9 Belvidere, 111. I have always had such terrible headaches, and about one day every week I would have to give up and go to bed. I have used three or four bottles ot Dr. Tallerday's Headache Tablets, and they have cured me, as I hardly ev­ er have headache any more. I always keep the tablets on hand, and, if I feel a a headache coming on, one tablet is all that is required for almost instant relief MICH. J AS. FOWLEK, 1122 Cherry St Burlington, Wis. I hare have had sick headaches for over thirty years and have used all Kinds of headache wafers, but it was a happy time when I got a bottle of Dr. Taller- day's Pain Tablets. I insist on them ana take no other. They have no equal MRS. A E. VAUGHN. Denver, Colo. I can not get along without Dr. Tallerday's Pain Tablets. I never saw their equal for sick headache. MRS. A. S. CARTER, Highlands, Denver, Colo. Manufactured by THE TALLKBDAT MEDICINE CO., Belvidere, 111. Fo*t *ai« JULIA JL, STORY, - McHenry GEO. V. BE8LBV, ' • Wiewt McHenry given to tended to. . . . . . . w fNSp in First CUM» * est rates. Notary Public. at Cost SOCIETY P I N • Woodman. Masonic Beauty Pins Firsrtrdaas work watoh and clock teg. All iftSii tee&for one jiitir. ing machine repairs of i makes.. . . . . . . JOS. MHKEIDBt, A H Njrl*s r\-\<! P'rr* fa* fcvwy Kiuu ot i*>A ^Ke (Ubite and Rye Bread $Test Our Brum! No. Phone GEO. SOflMERS Long Dlst. Phone No.MS. v?.v-i M Gas Fitting! fresh every Day s (His. l. wins & (o. C A S H : Produce Buyers Draped Poultry, Ciamc. fura» - % Eeg* and Buttef. 304 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. - Write for present piying prices. Also Agent lor Eaglt ; . Acetylene Gas rtachfoe Qae Fittings, Gas Fixtures and Carbide for sate---• >„ ; • $60.00 per Neithiiid Expenses can be made by a capable woman. Perma­ nent position. Experience unnecessary. Write 1 vt once fw particalars. CIABK & Co., _ * ~ St., Philadelphia, Pa, AUAinds Br v«s W Tea awl tam -Pipe always on hand. M'HBNBY, ILLINOIS S T O V E Read what Peaple say Friedley's Stoves. Theatove I bought of ytMt pg in every way. I am well pl« The No. 18 Empire Acorn jf gives good satisfaction. It can't be) WJ The stove I bought of you lent satisfaction. I am well satisfied with ti bought of you. Last year I bought I8| ywo ion. I would heartily recomtBfl for good heating and econotp| m • Vj.- ... AS ^|The Acorn oMt siove 1 bought. The two stoves t bouglit of; a»d the other a heater)are gi\ ftotiou for doing good work 1 fftel they are unsurpassed. |jp Three years ago I bouehtS j you and have found no *u*f For baking it cant be beat. NICHOLAS ' I am more than pleased Wji*, bought of you. For eeonoe ind heating purposes it can'i RMBMUber we have 1 will pttMUh daring the thiat ot««r M»ve«. J* C. PI OMtorta Ttewwm, 5«WVM». «« BARBIAN BROS. Makers of Fine Cigars, Our Monogram 10 cent Cigar Leads Them All* Ow Leading 5c Brands: ••Olivette" "BarMan Broa. Beat* ••^ver»' - "BeetfluT * EMPIRE GUBAS^ " ' i'

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